Page created by John Wells
                                                                                        THURSDAY 24 & FRIDAY 25
                                                                                        FEBRUARY 2022


 Dubbo RSL, Cnr Brisbane & Wingewarra St , Dubbo, NSW 2830
 Thursday 24 & Friday 25 February 2022
 The 2-day GRDC Grains Research Update at Dubbo is on again in February 2022. This is a cornerstone event
 for the grains industry in central NSW. If you are involved in the production side of the grains industry, this is
 an event that you cannot afford to miss. Come along and hear the latest grains research information, share
 ideas and update your knowledge.

DAY 1 PROGRAM – Thursday 24 February 2022
9am registration for a 10am start, finish by 5:15pm
 Time         Topic                                                                             Speaker(s)
 9:00 AM      Registration, morning tea & trade displays
 10:00 AM     Welcome                                                                           GRDC
 10:30 AM     How large is the greenhouse gas footprint of northern farming                     Lindsay Bell
              systems and options to reduce this.                                               (CSIRO)
 11:05 AM     Carbon sequestration options for grain producers in NSW & Qld                     Peter Grace (Queensland
              - pros, cons and pitfalls.                                                        University of Technology)
 11:40 AM     Capitalising on good seasons – What do more profitable growers do?                Simon Fritsch
 12:15 PM     Lunch
 1:15 PM      Concurrent session 1 (See concurrent sessions for details)
 3:00 PM      Afternoon tea
 3:30 PM      Concurrent session 2 (See concurrent sessions for details)
 5:15 PM      Close
 7:00 PM      Networking dinner & drinks at the Devil’s Hollow Brewery.
              10 Commercial Ave, Blueridge Business Park, Dubbo (Supported by FMC & AGT)

  DAY 2 PROGRAM – Friday 25 February 2022
7:30-8:20am early risers session, Day sessions 8:30am start, finish by 2:55pm
 Time         Topic                                                                 Speaker(s)
 7:30 -8:20   EARLY RISERS DISCUSSION SESSION                                       Steven Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI),
 AM           Fungicide decision making and implications for fungicide              Robert Park (University of Sydney, PBI),
              resistance development.                                               & John Cameron (ICAN)
 8:30 AM      Concurrent session 3 (See concurrent sessions for details)
 10:15 AM     Morning tea
 10:45 AM     Concurrent session 4 (See concurrent sessions for details)
 12:30 PM     Lunch
 1:30 PM      Farming system nutrient legacies - impacts on N inputs,               Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
              cycling and recovery of applied fertilisers. A comparison of N
              strategy and outcomes at Trangie on red and black soils.

 2.10 PM      Planning for high N and P input costs for 2022.                       Jim Laycock (Incitec Pivot)
   Panel discussion
 2:30 PM                                                                            Lindsay Bell (CSIRO),
   		                                                                               Jim Laycock (Incitec Pivot),
 			                                                                                & Matt Shephard (IMAG Consulting)

 2:55 PM      Close

                                   Main auditorium                 Starlite 1 & 2                      Starlite 3

 Day 1 – Session 1 & 2              Cereal disease           Soil sodicity constraints                  Canola

 Day 2 – Session 3 & 4           Pulses and subsoils                  Weeds               Cereals and remote sensing
                                                                                                           (Agenda subject to change)
CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                Pulses and subsoils (Day 2, Sessions 3 & 4)

                                                                    Time      Time      Topic and Speaker(s)
                                                                    session 1 session 2
Cereal disease (Day 1, Sessions 1 & 2)                              8:30 AM 10:45 AM Chickpea chilling tolerance - unpacking when
                                                                    		               yield potential is generated in chickpeas and
Time      Time                                                                       how different commercial cultivars accumulate
                    Topic and Speaker(s)
session 1 session 2                                                                  yield. How effectively can we identify and target
                                                                                     optimum flowering windows?
1:15 PM 3:30 PM Planning for stripe rust management in 2022.        		Neroli Graham (NSW DPI)
		Robert Park (University of Sydney, PBI)
                                                                    8:55 AM 11:10 AM Ascochyta management in chickpeas - timing x
1:45 PM 4:00 PM Cereal disease issues for 2022. What did we         		               environment x variety. Hayley Wilson (NSW DPI)
		              learn in 2021 and how can we use this to
                improve management?                                 9:20 AM 11:35 AM A new diagnostic tool for botrytis in chickpeas
		Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)                                     		               – in-paddock biosensors - progress toward an
                                                                                     in-paddock diagnostic device that is cheap,
2:15 PM 4:30 PM Is there a disease downside to stripper fronts?                      reliable, and accurate. Also; mapping
		Harvest height implications for crown rot and                     		Ascochyta rabiei aggressiveness and
		              other stubble borne diseases.                       		               understanding the pathogen adaptation to
		Toni Petronaitis (NSW DPI)                                                         disease management strategies.
2:35 PM 4:50 PM Nitrogen impacts on crown-rot and implications      		Ido Bar (Griffith University)
		for management. Mitch Buster (NSW DPI)                            9:45 AM 12:00 PM How subsoil management improves crop
                                                                    		               productivity in dryland cropping: Linking
                                                                    		               changes in PAW and root responses to sub soil
                                                                                     amendments. Varietal differences and novel new
Soil sodicity constraint research                                   		               ameliorants under test. Ehsan Tavakkoli (NSW DPI)
(Day 1, Sessions 1 & 2)
                                                                    Weeds (Day2, Sessions 3 & 4)
Time      Time      Topic and Speaker(s)
session 1 session 2                                                 Time      Time      Topic and Speaker(s)
                                                                    session 1 session 2
1:15 PM 3:30 PM Core research sites - ameliorating sodicity
		constraints with a range of treatments.  ESP vs                   8:30 AM 10:45 AM Killing glyphosate resistant weeds - making
                aggregate stability as an indicator of likely       		               the most of sprays applied by optimising
                response to gypsum. Chris Guppy (UNE)                                application; water quality; adjuvants and tank
1:45 PM 4:00 PM Satellite sites – ameliorating spatially variable   		               mix do’s and don’ts. Maurie Street (GOA)
		              soil constraints. What did growers try, what        9:00 AM 11:15 AM Five years of crop competition research in
                was done and how has it worked so far?              		               the northern grains region - lessons learned
		Stirling Roberton (USQ)                                                            and opportunities for growers. Asad Shabbir
2:15 PM 4:30 PM Subsoil sodicity constraints - a consultants        		(University of Sydney)
		perspective. Andrew Ceeney (Pinnacle Agriculture),                9:30 AM 11:45 AM New pre-emergent options and their fit in
		              Graeme Callaghan (Delta Agribusiness),              		               the farming system - an agronomists
		              David McKenzie (Soil Management Designs)                             observations. Greg Condon (Grassroots
2:40 PM 4:55 PM Panel discussion - Chris Guppy (UNE),               		Agronomy/WeedSmart)
		              Stirling Roberton (USQ), Andrew Ceeney (Pinnacle    9:50 AM 12:05 PM Panel discussion - Maurie Street (GOA),
		Agriculture), Graeme Callaghan (Delta Agribusiness),              		               Greg Condon (Grassroots Agronomy/WeedSmart),
		              David McKenzie (Soil Management Designs)            		Graeme Callaghan (Delta Agribusiness),
                                                                    		               Mick Harris (AGnVET Services)

                                                                    Cereals and remote sensing (Day 2, Sessions 3 & 4)
Canola (Day 1, Sessions 1 & 2)
                                                                    Time      Time      Topic and Speaker(s)
Time      Time                                                      session 1 session 2
                    Topic and Speaker(s)
session 1 session 2
                                                                    8:30 AM 10:45 AM Satellite imagery, smart phones and drones
1:15 PM 3:30 PM Better canola establishment from better quality     		to classify crops and interpret and predict
                grower retained seed and seed placement - key                        seasonal growth patterns to support decision
                traits for seed quality and how do you grow a       		               making and variety selection.
                crop with these traits? Col McMaster (NSW DPI)      		Scott Chapman (UQ) & Andries Potgieter (UQ)
1:45 PM 4:00 PM Lessons from Hyper yielding crop research on        9:10 AM 11:25 AM How heat tolerant are our wheats? 5 years of
		              canola to capitalise on high yield potential                         data comparing varieties on their ability to
		seasons; benchmarks, decision points, key                         		               tolerate heat. Richard Trethowan
                levers and their interactions. Varieties, N and     		(University of Sydney)
                fungicide lessons learnt. Rohan Brill (Brill Ag)    9:40 AM 11:55 AM Cereal breeding frontiers - awnless wheats,
2:15 PM 4:30 PM Managing upper canopy blackleg and                                   heat and drought risk with grazing/hay wheats,
		              sclerotinia in lower and medium rainfall                             100 day wheats for late sowing - can we breed
		              canola crops. Maurie Street (GOA) &                                  another H45? Advances with long coleoptile
		Kurt Lindbeck (NSW DPI)                                                            wheats for deep sowing. Greg Rebetzke (CSIRO)
Register online at  or fill out & fax/mail/email the attached to
                                               02 9482 4931,
                                               For registrations to attend this event face to face, a tax invoice will be issued on receipt of payment
                                               to: ICAN Pty Ltd ABN: 48 069 548 287, PO Box 718, Hornsby NSW 1630
                                               I would like to register***                     (   no people) for the following:
                                                  Face-to-face participation        Face-to-face participation                                                  Amount
                                                  Standard registration             Late registration
                                                  (rec by COB Thu 17 Feb 2022)      (rec after 17 Feb 2022)
                                                        No of participants:                No of participants:
Both days - Thursday 24 & Friday 25 Feb 2022      Cost: $200 pp                     Cost: $220 pp                                                      $
Day 1 – Thursday 24 Feb 2022                      Cost: $130 pp                     Cost: $140 pp                                                      $
Day 2 – Friday 25 Feb 2022                        Cost: $130 pp                     Cost: $140 pp                                                      $
   I would like                              extra copies of the proceedings (collect at conference) $40 ea                                            $
   I am unable to attend but would like      copies of proceedings (includes postage) $55 ea                                                           $
Networking dinner (Supported by FMC & AGT)                   Free to face to face participants No of participants:                               Total
                                                                                                                                          (All prices are GST inclusive)
Details for tax invoice and further correspondence:

 Address:                                                                                                                              Postcode:
 Phone:                                                                                    Mobile:

     I am not a participant (i.e. the above is for tax invoice/receipt only) OR                           I am a participant

 Participants:			                                                                                                                      Day 1           Day 2    Net-
                                                                                                                                      face to         face to working
 Name: Email address: Mobile:
 			                                                                                                                                   face             face Dinner*
 			                                                                                                                                   (tick)          (tick)  (tick)

* Day registration covers lunch, morning/afternoon tea & proceedings. Day registrants are also welcome to the networking event on Thursday 24 Feb 2022 at the Devil’s Hollow
  Brewery. This networking function is at no cost courtesy of sponsorship from FMC and AGT. You must be registered for one or both of the day sessions to attend the
  networking function.

   Dietary requirements
    I am happy to have my contact details retained by the Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC) and
    Independent Consultants Australia Network Pty Ltd (ICAN) to communicate information regarding new developments in the grains industry.
    Your information will be handled in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles and the GRDC’s privacy policy which can be accessed from
    the GRDC’s website at
    I wish my contact details to be removed from the database soon after this event.                                       3 digit CVV number:
Payment method (please tick): (Sorry Amex & Diners not accepted)
     Visa       MasterCard            Cheque (enclosed) - Cheques should be made payable to ‘ICAN Pty Ltd’

Card Number:                                                                                                                       Expiry date:                     /

Card Holder                                                                          Signature of
(as on card):                                                                        cardholder:
Cancellation policy
We will happily refund your registration fee, providing you notify us at least two working days prior to the function.
Refunds are not guaranteed for cancellations made after this date.
Contact details
Independent Consultants Australia Network (ICAN) Pty. Ltd. ABN: 48 069 548 287
PO Box 718, Hornsby NSW 1630,
Fax: 02 9482 4931 Ph: 02 9482 4930
® Registered trademark
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