Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy

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Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
Global standards: a must for
UDI in the EU, and beyond
Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy

Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond

Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, Public Policy Director, GS1 Global Office
17 June 2021
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
The benefits of UDI
   and of global

                      © GS1 2021   3
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
UDI: what is it?

Unique Device Identifier (UDI)
The UDI is a series of numeric or alphanumeric characters that is created through a
globally accepted device identification and coding standard. It allow the
unambiguous identification of a specific medical device on the market.

                                                                      © GS1 2021      4
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
Benefits of UDI for regulators

                                                           Information on devices and
                              Visibility (inventory)and    on usage to be leverages
                              documentation of devices     for insurance, price
                              placed on the market and     control, tender
                              used at point of care.       requirements, etc

                              Market surveillance and      A globally harmonised
                              customs control preventing   system across borders,
                              dangerous and/or fake        aligned with the IMDRF
                              medical devices.             framework.

Please note: this is not an exhaustive list

                                                                             © GS1 2021   5
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
Benefits of UDI for manufacturers

                              Tracking (inventory) and
                              tracing of the individual     Information on product
                              product improves visibility   usage and impact on
                              to accurately plan            patients (e.g., adverse
                              production and                events).

                                                            A safe and efficient supply
                              Brand and counterfeit
                                                            chain with the help of
                              protection preventing fake
                                                            standards build trust in the
                              medical devices entering
                                                            manufacturer and its
                              the supply chain.

Please note: this is not an exhaustive list

                                                                                © GS1 2021   6
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
Benefits of UDI for healthcare providers

                                                        More efficient               Having access to
                 Unambiguously                       product recalls and           accurate and up-to-
                 identify medical                     verification of the              date product
                     devices                            legitimacy of              information, enable
                                                       medical devices               eHealth records

                                                                              Optimization of
                                 More accurate                                supply chain for
                               reports of adverse                            purchase orders,
                                  events and                                responses, invoices
                               reduction of errors                          and other business

Please note: this is not an exhaustive list

                                                                                       © GS1 2021        7
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
GS1 as UDI issuing entity in the EU

•   On 7 June 2019, GS1 was designated by
    the European Commission as issuing entity
    for Unique Device Identifiers (UDIs). Re-
    assessed in 5 years.

•   GS1 is part of the MDCG (Medical Device
    Coordination Group – EU MS and EU COM)
    on UDI and the MDCG on EUDAMED.

•   Other regulators are allowing - planning to allow - the use of GS1
    standards as the basis of their national UDI system e.g. Australia, Brazil,
    China, Saudi-Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Turkey.

                                                                           © GS1 2021   8
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
GS1 identifiers and
  UDI in the EU

                      © GS1 2021   9
Global standards: a must for UDI in the EU, and beyond - Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director public policy
UDI and the GS1 System of standards

 In the EU:

 Basic UDI-DI

                                      © GS1 2021   10
UDI in GS1 AIDC terms

in the EU

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GS1 Healthcare GTIN Allocation Rules

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                                                            Device Identifier (DI)       Production Identifier (PI)
                                                                    “Static” portion           “Dynamic” portion
                                                             GTIN (product identifier)       Application Identifiers
                                                                                         (e.g. lot number, expiry date)

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           © Copyright GS1 AISBL, 2012-2021. All Rights Reserved.
EUDAMED piece by

                   © GS1 2021   14
 Part that the U.S.
 FDA UDI system
 focuses on today...

                           © GS1 2021
Source: EU Commission – March 2021
                       © GS1 2021
Source: EU Commission - March 2021
                        © GS1 2021
Source: EU Commission - March 2021
                        © GS1 2021
Main challenges and lessons learned

• Multiple …modules, objectives, users, channels
• Heavily regulated
• Challenging interpretation
• COVID-19 delays

• Make sure you have the correct access profile (approved by a different
  Local Actor Administrator)
• Consult documentation available : Overview | Public Health (
• Test your XML files using bulk upload: XML samples are available online

                                                              © GS1 2021
Status and next steps

•   Focus on Minimum Viable Product:
    minimum legal requirements
•   Feedback for users to improve the system
•   Progressing in the following:
    Actors, Devices and Certificates v1.2:
      • Playground by July 2021
      • Production by September 2021
•   Development MIR Form & Documenting
    FCSA and FSN (Vigilance):
      • Development to start Q3/2021
•   Requirements and Business Analysis CI/PS
    and MSU
•   Constant review and update of the plan

                                               © GS1 2021
EU – UDI: EUDAMED timeframe – MDR*
      Timeframe subject to changes

                                                                        Until May 2022
                                                            All registration in the modules released
                                                               remains voluntary. Member States                   26 May 2023                             26 May 2025
                                                               decide which platform (national or
                                                                    EUDAMED) they will use.                  UDI labelling for Class IIa              UDI labelling for Class I
                                                                                                                  and IIb Devices                            Devices

   2021                2021                                                             2022                          2023                          …2025

                                                                                              26 May 2022: EUDAMED officially released
                                                                                           Deadline for MDR device registration to 26 May 2024          + 2 years for Direct Marking,
    1 December 2021
                                                                                        (18+6 months = 24 months after EUDAMED becomes fully            when applicable
Actor Registration Module to       26 May 2021: MDR date of application                  functional). For more details: MDCG 2019-4 Timelines for
        be launched
                                                                                           registration of device data elements in EUDAMED and
                               -     UDI assignment (ie Basic UDI-DI & UDI)                                transitional period FAQs

                                    - UDI labelling for implantables and for
                                                 Class 3 Devices

                                                                                                                                                    *IVDR application deadline: 26 May 2022

                                                                                                                                                                  © GS1 2021
UDI system step by step
1. Assess what are the products falling under the MDR/IVDR scope
2. Assess what is the relevant Class for each type of product
3. Define/select one Issuing Agency
4. If GS1, contact your GS1 Member Organisation: assign a GS1 Company Prefix
and support on the generation and application of Basic UDI-Dis & UDI-DIs

5. Basic UDI-DI (GMN) and UDI (GTIN & AIs) assignment

6. EUDAMED registration
7. Barcodes and HRI (deadlines depending on the risk class)

8. Maintenance
The responsibility for compliance with the UDI requirements remains the entire responsibility of the GS1 user, not GS1

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                                     © Copyright GS1 AISBL, 2012-2021. All Rights Reserved.
UDI and the rest of
    the world

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Not only in Europe!
Requirements for medical device identification


                                                 © GS1 2021
In these difficult times we
learned that…
                       ALL dependent on an efficient
                  We are
                  supply chain across countries and

                  We need to be able to interact clearly and
                  unambiguously with each other – using a
                  global language
ARE NEEDED        We need to make sure that the resources and
                  supplies needed are effectively made available
                  to support our health    systems       in the
                  best possible way

                          prevent substandard
                  We need to
                  and falsified products entering our
                  supply chains and markets, putting patients
                  and caregivers at risk

                                            © GS1 2021         25
Thank you!

Safer, more efficient care
starts with a simple scan!

Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet

                                    © GS1 2021   26
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