GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 1ST - Monaghan Knights of Columbus

Page created by Amber Santos
GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 1ST - Monaghan Knights of Columbus
One nation under God

Ninety First Year             Month dedicated to The Seven Dolours of Mary /The Sorrowful Mother      September 2020 Volume 93 Number 8

                        GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 1ST
                                                  In my previous article I asked for help to       • Suggest ways as to how we can get more
                                                  run Bingo when the governor lifts the            donors
Grand Knight                                      executive order to re-start Bingo.               • Put out the road signs along Farmington
Roy MacDonald                                     Unfortunately, no one has offered to step up
                                                  to help run Bingo on Tuesdays afternoons
                                                                                                   • Help on the day of the Drive
Message                                           and we will be reaching out to the State of              o Check off donor names at the
                                                  Michigan to notify them that we will no                  check-in table
My Brother Knights, VIVAT JESUS!                  longer have a Bingo. I would like to Thank               o Call donors who are 30 minutes
                                                  Dan Connor and his crew for their                        late for their appointment, to
Vivat Jesus! Summer is coming to a close as       volunteering to work Bingo for our charity               remind them
the Labor Day Holiday is upon us. I wish          for all these years.                                     o Set up treats and handouts at the
things were back to normal with the start of                                                               canteen area
football and cooler weather, but this year        Mark your calendars for another Monaghan                 o Clean the canteen table after each
has been like nothing we have seen in over        Golf Outing on Thursday October 1st at                   donor leaves
100 years. Who would of thought that              Whispering Willows Golf Course, 20500                    o Thank donors for being a “Life
COVID-19 would change our daily routines          Newburgh Rd., Livonia, Mi 48152. With a                  Saver”
and traditions? We can only hope that in          dinner to follow back at the Council.
the coming months we have good news that          Registration to begin at 8:00am, Shotgun         With Coronavirus around, there are 90%
there is an end to this virus.                    Start at 9:00am with Dinner at 3pm.              less opportunities for Brothers to do God’s
                                                  Registration and Payment Due by                  work with Monaghan Projects. No one is
How would you like to get a car for $20.00?       September 14, 2020. Cost is $100.00 and          asking anyone to do All of these tasks. But
Do I have your attention? Monaghan will           Hole Sponsorship is $100.00. If Interested       we are asking that more dedicated Brothers
run a raffle for 11 months and 17 days from       please get in contact with PGK Bill Dolunt       (and or their wives) to step forward and help
October 1st until September 17th (Halfway         at     734-891-7325      or   e-mail     at      the 4 person Team do more, by selecting
to St. Patrick’s Day). We will have the  See attached            one of these tasks, so that we can collect
drawing at our event that evening here at         Flyer.                                           even more “Life Saving” Blood. Helping
the Council. We are selling only 5,000                                                             Save Lives qualifies as an act of Charity and
tickets for $20.00 for a chance to win up to      Thinking about becoming a 4th Degree             is what The Lord preached about constantly.
5 prizes:                                         Member – The next exemplification will be        Please contact Dan Diponio for a tryout on
                                                  an online event on Saturday September            the     Team!             734-591-3237     or
•       1st Prize – Voucher for $50,000.00        26th. If interested, please contact our
for a purchase of a car from your choice at       Faithful Navigator Gene Suchyta of Pope
Bill Brown Ford in Livonia                        John XXIII Assembly at 734.749.2644 or           Greg Knoph has done a great job with
•       2nd Prize - $5,000.00                     e-mail him at             getting rentals in the building, but COVID
•       3rd Prize - $1,500.00                                                                      has thrown canceled almost all of his hard
•       4th Prize – 55’ TV                        Paul Daniel and Dan Diponio asked me to          work, Once this is over and we are through
•       5th Prize – Grill                         pass along a message from the Blood Drive        this pandemic, please think of Monaghan
                                                  Committee. Our council has doubled the           Banquet Center for your next event! Greg
**If only 3500 tickets or less are sold it will   number of Blood Drives it holds each year,       does a great job to accommodate your event
resort to a 50/50 and all other prizes remain     resulting in tripling the number of Units        needs! Also, if you are a weekly Michigan
the same**                                        collected. This has strained the Blood           Lottery Player and get your tickets at your
                                                  Drive Team, since it has stayed the same         local party store, why not stop in the
The only way this raffle is successful is if we   number of volunteers helping with the            Lounge Thursday-Saturday, purchase your
get the tickets out of the building and we        Drives. Please consider joining the Team         tickets, and have a beverage at the council!
sell them to family, friends, co-workers and      and help by done one of these tasks:
give them as gifts. The first day to purchase                                                      This is the last month of the car show every
these tickets will be at our golf outing on       • Distribute Blood Drive posters to stores       Thursday evening from 5pm til 8pm. Stop
October 1st! Cliff Liptak is the chairperson      and businesses                                   in get some food and beverages and look at
of this event and more details to follow on       • Help make recruiting calls prior to the        some great classic cars! Dan Dluski and his
how to get tickets to sell for our great          Drives                                           crew do a great job. Tents are up in front of
council!                                          • Ask Local Businesses and groups to             the council for some great fellowship!
                                                  become a Monaghan Blood Drive
                                                  co-sponsor                                                   Continued on page 4
GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 1ST - Monaghan Knights of Columbus
THE MONAGHAN NEWS                                                                                                                 AD PRICING
              Published monthly by and for                                                                                      Business Card Size                - $150/annual
          GEORGE F. MONAGHAN COUNCIL 2690                                                                                       2 Business Card Size              - $250/annual
                                                                                                                               1/4 Page                            - $550/annual
 19801 Farmington Road • Livonia, Michigan 48152-1485
Non-Profit Postage Paid at Post Office at Plymouth, Michigan                                                                   1/2 Page                            - $950/annual
    Postmaster: Send address changes to Bill Dolunt                                            Price includes advertisers ads displayed on Monaghan’s website and physical newsletters!

       Council Business Phone 248-476-8383                                                                  Contact GK Bill Dolunt for details at
               Editor: Roy MacDonald
                      COUNCIL OFFICERS
District Deputy        Charles Rozum, PGK                 734-751-1877
Chaplain               Fr. Kevin Thomas                   734-425-5950
Grand Knight           Roy MacDonald                      706-289-7585
Deputy Grand Knight    Roy MacDonald                      706-289-7585
Chancellor             John Miller                        734-564-1473
Treasurer              Jason Nodge                        313-550-6623
Recorder               Marty Emery                        734-233-4912
Advocate               Christopher Scanlan, PDD           734-674-1364
Warden                 Ronald Nowicki                     734-536-7292
Inside Guard           Patrick Lowry
Inside Guard
Outside Guard         Gary Long                           313-719-6603
Trustee (2021)        Cliff Liptak                        313-613-0786
Trustee (2020)        Dick Gibson, PGK                    248-348-0085
Trustee (2019)        Fred Salmu                          734-462-7424
Financial Secretary   Pat Casey                           248-345-7401
                      COUNCIL DIRECTORS
Bingo Chairman         Dan Connor -Tuesday                248-476-7624

Church Director       Fred Salmu                          734-462-7424.
Membership            Michael Maher                       313-937-0610
Program Director      Joe Dolunt                
Communications        Mike Ware
Family Pro-Life       Eric Mayernik, FDD, PGK             734-453-3310
Historian             John McInnis                        248-756-2977
Blood Drive           Dan DiPonio                         734-591-3237
Rosary Chain          Vince Schenden                      313-538-2614
                                                                                                               George F. Monaghan K of C Council # 2690 member Tommie Burton presented Franciscan
Lecturer              Dave DiPonio                        313-363-6153                                         Brother Lawrence, at the St Joseph alter in St Mary of Redford (SMR): with donations to SMR
                   BUILDING ASSOCIATION                                                                        from the council’s annual golf outing; and donations to St Vincent DePaul from the council’s Red
President                  Patrick Maher PGK (2020)       734-751-9513                                         Bag Campaign. August 9, 2020.
Vice President
Treasurer                  Steve Bolin                    734-751-2607                            D O N N E - G A L S O F F I C E R S (2019 - 2020)
Secretary                  Ralph McWilliams               313-618-7540 President                                Ann Lewalk         
Director                   Dennis Culloty                 734-513-6115 Treasurer                                Donna MacDonald    
Director                   John Widmer                    586-530-8498 Recording Secretary                      Mary Carlington    
Director                   Bill Dolunt, GK                734-891-7325
Director                   Pat Casey, FS                  248-476-8383
Director                   Roy MacDonald DGK              706-289-7585
Director                   Tim Kelly                      734-476-3656
Director                   Tony Rotondo                   248-521-7379                                                                                                                        Pray for the safety
Building Manager           Mark Kronk                     248-476-8383                                                                                                                        of our service men &
Event Coordinator, Rentals Greg Knoph                     248-242-2366
                                                                                                                                                                                              women who ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                              our precious freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                              every day of the year.

                                               SEPTEMBER Calendar of Events
        SUNDAY                        MONDAY                          TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                                FRIDAY                            SATURDAY
                                                                                           1                           2              OPEN                3                                   4                         5
                                                                      CLOSED                          CLOSED                                                              OPEN                                 OPEN
                                                                                                                                       Car Show
                                                                                                                                                                        2PM-10PM                             2PM-10PM
                                                                                                                               King of Diamonds 5-8pm

        CLOSED            6           CLOSED              7           CLOSED               8          CLOSED          9              OPEN                 10             OPEN                11              OPEN       12
                                                                                                                                   2PM-10PM                            2PM-10PM                            2PM-10PM
                                  Building Corporation
                                                                                                                                      Car Show
                                    Meeting 7:00pm
                                                                                                                              King of Diamonds 5-8pm

       CLOSED            13         CLOSED               14          CLOSED             15           CLOSED           16            OPEN                  17             OPEN                18              OPEN       19
                                                                                                                                  2PM-10PM                             2PM-10PM                            2PM-10PM
                                                                Office Meeting 7:00pm
                                                                                                                                      Car Show
                                                                                                                              King of Diamonds 5-8pm

       CLOSED            20         CLOSED               21         CLOSED              22           CLOSED           23              OPEN                24             OPEN                25              OPEN       26
                                                                                                                                    2PM-10PM                           2PM-10PM                            2PM-10PM
                                                              General Membership Meeting
                                                                        7:45pm                                                          Car Show
                                                                                                                                King of Diamonds 5-8pm

        CLOSED           27          CLOSED              28           CLOSED            29                           30
GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 1ST - Monaghan Knights of Columbus
The Monaghan News                                                                                                                         Page Four

                                                        Around the Council
The winner of the Monaghan Scholarship was Joseph Dolunt, son of PGK Bill & Beth
Dolunt. Joe is a student at University of Michigan Dearborn and a fellow Knight here at                     COMING SOON
Monaghan! Congratulations to Joseph on winning the scholarship and congratulations to
Bill and Beth for raising a great young man.
                                                                                                                  OFFICERS MEETING
                                                            Yours in Charity, Unity and Fraternity                SEPTEMBER 15, 7PM
                                                                         Roy MacDonald                       TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND
                                                                                  Grand Knight                 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP
                                                              e-mail:                     MEETING 7:45PM

                                                                                                                      CAR SHOW
                                                                                                                   EVERY THURSDAY

                                                                                                               KING OF DIAMONDS
               The George F. Monaghan Knights of Columbus #2690                                            every Thursday Evening Food
                                                                                                     from 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Drawing at 7:30pm

                            Monaghan Council 93rd Anniversary

      Golf: Whispering Willows Golf Course, 20500 Newburgh Rd., Livonia, Mi 48152 (248)476-4493
           Dinner: Monaghan K of C (19801 Farmington Rd. Livonia, MI 48152) (248) 476-8383
                                    When: Thursday, October 1, 2020
                           Registration: 8:00 AM      Shotgun Start: 9:00 AM
                                     Dinner: Approximately 3:00 PM
                        Make Check Payable To: Monaghan Knights of Columbus
                Mail Checks To: 19801 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48152 ATTN Bill Dolunt
    Registration and Payment Due by September 14, 2020
    Golfer #1: _________________________               Golfer #2: _________________________
    Phone #: __________________________                Phone #: __________________________
    E-Mail: ___________________________                E-Mail: ____________________________
    Dinner & Golf $100 ‫܆‬                               Dinner & Golf $100 ‫܆‬
    Dinner Only $25 ‫܆‬                                  Dinner Only $25 ‫܆‬
    Hole Sponsor $100 ‫܆‬                                Hole Sponsor $100 ‫܆‬
    Name for Sign: ______________________              Name for Sign: ______________________

    Golfer #3: _________________________               Golfer #4: _________________________
    Phone #: __________________________                Phone #: __________________________           IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE THAT IS NOT RECEIVING THIS
    E-Mail: ___________________________                E-Mail: ___________________________
                                                                                                      NEWSLETTER VIA EMAIL, WE DON'T HAVE THEIR EMAIL
                                                                                                      ADDRESS! YOU OR THEY CAN CONTACT DAN DLUSKI AT:
    Dinner & Golf $100 ‫܆‬                               Dinner & Golf $100 ‫܆‬
                                                                                                     DBDLUSKI@AMERITECH.NET TO BE PUT ON THE OFFICIAL
    Dinner Only $25 ‫܆‬                                  Dinner Only $25 ‫܆‬
    Hole Sponsor $100 ‫܆‬                                Hole Sponsor $100 ‫܆‬
                                                                                                             MONAGHAN EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST.
    Name for Sign: ______________________              Name for Sign: ______________________

                                                                                                          for more details and
                                                                                                         upcoming events go to
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