Page created by Veronica Hale

  The International Mobility Summit

                                      THE INTERNATIONAL

Thank you to all those who took part in           We are delighted to announce a series of
Electronomous 2020 – The International            Online events, (webinars, workshops and
Mobility Summit. (Virtual)                        roundtables, & Investment brokerage events)
                                                  will be coming in the new year. Please do
                                                  reach out to us if you or your company would
OUR MISSION THIS YEAR                             like take part. You can reach out to us at
To Create an Inspirational & Engaging
Platform for Global thought leaders in            Our plans to host liveevents in 2021 are
the International Mobility & Smart City           currently underway and we hope to make an
community.                                        announcement soon regarding these.

3000+ of you joined the conversation from         Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to all
over 80 different countries during the course     80+speakers that dialed in from across the
of the two day event this year. We appreciate     globe and shared their incredible knowledge
it doesn’t quite have the same feel as a live,    this year. As we wrap this year, we have put
in-person event but it created a platform for     together some predictions with the assistance
business to continue and ensured that these       of some Globalindustry thought leaders. We
important Mobility conversations continued.       hope some of these predictions will assist you
                                                  to plan for a more successful 2021.
The Covid pandemic has further high-lighted
the importance of Mobility and Smart City         Let’s make 2021 the year we
technology. I think if we are to take one         #buildbackbetter.
message from this year’s event it would be
collaboration. In order for us to accelerate      Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.
the progress of Smart and Sustainable
Transport in our cities,technology providers,
transport authorities, mobility companies,        Keith Whelan
OEM’s and Policy makers must continue to          Event Director.
collaborate. Let’s not waste the opportunity to   #electronomous

To our partners and sponsors- this isn’t
possible without you and we look forward to
delivering for you again on future events.

A special congratulations must go to
theinaugural winners of Rising Stars 2020.
Huge Congratulations to Duckt, BitSensing
and Blu Smart on their wins!
David                                PREDICTIONS FOR
                                      Coleman                              MAAS RESP. THE MOBILITY
                                      Director Global Automotive
                                      Practice for Deloitte

The past year has been unique         development, pricing, and options    1. Integration Standards:             2. MaaS for the Masses:
in many respects. Smart Cities        for customers going forward.         Levelling the Playing Field           Small- and Medium-Sized Cities
have taken advantage of the crisis,   The coming years will be the                                               Embrace Mobility-as-a-Service
and the reduced commuting             most exhilarating yet for Smart      Implementing data and integration
that has resulted, to overhaul        Cities and Mobility, with advances   standards is an important and         Inspired by success stories in
their Mobility and transportation     from OEMs, Tech Giants, city         often overlooked aspect of            larger urban areas, small- to
agenda. Leading Smart Cities have     governments and third parties.       successful MaaS systems. At Trafi,    medium-sized cities are seeing
converted formerly congested          We can look forward to new and       we think effective MaaS networks      the value in expanding their MaaS
streets into bike lanes, created      exciting hardware and digital        are defined by their diversity,       systems, freeing up congested
pedestrian-only zones, set up         innovations, which together can      meaning the number of players         streets and offering citizens a
EV-only districts and charging        transform the mobility experience    from across the mobility spectrum     variety of mobility options to
networks, reduced speed limits        in Smart Cities and beyond.          that they involve. Integration        choose from. At the same time, the
on a citywide basis, and brought                                           standards are great equalizers that   technology these MaaS systems
forward mobility initiatives                                               reduce costs and barriers to entry,   are built on is advancing at break-
previously planned for future                                              save time and allow companies         neck speeds, allowing for easy
years.                                                                     and cities alike to provide better    adoption and effectively reducing
                                                                           services.                             barriers to entry. Combining these
Looking forward, a key battle in                                                                                 factors, it’s safe to assume that
Mobility will play out between                                                                                   many smaller cities are poised
OEMs and tech giants to                                                                                          to start building out their MaaS
1) own more of the mobility                                                                                      networks in 2021.
value chain,
2) control the customer’s end-                                                                                   3. Connected Cities:
to-end experience, and 3) access                                                                                 The Future of MaaS

and monetize the customer’s
profile and usage data. OEMs are                                                                                 We’ve arrived at an exciting era
innovating with fully connected                                                                                  for MaaS. Until recently, MaaS

hardware and service concepts,                                                                                   systems were typically designed
which offer a portfolio of digital                                                                               solely with downtown urban areas
and driving-related enhancements.                                                                                in mind. Now, MaaS is expanding
Meanwhile, tech giants now                                                                                       its limits: the introduction of
                                                                                                                                                             Managing Director
provide embedded vehicle                                                                                         intercity systems like the Trafi-
                                                                                                                                                         Commercial - Trafi GmbH
operating systems, which deliver                                                                                 powered yumuv app in Switzerland
an enhanced UX and improved                                                                                      allows multiple city networks to be
application functionality directly                                                                               connected with one another and
to the customer. The outcome of                                                                                  accessed through a single app.
this Mobility battle will influence                                                                              Having “one app to rule them all” -
                                                                                                                 particularly one that functions on a
                                                                                                                 regional scale - has major benefits
                                                                                                                 for users, offering them flexibility,
                                                                                                                 freedom and a seamless travel
Dr. Timo
                                                                                                                                                          point to an acceleration in             This trend away from high street
                                                                                                                                                          mainstream awareness of global          shopping, further enhanced by the
                                                                                                                                                          warming and air pollution and,          reduction in commuter’s spending

                                                                                                                                                          vitally importantly, a willingness      in city centre workplaces, will
                                                                                                                                                          not to just talk positively then        accelerate a complete reappraisal
                                                                                                                                                          procrastinate, but to take              of the future role of cities. For
                                        Partner | Head of McKinsey                                                                                        action. We all need to change           retail, high streets need to
                                                                                                                                                          our approach, behaviours and            transition from being a function to
                                         Center for Future Mobility
                                                                                                                                                          purchasing to help improve the          an experience, and draw buyers
                                                                                                                                                          world around us. A sustainability-      back in to attractive destinations.

                                                                                                                                                          first approach to mobility will         This could be accelerated with
2020 has been a special year in        support of capital markets, and       on environmental issues when                                                 transform the environments we           the growth of localism, with local
mobility. Next year will also bring    many special purpose acquisition      enacting mobility guidelines. For                                            live and work in. We still need to      communities supporting local

much uncertainty but one thing is      companies have recently made          instance, European officials are                                             do much of what we do today,            business, and the rise of niche
definite: mobility will continue to    some successful deals. In             planning to create more stringent                                            but we need to do it in a far           boutique stores, rather than
evolve in exciting ways.               2021, disruptors will exert their     carbon-reduction targets to meet                                             more environmental way, always          the large retail chains of today.
                                       presence more strongly. While         the Paris Agreement about climate                                            considering the impact on our           Another possible outcome could
Changing consumer                      they may compete with traditional     change. Many governments are          Chief Executive Officer                surroundings. We must make              be a mass redevelopment of
preferences and a greater              companies in some areas, they will    also creating new incentives to       of Volta Trucks                        these coming few years count in         current retail and office space
focus on sustainability                cooperate with them in others.        boost the sales of carbon-free                                               the drive towards zero emissions.       into residential space, to deal with
                                       Automotive technology will            means of transport and others         Acceleration in environmental                                                  the chronic shortage of low-cost
When the COVID-19 pandemic             continue to evolve in 2021 and        are issuing guidelines with similar   and air pollution awareness            The ongoing demise of high-             housing that exists. This could
is controlled consumers will be        consumers will have greater           goals. Already, more than 150                                                street retail                           change the face of the Smart City
more willing (again) to use public     access to innovations. For            cities in Europe restrict access to   During the pandemic lockdowns,                                                 of the future completely, making
transport and other forms of           instance, 60 percent of premium       their centers to reduce pollution     we all noticed the improvements        The coronavirus pandemic has            them far more focussed around
shared mobility. That is what          OEMs plan to have some                and carbon emissions.                 in air quality with the reduction of   accelerated the demise of many of       human needs than commercial
consumers across the globe are         form of level 4 automation in                                               traffic movement. In November,         the great high-street brands, which     or corporate needs. That said,
telling us in our regular surveys as   their vehicles by 2025. Vehicle       Long-term mobility shifts             the UK Government led the world        is of course very difficult for those   as the producer of a full-electric
well as real-life data is indicating   electrification will also continue,                                         in announcing an acceleration in       personally affected. A combination      large commercial vehicle that’s
in urban context. We anticipate        and innovations could drive EV        Over the next decade, the             the ban of internal combustion         of cash rich, time poor families        specifically designed for inner
that sustainability will continue to   costs down even further. (The         changes in consumer preferences,      cars and vans to 2030, which Volta     that don’t ‘go shopping’ in their       city distribution, this transition
be an important consideration,         total cost of ownership for BEVs      technology, and regulations will      Trucks supported, and called for       masses as they used to, and the         could have a positive effect on our
with more consumers opting             has already reached parity with       contribute to major mobility          the ban to extend to commercial        unit economics of cheap delivery        business model, with many more
for electric and micromobility         internal-combustion vehicles in       shifts. Regional variations will      vehicles too. 2021 will also see the   costs and the major reduction           residents to serve with their online
solutions, especially in cities.       the C-segment). For technology        continue to be apparent because       COP26 gathering of world leaders,      in corporate overheads, have            deliveries.
Global car sales may continue          overall, we expect that software      of differences in government          meeting to set the agenda for the      accelerated the exponential rise
to decline from their 2019 peak        will increasingly become the key      response, the intensity of the        next stage of tackling the climate     of online shopping. I don’t see
as more consumers consider             differentiator for vehicles.          pandemic, and other factors. For      emergency. All of these milestones     any short-term reversal of this.
alternatives to car ownership.                                               instance, private-car use may
                                       Regulation will continue to enable    drastically decrease in some major
Continued technology                   the mobility revolution               European cities. In North America,
disruptions and widely                 Regulators will continue to           by contrast, this form of transport
available innovations                  play a major role in helping the      will see little change because
                                       mobility sector recover from          there are limited incentives to
Despite the pandemic, many             the pandemic. Many mobility           change mobility behavior. Likewise,
companies have continued to            solutions will have an intense        consumers in greater China may
invest in disruptive mobility          local focus and consider regional     increasingly rely on public transit
technologies, including                variations related to the pandemic,   and rail but major cities in South
autonomous technology,                 transportation preferences, and       Asia will see little change in this
connectivity, EVs, and other           city layouts.                         area.
areas. These businesses have the       Continuing the trend seen in
                                       2020, many regulators will focus
                                                                                                        accentuated further as people           enforce new and better standards
                                                                                                        are increasingly looking for more       for operators, increasing safety
                                                                                                        active and socially distanced           and overall trust. Most importantly,

FOR 2021
                                                                                                        modes of transport that don’t           regulation will lead to better
                                                                                                        evolve being cramped inside             riding and parking infrastructure,
                                                                                                        public transport or stuck in traffic.   through the creation of more
                                                                                                                                                cycling lanes and parking
                                                                                                        As e-scooter trials continue,           alternatives, reducing clutter and
                                                                                                        shared e-scooters will become           creating an easy to navigate and
                                                                                                        an integral part of people’s lives,     more inclusive city for all, and
                                                                                                        whether it is to commute, shop,         overall contributing to Vision Zero.
                           Covid and a slow return to a          with the drop in commuter              visit friends and family or just
                           new normal                            congestion, and the onward             to enjoy the surrounding area.          E-scooters will become even
                                                                 improvements in air quality. Air       According to a recent Voi user          safer and more sustainable
                           In recent days, a coronavirus         pollution will likely be enhanced if   survey, 14 percent of rides replace
                           vaccine has been approved for         the utilisation of public transport    cars, reducing pollution and            As technology evolves, electric
                           implementation, but it’s likely       continues to drop, with a further      congestion. These electric vehicles     scooters will become smarter and
                           that the positive sentiment of        increase in personal mobility, like    not only take up less space than        safer. At Voi, we recently started
                           the vaccine will outpace the          e-bikes and e-scooters.                motorised vehicles, but they can        a collaboration with Dublin-based
                           actual speed of rollout into the                                             dramatically improve our urban          micro-mobility start-up Luna, to
                           mainstream, that would allow the      Pre and Post-Covid behaviour           landscape, freeing up space             bring AI and computer vision to
                           world to return to a new normal.      changes will continue to drive         previously occupied by cars that        our scooters. These and other
                           It’s likely that mass immunization    people to adapt new and green          can be transformed to benefit           innovations are gradually being
                           will take most of 2021, by which      modes of transport                     local communities.                      introduced in vehicles, allowing
                           time the current flexible working

                                                                                                                                                riders and e-scooters to be able
                           practices, the acceleration of        The poor air quality we breathe                                                to respond better and faster to
                           online retail and the avoidance of    in our cities has been an              Regulation will lead to                 its surrounding environment,

                           public transport will have become     increasing problem. With a fifth       better riding and parking               pre-empting risks and making
                           so embedded as to be very difficult   of the country’s gas emissions         infrastructure                          e-scooters an even safer mode of
                           to change. This will fundamentally    coming from road transport                                                     transport for riders and other road
                           and irreversibly change our city      back in 2017 and up to six per         Having launched the first trial in      users, particularly vulnerable ones.
Regional General Manager   centre environments, meaning          cent since 1990, according to          the UK market three months ago,         Improvements are not restricted
of UK, Ireland and         less commuters into city centres      a study by the National Office         we have seen increasing adoption        to e-scooter software; they will
Benelux for Voi            and the consequent demise of          of Statistics, the climate crisis      of e-scooters as a new safe and         span across hardware as well,
                           the economies that serve these        was the first precursor of major       accessible mode of transport.           with longer vehicle lifespans to
                           communities, such as coffee           changes in the way we move in          During these few months, 250,000        guarantee minimal environmental
                           shops, news agents etc. However,      our cities. Following the start of     rides were taken using our shared       impact. Voi is carbon-neutral
                           there will be upsides for mobility,   the pandemic, these changes were       scooters, and 300,000 miles             since January 2020, and we are
                                                                                                        were ridden across the eight            committed to continuing to adopt
                                                                                                        cities and towns where we are           a circular economy approach to
                                                                                                        present, demonstrating the need         reduce the impact of our scooter
                                                                                                        and demand for the service. As          and service.
                                                                                                        demand for e-scooters grows,            These improvements should be
                                                                                                        so does the need for regulation,        complemented by better and safer
                                                                                                        which has been at the core of Voi’s     infrastructure to ensure the safety
                                                                                                        way of working from day one. With       of all road users, in line with Vision
                                                                                                        regulation in place, micro-mobility     Zero, which like Voi was in Sweden.
                                                                                                        can play a major role in the shift      For additional content, please visit:
                                                                                                        towards electric, shared and  
                                                                                                        multimodal transport. Regulation
                                                                                                        will not only make it easier for
                                                                                                        cities to promote and manage new
                                                                                                        modes of transport; it will also
Augustin                                                              Dr. Florian                                                                  Marc
Augustin Friedelis a well-known
shared mobility expert with
passion for micro mobility, mobility

                                                Friedel                                                              Baumann                                                                      Berg
on demand service and public
private partnerships. Some of
his projects and reports can be
downloaded here. After launching                                                                                     CTO (Specializing in
Uber in Germany in 2013,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  CEO of
                                                                                                                     Automotive & AI)                                                             FREE NOW
Augustin worked for companies
                                                                                                                     Dell Technologies
like Blacklane, Rocket Internet
and Deutsche Bahn subsidiary
                                                                                                                     Unstructured Data
ioki. He is currently responsible      players in Europe, like VOI and      buying a product, this trend will
                                                                                                                     Solutions                            Next year will be special. It is the    Only a strong network that
for intermodality service topics       Tier have full pockets after their   spill over to the vehicle sector as                                           year after the pandemic, when           combines various providers in the
at Volkswagen AG. The views            latest funding rounds. I would                                                The year 2020 was a game-
                                                                            well. Services are emerging for                                               vaccines hopefully bring society        market will have this ability.
expressed in this interview are his    predict that this will lead to an                                             changing year both for OEMs
                                                                            multiple vehicle types, from e-bike                                           back to any kind of normality.
personal ones and not linked to        increase competition in medium                                                and suppliers. In 2021,
                                                                            over mopeds to cars and vans. All                                             From my perspective, we will see        In the near future, locomotion will
any Volkswagen activity.               and smaller cities in Europe, as                                              Automotive companies are
                                                                            with the focus to provide flexibility                                         the acceleration of existing trends     not only be about the way users
                                       it already started in Germany.                                                focused on reducing costs,
                                                                            and comfort to consumers, in line                                             and an increasing need for agility      get from A to B. Rather, we see
                                       The providers will also intensify                                             improving the developer’s
                                                                            with competitive total costs of                                               and flexibility of business models.     the future of mobility in such a
If it comes to mobility, the year      to optimize their hardware, with                                              efficiency and productivity and
                                                                            ownership.                                                                    Also, the need for flexible solutions   way that a platform aggregates
of 2020 was a rollercoaster for        focus on safety, charging and                                                 on end-to-end solutions for AD/      for consumers will continue to          all available data in order to offer
shared mobility and adjacent                                                                                         ADAS development purposes.
                                       more cost-efficient operations.      #3: Continued Electrification                                                 grow after this time - as will the      the most intuitive and tailor-made
areas. After a strong start at         New product extensions like                                                                                        population in the cities.               user journey possible across many
the beginning of the year, the         charging networks, multiple                                                   Apart from MLOps (Machine
                                                                            Electrification of vehicles in private                                        The trend that mobility platforms       areas, which also includes external
industry was hit hard by the           modes (e.g., by adding bikes or                                               Learning Operations), DataOps
                                                                            and also commercial use cases                                                 like ours will pave the way for         factors such as the weather
COVID-19 pandemic. Modes like          mopeds) or V2X communication                                                  becomes more important than
                                                                            is set to increase. First signals                                             people to move from A to B will         forecast. We will integrate more
ride hailing have seen dramatic        could be on the agenda of the                                                 ever before. The development
                                                                            are emerging that ride hailing                                                lead to much more seamless and          and more data to offer a holistic
drops in demand of up to 90%           service operators. They might be                                              environment needs a rich
                                                                            platforms like Uber, Free Now or                                              holistic journeys in the next few       experience for all our users.
and are slowly recovering. After       also more collaboration between                                               ecosystem of open-source
                                                                            Lyft are intensifying their efforts                                           years.
a first panic phase, shared micro      the different players and local                                               tools and commercial
                                                                            to increase the share of electric                                             Customers demand flexible and           This shift from personal car
mobility is valued by users and city   authorities.                                                                  solutions specific to the
                                                                            vehicles used on their platforms.                                             individual mobility solutions - they    ownership to shared assets and
authorities as a convenient and                                                                                      unique requirements of each
                                                                            Stimulus programs in multiple                                                 want to move conveniently and           Mobility as a Service in highly
safe form of transportation. The       #2: Subscription as new                                                       automotive company.
                                                                            countries are also creating more                                              at one click, similar to the various    dense urban areas will allow for
situation in most markets is still     form of leasing                      demand for electric vehicles as                                               video- or music-on-demand               more sustainable use of public
volatile, so what could be potential                                                                                 Dell Technologies has put
                                                                            private cars. The availability of                                             services.                               spaces, moving away from road
trends and developments for            Vehicle subscriptions will play a                                             together the following map
                                                                            electric light commercial vehicles                                                                                    expansions and parking spaces
2021?                                  more important role in the coming                                             of workflow and possible
                                                                            should also improve, followed by                                              For us, the platform of the future      towards cycling lanes, tram
                                       years. Players in the different                                               ecosystem solutions. The
                                                                            a much-needed electrification of                                              is more than the combination            lines, or playgrounds, reducing
#1: Shared micro mobility              markets have raised significant      the delivery and logistics sectors in    complete DataOps lifecycle is        of different individual mobility        congestion and converting the city
on the rise                            amounts of capital in Series A and   urban areas. The trend is triggered      illustrated to provide guidance in   options like ride-hailing, car-         neighbourhoods into greener and
                                       Series B financing rounds. This      by an increased pressure from            setting it up. More information      sharing or e-scooters. It includes      liveable areas.
Shared micro mobility operators        will be used to grow the customer    cities and also used for marketing       can be collected from Dell           all players in the mobility             At FREE NOW, it is our mission
will expand in more markets            base and to shape the market.                                                 Technologies Automotive
                                                                            and PR purposes.                                                              sector, from the local public           to empower smarter mobility
and might come up with new             Consumers are already used to                                                 Landing page.                        transportation systems to private       decisions, help people to move
products and services. The leading     subscribing services instead of                                                                                    citizens who own a vehicle that         freely and cities to thrive. We see
                                                                                                                                                          they offer to others whenever they      ourselves as a strong partner
                                                                                                                                                          don’t need it.                          for regions, and the closer we
                                                                                                                                                                                                  interact, leverage information, and
                                                                                                                                                          The key to success is collaboration.    collaborate, the more curated,
                                                                                                                                                          Multimodal mobility platforms           efficient, and reliable will urban
                                                                                                                                                          like us will contribute to a long-      mobility concepts be in the future.
                                                                                                                                                          term shift in mobility, as no single
                                                                                                                                                          provider will be strong enough to
                                                                                                                                                          cover all shared mobility concepts.
Cailin                                                                                            MICROMOBILITY TAKES
                                                                            Spin have hosted challenges
                                                                            to improve micromobility
                                                                            infrastructure. As cycling activity

               Crowe                                                                                              OVER URBAN MOBILITY
                                                                            continues to see gains across
                                                                            the U.S., local leaders will need
                                                                            to invest in the necessary

                                                                                                                  AND TRANSPORT
               Associate Editor                                             infrastructure to meet the growing
                                                                            demand and keep people safe.
              Smart Cities Dive
                                                                            Cities will become smarter at

                                                                            the curb:
Autonomous delivery services         Autonomous delivery technologies                                             The ongoing trend towards              At the same time, we’re currently
will grace more city sidewalks:      should only continue to grow           The pandemic has ushered              urbanisation will lead to two-thirds   seeing tremendous traction for

                                     as an emerging staple for the          in a new sense of urgency for         of the world’s population living in    micromobility solutions especially
It’s been a momentous year for       transport of goods in 2021.            cities to make sense of their         cities by 2030. As a result, cities    in the field of last-mile logistics.
autonomous delivery technology,                                             curbs. Curbside competition           have to cope with emissions and        Online shopping for groceries
and 2021 will likely see those       Cities will support the cycling        has become even more intense          air quality as well as congestion.     and household goods has seen
services advance even further.       renaissance with more                  over the past year as cyclists,       Not in the future but today.           skyrocketing demand with growth                      Investments and
Tech companies like Starship         infrastructure:                        food and e-commerce deliveries,       Low to zero-emission                   rates of more than 50% since the                    Business Creation
Technologies and Nuro, for                                                  and outdoor dining all compete        micromobility vehicles will be a       COVID-19 imposed lockdown. And
instance, have worked “overtime”     Local leaders have witnessed           for space. Cities are expected        substantial part of the solution.      even if such growth rates may          Another impact of COVID-19 is
this year to deliver goods and       a massive surge in cycling in          to continue adapting curbs to         Starting with the first- and           not last in the long run, they will    the big increase of micromobility
groceries. And governments           2020. Cities like Minneapolis          efficiently manage competing          last-mile, micromobility will          remain at a level we wouldn’t have     vehicles used for urban trips
have increasingly approved           and Oakland, CA, for instance,         needs and recognize the space         eventually take over a big part        thought possible at the beginning      and commuting. Especially for
exemptions for companies to          closed off their streets entirely to   as an asset for uses outside of       of all trips made today in urban       of 2020.                               ebikes, the trend to subscription-
test their technologies in public.   vehicular traffic to promote safer     parking.                              areas. This includes private and                                              based business models is
                                     cycling, while operators including                                           business trips as well as logistics    Not-owning urban mobility              gaining momentum bringing a
                                                                                                                  and delivery transports.                                                      lot of advantages for the users.
                                                                                                                                                         Services and not owning vehicles       Replacement and maintenance
                                                                                                                  Electrified scooters, mopeds and       will be the new normal for             services are included and provide
                                                                                                                  bikes are already widely used for      urban mobility. The two main           fast and easy support in cases of
                                                                                                                  short-haul trips replacing cars but    drivers of this development are        theft and broken vehicles.
                                                                                                                  even more so instead of public         the increasing trend towards
                                                                                                                  transportation. The latter is mainly   urbanization and the lasting trend     In the B2B sector, not owning
                                                                                                                  driven by the COVID-19 pandemic        to consume services rather than        vehicle fleets is already the
                                                                                                                  but will remain on a high level in     owning things. What today is the       standard and will be extended
                                                                                                                  the future. Since cars will be more    standard in media consumption          to micromobility vehicle types.
                                                                                                                  and more pushed out of cities due      (e.g. Spotify, Netflix) is also        Interestingly, the last-mile food
                                                                                                                  to regulation and zeitgeist, the key   increasingly gaining momentum in       delivery companies belonging to
                                                                                                                  challenge is to seamlessly combine     urban mobility. For several years      the main winners of COVID-19
                                                                                                                  (and eventually merge) the public      now, mobility sharing providers        pandemic sector are currently
                                                                                                                  transportation system with             got more and more traction.            electrifying their micromobility
                                                                                                                  micromobility solutions provided       Although they were hit hard during     fleets. This often goes hand in
                                                                                                                  by 3rd parties. Cities such as         the COVID-19 pandemic they             hand with the change to a Vehicle-
                                                                                                                  Paris already conducted public         will recover quickly. Indicators       as-a-Service business model.
                                                                                                                  tenders for shared micromobility       are the fast increase of shared
                                                                                                                  operators with the goal to provide     mobility trips between the two
                                                                                                                  a holistic and well-orchestrated       lockdowns during this summer
                                                                                                                  mobility offering for the citizens.    as well the investors’ trust by
                                                                                                                  Several recent multi-million Euro      spending hundreds of millions
                                                                                                                  investments into micromobility         of Euros on the shared mobility
                                                                                                                  operators confirm that this is the     operators during the pandemic.
                                                                                                                  way to go.
                                                                                                                      Head of Future Grid – Asia

                                                                                                                      1. Routed vehicles like public transport municipal buses and short-
                                                                                                                      distance trucking will lead the transition to electric and subsequently to
                                                                                                                      autonomous. Why:
                                                                                                                      •   Optimized predictability of traffic conditions and preestablished
                                                                                                                          routes will facilitate better planning and adoption of EV
                                                                                                                      •   Lower fuel and maintenance cost playing a bigger role to reduced
                                                                                                                      •   Business model innovation such as Battery as a Service and further
                                                                                                                          reductions in battery costs will make the cost to operator at par of

                                                                                cities, some of the 75% of public         diesel/petrol vehicle sooner
                                                                                space, otherwise taken by parked
                                                                                vehicles and lanes, will maintain     2.Battery technology and business model (1st and 2nd life) will drive

       Ben Dror
                                                                                its revised use as pedestrianized,    charging infra deployment
                                                                                recreational or passenger or          •   Extending life of battery beyond the 7-10 years within the vehicle in
                                                                                goods loading spaces, introduced          2nd life battery applications will bring down EV costs
       Lead, Future Mobility                                                    due to the pandemic.                  •   2nd life battery to then play a key role to overcome “localized grid
Platform at World Economic                                                                                                challenges” for mass deployment of charging infrastructure
                                                                                The technological sophistication
        Forum & Global New
                                                                                of mobility hubs will intensify       3. AI in Digital solutions around depot management and energy
          Mobility Coalition                                                    to accommodate an increasing          management will have the highest growth rate – early movers with
                                                                                number of users who seek a high-      significant advantage
The coupling of pandemic                 The 15-Minute City, coined by          quality user experience as well as
recovery and electrification efforts     Professor Carlos Moreno and                                                  •   Challenges around utilization of infra, localized grid constraints, load
                                                                                a greater variety of reliable and
in cities will intensify, with a focus   recently made mainstream by                                                      shifting and demand for ‘green charging’ to be solved through AI
                                                                                safe mobility options. Assisted
on high-mileage vehicles like            Paris’ Mayor Anne Hidalgo, will                                                  models
                                                                                by private sector innovators,
ride-hailing, taxies and delivery        be adapted by at least a handful       cities will double down their         •   Increased uptake of digital solutions to counter behavioural
vehicles. By harnessing the power        of cities, tying recovery with local   investment to create a smooth             challenges around EV charging discipline (dedicated lots)
of these fleets, every dollar spent      business growth, neighbourhood         and enjoyable transition between      •   Increased demand for “green charging” to drive energy management
on the conversion of internal            revival, and zero emission mobility.   transport modes and dynamic               to increase input % for renewables
combustion engines to zero               By meeting the educational,            mobility services – two trends that
tailpipe emission vehicles will          work, shopping, recreational           accelerated during the pandemic.      4. Smart Autonomous Charging Depots -> With the introduction of
result in four times the carbon          and cultural needs of a growing                                              autonomous electric vehicles, charging depots will become smart and
reduction compared with the              population with increased human-                                             autonomous, particularly for heavy duty vehicle fleets.
average car. Backed by a joint           powered mobility options for
                                                                                                                      •   Auto-park features to be deployed soon in heavier EVs, and coupled
effort by T&E, Uber, Renault             short distances complemented
                                                                                                                          with opportunity charging to enable autonomous charging.
Nissan, ABB, BP, Polis Network,          by efficient mobility as a service
GNMC and others, several cities          modes (transit, shared rides) for                                            •   Using artificial intelligence backed algorithms, depots, utilizing
are poised to lead the charge:           longer distances, cities and streets                                             pantograph-like technology, will arrange and prioritize the vehicles to
Amsterdam, Lisbon, London,               will be healthier and more resilient                                             ensure readiness for their daily routing.
Madrid, Paris, Berlin and Brussels.      to shocks going forward. In these
                                                                                                                                            In order to offer the level of        natives, but use data and digital
                                                                                                                                            comfort that is comparable with a     tools to customize the offering and
                                                                                                                                            car, public transport will need to    make public transport inclusive

                                                                                                                                            use real time data to be able to      and accessible for everyone.
                                                                                                                                            adjust its supply to a demand, to
                                                                                                                                            make needed changes in real-time,     We should allow each user to
                                      Managing Director,                                                                                    schedule, available routes and        design trips reflecting their
                                                                                                                                            number of trains available.           personal preferences, special
                                      Neckermann Strategic Advisors
                                                                                                                                                                                  needs or limitations. Thanks to
                                                                                                                                            Systematic collection, analysis and   digitalization we will be able to

                                                                                                                                            usage of data will decide if public   provide each user with information
After the great reset of 2020,        Integration and Disintegration:       use of urban space, implementing                                transport will become modality        that is truly helpful (available
mobility has gained new meaning       Companies throughout our              new facilities (lanes and parking)                              of choice in the future and will      escalators, trains with easy

for 2021 and beyond. It will          industry will re-evaluate their       for bicycles, scooters, and                                     be able to providing users with       access) in the format that is the
emerge as an industry in its own      strengths and weaknesses within       even autonomous delivery and                                    comfort and safety that they need.    most convenient (e.g. spoken or
right, and impact even more facets    the mobility value-chain, as well     transport.                                                                                            visualized).
of our day-to-day lives. Some         as their key contributions to the                                                                     Public transport and smart cities
thoughts:                             industry. It’s now clear that not     We look forward to the                Chief Digital Officer,    should not only target digital
                                      one company – however large           interactions with our clients,        Head of Strategy at
Electrification is a done deal:       – can “own” the entire mobility       partners, and many friends            Siemens Mobility, Spain
Driven by vastly increased vehicle    space, as some have tried to do       across the industry – have a great,
choice, some gentle governmental      in the last half decade. In 2021,     healthy, and successful 2021
nudging, sufficient infrastructure,   many more will spin-off or carve-
and most importantly, better          out entities that don’t yet have
vehicle economics, the EV is          a clear view toward profitability
now approaching mainstream            (just as Uber has done with its
acceptance. 2021 will see fleets      autonomous, micromobility,
especially shift toward electrified   and air transport operations,
and fully-electric vehicles           and some manufacturers have
(which we have previously             done with their mobility services
called the “Corporate Mobility        units). This is leading to more
Breakthrough”). From an industry      consolidation and integration,
point-of-view, we can finally tick    achieving better unit economics
that box.                             and building stronger, more
                                      specialised companies.
Mobility Value Chain:
As an industry, mobility in all its   Bricks and Mobility:
facets will finally come into its     Finally, a yet even wider ecosystem
own. We see the emergence of          of industries and facets of our
a new value-chain for mobility        lives will be impacted by mobility.
– one that is not derivative of       After the rapid rise of Covid-
automotive or public transport.       induced bicycle and pedestrian
Tech suppliers (especially in         infrastructure, as well as the
and around autonomous and             emerging discussion on the
connectivity), manufacturers,         “15-minute city”, Neckermann
systems & data, fleet management,     Strategic Advisors expects
mobility operators and mobility       real-estate developers and
aggregators together represent a      infrastructure investors to be
Trillion Dollar opportunity within    a next frontier for the Mobility
this decade, and will be recognised   Revolution. In 2021, many more
as such, with a continuation of       local governments and real-estate
exciting funding-rounds and IPOs.     developers will re-evaluate their
e-scooter boom. Pandemic will          not shared. So, all you need                                             Prediction 1: Further consolidation in the AV industry
                                       ease in 2021, people will go back      is to simply charge them but
                                       to their cars. But now we know,        in micromobility, there are no                                           There will be continued consolidation in the AV industry as start-ups and
                                       the curtain is down. So, it will not   definition of roads, rules are                                           OEMs alike focus on near term targets such as electrification and the move
                                       be back to old days. I big portion     recently appearing, people are                                           towards a software defined vehicle in a bid to lower costs, hit sustainability
                                       of those short distance rides we       not used to them, they are all so                                        targets and simplify vehicle complexity.
                                       took with a ton of metal will never    light and open to vandalism and
                                       come back. Remember 80% of all         they are almost always shared                                            Prediction 2: The movement towards open cities during
                                       car rides are shorter than 15km in     vehicles. So, you need more than                                         the Covid-19 will continue.
                                       distance.                              charging. That is why you need a

                                                                              universal solution for all modes                                         The genie is now out of the bottle with a realisation that long commutes

                                       With all these new micromobility       of micromobility in one unified                                          and heavy traffic do not have to be a necessity of daily working life. This will
                                       vehicles in our cities, we need        way; should help cities, 3rd party                                       transform our cities and its transportation systems but this is likely to have

                                       to consider the definition of          businesses, land owners, sharing                                         negative effects in the near term as operators struggle to adjust capacity to

                                       infrastructure. For comparison,        operators to integrate in a smart &                                      the changing demand.
                                       EVs need charging stations.            connected way, keep vehicles safe
                                       Because they already have the          and ordered, make the operations                                         Prediction 3: Two steps forward and one step back for EVs
Co-founder & CEO                       roads, the rules and people            more user friendly AND charge         CEO and Co-Founder
                                       are used to them. They are             autonomously. That is why you         at Future Mobility                 This year will see many more electric options from mainstream car
Sharing economy has never been         big vehicles, we only started to       will see more of DUCKT (follow                                           manufacturers, but with the likely increased EV volume on our roadways,
                                                                                                                    Campus Ireland
challenged this much. The world        put electric in them instead of        on Linkedin) solutions across the                                        the charging infrastructure will struggle to keep up. This chicken and egg will
with corona is a different place but   gas. They are sadly and mostly         globe starting 2021.                                                     continue this year.
mobility is the same. We still need
to go from point A to B. Maybe
we cannot share the space, but
we can share the services. This                                                                                                                        2. While micro-mobility is part         will increasingly be under pressure
is why, already growing demand                                                                                                                         of the perceived solution in            for more directive strategies to
on Micromobility, will grow even                                                                                                                       many cities, they want to “build        deliver sustainable streets.
more strongly for the coming                                                                                                                           back better” and so will want
years in urban environment. But                                                                                                                        a controlled, data-led, insight         4. Autonomous vehicles for
now, there is more pressure on                                                                                                                         delivering set of shared micro-         personal use/ownership in a
efficiency and economic aspects.                                                                                                                       mobility solutions that deal with       European context will be seen as
Companies will focus on these                                                                                                                          the range of challenges that they       a diversion from the core needs
topics on 2021. Efficient, green                                                                                                                       are now facing post Covid19.            of delivering on sustainable cities.
and user-friendly approaches will                                                                                                                                                              While AV will likely have shorter

thrive.                                                                                                                                                3. The EU Green deal and                term roles in freight and even bus/
                                                                                                                                                       aftermath of Covid19 put pressure       tram operations, the widespread
That is one of the reasons why                                                                                                                         clearly on the automotive industry      use in personal cars, will

there is a bike boom but more                                                                                                                          to deliver on clean vehicles            increasingly be seen as a diversion
specifically an E-bike boom. Since                                                                                                                     and prevent replacing petrol/           from the above goals of delivering
the pandemic started, now, some                                                                                                                        diesel congestion with EV on            on a sustainable city that supports
E-bike companies are the highest                                                                                                                       road congestion. The industry is        the above issues of sustainable
valued and top selling companies.                                                                                   Co-Founder & COO                   now - finally - rolling out lots of     micro and macro-mobility.
The E-bike prices went down 4-fold                                                                                                                     alternative EV’s but the change
in one year because of market                                                                                       1. in the aftermath of Covid-19,   will be to adopt models of car          5. In 2021 we will see at least
economics, cities are defining                                                                                      cities will face a slow rebuild    ownership and use that again            one large-scale deployment of
more and more space for these                                                                                       of demand for classic public       “build back better” and cleaner         electric personal delivery devices
vehicles. Countries are delivering                                                                                  transport as well as return        and change cities in a way that         (“sidewalk robots”), and a three-
generous incentives for people to                                                                                   of discretionary travel which      supports a healthier, more              wheeled scooter as operators
buy these vehicles. This has been                                                                                   supports much public transport     sustainable - “Healthy Streets” / “15   continue to tweak the form types.
eye opening for people towards                                                                                      use. This will create financial    minute” city way. If this is seen as
micromobility, right on top of the                                                                                  pressures re revenue as well       not being delivered, governments
                                                                                                                    as pressure to offer alternative
                                                                                                                    means on travel
energized and re-envisioned into       structure – a balancing act of
                                      what’s called the “Fifteen-minute      desires for services and “essential”
                                      city” – the urban planner’s century-   needs, from buying groceries
                                      old manifesto of sustainable           to walking in the park. The
                                      development. This pivot requires       resulting activity patterns could
                                      flexible land use and zoning codes     revolutionize the ways we use, (re)
                                      to match services with fluxing         design, and experience city streets
                                      residents’ needs, a keen eye on        and public spaces.
                                      equity-driven decisions, and street

                                      designs that enable mobility by

                                      two feet or two wheels. (The
CAN STAYING CLOSE TO HOME             more bicycle-like, the safer, more

REVOLUTIONIZETHE (NEAR)               efficient, time competitive, and

FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY?             more fun.)

Almost overnight, cities faced an     Prediction #2:
                                      Free the curb from cars                           Researcher at the
unprecedented problem resulting
from COVID-19 prevention              City officials and citizens are             Urban Cycling Institute           Chief Evangelist for
measures: keeping services, local     reimagininghow street- and                 University of Amsterdam            Alexa Auto at Amazon
economies, and essential workers      curb-space could and should be
                                      more fairly distributed and used.                                             Artificial intelligence is going to
moving with reduced public
                                      In place of car parking – which                                               help improve voice assistants
transit, ride share, and taxi. What
                                      is overabundant, undercharged,                                                to make the interaction even
solutions did cities overwhelmingly
                                      and disproportionately benefits                                               more natural and conversational.
turn to? 600 cities (and counting)
                                      privileged, white urbanites                                                   Our voice assistants will be able
are deploying low-tech, low-cost
                                      – curb-side pick-up, street-                                                  to maintain context and have
solutions to repurpose existing
                                      eateries, outdoor dining, sidewalk                                            a memory that helps us in our
streets and car parking spaces
                                      extensions, slow streets, and                                                 everyday lives – the voice interface
to ensure safe access to daily
                                      bike lanes will continue to gain                                              in the vehicle will get good enough
essential services. From Bogota
                                      momentum. Echoing well-known                                                  that it replaces our dependency on
to London, New York to Oakland,
                                      facts, like most urban car trips are                                          the smartphone.
cities have implemented well-
worn tactics of street experiments    under 4 miles and the #1 global        Meredith Glaser is a researcher
                                      cause of death for kids and young                                             Vehicles of the future will be
to help people move and get a                                                at the Urban Cycling Institute at
                                      adults is car crashes, calls have                                             designed with this in mind. While
breath of fresh air.This window                                              the University of Amsterdam,
                                      been made for street reform.                                                  many vehicles today are doing a
of opportunity, potentially worth                                            The Netherlands. Her research
                                      Reducing urban space for cars is                                              better job with microphones and
billions in health benefits, opens                                           focuses on policy innovation,
                                      now more prescient than ever.                                                 noise elimination, this will be an
at least three predictions for the                                           knowledge transfer,and capacity
                                                                                                                    integral part of vehicle design in
coming year(s):                                                              building for the transport planning
                                      Prediction #3:                                                                the future.
                                                                             field. Her work has been featured
Prediction #1:                        Potential to revolutionize             in a number of peer-reviewed
                                      urban activity                                                                Seamlessness of the voice
Renaissance of                                                               journals and media sources.
                                      If local amenities and services are                                           assistant experience will be even
neighborhood centers                                                         She is also one of the world’s
                                      increasingly within reach (#1) and                                            more important in the future
Living hyper-locally disrupts                                                most experienced educators
                                      “easy” to get to on two feet or two                                           – being able to interact with
many intertwining aspects of                                                 for professionals seeking to
                                      wheels (#2), then mobility demand                                             your voice assistant of choice in
urban space, mobility, and activity                                          learn Dutch transport planning
                                      would decrease and form around                                                multiple areas of our lives. To
patterns. The shift disrupts the                                             policies and practices. Meredith
                                      new patterns of local activity.                                               assist with this, interoperability
practice ofcommuting to a central                                            holds master’s degrees in public
                                      Human-scale urban mobility                                                    between voice assistants will be
business district and destination                                            health and urban planning from
                                      options eventually out-compete                                                critical, allowing people to get help
shopping (think Champs Elysée).                                              University of California, Berkeley.
                                      the car and staying close to home                                             from their preferred general voice
This means neighborhood
                                      confronts us with a new choice                                                assistant to interact with specialist
commercial nodes are being re-
                                                                                                                    voice assistants.
2. MaaS Business Model(s):            4. MaaS & Real Estate:                   Micromobilty Market                     see continued growth in 2021.         in cycling and walking. While
                                                                                                                      Consolidation in Europe                 Over the past few years, the          these policies have always been
                                       In most of these medium cities        We start talking about Mobility                                                  autonomous vehicle market went        supported by urban planners
                                       you will find only one company        Hub around major Bus/Tram/               Given the speed and timing of           through a bit of a hype cycle,        and designers to reduce the
                                       per mobility service (one eBike       Train stations, allowing people to       COVID, there has been a rapid           peaking in early 2018. Since          impact of automobiles, COVID has
                                       company, one Carsharing brand         park their car, bike, scooter before     transformation in the European          that point, many OEMs, supplies,      served as the inflection point in
                                       etc.) that are manage by the          getting in the Public Transport          micromobility market. According         startups, and investors have been     which to enable cities to pursue
                                       city itself. So, for me, in these     or to use a shared mobility when         to recent news stories and press        scratching their heads wondering      more long term sustainability
                                       cities, the MaaS will become          getting out the PT. For me, I can        releases, many of the largest           what will happen next. With the       initiatives and active transportation
                                       the extension of the Public           see also micro-mobility-hub in           operators have been in active           advent of COVID, social distancing,   infrastructure investments. While

                                       Transport to improve the mobility     private buildings, using the unused      late stage fund raises to shore up      and public health measures,           there has been limited pushback
                                       of the residents and thus the         parking and storage places to            their consumer offers, expand           new use cases and opportunities       from certain individual and auto
                                       first business model deployed         allow people from outside to park,       their fleets, and increase their        rapidly opened up over the course     lobby groups (London and Berlin)

                                       will be B2G2C (Business to            why not recharging their eV/eBike/       geographic service areas. Namely,       of 2020. The market for shared        towards active transportation
                                       Government to Citizens) and it will   eScooter, to manage the last &           Tier, Voi, and Bolt have been the       and commercial autonomous             measures, 2021 will see continued
                                       be subsidized. Then you will have     first mile(s) for deliveries. Here the   standout micromobiity operators         vehicles has now eclipsed that for    digital and physical infrastructure
                                       private companies that will provide   MaaS will be the tool to manage          that have not only weathered            personal autonomous vehicles,         investments to support long term
MaaS Project Leader at                 a B2B2EE (Business to Business to     the grid of all these micro-mobility-    the COVID financial storm, but          thus the pivot towards robotaxis      urban sustainable shifts away from
Transdev & Member of                   Employees/Employers).                 hub                                      have been able to attract massive       and driverless trucks. This will      the private automobile.
the Board of Directors at                                                                                             equity capital investment, scale        continue with rapid acceleration in

The MaaS Alliance                      3. MaaS &                             5. MaaS & Traffic-lights:                their operations, and aggressively      investment, pilots, and commercial
                                       Employee/Employers:                                                            hire across all business units.         partnerships in the coming year.
“5 MAAS PREDICTIONS:                                                         Imagine that all the trip-planners       Lime is the one US-based operator       In addition, with widespread stay

                                       The employers will be the key in      on a territory (used by private car      in Europe that has been able to         at home orders, quarantines, and
1. MaaS in the next 3 years:           the success of MaaS, especially in    owners, by delivery drivers or by        sustain their offer in Europe, albeit   curfews, the market for outdoor
                                       medium cities.                        MaaS Travelers) are all connected        with investment by Uber and the         dining and home food deliveries
One of the rare benefic effects of     More than 90% the mobility is         to the same data-lack. This should       caveat that 66% of their growth         has exploded. Therefore, we will
the Covid-19 is the acceleration       done by the daily local mobility,     represent the information of             has occurred outside of their           see interesting value propositions    CMO @ Iomob
in the digitalization of many Public   mainly by commuters.                  70% of the trips planned. With           home US market. This has left the       from AI and mobility tech startups
Transport Operations (Realtime         Without the employers, the MaaS       such tool the territory will be          small to middle level micromobility     continue into 2021, related to
traveler information, M-Ticketing,     won’t take off. Many employers        able to manage its traffic lights        operators in a bit of a cash crunch,    human assisted and autonomous
capacity information etc..). The       work on the wellbeing of their        dynamically in Realtime especially       due to 1.) lack of consumer brand       deliveries for parcels, packages,
backbone of the MaaS is the            employees at work, but the life       when unexpected incidents occur.         recognition, 2.) lack of geographic     and even food to homes and
Mass Transport. If this one is not     of an employee starts when she                                                 coverage, and 3.) simply lacking        businesses.
digitalized, you cannot deploy a       or he closes the door of her/his                                               the scale required to success in
MaaS. This digital acceleration        home to go to work. We start                                                   European cities that offer a transit    15 Minute Cities and Active
is opening the door to test and        seeing big corporate proposing                                                 rich and multi-modal environment.       Transportation
learn MaaS initiatives/projects in     mobility budget to be spend                                                    Therefore, we will see increased
many cities. The more data we          in Public Transport or Shared                                                  mergers and acquisitions of             Finally, the most important trend
will have on MaaS from different       Mobility. The MaaS will be the                                                 these operators and / or their          and prediction for the year
locations, the more we will be able    answer for the Human Resources                                                 divestment in the European              ahead in 2021 is the widespread
to find the right business models      to harmonize the mobility policies                                             market in the coming months             adoption by governments of the
for a financial sustainable MaaS       decided by the company for a                                                   ahead.                                  policies related to ‘15 Minutes
operation(s)                           better and more sustainable                                                                                            Cities”. What started initially in
                                       commute of its employees                                                       Robotaxis and Autonomous                Paris, and coupled with a COVID-
                                                                                                                      Deliveries                              related expansion of the urban
                                                                                                                                                              bike network to maintain social
                                                                                                                      With the recent acquisition             distancing and public health
                                                                                                                      of Moovit by Intel, along with          has taken the world by storm.
                                                                                                                      partnerships announced by               Almost every major city now has
                                                                                                                      Lyft, the Zoox driverless shuttle       an open street, pop up bike lane,
                                                                                                                      by Amazon, and a high level of          widened pedestrian path, outdoor
                                                                                                                      activity already in China, we will      dining, and massive increase
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                                                                                                                    ANTHONY GERMANCHEV
KLARÉN                                                                                                              Advanced Technologies Lab at the Australian Road Research Board
Sustainability at Polestar
                                                                                                                    What is the project that most excites you in your space?
                                                                                                                    The project I am most excited about is working our partners who world leaders in machine vision, AI and the
What is the project that most
excites you in your space?                                                                                          development of HD digital maps. I am excited to apply these technologies to improve safety and solve our transport
I’m really exited about Polestar Precept. It’s our                                                                  problems.
commitment car and now we’ve decided to put it
into production. It’s a great achievement and the                                                                   What is the greatest challenge you see in Mobility/Smart Cities in the next 5 years?
start of a very meaningful journey for us.                                                                          The greatest challenge in mobility is the increase in congestion in and around our cities.

                                                                                                                    Which project do you think is the most audacious moonshot in the industry that you hope
What is the greatest challenge you see in
Mobility/Smart Cities in the next 5 years?                                                                          succeeds?
                                                                                                                    A project that was previously considered an audacious moonshot was to eliminate congestion, but COVID19 has
Walking the talk and making a profound decline in
the emissions connected to the production and use                                                                   given us the opportunity to re-imagine the way we work and in the process reduce congestion in our major cities.
of cars. By 2025 we will have to be well on our way                                         CEO of Provizio
towards climate neutrality.                                                                                         What are you most concerned about in Mobility/Smart Cities?
                                                          What is the project that most excites you                 The increasing cost of congestion and reduction in liveability and liveable spaces in our cities still remains a concern.
Which project do you think is the most                    in your space?
audacious moonshot in the industry                        The application of long range sensors with AI on-         Which other person/company in the space of Mobility/SmartCities do you admire?
that you hope succeeds?                                   the-edge to prevent collisions on our roads.              Mobileye continue to lead the way towards automated driving and EuroRAP (iRAP) are making significant
I have one in mind, but I can’t talk about it right now                                                             improvements in road safety through the application of technologies and the star rating of roads.
:)                                                        What is the greatest challenge you see in
                                                          Mobility/Smart Cities in the next 5 years?
What are you most concerned about                         Moving from a car centric view of the world to
in Mobility/Smart Cities?                                 a mobility as a service future presents a huge
The lack of transparency and open source solutions        challenge with a lot of vested interests pulling in the
in the car industry today. If we are to succeed we        opposite direction. But what an opportunity.
need to be able to talk openly and honestly about
our shared challenges and cooperate more.                 Which project do you think is the most                                          DOMINIC PAPA
                                                          audacious moonshot in the industry                                              Vice President, Smart State Initiative Arizona
Which other person/company in the                         that you hope succeeds?                                                         Commerce Authority
space of Mobility/SmartCities do you                      The end of private vehicle ownership would
admire?                                                   change everything and I hope it happens sooner                                  What is the project that most excites you in your space?
All of the consumers making the switch from ICE to        rather than later. Autonomous vehicles, flying cars                             Smart State Governance Framework
EV, these are still early adapters who aren’t afraid      and other moonshot efforts all depend on this
to learn something new in order for change to             transition.                                                                     What is the greatest challenge you see in
happen.                                                                                                                                   Mobility/Smart Cities in the next 5 years?
                                                          What are you most concerned about                                               The ability for “smart regulation” to incentivize and keep up with the
                                                          in Mobility/Smart Cities?                                                       technological pace of mobility solutions.
                                                          Safety. We as an industry have a safety record that
                                                          should embarrass us all and I hope society, in a                                Which project do you think is the most audacious moonshot in
                                                          post Covid environment, decides enough is enough                                the industry that you hope succeeds?
                                                          and pursues a safer, cleaner future.                                            Michigan’s Connected Corridor with Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners

                                                          Which other person/company in the                                               What are you most concerned about in Mobility/Smart Cities?
                                                          space of Mobility/SmartCities do you                                            Silos across different levels of government (federal/state/city)
                                                          Bryan Salesky and the Argo project have impressed                               Which other person/company in the space of
                                                          me to date. Bryan appears to have a grounded                                    Mobility/SmartCities do you admire?
                                                          approach to autonomous mobility and uses the                                    Trevor Pawl - Chief Mobility Officer, Michigan
                                                          word safety as much as he uses the word robotic.
                                                          Quietly, slowly and safely will win the autonomy race
                                                          which has been dominated by empty rhetoric to
You can also read