Greece Country Travel Advice Report - Study Abroad Office

Page created by Enrique Goodman
Greece Country Travel Advice Report - Study Abroad Office
Intelligence and Analysis Services

                               Country Travel Advice Report

                            Overall Risk Rating: Low - Moderate | 2.75

Drum Cussac Group Limited           Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Risk Rating Breakdown ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Country Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
    Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fact Box ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Travel Risk Advice ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Threat Scale Reference ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Drum Cussac Group Limited                                                                                     2                                             Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Risk Rating Breakdown

   Country Overall Risk Rating                                                 Low - Moderate | 2.75

        Security            Environmental      Infrastructural             Political                   Medical

    Low - Moderate | 2.75    Moderate | 3.00   Low - Moderate | 2.50   Low - Moderate | 2.75      Low - Moderate | 2.75

Drum Cussac Group Limited                           3                       Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Country Overview                                                                                                              Low - Moderate | 2.75

Greece is a predominantly coastal nation located in south east Europe where it borders Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria to the north, Turkey to
the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The country is a democracy, with one of the oldest representational governments in the world.
However a number of clandestine anti-government factions exist in Greece, and protests and riots are common. Greece is a popular tourist
destination due to its ancient history and warm Mediterranean coastline and subsequently the service industry has become a dominant sector of
the national economy. The Greek financial sector has proven significantly less stable than many of its Western European neighbours, as the
country suffers from high international debt, widespread unemployment, and a low credit rating.

A credit deal reached in July 2015 between Greece and the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund stipulates
that the government needs to undertake far-reaching socio-political reforms to improve the economic viability of the country. These reforms
remain a trigger for strikes and social unrest. Over the last few years, the government has implemented several unpopular austerity measures in
exchange for an international aid package. Cuts to jobs and state services are ongoing as the economy remains in a period of recession. While
the country was beginning to recover from the economic recession in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affecting the Greek
economy - one that significantly depends on the tourism industry.

Several domestic anti-government and anti-establishment terrorist groups are active in the country, although they pose a limited threat to
travellers. The main risk to visitors is petty crime around transportation hubs and tourist sites. Greece's infrastructure, which has received major
upgrades over the last decade, is generally well connected and maintained. An exception is the country's rail transport system, which is limited,
particularly in mountainous regions.

Security                                                                                                                      Low - Moderate | 2.75


Greece faces a number of moderate security threats. Petty crime, including bag-snatching and pick-pocketing, represents the main risk to
travelers. Left-wing extremists and anarchists periodically conduct small-scale terrorist attacks against commercial assets and government
buildings. Socio-economic and political issues also have the potential to trigger demonstrations and riots, particularly in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Political                                                                                                                     Low - Moderate | 2.75


While Greece's political institutions are generally stable, the country continues to be subject to austerity measures and its economy is under
scrutiny as it continues to rely on foreign debt relief plans. Corruption is a concern.

Infrastructural                                                                                                               Low - Moderate | 2.50


There are no major concerns associated with air safety to/from and within Greece. Overland travel can pose occasional risks due to poorly
designed roads and dangerous driving habits. Air and sea travel are considered safe and reliable.

Environmental                                                                                                                       Moderate | 3.00


Greece is in a seismically active region and quakes are periodically felt. High temperatures and droughts lead to a heightened risk of wildfires
during the summer season. Heavy rains also periodically result in mudslides and riverine flooding.

Medical                                                                                                                       Low - Moderate | 2.75

Drum Cussac Group Limited                                                   4                           Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services


There are no particular health concerns for travel to Greece, and only routine precautions and standard vaccinations are recommended for travel.
Medical facilities on the mainland are in good condition, particularly in Athens and Thessaloniki. Some island facilities remain limited.

Drum Cussac Group Limited                                                 5                              Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Fact Box
                     Parliamentary Republic

   Population        10,823,732 (2015)

   Currency          EURO

   Languages         Greek (official) 99%, other (includes English and French) 1%

   Time Zone         UTC+2

   Religions         Greek Orthodox (official) 98%, Other, including Muslim, 2%

   Traffic           Drives on the right

   Plug Types        Type C and Type F

                     Greece does not collect data on ethnicity, however, Greek citizenship comprises Greek
                     93%, and other (foreign citizens) 7%

                     Not Safe to Drink

                     2019 Significant Dates:

                     January 1 - New Year’s Day January 6 - Epiphany March 2 - Clean Monday March 25 -
                     Independence Day March 25 - Annunciation of the Lord April 17 - Orthodox Good Friday
                     April 9 - Orthodox Easter Monday May 1 - May Day June 8 - Holy Spirit Monday August 15 -
                     Assumption Day October 28 - Ochi Day December 25 - Christmas Day December 26 -
                     Synaxis of the Mother of God

   Country           +30

Drum Cussac Group Limited                               6                         Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Travel Risk Advice

Vaccinations and Key Health Risks

You should visit a health care professional at least four to six weeks prior to the trip. Travellers should ensure that they have routine vaccination
courses and boosters. Routine vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, varicella (chickenpox), polio, and
annual flu vaccine.

Dependent on work, reason for travel, or underlying health conditions, some travellers may require vaccines from:

    Hepatitis A
    Hepatitis B


Travellers should have adequate travel insurance in place to enable rapid medical treatment or emergency extraction from Greece in the event of
a significant natural disaster like an earthquake.

Travellers should provide friends and family a copy of their travel itinerary and carry any important travel and identification documents discreetly
on their person.

Demonstrations, protests and rallies, take place regularly in Athens, Thessaloniki and other major cities, and these increase the risk of exposure
to incidental violence and petty crime. Therefore travellers should conduct research into the current political situation before travel, and ensure
that their operations and activities will not be impacted.

On Arrival

In April 2019 Hellenic Police began implementing systematic passport control checks for all European citizens travelling to/from destinations
outside the Schengen zone. These measures, which are in line with the 2017 Schengen Borders Code regulation EU 2017/458, have increased
waiting times in Greece's international airports. Travellers from non-Schengen European nations should therefore ensure to arrive at the airport in
good time upon departure from Greece.

Natural disasters (including severe weather extremes, wildfires and earthquakes) can pose a significant risk to travellers in Greece. Travellers
should therefore monitor local and international weather updates from the Greek Meteorological Service or European Meteorological Services
websites whilst in the country:

In Transit

Public transport is generally safe, and self driving may be conducted, although rural roads can be dangerous and hiring a reputable taxi or
transfer service is recommended for inter-city travel.

At Your Hotel

There are no extraneous measures that should be undertaken at the hotel.

In the Street

Protests and rallies take place periodically. Travellers should avoid any demonstrations, protests and rallies, which may attract security forces and
law enforcement officers and present a dynamic and volatile environment.

Drum Cussac Group Limited                                                 7                             Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Travellers should avoid sensitive areas, and during periods of heightened tension travellers should avoid symbolic places - such as police
stations, government buildings and locations of previous protests.

Travellers should keep a low profile, and avoid discussing political issues in public.

Travellers should avoid overt displays of wealth and dress discreetly in public. They should not display money, jewellery or valuables and should
generally aim to keep a low profile.

Travellers should settle small bills with cash, and have a spare credit card available. Travellers should use only small denominations of the local
currency (Euros), and keep large amounts of cash and cards in a separate place on your person. Contents of wallets or purses should be
reduced, particularly cards which may denote affiliations, memberships and accounts. Travellers should not use credit or debit cards unless
absolutely necessary and then only at respected, well-known retail and service establishments.

Travellers should ensure that their mobile phone is carried with them at all times and that it has sufficient battery life and is programmed with
appropriate emergency numbers. Travellers should also carry an ID card or passport and any emergency medical information.

Travellers should be aware of their location and surroundings. Avoid high-crime areas and walking through dimly lit streets after dark. Travellers
should know routes and carry a map if necessary, but keep it concealed.

In crowded locations, travellers should be aware of jostling as this may be a ploy for pick-pockets. Travellers should also be aware of people
loitering, and also that attackers may first pass their victim to attack from behind.

Travellers should ignore verbal ‘bait’ from passers-by, do not get into any arguments and avoid sustained eye contact with strangers.

Travellers should be aware that photographing government buildings or military facilities may result in detention by the authorities. Travellers
should ask permission before taking pictures of locals, especially women.

COVID-19 Information

Total Cases (ECDC) (Updated on Monday): 475,919

Weekly percentage increase in cases:4.07%

Travel Restrictions: Internal Restrictions Greek authorities are maintaining measures imposed to combat the spread of COVD-19 as of July 30.
Most businesses and services are permitted to operate subject to social distancing requirements. Facemasks are mandatory in enclosed public
spaces and crowded outdoor spaces. Workers must regularly test themselves for COVID-19 unless they have completed a full course of
vaccination at least 15 days previously. Areas experiencing higher COVID-19 activity may be subject to tighter restrictions.

Nationwide, unvaccinated individuals are subject to tighter restrictions. All patrons seated in indoor areas of certain types of establishments, such
as restaurants, bars, and cafes, must show proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID-19; some establishments may also permit individuals
with a recent COVID-19 test. Individuals must upload the required documentation to the COVID Free GR mobile phone application.

International Travel Restrictions Only citizens of EEA-associated countries, as well as those of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Bahrain,
Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brunei, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Moldova, Montenegro, Lebanon, New Zealand, North
Macedonia, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Serbia, South Korea, Ukraine, the UAE, the UK, and the US, can enter Greece, provided
they possess a COVID-19 vaccination certificate, a negative result from a PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 hours or 48 hours before
arrival, respectively, or an official document certifying that they have recently recovered from COVID-19. Travelers from Russia need to show a
negative test in addition to a vaccine certificate.

All arrivals must complete Greece's Passenger Locator Form (PLF) detailing the place and duration of their stay. Travelers may be selected to
undergo a rapid test upon arrival; travelers who test positive must self-isolate for either seven days if they are vaccinated or 10 days if they are

Travelers to any of the Greek islands, including those traveling domestically, must fill out a special sea travel COVID-19 declaration and possess
either a certificate of vaccination, a negative result from a COVID-19 PCR test taken within the previous 72 hours, a negative rapid test taken
within 24 hours, or evidence that they have recently recovered from COVID-19. .

Additional Information:

Drum Cussac Group Limited                                                   8                           Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services

Threat Scale Reference
   Threat Rating            Implication

                            The operating environment is benign and there are only isolated threats to business
   1 - Negligible
                            and/or travel.

                            The operating environment is generally permissive, although there are a limited
   2 – Low
                            number of threats to business and/or travel that requires basic mitigations.

                            The operating environment is challenging and there are serious threats to business
   3 – Moderate
                            and/or travel that requires some mitigations.

                            The operating environment is hostile and there are significant threats to business,
   4 – High
                            personal safety and/or travel, requiring comprehensive mitigations and planning.

                            The operating environment is characterised by pervasive direct threats to business,
   5 – Extreme
                            personal safety and/or travel, requiring strict risk management procedures.

Drum Cussac Group Limited                               9                       Last Updated: 4 Aug 2021, 21:56 (UTC)
Intelligence and Analysis Services


Drum Cussac Group Ltd makes no representation, warranties or assurance against risk with respect to the contents or use of this document, and
specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties or usefulness for any particular purpose of this publication. Recommendations made are based on
information available at the time of writing. No express or implied warranty is given in respect of any judgment made or to changes, or any unforeseen
escalation of any factors affecting any such judgment.


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Cussac Group Ltd.

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