GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District

Page created by Ross Wood
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District

Programs & Events
3701 Scoville Ave, Berwyn, Illinois   708-788-1701 |
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
Proksa Park                  | 3001 S. Wisconsin
From celebrating culture to enjoying live music and observing holidays, we look back on so many great events we were fortunate to have
hosted this past year. At the center of it all was Proksa Park. As we look forward to 2022, we hope to continue to create unforgettable
outdoor experiences for the community, as we strive in all aspects to bring people together. Stop on by any time, and take a stroll
through our largest park, have a meal at our picnic grove, walk your four-legged friend, play catch with your child, take in the view at our
ponds, try your hand at disc golf, enjoy the vast green terrain perfect for your next athletic game, and create memories all your own.

FEATURING: Proksa Activity Center, Tennis Courts, Disc Golf Course, Baseball Diamonds, Children’s Garden, Playground, Picnic Groves,
              Ponds/Creek, 100-Year Old Tree Grove
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
BERWYN PARK DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        2022

  Facility Information                                                        President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                                                                              General Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
  Freedom Park Administration Building
  3701 Scoville Avenue                                                        Permits and Rentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
  tel: 708-788-1701 fax: 708-788-1345
                                                                              Special Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
  Proksa Park Activity Center                                                 Young Explorers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
  3001 S. Wisconsin Ave
  tel: 708-795-2892 fax: 708-795-2898                                         Youth Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
  Monday – Thursday...........10:00am – 6:00pm                                Youth Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
  Friday ................................9:00am – 12:00pm
                                                                              Teen Programs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
  Liberty Cultural Center
                                                                              Adult Athletics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
  6445 W. 27th Place
  tel: 708-795-2891                                                           Active Adult Programs & Trips	������ 24
                                                                              Affiliates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                                                                              Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

                                                                               Our Mission
                                                                               To enrich the quality of life of the
                                                                               community by providing superior parks,
                                                                               facilities and recreational services in a
                                                                               fiscally responsible manner.

                                                                               Our Vision
                                                                               To be viewed by the citizens of the
                                                                               Berwyn Park District as a valued
                                                                               investment in their daily lives through
                                                                               provision of safe, enjoyable, attractive
                                                                               and environmentally responsible parks
                                                                               and facilities with diverse programs and
                                                                               efficient and responsive services.

PROTECT YOUR PARKS                   Help us out by keeping an eye on your parks! You are the best ones to tell if
something suspicious is happening. Your keen eye will be able to notice! Should you witness any vandalism or
suspicious activities, please call 911 and please share with the Berwyn Park District any information that would
lead to the apprehension of vandals. See Something Say Something and keep our parks safe and clean! Report
anything to the Berwyn Parks by calling: 708-795-2892.

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                          BERWYNPARKS.ORG                                1
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
Winter                                                                                  STAFF CONTACT

                                        Leadership Team                                Recreation Staff
                                        Sandy Fejt                                     PROKSA PARK
                                        EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                             ACTIVITY CENTER
                                                                                       Taip Beshiri
                                                                                       PROGRAM & SPECIAL EVENTS
                                        Deborah Gayon                                  MANAGER - ATHLETICS
                                        SUPERINTENDENT OF RECREATION &       
                                        EXPERIENTIAL PROGRAMMING                       708-956-7871
Board of Commissioners        
                                                                                       Kelly Nagle
Brian Brock............. President                                                     PROGRAM & SPECIAL EVENTS
Ana Espinoza.......... Vice President   Cindy Hayes                                    MANAGER - RECREATION
                                        SUPERINTENDENT OF FINANCE &          
Mario Manfredini.... Secretary
                                        HUMAN RESOURCES                                708-956-7870
Zachary Taylor........ Commissioner
Gretchen Kostelny.. Commissioner                                                       Vanessa Garza
                                                                                       MARKETING MANAGER
                                        John Roberts                         
Our Core Values                         SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS                        708-637-3003

                                                                                       Emilia Barajas
Maintain strong leadership that         708-795-4040
                                                                                       CUSTOMER SERVICE
encourages and sustains collaboration                                                  REPRESENTATIVE
with other organizations.               Parks Staff                          
                                        SUNSHINE PARK MAINTENANCE
Celebrate our rich cultural                                                            Elaine Link
diversity by including all members      Juan Bravo
                                                                                       CUSTOMER SERVICE
of the community in the life            PARK MAINTENANCE
of the Park District.         
EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS                                                                 708-795-2892
Whether it is a stroll in the park,
                                                                                       Deborah Benitez
involvement in a sports program
                                                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD RECREATION
or attendance at a family
                                                                                       LEARNING PROGRAM
special event, our commitment
is to consistently exceed
expectations of the community.                                                         Maggie Martinez
                                                                                       EARLY CHILDHOOD RECREATION
                                                                                       LEARNING PROGRAM
The provision of superior service
to the community requires
the attraction and continuous                                                          Rosemarie Lugay
development of dedicated,               Office Staff                                   EARLY CHILDHOOD RECREATION
highly motivated and                                                                   LEARNING PROGRAM
competent board and staff.              FREEDOM PARK                         
                                        ADMINISTRATION OFFICE
Our organizational practices            Noemy Diaz
will consistently demonstrate           ADMINISTRATION FINANCIAL
commitment to environmental             ASSISTANT
and fiscal sustainability.    

2      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                           Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                                                                             2022

Happy New Year Berwyn!
We live in an area where the changing seasons reveal the beauty of Berwyn from the leafless towering trees reaching to the
gray skies in winter to the pops of color from flowering bulbs peeking through the melting snow of spring. Our 2022 program
guide is also full of change – carefully-designed programs for you to discover new hobbies, athletics, and places in and around
our community for all ages and abilities.

You will see new sports clinics and camps to develop skills, techniques and improve fundamentals for youth. We are also
excited to offer more athletics for adults to stay fit during the winter months. Early childhood courses will supplement
classroom time with exploration in our parks.

New for 2022, based on many requests from the community, we will be hosting concerts in our parks – during the warmer
months. We have an enthusiastic new team full of great ideas on board at the Berwyn Park District. If you have inspirations
and insights for programs and classes, we welcome you to share them at our new email:, where you
will be recognized and heard. We look forward to seeing you at an event or park in the year ahead!

On behalf of the Berwyn Park District Staff and Board of Commissioners.

Brian Brock, President

2022 Board Meetings | Tuesdays at 7pm
The Berwyn Park District Board of Commissioners meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm.
All meetings are held at Proksa Park Activity Center at 3001 S. Wisconsin Ave. unless otherwise noted.
January 18               March 15             May 17              July 19      September 20              November 15
February 15              April 19             June 21             August 16    October 18                December 20

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                     BERWYNPARKS.ORG               3
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
Winter                                                                                          GENERAL GUIDELINES

                        THANK YOU for paying close attention to our guidelines
                       that make our programs a better experience for everyone.

Age Requirements                                                               Program Limitations
When age limitations exist, proof of age (such as a birth certificate)         Each program at the Berwyn Park District has an established
may be required. Participants must be the minimum age required                 minimum and maximum number of participants. These numbers are
for the program by the first day of the program unless otherwise               set to guarantee the highest quality program we can offer and the
stated. Children are not allowed in adult programs and vice-versa.             best experience for the registrants. The facility, student/instructor
Unregistered siblings of participants are not allowed to attend                ratio, and the nature of the program are considered when setting
without permission by the instructor and payment to the park                   program registration numbers. Programs that do not meet the
district as such. Adults may observe children’s programs at the                minimum number of registrants may be cancelled. Please refer to
discretion of the instructor, unless there is a private way to do so           the Program Cancellation section for more information. Program
that does not interfere with the program.                                      instructors are not allowed to accept any registrant beyond the
                                                                               established maximum without authorization by their immediate
Errors/Typos in Brochure                                                       supervisor.
Though we try our best, due to the large amount of information
available in the Berwyn Park District Program Guide, errors after              Do you know about our Financial Assistance
publication may occur. We apologize for any inconvenience this may             Scholarship Program?
cause. When errors do occur, we will make every effort to advise               The Berwyn Park District offers a Scholarship Program for those
you of the changes as quickly as possible. We will also attempt to             who qualify for financial assistance. Applicants who qualify for
keep information on our website,, as current as                financial assistance may receive partial or full program assistance
possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.                       for Berwyn Park District programming. Those who apply will be
                                                                               required to complete an application listing current finances.
Non-Sufficient Funds
There will be a $35 charge per check or checking account that is               Your Feedback is Important!
returned with non-sufficient funds.                                            Please email us at and let us know how
                                                                               your program was! We appreciate your feedback and opinions and
Payment/Pro-rating                                                             want to improve our services often to better our programs for you.
Participants will not be registered for a program without payment.             After your program/session has ended, feel free to send us program-
Program fees will not be pro-rated for late enrollment.                        specific feedback. Please take a few moments to provide your
                                                                               opinion. This information will help guide us in the future.
Photo/Video Disclaimer
All participants permit the taking of photos and/or video of                   Ideas and Instructors Wanted!
themselves and their children at Park District activities, programs,           Do you have a special talent you’d like to share? We are always
events, and facilities for publication and use as the Park District            interested in new ideas for our residents. If you enjoy working with
deems necessary in all marketing materials and social media                    people and have great ideas please let us know! If you are interested
avenues. If you and your child do not wish to be photographed or               in helping us, please reach out to us at or
videotaped, a written objection must be filed with the Park District. today!
Pictures depicting people without the use of face coverings were
take prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Berwyn Park District has              Cancellation/Refund/Transfer
and will continue to follow guidelines set forth by CDC, IDPH, DCEO            A $5 service charge will be charged to the participant if a program is
and other agencies.                                                            cancelled before the program or session begins. No refunds will be
                                                                               issued if the program has met.
Avoid Cancellations
Register early to avoid full classes or cancelled programs. We do
need a minimum number to run our classes and you can help us
by registering early and encouraging your friends to do the same.
When we have high interest, we can possibly arrange for another
class so please call or register online up to 4 weeks in advance to let        For more information,
us know you are interested! Please make sure your email and phone/             visit or call us!
text number are included in your registration so we can contact you
with any registration information or program updates. The park                 Proksa Park. . . . . . . . . . . . 708-795-2892
district maintains the right to open, close and add classes.                   Freedom Park. . . . . . . . . . 708-788-1701

4      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                              Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
GARDENING                                                                                                        2022

             Garden Club
             The Berwyn Park District Garden Club is sponsored and funded by the park district.
             The club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month in the Park View room at the Proksa
             Park Activity Center at 6:30pm. Located at 3001 S. Wisconsin Avenue, Proksa Park has
             many gardens to tend to and discuss at meetings. Occasional special functions are held
             off-site and are posted on the website.

             We are always looking for new members and new ideas. New members please inquire
             at the Proksa Park Activity Center or email: We will be
             happy to introduce you to members, give you a tour of the park and even help you
             identify plants until your comfort level increases.
             All meetings listed on our website.
             AGE: 18+
             Location: Proksa Park Park View Room

                                                         Community Garden
                                                         The Community Garden is a wonderful way to meet
                                                         new people and grow a garden when you may
                                                         not have the space of your own. We are happy to
                                                         provide this to our residents who have experienced
                                                         great growing seasons! Garden beds are available
                                                         for use for a $30/$60 fee at Proksa Park. Each
                                                         garden bed rental lasts for one season, April through
                                                         September. If you tended a garden the previous
                                                         season, you will receive first priority the following
                                                         year. However, by March 15th, unreserved beds will
                                                         be made available to other community members,
                                                         who may choose any bed they want for a fee. Limit
                                                         two (2) garden beds per person.
                                                         Fee: $30R / $60NR

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                         BERWYNPARKS.ORG     5
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
Winter                                                                   PARK PERMITS & RENTALS

Reservable Picnic Areas
Proksa, Freedom and Sunshine Parks have reservable picnic areas that you may rent daily May 1 through October 31. Picnic
permits are available for specific times only; Sunshine Park: 12-5pm and Proksa and Freedom Parks: 9-2pm and 3-8pm.
Each picnic area will have five picnic tables which can seat 10 adults. Picnic permits and picnic rules may be obtained at the
Proksa Park Activity Center during business hours. No reservations will be confirmed without payment. Proof of residency is
required if seeking the resident rate. **Deposit is always $100 for groups of 100 or more.

                                                                                              Resident            Non-Resident
                                                     Sunshine Park
                                                     Sunshine Park Permit                     $50                 $80
                                                     Sunshine Grove Capacity                  50 people           50 people

                                                     Freedom Park**
                                                     Freedom Park Permit                      $50                 $80
                                                     Freedom Grove Capacity                   75 people           75 people

                                                     Proksa Park**
                                                     Proksa Park Permit                       $50                 $80
                                                     Proksa South Home                        50 people           50 people
                                                     Proksa South Playground                  50 people           50 people
                                                     Proksa South (Home + Playground)         125 people          125 people
                                                     Proksa East Grove                        125 people          125 people

                                                     Reservable Athletic Fields
                                                     Freedom Park Turf Field                  $75 per hour        $85 per hour
                                                     Proksa Ballfields (East or West)         $50 per hour        $60 per hour
                                                     Proksa Ballfield Lighting Fee            $25 per hour        $25 per hour

Reservable Wedding Permit                            Basic Ceremony                           $250

                                                     Add chairs, sound & set-up
                                                     Add +25-100 people                       $500-$800 ($100/per 25 guests)

Reservable Park View Room                                                                     Resident            Non-Resident

3001 South Wisconsin Avenue,                         Maximum People                           75 people           75 people
Berwyn, IL, 60402                                    Deposit                                  $100                $100
We’ve got the perfect space for your party,          Two (2) Hours                            $175                $200
reunion, shower, meeting room or corporate           Each Additional Hour                     $70                 $115
planning session! Our Park View rental space
                                                     Rental Add-ons
includes setup of tables and chairs for 75
guests, use of the kitchenette, ample street         Add a 10’X10’ tent                       $100                $150
parking, and access to the beautiful Proksa          Add a 20’X20’ tent                       $250                $300
Park grounds.

To rent a canopy or to request to set up your own canopy, call Proksa Park Activity Center Customer
Service at 708-795-2892 at least three full business days before your event

6     BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                  Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
LIBERTY CULTURAL CENTER                                                                                             2022

  A Place to Celebrate Your Special Events
  & Occasions

 The Liberty Cultural Center is located at 6445 W. 27th Place. Once a thriving community space
 called Sokol Tabor Hall is now a hidden gem for many private parties, owned and operated by the
 Berwyn Park District. Currently host to numerous programs, athletic and fine art classes, this unique
 rental space is available and comfortably seats 200 guests for your next event.

 EVENT RENTAL		                                     Resident          Non-Resident       Available to you are:
 Maximum Guests		                                   200 people        200 people         • Entire gymnasium
 Deposit		                                          $200              $200               • Gender-neutral restrooms

 SATURDAY                                                                                • Stage with lighting & sound
 Banquet/Event Package             6pm-12am         $1200             $1500 (25%)        • Parking lot
 Afternoon Package                 12-4pm           $500              $625                  (40 spaces + 2 accessible spaces)

 SUNDAY                                                                                  • Hourly and Half-Day rentals available
 Deposit		                                          $200              $200               • On-site liquor license
 Afternoon Package                 12-4pm           $500              $625
                                                                                         • Tables and Chairs
 Beverage Package Options
 Tier 1 Package – Hessler & Smirz          |    Tier 2 Package – Mraz & Karasek      |   Tier 3 Package – Freedom & Liberty

 GYMNASIUM RENTAL		                      Resident             Non-Resident
 Hourly Rental		                         $75/hr               $125/hr

 Hourly Rental as Available		            $75/hr               $125/hr

Please call our Freedom Administration Office or our Proksa Park Activity Center for more information
and pricing at: 708-788-1701 or 708-795-2892. Or you may email us at:

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                         BERWYNPARKS.ORG                7
GUIDE WINTER | SPRING 2022 - the Berwyn Park District
Winter                                                                     SPECIAL EVENTS

                             Saturday, May 14 | 9:00am to 12:00pm

             Pay It                             Annual Park Cleanup
                                                Smirz Park                                         FREE

            Forward                             All Ages, All Abilities Welcome
                                                Program # R4006-101

                                                The Berwyn Park District services over 55,000 Berwyn
                                                residents by providing superior parks, facilities, and
                                                recreational services to the community. We have many
                                                projects we would like to do but almost never enough hands! That’s
                                                where you come in! Our Pay It Forward program is an opportunity
                                                for community members to help work in the park to make it a better
                                                place for all of us. Pay it Forward days are one day a season for a
                                                few hours and will leave a lasting impression on our parks that the
                                                community can be proud of. Pre-registration is appreciated but not
                                                required. Lunch will be provided for the volunteers! Projects will be
                                                discussed as we get closer.
                                                THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE HOURS
                                                “Many hands make light work!” - John Heywood

                                    IN THE PARK
                                  ROCK OUT this summer with us!
                                    Enjoy your favorite tunes from awesome bands
                              in the most beautiful park in town! Friends, food and fun
                               for FREE! Bring a chair, pack a picnic, sit back and relax -
                                              it’s that easy. Check it out!

                                   7-9pm | Thursdays | Proksa Park
                                       June 16, 2022 – High and Lonesome
                                          July 14, 2022 – Vinyl Destination
                                                 August 18, 2022 – TBA

8   BERWYN PARK DISTRICT              Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
SPECIAL EVENTS                                                                                                         2022

 Summ e r t i m e

Saturday, Jun 11 & Aug 20                                              We are excited to be hosting our Annual Summertime
9:00am - 3:00pm                                                        Garage Sale. Spring Cleaning Starts Now! Toys, Clothing,
                                                                       Electronics, Books, Decorations, Kitchen items,
S110620-101       $30R/$60NR per spot
                                                                       Furniture, Tools, Baby items, Antiques and more!
S110620-102       $40R/$70NR per spot with table + chair
                                                                       The Berwyn Park District will be hosting our massive Summertime
18 and over to sell | All ages welcome to attend!
                                                                       Neighborhood Garage Sale at Proksa Park and we invite our
                             at Proksa Park Baseball Fields            community to start getting ready! Bargain shoppers beware!

special event
Sunday, January 23
5:00-7:00pm FREE Event
Program # S110621-104
Join us for our first Zumbathon!

Dance, exercise, and have a great
time with friends! Along with our
lively fitness routines and upbeat
music, take part in our surprise

Liberty Cultural Center Gym
6445 27th Place

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                           BERWYNPARKS.ORG               9
Winter                                                                                             SPECIAL EVENTS

      Arbor Day
           April 21-29, 2022
A week-long celebration of trees!
April 21-29, 2022, we will be celebrating all things
Activities for the whole family! From geocaching to neighborhood tree
walks, we will be busy celebrating all things trees!
Check and berwynparks on our social media as we gear
up for this tremendous celebration! Program #: S110622C


              Friday, April 15 | 10am
                      (behind the building) (Free)

          Jump on over for a hopping great time filled
    with fun and prizes, to celebrate our long-eared friend
           this Spring. How many eggs can you find?
We will hunt for eggs in a staggered-age start to give small bunnies
 a chance - begins promptly at 10am. Bring your own bag please.
                             Program# S1106 07
                  Stay for pictures and snacks indoors! @11AM
           $15(Pre-Book your scheduled picture time with the Bunny!)

10   BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                       Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
YOUNG EXPLORER PROGRAMS                                                                                                               2022

                                                                                             Snow Fun!
                                                                                It’s SNOW FUN being cooped up indoors all winter! Come and enjoy a
                                                                                blizzard of wintertime activities at Proksa Park! No snow! S’no problem!
                                                                                Create snowflakes of your own.
                                                                                AGE: 4-5 (Parent & Child)
                                                                                Program # Day Date             Time             Fee R/NR Register By
                                                                                R1027-101     Tu     Feb 1     12:00-1:00pm $10/$15          Jan 20
                                                                                R1027-102     Tu     Feb 15 12:00-1:00pm $10/$15             Feb 1
                                                                                R1027-103     Tu     Mar 8 12:00-1:00pm $10/$15              Feb 25
                                                                                Location: Proksa Park Activity Center: Park View Room

                                                                                             Tracks & Traces
                                                                                What lives here and what does it do best? What flies south for the
                                                                                winter and how do you know? We will go outside and search for clues of
              Nature A to Z                                                     what has been around Proksa Park this winter and see if we can tell the
Kids and Parents have fun learning your ABC’s as you search Proksa              story of what is going on during the winter, even when we can’t see the
Park for natural signs and objects that start with each letter of the           animals. We can still see evidence that they are still here!
alphabet. It’s a lot harder than you think! Challenge your siblings, friends,   AGE: 4-5 (Parent & Child)
scout troops or youth groups. Any one can participate in this year-round        Program # Day Date             Time             Fee R/NR Register By
activity! Pick up your Nature A to Z Scavenger Hunt page at the                 R1026-101    Tu       Feb 8 12:00-1:00pm $10/$15             Feb 1
front desk.                                                                     R1026-102 Tu          Feb 22 12:00-1:00pm $10/$15            Feb 15
AGE: All                                                                        R1026-103 Tu          Mar 15 12:00-1:00pm $10/$15            Mar 8
Program # Day             Date           Time                  Fee R/NR         Location: Proksa Park Activity Center: Park View Room
R1025-101       M-F       Year Round     9:00am-4:00pm         FREE
Location: Proksa Park Activity Center: Park View Room

    Volunteer With Us!
    The Berwyn Park District enjoys the help of the community-minded
    volunteers who value taking care of our open and community spaces.
    Volunteers are fundamental in supporting our successful special
    events and programs, and serving as conservation stewards
    to our gardens and natural areas.

    Positions are currently available for:
    Gardening • Site Assistant • Program Assistant

    If you are interested in training to become a volunteer
    at the Berwyn Park District, please contact the park district
    at 708-795-2893 or visit our website at
    to complete a volunteer interest form today.

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                                        BERWYNPARKS.ORG                   11
Winter                                                                      YOUNG EXPLORER PROGRAMS

             Cupid’s Cuties                                                                 Watermelon Sugar
Cupid’s arrow is working his magic this Valentine’s Day! Come share           With summer coming, a focus on all things fun seems like a natural
some love with your little one as you create a special valentine together.    fit. Leap on over and bring your little one to spend some special time
You and your young artist will create a masterpiece that you will never       together as we buzz through an activity. Get ready to make a project
forget! Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.                          that flutters by to take home. Children must be accompanied by a
AGE: 2-6                                                                      caregiver.
Program # Day           Date            Time                  Fee R/NR        AGE: 2-6
R1028-101      F        Feb 11          12-1 pm               $30/$40         Program # Day            Date             Time               Fee R/NR
Location: Freedom Park Classroom                                              R1028-103      F         May 6            12-1 pm            $30/$40
                                                                              Location: Freedom Park Classroom
             Rainbow’s & Clovers
Lucky Leprechauns have found the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow.        Busy Bees
Come help us make your very own rainbow project with your little              Get busy with your little bee in this adult and child cooperative class!
leprechaun to celebrate the spring season and the good luck that comes        Enjoy experiences and quality time together as you strengthen your
with it. Sometimes a little bit-o-luck goes a long way. You will receive      relationship and enjoy all things play-time! Explore early socialization,
a special bookmark to always have a rainbow reminder while you read.          shapes, sizes, and colors through play, music, and games.
Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.                                  AGE: 6 MONTH-4 YEARS, CHILD + ADULT CLASS
AGE: 2-6                                                                      Program # Day           Date            Time                Fee R/NR
Program # Day           Date             Time                Fee R/NR         R1002-101      Th       Jan 13 -Mar 10 9:30-10:15am         $75/$85
R1028-102     F         Mar 11           12-1 pm             $30/$40          Register by: Jan 7
Location: Freedom Park Classroom                                              Location: Proksa Park: Park View Room

                                                                                            Rainbow Room 3’s
                                                                              Let’s get 3-year olds ready for this busy world we live in as they sing,
                                                                              dance and role play the day away with art, messy science and more!
                                                                              This super-charged introduction to shapes, colors, numbers and
                                                                              letters in a park setting could not be more fun! Learn to share, read,
                                                                              act and more as your young adventurer discovers the art of friendship
                                                                              and what school is all about. All kids will gain transition skills, easily
                                                                              learn to follow directions and develop independence and confidence.
                                                                              Children may be in pull-ups, but parents are required to be available
                                                                              for changing as needed. Children must be age 3 before the start of the
                                                                              AGE: 3 YEARS
                                                                              Program # Day            Date           Time                  Fee R/NR
                                                                              R1001-101       M,W,F Jan 10-May 6 10:00-11:30am              $450/$500
                                                                              Register by: Jan 7
                                                                              Location: Freedom Park Classroom

                                                                                            Messy Mondays!
                                                                              Start the week out right - Slime, Ooze, Wet and Dirty – Let us have
             April Showers                                                    the fun with your little one and keep the mess at our place! We will
Bring May flowers … but first – we need to get messy using water and          provide all of the materials if you bring your child and all of your
dirt! April showers will be our inspiration as we welcome spring together     creativity together. No experience necessary! No cleanup necessary!
and talk about flowers. Come and plant your first spring flower together      Old clothing and a happy child recommended.
and give it a sprinkle of water and love before you take it home. You         AGE: 2-6 WITH A CAREGIVER
will make the pot all by yourself! Children must be accompanied by a          Program # Day Date              Time             Fee R/NR Register By
caregiver in this hands-on green-thumbs class.                                R1009-101 M          Jan 24 12:00-1:00pm $20/$30               Jan 17
AGE: 2-6                                                                      R1009-102 M          Feb 21 12:00-1:00pm $20/$30               Feb 14
Program # Day             Date            Time                Fee R/NR        R1009-103 M          Mar 21 12:00-1:00pm $20/$30               Mar 14
R1028-104       F         Apr 8           12-1 pm             $30/$40         R1009-104 M          Apr 25 12:00-1:00pm $20/$30               Apr 18
Location: Freedom Park Classroom                                              Location: Freedom Park Classroom

12      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                             Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUES                                                                                                    2022

                                                                          EQUIPMENT AND UNIFORMS
                                                                          Indoor Soccer: Please wear athletic shorts with shin
                                                                          guards and athletic shoes. Cleats should not be worn
                                                                          for indoor soccer. T-shirts are provided.
                                                                          Outdoor Soccer: The Park District provides uniforms
                                                                          (jersey, shorts, and socks) that should be worn to all games,
                                                                          unless temperatures warrant sweatpants. Each player is
                                                                          responsible for the following: all-purpose athletic rubber
                                                                          cleats, shin guards, and a ball (size #3 for pre-K-grade 2,
                                                                          #4 for grades 3-6).

                                                                          Indoor Soccer: League format is games only.
                                                                          • Game times are between 12:00-6:00pm.
                                                                          • Teams practice at Freedom and Heritage Middle School(s)
                                                                             – Tuesdays or Thursdays. Schedule to be given to Coaches.
                                                                          • Games at Heritage Middle School – Saturdays.
                                                                          Outdoor Soccer: Practices start one week before games;
                                                                          coaches will announce days, times, and locations.
                                                                          All ages play on Saturdays if weather permits.
Team up this Winter and Spring with the Berwyn Park
District! The Winter Futsal and Spring Soccer programs
put an emphasis on the development of your child athlete
as an individual and an athlete, rather than just on the                  COACHES NEEDED
competitive aspect of winning. The program strives to                     INTERESTED IN COACHING?
provide a fun and secure atmosphere where children can                    Volunteers are needed to coach our youth
learn respect, sportsmanship and skills. All players receive              for approximately three hours per week; no
equal playing time and are introduced to all positions. We                experience is necessary.
offer soccer programming in the spring, fall and winter.
                                                                          Not sure if you have what it takes?
ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR                                                     The Park District will conduct preseason orientation
Attitude and Behavior while on a Berwyn Park District                     evaluations so we
team and while on our property is a top priority and we                   can setup teams
expect the utmost respect, integrity and fair play while you              with an emphasis
are here – and that is for coaches and the players. Should                on player and skill
any team, coach or player not be following this a discussion              development,
will occur immediately.
                                                                          sportsmanship, and fun.

                                                                          To volunteer, call the
Teams are organized by age and grade and are co-ed, and
may be combined if necessary. Staff will contact you if                   Proksa Park Activity Center
changes are needed. Players will be added to teams with                   at 708-795-2892 or download
space available in the order of registration.                             the coaching application
                                                                          on our website.
Coaches will contact players 1-2 weeks prior to the first
scheduled game. Game schedules will be emailed to all
registered players.

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                            BERWYNPARKS.ORG              13
Winter                                                                                                        YOUTH SPORTS
Kick it off with 2022 FUTSAL! Fully engages ALL of the players while
on the court, and makes players have constant touches on the ball. This
will continue to help develop quick decision making and a high level of
confidence on the ball.
• Improves players decision making skills
• Provides players with more touches on the ball
• The heavier ball increases the power of players
• Develops the confidence in players to go 1v1 against their opponent
• Allows players to be creative in getting around their opposition
• Improves reaction time.
Tuesday, January 18 Orientation Day
TIME: 6:15pm (AGES 4-6) 7:00pm (AGES 7-9) 7:45pm (AGES 10-12)
Practice begins January 25th • Games begin January 29th
AGE: 4-12
Program # Day                Date               Time         Fee R/NR
A2015-101       T, Th, Sa    Jan 18-Mar 26      Varies       $75/$85
Register by: Jan 10
Location: Freedom Middle School

                                                                               Spring Soccer
                                                                               Kicking off a NEW experience at the Berwyn Park District for our Spring
                                                                               2022 Soccer program! Practicing and playing with instruction from USSF
                                                                               curriculum, teaching fundamentals of soccer as a game: technical (skill),
                                                                               tactical (strategy) physical and psychosocial (mindset). For all ages and
                                                                               skill levels with emphasis on learning, team building, discipline and fun
                                                                               while playing. Your athlete will love coming to practice each week, as
                                                                               you see them grow in ability, effort, attitude, and sportsmanship.
                                                                               Player Orientation Apr 6 *
                                                                               Coaches Meeting: Apr 8 *
                                                                               PRACTICES: Wed - 5:30-8:30pm
                                                                               GAMES: Sa - 9-3pm | No games Memorial Day weekend.
                                                                               AGE: 4-14
                                                                               Program #     Day           Dates              Fee R/NR
                                                                               Ages 4-6
                                                                               A2009-101     Sa/W          Apr 6-Jun 15       $90/$120
                                                                               Ages 7-9
                                                                               A2009-102     Sa/W          Apr 6-Jun 15       $90/$120
                                                                               Ages 10-12
                                                                               A2009-103     Sa/W          Apr 6-Jun 15       $90/$120
                                                                               Ages 13-14
                                                                               A2009-104     Sa/W          Apr 6-Jun 15       $90/$120
                                                                               Registration Closes: Mar 16
                                                                               Location: Freedom Park Turf Soccer Field

14     BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                               Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
YOUTH FITNESS                                                                                                                          2022

Developmental Soccer Academy
Accelerate your athlete’s technique during this intensive soccer
academy. We will focus on increasing speed of play, decision making,
competitiveness, discipline, and technical ability to perform at higher
levels. Boosting player confidence with positive encouragement makes
for increased progress, creating results-driven and overall steadfast
competitors. Designed to challenge every player regardless of their
skill level or position. Small group of players training in competitive
environment to gain insight from coaching expert, who has experience
preparing players for collegiate and pro-level play.                       Kid’s Karate Club
AGE: 13-18                                                                 The Kid’s Karate Club is a high energy, progressive, motivational martial
Program # Day               Date            Time               Fee R/NR    arts program developed specifically for kids to have fun while learning.
A3026-101        Th         Apr 7-28        5:30-7:00pm        $150/$180   Students will learn stances, strikes, blocks, kicks and sparring techniques
Register by: Mar 15                                                        all while building confidence. They will learn about strangers and how to
Location: Freedom Park Soccer Field                                        combine the techniques they learn to protect themselves. This program
                                                                           targets many building blocks for children today; respect, self-esteem,
                                                                           leadership, and making good choices. This is a year-round progressive
   Kickball League Interest List                                           martial arts program with belt progression through Black Belt. This
                                                                           program comes with the “Never Miss a Class Guarantee.” If a student
                                                                           misses a class (i.e. schedule conflict, sick, etc) or the center closes for any
   We hear you!                                                            reason, the missed classes will be available with pre-recorded, instructor
                                                                           led classes by belt level. Kid’s Karate Club uniforms are required and are
   Looking to join                                                         available at or from the instructor at class (needed
                                                                           by the second week of class). Parents may participate with their children
   a Kickball League                                                       at no cost other than purchasing a parent helper karate club uniform. For
   or a pick-up game?                                                      more info visit:
                                                                           AGE: 4-17
   Join our Kickball                                                       Program # Day Date                      Time             Fee R/NR Register By
                                                                                                 Jan 12-Mar 9      6-6:45pm         $60/$70     Jan 2
   interest list!                                                                        W Mar 16-May 11 6-6:45pm                   $60/$70     Mar 6
                                                                                         W May 18-July 13 6-6:45pm                  $60/$70     May 8
     Details coming soon – join the list!                                                   Jan 12-Mar 9     6:45-7:30pm $60/$70 Jan 2
          Email:                                               W Mar 16-May 11 6:45-7:30pm $60/$70 Mar 6
                or call 708-795-2892.                                                  W May 18-July 13 6:45-7:30pm $60/$70 May 8
                                                                           Location: Liberty Cultural Center

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                                      BERWYNPARKS.ORG                       15
Winter                                                                                               YOUTH PROGRAMS
AbraCaDabRa!                                                                               Berwyn Rocks!
We can all finally admit that we are intrigued by magic. How things          Rock climbing basics - learn to climb a rock wall - one step at a time with
disappear and reappear right before our eyes! We can finally learn tricks    our certified instructors. This basic rock-climbing course will teach you
of your very own to amaze your friends. Through these private lessons,       the footing, hook-ups and terminology to take you to the top of Mount
from the famous and talented Gary Kantor magician, you will meet at          Freedom! All rock climbers will receive a certificate upon completion.
the Oak Park location …. Make your reservation fast! Because before          AGE: 10-12
you know it – POOF!                                                          Program # Day              Date            Time              Fee R/NR
AGE: 5-12                                                                    R3049-101       Su         Apr 3           3:00-4:30pm       $20/$30
Program # Day              Date           Time             Fee R/NR                                     Apr 10          3:00-4:30pm       $20/$30
               Tu          Jan 18         6:45-7:40pm      $20               Location: Freedom Middle School
Register by: Jan 12
R2003-102 W              Mar 16          5:00-5:55pm       $20
Register by: Mar 10
R2003-103 W              May 18          6:45-7:40pm       $20
Register by: May 12
Location: Park District of Oak Park

                                                                                           Guitar 101
                                                                             Pick up a new skill this New Year and join us for our beginner’s crash
                                                                             course on guitar! In this class, we will learn to understand the basics
                                                                             of chords, notes, strumming patterns, rhythm, and how to apply your
                                                                             lessons to learn any of your favorite songs!
                                                                             Students must supply their own guitar.
                                                                             AGE: 7-12(MONDAY), 13-18(TUESDAY)
                                                                             Program # Day               Date            Time              Fee R/NR
                                                                             R3050-101      M                            4:30-6:00pm       $80/$100
                                                                             R3050-102 Tu                                4:30-6:00pm       $80/$100
                                                                             Location: Proksa Park Park View Room

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
Come on, let’s go and play! Get Outside this Winter and
make a snowman at your favorite park for everyone
to enjoy! Snap a photo and tag us at #BerwynParks to
show us what you love about your favorite parks and
your wonderful day at the park district.

Bundle up and Go Play!

16      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                            Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
TEEN TRIPS                                                                                                                        2022

             Pilsen Art Walk Tour
Want to see something cool? According to TimeOut, Pilsen rated #10
on their list of the “50 Coolest Neighborhoods in the World”! One of the
most distinct characteristics that sets this town apart is their strong
art presence, murals both historical and new, and its encouragement
of public art. Come along, as our tour guide takes you through the art
throughout the city. You may even spot some artist’s at work!
AGE: 13-17
Program # Day              Date        Time                  Fee R/NR
R3051-101        Su        May 8       9:00am-2:00pm         $25/$40
Register by: May 1
Location: Meet at the Berwyn Train Station

The Escape Game Chicago
Choose your own adventure! Whether you go on to explore the planet
Mars, as you rush to fix your damaged spacecraft, or take part in an art
heist without getting caught, or perhaps compete to find gold against an
angry mob, the highly rated “Escape Game Chicago” has only the most
thrilling immersive experiences. Are you up for the challenge? Work with
your team and solve your mission!
AGE: 13-17
Program # Day             Date        Time                  Fee R/NR
R3053-103 M               Feb 21      4:00-7:30pm           $45/$60
Register by: Feb 18
Location: Proksa Park Activity Center

                                                                                        Galloping Ghost Arcade
                                                                           Ready to beat a gamer’s high score? The Galloping Ghost Arcade located
                                                                           in Brookfield, IL, is the largest arcade in the nation, with over 550+
                                                                           games! From retro games, to rare consoles, to new releases, all the
                                                                           games are free to play with your ticket of entry. Whether you are a pro-
                                                                           gamer or a casual player, we welcome you to come along and explore
                                                                           this indoor maze of games.
                                                                           AGE: 13-17
                                                                           Program # Day                Date         Time                 Fee R/NR
                                                                                                        Apr 3        10:00am-1pm          $30/$45
                                                                           Register by: Feb 18
                                                                           Location: Galloping Ghost Arcade
                                                                           Meeting Location: Proksa Park Activity Center

                                                                                        Museum of Illusions
                                                                           “You won’t believe your eyes…” Welcome to the amazing world of
                                                                           illusions! Experience over 80 mind-bending exhibits that will shock your
                                                                           senses and puzzle your perception, at Chicago’s Museum of Illusions.
                                                                           AGE: 13-17
                                                                           Program # Day              Date         Time              Fee R/NR
                                                                                                      Mar 13       12:00-5pm         $25/$40
                                                                           Register by: Mar 1
                                                                           Meeting Location: Proksa Park Activity Center.
                                                                                                 Departing at 9:00am.

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                                   BERWYNPARKS.ORG                   17
Winter                                                                                                  ADULT ATHLETICS

             Basketball Open Gym                                                            Pickleball Open Gym
Drop in and shoot hoops with a group of friends or sharpen your skills all    Grab a friend and a racquet and try the new sport that is all the rage!
by yourself. Whatever the case, we will have a warm gym waiting for           Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong – just
you and 2 basketball nets. Liberty Cultural Center has restrooms, please      enough to keep you on your toes. Played indoors with a net lowered to
bring your own water bottle and basketball. Wear gym shoes. During            34,” it is played with a perforated ball and paddles. Easy for beginners to
snowy weather, please bring a change of shoes.                                learn and difficult to stop playing once you get the hang of it. This open
AGE: 18+                                                                      gym is for BEGINNERS ONLY and available on Mondays. Each player
Program # Day            Date            Time                 Fee R/NR        must register each day they plan to attend! Spaces are limited and will
A2018-101     Su         Feb 6-Apr 17 3:00-6:00pm             $5/$10          fill up!
Location: Liberty Cultural Center Gymnasium                                   AGE: 18+
                                                                              Program # Day              Date            Time                 Fee R/NR
                                                                              A4020-101        M         Feb 7-Apr 4 9:00am-12:00pm $3/$5
                                                                              Location: Liberty Cultural Center Gymnasium
                                                                              Punch card pass available for a $$ savings

                                                                                            Pickleball Clinics
                                                                              This three-week BEGINNER clinic will teach you the basics of pickleball
                                                                              and help prepare you for our open pickleball time to play with beginners
                                                                              and advance up to the intermediate level. Skills that are covered in this
                                                                              clinic include rules, forehand and backhand shots, court positioning,
                                                                              dinks, lobs, serves and footwork. Not only will you learn the game, but
                                                                              you will have fun doing it too and be able to advance your play!
                                                                              AGE: 18+
                                                                              Program # Day               Date          Time                 Fee R/NR
                                                                              A4020-102 M                 Feb 7-21      1:00-2:00pm          $35/$45
                                                                              Register by: Feb 1
                                                                              Location: Liberty Cultural Center Gymnasium

18      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                             Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
ADULT ATHLETICS                                                                                                     2022

                                                                              Shadow Creek
                                                                              Disc Golf Leagues
                                                                              Grab your discs and a friend and sign up for this
                                                                              competitive Disc Golf League consisting of single
                                                                              match play each week. Head-to-head, week-by-
                                                                              week, players will be randomly chosen and play
                                                                              each hole twice for the full 18-hole experience
                                                                              and report your scores weekly. Buckle up players
                                                                              – they are getting better each week and the
                                                                              league is growing.

                                                                               WINTER WEEKLIES
                                                                              Shadow Creek Disc Golf League
                                                                              Just like the name sounds, this league hosts weekly
                                                                              get-togethers at the same course. Don’t get iced-out
                                                                              and miss this 12-week snowy opportunity to brush up
                                                                              on your skills! A great way to meet other die-hard disc
                                                                              golfers, while experiencing some casual competition.
                                                                              These events will help you learn disc golf rules and
                                                                              etiquette in a friendly setting. Midwest winters will
                                                                              keep you in shape as you golf your way through
                                                                              18-holes a week in a beautiful setting.
                                                                              AGE: 18+
                                                                              Program # A4008-101
                                                                              Day           Date           Time        Fee R/NR
            Beginning Disc Golf                                               varies         Jan 10-Apr 1 varies       $50/$70
Just like the name sounds, this is for the newbies out there that             Late Fee: $20
want to know what this is all about! The same course, slow pace, no           Location: Proksa Park Disc Golf Course

competition – just learning the ropes, or the chains really. Springtime
                                                                               SPRING WEEKLIES
opportunity to learn something new! Grab a friend and treat yourself
to a New Year’s resolution – a great way to kick off the new year             Shadow Creek Disc Golf League
                                                                              You thought Winter was fun? Just like the name
Fresh air, beautiful landscape, low key, no-impact sport. You will
                                                                              sounds, join us for weekly get-togethers at the same
receive discs just for signing up and 6 weeks of great instruction – we       course. Spring into spring for this 10-week league
are going to make this SO EASY on you, you will want to come back             play. This league hosts weekly get-togethers at the
for more! Free Awesome T-Shirt to the first 5 signed up!                      same course. A great way to meet other die-hard disc
                                                                              golfers, while experiencing some casual competition.
Sponsorship is available for the disc golf holes. If you are                  These events will help you learn disc golf rules and
interested in Sponsorships for Disc Golf, please contact the Proksa           etiquette in a friendly setting.
Park Activity Center or write to:                    AGE: 18+
                                                                              Program # A4008-102
AGE: 18+                                                                      Day           Date           Time        Fee R/NR
                                                                              varies        Apr 11-Jun 17 varies       $50/$70
Program #    Day     Date           Time          Fee R/NR
                                                                              Late Fee: $20
A40011-101   Th      Apr 7 - Jun 2  6-7:30pm      $50/$70                     Location: Proksa Park Disc Golf Course
Location: Proksa Park Shadow Creek Disc Golf Course
     Please call 708-795-2892 to ‘see something, say something’ and report vandalism or damage immediately.

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                     BERWYNPARKS.ORG                   19
Winter                                                                                          ADULT PROGRAMS

Walk in Your Parks!
Walking is the best way to get outside,
see your town and explore what is
happening in your parks. Enjoy sunrise
and sunset while getting some exercise.
The only equipment you need is you!

Proksa Park                   Freedom Park
2 laps = 1 mile               4 laps = 1 mile

Go the Distance and Walk in Your Parks
From your back door to just about anywhere – there
is a Berwyn Park near you! From park to park, it
is just a short distance for you and a friend, your
four-legged best friend or just you and a hot cup of
coffee. Make it a resolution to get some fresh air this
new year and log some miles in your Berwyn parks!

Freedom Park to Smirz Park
16 minute walk - 0.8 miles
Smirz Park to Karban Dog Park                             Loops of Love
9 minute walk - 0.4 miles                                 Join the Loops of Love in our Park View room each week, as they set out to influence
                                                          the community one stitch at a time. These creative masterminds are artists that
Hessler Park to Karasek Park
                                                          spend each week giving their talents and together they share stitches, stories,
4 minute walk - 0.2 miles
                                                          patterns, yarn sales, and a history and you can be a part of this too! They won’t leave
Karasek Park to Proksa Park                               any blanket unturned as they create beautiful blankets and beanies for hospitals
13 minute walk - 0.6 miles                                nearby for infants in our very own community. Create Loops of Love or donate to
                                                          this partnership opportunity to support your community – reach out, we welcome all
Proksa Park to Sunshine Park                              abilities and newcomers!
8 minute Walk - 0.4 miles                                 *No experience necessary, but helpful. Positive attitude desired!
                                                          AGE: ALL AGES
Serenity Park to Mraz Park
                                                          Program # Day              Date           Time              Fee
11 minute walk - 0.6 miles
                                                          R5001-101       Th         Ongoing        12:30-2:00pm      FREE
Sunshine Park to 27th Place Park                          Location: Proksa Park Activity Center
11 minute walk - 0.5 miles
                                                          Couples Paint Night
Visit us at for more                      Try something new this Valentine’s Day and join us for our Couples Paint night!
information on our parks. Walking or running              Whether you’re on your first date, or celebrating your 10th anniversary, a paint night
is a perfect way for you to enjoy                         can be a new, and creative way to unwind and connect to the ones you love most. Our
the 5Kmyway and                                           class includes all the necessary supplies needed and will be taught step-by-step. All
                                                          skill levels are encouraged to join! You’ll take home a great painting, and even better
10Kmyway reward
programs or use other
                                                          ADULTS 18+
apps on your phone
                                                          Program # Day              Date             Time              Fee R/NR
to watch your progress                                                                                5:00-8:00pm		     $30/$45 Per Person
and meet your goals.                                      Register by: Feb 1
                                                          Location: Proksa Park Activity Center

20      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                     Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
ADULT PROGRAMS                                                                                                                         2022

             Bocce Ball Courts                                               Yoga
                                                                             Waking up Saturday mornings to a Yoga class is perfection! Chad White
Bocce Ball courts are free to drop in and play!
                                                                             Wolf Koch has partnered with the Berwyn Park District for over a decade
(Remember to bring your own equipment)
                                                                             to bring his expertise of teaching yoga of all levels and to guide students
Courts can also be reserved by calling (708)-795-2892 for a fee.
                                                                             deeper into their practice of relaxation and self-reflection. This Hatha and
***Park District programs take priority over drop-in play.
                                                                             Iyengar based yoga class is designed for everyone regardless of experience
AGE: 18+
                                                                             or fitness. Classical postures will be taught with modifications for new and
Program # Day           Date             Time           Fee R/NR
                                                                             intermediate students. Enjoy your new Saturday morning routine as you
R4049-105 M-Su Apr 4-Jun 6               8:00am-4:00pm $10/$15
                                                        an hour              Namaste into it!
Location: Sunshine Park                                                      Drop in rate $15 per class. R4002-300
                                                                             Equipment: Yoga mat required. Two blocks and 8-foot yoga strap
Zumba                                                                        encouraged.
Get up! Move, sweat, repeat – let the music move you and burn over 500       AGE: 16+
calories each class. Make new friends in this total high energy class that   Program # Day              Date             Time                 Fee R/NR
will have you addicted to coming in no time. You will simply not believe     R4002-301 Sa                                8:30-10:00am		$72/$85
how invigorating this is. Trust us on this. It just happens and you won’t    R4002-302 Sa               Feb 26-Apr 2     8:30-10:00am		$72/$85
                                                                                                       Jan 15-Feb 19
turn back …                                                                  R4002-303 Sa               Apr 9-May 14 8:30-10:00am		$72/$85
AGE: 18+                                                                     Location: Liberty Cultural Center
Program # Day           Date              Time                Fee R/NR
R4003-101      Th       Jan 20-Apr 21 8:00-9:00am             $10/$15
Location: Liberty Cultural Center Gymnasium

             Star Hike
Explore the sky above with an expert guide and let the stars be your
navigation. Star Hike(s) take place at Proksa Park under the canopy of
trees and stars and gives participants an unexpected perspective of
their communities natural resources. Take a break from your day-filled
responsibilities and come enjoy your parks under the stars!
AGE: 18+
Program # Day           Date              Time              Fee R/NR
R4053-101       Sa      Apr 23            9:00pm            $10/$20
Register by: April 16
Location: Proksa Park                                                                      Grilling 101
Meeting Location: Front Courtyard of Activity Center                         Learn how to use your grill – the right way! During this 5-week course,
                                                                             learn the basics of cooking outdoors just in time to break out the food
                                                                             for the summer months. It is not required to enroll in all five classes, but
                                                                             you will save money – so why not!?
                                                                             Class 1 – The Basics, Charcoal vs. Gas and more!
                                                                             Class 2 – Stop pressing your burgers down!
                                                                             Class 3 – Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies!
                                                                             Class 4 – Steak the right way!
                                                                             Class 5 – Let’s do it!
                                                                             AGE: 18+ (CO-ED)
                                                                             Program # Day           Date             Time                 Fee R/NR
                                                                             R4054-101      Th       April 28         4:00-5:30pm          $20/$35
                                                                             R4054-102 Th            May 5            4:00-5:30pm          $20/$35
                                                                             R4054-103 Th            May 12           4:00-5:30pm          $20/$35
                                                                             R4054-104 Th            May 19           4:00-5:30pm          $20/$35
                                                                             R4054-105 Th            May 26           4:00-5:30pm          $20/$35
                                                                             BUY ALL 5 CLASSES AND SAVE $$$$
                                                                             R4054-106 Th          5 CLASSES		                      $85/$160
                                                                             Register by: 2 Weeks Prior
                                                                             Location: Liberty Cultural Center Parking Lot and Building

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                                       BERWYNPARKS.ORG                      21
Winter                                                                                                   ADULT PROGRAMS

                                                                                              Learn To Play Mah Jongg
                                                                                 Learn how to play American Mah Jongg in a comfortable, instructional
                                                                                 environment. The American version of the game was brought
                                                                                 from China in the 1920s. It is both a game of skill and luck (and very
                                                                                 addicting!). It uses tiles to match suits and pick up/discard, much like
                                                                                 how we use cards in games. We are so excited to have an instructor that
                                                                                 is very enthusiastic to help us learn about this fun game! Please note:
                                                                                 This is for individuals new to Mah Jongg. Pre-registration is required.
                                                                                 AGE: 18+
                                                                                 Program # Day                Date        Time                  Fee R/NR
                                                                                 R4051-101        Th          Jan 13-27     10:30am-12:00pm $40/$70
                                                                                 Register by: Dec 28
                                                                                 R4051-102        Th          Feb 3-24    10:30am-12:00pm		$40/$70
                                                                                 Register by: Jan 25
                                                                                 Location: Proksa Park Activity Center
                                                                                 Meeting Location: Park View Room

             The Science of Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup that you put on your pancakes comes from TREES – raise
your hand if you did not know that? Come learn all about the Science of
Maple Syrup with a lesson in stickiness. Try some Maple Sap and Syrup
as we teach you how to tap a tree, collect sap and cook it into the sweet
stuff. We know you are already AMAZED so sign up today and bring
home a souvenir bottle of syrup!
AGE: 18+
Program # Day             Date           Time               Fee R/NR
R4056-101      Fr         Mar 11         10:00-11:30am      $15/$30
Register by: Mar 1
Location: Proksa Park Activity Center                                                         It Was In The Cards!
Meeting Location: Park View Room                                                 You asked, and here it is! Bridge! Canasta! Pinochle! Come out and join
                                                                                 this card-playing group on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month!
              eet and Greet our Partners
             M                                                                   Register here and receive an email to schedule the days you are
             at the WSSRA                                                        available. Pre-registration is required.
We thought you should know – this organization is the absolute                   NOTE: Must register for each class separately. Fee is per class.
GREATEST! Cultural Diversity is important and WSSRA has enriched                 Coffee is served.
the lives of children and adults with disabilities for decades. As an            AGES: 18+ (CO-ED)
integral partner with Park Districts for over 50 years, located within           Program # Day              Date          Time               Fee R/NR
the suburbs of Chicago, the WSSRA provides outstanding recreational              R4052-101      Th          Mar 3-Ju 2 2:45-4:45pm		$2/$5 wk
opportunities to our friends with all abilities. Certified staff lead and        Register by: 1 Week Prior
oversee thousands of innovative recreational programs and services               Location: Proksa Park Activity Center
each year. In the heart of your community, individuals with disabilities         Meeting Location: Park View Room
have the opportunity to make friends, experience fun in different ways,
explore new places and discover the world around them – because they             B.I.N.G.O.
are included and celebrate their lives at WSSRA.                                 Bingo, Friends, Competition, Laughter, Prizes – As good as it gets!
AGE: FAMILIES                                                                    Soda and Water will be served.
Program # Day              Date            Time                Fee R/NR          AGE: 21+
R4055-101       Sa         Mar 19          9:00-11:00am        FREE              Program # Day            Date        Time                  Fee R/NR
Location: Proksa Park Activity Center                                            R412501       Fri        Mar 11      6:00pm-8:00pm         $20/$30
Meeting Location: Park View Room                                                 Location: Liberty Cultural Center

22      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                                Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
ADULT PROGRAMS                                                                                                                    2022

                                                                                             Walk in Your Parks!
                                                                                             Walking is the best way to get outside,
                                                                                             see your town and explore what is
                                                                                             happening in your parks. Enjoy sunrise
                                                                                             and sunset while getting some exercise.
                                                                                             The only equipment you need is you!

                                                                                               PARK PATHS
                                                                                               Proksa Park                   Freedom Park
                                                                                               2 laps = 1 mile               4 laps = 1 mile

                                                                                               Go the Distance and Walk in Your Parks
                                                                                               From your back door to just about anywhere – there
                                                                                               is a Berwyn Park near you! From park to park, it
                                                                                               is just a short distance for you and a friend, your
                                                                                               four-legged best friend or just you and a hot cup of
                                                                                               coffee. Make it a resolution to get some fresh air this
                                                                                               new year and log some miles in your Berwyn parks!

                                                                                               Freedom Park to Smirz Park
                                                                                               16 minute walk - 0.8 miles
                                                                                               Smirz Park to Karban Dog Park
                                                                                               9 minute walk - 0.4 miles
              Hops on Over to Flapjack!
A REAL Berwyn-wyn! Flapjack Brewery and your Berwyn Park District have teamed                  Hessler Park to Karasek Park
up with a fantastic relationship to explore your tastebuds and teach you the art of taste!     4 minute walk - 0.2 miles
Creating a craft beer is truly a craft all its own. As local as it gets! Brewmaster Paul
will take you on his journey from college to Hops as he tours you down craft beer alley,
                                                                                               Karasek Park to Proksa Park
where no man has dare gone before. You will learn the science of brew and take away            13 minute walk - 0.6 miles
how to pair perfectly and how to sip surreptitiously. Join us! Food and snacks included.       Proksa Park to Sunshine Park
NOTE: Must register for each class separately. Please register                                 8 minute Walk - 0.4 miles
at least 2 weeks prior
AGE: 21+ (CO-ED)                                                                               Serenity Park to Mraz Park
Program # Day               Date            Time               Fee R/NR                        11 minute walk - 0.6 miles
R4050-101      Tu           Feb 22          6:00-7:15pm        $35/$50 per class
Register by: Feb 1                                                                             Sunshine Park to 27th Place Park
                                                                                               11 minute walk - 0.5 miles
R4050-102 Tu              Mar 22       6:00-7:15pm        $35/$50 per class
Register by: Mar 1                                                                           Visit us at for more
R4050-103 Tu                           6:00-7:15pm        $35/$50 per class                  information on our parks. Walking or running
Register by: Apr 1                                                                           is a perfect way for you to enjoy
                                                                                             the 5Kmyway and
R4050-104 Tu                           6:00-7:15pm        $35/$50 per class                  10Kmyway reward
Register by: May 1                                                                           programs or use other
                                                                                             apps on your phone
R4050-105 Tu           Jun 14      6:00-7:15pm            $35/$50 per class
Register by: Jun 1                                                                           to watch your progress
Location: FlapJack Brewery                                                                   and meet your goals.
Meeting Location: Flapjack, Inside the Brewery

Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines                                   BERWYNPARKS.ORG                    23
Winter                                                                                            SENIOR PROGRAMS

Drury Lane EVITA                                                            Out & About
Take a trip down Fine Arts Lane as we spend the afternoon in a              Join us as we traverse about and explore new sights and eats together! All
wonderful theatre watching talented actors.                                 participants pay for transportation and their own lunch. Requirements are
AGE: 40+                                                                    – must be friendly, outgoing and enjoy great food and good conversation.
Program # Day                Date       Time                Fee R/NR        We will always try to stay affordable. ($15-$30 per entrée)
R5048-101 F                  Feb 10     Matinee             $70/$85         Location: Pick up and Drop off at Proksa Park
Register by: Feb 1                                                          AGE: 40+
Location: Meet at Proksa Park Activity Center at 10:30am                    Program # Day                  Date        Time                 Fee R/NR
                                                                            R5003-104 W                    Feb 16      11:00am-2:00pm       $12/$16
Chicago Botanic Garden                                                      Location: Mon Ami Gabi, Oak Brook
The perfect trip to start off the Spring season! The Chicago Botanic
Garden has a reputation as being one of the world’s top plant               Program #    Day           Date      Time                      Fee R/NR
conservatories, with 26 themed gardens from bonsai tree collections                      W             April 13  11:00am-2:00pm            $12/$16
to a waterfall aquatic garden. We will catch a 35-minuite guided tram       Location: Pierce Tavern, Downers Grove
tour departing from the visitor center, then have some time to enjoy
exploring the rest of the gardens.                                          Program # Day              Date           Time                 Fee R/NR
**Wheelchair accessible                                                     R5003-106 W                Ju 15          11:00am-2:00pm       $12/$16
AGE: 40+                                                                    Location: Grill 89, Westmont
Program # Day                   Date       Time                Fee R/NR
R5045-101      W                Apr 27      9:00am-3:00pm      $30/$45      Lunch with Friends
Register by: Apr 1                                                          Take time to get out of the house and socialize with friends. Enjoy some
Location: Meet at Proksa Park Activity Center at 9:00am.                    entertainment, play games, make a few projects and introduce yourself
                                                                            to new people during a few hours of social time at the park district –
Rivers Casino Trip                                                          what a great way to spend an afternoon!
Get your dice-rolling, slot-machine muscles ready to spend a day hearing    AGE: 40+
the bells and whistles of winning as you spend the day with friends.        Program # Day                 Date       Time                  Fee R/NR
AGE: 40+                                                                    R5002-101 F                   Feb 25     12:00-2:00pm          $20/$25
Program # Day                  Date       Time                Fee R/NR      R5002-102 F                   Apr 22     12:00-2:00pm          $20/$25
R5049-101      Th              Mar 10     11:00am-5:00pm      $50/$65                     F               June 24    12:00-2:00pm          $20/$25
Register by: Feb 1                                                          Location: Proksa Park Activity Center
Location: Meet at Proksa Park Activity Center at 10:30am

24      BERWYN PARK DISTRICT                                           Information is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations and guidelines
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