GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

Page created by Margaret Goodman
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation
MAY 2021 | WWW.GVREC.ORG                                      GVR NEWS FOR YOU & ABOUT YOU

                               GVR: An Excellent Value
• “Best deal on Earth!”                               • “I would gladly pay my annual dues just for access
• “The dues are unbeatable for what you get.”            to my club workshop.”
• “Other places, they pay $500 per month!”
These remarks and others like them have been made by members in the past several weeks during meetings
with CEO Scott Somers. When he asks, “What is GVR doing well?” invariably, GVR’s exceptional value has been
been mentioned in response. Just how does GVR stack up against “the competition?”
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                 CONTACT GVR                                                                       Website: www.gvrec.org

                                                          If you would like to contact any member of the GVR staff, please call (520) 625-3440 and enter
Governance........................................ 3		    the appropriate extension number. You also may contact staff at the email address listed below.
                                                          Any written correspondence should be mailed to P.O. Box 586, Green Valley, AZ, 85622. Website
Around GVR                                                address: www.gvrec.org. General emails may be sent to hotline@gvrec.org. Emails to the Board
                                                          of Directors may be sent to board@gvrec.org
    “Tips to Help You Get More Sleep”....... 4
                                                          EXECUTIVE OFFICE
                                                                                                                                                                   Scott Somers
    “Safe Around Snakes”....................... 5         Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                        EXT. 7205         Cheryl Moose                         Cheryl@gvrec.org
                                                          Chief Financial Officer
                                                          Director of Administrative Services           EXT. 7204         Jen Morningstar                         Jen@gvrec.org
    Thank You........................................ 7                                                 EXT. 7214         Lynda Campbell                      LyndaC@gvrec.org
                                                          Sales & Marketing Specialist
                                                          Administrative Assistant                      EXT. 7213         Karen Miars                         KarenM@gvrec.org
    Word Search.................................... 8
                                                          INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
    Crossword Puzzle.............................. 9      Information Technology Director                                 Randy Cheatham                      RandyC@gvrec.org
                                                                                                        EXT. 7223

    “A Bonded Pair”...............................10      FACILITIES
                                                          Facilities Director                     (520) 838-0150          David Jund                           DJund@gvrec.org
    “GVR Live! This Summer”.................11            Landscaping Supervisor                  (520) 495-5807          Eddie Preciado                        Eddie@gvrec.org
                                                          Project Manager                         (520) 838-0165          Melanie Stephenson                  Melanie@gvrec.org
    Sudoku Puzzle.................................12      Senior Custodial Supervisor             (520) 838-0177          Dan Freeman                          Danny@gvrec.org
                                                          Senior Maintenance Supervisor           (520) 838-0146          Aaron Young                          Aaron@gvrec.org
    Have You Tried ActiveNet?.................13          Aquatics Supervisor                     (520) 838-0168          Dennis Coker                        DCoker@gvrec.org

    This Day in History...........................14                                                                      Kris Zubicki
                                                          Recreation Services Director            (520) 838-0148                                                 KrisZ@gvrec.org
                                                          Sr. Arts & Entertainment Supervisor     (520) 838-0156          Shelly Freeman                       ShellyF@gvrec.org
Classes & Tours.................................15        Club Liaison                            (520) 495-5843          Kathy Edwards                        KathyE@gvrec.org
                                                          Customer Service Supervisor             (520) 838-0147          Ashley Coggins                      AshleyC@gvrec.org
Arts & Entertainment.................... 16-18            Education Program Coordinator           (520) 838-0162          Marisa Garcia                       MarisaG@gvrec.org
                                                          Reservations Coordinator                (520) 838-0142          Jody Crawford                          Jody@gvrec.org
    Puzzle Solutions..............................20      Fitness Supervisor                      (520) 838-0164          Miles Waterbury                        Miles@gvrec.org

Club Connection........................... 21-23          MEMBERSHIP SERVICES                                        Toll Free: (844) 693-2116        625-3440
                                                          Membership Accounting Specialist   (520) 838-0172          Amanda McDermott          AmandaM@gvrec.org
                                                          For new members, please email Membership@gvrec.org to set an appointment.

                                                          Center Operations Assistants (COA)                                                                     (cell) 343-2440
                                                          (For help and immediate assistance from 5:30am - 9pm 365 days a year)
                                                                                                                                                                (520) 625-0288
                                                          WEST CENTER BOX OFFICE
                                                          GVR FOUNDATION                                                                                        (520) 838-0151

                                                          If you have a maintenance issue after 6pm, please call (520) 547-5390, otherwise call the COA at (520) 343-2440.

                                                           GVR OFFICE HOURS                                                            Open 8am to 4pm Mon. - Fri.

                                                          Canoa Hills Center                       (520) 625-3440     Las Campanas Center                     (520) 625-3440
                                                           3660 S. Camino del Sol                                       565 Belltower Drive
                                                           (Closed for in-person transactions, please call)             (Closed for in-person transactions, please call)

                                                          East Center                                                 Santa Rita Springs Center Office
                                                                                                    (520) 625-3440                                            (520) 625-3440
                                                            7 S. Abrego Drive                                           Seasonal - 921 W. Via Rio Fuerte
                                                            (Closed for in-person transactions, please call)            (Closed for in-person transactions, please call)
                                                                                                                                                           (520) 625-3440
                                                          West Center Box Office                (520) 625-0288        GVR Administrative Offices
                                                           1111 GVR Drive                                              1070 S. Calle de Las Casitas
On Friday, GVR sends its weekly “GVR Updates”              Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-4pm, closed for lunch 12-1pm             Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-4pm, closed for lunch 12-1pm

eBlast with news, upcoming events, facility up-
                                                           ABOUT GVR NOW!
dates, and more! To sign up, go to gvrec.org and
click the link that says “Get our weekly eBlasts!”,       GVR NOW! is owned by Green Valley Recreation, Inc. For your convenience it is available at all GVR facilities. Green
                                                          Valley Recreation does not endorse any of the products or services advertised in this newsletter.
then fill in your name and email address.
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation
Next Board of Directors Meeting

      Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 2:00pm
*NOTE - This schedule is current as of 4/12/21.
For the most up-to-date schedule, visit gvrec.org.

     GVR offices closed on Memorial Day
           Monday, May 31, 2021
  GVR Customer Service Offices will be closed           A team. A family.
  on Monday, May 31, in observance of Memorial
  Day. Facilities listed on gvrec.org will operate       An assist with
  at normal hours.
                                                     everything that matters.
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GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

    Tips to Help You Get More
                      by BPT

Have you ever struggled with sleep? Many people
know what it feels like to have jet lag when
traveling, or to toss and turn at night when they're
anxious and overwhelmed by life. But how do
you know if your sleep problems have turned into
insomnia? Read on to find out.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common, yet complex medical
condition that can make it hard to fall asleep, stay
asleep, or make people feel like they're not getting
the amount of sleep they want. If you have any
of these symptoms at least three nights per week
for at least three months, you may have chronic
                                                        Call: 520/223-3955 OR Website: www.talgv.org
                                                        Mail: 1600 W. Duval Mine Rd.
Up to 48% of older adults experience insomnia, and            Green Valley, AZ 85614
Dr. Michael Breus, PhD, a board-certified clinical
psychologist and sleep specialist, knows how
                                                                                                            Receive our newsletter,
frustrating it can be to struggle with sleep night                                                      “Paw Prints”, three times a year!
after night.                                                                                            For a minimum donation of $25,
                                                                                                                  “Paw Prints”
                                                                                                         will be mailed directly to you.
"Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced, high-pressure
world, many adults are unable to get the sleep
they need," explained Breus. "While life events
and lifestyle habits may be a factor, it's important
to know that there can also be a physiological
component that's due to a miscue between the sleep
and wake systems in the brain. As we age, our sleep     Our Newsletter offers you a variety of items:
                                                               • Informative articles
cycles change, causing the wake signals in the brain
                                                               • Upcoming events
to override the sleep signals. This leaves your brain
                                                               • Contact information
in an overactive state and could result in insomnia."
                                                               • Positive cat and/or dog stories
                                                               • News from our adopters
Although insomnia is more common in older adults,                about their pets

                             (continued on page 6)
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

                                   Safe Around Snakes
                                   by Green Valley Fire Department

As the weather warms up in the Southwest, our desert     as possible and may result in permanent tissue
snakes become more active. Here are a few nuggets        damage. The danger of death is often exaggerated.
of information to keep you safe.
                                                         What to do in snake country:
Identification:                                          1. Look at the ground ahead of you as you are walking.
Rattlesnake – triangular head, noticeably larger         2. Avoid placing your hands and feet where you cannot
than the neck, thick, dull non-glossy body, tail blunt      see clearly.
with one or more rattles.                                3. Scan the immediate area around patio furniture
Gopher Snake – head slightly larger than body,              and barbecues before using them.
slender body, pointed tail.                              4. Be especially careful around landscape and potted
Warning Signs:                                           5. If you find a rattlesnake, notify the Green Valley
You may hear the rattlesnake before you see it. A           Fire District at 520-629-9200, and keep an eye on
rapid vibration of its tail makes a buzz much like          the snake until they arrive.
sizzling grease. This is how the rattlesnake warns       6. If you see a snake you cannot identify, give it plenty
you when it feels threatened by your presence.              of room and leave it alone.
The gopher snake makes a sound similar to a
rattlesnake by hissing and rapidly moving its tail       What to do if bitten by a snake:
in dry grass or leaves. If you hear either of these      1. If bitten by a rattlesnake, stay calm and CALL 911.
warning signals, stop until you have located the            The victim should remain calm by laying down with
snake, then slowly move away.                               the affected limb lower that the heart. DO NOT
                                                            waste precious time on constriction tourniquets,
Snakebite:                                                  “cutting and sucking,” or snake bite kits. These
All snakes can bite if abused, but the rattlesnake is       methods often cause more damage.
the most venomous snake in our area. If you see          2. If bitten by any other type of snake, leave the snake
a rattlesnake, maintain a distance. CAUTION: For            alone, wash the wound with soap and water or an
your safety and that of the snake, do not attempt           antiseptic and seek medical attention.
to handle, relocate, or
harass any snakes.

The dangers of
snakebite are not to
be taken lightly. While
the bite of a gopher
snake may not be
serious, rattlesnake
bite requires medical
attention as soon
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

                              Tips to Help You Get More Sleep
                                             Continued from page 4

it doesn't have to be accepted as a normal part           about falling asleep may cause your brain to be
of aging. Sleep hygiene can help, but sometimes           more active. It may also start to link your bedroom
changing habits isn't enough to improve sleep. You        with feelings of frustration instead of sleep. To avoid
should speak with a health care professional about        this, try a relaxing activity in another room, such as
other ways to tackle your sleep problems.                 reading a book or listening to soothing, instrumental
                                                          music. When you start feeling sleepy again, go back
Tips for better sleep                                     to the bedroom.

If you regularly struggle with sleepless nights, follow   Consider lifestyle changes: Eating and exercise
these tips to help get back on track:                     habits can also affect sleep. Try not to eat large
                                                          meals before bedtime that can cause indigestion and
Adjust the lights: For two hours before bedtime,          avoid coffee and alcohol within three hours before
avoid using digital devices because the type of light     bedtime. In addition, while exercise is beneficial, you
from computer, television, smartphone, and tablet         shouldn't exercise within three hours of going to bed.
screens can change your ability to fall asleep and
                                                          Talk to a health care professional: Lifestyle changes
stay asleep. Instead, consider doing something
                                                          might not be enough for some people, so don't
relaxing such as reading a book. Also, at bedtime,
                                                          hesitate to talk to a health care professional about
the less light in the bedroom, the better. Keep your
                                                          your insomnia. They can create a personal plan to
bedroom as dark as possible while you sleep.
                                                          help you get more sleep, that may include lifestyle
                                                          changes, taking medication, or both.
Ignore the clock: Focusing on the sleepless minutes
ticking away can cause more concern about being
                                                          Learn about behavioral therapy: A type of therapy
awake. For a simple fix, turn the clock around so you
                                                          called cognitive behavioral therapy can help you
can't see the time.
                                                          recognize your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes
                                                          toward sleep.
Get up and leave the bedroom: Lying in bed worrying

                                                              VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
      Open for
    To Go and                     L PATIO
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                                EMexican Restaurant
                                                                                            JUST 2 HOURS
                                                                                            PER DAY, ONE
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     100 W. Duval Mine Rd.
     Green Valley, AZ 85614                                  SIGN UP FOR A NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION TODAY!
                                                                Call 520-622-1600 or email info@MobileMealsSoAz.org
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation
Are You Helping a Neighbor Register for a

THANK YOU. Remember that GVR has computer
kiosks available for member use in all major center
lobbies where there is plenty of room to maintain a                 New Podcasts
safe distance in a space that is frequently sanitized.            www.kgvy1080.com
Just bring your member card and swipe it at the kiosk
to activate an online session!                            Every day Andy, Steve, Bob, Jim,
                                                         and Guy win kudos from you with
                                                         music that will have you singing all
                                                          day...set your radio dial to KGVY.
                                                         KGVY1080 & 101.5FM has the widest variety
                                                           of music to be found on the radio dial.

                                                                Eagles • Beatles • Elton John
                                                           Beach Boys • Four Seasons • Carpenters
                                                                       Fleetwood Mac

     Do you have the best Medicare                       Music isn’t all you can hear on KGVY1080 & 101.5FM.
                                                               Listen to your local community
 Supplement or Advantage Plan for YOU?                     radio station for local news, weather,
                                                                 traffic and upcoming events.

                                                           Check out our community Facebook
                                                           page at KGVY Radio Familiar Favorites
                                                            Listen to KGVY on your FM dial!!
                                                            Tune to 101.5FM 24 hours a day,
                                                          serving Green Valley and Sahuarita.
                                                                 KGVY 1080 & 101.5FM can be heard
  Give me the opportunity to earn your business.                 around the world 24/7. Go to
                                                                 KGVY1080.com and click on “Listen Live”
  Let Randy Beerman help - 20 years experience!
                                                         Contest Line (520) 399-1080
            Call (520) 390-4271                          Business Line (520) 399-1000
       www.PimaMedicareSupplements.com                       www.kgvy1080.com
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

              Word Search Puzzle

                         May Word Search

       Sand, Summer, Popsicle, Vacation, Camping,
                  Word Search
       Sunglasses, Swimming, Watermelon, Lemonade,
       Grilling, Sunny, Fireflies, Paradise, Flamingo, Sandals,
       Hammock. Solutions on page 20.
                                                                            Dr. Caroline Ogunware
       F I R E         F L I        E   S   H P G V OG
       WG Z S          V V J        H   O   V O S F P L
       V R GU          D A H        X   F   M P O K H I
       S I GN          Q C A        I   I   I S P Y G F
       A L WN          I AM         Q   L   O I A HM L
       C L A Y         A T M        S   V   S C R Y S A
       A I T Q         L I O        U   J   A L A S WM
       MN E J          E O C        N   S   N E DU I I
       P G R H         MN K         G   A   D N I MMN
       I KM T          O E Y        L   N   AWS MMG
       N A E C         N Z R        A   D   L Y E E I O
       G T L A         A T K        S   J   S D S R N A
       WO O A          DWC          S   Q   R A MWG Y
       B Z N I         E NG         E   H   Y H B R J N
       GN Z F          B U C        S   X   G P R Y I X
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GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

                                    Super     Bowl Trivia
                                     Crossword Fun
                                          Solutions on page 28


                                      2                                               3

                                                 4             5

1. Last automaker to offer
cassette players in their                                                             8

vehicles?                     9

2. First ice cream flavor?
3. This Paris monument
                                          10                                                 11      12
can expand to more than
six inches taller in the
summer heat
5. May birthstone                                         14

6. What Disney character’s                           15

first words were “hot dog”?
7. This country houses the
biggest water park
in the world, hosting up to
6,000 people
11. President who hosted
the first BBQ at the White Across:
House                      4. Cut into cubes                           13. State admitted to the Union on May
12. What movie directed 8. At 782,910 sq. ft., this is the             11, 1858
       Down:                                                        Across:
by Steven Spielberg in-    largest are museum in the world             15. Swimmer with nine Olympic gold
      1. What was the last automaker to offer
volved a share tormenting 9. This continent does not have any
                                                                    4. cut into cubes
                                                                  medals for swimming
a small Capecassette
              Town? players
                               in their vehicles?                   8.ThisAt
                                                                  16.        782,910
                                                                           summer     square
                                                                                  month       feet,ice
                                                                                        is national this is th
      2. zodiak
14. May     What   was the10.
                signs      first  ice cream
                              National holidayflavor?                      art museum in the world
                                               that marks the end cream month
Gemini3.and This
             _____Paris monument
                          of summercan expand to more               9. This continent does not have an
            than six inches taller in the summer heat               10. This national holiday marks the
      5. The birthstone for May                                           of summer
      6. What famous Disney character's first words                  13. This state was admitted to the U
            were "hot dog"?                                               May 11, 1858
GVR: An Excellent Value - Green Valley Recreation

                                         A Bonded Pair
                           by Kim Eisele, The Animal League of Green Valley

What do you do if you are two, very sweet senior         exam and do blood work on them (which by the way
Dachshunds with one of you being blind and you sud-      showed they were in excellent health), and ultimately
denly find out you are homeless? Have someone call       placed them in a foster home while a search was made
The Animal League of Green Valley (TALGV). And           for a perfect new home.
that is exactly what happened with Buddy and Freddy.
                                                         Finally a woman in Colorado contacted TALGV and said
Buddy and Freddy had lived with their 94-year-old        she was interested in Buddy and Freddy. After she was
dad for their entire 14 years. Unfortunately he could    interviewed and was determined to be a good fit for
no longer care for them. Much to his dismay, he had to   these adorable canines, plans were made to transport
relinquish them. The boys arrived at TALGV afraid and    the two to their new home, which included three other
unsure of their new surroundings, but they quickly       senior dogs.
warmed up to the friendly volunteers. It was imme-
diately evident that they were a bonded pair. Freddy,    The transport went flawlessly and they have now set-
the blind Dachshund, used Buddy as his guide dog         tled into their new forever home...together as bonded
and followed him everywhere. They had to be              pairs should be.
adopted together!
                                                         Please call 520-625-3170 for more information about
TALGV treated these sweet dogs with kid gloves, gave     TALGV or visit our website at www.talgv.org
them lots of love, had their vet perform a medical

    GVR Live! This Summer
We are very thankful for your support of the Arts &
Entertainment GVR Live! program.

This summer, members can look forward to two great
developments. GVR has retired its old software system
for class registration and the new system allows for
online ticket sales! ActiveNet, the new system, offers
a user-friendly, familiar experience allowing members
to purchase tickets online, to be held at will-call.

Ticket pricing will also be simplified. There will be just
two price tiers: member pricing and general public
pricing. However, members will be able to purchase
up to four tickets for guests, at the member price!
Look for more information about ActiveNet on the
Performing Arts page of gvrec.org.

We hope to see you at a performance soon!

                                       ARTS &

                                   GVR LIVE!
Love cats and want to help? Volunteer with us!
                                                                                                                       Paws Patrol is a local nonprofit organization that helps cats in Southern Arizona.
                                                                                                                        We have no paid staff and rely entirely on volunteers to accomplish our goals.
                                                                                                                                          We are currently seeking help in these areas:

                                Sudoku Puzzle                                                                                                  Secretary — someone who can help with administrative
                                                                                                                                               needs at our office, is computer savvy and organized.

                                   Enjoy!                                                                                                      Kennel Workers — specifically for Tuesdays and
                                                                                                                                               Thursdays. You will work with the public and attend
                                                                                                                                               to the cats at our office.

Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each num-                                                                                        Foster Parents — we need patient
                                                                                                                                               people to help foster difficult cats. By
ber can appear only once in each row, column, and                                                                                              giving these cats a safe place to learn to
3-by-3 block. Use logic and process of elimination to                                                                                          trust humans again, you are improving
                                                                                                                                               their chances of being adopted!
solve the puzzle. Solutions    on page 20.
                                                                                                                                             All volunteers must complete a
                                                                                                                                      Volunteer Application and for some positions,
                                                                                                                                       an additional application may be required.
                                                                                                                                               Training will be provided.

                                                                                                                                         Fill out our online application at:
          8            4                                                                                               www.greenvalleypawspatrol.org/how-to-help/volunteer

                                 2    6
                                          1                                    9
                                                                                                                                    PAWS  PATROL
                                                                                                                                    PAWS PATROL
                                                                                                                                     750 W Camino Casa Verde #120 • Green Valley, AZ 85614
                                                                                                                                     750 Wgreenvalleypawspatrol.org
                                                                                                                                            Camino Casa Verde #120       • Green Valley, AZ 85614
                                                                                                                                                                    • 520.207.4024
                                                                                                                                            greenvalleypawspatrol.org • 520.207.4024
                       8         6        5          2            9

                                 7    9   8          1
                                                                  6            3
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                            Have You Experienced ActiveNet?
As many members know, GVR transitioned to a new                  share it with you! Customer Service Representatives
software to house and manage member accounts.                    will be staffing phones (520-625-3440) to assist as
This is the same software members used to pay their              needed.
annual dues online this year - Total e Integrated (or
TEI). Because GVR has an extensive membership                    Registration for classes and performances is open
component as well as a robust offering of classes,               now. The link to ActiveNet will be housed on the
performances, and reservations, it was determined                Registration & Policies page under the Classes
that two providers would best suit our needs. Moving             header.
forward, GVR will have two solutions to serve our
members:                                                         What’s new or important?
1. Total e Integrated (TEI) will house all membership            • ActiveNet offers a familiar interface—members will
   accounts; annual dues will be processed through                 select items which accumulate in a shopping cart,
   TEI.                                                            then check out just like countless online shopping
2. ActiveNet is a new system for online class                      systems
   registration and performance ticket purchases that            • Tenants can now access online accounts
   will offer a much-improved member experience.                 • Discounted classes will be available for online
If you want to register for classes, purchase                    • Performance tickets may be purchased online (for
performance tickets online, or view your reservation               pick-up at will call)
“permits,” you’ll need to setup your ActiveNet account.          • No PIN is needed, just your login and password
                                                                 • No more progressive fees for online payment. The
Instructions for setting up accounts can be found                  fee is a flat 2.5%
on our website under Recreation -> Classes ->                    • While not available for purchase online, Tenant
Registration & Policies. Please note: your will                    Cards and Guest Passes will be processed by CSRs
need your GVR number to login, your login will be                  through ActiveNet
your GVR# directly from your membership card with
the prefix GVR (ex. GVR123456). If you don’t know                We hope you enjoy the experience using the new
your GVR # please contact us and we will be happy to             software!

                                                                    Relax              Recharge             Refresh
                  Esperanza Law Office                              at our *brand new* wellness center!
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  Estate Planning • Contract Disputes • Criminal & Civil Cases                                                             @continentalspagv
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                                   This Month in History
                                            Source: History.com

         “Star Wars” Opens in Theatres                       V-E Day Celebrated in America and Britian
                 May 25, 1977                                              May 8, 1945

   Memorial Day weekend opens with an intergalactic          On May 8, 1945, both Great Britain and the United
bang as the first of George Lucas’ blockbuster Star
                                                          States celebrate Victory in Europe Day. Cities in both
Wars movies hits American theaters.
                                                          nations, as well as formerly occupied cities in Western
With its groundbreaking special effects, Star Wars
leaped off screens and immersed audiences in “a galaxy    Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the
far, far away.” Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) enlisted     defeat of the Nazi war machine during World War II.
a team of allies–including hunky Han Solo (Harrison
Ford) and the robots C3PO and R2D2–on his mission to
rescue the kidnapped Princess Leia from an Evil Empire
governed by Darth Vader. The film made all three of
its lead actors overnight stars, turning Fisher into an
object of adoration for millions of young male fans and
launching Ford’s now-legendary career as an action-
hero heartthrob.

                    Our Summer Season is in Full Swing!

Registration is open!

Come and participate in one of Green Valley Recreation’s variety of classes! With skilled instructors and 40
different types of classes to choose from this summer season, you are sure to learn a new art, become or stay
active, or meet and discuss a variety of topics with new friends!

You can see the variety of classes available this summer season by visiting our website www.gvrec.org or you can
login to ActiveNet and browse all the classes and upcoming performances.

We hope to see you soon!

                              COURSE CATALOG

16                                       arts entertainment

                               GVR Live! Summer Program

                     Jason Love                                                 Andy Hersey
                      June 3 at 7pm                                               July 6 at 7pm

Jason   Love   is   one   of   today’s   hardest-working   Andy Hersey is an Arizona based singer/songwriter
comedians. Jason has appeared on HBO, Comedy               who released his third full-length album, Tell Me All
Central, America’s Got Talent, and Dry Bar Comedy.         About It, in 2016 on Reposado Recordings. Songwriting
His funny stories and guitar bits make him a favorite      has always been a part of Hersey’s life while working
for corporate events around the country.                   other trades: ranch hand, horseshoer, truck-driver,

Jason has performed at clubs from the Laugh Factory        construction worker, and raising a family on Southern

in Hollywood to Caroline’s on Broadway. He performs        Arizona ranches. He now makes his living playing

overseas for the troops and on the seas for cruise         steady shows in Tucson area establishments and on a

lines. His clips are played daily on Sirius XM.            road trip now and then.

Jason’s non-profit, Love & Laughter, brings free shows     His set of songs is acoustic based and eclectic.

to the cancer support community.                           “Country rock, silly drinking songs, a love song or
                                                           two, mix in a bit of broken Spanglish, and there you
He is represented by Levity Entertainment Group.
                                                           have it,” says Hersey. The goal is to have friends
                                                           rather than fans and to make music a living without
                                                           being in the music industry. Andy and his wife Holly
                                                           now live in Southern Arizona.
arts entertainment                                                          17

                              GVR Live! Summer Program

               GVR Valley Players                                The Hardscrabble Road Band
                   August 26 at 2pm                                        August 13 at 7pm

GVR Valley Players is a non-profit group dedicated               GVR LIVE! Dance at Canoa Hills!
to providing quality live theater to Green Valley
residents. They serve as an outlet for Green Valley      Please come join us for a wonderful time of dancing
Recreation members interested in all facets of           and socializing to your favorite tunes!
theater, from acting on stage, handling props and
costumes, to working behind-the-scenes as part           Dance will run from 7-10pm, doors open at
of a tech crew. They primarily read plays and skits      6:45pm. Dance is pending COVID-19 restrictions.
instead of memorizing lines. Artistic director, Regina
Ford, selects scripts that suit a senior sense of                     West Center Box Office
humor.                                                      Please mail your order form or call for ticket
Club meetings, rehearsals, and shows are held via          purchases. Box Office phone: (520) 625-0288.
Zoom from the convenience of home until pandemic
restrictions ease. Performances are scheduled
for Saturdays at 2pm unless otherwise notified                       Expectations for Patrons
by email. For more information and to register
for the next performance either as an actor or a             Masks will be required at all times indoors.
member of the audience, contact Kären Webster at             Concessions (drinks only) will be available.
KSWhighorch@yahoo.com.                                           Concert capacities will be reduced.
                                                              Guests are welcome with a GVR member.
Visit: https://gvrvalleyplayers.weebly.com for more
   information or call Regina at (520) 429-5364.
18                                   arts entertainment
                                                             Upcoming Movies
                                                    Sponsored by Del Norte Dental Associates

                 Save the Date...

     Join us this fall for a special performance!

                                                               Soul               News of the World
                                                    Tues., May 11 at 2pm (Open      Thurs., May 27 at 2pm
                                                      Captioning) and 7pm        (Open Captioning) and 7pm

The Green Valley Stage Band & Food Drive            After landing the gig of     A Civil War veteran es-
                                                    a lifetime, a New York       corts a ten-year old girl
            Benefit Concert                         jazz pianist suddenly        taken by the Kiowa peo-
                       October 28                   finds himself trapped in     ple back to her family.
                                                    a strange land between       The long journey turns
                                                    Earth and the afterlife.     into a fight for survival as
Coming this fall... join the Green Valley Stage     Starring Jamie Foxx and      the two encounter dan-
Band to enjoy a wonderful evening of music          Tina Fey.                    ger at every turn.
while helping your community.
                                                    Rated PG                     Starring Tom Hanks and
After 100 tickets have sold, the rest of the                                     Helena Zengel.
concert proceeds will benefit the Green Valley &    1 hour 40 minutes
                                                    Walt Disney Studios 2020     Rated PG-13
Sahuarita Community Food Banks. Enjoy a night
out and help support your Community Food                                         1 hour 58 minutes
Banks.                                                                           Universal Pictures 2020
arts entertainment
           Upcoming Movies
Sponsored by Del Norte Dental Associates

   Call of the Wild          Blinded by the Light
Tues., June 8 at 2pm (Open   Tues., June 22 at 2pm (Open
  Captioning) and 7pm           Captioning) and 7pm
                                                                                             • Financial Planning
Buck is a big-hearted dog    In England in 1987, a                                             Annuities
whose life gets turned       teenager from an Asian
upside down when he          family learns to live to
is kidnapped from his
                                                                                             • Medicare Advantage
                             life and find his own voice                                       & Supplement Plans
California   home     and    through the music of
transplanted to the exotic   American rock star Brue
wilds of the Alaskan                                                                         • Long Term Care
Yukon in the 1890s.
                                                                                             • Life Insurance
                             Starring Viveik Kalra and
Starring Harrison Ford
and Omar Sy.                 Nell Williams.

Rated PG                     Rated PG-13
                                                           Turning 65? Or new to the area?
                                                                Please call and let us do the shopping for your
1 hour 40 minutes            1 hour 58 minutes                  Medicare Advantage and Supplement needs.
Twentieth Century            Warner Bros 2019
Studios 2020                                               We Have a New Address!       101 South La Canada, Suite 39

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          9   3     5   1    2          7            4            8            6                                         L                              E               I        G        E

                                                                                                                         L                              R               C        E        L O U V R E
          1   2 Word
                 8 3 Search
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  A I T Q           L I O    U     J      A L A S WM

                                                                                                                                          M A R K S P                            I   T Z       S
  MN E J            E O C    N     S      N E DU I I
   P G R H          MN K     G     A      D N I MMN                                                                                             U                       E                     O
   I KM T           O E Y    L     N      AWS MMG                                                                                               R                                              N
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                    GVR centers and Club activities are in the process of a cautious re-opening plan. For club-specific questions,
                     please refer to the Club listing below or visit GVREC.ORG and click the Recreation tab for the club contact.

      ARTS & CRAFTS                    GVR Lapidary & Silversmith Club                GVR Chess Club                            GVR Pinochle Club
                                       www.gvlclub.org                                Roy Benson (520) 648-8188                 Dean Capes (520) 647-9916
Ceramics Club of GVR                   For members interested in learning             Co-ed social chess players                Social Group of Co-ed Pinochle Players.
Studio Phone: (520) 399-2818           lapidary, silversmithing, casting, PMC                                                   Single Deck and Double Deck.
The ceramic studio is available to all (precious metal clay), dichroic glass,         GVR Cribbage Club
GVR members who have completed wire wrapping and chain making.                        Michael Clemens (630) 624-3907            GVR Sheepshead Card Club
the Beginning Ceramics class. Once a                                                  Co-ed social Cribbage players. Friendly   Bill Worth (520) 269-6844
member you may work on your projects GVR Metal Working Crafts Club                    games and all GVR members are             The club welcomes both men & women
and use the club’s paints and kilns.   William Bachmann                               welcome, whether new to the game or       to join us for friendly games of cards.
                                       http://gvrmetalshop.org                        coming back after a hiatus.
Desert Scraprats GVR Quilting Club Please sign up for our newsletter                                                            Wright-Patterson Mah Jongg
The Desert ScrapRats welcomes all online to stay current.                             GVR Desert Hills Ladies Bridge Club       Club of GVR
quilters and fiber artists to join. All                                               SuEllen Shaw (701) 261-3247               Lois Wilhelm (520) 818-1600
GVR members are welcome. Dues are GVR Needle-Arts Club                                Ladies social bridge group                Email: loiswilhelm@cox.net
only $5.00 per year. Please join us.    Barb Mauser (520) 393-3659,                                                             Year round fun, relaxed, social group of
                                        Vicki Mournian (520) 269-7587                 GVR Desert Hills Midweek                  Wright-Patterson Mah Jongg players.
GVR Artisans’ Shop                      Providing the opportunity for members         Progressive Bridge Club                   We play a challenging version without
Priscilla Spurgeon (951) 972-7609       who        cross-stitch,     needlepoint,     Joseph Musacchia (520) 648-1373           Jokers and 85 hands from which to
artisansofgvr@gmail.com. The shop       embroider,    knit, crochet to meet and       Co-ed social bridge group                 choose.
sells a wide assortment of beautiful    socialize.
and unique gift items handmade by                                                     GVR Duplicate Bridge Club                         DANCE CLUBS
GVR members.                        Santa Rita Art League of GVR                      (Sanctioned)
                                    www.srart.org                                     Co-ed duplicate bridge players.       GVR Argentine Tango Club
GVR Arts & Crafts Association       Welcome to artists using all two                                                        Chuck Soukup – (520) 625-3488
Website: gvrartsandcrafts.com       dimensional     mediums,       including          GVR East Center Duplicate Bridge Club Email: admin@saztango.info
Email: gvrartsandcrafts@gmail.com   beginners,      intermediate        and           Ray Austin (520) 400-5327             Website: tinyurl.com/yb39xvne
Creating a wider interest in arts   advanced.  SRAL offers a fully-equipped           Non-Sanctioned co-ed bridge players. Everyone welcome to all dance events.
and crafts by sponsoring exhibits,  professional studio, gallery and library
speakers and demonstrations through for member use. Visit srart.org.                  GVR East Center Monday Ladies             GVR Dance Club
monthly meetings, GVR Arts & Crafts                                                   Bridge Club                               Carolyn Digby – (520) 275-1559
Festival each February, and yearly       Woodworkers of GVR                                                                     Email: cstevens@mlode.com
community service projects.              Primary Contact: Stewart Tagg                GVR Euchre Card Club                      Dance Parties featuring a variety of
                                         Email: swowls@gmail.com                      Ed Fickes (501) 209-2589                  music including Rock, R&B, Big Band,
GVR Card Crafters Club                   Go to: woodshop.gvrclubs.org -               Co-Ed social euchre players               Latin, Motown and Country.
Georgia Telfer (920) 285-9403            Use “Contact Us.” Dedicated space
Design & create greeting cards. Annual of 5800+ sf where members may                  GVR Friday Social Bridge Club             GVR Line Dancers Club
dues $5.00.                              explore    the   woodworking       crafts.   Starr Stevens (406) 671-1311              Nancy Stewart (541) 480-1857
                                         Open to all GVR Members - must               Co-ed social bridge group                 Line dance opportunities including
GVR Clay Studio                          attend Club Orientation & Safety                                                       workshops and club dance sessions. GVR
Email: gvrclaystudiopresident@gmail.com Training. Woodworking skills classes/         GVR Hearts Club                           classes:LineDance1&2mustbecompleted
Website: www.claystudiogvaz.com          training, Women in Woodworking classes,      Emily “Sam” Cobb (520) 275-1057           before joining our large, welcoming club.
Hobby studio with extensive facilities Toy making program, Volunteer opportunities.   Email: sam1968715@gmail.com               No partner needed, just get in line!
to enable and encourage members to                                                    Co-ed social heart players                GVR Square & Round Dance Club
                                                                                      GVR Men’s Poker Club                      David Flatt (785) 207-0819
create functional and artistic pieces in        CARDS & GAMES
clay.                                                                                 John Tune (520) 300-4806,                 Local square and round dance club.
                                         Abrego South Thursday Ladies                 Bob Northrup (520) 207-6745
GVR Decorative Art Painting Club         GVR Bridge Club                              Enjoy the game of Poker                          SOCIAL CLUBS
Beth Bailey (253) 327-3251               Gail Sommers (330) 714-9166
Decorative art opens up endless Open to all GVR lady members. This is                 GVR Monday Informal Duplicate           GVR Amigas Club
opportunities to transform your home a fun, friendly, casual bridge group with        Bridge Club                             (425) 647-5175 | www.GVRamigas.org
and your wardrobe.                       refreshments. All levels of social bridge    Bob Dahm (520) 777-7827                 gvramigasclub@gmail.com
                                         welcome but experience is required.          Co-ed Bridge players                    Dedicated to welcoming women of GVR
GVR Glass Artists Club                                                                                                        and providing opportunities to connect,
Linda Touzeau: LTouzeau@cox.net        GVR Canasta Club                               GVR National Mah Jongg Club             learn, have fun and be involved with
Providing a working studio for stained Norma Dycus (937) 478-7535                     Spencer Charlson: charlson477@yahoo.com interest groups, events and lasting
glass, fused glass and mosaic glass Co-ed social canasta players                      Social group of experienced National friendships. Our motto is “We’re
artists and offer workshops in each.                                                  Mah Jongg players. Must bring current neighbors, let’s be friends.”
                                                                                      Standard Hands & Rules card.
                                                                                                                      GVR centers and Club activities are in the process of a cautious re-opening plan. For club-specific questions,
                                                                                                                       please refer to the Club listing below or visit GVREC.ORG and click the Recreation tab for the club contact.

GVR AmigOs Men’s Club                 members and friends to meet, socialize Pacific Northwest Club of Green Valley                                                                                                                      GVR Travel Club
Monthly breakfast, outings, Meet and  and support one another.                 Joe Longo (509) 945-4993                                                                                                                                  Marcia Lickei (520) 207-5584
Greets, and Special Interest Groups.                                           longojv5@gmail.com | Social group of                                                                                                                      Cindy McCain (360) 568-8886
More info: gvramigos@gmail.com or     GVR Michigan Club                        current/past residents of OR, WA, and ID                                                                                                                  Group of Green Valley residents who
call (917) 599-7663.                  Ed Vanderlaan (520) 255-3128                                                                                                                                                                       love to travel or enjoy hearing about
                                      gvmichiganclub@gmail.com                      SPECIAL INTEREST                                                                                                                                     the adventures of others.
GVR Canadian Club                     Share fun-filled get togethers with
www.greenvalleycanadianclub.com       food and entertainment with fellow GVR Camera Club                                                                                                                                                 GVR Valley Players
Charles Atherton (520) 347-6460       present and past Michiganders            www.dev.gvcameraclub.org or                                                                                                                               https://gvrvalleyplayers.weebly.com
Bob Williams (520) 372-7814                                                    (520) 648-1315 Classes, Lectures,                                                                                                                         Open to GVR members interested in
                                      GVR Minnesota Club                       field trips, and latest photo-editing                                                                                                                     community theater - on-stage, back
GVR Colorado Club                     Rick Hoen (651) 248-7162                 hardware & software.                                                                                                                                      stage, singers, musicians, writers.
Jim Hakanson (720) 560-3187           Tom Johnson (520) 207-8408                                                                                                                                                                         Newcomers or experienced theater folks,
Fun social group of current and past Our club offers former and present GVR Computer Club                                                                                                                                                join the fun!
residents of Colorado.                Minnesotans the opportunity to enjoy www.ccgvaz.org
                                      fun, food and fellowship. A chance to Check our website for complete info.                                                                                                                                 SPORTS CLUBS
Green Bay Packers Club of GVR         connect with other Minnesotans.
James Chisolm (520) 777-8334                                                   GVR Forum Club                                                                                                                                            Billiards Club of GVR
Social group of the Green Bay Packers GVR New England Club                     www.gvrforumclub.com                                                                                                                                      Marianne Bishop (520) 625-4924
football team who watch the games on gvrnewenglandclub@gmail.com               Presentations & programs that are                                                                                                                         billiardsclubgvr@gmail.com
the big screen.                       Leo Lafreniere (401) 529-5394. All GVR mind-expanding, informative, chall-                                                                                                                         www.billiardsclubofgvr.com
                                      Members with ties to New England states. enging & quite often just entertaining.                                                                                                                   Promoting recreational and competitive
GVR LGBT & Friends Club                                                                                                                                                                                                                  billiard playing.
www.lgbtclubgreenvalleyaz.com         GVR Singles Club
This club welcomes lesbian, gay, Ed Vanderleen (520) 255-3128
bisexual    and    transgender   GVR Social singles group of GVR members.

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                    GVR centers and Club activities are in the process of a cautious re-opening plan. For club-specific questions,
                     please refer to the Club listing below or visit GVREC.ORG and click the Recreation tab for the club contact.

GVR Aquabelles Club                          an orientation session at GVR’s East        GVR Racquetball Club                     GVR Tennis Club
Pat at (602) 432-6044                        Center. Please bring member or tenant       Jim Crowley (520) 254-2030               Debra Hall - Debra.Hall@gvtennis.com
We promote synchronized swimming.            card. Additional information is available   Open Court for all club members and      www.gvtennis.com
GVR Bocce Club                               on the club website.                        all levels. The Club has reserved play   The Tennis Club promotes tennis
John Clapp (208) 890-8699                                                                time 9am-12pm Mon-Sat all year.          for all GVR members, handles court
GVR Bocce Club is a co-ed social sport       GVR Hunting & Fishing Club                  The racquetball club has all levels of   reservations, and runs leagues, drop
club. If you’re interested in the game       Gary Williams (520) 260-2479                players both men and women.              in tennis and other tennis activities.
of Bocce Ball, come out and join us.         gvrhuntfish@gmail.com                                                                See upcoming events on the website.
                                             www.gvrhuntingandfishingclub.com         GVR Shuffleboard Club                       Events are also posted on bulletin
GVR Cycling Club                             Learn more about fishing and hunting ShuffleGVR@gmail.com                            boards at all tennis courts. Membership
Hank Deutsch (608) 498-5619                  opportunities in Arizona. Also share                                                 and tournament forms are available at
hankdeutsch@gmail.com | gvrcycling.org       your hunting and fishing experiences. GVR Swim Club                                  the West Center Tennis Hut.
We promote and enhance cycling in                                                     www.gvrswimclub.org
the local community, GVR, Santa Cruz         GVR Pickleball Club                      Organized workouts for fitness and          GVR Volleyball Club
Valley and the state of Arizona.             Gina Rowsam (720) 737-8251               master’s competition                        Dennis Vadnais (913) 638-7407
                                             www.gvrpickleball.org                                                                A social group of sand, water, court
GVR Hiking Club                              We are dedicated to the promotion GVR Table Tennis Club                              volleyball and wallyball players.
David Hinkel (520) 559-5066                  of pickleball in the Green Valley Primary Contact: Ford Deming
David Linn (269) 598-6415                    Recreation community. Join fellow www.greenvalleyttc.com
http://gvrhc.org - The Hiking Club           pickleball players for recreational and The club has many levels of players
represents 400+ hikers who enjoy             competitive play. Visit our website and the club provides all equipment.
hiking the beautiful sky islands, valleys,   at www.gvrpickleball.org for court The Table Tennis Club has 8-10 tables
and deserts of Southern Arizona.             locations and play schedules. Want to and can accommodate 40 doubles
Membership is open to all GVR members        learn? Click on pickleball orientations. players at a time. Beginners are
and those with valid GVR Tenant Cards.                                                invited and can receive instruction.
Potential and new members must attend                                                 Dues $10 per year.
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