GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -

Page created by Wanda Norton
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
The Global Food Issue
                                       There’s no denying it: our global food system is
Food is the defining issue of the
                                       putting an impossible strain on our planet and
                                       impacting human health.
21st century and the strongest
                                       Food production is the largest cause of global environmental change. It
lever to transform the health of
                                       is responsible for up to 30% of greenhouse-gas emissions
people and planet. Our mission
is to educate and enable people        and 70% of    freshwater use, while habitat loss from humans
to take simple but powerful            appropriating land for food production is the greatest driver of
everyday food actions that will        biodiversity loss.
progress the UN Sustainable
Development Goals.                     Globally more than 820 million
                                                                    people remain undernourished
                                       and more than two billion people are micronutrient deficient.
Michael Kelly | CEO & Founder of GIY
                                       And by 2050, there will be 2.2 billion                     more people to feed.

                                       Information from ‘the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems’ (2019)
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
Decade of Action
GIY are proud to align our impact with the UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and the Decade of Action.
In response to the urgency of the climate crisis, at the end of 2019 we set
ourselves an ambitious new goal: by 2030, GIY will inspire and support
100 MILLION people to make sustainable food choices and take local action
for global change.                                                                  2030
                                                                                  100 million
           2021                                                      49 million
                                                 29 million                         GIYers
                            16.5 million                              GIYers
         4.7 million                              GIYers
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
About GIY
Founded in 2008, GIY is a not-for-profit social enterprise and      There are three core elements to our
food sustainability organisation that supports people to live       work at GIY:
healthier, happier and more sustainable lives by growing            §   Campaigns and Programmes
some of their own food.                                                 that inspire citizens, chefs, companies
                                                                        and communities to grow, cook and
In 2020, GIY will inspire, support and teach over 950,000               eat their own food
people to grow, cook and eat some of their own food at              §   Content and Products to
home, school, work and in the community.                                inspire and support people to make
                                                                        more sustainable food choices
Our ‘GIY Living’ Goals                                              §   GROW HQ is our award-winning
1. Growing some of our own food                                         café and education centre based in
2. Eating more plants and better meat                                   Waterford and the home of GIY
3. Following the seasons
4. Ending food waste                                             Makers of GROWBox | Creators of the TV series
5. Reducing unnecessary food packaging                            GROW COOK EAT on RTÉ and Amazon Prime
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
GIY’s Theory of Change
            Problem                                    Activities                       Impact Outcomes

  The global food system serves short-
                                                                                           Increased Knowledge
term economic interests at the expense
                                              action on food growing and other            Food Growing | Food Choices
                                                                                                                                    Our Mission
    of the planet and human health.
                                                     food system issues                          Food System
 It is responsible for almost a third of                                                                                              Food Empathy
   global GHG emissions and 70% of
            freshwater use.                                                                                                      Our mission is to inspire,
                                                                                      Favourable Food Sustainability
                                                                                                Attitudes                       educate and enable a global
At the same time, 20% of all deaths are                    Educate                                                              movement of food growers,
 associated with poor diet while over          people on how to grow food and
 two billion people are malnourished.                                                 Local | Seasonal | Plants | Zero Waste    whose collective actions will
                                             take other food sustainability actions                                             help to rebuild a sustainable
                                                                                                                                        food system.
           Solution                                                                      New Food Sustainability
                                                           Enable                             Behaviours
 Food growing informs and empowers
 citizens to care more about their food          transformative food growing
                                                                                            Grow | Buy | Eat | Waste
     and adopt a healthier and more                      experiences                                                                 Our Vision
  sustainable diet: more plant-based,
      local, seasonal and zero waste.
                                                                                                                                   Food Sustainability
      We call this food empathy.
                                                           Connect                                                              We envision a world where all
Our research shows that participants in         a community of everyday food                                                    food is produced, distributed
GIY’s activities are 3-4 times more likely     activists to sustain and build the          Increased Wellbeing                 and consumed for the benefit of
  to have a plant-based diet than the
                                                           movement                                                               the planet and its people.
             average person.                                                               Mental | Physical | Social
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
GROW at Home: using GIY’s GROWBox range,
Employee Engagement                                                               we give your employees everything they need to
                                                                                  start growing their own food (no experience

Programme                                                                         required) and the option to take part in a 6-week
                                                                                  growing challenge.
                                                                                  Webinars: our bespoke online workshops
Our Employee Engagement Programme, rooted in wellness and
                                                                                  activate, motivate and engage employees in food
sustainability, is a simple, impactful and cost-effective experience that keeps
                                                                                  matters and sustainability.
your employees connected with your brand and brand values.
                                                                                  GIY App: an employee engagement tool with
We provide a range of products and supports that build a full team                growing, cooking and food sustainability challenges
experience, including food growing challenges, an ambassador programme,           turned into bite-sized actions and friendly
bespoke webinars, alternative CSR activities and the interactive GIY app.         competition.
                                                                                  Ambassador Programme: supported,
                                                                                  trained and incentivised by the GIY team, this core
                                                                                  group of super-users of the GIY app will lead on
                                                                                  challenges and encourage participation across your
                                                                                  GROW it Forward: an alternative to traditional
                                                                                  CSR activities, this is an opportunity for employees
                                                                                  to grow with and for their wider network, or
                                                                                  nominate a local community group or organisation
                                                                                  to receive GIY products and support.

B2B Partners: innocent | Energia | Microsoft | HEINEKEN | Fáilte Ireland | AIB | Novartis | Diageo
GROW at WORK Employee Wellbeing and Sustainability -
B2B Partner Testimonials

                   “                                                                                   “
        Sustainability, including food
 sustainability, is one of the defining issues
  of the 21st century. For AIB, pledging to
   do more around sustainability will also
                                                  The GIY workshops were fun,
                                                 informative and engaging and
                                                                                       In these uncertain times, the GROW at
                                                                                          Home programme offers a unique
                                                                                         opportunity to engage and support
                                                                                           employees in an innovative and
  mean considering the food choices that         the feedback from those that          impactful way. Actively growing food is
   we make. We’re proud to join GIY and               attended was great.                  a vital learning opportunity that
  other GROW Circle companies to build a                                               addresses our growing disconnect from
                                                 Tara Doyle | Corporate Affairs
  more sustainable food future for Ireland.                                                               food.
                                                     Executive, HEINEKEN
           Colin Hunt | CEO, AIB                                                       Ali Sheridan | Sustainability Consultant

    Our B2B partners are critical for achieving our mission to inspire, educate and enable a global movement of food growers.
Everyone that takes part in our Employee Engagement Programme contributes to our goal of reaching 100 million GIYers by 2030.
Homegrown                                       At GIY our brilliant and creative team are proud GIYers
                                                and active food growers who understand and appreciate

GIYers                                          the benefits – to both their health and the planet – of
                                                growing some of their own food.

  Growing food is probably the
                                     After three years at GIY, I can
                                                                        I have always been interested
                                                                                                          Growing some of my own food
  simplest way to change how      finally admit that I’m no longer        in living a more sustainable       is a way for me to gain a
    you think about the food      a growing newbie – I do in fact      lifestyle, but never took action     greater appreciation of our
  system. Working for a social     know a turnip from a tomato.         until working at GIY. Now, not       planet, while reaping the
     enterprise with such an       I’d go so far as to say I’m quite   only am I able to grow my own       health and wellness benefits
 important mission is the most      good at it…if you ignore that          veg, but I understand the          from growing it myself.
challenging and satisfying work   time I planted carrots and then       impact growing food at home        Homegrown veggies always
         I’ve ever done.          completely forgot about them!        will have on our environment.               taste amazing!

   Shona Dubois | Head of           Alex Hanlon | Operations              Tara Hickey | Marketing          Tor McIntosh | Operations
        Operations                        Coordinator                             Assistant                       Coordinator
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