Goals and Objectives - Huntsville ...

Page created by Monica Pearson
System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________                                                                                  State Department of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________                                                                                  Prevention and Support Services
                                                                                                                                                         September 2021

Goals and Objectives

Use the chart provided and information from your needs assessment to list the LEA’s measurable goals.

     Measurable Goals                       Objective                        Activities                  Intended Outcome                Timeline/Evaluation
Utilization of Voyager Sopris      To increase K-3 students’        The utilization of Voyager       The Voyager Sopris (50 Nifty    October 2021 through May
50 Nifty Combined Set will         phonemic awareness               Sopris 50 Nifty Combined         Combined Set inclusive of       2022. The evaluation will
enhance our core reading           necessary for grade-level        Set will help students connect   manipulatives will support      consist of increased STAR and
program by assisting teachers      and advanced reading and         the sounds of spoken             students in being confident     DIBELS growth and
with teaching and reinforcing      spelling skills.                 language to written language     readers and writers             proficiency. Also, relevant
essential foundational literacy                                     to become independent                                            baseline ACAP data for our
concepts like phonemic                                              decoders and spellers of                                         grade 2 and 3 students.
awareness, fluency,                                                 words.
vocabulary, spelling and

Providing students will all the    To ensure students receive the   The use of IB specific           Students’ successful            October 2021 through May
necessary resources offered by     necessary resources and          resources will allow students    completion of courses that      2022. The evaluation will be
the International Baccalaureate    supports needed to complete      to accurately understand tasks   allow for students to achieve   evident through student
program will allow students to     required IB coursework.          that are designed to help        career and college readiness    achievement/performance in
further demonstrate their                                           increase students’               skills.                         specific IB subject areas.
ability to think globally and                                       understanding of the various
critically (student fees).
                                                                    cultures, the world around
                                                                    them, and promote lifelong

Providing students with the        To ensure that students          Classroom resources will be      Successful utilization of       October 2021 through May
necessary resources to             receive the necessary            provided to ensure that          resources to support student    2022. The evaluation will be
successfully complete Magnet       resources and support needed     students have a greater          Magnet, IB, AP and other        evident through student
coursework, AP coursework,         to complete the required         opportunity of attaining         content specific areas          achievement/performance in
IB coursework and content          coursework.                      information through the          coursework.                     specific Magnet, IB, AP and
specific coursework.                                                utilization of resources.                                        other content specific areas.
System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________                                                                                State Department of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________                                                                                Prevention and Support Services
                                                                                                                                                       September 2021

Goals and Objectives

Use the chart provided and information from your needs assessment to list the LEA’s measurable goals.

     Measurable Goals                       Objective                          Activities                Intended Outcome             Timeline/Evaluation
Providing Magnet                   To support instructional          To enrich students in ways      Students of every learning    October 2021 through May
Professional                       practices that encourages         that create a positive effect   level end up using these      2022. The evaluation of teacher
Development/Consultants/           students to think critically,     on the community at large.      experiences in their future   development will be conducted
Stipends is a key component        independently, and                Allows students to have         pursuits of higher learning   through increased student
                                                                                                                                   development and a deeper
in helping educators gain          logically using inquiry-          harmonious and healthy          and in their work life.
                                                                                                                                   understanding of community
knowledge that will have a         based instruction.                interaction to various          Magnet schools close the
                                                                                                                                   that comes from hands-on
positive influence and                                               cultures and socio-             achievement gap, improve      interaction.
support a student’s                                                  economic backgrounds.           racial harmony, and
approach to learning.                                                                                empower all students to
                                                                                                     reach their individual
Hire a Free Application for        To provide comprehensive          Contributes to the counseling   The goal is to provide 100%   October 2021 through May
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)        and collaborative assistance      curriculum and related          of seniors with the           2022. The evaluation will be
Facilitator to coordinate and      to students and their families    resources to assist with        opportunity to apply for      evident through the number of
facilitate FAFSA help sessions     with FAFSA completion to          understanding the benefits of   FAFSA with the support from   students that apply for FAFSA.
at each high school during the     contribute to future success in   FAFSA, explaining the           the FAFSA Facilitator.
Fall and Spring.                   academics and career              process for completing the
                                   planning.                         FAFSA, and assisting
                                                                     students in submitting the
                                                                     FAFSA and reviewing the

Well Rounded Education
System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________                                                                         State Department of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________                                                                         Prevention and Support Services
                                                                                                                                                September 2021

Goals and Objectives

Use the chart provided and information from your needs assessment to list the LEA’s measurable goals.

     Measurable Goals                       Objective                    Activities                Intended Outcome             Timeline/Evaluation
Continue to utilize a              To increase and maintain    Work with ESOL                  Bilingual Support             October 2021 – September
Bilingual Social Worker            family engagement with      Coordinator to lead a           Specialist will help          2022
Support Specialist to work         our Spanish speaking        parent workshop series.         facilitate better
                                                               Help resolve student            communication, family         Calendar of activities,
with schools and parents           parents by supporting
                                                               problems with school            involvement at schools,       Attendance sheets, Log of
daily to ensure                    bilingual communication                                                                   case studies supporting
communication, resolve             between schools, holding    personnel to improve            and assist in addressing
                                                               student learning. Assist        social and emotional          family needs or school
misunderstandings, and             parent workshops,                                                                         issues
                                                               social workers with             challenges.
connect families to                connecting families with
                                                               attendance issues and
community agencies when            resources.                  referrals to agencies.
needed and available.
Continue to utilize a              To provide educational      Provide students with life      Improved student              October 2021 through
Student Transition Support         services and supportive     skills that promote and are     achievement, attendance       September 2022. An
Specialist to support student      tools that will enhance     geared towards becoming         and decreases student drop-   evaluation of the Student
transitions and provide            student performance.        productive citizens, that       out.                          Transition Support Specialist
rehabilitative assistance for                                  will have a positive impact                                   will be based on the increase
juveniles and their families                                   on the community.                                             of student attendance and the
involved in the juvenile                                                                                                     decrease of student drop-out
court system.                                                                                                                rates.
Continue providing                 To provide students with    Utilize the Winning             Students will be able to      October 2021 through
guidance, motivation, and          the necessary skills to     Foundation, Inc. to mentor      pursue their education to     September 2022. The
emotional support to student       complete their academic     students and deter dropouts     become productive and         evaluation will be based on
to enhance personal                path and decrease dropout   and alternative school          thriving citizens through     the increase of the number
development, academic              rates.                      placement while promoting       the implementation of         students mentored during the
success, and improve                                           relationship building.          relationship building         school year based on the
communication skills.                                                                          strategies.                   number of students
                                                                                                                             supported monthly.
System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________                                                                          State Department of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________                                                                          Prevention and Support Services
                                                                                                                                                 September 2021

Measurable Goals                   Objective                      Activities                   Intended Outcome               Timeline/Evaluation
Continue to aid youth and          To convey decision-making      Afford students the          The provided tools and         October 2021 through
their care givers in               processes to prevent and/or    opportunity to receive       knowledge will help students   September 2022. The
acquiring critical life skills     eliminate: drug and alcohol    guidance and assistance      become productive citizens     evaluation will be based on
through a transformative           abuse, low self-esteem,        through Operation Making a   through the utilization of     the number of students that
                                   bullying, criminal behavior,   Difference in dealing with   coping techniques and
enrichment program.                                                                                                           are enrolled and complete
                                   family con conflict and gang   peer pressure, self-esteem   understanding the importance
                                                                  building, and bullying.
                                                                                                                              the program.
                                   awareness.                                                  of staying in school.

Safe and Healthy Students
System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________                                                                             State Department of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________                                                                             Prevention and Support Services
                                                                                                                                                    September 2021

Measurable Goals                   Objective                      Activities                     Intended Outcome               Timeline/Evaluation
Continue to utilize                The Naviance program will      Students will research         The variety of tools           Students will use the
Naviance program will              increase awareness and         colleges and add them to       available to students          Scholarship Tracker feature to
result in a higher number of       access to college and career   their “Colleges I’m            through the Naviance           search for scholarships,
college applications being         planning information.          Thinking About” list.          program will enhance           research and apply to colleges
                                                                  Through the Resume             student’s college search by    and request transcripts. Also,
completed by our students.
                                                                  Builder feature, students      providing them with more       Counselors will provide
                                                                  can build resumes that can     digital access to colleges,    consistent and relevant
                                                                  be sent to colleges along      college majors and career      communication with both
                                                                  with their applications.       opportunities.                 students and parents related to
                                                                                                                                college planning, scholarship,
                                                                                                                                financial aid and special

Continue reaching all              Provide closed caption in      Contract with Rev 1 and        Increased access and           October 2021 through
students with video lessons        English and Spanish for        Tennessee Captioning to        comprehensibility and to       September 2022. The
to support instruction during      elementary lessons to          provide English and            critical standards lessons.    evaluation will be based on
COVID-19 quarantine.               increase access to lesson      Spanish closed captioning.                                    the number of live events
Lessons available on ETV           comprehension.                                                                               and video clips requiring
(educational TV channel)                                                                                                        close captioning.
and recorded lessons will be
posted to website.
Utilization of ScholarChip-        To teach better behavior       Ranging from Kindergarten      Decreased student’s dropout    October 2021 through May
ABE Behavior Management to         while giving administrators    to High School modules,        rates, disproportionality,     2022. The evaluation will be
support the teaching of better     and teachers powerful data-    ABE provides interactive       reduce referrals and ISS/OSS   evident through the decreased
behavior which promotes            driven reports that quickly    software that emphasizes the   assignments.                   number of students placed in
progress, accountability, and      identifies at-risk students.   importance of responsible                                     ISS/OSS.
student behavior tutorials.                                       behavior.

System Name _Huntsville City Schools_____________________   State Department
of Education
Coordinator Name __Towana Riggins Smith_________________      Prevention and
Support Services
                                                             September 2021
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