Globalising Australian Sport - Strategic approaches for Australian National Sporting Organisations and Professional Sports Clubs to compete ...

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Globalising Australian Sport - Strategic approaches for Australian National Sporting Organisations and Professional Sports Clubs to compete ...
             Australian Sport
             Strategic approaches for Australian
             National Sporting Organisations and
             Professional Sports Clubs to compete

July 2012

AUTHORS: Paul Diviny, Phil Noble  PRACTICE AREA: Financial Services  TOPIC AREA: Superannuation
Globalising Australian Sport - Strategic approaches for Australian National Sporting Organisations and Professional Sports Clubs to compete ...
Globalising Australian
Australians love their sport, and Australia is              Australian NSOs thinking of going global,
one of the most saturated professional                      can learn a lot from some prominent
sports markets in the world. With increasing                examples of international leagues or clubs
pressure on Australian sporting                             that have successfully done just that.
organisations to grow revenue, international
                                                            There are two main strategies which have
expansion presents a potentially attractive
                                                            proven successful for international sports
                                                            which have gone global:
Whether they realise it or not, Australian                  Firstly there are those who started with an
sports are already competing in a global                    already strong brand, and then leveraged
landscape.                                                  that on a global stage to create brand
Most sports played in Australia are played                  pilgrims.
internationally and are therefore already a                 Then there is a second group who started
part of a global competition for talent,                    with a smart model, or way of doing
audience and sponsorship. There are only a                  things, and made strategic investments
few truly indigenous Australian sports; most                internationally and applied that same
notably Australian Rules Football. Even here,               secret recipe.
the ability to transfer athletic talent has seen
Australian Rules footballers move to the NFL.
When it comes to competition for audience,
the rivalry is with all sports, international and           Strategy               International Examples
local, and other forms of entertainment.                    A: Create brand                   The NFL and
                                                            pilgrims.                         Manchester
The global nature of sport presents both                    Use the unique                    United have used
threats and opportunities for Australian                    brand, cultural, or               their special
National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) and                  historical aspects                cultural facets to
Clubs.                                                      of the original and               sell their
                                                            authentic article to              merchandise and
Threats:                                                    create global                     TV rights
 Bigger leagues lure home-grown talent                     followers and keep                worldwide
                                                            them coming back.
  away from domestic competition (e.g.
  Basketball, Golf, Football).                              B: Apply the secret               Major League
                                                            recipe.                           Baseball and the
 Offshore leagues take a share of the local
                                                            Leverage the                      City Football
  sports entertainment audience (e.g.                       proven operating                  Group have
  English Premier League, NBA).                             model to create                   leveraged their
Opportunities:                                              success in foreign                experience in
                                                            markets                           running leagues
 Far bigger audiences offshore can be                                                        and clubs, and
  tapped into                                                                                 investment in
 Bigger sponsorship deals are possible                                                       technology &
                                                                                              systems to
  when the audience is multi-national
                                                                                              expand their
 Less lucrative competitions elsewhere                                                       influence to other
  can be viewed as talent pools to be drawn                                                   clubs globally
  from to improve the quality of the local
  November 2014                                     © SPP                                                      2
Globalising Australian Sport - Strategic approaches for Australian National Sporting Organisations and Professional Sports Clubs to compete ...
Organisations who create
 brand pilgrims
                  Selling the NFL along with                                Manchester United has a
                  it’s intrinsically American                               unique history and this
                  feel has allowed it to reach                              has fostered a huge and
                  210m fans worldwide.                                      loyal following which
 The NFL launched an ambitious                                              underpins the financial
 international push in 1991 by creating a                                   success of the business.
 European league complete with European                  Manchester United has one of the most
 clubs and players, new stadiums,                        loyal fan bases of any club. The tragic
 infrastructure and a gargantuan                         1958 Munich air disaster which claimed
 marketing budget.                                       the lives of 23 of its players and officials
 After early success with audience                       created a strong emotional bond between
 numbers, things turned sour; diving                     the club and its fans which has left a
 ratings and plunging game attendances                   lasting legacy.
 resulted in losses of around $7m per                    In addition, United built a formidable on-
 season and the league finally closed in                 field record from the early 1990s, winning
 2007 after 15 lossmaking years.                         13 of the last 22 Premier League Titles.
 The NFL’s failure in Europe was a painful               On the back of this, they implemented an
 lesson for the organisation. Apart from not             aggressive commercialisation strategy
 having European talent to work with, the                selling the Manchester United brand,
 customers didn’t want a replica, they                   including Red Cafe's in Asia and many
 craved the real thing – American accents,               regional sponsorship deals. Purchasing
 Astro-turf, oversized foam hands, tailgate              merchandise allows customers to feel part
 parties and the Super Bowl.                             of this unique family which has driven
 In other words, what people coveted was                 international sales to record levels.
 bite sized chunks of American culture for               Recognising that pilgrimage is not
 consumption, embodied in the original                   possible for all fans, regular international
 authentic product.                                      tours are held in the off-season to
 After the failure of the European league,               promote the brand and team.
 the NFL switched to creating brand
 pilgrims by promoting TV rights and
 merchandise of their home competition in
 international markets. The NFL still
 actively grows the audience in Europe                   What these organisations
 through promoting the NFL International                 have in common, is that they
 Series played at Wembley Stadium.
 Importantly, this isn’t an imitation product            recognised their strengths
 but three rounds of the regular NFL                     and played to them.

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Organisations who apply
 their secret recipe
 Major League Baseball, with 145 years               By developing its talent, off-field people,
 of managing professional team sport,                processes and its infrastructure, the City
 have learnt a thing or two about how to             Football Group improved Manchester
 run a league.                                       City’s on-field performance leading to
                                                     increased loyalty and fan numbers.

 Using their knowledge and experience, MLB
 have been successful in supporting
 baseball’s expansion in Japan, Korea,
 Europe, Central and South America, the              The meteoric rise of Manchester City’s on-
 Caribbean and Australia. Their strategy             field success, including two Premier
 differed however from the NFL’s Europe              League titles in the last three years, has
 experiment as the new leagues were                  been credited to the wide sweeping
 intentionally localised using MLB technology        changes made after its purchase in 2008
 and knowledge, rather than MLB culture and          by the City Football Group, owned by a
 values.                                             member of the Abu Dhabi Royal Family.
                                                     Huge amounts were spent on acquiring
 Baseball has long been a leader in sports
                                                     international class players, but also on
 innovation, and this capability to look
                                                     developing a sustainable model for
 beyond what is done today is a strength that
                                                     success including a training campus to
 it can continue to leverage.
                                                     nurture young talent, and professional
  Introducing portable food and drinks to           standards of organisation management.
     the audience - the now ubiquitous hot dog
                                                     Part of Manchester City’s model for
     salesman was born at Yankee Stadium in
                                                     international expansion relies on making
     the 1920s.
                                                     strategic investments in international
  Installation of lights in stadiums, allowing      clubs and applying their sophisticated
     games to be played at night increasing          junior development, R&D, sports science,
     attendance by a factor of between two           coaching and training systems to improve
     and three.                                      the club’s performance.
  Use of electric scoreboards, to improve           Investments to date include Melbourne
     audience attention and engagement.              City FC (renamed from Melbourne Heart
  Meticulous recording and publication of           FC) and New York City FC. Both
     game statistics to tap into a niche market      investments have been completed in
     of sports fans.                                 partnership with local sports clubs,
  Use of sabermetrics – sophisticated               Melbourne Storm and the New York
     statistical analysis of player/club             Yankees. Elements of the Manchester City
     performance (aka Moneyball) to improve          branding such as the colours and global
     management and predict outcomes. This           sponsors are blended with artefacts of the
     has been taken up in cricket, soccer, AFL       local city and/or club such as the crest in
     and golf amongst others.                        designing the club badge.

November 2014                                © SPP                                            4
Australian sporting
 organisations have also
 used the pilgrims strategy
 to win
 The VRC successfully sold the Melbourne            Tennis Australia leveraged the scorching
 Cup to an international audience.                  Australian summer to defend the Australian
                                                    Open’s status as a grand slam.
 The Victorian Racing Club (VRC), holder of
 the Melbourne Cup, employed a pioneering           Tennis Australia is another example of an
 strategy to elevate the race with a rich           Australian national sporting organisation
 history to new heights. The VRC did this by        that has recognised the value of their
 exposing the event to an already deep talent       unique event (the Australian Open), and
 pool and associated fan base in the UK,            successfully defended its status on the
 France and Japan. The VRC successfully             international stage.
 lured these horses by offering larger prize-       There was a time, when the Australian
 money than these horses would usually              Open’s status as a grand slam was
 compete for, and actively broke down the           considered to be in jeopardy.
 considerable barriers to moving horses             However, by learning from Wimbledon’s
 across the globe.                                  technique of accentuating the English
 Today, the Melbourne Cup is watched by             nature of their event, the organisers
 over 700 million people worldwide making it        realised that they could leverage the
 one of the most attractive sponsorship             Australian summertime culture to increase
 propositions in Australian sport. The current      the Open’s attractiveness.
 major sponsor, Emirates Airlines, has signed       Just like the NFL, the event showcased
 a five year deal which contributes to the          Australian summer culture to northern
 $6.2m per year prize-money.                        hemisphere viewers looking for an escape
                                                    from winter.
                                                    More recently, Tennis Australia has
                                                    focussed on treating players and support
                                                    staff like royalty in order to keep them
                                                    coming back, rather than spending their off
                                                    season at home.
   The most successful sports                       Tennis Australia has also carefully invested
   and clubs understand their                       in facilities and constructed feeder
                                                    tournaments to maximise the success of
   weaknesses as well as their                      the Open as well as extending the Australian
   strengths and apply a                            tennis season from December to late
   strategy which leverages the                     January.
   best of their organisation

November 2014                               © SPP                                          5
The challenge facing
 Australian NSOs
 Not all Australian NSOs are positioned quite        In fact, many of the world’s biggest sports
 as well as the VRC or Tennis Australia, with        were once created in exactly this fashion.
 strong brands and deep history.                     For example, just about every successful
 For the lucky few, reflecting on core strengths     form of motor sport was once a niche player.
 and considering creating brand pilgrims or          Rugby League split away from Rugby Union
 leveraging a secret recipe will help to develop     over a hundred years ago, and the two have
 an international strategy that works.               competed in some way ever since. A niche
                                                     form of the sport, Rugby Sevens is set to
 For sports that don’t have a strong starting
                                                     become an Olympic event in 2016.
 position, the key question becomes how to
 cement a sustainable place in the global            Cricket has gone through two cycles of
 ecosystem?                                          successful niche attack in the form of the 1
                                                     day game, and more recently Twenty20.
 Two options for consideration include:              If Australian NSOs aren’t thinking about
 1. Becoming a feeder league for more                their international strategy, they should be.
     established competitions.
 This might include exporting the best talent,       Whether the goal is global domination,
 but also working hard to bring them home,           survival, improving the talent base or simply
 when possible, to promote the sport or              capturing a larger portion of the audience
 represent the nation.                               pie, sports need to be thinking about how
 Association Football is a great example of how      they actively fit into the global landscape.
 a sport can achieve success in Australia
 without being a part of the largest                 There are a range of options available, and
 international leagues. With huge grass-roots        choosing which one is most likely to
 participation numbers as well as producing          succeed is a tough assignment. Tougher
 world class players, Australia has a prolific       still, is having the conviction to play out a
 talent pool that punches well above its weight      bold strategy that reshapes the game as it is
 globally. As the local league has                   today.
 strengthened, it has become more                    However, one thing that will be true of the
 competitive and made significant inroads to         right strategy is that it recognises and
 the Asian market, boosted by Western Sydney         encapsulates the particular strengths and
 Wanderers winning the AFC Champions                 positioning of the sport within the
 League and hosting the Asian Cup in 2015.           international landscape.

 2. Establishing a niche support base that
     can be grown globally.
 Changing the duration of the game, bringing
 an outdoor sport indoors or changing the
 rules in a radical fashion have all been used
 effectively before to grow appeal to a broader

November 2014                                © SPP                                             6
About SPP                                      About the authors
Strategic Project Partners is a
generalist, strategy consulting                                 David Mackay
firm.                                                           Associate Director

We support General Managers
on difficult strategic and
operational challenges.                        David leads SPP’s work in the Sports, Media and
                                               Entertainment sector, providing advice to National
Established in 2005, SPP has                   Sporting Organisations, sports clubs and entertainment
delivered successful outcomes                  providers with a specific focus on creating sustainable
for a broad range of                           models for commercial success. David assists
commercial and Government                      organisations in developing and realising business
sector clients.                                growth and operational strategies from early stage new
                                               ventures to major corporations. David is a passionate
As a result, we have strong                    football fan and keen runner.
relationships with many
businesses, from Top 50 listed
companies through to small
enterprises.                                                    Nick Scarborough
When we deliver our projects,                                   Senior Consultant
whether it’s a strategic study or
the implementation of large-
scale change, we focus on:
  Strong project management                   Nick built and ran his own online retail business. More
  Clarity of outcome                          recently, he has established experience developing
  An obsessive focus on                       strategies for clients across many sectors. Transferring
                                               best practices across industries has been a key source
   project benefits
                                               of value that Nick has brought to clients. Nick is
  Robust, fact based analysis                 passionate about evolving sport through innovation,
  Simple communication                        and also loves golf and thoroughbred racing.
  Bringing experience to bear

     Trademarks and images used in this
     whitepaper remain the property of
     their registered owners

Contact us
 Strategic Project Partners

 David Mackay                             eImpact
 m     0407 483 951

Associate Director
  November 2014                                         © SPP                                             7
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