GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...

Page created by Reginald Jones
GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
                       Noah Phelps’ Legacy

             rimsby Beach, within reach of the
             Niagara Escarpment, lies along the south
             shore of Lake Ontario. One of Canada’s
             most unique neighbourhoods with
  beautifully painted gingerbread cottages, it is
  embraced by a vibrant community. It all started
  as a Methodist Church Camp in 1859.

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...

                       The colourful gingerbread
                     cottages of Grimsby Beach
                     have been brought back to life
                     from a decline in the 1930s.

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
The “sunburst”
                                                                                                                              feature of
                                                                                                                              gingerbread under
                                                                                                                              the peak is common
                                                                                                                              and found in both
                                                                                                                              refurbished and
                                                                                                                              historic houses.

                       oday’s beautiful cottages replaced decorative        what would transpire during his 26 years of leadership.
                       tents that were the first accommodations                The campground was first surveyed in 1875 and the tent
                       for the members of the Methodist revival             plots were identified. Not long after, the tents gave way to a
                       events known as “Chautauquas,” referring to          unique and colourful cottage community and even today the
                       a cultural movement that began in New York           deeds for homes refer to the tent plots that they sit on.
                       State. Leaders like Noah Phelps steered this            The church camp became a booming tourist attraction. Steam-
                       community through an incredible journey.             powered ferries started to arrive at the newly built dock in 1876
                          If not for the collective efforts of dedicated    bringing visitors from Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara. Trains
                       homeowners, Phelps might not recognize               and vehicles would bring others from as far away as the U.S.
                       what he knew as the Ontario Methodist                    Rules were firm: no alcohol, no foul language and lights out
Camp Meeting Ground on Grimsby’s Lake Ontario shoreline.                    at 10:30 pm. Sunday was a day of rest and guests were expected
    Phelps first visited the property in the mid 1800s and the              to attend church services. An immense open-air pavilion, the
first church meeting here was in 1859. After the inaugural                 “Temple” was built in 1888. It could hold 7,000 people and stood
meeting the property grew into a large campground and                       100 feet high with a cupola at the top with windows in it for natural
meeting place for churchgoers. By 1875 the annual weeklong                  light. It was used day and night for lectures and entertainment.
meetings had turned into summers full of events.                                Stores, a post office and two large hotels, The Park
    In 1874 the Ontario Methodist Church Camp Company                       and Lakeview, were built. With cottages replacing tents
was formed, and Phelps became its first and only president                  and a wide variety of visitor attractions being added, the
until his death in 1900. It is doubtful anybody could imagine               season for tourists went from spring until fall.

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
The Friesen
family and
their house,
showing a flair
for fashion and

              One of the
            ferries from
             across Lake
         Ontario at the
        dock of Grimsby
           Beach. PHOTO

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
An 1890 view of the Lakeview Hotel which burned down in 1918.

Grimsby Beach                              Fires took their toll. In
In 1900, with the passing              1914 one fire took 34 cottages
of Phelps, the church camp             and another in 1927 took
became the Grimsby Park                almost 30 more. The Park
Company. It continued as a             Hotel likely burned in 1914
successful resort attraction           and the Lakeview Hotel
and by 1907 there were 180             was lost to fire in 1918.
cottages. In 1916 the property             The architecture was
was sold to the Canada                 unmistakable. Front porches,
Steamship Lines and became             second-level balconies and
known as Grimsby Beach.                gingerbread adornments to
With each new owner, the               the narrow cottages came
church morals and values were          into fashion and craftsmen
diluted, and more investments          were strongly sought after by
were made in amusements with           the cottage owners. Built on
a midway, merry-go-round,              narrow tent lots, the cottages
roller coaster, casino, dance          were typically one-and-a-half
hall and theatre. In 1924 the          storeys with living areas on
Grimsby Cottagers Association          the first floor, bedrooms on
purchased the property from            the second, with kitchens in
the steamship line and sold            the rear. A distinctive feature
the lots to the cottagers.             was a small balcony off the
   The steamships stopped              bedrooms at the front with
in 1929 after almost a 50-year         a sunburst design on the
run. After 1930 the resort             gable end above the balcony.
started to lose its lustre and             Today, there is a small
became a place for residents to        but significant collection of
find more affordable housing.          cottages that have been rebuilt
Many cottages with open                to reflect the original designs.
porches and verandahs had              It has been a labour of love
walls built to enclose them to         and often at great expense for       Camp visitors from the early days in front of one of the tents. PHOTO BY J.H.
make for larger living spaces.         the homeowners to bring a          FORD COURTESY OF GRIMSBY ARCHIVES.

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
Sue Anderson at her house, reborn from the 1920s.

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GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
Camp crowd in front of Park Hotel and the post office. Note the overflow crowd on the balconies. PHOTO COURTESY OF GRIMSBY ARCHIVES.

 Camp visitors waiting for the ferry to arrive. PHOTO BY J.H. FORD COURTESY OF GRIMSBY ARCHIVES.

cottage built in the late 1800s,            history. Many were taken                      Every inch of change on the         the 1950s but wasn’t quite
meant for summer use only,                  by J.H. Ford who operated a                   home and beautiful garden           sure of her memories until
to being year-round homes                   photographic studio in the                    receives creative energy            her feet took her down the
today. They are beautifully                 park. His residence still exists              and a passion for the past.         old path she used as a child.
cared for inside and out.                   and is now called “Bellview”                     Sue Anderson moved into          Then the memories came
                                            by its owners, the Mackays.                   her home in 2011. She visited       rushing back. She feels she
Preserving History                          It exquisitely illustrates                    Grimsby Beach as a child with       is really at home now.
Today we are fortunate to have              the flair and distinction of                  her father, involving long              Speaking to homeowners
many photos of this unique                  Grimsby Beach cottages.                       boat rides from Hamilton in         like Bob Friesen, you hear

36 Niagara Escarpment Views • summer 2021
GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
Sandy Shaw
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                                                                                                                  updates on our 2021 season
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                                                                       Cruise Ontario’s largest river in the charming town of Caledonia, Ontario
                                                                           Call 800-847-3321 for more info or reservations
 Grimsby Beach can be reached along Lake St.
west of Bartlett Ave., south of the QEW.

personal stories of what                 Today’s cottage owners
attracted them to the                 are concerned about what
neighbourhood and the                 tomorrow will bring. Recently
surprises they found in the           the Town of Grimsby passed
houses when refurbishing was          an interim control bylaw to
carried out. His beautifully          allow time for a new planning
restored cottage which has            study to be completed.
been moved from one lot to            Residents hope the plan will
another, appears to have had          recognize the Grimsby Beach
a section added on that may           history and bring zoning
well have come from another           parameters to reflect it.
cottage. When you tear down
walls, secrets are revealed.          Bruce Mackenzie’s last article
   There is limited parking           in Niagara Escarpment Views
for visitors on the outskirts         was “The Grimsby Wetlands,”
of Grimsby Beach. Please              Spring 2021. Bruce resides in
respect the owners and                Grimsby and is a commissioner
their properties; look but            on the Niagara Escarpment            Golf Cars • Utility Vehicles
don’t touch. They have
spent so much energy in
                                      Commission, vice chair of the
                                      Niagara Peninsula Conservation
                                                                            Outdoor Power Equipment
preserving the past. Lake             Authority and is a member of                  SERVICE • SALES • PARTS
St. runs through Grimsby              the stakeholders committee        154 Upper Centennial Pkwy. (Hwy 20), Stoney Creek
Beach from west of                    for the Grimsby Beach Land
                                                                          905.662.2663 | 800.263. 8606 |
Bartlett Ave off the QEW.             Use Planning Study.

                                                                                   summer 2021 • Niagara Escarpment Views                    37
GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ... GRIMSBY BEACH: Niagara ...
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