Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park

Page created by Erik Moreno
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
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The team at The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park® specializes
in group events. You’ve found a site that will thrill every
member of your group – with the dual delights of Rocky
Mountain National Park and downtown Estes Park.

RidgelineHotel.com | 970.527.1500
101 South Saint Vrain Avenue, Estes Park, CO 80517
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
We’ve thought about every
A breathtaking backdrop                                                        aspect of 2021 group events,
                                                                               so you don’t have to. As such,
Rocky Mountain National Park, one       minutes from downtown Estes            Delaware North’s Rest Assured:
                                                                               Commitment to Care is a
of the most visited national parks in   Park, blends a casual style with
                                                                               comprehensive program to help
the United States, was established      modern amenities and design in a
                                                                               keep guests and employees safe
in 1915 after a massive national        laidback mountain atmosphere.          and slow the spread of COVID-19.
lobbying campaign by Enos Mills.
                                        Few things are more inspiring than     We’ve reengineered our
The naturalist and lodge owner
                                        being surrounded by the beauty of      operating procedures to minimize
played a huge role in creating the
                                        the mountains. The Ridgeline ofers     contact risk and bolstered
park and subsequently the Estes                                                hygiene protocols to exceed best
                                        a peaceful refuge amid stunning
Park, Colorado area. Visitors from                                             practice guidelines of the U.S.
                                        natural beauty, where creative
all over the world come to marvel at                                           Centers for Disease Control and
                                        ideas thrive.
the magnificent Rockies.                                                       Prevention (CDC). Our facilities
                                        Many distinctive experiences both      undergo rigorous, ongoing deep
If you’re lucky enough to spend                                                cleaning and disinfection.
                                        on the property and in the national
some time in the Rocky Mountain
                                        park are available. Team-building      As we all navigate the pandemic,
region, The Ridgeline is equipped                                              we recognize that making travel
                                        activities such as golf tournaments,
with all the services and amenities                                            decisions may leave us feeling
                                        mountain survival challenges
of a full-service hotel, and                                                   somewhat uneasy. We want our
                                        and more can take your group
attaches directly to the Estes Park                                            guests to “Rest Assured” that we
                                        experience to the next level.          have them covered. Our relaxed
Conference Center for ease of
access to both hotel guestrooms                                                cancelation policy provides
                                        With features like numerous
                                                                               guests with the confidence
and meeting spaces.                     meeting venues, flexible meeting
                                                                               of flexibility. Under our policy,
                                        facilities and state-of-the-art        reservations will be allowed to
The unique property, nestled
                                        audio/visual equipment, The            be changed or canceled at no
at the base of Rocky Mountain
                                        Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park® is the     charge up to 48 hours before the
National Park and just a few
                                        perfect home base for your group.      scheduled arrival date. Changes
                                                                               to the reservation will be subject
                                                                               to availability and any rate

                                                                               At The Ridgeline Hotel Estes
                                                                               Park® and each of our properties,
                                                                               count on group events engineered
                                                                               with an abundance of caution.
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
Meeting and exceeding
The Ridgeline Hotel Estes            The Ridgeline is a winning
Park®, you’ll discover one of the    destination for your group:
world’s most unique landscapes       • Minutes from downtown
while relaxing in picture-perfect      Estes Park
surroundings. The Rocky Mountain
                                     • Just over an hour’s drive from
region ofers an ideal setting for
                                       the Denver metro area
conferences, seminars, retreats
and more.Whatever the size, we       • Over 20,000 square feet of
can help you create an elevated,       indoor and outdoor space
exciting experience.                 • 8,000 square foot Grand
The Ridgeline delivers 20,000
square feet of venue space,          • 5,600 square foot Aspen
147 upscale guestrooms and             Courtyard
suites and unforgettable group       • Full-service catering options
activities. Our talented team will   • Custom meeting experiences
work hand in hand with you to
                                     • Group activities including
customize a meeting experience
                                       guided hikes, golf tournaments
that will delight each member of
                                       and more
your group.
                                     • Game room lounge and bar
Easily accessible from Denver and
                                     • 147 guestrooms and suites
Boulder and just steps from Rocky
Mountain National Park, The
Ridgeline can help make your next
retreat your best one yet.

   Our talented team will work hand
    in hand with you to customize a
  meeting experience that will delight
      each member of your group.
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
The best of Estes Park
Every day is extraordinary at The     Downtown Estes Park                   • Miniature golf
Ridgeline, a Rocky Mountain           Estes Park is a four-season           • Fly fishing
resort with an ideal location. The    destination that’s been drawing       • Horseback riding
Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park is         visitors for more than 100 years.
centrally located so guests can go                                          • Rock climbing
                                      Widely regarded as the gateway
exploring as soon as they leave the   to Rocky Mountain National Park,      • Mountain biking
hotel. Steps away from downtown       Estes Park is a destination for       • Bird/wildlife watching
Estes Park and near the gateway to    thrill-seekers, casual vacationers
                                                                            • Whitewater rafting
Rocky Mountain National Park, The     and everyone in between.
Ridgeline gives our guests access                                           • Cross-country skiing
                                      Our staf can provide more
to infinite adventures.                                                     • Snowshoeing
                                      information on any activities Estes
On-site recreational activities       Park has to ofer to help make         • Shopping

• Indoor saltwater pool/hot tub       your conference, meeting or event     • Spa services
  with 180-inch projector TV screen   even more memorable.
                                                                            • Open Air Adventure Park
• Fire pits with s’mores kits         Activities include:
• Game room lounge and bar with       • Downtown Estes Park Riverwalk
  pool table, air hockey, foosball,   • Nature walks/hiking/boating
                                                                            A visit to Estes Park
  Xbox gaming, giant Jenga and more
                                      • Golf
                                                                            stays with you long
• Fitness room
                                      • Jeep tours
                                                                            after you depart.
• Bicycle rentals included
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
Amazing experiences
                                                From providing a dining experience          Glacier and Shenandoah, along with
                                                amid the splendor of the Grand              Niagara Falls State Park.
                                                Canyon, to serving fans and players
                                                                                            Out of this world
                                                at the Australian Open, to catering
                                                                                            Among our flagship locations
                                                the Emmy Awards Governors
                                                                                            for events is Kennedy Space
                                                Ball – we’re there. Delaware North
                                                                                            Center Visitor Complex, which we
                                                services more than 200 locations on
                                                                                            operate on behalf of NASA. We
                                                four continents, serving 500 million
                                                                                            can accommodate groups of 10 to
                                                guests each year. We manage food
                                                                                            5,000, with oferings that include
                                                and beverage concessions, premium
                                                                                            dining under Space Shuttle Atlantis,
                                                dining, street side restaurants, retail
                                                                                            receptions next to the actual Lunar
                                                stores, hotels, resorts, specialty
                                                                                            Rover and opportunities to dine
                                                lodging, casino gaming and
                                                                                            with astronauts.
                                                recreation services.
                                                                                            Time to dine
                                                From executive retreats and incentive
                                                                                            Patina Restaurant Group – a wholly
                                                trips to team-building activities and
                                                                                            owned subsidiary of Delaware North
                                                conferences, Delaware North has you
                                                                                            – is a leader in the premium segment
                                                covered. We are your go-to partner
                                                                                            of the restaurant and catering industry.
                                                for memories that will last a lifetime.
                                                                                            Our operations locations include
                                                Luxurious accommodations                    restaurants from Los Angeles to
                                                Delaware North’s portfolio of luxury        New York, Walt Disney World® and
                                                resorts provide guests with world-          Disneyland®. We are also the catering
                                                class hospitality, the best local cuisine   team behind The Plaza Hotel in
                                                and amenities such as spas that             New York City.
                                                complement the natural beauty of the
                                                                                            The thrill of the game
                                                locations. Among many wondrous
                                                                                            Delaware North operates food,
                                                locations, we own and operate Lizard
                                                                                            beverage and retail services at more
                                                Island Resort on Australia’s Great
                                                                                            than 50 professional sports and
                                                Barrier Reef and Tenaya Lodge at
                                                                                            entertainment venues around the
                                                Yosemite in California.
                                                                                            world, including MetLife Stadium near
                                                Connect with nature                         New York City, Wembley Stadium in
                                                Connect with nature We have                 London and Lambeau Field in Green
                                                adventure awaiting around every             Bay. We own and operate TD Garden,
                                                corner, including popular National          home of the NHL’s Boston Bruins
Top to bottom:                                  Parks at Yellowstone, the Grand             (owned by our chairman, Jeremy
Patina Catering at the MTV Movie & TV Awards;
                                                Canyon, Sequoia and Kings Canyon,           Jacobs) and the NBA’s Boston Celtics.
Kennedy Space Center VIsitor Complex; The Hub
on Causeway & TD Garden; The Plaza Hotel
Go further - The Ridgeline Hotel Estes Park
The group event specialists
         ROOM                                                   SETUP CAPACITIES
                                                                    Crescent                Hollow
                              Theater        Classroom   U-Shape    Rounds         Rounds   Square     Reception
Grand Ballroom                   650            400        —          320           400       —          700

Salon: A, B, C, D, E, F           90             60        30          48            60      40           90

Salon: ABC, DEF                  325             180       —          144           200       —          350

Salon: AB, BC, DE, EF            180             130       58         104           130       76          180

Salon: AF, BE, CD                180             130       —          104           130       —           180

Junior Ballroom                  180             130       58         104           130       76          180

Lake Estes                        60             36        20          24            30      30           50

Trail Ridge                      160             90        45          72            90      60           160

Lumpy Ridge Room                  80             45        42          40            50      48           80

        ROOM               (L X W X H)       SQ FT
Grand Ballroom            100’ x 80’ x 14’   8,000

  Salon A                 43’ x 26’ x 14’     1,118

  Salon B                  41’ x 26’ x 14’   1,066

  Salon C                 43’ x 26’ x 14’     1,118

  Adjustable Corridor      14’ x 80’ x 14’    1,120

  Salon D                 43’ x 26’ x 14’     1,118

  Salon E                 43’ x 26’ x 14’     1,118

  Salon F                 43’ x 26’ x 14’     1,118

Pre-Function Space            Varied         5,000+

Junior Ballroom            39’ x 62’ x 9’    2,330

Trail Ridge                39’ x 40’ x 9’    1,560

Lake Estes                 35’ x 22’ x 9’     770

Lumpy Ridge Room           24’ x 40’ x 9’     1037

Aspen Courtyard           70’ x 80’ x NA     5,600

With newly renovated guest rooms and 11 flexible meeting rooms including an 8,000-square-foot ballroom, you
can take your corporate retreat to new heights at The Ridgeline. Our team will customize a meeting experience
that suits your exact needs. Let us help you create an experience that your group won’t soon forget.

Out here, inspiration is all around you. To learn more, call our sales team at 970-527-1500 or visit
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