Tissue Doppler Imaging in Maine Coon Cats with a Mutation of Myosin Binding Protein C with or without Hypertrophy

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J Vet Intern Med 2007;21:232–237

    Tissue Doppler Imaging in Maine Coon Cats with a Mutation of
        Myosin Binding Protein C with or without Hypertrophy
             Kristin A. MacDonald, Mark D. Kittleson, Philip H. Kass, and Kathryn M. Meurs

        Background: The cardiac myosin binding protein C gene is mutated in Maine Coon (MC) cats with familial hypertrophic
        Hypotheses: Early diastolic mitral annular velocity is incrementally reduced from normal cats to MC cats with only an
      abnormal genotype to MC cats with abnormal genotype and hypertrophy.
        Animals: Group 1 consisted of 6 normal domestic shorthair cats, group 2 of 6 MC cats with abnormal genotype but no
      hypertrophy, and group 3 of 15 MC cats with hypertrophy and abnormal genotype.
        Methods: The genotype and echocardiographic phenotype of cats were determined, and the cats were divided into the 3
      groups. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) of the lateral mitral annulus from the left apical 4-chamber view was performed. Five
      nonconsecutive measurements of early diastolic mitral annular velocity (EM) or summated early and late diastolic velocity
      (EAsum) and heart rate were averaged.
        Results: There was an ordered reduction in Em-EAsum as group number increased (group 1, range 9.7–14.7 cm/s; group 2,
      range 7.5–13.2 cm/s; group 3, range 4.5–14.1 cm/s; P 5 .001). Using the lower prediction limit for normal Em-EAsum, the
      proportion of cats with normal Em-EAsum decreased as the group number increased (P 5 .001). However, Em-EAsum was
      reduced in only 3 of 6 cats in group 2.
        Conclusion: The incremental reduction of Em-EAsum as group severity increased indicates that diastolic dysfunction is an
      early abnormality that occurs before hypertrophy development. TDI measurement of Em or EAsum of the lateral mitral
      annulus is an insensitive screening test for identification of phenotypically normal, genotypically affected cats.
        Key words: Diastolic function; Genotype; Phenotype; Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

       ypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most                     TDI echocardiography has emerged as one of the
H       common heart disease of cats and is inherited as
an autosomal dominant trait in a family of Maine Coon
                                                                     most sensitive and specific methods for noninvasive
                                                                     assessment of diastolic function and is relatively un-
cats.1 The causative mutation of HCM in this family of               affected by loading conditions.7 Diastolic function is
Maine Coon cats is a missense mutation in the                        most commonly assessed by measuring the early di-
sarcomeric protein myosin binding protein C gene                     astolic velocity of the mitral annulus (Em).8–11 Em is
(MYBPC3), that results in a change from the conserved                reduced in cats with HCM when compared to normal
amino acid alanine to proline, thus altering protein                 cats.6,10 Em also correlates with invasive measurements
conformation.2 Myosin binding protein C is located at                of diastolic function in cats.12 Potential pathophysiologic
the transverse band within the A band of the sarcomere               consequences of severe HCM and diastolic dysfunction
and attaches to titin and B-myosin heavy chain. It is                include development of congestive heart failure and
believed to have both structural and regulatory roles.3              systemic thromboembolism.
   Mutations in MYBPC3 are the most common cause                        Population screening and early recognition of HCM
of familial HCM in people, and occur in 14–26% of                    has become important in human medicine and in certain
familial cases.4 Incomplete penetrance is common with                breeds of cats that appear predisposed to HCM. Until
mutations in this gene, often making echocardiographic               now, HCM diagnosis in cats was dependent on
diagnosis of HCM difficult in heterozygous individuals.3             identification of left ventricular concentric hypertrophy
   Maine Coon cats with HCM develop concentric                       by echocardiography in the absence of other diseases
hypertrophy, myofiber disarray, interstitial and replace-            that cause hypertrophy. The use of a genetic screening
ment fibrosis, and possibly left atrial enlargement.1                test for the mutation of MYBPC3 is useful to identify
Systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve is common.              genotypically affected Maine Coon cats within this
Cats with HCM have impaired relaxation and diastolic                 colony.2 However, there are no genotypic screening tests
dysfunction evident on traditional echocardiography                  for familial HCM in purebred cats other than Maine
and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) echocardiography.5,6                Coon cats. Because there are more than 200 mutations
                                                                     of 10 sarcomeric genes in people, it is likely that each
   From the Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology (MacDo-         breed will have a different mutation and identifying
nald, Kittleson) and Population Health and Reproduction (Kass),      them will be a long and laborious process.13 Therefore,
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis,      identification of left ventricular concentric hypertrophy
Davis, CA; and the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,       by echocardiography will remain the fundamental basis
College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University,         of diagnosis of HCM in cats for some time. However,
Pullman, WA (Meurs).                                                 TDI echocardiography might be a useful earlier
   Reprint requests: Kristin MacDonald, Animal Care Center of        screening modality to identify diastolic and systolic
Sonoma, 6470 Redwood Dr., Rohnert Park, CA 94928; e-mail:
                                                                     abnormalities in familial HCM before development of
   Submitted November 30, 2005; Revised May 4, 2006, September
                                                                     concentric hypertrophy because it is abnormal in
27, 2006; Accepted November 7, 2006.                                 humans and other animal models before the develop-
   Copyright E 2007 by the American College of Veterinary Internal   ment of left ventricular wall thickening.14,15
Medicine                                                                The hypothesis of the study was that cats with the
   0891-6640/07/2102-0005/$3.00/0                                    identified mutation of MYBPC3 without phenotypic
TDI in Cats with cMyBP-C                                                           233

Fig 1. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) in normal cats and cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pulsed-wave TDI was
performed at the lateral mitral annulus using a left apical 4-chamber view with the gate placed perpendicular to the motion of the heart (A).
TDI of a normal cat in group 1 shows fusion of the early and late diastolic velocities into a single EAsum wave, and there was a rapid heart
rate of 220 bpm (B). TDI of a Maine Coon cat with severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy without heart failure in group 3, showing reduced
Em velocity and E : A reversal, which indicate diastolic dysfunction, and there was a slow heart rate of 104 bpm (C). EA, summated early
and late diastolic velocity wave; S, systolic wave; Em, early diastolic mitral annular velocity, A, late diastolic mitral annular velocity.

evidence of hypertrophy have diastolic dysfunction                         cuts specifically at a GGCC region, and incubated at 37uC for
when assessed by TDI echocardiography. Specific aims                       2 hours. The affected cats have a mutation that replaces the second
were to determine if there was an ordered decrease in                      G and prevents the enzyme from cutting an appropriate sized
diastolic function from normal cats to cats with the                       fragment compared to normal cats. Sixteen microliters of the
                                                                           sample was run on a polyacrylamide gel for 45 minutes to 1hour at
mutation but no hypertrophy to cats with the mutation
                                                                           250 V. The gel was placed into an ethidium bromide solution for
and hypertrophy, and to determine if measurement of
                                                                           5 minutes, rinsed in distilled water for 5 minutes, and viewed under
early diastolic mitral annular velocity was a useful                       ultraviolet light to evaluate the fragment sizes. Unaffected cats
means of screening cats without hypertrophy for the                        were identified by the presence of 50 and 55 base pair sized
mutation.                                                                  fragments, affected cats were identified by the presence of 50 and
                                                                           75 base pair fragments.
                  Materials and Methods                                        Samples from affected cats were subsequently genotyped by
                                                                           sequencing on an ABI377 sequencer,b and the sequence was
                        Study Population                                   evaluated to determine if they were heterozygous (G/CCC) or
   This study consisted of normal domestic shorthair (DSH) cats            homozygous (CCC) for the mutation.2
(group 1), Maine Coon cross cats with the MYBPC3 mutation in the
absence of left ventricular hypertrophy (group 2), and Maine Coon                                 Echocardiography
cats and Maine Coon cross cats with the MYBPC3 mutation and left
ventricular hypertrophy (group 3). Group 1 cats were normal DSH               Standard echocardiography was performed on all affected cats
cats residing within another research colony and were unrelated to         while sedated with 0.1 mg/kg acepromazine and 0.1 mg/kg hydro-
the Maine Coon and Maine Coon cross cats. Unrelated DSH cats               morphone SC.c A left ventricular free wall end diastolic thickness
were chosen for group 1 because Maine coon cats and Maine coon             (LVFWd) or an interventricular septal end diastolic thickness
cross cats residing in the HCM colony could not be declared as             (IVSd) .6 mm was defined as abnormal. Left atrial and aortic
normal based on a normal genotype for MBYPC3. There is another             diameters were measured by 2-dimensional echocardiography of
mutation within the colony that causes HCM, and the mutation has           the right parasternal short-axis basilar view, and left atrial dilation
yet to be defined. Therefore, it was necessary to use unrelated DSH        was defined as the ratio of left atrium to aortic diameter (LA:Ao)
cats in the control group. Maine Coon cats and Maine Coon cross            $1.5. Systolic blood pressure was measured in all cats with
cats in group 2 and group 3 live in a research colony of cats with         concentric hypertrophy and had to be within the normal range of
familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This numbering was em-               ,160 mmHg for a cat to be included in the study.d The metatarsal
ployed to indicate the ordering of relative severity of clinical disease   region of one hind limb of each cat was shaved, and a 3-cm cuff
among groups in this study population.                                     was placed above the tarsus. Serial blood pressure measurements
                                                                           were made for 5 minutes, and the lowest consistent value obtained
                                                                           in 3 measurements was chosen.
                      Mutational Analysis
    Two milliliters of blood was collected from Maine Coon cats                               Tissue Doppler Imaging
residing in a familial HCM research colony. DNA was extracted
from peripheral lymphocytes from all cats as previously de-                    Pulsed-wave TDI of the lateral mitral annulus from the left-
scribed.16 An oligonucleotide was designed for amplification of            apical 4-chamber view was performed using a 12-MHz probe, with
exon 3 of the MYBPC3 gene in cats, using known human                       the pulsed-wave Doppler gate placed perpendicular to myocardial
sequences (GenBank U91629) and Primer3 software.17 The exon                motion (Fig 1).c Specific TDI settings included: Nyquist limit 10–
was amplified at 95uC (5 minutes) followed by 40 cycles of 94uC            15 cm/s; sweep speed 100 cm/s; gate width 0.11 cm; and filter
(20 seconds), 57uC (20 seconds), and 74uC (39 seconds). The                50 Hz. Heart rate (HR) was measured by an electrocardiogram.
polymerase chain reaction product was run on an agarose gel,               Five nonconsecutive measurements of Em or summated early and
cut from the gel, and purified with the QiaQuick kit.a Restriction         late diastolic velocity (EAsum) of the lateral mitral annulus were
enzyme digests were performed to confirm the identification of the         recorded and averaged (Fig 1). The HRs of the 5 nonconsecutive
mutation by running 10 mL of the sample combined with 3-mL                 measurements were also averaged. Early and late diastolic mitral
HaeIII buffer, 5.5-mL water, and 1.5-mL HaeIII, an enzyme that             annular velocity waves fuse when there are high HRs, preventing
234                                                                        MacDonald et al

Table 1. Echocardiographic measurements of normal domestic shorthair cats (group 1), Maine Coon cats and
Maine Coon cross cats with myosin binding protein C mutation and no left ventricular hypertrophy (group 2), or with
hypertrophy (group 3).
                                               Group 1 (n 5 6)                        Group 2 (n 5 6)                   Group 3 (n 5 15)
                                                 2Genotype                              +Genotype                          +Genotype
Echocardiographic                               2Phenotype                             2Phenotype                         +Phenotype
  Measurement                                  Median (Range)                         Median (Range)                    Median (Range)
 LVFWd (mm)                                      4.8   (4–5.3)                         4.7   (4–5.1)                      6.6   (4.7–7.8)
 IVSd (mm)                                       5.7   (4–6)                           4.5   (3.8–5.3)                    6.3   (4.1–7.6)
 Em (cm/s)                                      11.6   (9.7–14.7)                      8.4   (7.5–13.2)                   7.7   (4.5–14.1)
 HR (beats/min)                                  204   (143–260)                       172   (157–244)                    175   (101–256)

  LVFWd, left ventricular free wall end diastolic thickness; IVSd, interventricular septal end diastolic thickness; Em, early diastolic mitral
annular velocity; HR, heart rate.

the measurement of individual Em waves in many cats (Fig 1B).                         cats with the MYBPC3 mutation. Median values of wall
The tracings that were chosen had the highest velocities and                          thickness of group 1 cats were LVFWd 4.8 mm (range
minimal artifact. The operator (KM) obtaining and reading the                         4–5.3 mm) and IVSd 5.7 mm (range 4–6 mm) (Table 1).
echocardiogram and TDI was blinded to the group number of the                         All cats in group 1 had normal left atrial size. There were
cat, with the exception of group 1 cats.
                                                                                      6 Maine Coon cross cats (3 male and 3 female) with
   Normal reference values of Em-EAsum were obtained by
                                                                                      a mutation of MYBPC3 but no phenotypic evidence of
another investigator from 20 normal, awake DSH cats.e,6 Sixty-four
measurements of Em-EAsum were made at HRs ranging from 115–
                                                                                      left ventricular hypertrophy (group 2). All cats in group
242 bpm.6 Because Em-EAsum is positively correlated with HR,                          2 were heterozygous for the MYBPC3 mutation. No
95% prediction intervals were constructed to determine the upper                      cats in group 2 had left ventricular hypertrophy,
and lower limits of normal Em-EAsum depending on the HR,                              papillary hypertrophy, or left atrial enlargement (medi-
using the following formulas:                                                         an LVFWd 4.7 mm, range 4–5.1 mm; median IVSd
                         vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi   4.5 mm, range 3.8–5.3 mm) (Table 1). Last, there were
                         u           1                 ðX { X         Þ2             15 Maine Coon cats and Maine Coon cross cats (7 male
            SIND ~ SY:Xu t1 z n z P                                   P 2             and 8 female) with MYBPC3 mutation and phenotypic
                                                                    ð Xi Þ
                                                      Xi2 {                n          evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy (group 3). One
                                                                                      cat in group 3 was homozygous for the MYBPC3
                                                                                      mutation, and the remaining 14 cats were heterozygous
Prediction interval 5 Yc 6 tSIND
Where_ Y is predicted individual value of Em-EAsum; X, heart
                                                                                      for the mutation. All cats in group 3 had mild to severe
rate; X, mean heart rate; n, sample number; SIND, square root of                      concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (LVFWd median
variance of Y; and t, the t multiple determined for n-2 degrees of                    6.6 mm, range 4.7–7.8 mm; IVSd median 6.3 mm, range
freedom.                                                                              4.1–7.6 mm), and 3 cats (20%) had mild to severe left
                                                                                      atrial enlargement (LA/Ao 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0, respectively)
                          Statistical Analysis                                        (Table 1). Median ages and age ranges of cats in group
                                                                                      1, group 2, and group 3 were 3.5 years (3–4 years),
    The Jonckheere-Terpstra test was used to assess the presence of                   5.5 years (2.8–6.1 years), and 8.4 years (2.4–12.9 years),
a continuous Em-EAsum response according to ordinal group, ie,
                                                                                      respectively. There was no difference in ages among the
that Em-EAsum decreases as group number (severity) increases.
                                                                                      3 groups (P 5 .35).
The Kruskal-Wallis test for singly ordered contingency table data
was used to compare ordinal groups (group 1, then group 2, then
group 3) to a dichotomous grouping of EM-EAsum (normal or                                                 Tissue Doppler Imaging
reduced). Em-EAsum was defined as normal or reduced by using
                                                                                         Em-EAsum decreased as group number (ie, severity
95% prediction intervals of Em-EAsum depending on HR.
                                                                                      of disease) increased, meaning that there was an ordered
Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of variance was used to assess
whether HR and age were different among the 3 groups of cats.
                                                                                      response of Em-EAsum depending on the group number
Sensitivity and specificity of Em-EAsum for detecting genotypical-                    (group 1, median 11.6 cm/s, range 9.7–14.7 cm/s; group
ly affected cats was calculated. A level of significance was defined                  2, median 8.4 cm/s, range 7.5–13.2 cm/s; group 3 median
as P , .05.                                                                           7.7; range 4.5–14.1; P 5 .001) (Table 1, Fig 2). Using
    Em-Easum and HR was obtained 2 separate days within                               the 95% prediction intervals for the lower limit of
10 days by the same operator in 10 Maine Coon and Maine Coon                          normal Em depending on HR, no normal cats, 3 cats
cross cats. Time-intraobserver differences were statistically assessed                (50%) in group 2, and 12 cats (80%) in group 3 had
by a paired t-test.f                                                                  abnormally low Em-EAsum relative to HR (Fig 3).
                                                                                      Using the Kruskal-Wallis test for singly ordered
                                   Results                                            contingency table data, there was an ordered difference
                                                                                      in the number of cats with normal Em-EAsum depend-
                            Study Population
                                                                                      ing on group number, such that the number of cats with
  There were 6 normal DSH cats (Group 1) that were                                    normal Em-EAsum decreased as the group number
unrelated to the Maine Coon cats and Maine Coon cross                                 increased (P 5 .001). Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, HR
TDI in Cats with cMyBP-C                                             235

                                                                       (80%) and specific (100%) for detection of the affected
                                                                       genotype in cats in group 3.
                                                                          There was no time-intraobserver difference in Em-
                                                                       EAsum (P 5 .9) or HR (P 5 .07) in 10 Maine Coon and
                                                                       Maine Coon cross cats that were examined twice within
                                                                       a 10-day period by the same (blinded) operator.

                                                                          This study found that there was an ordered decrease
                                                                       in Em-EAsum that corresponded to the increase in
                                                                       group number, ie, as the group number increased from
                                                                       normal to genotype-positive phenotype-negative to
                                                                       genotype and phenotype positive, Em-EAsum de-
Fig 2. Box and whisker plots of early mitral annular diastolic         creased. As has been shown previously, Em-EAsum
velocity in normal domestic shorthair cats (group 1), Maine Coon       was also reduced in Maine Coon cats and Maine Coon
cats and Maine Coon cross cats with myosin binding protein C           cross cats with the MYBPC3 mutation with concentric
mutation without left ventricular hypertrophy (group 2), or with       hypertrophy.18 This study demonstrates that diastolic
hypertrophy (group 3). As group number (X axis) increased, early       dysfunction can be an early component of the patho-
mitral annular velocity (Em) decreased (P 5 .001; Group 1, median      physiology of HCM rather than merely a consequence
11.6 cm/s, range 9.7–14.7 cm/s; Group 2, median 8.4 cm/s, range
                                                                       of left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis. However,
7.5–13.2 cm/s; Group 3, median 7.7 cm/s, range 4.5–14.1 cm/s).
                                                                       on an individual basis, Em-EAsum of the lateral mitral
                                                                       annulus was reduced in only 50% (3/6) of the cats with
was not different among the 3 groups (P 5 .49; group 1,                the mutation of MYBPC3 without hypertrophy and is
median 204 bpm, range 143–260 bpm; group 2, median                     therefore not a sensitive enough screening test (sensitiv-
179 bpm, range 158–244 bpm; group 3, median                            ity 50%) for detection of genotypically affected cats with
175 bpm, range 101–250 bpm).                                           no hypertrophy. TDI measurement of Em-EAsum is
   TDI measurement of Em-EAsum of the lateral mitral                   a very sensitive test (80%) for detection of genotypically
annulus was insensitive (50%) but specific (100%) for                  affected cats with hypertrophy.
detection of the affected genotype in group 2 cats. TDI                   These findings are consistent with a previous report
measurement of Em-EAsum was both highly sensitive                      that identified impaired systolic and diastolic function
                                                                       using TDI in a mutant B-myosin heavy chain transgenic
                                                                       rabbit model of HCM before development of concentric
                                                                       hypertrophy.15 There are also several small studies
                                                                       evaluating the use of TDI measurement of diastolic
                                                                       function as a screening test for identification of
                                                                       genotypically affected people with familial HCM in the
                                                                       absence of hypertrophy.19,20 In one study of 13 people
                                                                       with a mutation for familial HCM but no hypertrophy,
                                                                       30 people with a mutation and concentric hypertrophy,
                                                                       and 30 age-matched controls, Em was 100% sensitive
                                                                       and 90% specific for the diagnosis of people with only
                                                                       the abnormal genotype.19 Another study using TDI to
                                                                       predict genotype (B-myosin heavy chain mutation) in
                                                                       people with preclinical HCM found a substantial over-
Fig 3. Tissue Doppler imaging echocardiography measurement             lap of EM velocities between genotypically affected
of early diastolic myocardial velocity at the lateral mitral annulus
                                                                       people without hypertrophy (n 5 18) and normal people
in normal domestic shorthair cats (group 1), Maine Coon cats and
Maine Coon cross cats with a myosin binding protein C mutation
                                                                       (n 5 18), with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of
without left ventricular hypertrophy (group 2) or with hypertrophy     86% for detection of the affected genotype.20 Another
(group 3). (under fig): As group number increased, early diastolic     study revealed that TDI is predictive of HCM de-
mitral annular velocity (Em) decreased (P 5 .001). Maine Coon          velopment in genotypically affected people, again
cats and Maine Coon cross cats with a mutation in the myosin           without evidence of hypertrophy.14 People with a lower
binding protein C gene without hypertrophy (group 2) had an            baseline Ea velocity had a greater increase in left
intermediate reduction in Em compared to the normal domestic           ventricular mass across 2 years (R 5 20.86).14 Further
shorthair cats (group 1), and Maine Coon cats and Maine Coon           follow-up of the genotypically affected cats without
cross with the MYBPC3 mutation and hypertrophy (group 3) had
                                                                       hypertrophy in the current study would be useful to
the lowest early diastolic mitral annular velocity (Em). Heart rate
was not significantly different among the 3 groups (P 5 .49). The
                                                                       identify whether the same relationship exists between
solid line represents the 95% prediction interval for lower limit of   baseline Ea and subsequent development of hypertrophy
normal Em depending on heart rate. Based on the lower prediction       in cats.
limit for normal Em, the number of cats with normal Em decreased          One hypothesis in familial HCM is that the initial
as the group number increased (P 5 .001).                              phenotype is a functional sarcomeric defect and there
236                                                   MacDonald et al

are intermediary pathways that connect the initial defect      Maine Coon cats that were genotypically affected but
to the final phenotype of left ventricular hypertrophy,        phenotypically normal.
myocardial fibrosis, and myofiber disarray.3 Gene                 Because of the limited number of normal cats and the
transfer studies in adult rat ventricular cardiomyocytes       need to measure Em-EAsum across a wide range of
expressing HCM-associated mutant troponin T protein            HRs, it was necessary to measure Em-EAsum several
have demonstrated myocyte dysfunction before devel-            times in some cats. Repeated measures of Em-EAsum
opment of myofibrillar disarray.21,22 Impaired cardio-         within individual normal cats may falsely narrow
myocyte mechanical function leads to increased myocyte         prediction intervals if there are cat-specific effects of
stress and activation of stress-responsive intracellular       HR on EM-EAsum. The number of normal DSH cats in
signaling kinases, calcium-sensitive signaling molecules,      group 1 was small.
and trophic factors.3 Transcriptional machinery of the            Systolic blood pressure was not measured in the
myocyte is activated, which leads to myocyte hypertro-         group 1 and group 2 cats that did not have evidence of
phy, collagen synthesis, and myocyte disarray. Left            concentric hypertrophy. These cats were young, overtly
ventricular hypertrophy is a compensatory process              healthy, and free of any clinical signs.
occurring later in the disease in familial HCM models.            In conclusion, this study found that Maine Coon cats
   Dysfunctional myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C)            and Maine Coon cross cats with a MYBPC3 mutation
protein may negatively impact the structure and                have incrementally reduced Em depending on the
function of the sarcomere.23 The axial alignment of            absence or presence of hypertrophy as compared with
cMyBP-C along the B2MHC backbone and the in-                   normal DSH cats. Cats that were genotypically affected
teraction of cMyBP-C with titin are necessary for              with no hypertrophy had intermediate Em values as
ordered, stabilized arrangement of the sarcomere.              a group compared to normal DSH cats and cats that
Consequently, the absence of cMyBP-C in transgenic             were genotypically affected and had hypertrophy,
cMyBP-C knockout mice resulted in malalignment of              suggesting that the pathophysiology of the disease in
the sarcomeric striations.23 cMyBP-C also interacts with       Maine Coon cats may be similar to that seen in humans
the beta-myosin heavy chain (b-MHC) head and acts as           and genetic models of HCM. However, on an individual
a braking mechanism between the interaction of actin           level, TDI is an insensitive screening test to identify
and b2MHC. When cMyBP-C is phosphorylated, it                  genotypically affected cats before the presence of
undergoes a conformational change in the C0–C1 linker          hypertrophy.
region that releases the myosin head to be in a favorable
position to bind with actin.24 The mutation in MYBPC3
in Maine Coon cats was localized to the C0 and C0–C1
linker region involved with binding to myosin, actin, or                               Footnotes
both.2 In an experimental model of interrupted cMyBP-          a
                                                                 QiaQuick, Qiagen Inc, Spoorstraat 50, KJ Venlo 5911, Nether-
C and myosin interaction in ventricular myocytes, there
was increased calcium sensitivity, force of contraction,       b
                                                                 ABI377 sequencer, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA
and time to half-relaxation.25 Similarly, in a knock-in        c
                                                                 HP Sonos 5500, Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA
mouse familial HCM model missing the linker between            d
                                                                 Parks Medical Electronics, Inc, Aloha, OR
motifs C0–C1, there was an increased calcium sensitivity       e
                                                                 Acuson 128XP/10, upgraded with Acoustic Response Technolo-
to force production.26 These experimental findings may           gy, Acuson DTI software, and Regional Expansion Selection,
help identify possible pathophysiologic mechanisms of            Acuson Corps, Mountain View, CA
familial HCM in Maine Coon cats with mutation of                 StatXact, Version 6, Cytel Software Corporation, Cambridge,
MYBPC3.                                                          MA
   There were several limitations of this study. TDI
measurement only included the lateral mitral annulus
early diastolic velocity or summated early and late
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