Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation

Page created by Jennifer Schmidt
Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Your guide to community recreation programs, special events, & services

                                                                          Guilford Parks and Recreation
                                                                                32 Church Street
                                                                                Guilford, CT 06437

                                                                                     Photo Credit: Catie Canetti
Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Director’s Message
         Our community responded in a major fashion to our summer program offerings. Most of the programs were full,
which indicated people wanted to get back to some normalcy after so many pandemic restrictions from the past year. Con-
certs at the Beach and on the Green were well attended.
         As we approach the autumn season, there is uncertainty again about the variants of the COVID-19 virus. Our recre-
ation staff are pushing ahead to plan fall programs. We are offering some pre-school classes again, and there is a new cook-
ing program for school aged children. Fitness classes and senior programs will continue.
         The Parks crew will have fields in good condition for the athletes.
         The four (4) pickleball courts being constructed at Bittner Park should be completed by October.
         Regardless of what happens with the virus, we encourage you to stay active, get outdoors, and recreate!

                                                                              Rick Maynard

    Halloween Window Painting
         Around the Green

                    Register today to decorate a window around the Green! Program # 41112
                                    Painting will take place week of September 27th
                                       Sketches will be due by September 23rd.

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Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Special Events
                   SCARECROWS ON THE GREEEN
     Businesses and organizations are encouraged to build a scarecrow to be displayed on
                                         the Green!
       Bring your completed scarecrow to the Green on Thursday, September 30th 10:00AM-12:00PM
                             Pre-registration is required—Program #41107—FREE

                       SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24
          (RAINDATE: OCTOBER 31, 2021)
                          GUILFORD GREEN
                                                                 Register for a table on the
                                    2:00-4:00PM                  Green (this will be in place
                                                                    of the trunk or treat).
                                                                 Decorate, set up a carnival
                                                                 style game. Register to be
                                                                     a part of the FUN—
                                                                     Program # 41106

Fall 2021
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Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Preschool Programs
PEE WEE SOCCER (AGES 3.5 - 5)                                                  FUN & FRIENDS—ACTIVE PLAY
Day:              Saturday                                                     Day:               Wednesday
Date:             Sept 11 - Oct 9                                              Date:              Sept 8– Oct 6
Time:             9:00 - 9:45 a.m.        A1                                   Time:              9:00-9:45a.m(2yr olds)
                  10:00 - 10:45 a.m.      A2
                                                                               Program #:         46005 B1/B2
Program #         46109                                                        Where:             Community Center
Where:            Bittner Park Softball Field                                  Instructor:        Recreation Staff
Instructor:        Scott McMahon & Jeff Sullivan                               Fee:               $50
Fee:              $60                                                          Come enjoy an open play atmosphere. The room and outdoor
Learn the fundamentals of soccer through fun games and drills                  space will be set up each week for active play with play mats,
in a non-competitive format that fosters independence. Each                    large shapes, tunnel and more! This is a great class to meet new
child is required to bring a size 3 or 4 soccer ball.
                                                                               friends! This class is for parent and child. Max 8

                                           Youth Zoom Programs with Elena Bigio
                                                    Program #: 46116
                                                  Fee: $15.00 per class
                    A Zoom link and materials list will be emailed.
Wizards/Fairies & Potions                           Pirate Adventures: (Ages 3-4)                       (Ages 3-4)
(Ages 3-4)                                          Day:                Wednesday, October 6            Day:               Wednesday, November 10
Day:                Wednesday, September 15         Time:               10:00-10:30 A.M.                Time:              10:00-10:30 A.M.
Time:               10:00-10:30 A.M.                Calling all pirates of both genders! Our adven-     Explore and create together a beach themed
Join us for a class mesmerizing fun with en-        ture takes us to create a one of a kind pirate      sensory bin and dive into shaving cream as
gaging experiences perfect for both gen-            ship , pirate sword and pirate sensory box!         this magically turns into a beautiful ocean
ders. We will make magical fairy/ wizard po-        The adventure concludes with a treasure bot-        painting. The beach sensory bin is also perfect
tions, sparkling fairy dust and a wand fit for                                                          for future play on cold winter days!
both fairies and wizards!                           tle eruption!
                                                    Candy Science: (Ages 5-8)                           Grinch Day: (Ages 3-4)
Create a Calm Box:                                  Day:                Wednesday, October 6
Stress/Anxiety Relief for Kids                      Time:               4:00-4:30 P.M.                  Day:                Wednesday, December 1
(Ages 5-8)                                          Tune in to see how candy is used for science        Time:               10:00-10:30 A.M.
                                                                                                        Don't let the Grinch steal Christmas. Kid-
Day:              Wednesday, September 15           experiments! Ms. B. will lead these fun sci-        scapades will lead this fun filled class of
Time:             4:00-4:30 P.M.                    ence activities. Discover surprising things         Grinch activities! Each child will pour and mix
A hands-on approach to relieve some stress          about some popular candy!                           their own bag of magic Grinch dust! Complete
and anxiety kids are feeling these days by          Create a Calm Box:                                  with directions on where and when to sprin-
incorporating sensory calming activities. Sen-      Stress/Anxiety Relief for Kids                      kle the magic dust to keep the Grinch away.
sory calming activities will also help your child   (Ages 3-4)                                          We then stir up a cup of exploding Grinch
                                                    Day:               Wednesday, October 27            punch to help keep the Christmas magic in
when they are feeling restless, anger and
                                                    Time:              10:00-10:30 A.M.                 the air!
frustration and may be helpful to prevent
meltdowns. In this class we will create a           A hands-on approach to relieve some stress          Grinch Day: (Ages 5-8)
calming putty, calming bottle to keep inside        and anxiety kids are feeling these days by          Day:                Wednesday, December 1
the kids calm box for future use.                   incorporating sensory calming activities. Sen-      Time:               4:00-4:30 P.M.
                                                    sory calming activities will also help your child   Don't let the Grinch steal Christmas. Kid-
                                                    when they are feeling restless, anger and           scapades will lead this fun filled class of
Dino Day (Ages 3-4)                                 frustration and may be helpful to prevent           Grinch activities! Each child will pour and mix
Day:               Wednesday, September 29                                                              their own bag of magic Grinch dust! Complete
Time:              10:00-10:30 A.M.                 meltdowns. In this class we will create a           with directions on where and when to sprin-
Put on your paleontologist hat and dig into         calming putty, calming bottle to keep inside        kle the magic dust to keep the Grinch away.
some dinosaur fun with dino art projects, vol-      the kids calm box for future use. A Zoom link       We then stir up a cup of exploding Grinch
canic eruptions and dino fossil excavations.        and materials list will be emailed.                 punch to help keep the Christmas magic in
                                                    Spooky Science (Ages 5-8)                           the air!
Mix Bubble & Fiz (Ages 5-8)
Day:               Wednesday, September 29          Day:               Wednesday, October 27            Gingerbread Baby (Ages 3-4)
Time:              4:00-4:30 P.M.                   Time:              4:00-4:30 P.M.
Come along on this hands-on fun science             Science is super fun ,especially during Hallow-     Day:                Wednesday, December 8
                                                    een! Get into the spirit and fun of both by         Time:               10:00-10:30 A.M.
journey of mixing, bubbling and fizzing.
                                                    conjuring up a witches potion, make a ghostly       Based on the classic story Gingerbread Baby
Young scientists will predict if they will make     bubble concoction and create a haunted light        by Jan Brett we will take a quick story walk to
some scientific eruptions!                          show! Ghosts and goblins will have so much          familiarize the children with the Gingerbread
                                                    fun, they won’t realize they are learning too! .    Baby, if they have not already met the little
                                                                                                        rascal. The rest of class will be spent engag-
                                                                                                        ing in gingerbread baby centered activities..
                                                    Beach & Ocean Painting Sensory
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Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Pre-School and Youth Programs
READY, SET, LEAP (AGES 3-5)                     PEE WEE TENNIS (AGES 4 - 6)                       LASER TAG & DODGEBALL
Day:             Monday                         Day:               Monday                         (GRADES 4-6)
Time:            9:30 - 12:00 p.m.              Dates:             Sept. 20—October 25            Day:              Friday
Date:            Sept 20 - December 13          Time               4:15-5:00PM                    Date:             Sept 17, Oct 15
                                                Program #:         46106 A1                                         Nov 19, Dec 17
No Class:        Oct 11                         Where:             Adams Tennis Courts            Program#:         46215
Program #:       46101 A1                       Instructor:        Recreation Staff               Time:             6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Where:           Community Center               Fee:               $50                            Where:            Community Center
Instructor:      Recreation Staff               This class is a playful
Fee:             $200                           introduction to the                               Instructor:       Recreation Staff
This is a developmental program for 3-5         game of tennis. Each                              Fee:              $20 per child per date
year olds to learn skills through               participant needs to                                                $70 for all 4
                                                bring their own racquet.
cooperative play. Children will have activity
centers, snack, outdoor play, crafts, songs                                                       Join our recreation staff for a fun filled Fri-
and stories related to weekly themes. Must                                                        day night. We will be playing laser tag and
be potty trained to attend. Please bring a      PEE WEE FIT (AGES 3 ‐ 6)                          dodgeball inside the community center for
snack Mask will need to be worn while           Day:               Wednesdays                     an action packed Friday. Pizza will be
inside. No Peanut Products!!!                   Dates:             Sept. 22-Oct.27                served.
                                                Time:              4:15-5:00PM
                                                Program #:         46106 A2
                                                Where:             Guilford Green
                                                Instructor:        Recreation Staff
                                                Fee:               $50
                                                Couple healthy exercise with fun activities
                                                that foster athletic skills and social develop-
                                                ment. Learn the value of exercise while hav-
                                                ing fun!

                     Mary's Culinary Classes, LLC
              Time: 4:30-6:30PM                          Tuesdays                  @ Community Center
            Fee: $45.00 / date                          Program #: 46211                               Ages 5-11
September 21:             Chicken Alfredo Stuffed Shells and S'Mores Cups
October 5:                Lemon Pepper Fettuccine and Dracula Dentures
October 19:               Mummy Puff Pastry Pizza and Zombie Brain Brownie Bites
November 2:               Pastitsio and Salted Caramel Apple Pie Bars
November 16:              Thanksgiving Lovers Pizza and Chocolate Covered Turkey Pretzels
December 7:               Snowman Pizzas and Festive Tree Sugar Cookies
December 21:              Skillet Dip Snowman and Christmas Lights Cupcakes

Fall 2021                                                                                                                                    Page 5
Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Youth & Adult Programs
MOUNT SOUTHINGTON SKI                          TAEKWON-DO (AGES 3-11)                           Magnetic , Pre-planning safe courses, The
CLUB (GRADES 5-8)                              Day:            Monday & Wednesday               “Seaman’s Eye” – simple skills for checking
                                               Date:           Sept. 13 - Dec. 15               that one is on course. Please bring parallel
Day:              Tuesdays                                                                      rulers and divider or other navigation
                                               Program #:      46205
Date:             Jan 11, 18, 25 & Feb1        4:30-5:30p.m. - A1 - All kids white and
Depart Time:      Adams/Baldwin - 3:00 p.m                          Yellow, belts               ABOUT BOATING SAFETY
Return Time:      TOWN HALL - 9:00 p.m         Where:               Community Center
Instructor:       Recreation Staff             6:00-7:00p.m. - A2 - All Red/Blue/Green/         Day:                Tues
                                                                    Black Belt                  Date:               Oct 12 & 19
Program #:        16212                        Where:           Community Center
Fee:              $150 - $350                  Instructor:      John Cuddy                      Time:               5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Please register online and return the          Fee:            $100                             Where:              Community Center
necessary waiver forms. Mt. Southington        No Class:       Sept. 22, 29, Oct 11, 27         Instructor:         Guilford Flotilla
Rental Agreement must be fully completed.      Our 6th degree black belt instructor will
                                               introduce techniques and strategies of tae       Program #:          42118 A2
                                               kwon do and karate, aikido, kung fu and          Fee:                $65
                                               other martial arts.                              Learn boating Safety at a USCG Basic Boat-
                                               4:30 - 5:30 Kids Class for white, yellow,        ing Course. This is a two day 4 hours each
                                               green and blue belts: Program will cover         class to fulfill requirements for Connecticut
                                               motor skills, tumbling and basic kicks, pad      Boating Certification. Upon completion of
                                               work and games to inspire this age group         test you will be qualified for a Connecticut
                                               for the sport. This multi-faceted program        Personal Watercraft Certificate. Topics cov-
                                               will also introduce kickboxing and               ered are Know your boat, before you get
AFTERNOONS @ BITTNER                           self-defense.                                    underway, a general introduction            to
                                               6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Red and Black belt             navigating the waterways,
(GRADES 5 - 8)                                 class will cover advanced techniques. This       general descrip-
Day:              Tuesdays                     class is for all Red and Black belts only. any   tion of operating
Date:             Sept 14 - Oct 12             package.                                         your boat, legal
Time:             4:00-5:00p.m.                                                                 requirements of
Program #:        46222                        DOG OBEDIENCE                                    boating, Boating
                                                                                                emergencies what
Where:            Bittner Park                 Day:              Thursday                       to do, Enjoying
Instructor:       Recreation Staff             Date:             Sept 23 - Oct 21               your boat.
Fee:              $50                          Time:             6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Come have some after school fun at             Where:            Adams Basketball Courts
Bittner! Basketball, disc golf, skateboard,    Instructor:       Paula Milnes
flag football and MORE! Pizza will be          Program #:        42111 A1
served. Participants will have check ins
                                               Fee:              $60                            GUILFORD HEATSMART
with staff during the afternoon. Program is                                                     Home Energy Efficiency
semi-independent.                              Have your dog barking                            Day:             Thursday, October 21
                                               up the right tree. Sit,                          Time:            6:00-7:30p.m.
                                               stay and heel are                                Instructor:      Members of the Guilford
IRISH STEP DANCE                               some of the com-
                                               mands. Dog must be 4                                              HeatSmart Team
(AGES 7-16)                                                                                     Location:        Community Center
Day:             Thursday                      months old and have                              Program #:       42106
                                               all shots. No chain or                           Fee:              Free (Registration Required)
Date:            Sept 23 - Nov 18              retractable leashes.
No Class:        Nov 11                        Wear adequate foot-                              Would you like to make your home more
                                               wear. One person per                             comfortable, save money, and help the en-
Time:             3:45 - 4:45p.m.              dog should attend this                           vironment? Come hear from the Guilford
                  (Beginner/Intermediate)      class                                            HeatSmart team about home energy tech-
Program #:        46207 A1                                                                      nologies, and how to take advantage of
                                                                                                programs available to all Guilford residents.
Time:             4:45 - 5:45p (Advanced)                                                       All levels from home energy beginners to
Program #:        46207 A2                     PILOTING & CHARTING
                                                                                                experts. Come with your questions and ex-
Where:            Community Center             Day:              Thursday                       periences, and leave with an actionable
Instructor:       Kathy Carew                  Date:             Oct 28, & Nov 4, 18            plan! During the evening session, we will
Fee:              $100                         Time:             6:00 - 9:00p.m.                have fun energy activities for kids availa-
                                               Where:            Community Center               ble. Guilford HeatSmart is an initiative of
Participants will                                                                               the Guilford Sustainable Task Force in part-
learn both Tradi-                              Instructor:       Guilford Flotilla
tional Irish step                                                                               nership with Peoples Action for Clean Ener-
                                               Program #:        42118 A1                       gy (PACE) and selected home energy and
and Ceili (group)
Dancing. All danc-                             Fee:              $65                            heat pump contractors. For more infor-
ers will start with                            The Piloting and Charting course is a three      mation about the program, please visit:
the Irish jig, and                             nights on navigation, covering the basics of
advance through                                coastal and inland navigation. This course
Reel and Slip Jig.                             focuses on traditional techniques so the 
Advanced: Dancers will learn both tradi-       student will be able to find his/her way
tional and contemporary Irish steps and        even if their GPS fails. The course includes
Ceili dances. This group will work             many in-class exercises, developing the
on technique and more intricate movements      student’s skills through hands-on practice
in steps. Much of this class is done in hard   and learning. Topics covered include but
shoe.                                          not limited to Charts and their interpreta-
                                               tion, Navigation aids and how they point to
                                               safe water, Plotting courses and determin-
                                               ing direction and distance , the mariner’s
                                               compass and converting between True and
Fall 2021                                                                                                       Page 6
Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Guilford Racquet & Swim Club
                         Adult Pickleball                                                            Junior Tennis
                         Organized Play                                     Our junior program will give all beginner to intermediate level play-
                                                                             ers a strong set of fundamentals for their game. Our program will
The fastest growing sport in America is thriving at GRSC. Played with        cover all the strokes as well as footwork and strategy. Players will
 paddles & wiffle balls, this game is coordinated on our tennis courts      receive all the tools to play on their own. This class will take place
     with special nets & lines. This class will take place indoors.                                outside. Max 18 players
                            Max 16 players
 Wednesdays-12:00pm - 1:00pm, 9/8 - 10/27, $180.00 42113-A1
                                                                            Green Ball-Ages 11-13, Wednesdays, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, 9/8 - 10/27
                       Strategic Pickleball                                                         $215.00         46203-A2
This class is designed to teach players situational strategies within the   Orange Ball-Ages 8-10, Wednesdays, 4:30 - 5:30pm , 9/8 - 10/27
      game. This class will take place indoors. Max 16 players                                      $215.00           46203-A1
  Mondays-12:30pm - 1:30pm, 9/13 - 11/01, $215.00 42113-A2

                          Cardio Tennis
   A great class for intermediate level and higher. It is an hour long
 workout, mixing drills & games designed to get your heart pumping
 and feet moving. This class will take place indoors. Max 12 players
  Saturdays-8:00am - 9:00am, 9/11 - 10/30, $215.00 42113-B1

                             Thursday                                                                   Saturday
    Dates: Sept 9 - Oct 14– Session 1(A1-A6)                                     Dates: Sept 11 - Oct 16– Session 1(A1-A4)
              Oct 28 - Dec 9– Session 2(B1-B6)                                          Oct 30 - Dec 11– Session 2(B1-B4)
    No Class Date: Sept. 16. Nov 11 and Nov 25                                   No Class Date: Sept. 18 Nov 13 and Nov 27
    Fee: $65.00 / 45 min class                                                   Fee: $65.00 / 45 min class
                                                                                        $75.00 / 60 min class
              $75.00 / 60 min class                                              Level II (Ages 10 - 15)
    Lil' Movers w/parent (18 months - 3 years)
                                                                                 8:00 - 9:00a.m.                       46003 A1/B1
    10:00 - 10:45a.m.                              46002 A1/B1
                                                                                 Lil' Movers w/parent (18 months - 3 years)
    Lil' Movers w/parent (18 months - 3 years)
                                                                                 9:15 - 10:00a.m.                      46003 A2/B2
    11:00 - 11:45a.m.                              46002 A2/B2                   Tumbling and Stumbling (Ages 3 - 5)
    Tumbling and Stumbling (Ages 3 - 5)                                          10:15 - 11:00p.m.                     46003 A3/B3
    3:00 - 3:45p.m.                                46002 A3/B3                   Movers & Shakers (Ages 5 - 7)
    Tumbling and Stumbling (Ages 4 - 6)                                          11:15 - 12:15p.m.                     46003 A4/B4
    3:45 - 4:45p.m.                                46002 A4/B4
    Level I (Ages 7 - 10)
    4:45 - 5:45p.m.                                46002 A5/B5                  Our gymnastics program is a combination of fun
    Level II (Ages 10 - 15)                                                    and learning, fostering the benefits of strength and
    5:45 - 6:45p.m.                                46002 A6/B6                 appreciation culminating into the ultimate goal of
                                                                                  flexibility and fitness. All classes are co-ed.
                                                                                            Instructor: Mrs. C and Staff

Fall 2021
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Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Fall Fitness Schedule
        MONDAY                  TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY             FRIDAY          SATURDAY
        Oct 4—Dec 20            Oct 5—Dec 21       Oct 6—Dec 22        Oct 7— Dec 23      Oct 8—Dec 17      Oct 9—Dec 18
         No Class:                                                       No Class:         No Class:
          9/6, 10/11                                                    11/11, 11/25          11/26

                                                                         Cardio Step                             Yoga
                                                                         42402 A3                          42110 B1 & B2
                                                                       (Hetrick) $30                         8:00-9:30am
                                                                       7:00-7:45a.m.                        Creamer ($90)
                                                                        10/7 - 11/4                          10/16-12/18

        Cardio Tone                                 Cardio Tone         Cardio Tone                             Zumba
         42405 A1                                    42405 A2            42405 A3                            42420 C1-D2
       (Canetti) $50                               (Canetti) $50       (Canetti) $50                        (Prior) $8/class
       8:30-9:25 a.m.                              8:30-9:25 a.m.      8:00-8:50 a.m.                       9:00-10:00 a.m.

     Deep Gentle Yoga            Essentrics®      Slow Flow Yoga         Essentrics®                       Yoga Mini Series
      42406 B1 & B2               42403 A1        42108 B1 & B2           42403 A2                             32113 A2
       (Beale) $90.00        (Armstrong)$50.00     (Beale) $90.00    (Armstrong)$50.00                     (Creamer) $50.00
      9:45—11:00a.m.           9:00-10:00 a.m.    9:45—11:00a.m.       9:00-10:00 a.m.                       8:00-9:30a.m.
                                No Class 11/2                           No Class 11/4                          9/4 - 9/25

                                                                       STRONGER                          Deep Tissue Release
            Yoga                                                         42404 A1
         42109 A1                                                                                             42108 C1
      (Gaynor) $90.00                                                    (Sico) $50                      October 16 9:30-10:45
       5:30-7:00 p.m.                                                  9:30-10:30am                          (Beale) $15
                                                                       No Class: 11/25

            H.I.I.T                                  Kickboxing
          42402 A1                                   42402 A2               Yoga
        (Hetrick) $35                              (Hetrick) $35          42109 A2
        6:00-7:00p.m.                              6:00-7:00p.m.       (Gaynor) 90.00
         10/4 - 11/1                                10/6 - 11/3         5:30-7:00 p.m.

       Zumba Toning          Strength & Stretch       Zumba          Strength & Stretch
        42420 E1-F1               42415 A1          42420 A1-B3           42415 A2
       (Prior) $8/class        (Zergiebel) $50    (Prior) $8/class     (Zergiebel) $50
        7:15-8:15p.m.            6:00-7:00pm       6:00-7:00 p.m.       6:00-7:00pm

       Programs in Purple: Class will be held                                  MASK ARE REQUIRED TO
      in person at the Community Center and                                     BE WORN FOR INDOOR
          will be streamed through Zoom.
           B1– In person B2-Zoom link                                             FITNESS CLASSES!

      Programs in Red: Class will be held in                                    Programs in Green: Zoom
        person at Jabobs Beach. In case of                                      Instructor sends Zoom link
      inclement weather class will be moved
            into the Community Center.
                                                                                   Programs in Blue:
      Programs in Yellow: Class will be held                                 Class will be held in person at
       in person at Police Station Courts. In                                   the community center.
      case of inclement weather class will be
         moved into the Community Center.
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Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Fitness Descriptions
KICKBOXING: Combining punching and kicking combinations this class is designed to enhance your coordination, flexi-
bility and cardio endurance. All fitness levels are welcome! Optional: 1lb Kickboxing Gloves.
H.I.I.T.: Work as hard as you can for a specified period of time (30 seconds, 40 seconds, etc.) then recover for a specified
period of time (20 seconds, 10 seconds, etc.). This technique is one of the best ways to burn fat and increase cardiovascular
endurance in a short period of time. The class begins with a warm up, followed by 30 minutes of H.I.I.T., cool down, and
stretch. Each class is different, focusing on different muscle groups, training techniques, and H.I.I.T. configurations. All
fitness levels are welcome! Great class for beginners as modifications and intensity levels are easy to incorporate.
Non Stop cardio featuring choreography designed to keep you MOVING! The class begins with a step warm up, followed
by 30 - 35 minutes of cardio, cool down, and standing stretch. All Fitness levels are welcome, but a prior knowledge of step
terminology is recommended.
TABATA: This class is one of best ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness in the least amount of time, as well as burn
fat without causing your body to burn your own muscle tissue. The class begins with a warm up, followed by 30 - 40
minutes of interval training blasts, cool down, and stretch. Each class is different, focusing on different muscle groups,
training techniques, and Tabata and H.I.I.T. configurations.
Offers a full body workout beginning with a light cardio warm up followed by strength and conditioning exercises layering
on Pilates style movements. Lengthen and tone muscles while improving balance, increasing flexibility.
Cardio tone combines the definition of muscles and cardio exercise for a total body workout. Participants will improve car-
dio endurance and increase muscle strength and flexibility. The workout will include resistance training to work different
muscle groups . We will use weights, body bars and band combinations , finishing each class with floor work, core and
Get intense and have some fun as we focus on three key formats - core, cardio & strength, all done within three 15 minute
rounds. If you like variety this is the class for you! Get ready for step benches, punching bag, weights, kettle bells, bars,
and more. Focus on proper alignment, controlled movements and proper form to ensure best results for all. Each class will
start with a 5 minute warm up and end with a 10 minute cool down and active e recovery period.
This class is an intense strength training workout using balls, weights, body bars, and bands. Designed to focus on
strengthening and toning. All fitness levels welcome!
Hatha style practice which offers a slow flow and longer holds. Class offers an introduction to breathing (pranayama) and
meditation. Practice will lend itself to all levels, beginner to seasoned yogi.
ESSENTRICS: is a low impact workout that rebalances your body by simultaneously stretching and strengthening all
your muscles. This dynamic stretching program develops lean, strong, flexible muscles and helps to unlock tight joints,
with immediate benefits to your posture.
ZUMBA: is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorpo-
rate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — and resistance training.
STRONGER: Join me as we squat, plank, lunge and utilize hand weights to improve strength and cardiovascular fitness.
Bring a mat and your own hand weights if you have them or utilize those at the community center. All fitness levels wel-
DEEP TISSUE RELEASE - feel brand new again. mobility and flexibility enhancement with foam rollers and lacrosse
work followed my deep stretching. ( live option only)

Fall 2021                                                                                      Page 9
Guilford Parks and Recreation 32 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 (203)453-8068 - Guilford Parks & Recreation
Active Adults 55+
                                                       TAI CHI #40228                               CHAIR YOGA #40207
    BALLROOM DANCE #40214-A1                 Day:          Tuesday and Friday              Day:          Wednesday
                                             Date:         Oct 5 - Dec 31                  Date:         Oct 6 — Dec 22
  SORRY NO BALLROOM DANCE AT                 No Class:     Nov 26                          Time:         11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
           THIS TIME.                        A      Beginner       10:00 - 11:00pm         Instructor:   Lynda Corcoran
                                                                                           Fee:          $40 / $45 Non-Res
BALLROOM LINE DANCE #40210-A1                B       Advanced         11:00 - 12:00pm Protect yourself from stiffness through a
Day:         Tuesday (A2)                                                                  program of gentle stretching, proper
Date:        Oct 5 - Dec 14                  C       Inter 3          12:00 - 1:00pm       breathing and relaxation techniques. Im-
Time:        8:45 – 9:45 a.m.                                                              prove your posture and sense of bal-
Day:         Friday                          D       Inter 1          1:00 - 2:00pm
                                                                                           ance to help reduce your risk of falling.
Date:        Oct 8 - Dec 17                  E       Inter 2          2:00—3:00pm
No Class:     Oct 22 & Nov 26                                                                  CREATIVE WRITING #40220
Time:        9:00 – 10:00 a.m.               Instructor: Martin Reichgut                           (FOR BEGINNERS)
Instructor::  Karen Pfrommer                 Fee:         $60.00 one class/week
Fee:         $30 / $35 Non-Res                            $105.00 two classes/week         Day:             Thursday
Remember those songs and dances you                      $120.00 three classes/week        Date:            Sept. 9—Oct 28
love and the wonderful memories they                      Non-Res. Add $10.00              Time:            1:00-3:00pm
invoke while having fun and getting fit.     Come participate in this gentle form of       Instructor:      Nini Munro-Chmura
Come and Cha Cha to Tea for Two, Waltz       exercise and moving meditation which          Fee:             $40.00 / $45.00 Non-Res
to Moon River and Mambo to Tequila.          can benefit you physically, emotionally       Come enjoy and learn how to paint pic-
Done in line format so no partner need-      and mentally. A safe and effective way        tures with words that flow. Dramatic im-
ed.                                          to improve strength, flexibility, coordina-   ages, outlandish metaphors and oh,
                                             tion, memory, concentration and stress        those wonderful verbs that pop off the
      LOW IMPACT AEROBICS/                   management. *This class is normally           page. Create a story from your imagina-
     WEIGHT TRAINING #40215                  scheduled for the Exercise Room but on        tion, write a poem that resembles a pas-
Day:        Tuesday and Friday               occasion will be moved to an alternative      toral symphony, a memoir of your life’s
Date:       Oct 5 - Dec 31                   room*                                         experiences or a play with interesting
No Class:    Oct 22, Nov 26                                                                characters.
Time:       1:45 – 2:45 p.m.                   OIL PAINTING 101 #40205
Instructor:  Barbara Corso                Day:          Thursday
Fee:        $55 / $60 Non-Res                                                                       PICKLEBALL #40217
                                          Date:         Oct 7 - Dec 23                     Dates:        Oct 6—December 20
Excellent program for cardio and stretch- No Class Date: Nov 11 & 25
ing exercises. *This class is normally                                                     No Class:     Oct 11 & Nov 26
                                          Time:         A1 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.               Fee:          $20/ $30 Non-Res
scheduled for the Guilford/Whitfield                    A2 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Room but on occasion will be moved to     Instructor:   Emer Gearheart
an alternative room and class activities                                                   Monday:
                                          Fee:           $65 / $75 Non-Res                 A1 - 9:00am      Beginner         Adams
will be modified.*                           Explore the wonderful world of art by
                                             starting with a black and white painting  A2 - 10:00am         Intermediate     Adams
  FRENCH CONVERSATION #40216                 and progress to color. Express your crea-
Day:        Monday                           tivity and have fun with other budding
Date:       Oct 4— Dec 20                                                              A3 - 11:00am         Advanced         Adams
Time:       10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
No class:   Oct 11                                                                         Wednesday:
                                                         SPANISH #40203                    A4 - 9:00am      Intermediate     Adams
Instructor: Candace Routh                    Day:           Friday
Fee:        $35 / $45 Non-Res                Date:           Oct 8— Dec 17
Parlez-Vous Francais? Would you like to?                                                   A5 - 10:00am     Intermediate     Adams
                                             Time:          11:00 - 12:30 pm.
Come join the French class! Some prior       No class:      Oct 22, Nov 26
exposure to French is desirable. Not a                                                     A6 - 11:00am     Advanced         Adams
                                             Instructor:     Elaine Jackson
grammar class but an opportunity to          Fee:           $35 / $45 Non-Res
learn conversational phrases and French This new program will prove to be fun              A7 - 5:30pm      Intermediate
culture. An extra 30 minutes at 10:00 is and exciting for both new and returning                                   Guilford Lakes
set aside for dialog.                    student.                                          Friday:
            ITALIAN #40219                                                                 B1 - 9:00am Intermediate          Adams
Day:            Friday                                BODY WISE #40218
Date:          Oct 8 - Dec 17                                                              B2 - 10:00am Intermediate         Adams
                                             Day:         Tuesday and Thursday
No Class:        Oct 22 & Nov 26             Date:        Sept 7- Dec 23
Time:          1:00 - 2:30 p.m.                                                            B3 - 11:00am Advanced             Adams
                                             No Class:     Nov 11 & 26                     Pickleball is a paddleball sport (similar to
Instructor:     Elaine Jackson               Time:        1:00 - 2:00 p.m.                 racquet sport) that combines elements of
Fee:             $35 / $45 Non-Res           Where:        Community Center                badminton, table tennis and tennis. Two
All levels welcome. Explore Italy’s rich     Instructor:   Lynne Keyser                    or four players use solid paddles made of
culture of art, music and film, its fasci-   Fee:          $50 / $55 Non-Res               wood or composite materials to hit a per-
nating history, it’s diverse environment     A safe program of gentle exercise and         forated polymer ball over the net. Great
and regional cuisines. Learn practical                                                     exercise and opportunity to make friends.
                                             movement designed to increase flexibil-
phrases and expressions, enjoying all        ity, muscle tone, bone density, and im-
things Italian. Benvenuti a tutti!           prove circulation, balance and coordina-

Fall 2021                                                                                              Page 10
Staff Directory
                Staff                                                  Title                                                        Email
Rick Maynard                             Parks & Recreation Director                               
Ellen Clow                               Recreation Supervisor                                     
Terry Holland-Buckley                    Senior’s Program Supervisor                               
Tony Annicelli                           Park Supervisor                                           
Taryn Erb                                Program Coordinator                                       
Connor Negri                             Program Coordinator                                       
Patti Haggerty                           Office Assistant                                          
Jennifer Knight                          Administrative Assistant                                  
Shana Moore                              Receptionist                                              
Todd Rake                                Custodian                                                 

                                         Program Information
NEW TO TOWN: Come in and find out what we have to offer. We have                     INCLUSION POLICY: The Recreation Department intends to comply
programs, classes, trips, and facilities for all ages. We will be happy to make an   with the A.D.A. regulations. Participation in many of our non-adaptive pro-
appointment to show you around and explain any program of interest to you.           grams is possible for those with special needs. Our programs and services are
We look forward to meeting you!                                                      designed to be consistent with the principles of inclusion, natural supports,
PAYMENT: Payment must be made in full at the time of registration. There             normalization, and least restrictive environments. We request advance notice
is a $30 charge for all checks returned by the bank. Programs are not prorat-        to ensure that any needed personalized accommodations will be met.
ed. Donations received will go to the Florence Chittenden Scholarship Fund           SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarships are available for all programs based on eligi-
to help a needy child go to summer day camp. Non-Residents must add an               bility, please inquire.
additional $10 per participant per program.                                          OOPS!: We apologize in advance for any mistake you may find in this bro-
INCLEMENT WEATHER: If school is canceled due to inclement weather,
                                                                                     chure. Due to the continuous program information updates, rescheduling
programs scheduled between 7:00am and 11:00am are
                                                                                     issues, as well as other circumstances, some information is subject to change
cancelled. A decision to cancel after 11:00am will be at the discretion of the
                                                                                     or errors may occur.
Parks and Recreation Director and will be announced on the weather line
                                                                                     NOTE: All costs associated with the printing and mailing of this brochure are
(203)453-8134, and on
                                                                                     covered by program fees.
Channel 3,8 and 30. If school is delayed, programs/activities scheduled before
                                                                                     MAKEUP CLASSES: Every effort will be made to makeup any cancelled
10:30am will be canceled.
REFUND POLICY: Since programs are self-supporting and commitments                    class date. However, due to extenuating circumstances, this is not always pos-
need to be made to instructors and staff, the following is the department’s          sible. We apologize for any inconvenience. No refunds will be given.
refund policy. Please read carefully before registering for a program.               PARTICIPATION: Participants may only attend the day and time of the
• A full refund will automatically be given for any program cancelled by the         program for which they are registered. Only persons registered in a
Department.                                                                           program may participate in that program.
• A partial refund may be given when requested in writing up to one week             CANCELLATION POLICY: We reserve the right to set a minimum and
prior to the start of a program.                                                     maximum for each program and to cancel any program due to low enrollment
• Once the decision has been made to run a particular program, no refund will        or weather conditions. One week prior to a program start date a decision will
be given unless there is a medical emergency and a doctor’s note must be pro-        be made to cancel or run the program.
vided. No refunds will be given for any used portion of a program.

                                                                 Help us raise our remaining goal to
                                                                 move forward with the building of
                                                                  the Splash Pad at Jacobs Beach !

                                                                                                                                                           Page 11
Contact Information/Registration Form
    PARKS AND RECREATION             Nathanael B. Greene Community Center
     COMMISSION MEMBERS               Office Hours: Monday through Friday
                                                32 Church Street
Rose Dostert, Chairman                        8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Claire Kinkade-Dunn, Vice Chairman             Guilford, CT 06437
Laura Hartman                                Phone: (203) 453-8068
                                              Fax: (203) 453-8456
John Jagielski
                                          Weather Line: (203) 453-8134
Tara Hunt-Melvin                  
Suzanne McDermott
Lawrence Rooney
Diane VanSteenbergen
Nicholas Kane                         “like” Town of Guilford on Facebook for
 Commission meetings are held                   Important Updates
 the first Monday of each month      Follow us on Instagram @Townofguilford
  at 6:30p.m. at the Community
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