Going Green with Zeolites - These inorganic materials are playing an increasing role in tackling environmental challenges.

Page created by Jeanne Myers
Going Green
with Zeolites

                                   arely in our technological soci-        There are 40 known naturally occurring
                                   ety does the discovery of a new         zeolites and more than 150 synthetic
These inorganic                    class of inorganic materials re-        ones.
        ..                         sult in such a wide scientific in-         Zeolite structures can be visualized by
  materials are           terest and kaleidoscopic development of          taking a neutral SiO, framework and iso-
                          applications as has happened with the ze-        morphously substituting A10,- for SO,.
   playing an             olite molecular sieves,” declared Donald         The resulting structure (Figure 1) then ex-
                          W. Breck in 1974 (1). That was twenty            hibits a net negative charge on the frame-
increasing role           years after the commercial introduction          work aluminum. This negative charge is
                          of synthetic zeolites. During that time,         balanced by cations (for instance, Na+,
   in tackling            the number of areas utilizing zeolites had       K+, or NH4+) that reside in the interstices
                          grown phenomenally. Since then, the va-          of the framework. Many of these cations
 environmental            riety of applications and zeolite types          are mobile and free for exchange. This
                          available has continued to increase. In-         ion-exchange property accounts for the
   challenges.            deed, growth seems to be limited only by         greatest volume use of zeolites today. For
                          the imagination of the people looking for        instance, Zeolite A, synthesized with
                          solutions.                                       sodium as the cation, has widely replaced
                              Zeolites, already well established in        environmentally harsh phosphates as de-
                          such environmentally driven applications         tergent water softeners; it functions by
                          as the production of lead-free octane en-        exchanging its sodium for the calcium
                          hancers for gasoline and as phosphate-           and magnesium ions that cause hard
                          free ion exchangers for detergent water          water and poor laundry performance.
                          softening, now are being used or consid-            The type of cation present not only in-
                          ered for a variety of other important envi-      fluences the ion-exchange properties of a
                          ronmental services. To put the potential         zeolite, but also is a factor in its adsorp-
                          of zeolites into DersDective. this article
                                            L   A
                                                                           tive and catalytic properties. High-purity
                          looks at the properties of zeolites, and         synthetic zeolites exhibit uniform pore
  Bonnie K. Marcus                                                         sizes that can be further tailored to specif-
                          how the materials can be used.
and William E. Cormier,                                                    ic molecular dimensions by changing the
  Zeolyst International   Zeolite properties                               nature of the cation after synthesis. Some
                             Zeolites are members of a family of           zeolite properties that are determined dur-
                          minerals called tectosilicates, which in-        ing synthesis include:
                          cludes dense-phase materials such as the                structure;
                          feldspars and the various forms of silica.              silica-to-alumina ratio;
                          Zeolites are microporous, high-internal-                pore size; and
                          surface-area crystalline materials with an              framework density (that is, atoms
                          open, three-dimensional framework con-                per unit cell).
                          sisting of tetrahedral A104-5 and                 The pore size is the two-dimensional
                          units linked through shared oxygens.              opening of the zeolite and is determined

                                                                        CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS    JUNE 1999   47

     A I - - 0 Si - 0 - A I - - 0 - Si - 0 - A I -                                              Range
                                                                                                 2.2-8 8,
                                                                                                 6.6-1 1.8
                                                         Ion-exchange capability                 Up to 700 milliequivalents/lOO g
M Figure 1. Zeolite structure.
                                                                                                 Up to 900 m2/g
                                                                                                I1 to =25 wt.%
 by the number of tetrahedral atoms
joined together. The structure is built
 up further by connecting the tetrahe-
 dral atoms in a three-dimensional                   quaternary ammonium compounds as            tions except the time of formation,
 array. This array can lead to larger                structure-directing agents. This re-        which is thousands of years in nature.
 inner cavities connected by pore                    sults in materials with dramatically        Commercially, zeolites must be pro-
 openings. In some zeolites, there are               different properties and many new           duced in hours or days; this, thus, re-
 no cavities, but a series of one-,                  structure types.                            quires optimizing the other variables
 two, or three-dimensional channels                      Environmentally benign zeolite          to change the window of formation.
through the structure.                               catalysts have wide potential as solid          Progress in zeolite synthesis has
    In addition, various post-synthesis              acids in many commercial processes,         been ongoing since commercial zeo-
modifications, such as hydrothermal                  due in part to the ability to “tune”        lites were first introduced 50 years
treatment, coating, and impregnation,                their acidity. In addition, zeolites can    ago. Most zeolites are made from the
may further alter catalytic and ad-                  be formulated to carry active materi-       same reagents: alumina, alkali
 sorptive properties.                                als such as catalytic metals. These         cations, and silica. Small variations in
    Because of this ability to cus-                  properties, coupled with the size and       conditions can cause major differ-
tomize properties, zeolites are com-                 shape features of the zeolites, allow       ences in the structures that form. In-
mercially valuable as adsorbents and                 the materials to be used as catalysts       deed, in a number of cases, new zeo-
molecular sieves - selectively ad-                   in extremely selective reactions, such      lites have been discovered while at-
mitting some molecules while ex-                     as in the manufacture of para-xylene.       tempting to make known zeolites. A
cluding others whose size, shape, or                 High silica zeolites’ ability to remove     classic zeolite example is Zeolite X,
polarity preclude adsorption.                        hydrophobic organic compounds               which was first made inadvertently in
    The first generation of zeolites                 from many environments is expand-           an attempt to repeat the synthesis of
(such as A, X, Y, and mordenite) gen-                ing their use as specialty adsorbents       Zeolite A.
erally have a low silica-to-alumina                  in numerous fields.                             Some of the factors that determine
ratio and a high ion-exchange capaci-                    The ability to tune a number of         the type of synthetic zeolite produced
ty. Most boast a high affinity for                   other properties of zeolites (see Table     are (2):
water and, so, are widely used as des-               1) is adding to the interest in the ma-            composition of the gel;
iccants. They also are employed to                   terials. Another attraction is that zeo-           silica and alumina source;
adsorb other polar molecules in sepa-                lite powder can be formed into extru-              other materials present (such as
ration and purificdon applications.                  dates, beads, monoliths, and other          OH- and other anions, cations (inor-
Second generation zeolites (e.g.,                    shapes.                                     ganic or organic), and organic
ZSM-5 and silicalite) take advantage                                                             reagents);
of quaternary ammonium ions and al-                  The subtleties of synthesis                        time of reaction;
kali cations during synthesis to create                  The greatest challenge in the de-              temperature and heat-up rate;
new structures and different chemical                velopment and commercialization of                 pressure; and
compositions that are higher in silica-              new and modified zeolites is their                synthesis conditions (like the
to-alumina ratio. The highly siliceous               synthesis. Natural zeolites are found       order of mixing, gel aging, and
materials are effective for adsorbing                worldwide and were formed by ig-            stirring).
organic molecules, even in low-con-                  neous or sedimentary solution pro-              The optimization of the synthesis
centration, high-humidity, and high-                 cesses. Some of the parameters that         process for a known zeolite is not a
temperature applications. A third gen-               controlled the type of zeolite formed       trivial task and can involve many iter-
eration of alumino-silico-metal phos-                are the composition and pH of the so-       ations. To commercially synthesize a
phates (AlPO,, SAPO, MeAlPO, etc.)                   lution, as well as the temperature,         new zeolite type, substantial expertise
is synthesized without alkali cations                pressure, and time of formation. It is      in both chemistry and chemical engi-
present, using organic amines and                    possible to replicate all of the condi-     neering is required. Scale-up from the

Zedies Used                       Advantages
                                            Beta                              Excellent yields in continuous reactor
     alpha-terpinyl alkyl ethers                                              Eliminates use of HCI, H,SO,, AICI,, toluene,
                                                                              sulfonic acid, boron trifluoride etherate, and
                                                                              acidic cation resins as catalysts

     Cumene synthesis                       Dealuminated mordenite; MCM-22;   Lower impurities
                                            beta; V; omega                    Trensalkylation function
                                                                              Lower benzene-to-propylene ratio allows higher
                                                                              capacity, greater unit efficiency
                                                                              High selectivity
                                                                              Regenerable, nonhazardous, noncorrosive

     Direct oxidation of benzene to         ZSM-5                             Eliminates cumene as an intermediate
                                                                              Enables possible use of M,O as oxidant

     Caprolactam (via oxidation)            Titanium-framework-substituted    Dramatic reduction in number of processing
                                            ZSM-5 (TS-1)                      steps and waste streams
                                                                              Possible further reduction by using another
                                                                              zeolite in the last step of the process

     Gasoline from methanol                 ZSM-5                             Produces methanol from coal, natural gas, or
                                                                              biomass and then converts it into liquid fuel
                                                                              Conservation of crude oil, elimination of many
                                                                              waste streams

ities of zeolites can provide effective       such as ozone and peroxyacetyl ni-              ogy is “lean NO,,” a catalytic process
environmental solutions by minimiz-           trate; and nitrous oxide, N,O, is of            that uses methane and higher hydro-
ing the output of pollutants and by           concern as a greenhouse gas, because            carbons as reductants, making it ideal
secondary treatment of effluents pro-         it absorbs in the infrared region.              for automotive and other mobile
duced. Areas in which zeolites show               NO,, naturally produced by light-           sources (56).
strong environmental potential are:           ning, bacterial action in the soil, and             Just as vehicle engines and fuels
      reduction of atmospheric oxides         volcanic eruptions, also is generated           are being redesigned to reduce the
of nitrogen (NO,,;                            by human activity - primarily the               creation of pollutants, so, too, zeolites
      cutting emissions of volatile or-       combustion of fossil fuels at temper-           are being developed and deployed to
ganic compounds (VOCs), including             atures higher than about 1,OOO”C                handle the new concentrations, com-
from cold starting of automobiles;            (3).                                            binations, and conditions of combus-
and                                               Selective Catalytic Reduction               tion products. For example, efficient,
      process improvements in the             (SCR), in which ammonia is added to             oxygen-rich, lean-burn diesel engines
chemical process industries (CPI).            stack gases as a reductant, is the tra-         give off less CO, (a greenhouse gas).
    Tables 2 and 3 list some of these         ditional method of NO, removal at               Metal-exchanged zeolite catalysts
opportunities. Now, let’s look at them        stationary sources such as power                have proven to be a less costly and
in more detail.                               plants. SCR is effective at lower tem-          more effective option for NO, re-
                                              peratures, but NO, conversions are              moval from these engines’ exhausts
Reduction of                                  better at higher temperatures (4). Cat-         than three-way catalytic converters
atmospheric NO,                               alysts can extend the temperature               (7,8).
   Oxides of nitrogen are a major tar-        range for NO, reduction (see Figure                N,O is produced in large quanti-
get of clean air policies: NO, is a           2). Platinum and vanadium catalysts             ties by nitric acid and adipic acid
major contributor to acid rain (rank-         are effective up to 450°C; ion-ex-              plants. Although many zeolites have
ing second only to sulfur com-                changed zeolites are applicable to              been used to decompose N,O at high-
pounds); NO, compounds foster the             600°C.                                          er temperatures, cobalt or copper
creation of photochemical oxidants                Another emerging zeolite technol-           ZSM-5, mordenite, and beta zeolites

A variety of materials such as         Process improvements                      ter streams, salts, and heavy metals.
carbons and silicas effectively ad-       in the CPI                                Frequently, the catalyst is not
sorb VOCs in high concentration              The applications of zeolites for se-   reusable. Zeolites are being exten-
streams. As low concentration             lective chemical synthesis are grow-      sively studied as heterogeneous cata-
streams become more regulated,            ing rapidly. Using the materials as       lysts that can be recovered and recy-
however, more-selective materials         catalysts contributes to the “green-      cled with greater ease and less ex-
are needed. Combinations of materi-       ing” of process technology in two         pense, leading to less waste and fewer
als like carbon and zeolites, or mix-     ways: first, by replacing many haz-       byproducts (14). Their use also pro-
tures of zeolites, increasingly are       ardous acidic catalysts such as HF,       vides process advantages such as im-
being investigated for concentration      HCl, and H,SO,; second, by eliminat-      proved selectivity, higher activity, and
of VOCs. Once concentrated, the           ing some intermediate steps in certain    reduced corrosion. In addition, many
VOCs can be recovered for reuse or        processes to reduce overall waste out-    processes can gain efficiency and
thermally destroyed. New, more hy-        put and energy use.                       economy by using zeolites to com-
drophobic zeolites such as ZSM-5             Fine chemicals. The production of      bine several catalytic steps.
types, dealuminated faujasites, and       flavors, fragrances, and other fine           Even greater returns can be
betas are especially effective in re-     chemicals often involves homoge-          achieved by the use of zeolites in
moving VOCs from dilute or humid          neous catalysts that generate large       continuous reactors. For example, the
streams.                                  quantities of wastes such as washwa-      traditional synthesis routes for many
                                                                                    fragrances and flavors include strong             ,
                                                                                    acids, many steps, low yields, and
                                                                                    much waste. Acidic zeolites have the
                                                                                    potential to improve such processes,
                                                                                    but they now are limited to batch re-
                                                                                    actors. The ability to form zeolites
                                                                                    into different shapes has improved
                                                                                    their compatibility with many reactor
                                                                                    designs, such as the one for alpha-ter-
                                                                                    piny1 alkyl ether (15). This continu-
                                                                                    ous reactor uses beta zeolites, and has
                                                                                    yielded excellent results with much
                                                                                    less waste.
                                                                                        Petrochemicals. The synthesis of
                                                                                    cumene is one example in which sev-
                                                                                    eral different zeolite catalysts have
                                                                                    found application, replacing environ-
                                                                                    mentally unfriendly catalysts such as
                                                                                    solid phosphoric acid. Zeolite cata-
                                                                                    lysts have been found to yield fewer
                                                                                    impurities, to have higher capacity, to
                                                                                    give greater unit efficiency, and to
                                                                                    provide higher selectivity in cumene
                                                                                    production. And, zeolites are nonhaz-
                                                                                    ardous, regenerable, and noncorro-
                                                                                    sive. Table 4 compares current com-
                                                                                    mercially available cumene synthesis
                                                                                        Cumene is an intermediate for
                                                                                    making phenol and acetone. Avoiding
                                                                                    its use promises further environmen-
                                                                                    tal benefits. The direct oxidation of -     -
                                                                                    benzene to phenol reduces waste out-
                                                                                    put and the use of hazardous materi-
                                                                                    als. A number of companies have de-   ~    ~-   ~~~~

                                                                                    veloped processes with oxygen or ni-
                                                                                    tric acid as the oxidant. A recent de-


                                                                                             NH3 H202 TS-1
                                                                                              1 1 1
                                                   Ammonium Sulfate
       Cyclohexanone                                                    Cyclohexanone
                                                   Sodium Sulfate
                                 .L                                                                 J
                NH3                                                              NH3
                                              -+   Ammonium Sulfate                                            -+   Ammonium Sulfate
              Oleum                                                            Oleum

                                 $.                                                                 t
                          Raw Caprolactum                                                    Raw Caprolactum
                               (-83%)                                                            (-90%)

                         a. Raschig Process                                                 b. Enichem Process

      Figure 3. How Raschig and ammoximation routes to caprolactam compare.

    velopment employs N,O as the oxi-              er way in which waste may be re-
    dant in a direct oxidation process             duced and natural resources con-
    with a zeolite as catalyst (16). Com-          served. The Mobil methanol-to-gaso-
    mercialization of this process could           line process, now commercialized in
    cut waste and energy consumption,              New Zealand, is one such process.
    and would improve the economics of             Methanol may be produced from
    phenol production, as well.                    coal, natural gas, or biomass, and
       Zeolites also can reduce wastes in          then converted to liquid fuels or
    the production of caprolactam, an in-          chemical feedstocks using a zeolite
    termediate for nylon-6 and other syn-          catalyst (18). Future possible uses of
    thetic fibers. The traditional Raschig         zeolites might include conversion of
    process generates multiple waste               flare gases at remote wells into a
    streams. In contrast, the Enichem              more easily transportable, waxy syn-
    ammoximation process, which uses a             crude that could be reprocessed into
    titanium-framework-substituted                 fuels where needed.
    ZSM-5 zeolite (TS-l), hydrogen per-
    oxide, and ammonia, dramatically re-           A green light
\   duces the number of process steps                  Additional methods for manipu-
                                                   lating zeolite crystalline structure
    and the volume of waste (17) (see
    Figure 3). Employing another zeolite           continue to be developed, and zeolite
    in the last step of the Enichem pro-           applications are expanding exponen-
    cess may lead to further cuts in waste         tially. Zeolites’ chemical inertness
    production.                                    and unique, modifiable properties
       The use of cheaper and more read-           make them ideal for green chemistry
    ily available feedstocks is still anoth-       applications.                    na
                                                                                        CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS     JUNE 1999    53
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