Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents

Page created by Ann Avila
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
January 2022
BURBANK PUBLIC LIBRARY                    Vol. 26, No.1

N ews & Events

     You can’t go back
      and change the
    beginning, but you
      can start where
    you are and change
        the ending.

                 C. S. LEWIS
             British Writer 1898-1963
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
hours & locations
                                                                          A Note from the Director
Burbank Central Library                                                                                    As we head into another new year, it’s hard to know
110 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
                                                                                                           what 2022 might bring. We are all hopeful for a
                                                                                                           definitive end to the pandemic, yet we’re also
Monday - Thursday........10:00 am - 9:00 pm                                                                going through another surge. Ups and downs in the
Friday - Saturday............10:00 am - 6:00 pm
                                                                                                           economy and workplaces continue to be a part of
Sunday.......................................................... closed
                                                                                                           our lives, and many people are struggling with
                                                                                                           mental health after almost two years of uncertainty
Buena Vista Branch                                                                                         and strain.
300 N. Buena Vista St.                                                        Elizabeth Goldman
818-238-5620                                                               Library Services Director
                                                                                                      Here at Burbank Public Library, we hope to be here
Monday - Thursday........10:00 am - 9:00 pm                                                           to support you on the way back to wellness, success
Friday - Saturday............10:00 am - 6:00 pm                           and connection, whether you are looking at it on an individual, family or
Sunday..................................1:00 pm - 5:00 pm                 community level. Our set of resources and services has expanded greatly over
                                                                          the past year as we seek new ways to help Burbank thrive. If you are looking
                                                                          for a job, Burbank Employment Connection is now located at the libraries, with
Northwest Branch
3323 W. Victory Blvd.                                                     a full suite of services. Thanks to funding from the California State Library, we
818-238-5640                                                              are able to supplement our staff assistance and collection with several new
                                                                          online resources to improve job skills and general education, including LinkedIn
Monday...................................12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
                                                                          Learning and Coursera, both free with your Library card.
Tuesday..................................12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Wed - Thursday....................12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday - Saturday........................................closed           Our social worker is building connections with community organizations and
Sunday....................................10:00 am - 2:00 pm              can help those who don’t know where to start, or find themselves in new
                                                                          circumstances, to access the many programs available to help people get back
Holiday Hours                                                             on their feet, find shelter or address health needs. Our adult literacy program
Sunday, Jan 1............................New Year’s Day                   is the place to go for those who may find their paths impeded by low literacy
Monday, Jan 17.....Martin Luther King, Jr. Day                            and would benefit from caring one-on-one tutoring assistance. And of course,
                                                                          our print and electronic collections and internet access are always there for
                                                                          you, whether you are in the mood for a self-help guide, an escape into fantasy,
Spark! Digital Media Lab
Burbank Central Library
                                                                          or new knowledge to put our world into context.
Monday....................................1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tuesday.................................11:00 am - 3:00 pm                Please stop by and visit the Library in 2022, and let those who aren’t aware
Wednesday..........................................closed                 of what we offer know how much they can find in our branches and on our
Thursday...............................11:00 am - 3:00 pm                 website. We’re here to help.
Friday........................................1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Saturday..................................1:00 pm - 5:00 pm                                                                      Elizabeth

                                                                                            Tax Preparation Services
                                                                                             A Friends of the Burbank Public Library Fundraiser

                                                                                                             Offered in-person in 2022!
                                                                                                         Signups will open on January 18
                                                                                                       Complete details will be available soon
                                                                                                         on our website and at each Library
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
FREE New Resources
                                                                      from Your Library
  Scroll down the RESEARCH page on our Library website and you’ll find a number of learning
  tools that are provided free of charge. Below we have highlighted some of the newest
  resources for jobseekers and learners of all levels that are currently being provided by the
  California State Library.

                                                                                                                          • Improve academic, workplace
Coursera is an education platform
                                                                                                                            and personal skills
that offers free and paid online
courses for anyone to take.                                                                                               • Explore colleges and careers
                                                                                                                          • Prepare for college admissions
Many of these courses are
                                                                                                                            and occupational exams
pathways to professional
certifications that can help                                                                                              • Practice for GED, ASVAB
elevate your career.                                                                                                        and U.S. citizenship exams
                                                                                                                          • Determine your future

                                                    Learn Anytime,
                                                        GetSetUp provides
                                                        free virtual classes
                                                      for older adults taught
                                                     by peers - ask questions,
                                                     make friends, learn new
                                                                                 Learn relevant, professional skills on LinkedIn Learning.
                                                       things, and have fun.     Now free to all patrons. Get access to:
                                                                                 - 16,000+ online courses in 7 languages.
                                                                                 - Expert Instructors with real-world experience.
                                                                                 - 60+ new courses added each week!
                                                                                 				                                          Start learning today!

                                                                                                         Skillshare is for creatives and others wanting to
                                                                                                         build or grow a business and/or learn new skills.
                                                                                                         Provides 35,000 video courses on topics
                                                                                                         including entrepreneurship, graphic design,
                                                                                                         marketing, illustration, and time management.

         Unlimited access to full issues of more than 7,000 newspapers
         and magazines in 60+ languages – just as they appear in print.

           You’ll need your Burbank Library card and PIN to get started with most resources.
         No Library card? Gain immediate access to many resources and to our Library eBooks,
                 movies, music & more, by signing up for an eCard through our website.
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
                           iss Ahsoh   ley an
                         early child
                                     o d librari                                              A bi-monthly eNews for families with young children
                                                                                  s,                         arrives January 2022
                                                                  of familie
                                 in   g  w  it h  all types              re  a n  d
                  I love work                                       he
                                                  l at home
                                 em to fee                             l things                   Sign up on the newsletter page of our website
                   helping th t all the wonderfu                                                                - and select KIDS.
                   excited a
                                bou                               now this
                                            w  a y with. I k
                                           a                     that being
                                w  a  lk                                                                     burbanklibrary.org/newsletter
                   they can              rn y,  but I find
                                    c o                                      to
                    will soun   d                          ity for me
                            re  is  a  n   opportun               e  I  c a n make                         You’ll get reading suggestions
         ff m  e mber he                   n e ss .  I feel lik                     be
  a st a
                                yk   in d                          f hop to e                 - helpful Library hints - meet our staff - sneak previews
  show this                        it  g  iv e s me a lot o e world                                                - and much more
                              nd                                  f th
                 ce here a                       justices o
  a differen           d a d d ress the in                li b ra ry -- be it
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            ti o n d e                        s ay  in g  h
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                     by smiling                          ..
    simply just            g h h e  re   everyday.                      -find out m
                   th ro u
    that walk                                               scribe to       S N A P S H OTS
                                                yo u   su b

                                  It’s Winter Story Time
                      outdoors at Burbank Public Library!

      Children ages 0-5 and their grownups are welcome to join us for our
 weekly outdoor story time filled with books, songs, rhymes, and lots of silly fun!
  In case of inclement weather, please check the website for the most up-to-date information

           11 am Wednesdays                                                                                        10 am Fridays

 Northwest Branch Library                                                                                Burbank Central Library
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
microscopes and mazes                                             monthly programs
 - an in-person program
    for homeschool students in grades K-5
                                                       creative kids
Join Miss Kristine for a short lesson on microscopes   arts, crafts, and STEM
and get a chance to use one on your own! Check         activities for K-5 kids
out some bugs and plants at the microscopic level
plus build your own pizza box maze!                    4:30-5:30 pm
                                                       Thursday, Jan 6
Space is limited. Face coverings are currently         Buena Vista Branch
required inside all Libraries for ages 3+

11:00 am-12:00 pm                                                               baby party!
Tuesday, Jan 11                                                                 a program for pre-walkers
Buena Vista Branch Library
                                                                                10-11 am
                                                                                Saturday, Jan 8
                                                                                Buena Vista Branch

                                                       music & movement
                                                       an outdoor program for
                                                       families with preschoolers

                                                       10-10:30 am
                                                       Saturday, Jan 22
                                                       Buena Vista Branch

                                                                                      story owl hour
                                                                                      a nature-themed story
                                                                                      time for kids ages 2-5
                                                                                      Library staff will read a story,
                                                                                      and Parks and Recreation
                                                                                      staff will lead an activity.

                                                       Register at burbankparks.com         9:30-10:30 am
                                                                                          Thursday, Jan 27
                                                                              Stough Canyon Nature Center

                                                       book clubs
                                                       Buena Vista Branch
                                                       1st-2nd Grade - Group #1
                                                       4 pm Tuesday, Jan 25

                                                       3rd Grade
                                                       5 pm Tuesday, Jan 25

                                                       4th-5th Grade
                                                       4 pm Thursday, Jan 27

                                                       1st-2nd Grade - Group #2
                                                       5 pm Tuesday, Jan 27
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
grades 6-12
teen gaming                                                                       cómo convertirse en un
  - dungeons & dragons at the Library                                             ciudadano estadounidense
For teens in grades 6-12. Beginners                                                  - presentado en español
and experienced players welcome!
Space is limited.                                                              Una sesión informativa virtual sobre el proceso de
Registration required                                                          naturalización y lo que necesita para convertirse en un
                                                                               ciudadano estadounidense.
1-5:00 pm                                                                      La presentación será en español y a través de Zoom.
Saturday, Jan 8                                                                Haga clic en el enlace para tener acceso:
Buena Vista Branch Library                                                     https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83165315076

                                                                               2-3:00 pm
                                                                               Saturday, Jan 22
after school club
  - a pop-up event for teens in grades 6-12
Games, activities, and crafts in the Story Time room
at the Buena Vista Branch.
                           How can you find us?
                           Dates and times will vary
                           each week, so follow our                             opera talk
                           teen Instagram                                         - our series returns!
                           or join the Teen Discord                             Join us for an entertaining and educational online
                           to learn the latest!                                 discussion with an opera expert. We are kicking off our
                                                                                Opera Talk series this year with an online discussion of
                                                                                Opera and Greek Tragedy, presented in partnership with
                                                                                LA Opera Connects.
our teens have a voice
                                                                                7-8:00 pm
4:30-5:30 pm                                                                    Tuesday,
Thursday, Jan 13                                                                Jan 25
Buena Vista Branch
                                                                                Registration required
Open to grades 6-12
Registration required

                                      high school book club - for teens in grades 9-12
                                      Register to receive a copy of The Project by Courtney Summers, a thrilling story about a girl who
                                      joins a cult to find her estranged sister. Once you’ve registered, you can pick up your copy at the
                                      Buena Vista Branch Information Desk. There are additional copies
                                      available in the Library collection.
                                                                                                                           4 - 5:00 pm
                                                                                                                Thursday, Jan 20
                                      Registration required                                               Buena Vista Branch Library
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
Scan Day
A free opportunity to scan up to 15 photos.

10 am-2 pm
Saturday, Jan 15
Buena Vista Branch Library
registration required

Start looking for your important photos to bring to the Library’s Scan Day

monthly programs
                                                             burbank employment center
                                                                - one hour appointments available
english naturally                                            Make an appointment for in-depth
  - a conversation group                                     help or referral to partner agencies.
Join this class and practice
your English language skills,                                Thursdays in-person
make friends, and learn about                                & Fridays online
different cultures.                                          2 - 4:00 pm
                                                             Burbank Central Library
Wednesdays 1:30 pm online
Thursdays at 10:30 am in-person at
Burbank Central Library                                      introduction to computers
                                                               - using Microsoft Word
online business mentoring                                    Learn how to create a new document, make changes,
  - led by SCORE                                             save, print and send.

Tuesdays & Thursdays
                                                             7 - 8:00 pm
11 am - 2 pm on Zoom
                                                             Wednesday, Jan 19
                                                             Buena Vista Branch Library
reading club for
adults                                                       writers’ workshop
 - practice basic reading skills                               - led by The Quill & Pint Writers’ Group
designed as a place for adults to
                                                             Our monthly online workshops are
practice their reading in a
                                                             two fun hours of writing games,
non-judgmental, safe space.
                                                             writers’ discussions, and brainstorming.

4:30-5:30 pm
                                                             11 am - 1:00 pm
Thursdays, Jan 6 & 20
                                                             Saturday, Jan 29
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
                                                                                                   CHILDREN                   l        TEENS            l     ADULTS

26                       27                                  28                                   29                              30                           31                                1
                                                                                                                                                     All Burbank Public Libraries
                                                                                                                                                   are closed Friday and Saturday
                                                                                                                                               December 31 & January 1 for New Year’s
2                            3                                  4                                 5                               6                              7                               8
                                 SCORE - Online                     English Naturally                  English Naturally                                              Baby Party!
                                 Business Mentoring                 - Online Conversation Group         - A Conversation Group                                        Buena Vista Branch
                                 11 am - 2 pm                       1:30 - 3 pm                        Burbank Central Library                                        (in-person) 10 am
                                                                                                       (in-person) 10:30 am
                                                                                                                                                                      Teen Gaming:
                                                                                                       SCORE - Online                                                 Dungeons & Dragons
                                                                                                       Business Mentoring                                             - for grades 6 -12
This calendar is accurate as of the date                                                               11 am - 2 pm                                                   Buena Vista Branch
of publication. Some programs require                                                                                                                                 (in-person) 1 - 5 pm
                                                                                                       Creative Kids
registration. Please check for current                                                                 Buena Vista Branch
information at burbanklibrary.org/events.                                                              (in-person) 4:30 pm

                                                                                                       Reading Club for Adults
                                                                                                       Burbank Central Library
                                                                                                       (in-person) 4:30 pm

9                        10                                  11                                   12                              13                             14                              15
                                 Microscopes, Mazes,                English Naturally                  English Naturally                                              Scan Day
                                 and More                           - Online Conversation Group         - A Conversation Group                                        Buena Vista Branch
                                 Buena Vista Branch                 1:30 - 3 pm                        Burbank Central Library                                        (in-person) 10 am - 2 pm
                                 (in-person) 11 am - 12 pm                                             (in-person) 10:30 am

                                 SCORE - Online                                                        SCORE - Online
                                 Business Mentoring                                                    Business Mentoring
                                 11 am - 2 pm                                                          11 am - 2 pm
                                                                                                       Teen Advisory Board
                                                                                                       - for grades 6 -12
                                                                                                       Buena Vista Branch
                                                                                                       (in-person) 4:30 pm

16                       17                                  18                                   19                              20                             21                              22
                                 SCORE - Online                     Winter Story Time                  English Naturally               Winter Story Time              Music & Movement
                                 Business Mentoring                 Northwest Branch                    - A Conversation Group         Burbank Central Library        Buena Vista Branch
                                 11 am - 2 pm                       (Outdoors in-person)               Burbank Central Library         (Outdoors in-person)           (in-person) 10 am
          All Burbank                                               11 am                              (in-person) 10:30 am            10 am
                                                                                                                                                                      Cómo Convertirse en un
        Public Libraries                                            English Naturally                  SCORE - Online                                                 Ciudadano Estadounidense
           are closed                                               - Online Conversation Group        Business Mentoring                                             - Online
     Monday, January 17                                             1:30 - 3 pm                        11 am - 2 pm                                                   2 - 3 pm
     for Dr. Martin Luther                                          Intro to Computers                 High School Book Club
          King, Jr. Day                                             Microsoft Word                     Buena Vista Branch
                                                                    Buena Vista Branch                 (in-person) 4 pm
                                                                    (in-person) 7 pm
                                                                                                       Reading Club for Adults
                                                                                                       Burbank Central Library
                                                                                                       (in-person) 4:30 pm

23                       24                                  25                                   26                              27                             28                              29
                                 One-On-One                         Winter Story Time                  Story Owl Hour                  Winter Story Time              Writers’ Workshop
                                 Technology Help                    Northwest Branch                   Stough Nature Center            Burbank Central Library        - Online
                                 Buena Vista Branch                 (Outdoors in-person)               (in-person) 9:30 am             (Outdoors in-person)           11am - 1 pm
                                 (in-person) 10:30 - 11:30 am       11 am                                                              10 am
                                                                                                       English Naturally
                                 SCORE - Online                     English Naturally                   - A Conversation Group         One-On-One
                                 Business Mentoring                 - Online Conversation Group        Burbank Central Library         Technology Help
                                 11 am - 2 pm                       1:30 - 3 pm                        (in-person) 10:30 am            Burbank Central Library
                                                                                                                                       (in-person) 4 - 5 pm
                                 1st-2nd grade Book club                                               SCORE - Online
                                 Buena Vista Branch                                                    Business Mentoring
                                 (in-person) 4 pm                                                      11 am - 2 pm
                                 3rd grade Book club                                                   4th-5th grade Book club
                                 Buena Vista Branch                                                    Buena Vista Branch
                                 (in-person) 5 pm                                                      (in-person) 4 pm

                                 Opera Talk - Online                                                   1st-2nd grade Book club
                                 7 - 8 pm                                                              Buena Vista Branch
                                                                                                       (in-person) 5 pm

30                       31                                     1                                 2                               3                              4                               5
                                 Employment Help Using CalJOBS One hour appointments available - Thurs & Fri from 2-4 pm - Register at burbanklibrary.org/events
Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents Ews && E Events vents - You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where - News &E vents
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