Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0 - (c) 2011

Page created by Shawn Nichols
Global Protocol on Packaging
     Sustainability 2.0
             (c) 2011

          A global project by
4                               Guidance for Use – Introduction               6
                                                    A Common Language          6
                                               Range of Business Decisions     7
                            Choice of Indicators for Business Decisions        8
                                              Relevance and Significance       8
                                                         Life-Cycle Phases     8
                                                         Parts of Business     8
                                                 Role in Decision-Making       9
                                       Level at which Indicator is Utilized    9
                            Alignment with other Objectives and Processes      9
                                                 Role in Communication        10
                                      Internal vs. External Communication     10
                                                     Availability of Data     11
                                                   Physical Property Data     11
                                       Data for Driving Selected Indicator    11
                                    Linkages between Different Indicators     11
                                                     Types of Packaging       13

         Functional Unit, Functional Equivalence and Reference Flow           14
                                 Choosing an Appropriate Functional Unit      14
                                         The Functional Unit in Packaging     15
    Primary & Secondary Functions and Functional Equivalence in Packaging     15
                                                    Levels of Significance    16
    Systematic Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Product Development
                                                      Guidance on Tools       17
                                                     Life Cycle Assessment    17
                                                        Tools and Expertise   18
                                                           Ecodesign Tools    19
                                     The Future of LCA in the FMCG Sector     20

                           GPPS Indicator and Metric Overview                 21
                        Environmental – Attribute Indicators / Metrics        22
                                                            Introduction      22
                                      Packaging Weight and Optimization       23
                                       Packaging to Product Weight Ratio      24
                                                          Material Waste      24
                                                        Recycled Content      25
                                                      Renewable Content       26
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                                 Table of contents

27   Chain of Custody                                                                                  5
27   Assessment and Minimization of Substances Hazardous to the Environment
28   Production Sites Located in Areas with Conditions of Water Stress or Scarcity
28   Packaging Reuse Rate
29   Packaging Recovery Rate
30   Cube Utilization
34   Environmental – Life Cycle Indicators / Metrics
34   Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment
38   Impact on Climate / Atmosphere
38   Global Warming Potential (GWP)
40   Ozone Depletion
42   Impact on Human Health
42   Toxicity, Cancer
43   Toxicity, Non-Cancer
44   Particulate Respiratory Effects
45   Ionizing Radiation
47   Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
49   Impact on Ecosphere
49   Acidification Potential
51   Aquatic Eutrophication
52   Freshwater Ecotoxicity Potential
54   Impact on Resource Base
54   Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
57   Indicators from Inventory Data
57   Introduction
57   Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)
59   Freshwater Consumption
62   Land Use
68   Economic – Indicators / Metrics
68   Introduction
68   Total Cost of Packaging
69   Packaged Product Wastage
70   Social – Indicators / Metrics
70   Introduction
70   Packaged Product Shelf Life
70   Community Investment
71   Corporate Performance Attributes
71   Instructions
73   Annex 1: Cube Utilization - Protocols for Product Volume (PV)
6   Guidance for Use – Introduction

    A Common Language
    The Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainabil-                            Economic and social metrics
    ity was created to provide the consumer goods                            A complete sustainability assessment should
    and packaging industries with a much needed                              take into account economic, social and environ-
    common language with which to discuss and                                mental aspects. Any business decision almost
    assess the relative sustainability of packaging.                         invariably includes an economic analysis, and
    That common language consists of a frame-                                environmental indicators are taken into ac-
    work and a measurement system. The metrics                               count to an increasing extent, whereas social
    presented in this report deliver the measure-                            indicators are generally considered at a corpo-
    ment system, which, alongside the framework,                             rate level and are slowly being introduced as
    offer a standardised way to address a range of                           considerations at product level. The metrics pro-
    business questions about packaging sustain-                              posed here include some, but not a full range
    ability, either within a company or between                              of economic indicators. This is not because they
    business partners.                                                       are considered irrelevant, but because economic
                                                                             analysis tools already exist and are already rou-
    You could consider these metrics to be the
                                                                             tinely used. We encourage companies to follow
    words in the language and this document as
                                                                             prevailing corporate social responsibility guide-
    the dictionary. The framework provides the
                                                                             lines and we have added two packaging-related
    context for the language.
                                                                             social metrics for consideration. Social indicators
    No need to use every metric                                              for packaging as well as social life cycle assess-
    Just as it is not necessary to use every word in                         ment (S-LCA)1 approaches are still in the early
    the dictionary in every conversation, so it is not                       phase of development. We expect to be able
    necessary to use every metric in each discus-                            to expand the selection of social metrics as this
    sion about the sustainability of packaging. The                          area of research progresses in the future.
    range of metrics aims to cover the full breadth
                                                                            Modular and flexible
    of environmental and social aspects which may
                                                                            The metrics described in this document can be
    be needed to answer a range of business ques-
                                                                            put to use in many different ways. They can in-
    tions, but in each case the number and type
                                                                            form internal decision making, allow communi-
    of metrics used will depend on the business
                                                                            cation between business partners or with other
    question being asked. Just as in the dictionary
                                                                            stakeholders, or provide overall packaging sys-
    analogy, sometimes a single word conveys the
                                                                            tem evaluations. The protocol is designed to al-
    message correctly and concisely; some business
                                                                            low this level of flexibility, but each different use
    questions around packaging may just require a
                                                                            for the protocol will have different implications
    single metric. Similarly, just as some sentences
                                                                            for the selection of relevant metrics, the data re-
    need to be more complex and lengthy, broader
                                                                            quired and how the results are used. This guid-
    assessments of packaging sustainability will re-
                                                                            ance aims to help the reader use the protocol
    quire the use of a range of different metrics.
                                                                            appropriately for all of its potential applications.

Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                               Guidance for use – Introduction


Range of Business Decisions
The GPPS metrics can be used to answer a wide         cator to ensure that weight reductions aiming
range of business questions, either within a          to reduce environmental impacts in transpor-
business or between business partners. The            tation are not annihilated by a reduction in
business decisions these metrics address can          cube utilization. Another example would be
vary greatly. The number and type of metrics          to couple a recycled content indicator with an
used will depend on the business question be-         indicator of packaging weight to highlight po-
ing asked. A simple question about the weight         tential environmental burden shifting between
or recycled content of specific packaging op-         recycled content and packaging weight due to
tions will require the use of just one metric. By     recycling-induced property losses.
contrast, an overall assessment and comparison
                                                      Level 3. Comparative analysis of one or more
of entire product and packaging systems will
                                                      packaging formats/material across multiple
require a lifecycle approach and the use of a
                                                      formats for same functional unit, such as com-
wide range of metrics.
                                                      paring drink packs from glass, plastics, metal
For example, one of the pilots shared during          or beverage carton to see trade-offs with each
the GPPS development aimed to compare the             material choice. In this case, life cycle assess-
overall sustainability performance of shelf-          ment (LCA) may be required.
ready packaging with a normal packaging
                                                      Level 4. Full system design and analysis that
delivery system. Since an overall comparison
                                                      would compare packaging formats/materials
was required, it was necessary to look at full
                                                      with information on the product as well. This
life-cycle metrics for both environmental and
                                                      would involve a LCA that would incorporate
social areas, and also to include an economic
                                                      elements of both the product and the packag-
                                                      ing across the supply chain. In this case, vari-
Business decisions may be considered at a             ous product factors or losses would need to be
number of different levels:                           incorporated, such as use, waste, spoilage and
Level 1. Simple analysis where, beyond cost
considerations, a single indicator is sufficient to
track a change, such as packaging weight, cube
utilization, etc.

Level 2. Optimization analysis for a given func-
tional unit (FU) where multiple indicators could
be used in order to increase the environmental
relevance as compared to using a single indi-
cator. For example, using a weight reduction
indicator together with a cube utilization indi-
8   Choice of Indicators
    for Business Decisions

    The indicators and metrics fall into three cat-                                  aging alternatives, for example between an
    egories: Environmental, Economic and Social.                                     agro-sourced material and a fossil fuel-sourced
    In the Environmental area these metrics are                                      material the set of metrics chosen for the com-
    divided into Attribute Indicators and Life Cycle                                 parison would have to be a combination of the
    Indicators. Choosing the indicators that are                                     relevant indicators of both materials in order
    best for you depends on a number of factors                                      to ensure that there is no shift of environmen-
    including: what the business question is; what                                   tal burden between the compared alternatives.
    you are comparing, where in the packaging de-                                    Taking into account the significance of impacts
    sign process the assessments are being applied,                                  in absolute terms as well as the significance of
    how the results are being used and where in                                      differences observed is also crucial for good de-
    the supply chain they are being applied. There                                   cision making.
    is no single formula or “right answer” in deter-
    mining how many indicators or which indica-                                      Life Cycle Phases
    tors to use. Using only one or two indicators
                                                                                     The adoption of packaging indicators by an or-
    can answer a specific question, but may not
                                                                                     ganization should be consistent with life cycle
    give a clear (or complete) picture of actual im-
                                                                                     thinking2. The life cycle indicators automati-
    pacts. In many cases a set of five to 10 indica-
                                                                                     cally incorporate the impacts from all phases of
    tors that clearly represent the company goals
                                                                                     the packaging life cycle. In selecting packaging
    may be more appropriate (and easier to action)
                                                                                     attributes, it is also useful to include attributes
    than a list of 40. The following six points should
                                                                                     that address upstream, use phase, transporta-
    help you choose appropriate indicators, under-
                                                                                     tion, and end-of-life characteristics of the pack-
    standing that this is an ongoing process which
                                                                                     age. This helps facilitate life cycle thinking and
    will need to be revisited over time.
                                                                                     consideration of each of these phases in tangi-
                                                                                     ble, familiar measures by packaging designers
    Relevance and Significance                                                       and others who influence packaging decisions.
    The selection of a particular metric depends on
    the business question being asked, and also of-                                  Parts of Business
    ten reflects an organization’s most significant
                                                                                     An indicator may be more relevant to one part
    areas of activity and influence. For example, a
                                                                                     of a business than other parts of the business.
    company working primarily with fiber-based
                                                                                     For example, packaging reuse rate may be rel-
    packaging will select the metrics most pertinent
                                                                                     evant in one region, but not relevant in anoth-
    to that material and ignore those that relate
                                                                                     er. A packaging manufacturer may have one
    to other materials for processes. The selection
                                                                                     division that uses entirely renewable materials,
    may also be directly influenced by the severity
                                                                                     while other divisions use none.
    of an issue in context, such as water scarcity in a
    particular locale. In a comparison of two pack-

        an approach in which all of the phases of the life-cycle are considered during decision-making,
        possibly but not necessarily involving the use of life-cycle assessment
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                Choice of Indicators for Business Decisions


Role in Decision-Making                            Alignment with other
As with the adoption of any other metric, it is    Objectives and Processes
important to consider how the packaging indi-      When adopting indicators and incorporating
cator is intended to influence decision-making,    them into company policies and processes, it
as well as any unintended impacts it may have      is helpful if the responsibility for measure-
on decisions and incentives. In order to ensure    ment and tracking of metrics is in close prox-
that a metric informs the decision-making, it      imity to the decision point and decision-maker.
must at minimum be visible to and understood       Indicators that are measured separately from
by the parties who influence decision-making.      other processes will generally have a lesser ef-
However, its impact can be augmented by as-        fect on decision-making and suffer a greater
signing responsibilities related to the metric     time lag until results are seen. For example, if a
to those with the greatest ability to influence    metric such as package to product weight ratio
packaging decisions, taking into account the       is adopted with the purpose of encouraging
following factors:                                 more efficient packaging design, then its meas-
                                                   urement and the gathering of relevant data
Level at which Indicator is Used                   should ideally be done as part of the design or
Throughout the process of selecting appropri-      design-approval process. This way, designers
ate indicators, it is important to determine the   and decision makers are aware of the metric
level at which the indicator will be used. Many    at the time they are making the decisions that
of the metrics could be assessed at packaging      impact it. This embedded approach is more ef-
component or product level, at business unit       fective at giving the metric a role in decision
level or at the corporate level. Some metrics      making than assigning the data capture and
may be used at one level for one purpose (e.g.     metric calculation to someone else as part of a
managing the average percentage of recycled        yearly reporting process.
content in a product line) and then aggregated
at a higher level (e.g. company-wide for CSR
reporting). Keep in mind that the approach to
data collection, availability of data, demands
on data accuracy, and meaningful units of
measurement may vary at each of these levels.
10   Role in Communication

     Internal vs. External Communication
     Understanding how the indicators will be used        organization may contain a mix of indicators
     in communication will help in their selection.       intended for internal and external communica-
     For example, are the indicators being used by        tion. In addition, some indicators may warrant
     marketing to show how a product package has          different metrics for different audiences. For
     been improved, or are they being used for cor-       example, the package-to-product ratio may be
     porate reporting to show some improvement            relevant for both internal and external audi-
     over time, e.g. reduction of GHG per unit sold?      ences. However, note that even for a single in-
     If the indicators are being used in a decision-      dicator, the specific metric and functional unit
     making process then it is also crucial that the      that will be meaningful may differ depending
     audience be presented with clearly-stated            on the audience.
     goals in order to understand what is important
                                                          Note that specific guidance is given within
     for the company.
                                                          ISO 14040/44 for life cycle assessment based
     The use of indicators for external communica-        comparative assertions to be disclosed to the
     tions such as marketing claims or corporate          Public. For declarations, labels and claims pro-
     reporting requires a greater level of accuracy,      visions are available in, e.g. ISO 14021 or the
     documentation and transparency of data than          FTC Guidelines on environmental marketing
     that which is required for tracking and commu-       claims (FTC 260). This protocol is not intended
     nicating progress internally. Aggregate data         to replace any of the existing standards and
     may be suitable for internal use as long as the      guidelines which still need to be adhered to in
     data gaps are not material and the limitations       any external communication related to sustain-
     are adequately communicated. However, in             ability performance of packaging and products.
     such a case it is vital that the internal audience
     be made aware of the limited purpose and
     suitability of the data so that external claims
     are not made without proper substantiation.
     A set of packaging indicators adopted by an
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                Role in Communication · Availability of Data

Availability of Data                                                                                            11

An indicator is only as good as its data. Having     energy use or other impacts based on detailed
sufficient data is therefore essential when se-      LCA studies. in many cases there may not be
lecting indicators. The availability of data and     sufficient data on the specific life cycle under
of resources to obtain the necessary data will       focus; or the data in the tool may not have
impact the number of metrics that can feasi-         the capability to discern variations in factors
bly be adopted and the value of the metrics          such as recycled content. Other indicators may
themselves. There are two categories of data:        be important to you but may need additional
physical property data a company has on each         work or time before they can be of value. A
packaging component as well as the product           good example of this could be the Fresh Water
itself (readily available data or obtained from      Used from Stressed or Scarce Sources indicator.
your supply chain) and data that is used to          This particular indicator/metric may be impor-
drive selected indicators (mainly in streamlined     tant to your company but the mapping of these
LCA tools). The source of the data that you use      stressed source areas is not developed at this
should be documented for each metric.                time; however, it may be appropriate to use at
                                                     a later date.
Physical Property Data
Each indicator has different data needs (com-        Linkages between Different Indicators
ponent weight, material type, product size or        The metrics presented in this report are not all
volume, country of origin, etc). Some of these       independent. In some cases there is a link be-
data may already be in a company’s specifica-        tween two separate indicators, or alternatively,
tion/ERP system or may require collection from       the same data may be used to calculate different
the supply chain. This may not be a limiting fac-    metrics. For example, if the metric “Packaging
tor for a one-time analysis, but may be a factor     to product weight ratio” is calculated, then the
if you are reviewing a company’s improvement         metric “Packaging Weight” will also have been
over time or requiring the indicator’s use for all   calculated, and little effort would be needed
new product development. If the indicator is         to additionally calculate “Packaging weight
important for one of the reasons stated above,       reduction”. If any of the lifecycle indicators
the company may want to begin collecting this        are calculated, this would have required col-
data for future use.                                 lection of the data for many of the packaging
                                                     attribute indicators. This means that it is often
Data for Deriving Selected Indicators                not as onerous as first thought to calculate a
Many indicators (and the tools that use them)        given range of metrics.
require background data based on LCA mate-           Figure 1 will help the user understand the
rial and process data. These are then used to        amount of work that will be needed to calcu-
drive the analysis. For example, many stream-        late the different indicators.
lined LCA tools use data that estimate the GHG,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Substances Hazardous to the Environment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Production in Areas of Water Scarcity
                                                                                                                                                                       Packaging Weight and Optimization
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Packaging to Product Weight Ratio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Freshwater Ecotoxicity Potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Particulate Respiratory Effects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cumulative Energy Demand

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ionizing Radiation (Human)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Global Warming Potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Freshwater Consumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Packaging Recovery Rate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Aquatic Eutrophication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Packaging Reuse Rate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Acidification Potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Life Cycle Indicators

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Toxicity (non Cancer)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Renewable Content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chain of Custody
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Recycled Content

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Land Occupation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ozone Depletion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Toxicity (Cancer)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cube Utilization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Material Waste

                                                                                                                             Packaging Weight and Optimization

                                                                                                                             Packaging to Product Weight Ratio

                                                                                                                             Material Waste

                                                                                                                             Recycled Content

                                                                                                                             Renewable Content
     it will it easier to calculate or measure the attributes and indicators presented in columns.
      By calculating or measuring the attributes and indicators that are presented in the rows,

                                                                                                                             Chain of Custody

                                                                                                                             Substances Hazardous to the Environment

                                                                                                                             Production in Areas of Water Scarcity

                                                                                                                             Packaging Recovery Rate

                                                                                                                             Cube Utilization

                                                                                                                             Packaging Reuse Rate
                                                                                                                             Life Cycle Indicators
                                                                                                                             Cumulative Energy Demand

                                                                                                                             Freshwater Consumption

                                                                                                                             Land Occupation

                                                                                                                             Global Warming Potential

                                                                                                                             Ozone Depletion
                                                                                                     Life Cycle Indicators

                                                                                                                             Toxicity (Cancer)

                                                                                                                             Toxicity (non Cancer)

                                                                                                                             Particulate Respiratory Effects

                                                                                                                             Ionizing Radiation (Human)

                                                                                                                             Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential

                                                                                                                             Acidification Potential

                                                                                                                             Aquatic Eutrophication

                                                                                                                             Freshwater Ecotoxicity Potential

                                                                                                                             Non-Renewable Resource Depletion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       is automatically derived                                                                                                                                                                                                                            will likely be derived                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will help to derive

     Figure 1. There are sometimes strong synergies between the different indicators. This figure shows how
     the different indicators are related. The colours in the boxes show the degree of relatedness between the
     calculated indicators (shown in the rows) to the other indicators (shown across the top of the columns). If
     the box is green, then the other indicator will have been calculated as well, automatically. Blue boxes show
     other metrics that will likely have been calculated as well. Light grey boxes denote where calculation of
     the indicator in the row will at least help in calculation of the other indicator in the column.
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                                            Types of Packaging

Types of Packaging                                                                                                 13

Figure 2 describes some commonly used defini-          is designed to ensure damage-free handling
tions of types of packaging used in the value          and transport of a number of sales or grouped
chain. The concepts of primary, secondary and          packages. The term “transport packaging”
tertiary packaging are standardized in ISO CD          does not include road, rail, ship or air contain-
18601. Sales packaging is also a term which is fre-    ers. Transport packaging is normally a shipping
quently used. The use of several terms may be          unit such as an outer case, a pallet, or a crate.
required in order to provide an exhaustive de-
                                                       Sales Packaging is packaging with which the con-
scription allowing the determination of where
                                                       sumer leaves a store. Depending on the location
the packaging item in question will be discarded
                                                       and type of retail activity, sales packaging can be
and made available to recovery operators.
                                                       composed of one or several levels of packaging.
Selecting the optimum balance among these
                                                       The following additional terms are also fre-
three levels of packaging is a critical element in
                                                       quently used to describe packaging levels:
packaging design.

Figure 2. Common terms used to describe packaging types.

Primary Packaging constitutes the packaging de-        Packaging constituent: a packaging element
signed to come into direct contact with the product.   that cannot be easily separated from the rest
                                                       of the packaging (EN 13427, ISO/CD 18601), for
Secondary Packaging (or group packaging)
                                                       example, a sealing layer in a laminated film.
groups a given number of primary packaging
units together into a convenient unit at the           Packaging component: part of packaging that
point of sale. Secondary packaging typically           can be separated by hand or by using simple
has one of two roles: it can be a convenient           physical means (EN 13427, ISO/CD 18601), for
means to replenish the shelves; or it can group        example, a packaging film.
primary packaging units into a package for
                                                       Packaging system: the complete set of packag-
purchase. It can be removed without affecting
                                                       ing for a given product, encompassing one or
the product’s properties, and generally defines
                                                       more of primary, secondary and transport terti-
the unit handled by the retailer.
                                                       ary packaging depending on the packed prod-
Tertiary Packaging (or transport packaging)            uct (ISO/CD 18601).
14   Functional Unit,
     Functional Equivalence and Reference Flow 3

     Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodol-                              which all environmental impacts of a given
     ogy that evaluates the potential impact of the                          study are reported. It is also the unit driving the
     use of a product by parsing its function. The                           data collection process. A reference flow is a
     functional unit characterizes this function by                          quantified amount of the product(s), including
     naming and quantifying the qualitative and                              product parts, necessary for a specific product
     quantitative aspects of the function(s) through                         system to deliver the performance described by
     questions such as “what”, “how much”, “how                              the functional unit. A functional unit may have
     well”, and “for how long”. It is the unit to                            several reference flows.

         Product        Function              Functional unit                        Reference flow
         Car            Enabling people       One person traveling 100 km            Passenger car A consuming x L of petrol / 100 km
                        to travel
         Shoes          Protecting foot       Protect one foot during                1 pair of dedicated walking shoes or
                                              500 km of walking                      2 pairs of standard shoes

         Packaging      Protect product       Protect 100g of products until         Required primary, secondary &tertiary
                                              being on the table of the consumer     packaging to deliver adequate protection
                                                                                     for a specified distribution system.

         Light bulb     Illuminate            Lighting 10 square meters              15 daylight bulbs of 10000 lumen
                                              with 3000 lux for 50000 hours with     with a lifetime of 10000 hours.
                                              daylight spectrum at 5600 K

     Table 1. Examples of functions, functional units and reference flows in Life Cycle Assessment.

     Choosing an Appropriate Functional Unit
     A well defined functional unit allows compari-                          this case be based on the delivery of a certain
     son of two essentially different systems or prod-                       number of uses in the case of a detergent or
     ucts on an equivalent basis. The functional unit                        number of servings in the case of foodstuffs,
     is just as important for comparisons made us-                           thus better reflecting the service provided to
     ing attribute metrics, such as packaging weight,                        the consumer.
     as it is in LCA. For example, if a comparison of
     packaging weights of a concentrated product                             In the case of paint, an ill-defined functional
     and a non-concentrated one is based on a func-                          unit would be 1 m2 covered, as this only com-
     tional unit defined as “protect 1kg of product                          pares the capability of the compared paints to
     from factory to consumer”, the concentrated                             cover a surface but says nothing about how long
     product will be disadvantaged as the true func-                         the paint will protect the surface and thus noth-
     tion of the product is not taken into account.                          ing about how much paint will be required over
     A more appropriate functional unit would in                             an extended period of time. A more reasonable

         More details can be found in ISO 14040/44
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                  Functional unit, functional equivalence and reference flow


functional unit for a paint system would be 1     to the customer. For a material supplier the
m2 adequately protected for 10 years. Such a      functional unit typically equals the reference
functional unit allows taking into account the    flow, e.g. in case of a plastic pellet provider the
increased quantities of less durable paint that   appropriate reference flow is kg of pellets de-
would be required to re-paint a surface.          livered to the converter.

The Functional Unit in Packaging                  Primary & Secondary Functions and
In the case of packaging, which is intimately     Functional Equivalence in Packaging
connected with the product contained, it is       A product or packaging can have different
important that the functional unit reflects the   functions (primary and secondary functions).
packaging performance required with respect       What all packaging has in common is that it
to the packaged product. This might include:      enables delivery of a given quantity of product
required strength of the packaging, required      from a producer to a customer or a consumer.
protection during transportation, preserving      Therefore, “contain and protect” is the primary
the quality of foodstuffs, protection against     function of packaging. There is a multitude
light penetration, prevention of residue pro-     of secondary functions of packaging: it might
duction etc. You may also need to consider le-    offer convenient handling, aid storage and
gal requirements in relation to the packaged      use with open- and re-close features, it may
product (e.g. foodstuffs), and the performance    be recyclable or recoverable, or reinforce the
of the packaging in relation to machinery.        brand experience with appearance. When com-
                                                  paring scenarios it is crucial to make sure that
The functional unit will change along the value
                                                  primary functions are the same and that sec-
chain. A typical packaging functional unit for
                                                  ondary functions are as similar as possible. The
a brand owner or a retailer would be to fulfill
                                                  functional equivalence forms the basis for any
packaging functions for 100g of product from
                                                  comparison in LCA.
factory to consumer. For a converter supplying
packaging film to a customer, the functional      The more functions two packaging alternatives
unit could be surface area in square meters of    have in common the more meaningful it be-
a film with a specified performance delivered     comes to attempt direct comparisons.

     Levels of Significance
      The metrics proposed in this protocol are - even   thumb that differences in LCA metrics such as
      in the case of life cycle assessment indicators    climate change or energy consumption of less
     - only attempts to estimate “the true” environ-     than 10% should not be considered significant
      mental consequences by estimating potential        as long as the differences of compared alterna-
      impacts. Nevertheless, such estimates are very     tives are not one-directional. More sophisticat-
      useful to improve decision making with the         ed uncertainty analysis methods are required
      intention of improving sustainability perform-     with other metrics, such as those relating to
      ance of packaging and other products just as       toxicity impacts. While this may seem limiting,
      economic models are useful to estimate finan-      it often allows identification of clear and un-
     cial impacts and benefits. As with any compari-     ambiguous differences between packaging op-
     son of estimates, it is important to understand     tions as well as the identification of potential
     the uncertainty involved in the calculation of      hot-spots in a studied packaging system. As an
     the metrics, and the significance of any differ-    analogy, while LCA will distinguish chalk from
     ences observed with respect to uncertainty. The     cheese, it will not tell Brie from Camembert!
     accuracy of a result will vary depending on the
     type of metrics used and the types of uncertain-
     ty involved. With simple metrics, such as pack-
     aging weight, the level of accuracy will simply
     reflect the accuracy of the measurement tools
     employed. However, in the more complex life-
     cycle metrics, the result is a calculation based
     on a model rather than a direct measurement,
     and will depend on the accuracy and relevance
     of the data employed in the model as well as
     the accuracy of the model itself. This will give
     a larger margin of error in the final result, so
     comparisons between different systems should
     be made with caution taking uncertainty into
     account. LCA practitioners often use a rule of
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                      Systematic use of life cycle assessment in product development – Guidance on tools

Systematic Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Product Development –                                                              17
Guidance on Tools

Historically the packaging industry has account-                Using such environmental attributes is thus not
ed for the environmental impacts of packaging                   sufficient for companies seeking to continu-
through attributes such as packaging weight                     ously reduce packaging environmental impacts
reduction, recycled content, and recovery                       as they are limited to answering very specific
rates of used packaging. Although such indi-                    questions. A decision support tool giving feed-
cators are relatively easy to measure, they are                 back to the designer on the environmental con-
not directly related to environmental impacts;                  sequences of decisions taken in the packaging
rather, they are input information to estimate                  development process over the entire packaging
environmental impacts. A reduced or increased                   life cycle is therefore required.
attribute value may or may not lead to reduced
environmental impacts.                                          Life Cycle Assessment
Example: design guidelines for packaging                        The appropriate tool for considering environ-
weight reduction would encourage a designer                     mental impacts over the packaging life cycle
to combine materials in multilayer structures ef-               is life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA can be per-
ficiently combining strengths of individual ma-                 formed at different levels depending on the
terials in order to save packaging weight. Such                 type of questions being asked, the purpose of
guidelines are in direct conflict with guidelines               the study, or the state of development of a new
on recyclability, which would call for use of a                 product or a new packaging. The work to per-
single material in a packaging format which is                  form a LCA can range from a couple of hours to
easily identified, separated and recycled. While                more than 100 days of work. Practitioners gen-
a gauge reduction of one material, provided                     erally classify LCAs in two different categories in
that physical performance is conserved, will                    terms of level of detail: simplified, streamlined
most certainly lead to an improvement of en-                    or screening LCAs and comprehensive, detailed
vironmental performance, the same gauge                         or full LCA. LCA tools can also be separated into
reduction achieved by a switch to another ma-                   two major classes: highly flexible conventional
terial does not automatically translate into im-                LCA software and tailored and rapid Ecodesign
proved environmental performance.                               tools with a lower degree of flexibility (Table 2).

Type of LCA tool   Strengths                 Weaknesses                             Application
Ecodesign          Quick, low cost,          Low flexibility                        Design process, environmental
                   consistent, can be used   No capacity to capture specificities   information, well suited for non-expert
                   by non-experts                                                   in a well-framed process
                                             Limited possibility to support
                                             environmental claims
Conventional       Robustness, flexibility   More costly and long, requires         Internal evaluation of a product and
                   Can support marketing     expert knowledge                       comparison with alternatives
                   claims after external                                            To support marketing claims about the
                   peer review                                                      environmental impact of a product

Table 2. Types of LCA tools and area of application as a function of strength and weakness.

     Conventional LCA Tools
     Comprehensive LCA’s are performed using con-                                 consumer goods (FMCG) sector where system-
     ventional software packages where the user                                   atic product assessment using conventional
     will go through the full procedure of goal and                               LCA tools for all product developments would
     scope definition, inventory assessment, impact                               generate excessively high costs. Nor is it an eco-
     assessment and interpretation. A wide range                                  nomically viable solution for small and medium
     of LCA tools are available for this purpose (1).                             sized enterprises (SMEs). In addition to this
     Conventional LCA tools allow for flexibility on                              the time required to complete a conventional
     all levels of a LCA. This flexibility also contrib-                          LCA study is such that results are frequently
     utes to some of their draw-backs: they require                               obtained at the end of the packaging develop-
     considerable expertise and are laborious and                                 ment when a product is ready to be launched.
     costly. Few companies can afford to employ                                   At this late stage, the freedom for change has
     in-house LCA expertise, let alone systematically                             been reduced to a minimum and the cost for
     use LCA to support decision making in product                                change is at its maximum (Figure 3). Life cycle
     development. As a consequence, many studies                                  assessment results thus become at best a strate-
     are outsourced to LCA consultants. Although                                  gic tool for future improvement of the packag-
     such an approach is feasible for companies                                   ing life cycle or at worst an expensive way of
     with products that do not change frequently, it                              documenting success or failure.
     is not an efficient approach for the fast-moving

                                   Cost for Change                                       Conventional LCA

                                                                                                                  Design freedom

                                                                                 Ecodesign tools

                                                      Concept                Final               Industrial                               Post-launch
         Opportunity             Ideation                                                                              Launch
                                                     exploration         business plan         development                                assessment

         I/R strategy                            I/R exloration                          I/R execution                          I/R assessment

     Figure 3. Evolution of cost for change and freedom of change in the innovation process4 .

       Lundquist, L., The role of environmental impact assessment at Nestlé, The Role of Impact Assessment in Transitioning to a Green Economy, Interna-
     tional Association for Impact Assessment 30th Annual Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, April 7, 2010 (Reproduced with permission).
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                Systematic use of life cycle assessment in product development – Guidance on tools


Ecodesign Tools
There is thus a rationale for simplified and            packaging developer a comprehensive assess-
tailored LCA-based tools which open LCA to              ment of the packaging format being assessed.
non-experts, allowing rapid assessment of en-
                                                        Whereas both tool types require the same level
vironmental consequences of design decisions
                                                        of expertise with respect to interpretation of
already at the concept stage. The vast amount
                                                        results, the advantage of ecodesign tools is
of LCAs performed in the past affords an un-
                                                        their relative simplicity and user-friendliness
derstanding of where the hot-spots are in the
                                                        as well as the speed of assessment. LCA results
packaging value chain. This understanding lays
                                                        obtained using the same tool will be more con-
the foundation for efficient streamlining and
                                                        sistent than comparisons of LCA studies using
automation of LCA. Various sector-specific tools
                                                        conventional LCA tools since the same meth-
have been developed or are currently being
                                                        odology, hypotheses and data are used for all
developed; these tools are publicly available
                                                        studies. The disadvantage of ecodesign tools
(2,3). Many value chain operators have also
                                                        is the fact that although they might be more
developed in-house tools adapted to specific
                                                        consistent they are not more precise or reli-
company needs. Such tools aim to preserve the
                                                        able than a comprehensive LCA generated with
integrity of the LCA approach in highlighting
                                                        conventional LCA software. They will especially
environmental issues at each life stage, while
                                                        encounter limits as soon as the product or pack-
doing so more quickly and cheaply. The com-
                                                        aging to study falls out of the scope defined
monality between streamlined automated tools,
                                                        for the tool. Nevertheless, they constitute an
or ecodesign tools as they may also be called,
                                                        affordable and practical compromise between
is that many of the LCA steps requiring consid-
                                                        the use of simple environmental attributes and
erable expertise have been pre-defined for the
                                                        conventional LCA software, thus providing a
user and the interface emulates the develop-
                                                        better base for decision-making in the FMCG
ment process prompting a packaging developer
                                                        sector. A combination of ecodesign tools and
only for inputs with which she or he works on
                                                        expert work using conventional LCA software
a daily basis. Typically, ecodesign tools have the
                                                        provides a very good basis to tackle most of the
following features pre-defined: functional unit,
                                                        issues regarding packaging and sustainability
system borders, inventory data for materials
                                                        within a company.
and processes, including recovery and disposal
operations, and impact assessment methods.
Frequently such tools also combine life cycle
environmental impacts, such as global warm-
ing potential, with packaging-specific environ-
mental attributes such as packaging-to-product
weight ratio, recycled content, fraction of re-
cyclable material and so on, thus offering the

     The Future of LCA in the FMCG Sector
     LCA is becoming an integral part of the indus-     are much stricter. However, they are very useful
     trial decision-making process. It is used, for     for informed internal decision making in the
     example, to make tactical decisions in product     development process as well as for business-to-
     and process design or improvement, or as a         business communication. Needless to say, LCA-
     support for strategy, or in supply chain man-      based claims and comparative assertions made
     agement and procurement. The increased use         to third parties should comply with the require-
     of LCA has boosted demand for streamlined          ments stipulated in ISO 14040 and 14044, re-
     and tailor-made LCA-based tools. This demand       gardless of the LCA tool used to generate the
     will certainly give rise to the development of     results of the claim. It is our hope that the align-
     a wide variety of tools, which once integrated     ment achieved in this project will pave the way
     or interlinked with existing management tools      to a further alignment of ecodesign tools so as
     will be capable of providing different levels of
                                                        to facilitate LCA-based information exchange
     information for different users.
                                                        between partners of the packaging value chain.
     In most cases, ecodesign tools do not constitute   They will thus allow not only individual value
     a replacement of conventional LCA for envi-        chain members to meet their environmental
     ronmental claims made to third parties; the        objectives more efficiently, but also allow the
     requirements for this kind of communication        entire packaging value chain to do the same.

     1. European Commission - Joint Research Center. Site on LCA Tools and Services. EUROPA.
        [En ligne] [Citation : 12 01 2011.]

     2. COMPASS - Comparative Packaging Assessment. [En ligne] Sustainable Packaging Coalition. ht-

     3. Sustainable Packaging Alliance. PIQET Log-in. [En ligne] Sustainable Packaging Alliance.
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                                  GPP Indicator and Metric Overview

GPPS Indicator and Metric Overview                                                                                          21

Packaging Weight and Optimization           Assessment and Minimization of Substances Hazardous to the Environment
Packaging to Product Weight Ratio           Production Sites Located in Areas with Conditions of Water Stress or Scarcity
Material Waste                              Packaging Reuse Rate
Recycled Content                            Packaging Recovery Rate
Renewable Content                           Cube Utilization
Chain of Custody
Cumulative Energy Demand                    Land Use
Fresh Water Consumption
Global Warming Potential                    Photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP)
Ozone Depletion                             Acidification Potential
Toxicity, Cancer                            Aquatic Eutrophication
Toxicity, Non-Cancer                        Freshwater Ecotoxicity Potential
Particulate Respiratory Effects             Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
Ionizing Radiation (Human)

Total Cost of Packaging                     Packaged Product Wastage
Packaged Product Shelf-Life                 Community Investment

Environmental Management System             Energy Audits
Child Labor                                 Freedom of Association and/or Collective Bargaining
Excessive Working Hours                     Occupational Health
Responsible Workplace Practices             Discrimination
Forced or Compulsory Labor                  Safety Performance Standards
22   Environmental – Attribute Indicators / Metrics

     An attribute is an indicator that provides par-               Generally these metrics have to be used and
     tial and/or indirect information with respect to              interpreted depending on the specific business
     the environmental performance of packaging                    case to be supported.
     across its life cycle. An attribute can provide
                                                                   Several of the environmental attributes are
     quantitative or qualitative information about
                                                                   based on ISO standards and European Standards
     an individual life cycle step or operation in the
                                                                   (EN 13427 – 13432), depicted in Figure 4, linked
     packaging life cycle or a qualitative piece of in-
                                                                   to the European Packaging and Packaging
     formation related to the management of oper-
                                                                   Waste Directive which are currently serving
     ations or the supply chain. Many attributes are
                                                                   as a base for work within ISO on standards
     indispensable pieces of information required
                                                                   for packaging and the environment. A Guide
     for the preparation of a comprehensive life cy-
                                                                   to using these standards has been published
     cle assessment of packaging.
                                                                   by EUROPEN, The European Organization for
     It is important to note that attributes provide               Packaging and Environment (
     information, but not assessment. They do not
     necessarily indicate positive or negative envi-
     ronmental consequences and have to be used
     in connection with life cycle indicators and
     other attributes. Their validity depends on the
     specific case at hand. Not all metrics are valid
     for all applications.

                                                 EN 13427

                            EN 13428
                                                 EN 13429
                      Packaging-Prevention                            Recovery
                       by source reduction

                                                                                         EN 13432
                                                                      EN 13431
                                                 EN 13430                               Packaging-
                                             Packaging-Recycling                      Composting and

     Figure 4. The EN Suite of standards supporting the European Parliament and Council Directive on Packaging
     and Packaging Waste [94/62/EC].
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                          Environmental – Attribute Indicators / Metrics


Packaging Weight and Optimization
Includes Primary, Secondary                     What to Measure
and Tertiary Packaging                          Packaging Weight: Determine the weight of
                                                packaging constituents, components or pack-
                                                aging systems which change hands in the pack-
The weight and identity of a packaging con-
                                                aging supply chain. As per EN13428 and/or ISO/
stituent, component or system which changes
                                                CD18602 (once finalized) determine and sub-
hands in the supply chain and demonstration
                                                stantiate the single performance criterion that
that the packaging has been optimized by
                                                prevents further reduction in quantity (weight
weight or volume in accordance with EN 13428
                                                or volume) of the materials used. Performance
or ISO/CD 18602, once finalized.
                                                criteria include: product protection, packaging
Metric                                          manufacturing process, packing/filling process,
Weight per packaging constituent, component     logistics, product presentation and marketing,
or system and demonstration of optimization     user/consumer acceptance, information, safety,
as described by EN 13428 or ISO/CD 18602 once   legislation and, other (specify).
finalized.                                      Communicating Packaging Weight Reduction:
Examples                                        Packaging weight reduction can be calculated
                                                as the difference between the immediate previ-
1. Proof of minimum adequate
                                                ous and present packaging design. For environ-
   packaging weight
                                                mental relevance, packaging weight reduction
   · (yes / no)
                                                should be communicated by material category.
2. Packaging weight                             In cases where a weight reduction is achieved
   · Kilograms / packaging constituent,         at the expense of a weight increase in another
     component, or system                       material category in the same packaging com-
                                                ponent or in another part of the packaging
                                                system, for example an increase of secondary
                                                packaging, this should be clearly communicat-
                                                ed and the increase quantified.

                                                What Not to Measure

     Packaging to Product Weight Ratio                   Material Waste
     Definition                                          Definition
     The ratio of the weight of all packaging mate-      The mass of material waste generated during
     rial used to the weight of the product or func-     the production and transport of packaging
     tional unit delivered.                              materials, packaging constituents, packaging
                                                         components or packaging systems.
     Weight of all packaging components used in          Metric
     the packaging system per functional unit.           Mass per packaging constituent, packaging
                                                         component, or packaging system.
       • Packaging weight (kg) / FU                      Examples
                                                           • Kilograms / FU
     What to Measure
     Calculate the total weight of the packaging         What to Measure
     components used in the packaging system ac-         Only measure material destined for landfill and
     cording to the protocol for Packaging Weight        final disposal. Measurement should include the
     and Optimization. Determine the ratio to the        scrap, unwanted surplus material, unwanted by-
     mass of product or amount of product service        products and broken, contaminated or otherwise
     delivered per functional unit. This measure-        spoiled material associated with the conversion
     ment should take all components in a packag-        of packaging materials into packaging compo-
     ing system into account in order to avoid hiding    nents, assembly of packaging components into
     the shifting of weight between packaging levels,    units of packaging, filling of packaging units and
     i.e., between primary, secondary and tertiary       the transport of packaging materials, packaging
     packaging. Comparisons of packaging to prod-        components, units of packaging or packaging
     uct weight ratios for an incomplete packaging       systems. Note that this is an operational param-
     system, i.e. primary or primary and secondary       eter which can be measured by any individual
     packaging is only justified if the packaging lev-   operator within the supply chain as a measure of
     els left out of scope remain identical.             operational efficiency. Such information can be
                                                         communicated between two parties in the sup-
     What Not to Measure
                                                         ply chain to demonstrate operational efficiency,
     N/A                                                 but the metric is not suitable, nor intended, to
                                                         be cumulated across the entire supply chain.

                                                         What Not to Measure
                                                         Do not report materials which are reused or
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                    Environmental – Attribute Indicators / Metrics


Recycled Content
The ratio of recycled material (post-consumer
and pre-consumer as defined by ISO 14021) to
total material used in packaging constituents,
packaging components, or packaging systems.

Percent recycled material of total quantity of
material used per packaging constituent, pack-
aging component or packaging system. Pre-
consumer and post-consumer recycled content
can be calculated separately to provide a great-
er level of detail

  • % recycled content / packaging constituent,
  component, or system

What to Measure
Measure post-consumer recycled material and
pre-consumer as per ISO 14021. For additional
guidance, refer to ISO 14021.

What Not to Measure

     Renewable Content
     Definition                                            • Material level: The renewable material con-
     The ratio of renewable material used to total           tent is the percentage of renewable mate-
     material used in packaging constituents, com-           rial of the total material used in packaging
     ponents, units of packaging or packaging sys-           constituents, components, units of packag-
     tems.                                                   ing or packaging systems.

     Note 1: Renewable material is material that is       • Carbon level: The renewable carbon content
     composed of biomass from a living source and           is the percentage of renewable carbon of
     that can be continually replenished. To be de-         the total carbon in packaging constituents,
     fined as renewable, virgin materials shall come          components, units of packaging or packag-
     from sources which are replenished at a rate             ing systems.
     equal to or greater than the rate of depletion.
     Biomass is defined as material of biological ori-
                                                           • The percent by weight on material level ac-
     gin excluding material embedded in geological
                                                             cording to the amendment to ISO 14021.
     formations or transformed to fossilized mate-
     rial and excluding peat. This includes organic        • The percent by weight on carbon level ac-
     material (both living and dead) from above              cording to ASTM D6866. This metric shall
     and below ground, e.g. trees, crops, grasses,           be applied when the source of the material
     tree litter, algae, animals and waste of biologi-       (renewable or non-renewable) is unknown.
     cal origin, e.g. manure.
     Note 2: the above definitions are taken from          • % of total material weight / packaging con-
     the text of the final draft amendment to ISO            stituent, component, or system
     14021 which is due for publication in the near
     future.                                               • % renewable carbon to total carbon / pack-
                                                             aging constituent, component, or system
     The renewable content can be defined on two
     levels:                                             What to Measure
                                                         Measure renewable content either as percent
                                                         by weight of total material used or as percent
                                                         renewable carbon of total carbon.

                                                         What Not to Measure
Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability 2.0
                                                                 Environmental – Attribute Indicators / Metrics


Chain of Custody                                     Assessment and Minimization of Sub-
Definition                                           stances Hazardous to the Environment
The linked set of organizations, from point of       Definition
harvest or extraction to point of purchase, that     Assessment and minimization of substances,
have held legal ownership or physical control        or mixtures, hazardous to the environment in
of raw materials or recycled materials, used         packaging constituents, components, or systems
in packaging constituents, packaging compo-          that are at risk of entering the environment.
nents, or packaging systems.
Metric                                               Meeting the requirements of EN 13428 or ISO
Unknown, known or sourced-certified.                 18602 (when published) on heavy metals and
                                                     dangerous/hazardous substances.
N/A                                                  Examples
                                                     Statement that the relevant requirements of
What to Measure
                                                     the standard have been met.
Chain of custody is measured in order to en-
sure reliability, performance and transparency       What to Measure
in the supply chain. The chain of custody will       The assessment should include substances classi-
be deemed “known” if each party in the sup-          fied as presenting an environmental hazard ac-
ply chain is under contractual obligation and is     cording to the UN Globally Harmonized System
able to disclose proof of their material source(s)   for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
through purchasing agreements, inventory             and its amendments and meeting the criteria
records, etc. For additional guidance, refer to      of labelling with the environmental hazard
any relevant source certification system pro-        pictogram. Or for those following EN13428, EU
tocols, such as the Forest Stewardship Council       substances included in the EU “N” List. For ad-
(FSC) guidelines, Sustainable Forestry Initiative    ditional guidance, refer to standards ISO 18602
(SFI) and Programme for Endorsement of Forest        (currently a CD), EN 13427:2004, EN 13428:2004;
Certification (PEFC). Although at this time cer-     CEN CR 13695-1:2004 and CEN CR 13695-2:2004
tification schemes exist primarily for forestry,     and any other relevant legal lists that apply to
this metric can apply to any raw material used       any specific region.
for packaging. Several initiatives are underway
                                                     What Not to Measure
to establish chain of custody systems for other
materials.                                           Substances or mixtures used within the manu-
                                                     facturing or converting process but not present
What not to Measure                                  in packaging.

     Production Sites Located in Areas with                             Packaging Reuse Rate
     Conditions of Water Stress or Scarcity                             Definition
     Definition                                                         The number of times packaging accomplishes the
     The number of facilities involved with the                         same use, rotation or trip for which it was conceived
     production of packaging materials (including                       and designed within its life cycle. Demonstration of
     recycled materials), packaging constituents,                       reusability must first be established in accordance
     packaging components or units of packaging                         with EN 13429 or ISO/CD18603 once final.
     and/or filling and sealing of units of packaging
     that operate in areas identified as stressed or
     scarce fresh water resource area.                                     • Reusable – Yes or No according to EN 13429
                                                                             or ISO/CD 18603
                                                                           • Rate expressed as number of cycles and ei-
          • Number (or percent of facilities owned by a
                                                                             ther the top-up or loss rate in steady-state
            single operator) located in an area identified
                                                                             operation of reuse scheme.
            as a stressed or scare water resource area.
            The approach or tool used to determine wa-                  Example
            ter stress or scarcity should be identified.                   • Yes or No
     Examples                                                              • Reuse rate
                                                                           • Number of cycles prior to withdrawal
     Single sites: Yes, no, not applicable
                                                                             for recovery
     Multiple sites: Yes (percent of facilities in said                    • % loss per cycle of re-use
     areas), no, not applicable                                            • % top up rate

     What to Measure                                                    What to Measure
     Use the Global Water Tool5 or ETH Water                            Determine if packaging conforms to definition
     Scarcity Index6 to identify if a site involved in                  of reusability per EN 13429 and ISO/CD 18603.
     the production of packaging materials (includ-                     If packaging is deemed reusable per referenced
     ing recycled materials) packaging components                       standards and guidelines, include all reused pack-
     or units of packaging and/or filling and seal-                     aging components or packaging units. This metric
     ing of units is located in an area of stressed or                  can be used for primary, secondary and tertiary
     scarce water resources in terms of fresh water                     packaging. In cases where several packaging lev-
     consumption versus fresh water availability.                       els are being reused, their individual rates should
                                                                        be reported separately and not be cumulated.
     What Not to Measure
     Do not measure or report plants which do not                       What Not to Measure
     use water in the manufacturing process.                            N/A

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