Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Page created by Vivian Jackson
Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Band A1(AA equivalent)
Reference: 1617790
Closing date: Midnight 11th March 2019

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Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Contents                                   Move your mouse pointer over the buttons
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                               Person                         Salary &
    Who We Are    The Role
                             Specification                    Benefits

    Application               Diversity &
                   T&C’s                                    Contact Us
     Process                   Inclusion

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Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Who We Are               The Role          Person Specification    Salary & Benefits    Application Process   T&C’s   Diversity & Inclusion

Who We Are

The Foreign & Commonwealth                         Priorities
Office (FCO) promotes the                          The Foreign Secretary and the FCO Board of
United Kingdom's interests                         Management have agreed our new Priority
                                                   Outcomes for 2017 to 2018, which fall under
overseas, supporting our                           our foreign policy priorities of protecting our
citizens and businesses                            people, projecting our global influence and
                                                   promoting our prosperity.
around the globe.
                                                   Read our Single Departmental Plan to find
Responsibilities                                   out more about how we are performing
                                                   against our objectives.
We are responsible for:
• safeguarding the UK’s national security          Who we are
  by countering terrorism and weapons
  proliferation, and working to reduce conflict    The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
                                                   has a worldwide network of embassies and
• building the UK’s prosperity by increasing
  exports and investment, opening markets,         consulates, employing over 14,000 people
  ensuring access to resources, and                in nearly 270 diplomatic offices. We work
  promoting sustainable global growth              with international organisations to promote
• supporting British nationals around the          UK interests and global security, including
  world through modern and efficient               the EU, NATO, the United Nations, the UN
  consular services                                Security Council and the Commonwealth.

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Graduate Internship Scheme 2019/20 - Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Who We Are            The Role          Person Specification   Salary & Benefits    Application Process           T&C’s           Diversity & Inclusion

About the role

                                                 opportunity to influence how policy is made           Parliamentary, Protocol, Crisis and
Main Purpose of Job                              and delivered.                                        Disaster Management
The UK's relationship with the rest of the
                                                 All the placements offer an in-depth insight       • Corporate – Internal and External
world has rarely been so complex - or so
                                                 into the work of the host FCO department             Communications, Security, Human
interesting. Across the globe, the UK faces
                                                 and plenty of opportunity to learn more              Resources, Press, Procurement
both challenges and opportunities. The
FCO has teams working on everything              about, and experience, the wider FCO.
                                                                                                    Please see the two ‘Day in the life of a
from crisis in Syria, to helping British         No two placements are the same, and
                                                                                                    Graduate Intern’ examples below of the type
nationals in distress overseas, to creating      could be in any of the following
                                                                                                    of work you can expect to be involved in.
new opportunities for British business,          departments:
particularly in the fast growing economies,      • Geographical – Polar Regions, Western
as well as managing a global network of            Balkans, Asia Pacific, Middle East and
posts overseas.                                    North Africa, East and West Africa
This is a unique opportunity to be right         • Policy Themed – Economics, Defence
at the heart of the FCO’s work and to
                                                   Strategy, Cyber Engagement, EU Strategy,
understand what it takes to run an effective
                                                   Climate Change and Environment, Human
global organisation. You will participate
                                                   Rights, Counter Terrorism
fully in the work of the FCO department
into which you are placed and have an            • Customer Services – Consular,

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Roles and Responsibilities

You will be part of a                           FCO work experience and NOT specific
                                                career related experience or experience
                                                                                                  Please note:
                                                                                                  • These Internships offer an insight
friendly and supportive                         relevant to ongoing academic studies.
                                                                                                    into working in the FCO and valuable
                                                We carefully select suitable Internship
team, where everyone is                         placements from across the organisation
                                                                                                    experience for future job applications.
                                                                                                  • All Internships are expected to end in May/
committed to diversity and                      in a range of roles offered by all our
                                                Directorates. Individuals are assigned              June 2020, depending on an Intern’s start
encouraged to seek out                          to a Department for the duration of their           date in 2019. Successful candidate’s
                                                Internship and we do not offer the option for       indicative start date is August/September
development opportunities.                      Interns to select a placement or request a          as an exact start date is dependent
                                                preference for a particular area of work for        on candidates completing their pre-
Roles will allow successful candidates to       their Internship.                                   appointment checks and security clearance.
develop their skills in relation to the Civil
Service Success Profiles framework. You will    We are hoping to be able to offer Interns the For information about working for the Foreign
be given a wide range of support, along with    opportunity to apply for the Civil Service Fast and Commonwealth office, please click here.
                                                Pass Scheme, which is run by the Cabinet
plenty of opportunities to learn about FCO
                                                Office Diversity Team. The Scheme offers
work outside of your specific role. This may
                                                you the chance to be fast-tracked through
be through participating in Learning and
                                                to the assessment stage of the Civil Service
Development (L&D) events and using FCO
                                                Fast Stream application process if you
and Civil Service L&D tools. You may also
                                                receive a positive evaluation after the first
have the opportunity to complete parts of
                                                six weeks of your placement. Further details
the Diplomatic Academy Syllabus.
                                                on this will be provided at the beginning
The type of placements we offer are             of placements, should the Cabinet Office
suitable for those looking for general          Diversity Team confirm this is possible.

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Day in the life of a Graduate Intern
Working in a Geographical Team
                                                           To inform my draft, I have been consulting previous
When I get in, the first thing I do is                     replies to similar questions and checking for new
check my outlook calendar. After                           information from the desks leading on CAR and on UN
                                                           peacekeeping, as well as checking with colleagues in
seeing that I don’t have any immediate                     DFID about humanitarian aid. I then send my draft to my
                                                           line manager for comments.
meetings to attend, I continue with an
ongoing task that I started working on                     There is a team meeting at 11am. This is everyone’s
                                                           opportunity to update the team on what they have been
two days ago: a reply to a letter from a                   working on in the past week, and the progress they’ve
                                                           made. I let the team know that I have been helping a
member of the public, who has written                      couple of different team members with their work in
to the FCO about the conflict in the                       the past week: on Monday, I was researching guest list
                                                           mini-biographies for an event that will be hosted by the
Central African Republic (CAR) and                         Cabinet Office next month, and yesterday I was taking
                                                           the note for a cross-Whitehall meeting. Under Any Other
what the UK and others are doing to                        Business, I ask the team whether they find the new
help civilians affected by the fighting.                   online notebook tool helpful and share my tips on how
                                                           to make best use of it.

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Day in the life of a Graduate Intern
Working in a Geographical Team
Before I meet up with a group of fellow           disputes, and she will draft the briefing; I will     requirements they need for their event,
Graduate Interns for lunch in St James Park,      then take over as the first point of contact          and then start planning the logistics for the
I amend my letter draft according to my line      with the Cabinet Office. My line manager              event, such as narrowing down catering
manager’s comments. When I get back               adds that she will work with me on the next           options, room bookings and the security
from lunch, I had planned to type up and          briefing request we receive, so that I have           team in the building. This won’t all be
distribute the note from the cross-Whitehall      an opportunity to experience the process              finished today – I’ll need confirmation from
meeting yesterday; however, I have to re-         myself.                                               all of these teams, and this may require a
prioritise my day. A Minister needs briefing                                                            long wait.
on recent territorial disputes for his overseas   For the next hour, I go through all the
trip in two days’ time, and the Cabinet Office    regular internal filing areas for the Minister’s      Just after 4pm, I have a final check of my
have requested to hold their upcoming             briefing, and gradually pull out the most             inbox. There is an email confirming my
event in the main FCO building in one of          relevant information. I also consult the              place on a training course in Parliament next
the Fine Rooms. Both of these tasks have          FCO’s Research Analysts, who are experts              week and another from my Director who
been handed to my line manager, so I sit          in their fields just to be sure I’ve covered          has approved my request to shadow her for
down with her to discuss how to balance           all the important points. Once I’ve sent this         two days next month. My Arabic class in
these requests. The Minister’s briefing is        information to my line manager, I telephone           the Language Centre starts in ten minutes
urgent, but I haven’t had any experience          her Cabinet Office contact to introduce               and I need to give in my homework on time
in Ministerial briefing yet. We agree that I      myself and inform their team that I will              for once. Then I’ll hit the FCO gym before
will provide the research on the territorial      be their lead contact. I take note of the             heading home.

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Day in the life of a Graduate Intern
Working in a Corporate Team

On my first day, I was          Now I am a few weeks in, I am up to speed         roadshow, which will reach out to future
                                with what my team is responsible for and          potential recruits at universities across the
handed a brown envelope         my own role. My day begins with a quick           UK. It’ll be a great opportunity for me to
                                check of my calendar and emails, as I             take ownership of a project which will have a
with details of my role. I      savour my first cup of coffee. I have a busy      lasting impact on the FCO. It’ll also provide
was excited and nervous         day ahead, so I get started with a reply to
                                a member of the public, who has written
                                                                                  me with lots of opportunities to hone my
                                                                                  communication and presentation skills – not
but I was reassured when        to the FCO about our external recruitment         that I lack confidence generally – and also
                                process. I need to ensure that I am familiar      to work directly with the Civil Service Fast
I learnt that this is how       with FCO recruitment policy and the Civil         Stream Team. I do however have to find out
                                Service Commission Recruitment Principles         from our Resource Management Unit how
all new entrants find out       before I reply, so I have a read of the FCO       to manage the project’s budget to ensure I
what they’ll be covering in     Intranet site, which is an excellent source       conform to FCO accounting rules.
                                of information. I send my draft reply to my
their first assignment.         manager for her approval.
                                                                                  At 11:00, I have a meeting with a few of
                                                                                  my fellow Interns to arrange some learning
                                My next task is to review plans for our           and development (L&D) on communication
                                scoping meeting for this autumn’s university      skills for this year’s cohort. The FCO has

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Day in the life of a Graduate Intern
Working in a Corporate Team
a wealth of opportunities and resources          manager know that we have a PQ and                   external stakeholders. I need to ensure
available to support our development, such       we have a discussion on how to respond.              that I’m familiar with the key objectives
as classroom based learning in the new           The deadline is very tight, it’s usually             and milestones of the project and the
Diplomatic Academy, peer-to-peer learning        within 24 hours, and I have to re-prioritise         expectations on what myself and my team
groups and tonnes of online Civil Service        my workload accordingly. I need some                 need to deliver, in order that the project runs
Learning courses and materials. There            statistical data to support my answer, so            to schedule and is a success. I recently
are also regular lunchtime presentations         I ask one of my team members working                 attended a Civil Service Learning course
on a fantastic range of subjects organised       in Milton Keynes to help collate it. I then          about running small projects, so this is a
by teams across the FCO which anyone             upload it to our online portal and send it to        great opportunity to put some of my learning
is welcome to attend (with a packed              my Section Head for approval. Once she               into action.
lunch). I hope to delegate a fair amount         has cleared it she will send it to the relevant
                                                                                                      Towards the end of the day I have a final
of the work to my fellow L&D committee           Minister’s office for their approval.
                                                                                                      check of my inbox. There is an email about
                                                 At 15:00 I attend a project meeting                  the opportunity to volunteer to help with a
After lunch, I have another check of my          with colleagues from other parts of the              large summit the FCO is hosting in a few
inbox and see that we have received a            office (Press Office, Engagement and                 months’ time and I’ll have to read up about
Parliamentary Question (PQ). I let my            Communications and Diversity) and some               that tomorrow.

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Person Specification
About You

You must be a British Citizen.                     each of the following minimum criteria as far         writing and orally.
                                                   as you are able to do so. These responses
Satisfactory Security Check security                                                                  • Some experience in basic IT skills,
                                                   will be further developed and discussed with
clearance is a condition of appointment.                                                                including MS Office (Outlook email, Word,
                                                   those candidates invited for interview.
                                                                                                        Excel and PowerPoint).
For more information about this process,
click here.                                        Minimum Criteria                                   • Strong evidence of the Behaviours listed
You must have been resident in the UK for          A Graduate with at least a 2:2 degree (first         below.
two out of the last ten years immediately          degree). For those graduating in 2019,
                                                                                                      We are seeking to appoint candidates
prior to your application. (Please note: at        we will need evidence of your predicted
                                                                                                      who also fulfil the following criteria:
least one year of which must have been a           grade. If your degree was awarded by a
consecutive twelve-month period, unless            non-British university you must provide            • A strong commitment to public service.
you have served overseas with HM Forces            satisfactory evidence that it equates to
                                                   a British degree, i.e. via NARIC. It is also       • A can-do, positive and energetic attitude
or in some other official capacity as a                                                                 and a keen willingness to learn.
representative of Her Majesty’s Government,        essential that you provide evidence of your
                                                   qualifications if called to interview.             • A drive to deliver results under challenging
or have lived overseas as a result of
your parents’ or partner’s Government              • An interest in the work of the FCO and             circumstances.
employment.)                                         the UK Government, in particular in              • A good team player approach, with the
                                                     international relations.
It is essential in your application that you                                                            ability to get on with different people in
provide evidence and proven examples in            • The ability to communicate effectively in          different situations.

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Person Specification
About You

The behaviours you will be assessed on
at the application stage and during the
interview are as follows:                                                                                               Ability
• Delivering at Pace
                                                                                                                        the aptitude or potential
• Making Effective Decisions                                                                                            to perform to the
                                                                                                                        required standard.
• Working Together                                        Experience
• Managing a Quality Service                              the knowledge or
                                                          mastery of an activity or
Please see the Success Profiles Framework for             subject gained through
more information about these and ensure you               involvement in or                                                 Technical
                                                          exposure to it.
pay particular attention to information around                                                                              the demonstration of
‘Definitions of Behaviour’ and the examples                                                                                 specific professional
of behaviours explained in the framework, as                                                                                skills, knowledge or
these will be key when making your application.
You should also read the ‘Strengths                       Strengths
mapped to Civil Service Behaviours’                       the things we do                                              Behaviours
found in the Success Profiles: Civil Service              regularly, do well and
                                                          that motivate us.                                             the actions and activities
Strengths Dictionary document (available via                                                                            that people do which
the link to the framework bove).                                                                                        result in effective
                                                                                                                        performance in a job.
To help you prepare your application we
have provided some ‘Hints and Tips’ on how
to provide Behaviour examples, as these will
be key when making your application.

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Civil Service and Diplomatic Service Values

All successful candidates would be
expected to adhere to the core values in
the Civil Service code: integrity, honesty,
objectivity and impartiality.
In addition, and as part of Diplomatic
Excellence, we have agreed three
aspirational values that reflect our ambition
to deliver excellence:
• Taking Responsibility
• Encouraging Innovation
• Working Together
Please note that the FCO carries out
name-blind (anonymised) recruitment to
help build a more diverse and inclusive
workforce. The personal information on
your Application form and/or CV will be
concealed during the sifting phase and
only the names of those who are being
invited for video interviews will be made
known to the Panel.

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Salary and Pension

Training Allowance                            Pension
The training allowance for this role is       If you are transferring from another
£19,384 per annum. This sum will              employer who offers the Civil Service
                                              pension arrangements, you will continue
paid be pro rata for the period of the
                                              to be covered by those arrangements for
placement (up to 9 months).
                                              the duration of this appointment.
This sum will be consolidated and             Appointees may choose to join the
pensionable. Further information              alpha or partnership schemes offered
about pension options will be                 by the Civil Service Pension Scheme:
provided to successful candidates.            If you join alpha, an occupational
                                              pension scheme which provides
In addition, the successful candidate         a defined benefit worked out on a
will qualify for a non-pensionable            Career Average basis, details of the
non-consolidated London Location              contributions you will pay are shown
Allowance of £5,000 per annum,                below. Employer pension contributions
pro rata.                                     cover the rest of the cost of the scheme.

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Salary and Benefits

Alpha contribution rates from 1 April 2018

 Employee contributions                             Employer contributions

 Annualised rate        Contribution rate           Annualised rate         Contribution rate
 of pensionable         2018-19                     of pensionable          2018-19
 earnings                                           earnings

 Up to £21,636pa        4.6%                        £23,000 and under       20.0%

 £21,637 – £51,515      5.45%                       £23,001 to £45,500      20.9%

 £51,516 – £150,000     7.35%                       £45,501 to £77,000      22.1%

 £150,001 and above     8.05%                       £77,001 and over        24.5%

Partnership is a stakeholder pension. Members do not have to make contributions. We
pay a contribution, as employers, related to a member’s age. If a member does make
a contribution, we make an additional contribution to match it (up to a ceiling of 3% of
annual earnings).
Further details of pension options will be provided on appointment. Appointees who are
already members of the Civil Service Pension Scheme may have the option to remain
within their existing scheme. For further information please see Civil Service Pensions.

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Benefits for Staff

Learning and Development                            Give as You Earn
The FCO is an organisation that recognises          You can make a donation to charities that are
that workplace learning is vital to success         tax/NI free through Payroll. This is particularly
and needs to be accessible to all. We               attractive to higher tax earners as this cannot
                                                    be done through direct donations.
strive to create the right environment to
empower staff to take responsibility for            Employee Assistance Programme
their own learning and developing both
                                                    This provides a 24/7 confidential counselling
personally and professionally. You will have
                                                    service on such matters as financial
access to formal and informal learning
                                                    problems, childcare, social security benefits,
opportunities to help you develop the
                                                    elder residential care etc.
right skills, competences and knowledge
at the right time.                                  Gym
The Diplomatic Academy provides a first             Gym facilities are available in London with a
class learning facility, ensuring that all          monthly subscription.
staff have the knowledge and expertise
needed to represent the UK and pursue               Restaurant
the national interest.                              There are staff restaurants in London.

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Application Process

 Application                                                              Applicants who pass the sift assessment will be invited to have a
                                                                          video interview where questions will be a blend of behaviour and
 You will be required to submit your application by midnight              strengths.
 Monday 11th March 2019.
                                                                          Please see the timeline below for indicative dates.
 We want to encourage applications from the most talented
                                                                          The behaviours you will be assessed on at the application stage
 people from all backgrounds.
                                                                          and during the interview are as follows:
 All appointments to the FCO are made through open and fair
                                                                          • Delivering at Pace
 competition, in strict accordance with the key recruitment
 principles of the Civil Service Commission.                              • Making Effective Decisions
 In line with all of our volume recruitment campaigns, we are             • Working Together
 unable to provide feedback to applicants at any stage of the
                                                                          • Managing a Quality Service
 application process.
                                                                          Please see the Success Profiles Framework for more information
 Your application will undergo the following sift assessment.
                                                                          about these.
 Only applicants who pass stage one of the sift will progress
 onto stage two.                                                          Please note that the FCO carries out name-blind (anonymised)
                                                                          recruitment to help build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
 Stage 1: Applications assessed on motivation for working for the
                                                                          The personal information on your Application form and/or CV
 FCO and Delivering at Pace (lead Behaviour).
                                                                          will be concealed during the sifting phase and only the names of
 Stage 2: Applications assessed on the remaining three                    those who are being invited for Interviews will be made known to
 Behaviours.                                                              the Panel.

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   Indicative Timeline
   Please note that these dates are only                              Midnight on Monday 11th March 2019
   indicative at this stage and could be                     Closing date for completed applications
   subject to change. The anticipated
   timetable is as follows:
                                                                      Between 11th & 31st March 2019

                                                             Application – Sifting Exercises

                                                                    Between 2nd & 9th April 2019

                                                           Video Interviews

                                                                   Between 10th April 2019 & 26th April 2019

                                                         Interview Assessments
  March 2019                                                                                                                                   September 2019

                    29th April 2019
                                                                             Mid-August 2019 onwards
                   & 10th May 2019
           Document Checking Sessions                                         Checks and Security Clearance
                                                                                  expected to be completed
         Mid-May onwards
Pre-appointment checks and Security
       Check Clearance Commence                            End August/Early September 2019                                Candidates are asked to
                                                                         Indicative Start Date subject to                 note the above timetable,
                                                                       Security Clearance being granted                   exercising flexibility
                                                                                                                          through the recruitment
                                                                                                                          and selection process.

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Indicative Timeline

Current FCO staff members are advised that this is an external
campaign and, as such, you will be required to go through the same
process as all other candidates.
The Security Check clearance process is confidential and can be a
lengthy procedure, which can take approximately three months to
process. Clearance timescales differ depending on each individual
and the link below contains helpful information about the process.
Guidance on Security Vetting and Clearance
Document Checking Sessions are vital to the progression of your
selection. They will take place in London (exact location to be
confirmed) and those who are successful at interview will be invited to
select a timeslot to attend on specific dates offered. Your application
cannot progress until you have attended a Document Checking
If you have any questions or wish to discuss the role or process
further please email:
Please include the seven digit vacancy reference number (1617790) in
the subject line of your email.

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1. Terms of Appointment                             2. Hours                                                         served overseas with HM Forces or
                                                                                                                     in some other official capacity as
   This is a fixed term training contract                You will normally work a 5-day week of
                                                                                                                     a representative of Her Majesty’s
   with the FCO for a graduate internship                42 hours including a daily lunch break
                                                                                                                     Government, or have lived overseas
   lasting up to 9 months and is not an                  of one hour.
                                                                                                                     as a result of your parent’s or
   employment contract. The contract                3. Leave                                                         partner’s Government employment.
   period is expected to start from end of
                                                         The paid leave allowance for this                           Furthermore, to enable the appropriate
   August/early September and will end
                                                         post will be pro-rated against an                           security checks to be carried out, you
   by May/June 2020. The start dates for
                                                         annual allowance of 25 days (5                              must have resided for at least three
   each successful applicant will depend
                                                         weeks). You will also be eligible for                       consecutive years in one country.
   on when Security Clearance is granted.
   Information on Vetting can be found here.             FCO public and privilege holidays, up                     You should be aware that a lack of
                                                         to 9 days maximum, which fall during                      sufficient background information may
   The successful candidates will be on a                the placement.                                            preclude you from being granted security
   trial period for the first 2 months. If they
                                                    4. Nationality and Residency                                   clearance.
   complete this trial period successfully,
   their appointment will be confirmed for               You will be eligible for appointment only if:     5. Security Clearance and Other Checks
   the remainder of the placement. If they               1. You are a British citizen; and                         This job requires Security Check
   do not meet the standard required for
                                                         2. You have been resident in the UK                       security clearance as a condition of
   confirmation of their appointment, the
                                                            for at least two of the previous ten                   employment. If you are successful at
   appointment may be terminated.
                                                            years, at least one year of which must                 interview, you will be asked to complete
   Undertaking an internship does not                       have been a consecutive twelve-                        a number of security questionnaires.
   guarantee future employment with the FCO.                month period, unless you have                          Employment references will also be

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   obtained. There will be checks on your             or dishonesty had they continued                         with the activities of the Foreign &
   nationality and other matters, before              in employment.                                           Commonwealth Office, you will be
   a formal offer of appointment can be                                                                        expected to declare this at a later stage.
                                                      The Cabinet Office input this information
   made, including checking applicant
                                                      onto a database – the Internal Fraud                     You will also be asked to inform us of
   details against the Cabinet Office Internal
                                                      Database (IFD) – and retain it for a                     any indirect conflict in interest you may
   Fraud Database (IFD) – see section
   below.                                             period of five years from the date of                    have through any other family member or
                                                      dismissal (or the date employment                        partnerships.
6. Cabinet Office Internal Fraud                      ended). It shares with the Foreign and
   Database (IFD) Check                                                                                8. Confidentiality
                                                      Commonwealth Office the name, date of
   From 29th January 2018, the FCO                    birth and national insurance numbers of                  You will be subject to the provisions of
   started providing the Cabinet Office               the staff included on the IFD. Where an                  the Official Secrets Act.
   with information about employees                   applicant to a department is successful          9. Equal Opportunity
   who have been dismissed for fraud or               in interview, the FCO will, as part of
   dishonesty offences. This information              its pre-employment screening, check                      The Foreign & Commonwealth
   is the individual’s name, date of birth,           applicant details against the information                Office (FCO) is committed to equal
   national insurance number and a general            received from the Cabinet Office. Any                    opportunities. Our officers are
   description of the relevant misconduct.            applicant who is included in the IFD will                recruited on merit through fair
   This also applies to employees who                 be refused employment.                                   and open competition. We seek
   resign or otherwise leave but who,                                                                          our strength through diversity and
                                                 7. Conflict of Interest
   because of an adverse decision by the                                                                       appoint suitably qualified individuals
   investigation panel, or decision maker,            If you or your spouse/partner has any                    regardless of ethnicity, religion,
   would have been dismissed for fraud                business interest or conflict of interest                sexual orientation, gender, social

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Who We Are             The Role         Person Specification     Salary & Benefits    Application Process              T&C’s            Diversity & Inclusion


   backgrounds, age or disability.                    Scheme, which denotes organisations
   To help us ensure that our                         which have a positive commitment
   recruitment activity reflects the                  towards disabled people. We guarantee
   diversity of British society, we                   to interview anyone with a disability
   should be grateful if you could                    whose application meets the minimum
   complete the equal opportunities                   criteria for the role as outlined in the
   section of the application form.                   Person Specification in this pack.
   However, you are under no
                                                      By ‘minimum criteria’ we mean you
   obligation to provide these details.                                                               11. Reasonable Adjustments
                                                      must provide us with evidence in your
   The Recruitment Section of the                     application form which demonstrates                     We are committed to making reasonable
   FCO, those administering testing                   that you generally meet the level                       adjustments in order to support disabled
   processes and the interview                                                                                job applicants and ensure that you are
                                                      of competency required for each
   panel will not have access to the                                                                          not disadvantaged in the recruitment
                                                      competence, as well as meeting any of
   information you provide at any point                                                                       and assessment process. Reasonable
   during the recruitment process, nor                the qualifications, skills, or experience
                                                                                                              adjustments could include; allowing extra
   will it be used as a selection tool.               defined as essential.
                                                                                                              time during selection tests; ensuring that
10. Disability Confident Scheme                       If you wish to claim a guaranteed                       information is provided in an accessible
    for Disabled Persons                              interview under the Disability Confident                format or; by providing training.
   The FCO is an accredited ‘Disability               commitment, you should select this option               If you feel that you may need a
   Confident Employer’ under the                      in your application. It is not necessary to             reasonable adjustment to be made,
   government's Disability Confident                  state the nature of your disability.                    or you would like to discuss your

Contact Us
Who We Are             The Role             Person Specification     Salary & Benefits   Application Process                 T&C’s         Diversity & Inclusion


   requirements in more detail, please               13. Civil Service Commission                                writing to:
   contact us in the first instance.                     Recruitment Principles
                                                                                                                 Civil Service Commission
   If you wish to receive a hard copy of                  The FCO’s recruitment processes
   the information, or in an alternative                  are underpinned by the principle of
                                                          selection for appointment on merit on                  1 Horse Guards Road
   format e.g. Audio, Braille or large font
   then please contact: fcoecruitment@                    the basis of fair and open competition as              London                                   outlined in the Civil Service Commission               SW1A 2HQ
                                                          Recruitment Principles.                                Via Email to:
12. FCO and General Data
   Protection Regulation (GDPR)                           If you feel your application has not                   Or call on: 020 7271 0831
                                                          been treated in accordance with the
   Personal data collected as part of                     Recruitment Principles and you wish to         14. The Civil Service Code
   this job application will be processed                 make a complaint, you should, in the
   in accordance with the FCO’s Data                                                                             Information about Civil Service values
                                                          first instance, contact HR Recruitment,
   Protection Policy and Privacy Notice.                  Corporate Services Centre, Foreign and                 can be found in the Civil Service Code
   You can read this here. The Privacy                    Commonwealth Office, PO Box 6108,
   Notice explains what personal data the                 Milton Keynes, MK10 1PX. If you are not
   FCO holds about you, how we collect                    satisfied with the response you receive
   it, and how we will use and may share                  from the FCO you can contact the Office
   information about you.                                 of the Civil Service Commissioners in

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Who We Are           The Role        Person Specification     Salary & Benefits    Application Process          T&C’s          Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

The FCO is committed to                          be UK Permanent Representative to
                                                 the United Nations Security Council,
                                                                                                     the FCO received a Silver award from
                                                                                                     Mind. Highlights over the past year include
equality and continues to                        Karen Pierce.                                       developing a Wellbeing Strategy, first-hand
                                                                                                     articles from senior leaders, and expanding
increase the diversity of                        The Business and Community Diversity
                                                                                                     the network of mental health first aiders.
                                                 Benchmark awarded the FCO Gold for
our workforce in the UK                          Race and Silver for Gender. We also
                                                                                                     What’s next?
and of our representation                        increased our ranking in the Stonewall
                                                 Equality Index and, for the first time this         You’ve taken the first step and looked
overseas.                                        year, entered the new Social Mobility               through this candidate pack to
                                                 Employer Index.                                     understand the skills and behaviours needed
In 2017 we had 59 female Heads of Mission,                                                           to perform well in an internship placement.
Post and Governors. We now have 65               We have developed new guidance for
                                                 Transgender staff and their managers                Now join our Graduate Internship
(30%), including two job sharing. In 2018
                                                 and have introduced diversity objectives            Scheme to gain a valuable work
we appointed Britain’s first black female
                                                 for all SMS staff.                                  experience opportunity inside the FCO
Head of Mission who is a career diplomat,
NneNne Iwuji-Eme, and the first woman to         For its commitment to staff wellbeing,              Apply now

Contact Us
Contact us

If you have any queries about this role or the recruitment process, please contact us at: and include the reference number 1617790
in the subject line of your email.

         This campaign is being run on behalf of the department by Government Recruitment Service. Government Recruitment Service is part
         of Civil Service HR, and is a central government expert service specialising in the attraction, selection and recruitment of civil servants.

            The team is regularly commissioned by departments and other government organisations to deliver end-to-end recruitment for
           some of society’s most important positions, including Deputy Director, Director, Director General and Permanent Secretary posts.

                                         Our work is regulated by the Civil Service Commission where necessary.

                                                     Cabinet Office is a Disability Confident employer.
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