GROUP PROFILE 2020 - Sev.en Energy

Page created by Geraldine Diaz
GROUP PROFILE 2020 - Sev.en Energy
GROUP PROFILE 2020 - Sev.en Energy
2     Group Profile 2020                                       Group Profile 2020   3

    BETWEEN                “Building on

    THE WORLD              our expertise in
                           conventional power
                           generation, we

    OF TODAY AND           have evolved into
                           a strong energy
                           player providing
                                                  “We see potential
                                                  to grow thanks

    TOMORROW’S             services for energy
                           systems going
                           through a green
                                                  to our tradition:
                                                  competent people
                                                  and our ability to

                           transformation.”       add value.”
                           Pavel Tykac            Lubos Pavlas
                           Ultimate Beneficiary   President & Group CEO
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Our Group
in a Nutshell
                We are
                                                                                                                Our core
                                 We strongly believe that the            For more than a decade we have
                                 combination of our long‑term            built in this heritage step by
           a European            expertise in traditional energy         step, from operating coal mines
        Electric Power           production combined with our            and power plants into providing

                                 strive to expand our know‑how into      complex engineering services
       Industry Group            new energy segments shall bring         and developing international
                                 value to assets beyond our current      commodities trading to become
                                 scope. Our objective is to be the       a strong player in the European

                                                                                                                stays in classical
                                 bridge between the energy of            energy markets.
                                 today and tomorrow – to address
                                 the continuing demand for reliable      Today, we strive to build
                                 energy and the ambitious goal of        a European asset base to offer

                                                                                                                conventional power
                                 making the energy markets more          a wide range of services to
                                 renewably‑fuelled.                      the European energy market,
                                                                         encompassing but not limited
             Ambitious           The Sev.en Energy Group’s take on       to energy. We believe our core

                                 business is entirely entrepreneurial,   business will stay in demand for
            and highly           with a long‑term perspective. Pavel     quite some time to come, since
          professional           Tykac, its sole ultimate beneficiary,
                                 is an independent investor
                                                                         energy systems running on large
                                                                         and rising shares of volatile
     team, with strong
                                                                                                                because we believe
                                 willing and able to support the         renewable electricity generation
                                 Group’s further growth. He came to      will need flexible, reliable assets.
    credibility, market          the energy sector in 2006, when he
       reputation and            acquired a 50 percent share in the      In line with these aspirations,

                                                                                                                in its important
                                 lignite company Mostecka uhelna         our company targets
        long-standing            in Northern Bohemia. The company        professionally managed, highly
         energy sector           was then renamed Czech Coal,
                                 which, in turn, became today’s
                                                                         efficient and flexible power
                                                                         generation assets across Central
                                                                                                                transitional role
                                 Sev.en Energy Group.                    and Western Europe – be it
                                                                         conventional power generation
                                 The owner expressed his                 such as coal and gas, or smaller
                                 long‑term approach of continuous        units fired with biomass. These

                                                                                                                towards a greener
                                 investment into the assets              assets are run on a stand‑alone
                                 that had been acquired, which           basis using the expertise
                                 enabled significant technical           of local staff and management,
                                 upgrades. Local communities have        and will be integrated into

                                 benefited from this sustainable         Sev.en Energy Group’s trading
                                 style of business, and until today,     portfolio to leverage solutions
                                 the importance of strong ties           to the markets.
                                 with local communities at the
                                 Group’s sites is held in high regard.
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Our growth strategy
“We are already                           We aim to strategically grow
                                          throughout Europe and to
                                                                               In Europe, we want to be the
                                                                               enablers of that transition,
                                                                                                                     options for sustainable power
                                                                                                                                                              They replace the fully integrated
                                                                                                                                                              super companies of the past that
                                                                                                                                                                                                   operational experience, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                   are ready to discuss options
a well‑known                              substantially expand our             bridging the gap between                                                       had spanned the entire value         for any such asset acquisition.
                                          portfolio of conventional power      the world of today and                Our European‑wide trading                chain and beyond.                    Moreover, as a private company,
player in the Czech                       plants, mostly gas fired. In doing   tomorrow’s energy. We are             team can plug all the plants in                                               we are independent from
                                          so, we safeguard future options      convinced that conventional           to their sophisticated systems of        Our niche is the power generation    external stakeholders’ pressure.
Republic. Following                       for conventional plants, their       plants will be replaced at some       fuel sourcing, placing power on          for high‑performing conventional     We purposefully invest in
a period of intense                       staff and the respective local
                                                                               point by industrial‑scale energy
                                                                               storage, smart grid systems
                                                                                                                     the markets and their hedging
                                                                                                                     strategies in order to maximize
                                                                                                                                                              assets until they cease to be
                                                                                                                                                              needed in the energy system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   conventional assets and have full
                                                                                                                                                                                                   command over the deployment of
and systematic                                                                 and responsive demand side            value derived from the assets.           We assume responsibility for         our own capital resources.
                                          Globally, the transition from        management. However, there is                                                  their entire life span. That
development of                            carbon‑based power sources           a transition period that may last     Even towards the end of a useful         includes searching and assessing     Our mission is to provide
                                          towards renewable energy             several years. Sev.en Energy aims     life, we will look for alternatives      technological alternatives like      a perspective to conventional
our skills, portfolios                    generation is in full swing.         at supporting that transition by      for these assets, such as                power to gas and other innovative    power plants as long as they are
and processes,                            However, today’s technologies
                                          do not yet allow for a complete
                                                                               responsibly operating fossil plants
                                                                               that benefit both energy systems
                                                                                                                     power‑to‑gas technologies or
                                                                                                                     similar innovative concepts that
                                                                                                                                                              solutions that may well expand
                                                                                                                                                              the perspective for each plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                   systemically needed and thus
                                                                                                                                                                                                   offer a robust basis for a swift
we are now                                phase out of conventional power      and consumers.                        could give yet a new horizon to          and its teams.                       transition of the energy sector
                                          plants. Flexible and robust fossil                                         the plants and their employees.                                               towards a fully sustainable
ready to expand                           plants continue to play a critical   Our operating strategy is the                                                  Our strategy is complementary        future.
                                          role in maintaining supply           following: To share the best          Focus is the new recipe for              to major traditional operators
internationally.”                         stability and controlling grid       practices across all assets,          success, and today’s energy              who are often required to divest
                                          flows, thus supporting a swifter     to meet all environmental             sector calls for top players in          their conventional plants.
                                          build‑up of renewable capacities.    standards and invest in further       clearly defined strategic niches.        Employing our long‑standing

Alan Svoboda
Executive Director

                                                       4                                                                                                                                                            Our Key
                                                                 FUNDAMENTAL                                                                               SE London
                                                                 THAT BEST DESCRIBE
                                                                 OUR GROUP
                                                                                                                                                                                       SE Prague                    Markets
                                                          1                                     2                                                                                                                        Sev.en Energy Group
                                                                                                                                                                   SE HQ                                                 Offices
                                                  DEEP‑ROOTED                           FINANCIAL                                                           Liechtenstein                                                Sev.en Energy Group
                                                   TECHNICAL                          STABILITY AND                                                                                                                      Target Markets
                                                   EXPERTISE                         INDEPENDENCE

                                                          3                                     4

                                                  OPERATIONAL                      ENTREPRENEURIAL
                                                  EXCELLENCE                            SPIRIT
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Our History                                                             Our Track                                      Our Group Structure
At the heart of our Business is
almost 150 Years of Mining                                              Record
                                                                                                                                          Sev.en Energy AG                          Sev.en Energy AG,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Branch Office
                                1871                                                                                                         100 %

                                                                       Acquisition of 100 %    Acquisition of 50%
                                                                             stake in Alpiq    stake in InterGen
                                                                           Generation (CZ)     - a leading global                            TEGLERION                   Sev.en            Sev.en            Sev.en           Sev.en         Sev.en
                                                                          which represents                             Sev.en Delta AG
                                       1905                                                    power producer -                               LIMITED                 Services s.r.o.    Epsilon a.s.    Innovations a.s.   Gamma a.s.      Zeta a.s.
                                                                         two CHP plants in     which represents
                                                                                                                                             100 %
                                                                           Kladno and Zlin     3 gas power plants
The beginning of
industrial lignite mining                                                                      in the UK and stakes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            50 %          100 %
in the North Bohemia                                                                           in 2 power plants in
                                                                                                                          Sev.en           INDOVERSE (CZECH)
is connected to the                                                                            Australia                                   COAL INVESTMENTS                             HALTIXAR LTD                          InterGen     Teplárna
Petschek family                                                                        2018                            Commodities AG           LIMITED                                                                                   Kladno s.r.o.
                               1930s          Ignatz Petschek                                                                                                 100 %                     100 %
                             OF 20TH          became the owner                     Intense
                             CENTURY                                                                                       Sev.en
                                              of the majority of the            acquisition                            Commodities AG,                                                       Severní
                                                                                                                                         Vršanská uhelná a.s.
                                                                                                                                                                                         energetická a.s.
                                              mining companies in              process has                              Branch Office
                                              North Bohemia                         begun
                                                                                                                                            Sev.en EC, a.s.                              Důl Kohinoor a.s.
                                                                                               Formation of
                                       1948                                                    commodity                                       Sev.en
The Petschek family                                                                            trading and power                          Engineering s.r.o.
dominated the lignite                                                                  2016    engineering units
mining industry all
over Europe (a half
                                                                       Consolidation of the                                               Coal Services a.s.
of the mining sites,
mainly in Germany)                                                      fragmented group
                                                                        under the name of
                                1993          Nationalisation by the        Sev.en Energy      2013                                       REKULTIVACE a.s.
                                              Communist regime
                                                                           Final bidder for    Acquisition of
                                                                             acquisition of    Chvaletice power                            RENOGUM a.s.
                                                                          Vattenfall lignite   plant from CEZ
                                       2006                              mining and power
                                                                               generation      Long term contract                            Infotea s.r.o.
Privatisation of coal                                                                          for lignite supply to
mines                                                                                          CEZ (until 2062)
                                                                                       2010                                               Servis Leasing a.s.

                                                                        Acquisition of 100%
                                              Pavel Tykac entered      of the coal company                                                                    50 %

                                              the coal company               by Pavel Tykac                                                  Czech Coal
                                                                                                                                             Services a.s.

                                                                                                                                                                                                * Simplified ownership structure of Sev.en Energy AG,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   valid to date of November 1, 2019
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Our Key People
We are proud that our team is composed of top professionals from
the power industry. All the people have a long and proven track
record and the right balance between professional competence,
managerial skills and experience.

Lubos Pavlas                                                        Alan Svoboda                                                      Vaclav Matys                                                         Michal Skalka
President & Group CEO                                               Executive Director                                                General Manager                                                      Executive Director
Lubos was appointed as                                              Alan manages the strategic                                        of Chvaletice Power Plant                                            of Sev.en Commodities
the ew CEO of the Sev.en                                            development and expansion                                         and entrusted with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Michal leads Sev.en
Energy group in October                                             of the group in Europe. His                                       management
2018 and is responsible         Jiri Postolka                       task is to concentrate on
                                                                                                       Petr Lenc                      of Sev.en Engineering            Milan Prajzler                      Commodities AG, which took
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Petr Antos
                                                                                                                                                                                                           over the trading activities
for the management and                                              acquisitions in European           General Manager of Group
                                Group CFO                                                                                             Vaclav joined the group          General Manager of Kladno           of Severní energetická and       Group COO
development of the Sev.en                                           energy, including the provision    Mining Companies               in October 2018 and became       Heating Plant                       Sev.en EC. He is building on
Energy group in the Czech       Jiri Postolka is a new addition     of financing.                                                                                                                                                           Petr is the chairman of the
                                                                                                                                      a general manager of the                                             the long-standing business
Republic and worldwide.         to the financial team of Sev.en                                        Petr took over the                                              Milan has been the general                                           board of Vrsanska uhelna,
                                                                    His main focus is on both                                         group’s energy generating                                            tradition of the group in the
                                Energy. He joined the company                                          management of the Group’s                                       director of the heating plant                                        Severni energeticka and Coal
He relies on his extensive                                          conventional and advanced                                         facility in Chvaletice. His                                          Czech Republic. Michal Skalka
                                in December 2018 and was                                               mining companies – Severní                                     in Kladno since 2002, the                                            Services. He contributes to the
expertise and experience                                            energy‑saving technologies.                                       principal project is the                                             has extensive experience
                                appointed Director of Sev.en                                           energetická and Vršanská                                     heating plant in Zlin since                                          management of key projects
in the energy industry. He                                          He aims to invest in intelligent                                  modernisation of Blocks 1                                            with commodity trading
                                Services s.r.o., as well as Group                                      uhelná – at the end of 2019                                    2011. Both operations became                                         of Sev.en Energy in the Czech
has been working in various                                         distribution and supply                                           and 2. He spent most of his                                          in Central and Eastern
                                CFO. At Sev.en Energy, he will                                         and in early 2020. His task                                     part of the Sev.en holding                                           Republic and is in charge
positions within the group                                          of electricity to end customers.                                  professional life in the CEZ                                         European markets. His task
                                supervise financial operations                                         is to continue with the most                                    in September 2019. He is                                             of smaller service companies
for almost 10 years.                                                He also participates in the                                       Group in various managerial                                          is to develop commodity
                                and strengthen control                                                 environmentally-friendly                                        responsible for running the                                          in the group.
In the past, he worked in                                           long‑term development                                             positions, most notably in                                           trading at European level.
                                activities.                                                            extraction and thorough land                                    modern cogeneration units
various managerial positions                                        of realised investments.                                          a division of classical energy                                       His experienced team also        Petr graduated from the
                                                                                                       restoration, which are key                                      that produce both heat
within the ČEZ Group and was    Jiri has been faithful to the                                                                         generation and in another                                            participates in market           Faculty of Civil Engineering
                                                                                                       principles of the Group’s                                       and electricity. At the Kladno
also the Chair of the Board     world of finance since he                                                                             of renewable energy.                                                 analyses and business            at the Czech Technical
                                                                                                       responsible and sustainable                                     heating plant, this also includes
of Directors and CEO            started his career 23 years ago.                                                                                                                                           outlooks.                        University in Prague. He has
                                                                                                       business operations. He has                                     supplies of support services.
of Prazska teplarenska.         In the last 10 years,                                                                                                                                                                                       extensive experience as
                                                                                                       long-term experience
                                he has managed tax                                                     in managerial positions                                                                                                              a manager in several fields,
                                and accounting departments                                             in the energy sector.                                                                                                                including banking and asset
                                in various companies                                                                                                                                                                                        management.
                                of the CEZ Group.
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Key Facts
About Our Group                                                                                                           Our Key Business Areas

105                                                              3 600
                                            million tons
                                          of coal mined
                                         since the date

                                                                                                                               Power and Heat
                                          of acquisition

                                                                                                           number of

 revenues in EUR (2018)*
                               789 000 000                                                                                             Power

20 990                                                                     82
                                                           GWh of                                  million EUR
                                                           since 2013
                                                                                                   of Paid Taxes (2018)

 * Represents sum of revenues of subsidiaries and associates of the Group, corresponding to relevant share held                   Commodity
 2019 acquisitions                                                                                                                   Trading
     100% stake
     in Alpiq
     Generation (CZ)             588                       MW           of installed
                                                                        capacity for
                                                                        of heat and
                                                                        electricity         2        CHP plants in
                                                                                                     Czech Republic,
                                                                                                     in Kladno
                                                                                                     and in Zlin                       Mining

                                   3                       GW
                                                                        effective                    newly acquired
     50% stake
                                                                                                                              Land Restoration
                                                                        capacity of new              gas and coal
     in InterGen                                                        acquisitions
                                                                        in the UK
                                                                                                     power plants
                                                                                                     in group
                                                                        and Australia                portfolio
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generation                                                                                        Power plant Chvaletice,
                                                                                                          Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Power Plants in United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Australia

4.7                                                                                                                                                                                                        3 2
                                                                                        Sev.en EC Chvaletice Power Plant became
                                                                                        a part of the Group in 2013. Sev.en Energy

                                                                                                                                         Due to the purchase of the Ontario Teacher’s 50% stake in
                                                                                        bought the shares in this utility from the CEZ
                                                                                                                                         InterGen – a leading global power producer – the portfolio
                                                                                        Group. This move marked the Group´s entry
                                                                                                                                         of power generating capacities has increased by 5 facilities.
                                                                                        into the electricity and heating markets as
                                                                                                                                         Three combined cycle gas plants in the UK and two coal power
                                                                                        a major new utility
                                    produced                                                                                             plants (partially owned by InterGen) in Australia. And combined
                                    electricity                                                                                          capacities increase by 4 GWh.                                     newly acquired gas              newly acquired coal‑fire
                                    in 2018                                                                                                                                                                power plants in the UK          power plants in Australia

820 4                 MW               units
                                                                                                                                         POWER PLANTS
                                                                                                                                         IN THE UNITED
                                                     the year of a total refit of two
 total installed capacity        of the Chvaletice   power generation units (the
 in Czech Republic               power station       second phase is planned for
                                                     the year 2021)
                                                                                                                                                                                  ROCKSAVAGE               CORYTON                         SPALDING
                                                                                                                                                                                  Runcorn, Cheshire,       Essex, Thurrock,                Spalding, Lincolnshire,
                                                                                                                                                                                  England                  England                         England
                                                                                                                                                                                  Operation launch: 1998   Operation launch: 2002          Operation launch: 2004
                                                                                                                                                                                  Output: 810 MW           Output: 800 MW                  Output: 880 MW
                                                                                                                                                                                  Type: CCGT               Type: CCGT                      Type: CCGT
                                                                                                                                            ROCKSAVAGE                            Turbine: Alstom GT26     Turbine: Alstom GT26            Turbine: General Electric 9FA
                                                                                                                                                                                  Group’s ownership        Group’s ownership               Group’s ownership interest:
                                                                                                                                                                      CORYTON     interest: 50%            interest: 50%                   50%

                                                                                                                                         POWER STATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                           CALLIDE C                       MILLMERRAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Biloela, Queensland,            Millmerran, Queensland,
                                   “In 2016, the group invested in overhauling of two units of the Chvaletice                                                                                              Australia                      Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                       CALLIDE C
                                   power plant, with the aim of effectively curbing emissions. The                                                                                                         Operation launch: 2001          Operation launch: 2003
                                   remaining two units will be ready in 2021. What we promise in terms                                                                                                     Output: 920 MW                  Output: 850 MW
                                   of prospects and plants is sound and transparent.”                                                                                                  MILLMERRAN          Type: supercritical             Type: supercritical
                                                                                                                                                                                                           thermal                         thermal
                                   Vaclav Matys, General Manager of Chvaletice Power Plant                                                                                                                 Turbine: Toshiba                Turbine: Ansaldo
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Group’s ownership               Group’s ownership
                                                                                                                                                                                                           interest: minority              interest: minority
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generation                                                                              Heating plant Kladno
                                                                                             Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Heating plant Zlin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Czech Republic

524                                                                                                                        17 000
                                                                           The Kladno heating plant has five production                                                                             The heating plant in Zlin has two main

                                                                           units (B4, B5, B6, B7, B8), of which four are                                                                            production units (B31, B32) as well as three
                                                                           designed for the simultaneous production                                                                                 medium-pressure boilers located on the
                                                                           of electricity and heat for heating and                                                                                  grounds of the former Bata plant. The main
                                                                           technological purposes. The primary fuel used                                                                            production units are two fluidized bed
                                                                           for electricity and steam production is coal,                                                    households, including   boilers connected to the TG31 and TG32
                                                                           with the possibility of co-firing biomass.                                                       municipal and           turbogenerators.
                                          cogeneration                                                                                                                      commercial buildings
                                                                           Currently, only modern equipment gradually                                                       supplied with heat
                                          source output
                                                                           put into operation between 2000 and 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The primary fuel used for electricity and

5 18 000 250                                                                                                               2                   64 150
                                                                           is being operated in Kladno, and therefore
                                                                                                                                                                                                    steam production is coal, complemented
                                                                           the heating plant meets the strict ecological
                                                                           limits of both the Czech Republic and the new
                                                                           European Union regulations valid from 2021.
                                                                                                                                                              MW                                    with co-firing of biomass and biogas. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                    technology used and the way it is operated
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ensure the maximum limitation of emissions
                     households, including municipal and                                                                                                                                            into the air.
 fluidized boilers   commercial buildings supplied with heat   employees                                                   fluidized boilers   cogeneration source output    employees

                               “Both of our heating plants generate heat for more than 35 000
                               customers in Kladno and Zlín. We are a stable and socially responsible
                               company for whom fair behaviour towards our customers, employees
                               and trading partners is of key importance to us. We also place a heavy
                               premium on protecting the environment and maximizing the reduction
                               of the impact of our operations on the surrounding area.“
                               Milan Prajzler, General Manager of Kladno Heating Plant
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Power                                                                                                             Commodity
Engineering                                                                                                       Trading

100                                                                                                               12 200
                                                                   Sev.en Engineering focuses on the                                                                                   Sev.en Commodities is a major player in

                                                                   preparation and realisation of modernisation                                                                        the Czech energy market and plans to
                                                                   projects, which guarantee the reliable and                                                                          become an important player in the European
                                                                   ecological running of traditional power                                                                             energy market. As a part of Sev.en Energy,
                                                                   plants.                                                                                                             the company trades in electricity and
                                                                                                                                                                     of traded         emission allowances on European wholesale
                                                                   The scope of offered services covers
                                                                                                                                                                     (and cleared)     markets through energy exchanges,
                                                                   from project preparation, realisation of
                        expected budget of the biggest                                                                                                               electricity       brokers, and trade counterparts. The
                                                                   construction, technical and organisational
                        currently running project                                                                                                                    in 2018           trading part of the group also provides
                                                                   activities in areas ranging from fire
                                                                                                                                                                                       production optimisation, hedging, and

30                        2                                                                                       14                             39
                                                                   protection to occupational safety. Last
                                                                                                                                                                                       dispatch control for the Sev.en Energy
                                                                   but not least, they are responsible for the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Chvaletice power station and for Teplárna
                                                                   maintenance and technical support for the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Kladno heating plant which has its plants in
                                                                   Chvaletice Power Plant.
                                                                                                                                                                members of the         Kladno and Zlín in the Czech Republic.
     highly competent              offices – Prague and                                                                million of EUA                           professional trading
     professionals                 at the Chvaletice Power Plant                                                       cleared in 2018                          team

                 “We continue the famous tradition of Czech mechanical engineering.                                                      “The creation of a central commodity trading unit is crucial to
                 Professional competence and long experience of the whole team                                                           effective utilisation of the group’s energy assets and margin
                 create a perfect balance between the optimal planning of power                                                          maximization. We aim to provide the group with professional
                 production and the need to protect our environment.”                                                                    energy trading services and grow our hedging and trading
                                                                                                                                         activities on a European scale.”
                 Vaclav Matys, entrusted with the management of Sev.en Engineering

                                                                                                                                         Michal Skalka, Executive Director of Sev.en Commodities
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Lignite                                                                                                                  Land
mining                                                                                                                   restoration

11.4                                                                                                                     5 000
                                                                          Traditionally rooted in the conventional

                                       million tons
                                                                          power‑generating business, we are
                                                                          engaged in the extraction of coal. We are
                                                                          committed to the responsible mining of
                                                                          domestic lignite, thereby reducing the Czech
                                                                          Republic’s foreign energy dependence while
                                       of the finest‑quality lignite      enhancing our industry’s competitiveness
                                       mined in 2018 (2 mines             and scaling up affordable heat for
                                       combined)                          households.

2 2 700 1 000
                                                                          Sev.en Energy operates two lignite mines:
                                                                          the CSA surface lignite mine and the Vrsany    square kilometres of restored land
                                                                          mine, both located in North Bohemia. With      from the date of privatisation

                                                                                                                         3 600 000
                                                                          our operations, we contribute to preserving                                         We believe the renewal and        to use in one of our localities
CSA mine             number of employees            number of employees   a significant share of lignite in the Czech                                         creation of land resources        – the Most region.
and Vrsany mine      (2 mines combined)             (2 mines combined)    Republic’s energy mix.                                                              in the area affected by           Here, along with mining,
                                                                                                                                                              industrial activity is a          a reclamation process is
                                                                                                                                                              natural part of our work.         under way to create a new
                                                                                                                                                              It is a designed activity,        multifunctional landscape
                                                                                                                         trees currently planted
                                                                                                                                                              and the individual parts          that includes agricultural
                                                                                                                                                              (fields, forests, meadows,        and forest land, smaller
                                                                                                                                                              water surfaces) must              and larger water surfaces
                                                                                                                                                              functionally fit together. This   and land left for natural
                                                                                                                                                              creates an environmentally        regeneration in appropriate
                                                                                                                                                              balanced landscape with           habitats. In places where
                                                                                                                                                              a stable ecosystem that           coal was recently mined,
                                                                                                                                                              is economically efficient,        grapes are now harvested,
                                                                                                                                                              healthy, hygienic and             mouflons and foxes roam
                                                                                                                                                              socially acceptable. Over         the reclaimed landscape
                                                                                                                                                              the past 60 years, more           and we can catch a glimpse
                                                                                                                                                              than 7,000 hectares have          of sand martins that nest
                                                                                                                                                              been restored and returned        there every year.

                         “We strive to limit the environmental impact of our business. More
                         than two thirds of the area affected by our mining activities have been
                         reclaimed or are undergoing reclamation (e.g. forestry, agriculture,
                         hydro or parkland).”
                         Petr Lenc, General Manager of Mining Companies
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Our Group                                                                                             We Build
on the Map                                                                                            on Our Values
           Rocksavage          Sev.en Energy AG, Prague Branch Office
       Gas Power Plant         Sev.en Commodities AG, Prague Branch Office
                               Sev.en Commodities Prague Office
              Coryton          Sev.en Engineering Prague Office
       Gas Power Plant         SE Lignite Mine Vrsany
                               SE Lignite Mine CSA
              Spalding         SE Chvaletice Power Plant
       Gas Power Plant         Kladno CHP Plant
                               Zlin CHP Plant

           Sev.en Energy AG,
     Sev.en Commodities AG,

                                                                             Callide Power Plant
                                                                             Millmerran Power Plant

                                                                                                      Efficiency                           Sustainability                         Responsibility
                                                                                                      We believe in daring visions, but    We help to make                        We are not only professionals,
                                                                                                      at the same time we understand       people’s everyday lives easier and     we are neighbours, citizens and
                                                                                                      that between tomorrow’s vision       safer: to be able to switch on the     people who understand when
                                                                                                      and today’s reality there is a lot   lights, to make a morning coffee,      somebody needs help or support.
                                                                                                      to do. We believe that if you        to warm their homes after a busy       That’s why our corporate social
                                                                                                      want to succeed in today’s world     working day. We do it to using         responsibility programme covers
                                                                                                      you have to be able to think         natural resources. But like our        a broad spectrum of good cause
                                                                                                      creatively, while also maintaining   predecessor, we strongly believe       initiatives, from supporting local
                                                                                                      practical reasoning.                 that when we use something, we         communities to internationally
                                                                                                                                           should give it back in the best        recognised support for the Czech
                                                                                                                                           possible condition. We not only        language at Oxford University.
                                                                                                                                           believe in it, we do it. And we have
                                                                                                                                           been doing it since 1908. And have
                                                                                                                                           always been the best at it.
24                  Group Profile 2020                                                                                                                        Group Profile 2020            25

We Believe                                                                        We Believe in Social
in Sustainability                                                                 Responsibility
and Fairness

 An important part of our daily work
 is awareness of our responsibility
 for preserving the entrusted value
 for future generations. We consider
 it our duty to restore the landscape
 affected by our activities to its
 original state. At the same time, we
 constantly strive to improve the                                                 Local Support                          National Support                    International Support
 environment, efforts that build on
 a long tradition. For example, as
                                                                                  Clever Heads for North                 North Bohemia Regional Support      Ivana and Pavel Tykac Fellowship,
 far back as in 1908, the first land
                                                                                  long‑term school support               partnership supporting the region   University College, Oxford
 restoration office was established in
                                                                                  programme                              on the national level               University
 the town of Duchcov at the edge of
                                                                                                                                                             supporting teaching of the Czech
 the mining area, long before the word                                            Local Municipalities Support           East Bohemia Regional Support
                                                                                                                                                             language in one of the most
 “sustainability” became a part of our                                            long‑term partnership programme        partnership supporting the region
                                                                                                                                                             prestigious British university
 modern vocabulary.                                                                                                      on the national level
                                                                                  Most Black Angels
                                                                                  sponsoring a women‘s handball          Food for children
                                                                                  team                                   unique project supporting
                                                                                                                         disadvantaged schoolchildren
                                         Fair                                     City of Most Hospital Neonatal Dept.
                                                                                  co‑financing partnership
                                                                                  HC Dynamo Pardubice
                                         The companies of the Sev.en Energy       sponsoring a professional ice
                                         Group are major employers and have       hockey club
                                         a significant impact on the economic
                                                                                  One‑off regional projects and
                                         and social situation in the regions
                                         where they operate.
                                                                                  operational support
                                         The Group considers employee
                                         care a key value and the foundation

                                                                                                                         2 000 000 EUR
                                         for its development. The Group’s
                                         management is aware of the need

                                         for skilled, loyal and motivated
                                         employees that contribute to
                                         its operations and long-term
                                         performance. Therefore, the Group
                                         uses every opportunity to provide its                                           of financial support in 2018
                                         people with interesting job prospects.
26                    Group Profile 2020                                                                                              Group Profile 2020   27

Our Key                                                                                                                    RELIABLE
Financial Figures 2018

                                                                                                                           FOR FAST
     Revenues*                                                                       EBITDA (adjusted)

                                                                 million                                   million
                                                                 EUR                                       EUR

                                                                                      Total Assets
                                                                                    864                                    WORLD

     ROE                                      ROCE                                   ROCE, including EUA revaluation

     23.2               %
                                              6.01              %
                                                                                    13.6               %
     * Represents sum of revenues of subsidiaries and associates of the Group, corresponding to relevant share held

                                           “Over the last several years,          to Teplarna Kladno s.r.o. By the end
                                           the Sev.en Energy group has            of 2019, we will also know whether
                                           undergone major restructuring          ČEZ will utilise its option to go back
                                           and consolidation. The aim of          on its previous decision to sell the
                                           the changes was to streamline          Počerady power plant to the Sev.en
                                           the workings of the entire system      Energy group.
                                           and prepare the structure for
                                           international expansion.             Even though our acquisition
                                                                                activities did not have a very
                                           We have finalized the international significant impact on the first
                                           acqusition of 50% share in InterGen consolidated financial results for
                                           N.V. and we have closed the          2018, the year 2019 is very important
                                           acquisition of Alpiq Generation (CZ) for the group in this respect.”
       Jiri Postolka, Group CFO            s.r.o. The company was renamed

Sev.en Energy AG       Sev.en Energy AG   Phone: +420 222 183 499
Prague Branch Office
                       Zollstrasse 82     E-mail:
V celnici 1031/4       9494 Schaan
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic                                                       SEM09D15Y20
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