Global Dairy UPDATE - Amazon AWS

Page created by Samuel Norman
Global Dairy UPDATE - Amazon AWS
JULY 2020

Global Dairy
Our Markets                                                      Our Performance

              • Beginning of 2020/21 season in New Zealand.      • The Co-operative Difference payment.
                Australia nears end of season on improved
                monthly production. EU monthly production
                slows, US improves.

              • New Zealand and Australia monthly exports
                decline and monthly increase from US and EU.

                                                                 Our Co-op
              • Latin America, Asia and Middle East and Africa
                imports show strong decline. China monthly       • Doing our bit to support New Zealand’s small and
                imports improve.                                   medium‑sized businesses.

              • Fonterra’s New Zealand milk collection for
                the first month of the 2020/21 season was
                14.7 million kgMS, less than 1% of the full
                season forecast.
              • Fonterra's Australia milk collection reached
                107.8 million kgMS for the full 2019/20 season
                to 30 June 2020.

Key Dates
31 July 2020                     21 September 2020               20 April 2021
End of Financial Year 2020       FY20 Annual Results             Compliance Date for
                                 Announcement                    2020/21 Season

Global Dairy UPDATE - Amazon AWS
Global Production

                                                  Beginning of 2020/21
                                                  season in New Zealand.
                                                  Australia nears end of
                                                  season on improved
                                                  monthly production. EU
                                                  monthly production slows,
To view a chart that
illustrates year-on-year
changes in production –

      CLICK HERE                                  US improves
NEW ZEALAND                                       AUSTRALIA                                  EUROPEAN UNION/UK               USA

  2.0 %
   Change for June 2020
                                                    6.0 %
                                                    Change for May 2020
                                                                                                 Change for May 2020
                                                                                                                               0.5 %
                                                                                                                               Change for June 2020
   compared to June 2019                            compared to May 2019                         compared to May 2019          compared to June 2019

   Change for the 12 months
                                                    1.1            %
                                                    Change for the 12 months
                                                                                                 Change for the 12 months
                                                                                                                               1.3 %
                                                                                                                               Change for the 12 months
   to June 2020                                     to May 2020                                  to May 2020                   to June 2020

New Zealand milk                                  Australia milk                             EU (including UK) milk          US milk production
production¹ increased                             production increased 6.0%                  production decreased by         increased by 0.5% in June,
2.0% on a litres basis in June                    in May compared to May                     0.3% in May compared to         compared to the same
compared to June last year.                       last year.                                 the same period last year.      period last year.
June typically represents                         Improving seasonal                         The main regions showing        US milk production improved
around 1% of the season's                         conditions stabilised                      a decline in production         year-on-year in June
production.                                       production in the second                   were Italy (down 7.5%),         following May’s slow-down
A warm start to winter                            half of the 2019/20 season                 France (2.0%) and the UK        due to production restriction
and significant rainfall for                      and improved the outlook for               (1.0%). Partially offsetting    programmes put in place.
many parts of the country                         the 2020/21 season.                        this decline were increased
                                                                                                                             Milk production for the 12
have seen favourable                              Production for the 12 months               volumes in Ireland (up 3.5%)
                                                                                                                             months to June was 1.3%
conditions for the start of the                   to May was down 1.1% on the                and Poland (1.8%).
                                                                                                                             higher compared to the
new season.                                       previous 12 months.
                                                                                             The decline is likely related   same period last year.
New Zealand milk                                  Dairy Australia has                        to the slow-down in
production for the 12 months                      moderated its milk                         foodservice and tourism-
to June was 0.5% lower than                       production outlook for                     related consumption.
last year.                                        2019/20 upwards to a drop
                                                  of just 1-3% on last year.                 EU milk production for the
Fonterra collections are                                                                     12 months to May was up by
                                                  Fonterra collections in
reported for June, see page 5                                                                0.9% compared to the same
                                                  Australia are reported for June,
for details.                                                                                 period last year.
                                                  see page 5 for details.
1 New Zealand production is measured in litres.
Note: 2020 production numbers include one extra day of production in February as 2020 is a leap year.

Global Dairy UPDATE - Amazon AWS
Global Exports

                                  New Zealand and Australia
                                  monthly exports decline and
                                  monthly increase from US
                                  and EU
To view a chart that
illustrates year-on-year
changes in exports –


NEW ZEALAND                       AUSTRALIA                       EUROPEAN UNION/UK                 USA

  Change for May 2020
                                    Change for May 2020
                                                                    Change for April 2020
                                                                                                      Change for May 2020
  compared to May 2019              compared to May 2019            compared to April 2019            compared to May 2019

  Change for the 12 months
                                    Change for the 12 months
                                                                     Change for the 12 months
                                                                                                      Change for the 12 months
  to May 2020                       to May 2020                      to April 2020                    to May 2020

Total New Zealand                 Australia dairy exports         EU (including UK) dairy           US dairy exports
dairy exports decreased           decreased by 18.4%, or          exports increased by              increased 14.7%, or 29,809 MT,
by 7.6%, or 21,733 MT, in         12,455 MT, in May compared      7.0%, or 35,526 MT, in April      in May compared to the same
May compared to the same          to the same period last year.   compared to the same              period last year.
period last year.                 This was primarily driven by    period last year.                 May export volumes were
                                  fluid milk products, infant                                       driven by record volumes of
This was primarily driven by                                      This was mainly driven by
                                  formula and WMP, down a                                           SMP to SE Asia, MENA and
lower volumes of WMP to                                           increases in whey to China
                                  combined 10,792 MT.                                               China (up 15,596 MT), higher
China and Bangladesh, down                                        and SE Asia, butter to US
6,944 MT, butter to China,        Exports for the 12 months       and MENA, lactose to China        exports of lactose to SE Asia
down 6,293 MT, MPC to the         to May were down 8.9%, or       and WMP to Oman, up a             and China (up 5,682 MT) and
US, down 3,600 MT, but            70,244 MT, on the previous      combined 33,835 MT. SMP           higher volume of whey to
partially offset by an increase   comparable period.              and fluid milk products           China (up 4,815 MT).
in SMP, up 6,279 MT.                                              partially offset this increase,   Exports for the 12 months to
                                  Declines were recorded
                                                                  down 9,963 MT.                    May 2020 were up 4.4%, or
Exports for the 12 months to      across a broad range of
                                                                                                    100,698 MT on the previous
May were down by 2.7%, or         products with SMP, infant       Exports for the 12 months
                                                                                                    comparable period, driven by
34,427 MT, on the previous        formula, whey, cheese, butter   to April were up 5.4%, or
                                                                                                    SMP and WPC and lactose, up
comparable period. This was       and WMP down 82,244 MT          301,234 MT, on the previous
                                                                                                    a combined 131,966 MT, and
primarily driven by butter,       and partially offset by fluid   comparable period. Butter,
                                                                                                    partially offset by decreases in
WMP and AMF.                      milk products, up 17,868 MT.    cheese and fluid milk
                                                                                                    whey, down 23,078 MT.
                                                                  products were the main
                                                                  drivers of this growth, up a
                                                                  combined 223,238 MT.

Global Imports

                                                Latin America, Asia and
                                                Middle East and Africa
                                                imports show strong
                                                decline. China monthly
To view a chart that
illustrates year-on-year
                                                imports improve
changes in imports –


LATIN AMERICA                                   ASIA                             MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA            CHINA

   Change for April 2020
                                                   Change for April 2020
                                                                                   Change for April 2020
                                                                                                                   Change for May 2020
   compared to April 2019                          compared to April 2019          compared to April 2019          compared to May 2019

   Change for the 12 months
                                                   Change for the 12 months
                                                                                   4.3 %
                                                                                    Change for the 12 months
                                                                                                                   Change for the 12 months
   to April 2020                                   to April 2020                    to April 2020                  to May 2020

Latin America dairy                             Asia (excluding China)           Middle East and Africa          China dairy import
import volumes¹ decreased                       dairy import volumes¹            dairy import volumes¹           volumes increased by
12.0%, or 18,444MT, in April                    decreased 14.7%, or              decreased 7.1%, or 28,223 MT,   3.2%, or 7,818 MT, in May
compared to the same period                     65,235 MT, in April compared     in April 2020 compared to       compared to the same
last year. This was driven by                   to the same period last year.    the same period last year.      period last year.
continued lower volumes of                      Decreases were recorded          Decreases were recorded
                                                                                                                 The increase was the result
SMP and cheese to Mexico,                       primarily in WMP to SE Asia,     principally in butter to Iran
                                                                                                                 of higher volumes of whey,
and butter to Chile, down a                     SMP and fluid milk products      and Turkey and fluid milk
                                                                                                                 WMP, and lactose, up a
combined 18,583 MT.                             to the Philippines, and cheese   product to Libya, down
                                                                                                                 combined 31,351 MT, and
                                                to Japan, down a combined        a combined 42,881 MT,
Imports for the 12 months to                                                                                     partially offset by a decrease
                                                57,385 MT.                       and partially offset by
April 2020 were down 2.7%,                                                                                       in fluid milk products of
                                                Imports for the 12 months        increased volumes of SMP of
or 52,602 MT, compared                                                                                           14,084 MT.
                                                to April were down 5.0%, or      19,064 MT.
to the same period the
                                                247,484 MT, compared to the                                      Imports for the 12 months to
previous year.                                                                   Imports for the 12 months to
                                                same period the previous year.                                   May were up 6.2%, driven by
                                                                                 April 2020 were down 4.3%,
Decreases were driven                                                                                            fluid milk products and WMP.
                                                Decreases were recorded          or 177,507 MT, compared
primarily by infant formula,
                                                across SMP, WMP, fluid           to the same period last
WMP, SMP and whey, down
                                                products, and infant formula,    year. This was driven by
a combined 74,096 MT but
                                                down a combined 249,582 MT.      large decreases in fluid
largely offset by increases in
                                                                                 milk products, cheese and
WPC, up 18,916 MT.
                                                                                 butter, down a combined
                                                                                 186,532 MT.

1 Estimates are included for those countries that have not reported data.

Fonterra Milk Collection

                                  New Zealand Milk Collection

                                  VOLUME (M LITRES/DAY)       75




To view a table that shows our
detailed milk collection in New
Zealand and Australia compared
                                                                   JUN        JUL   AUG    SEP      OCT         NOV        DEC   JAN    FEB      MAR       APR       MAY
to the previous season –
                                                                         2020/21      2019/20         2018/19


NEW ZEALAND                       NORTH ISLAND                                                   SOUTH ISLAND                          AUSTRALIA

  Change for June 2020
                                                          Change for June 2020
                                                                                                   Change for June 2020
                                                                                                                                        2.0 %
                                                                                                                                         Change for June 2020
  compared to June 2019                                   compared to June 2019                    compared to June 2019                 compared to June 2019

  Season to date
                                                          Season to date
                                                                                                   16.0 %
                                                                                                   Season to date
                                                                                                                                         For the 2019/20 season
  1 June to 30 June                                       1 June to 30 June                        1 June to 30 June                     compared to the previous season

Fonterra's New Zealand            North Island milk collection                                   South Island milk collection          Fonterra's Australia
collection for the first month    in June was 11 million kgMS,                                   in June was 3.8 million kgMS,         collection in June was
of the 2020/21 season was         down 1.2% on June last season.                                 up 16.0% on June last season.         6.8 million kgMS, a 2.0%
14.7 million kgMS, ahead          Effects of the drought have                                    The South Island saw a strong         decrease on June last year.
2.7% on the same month            begun to ease with some                                        start to the season, with milk        Full season collections reached
last season. This represents      meaningful rainfall during May                                 production well up on the             107.8 million kgMS, down 11.8%
less than 1% of the full          and June.                                                      same month last year, even            on the same period last season.
season forecast.                                                                                 allowing for the small volumes        Volumes have been impacted by
A relatively mild June                                                                           expected at this time of              a combination of drought, high
across much of the country                                                                       the season.                           on-farm input costs in the first
allowed some pastures to                                                                                                               half and the highly competitive
partially recover.                                                                                                                     milk supply market, with losses
                                                                                                                                       primarily to milk brokers.
                                                                                                                                       Fonterra also made a conscious
                                                                                                                                       decision to purchase less
                                                                                                                                       third‑party milk to focus on a
                                                                                                                                       value-add product mix.
                                                                                                                                       Good autumn conditions for
                                                                                                                                       much of Australia and across
                                                                                                                                       key dairy regions in Victoria and
                                                                                                                                       Tasmania have improved milk
                                                                                                                                       production for the 2019/20
                                                                                                                                       season and the outlook for

Fonterra Global Dairy Trade Results

Fonterra GDT results at
last trading event
21 July 2020:
                                      0.2%                                          USD
                                                                                               3,233                            23.3000’ MT
                                      Change in Fonterra’s                               Fonterra’s weighted                    Fonterra product quantity
                                      weighted average product                           average product price                  sold on GDT
                                      price from previous event                          (USD/MT)

                                 CHEDDAR                                            WMP                                        SMP

                                 USD 3,803/MT
                                                                                    USD 3,218/MT
                                                                                                                               USD 2,697/MT

                                 AMF                                                BUTTER

                                 USD 3,870/MT
                                                                                    USD 3,533/MT

Fonterra GDT sales                                                                  LATEST AUCTION                             FINANCIAL
by destination:                                                                                                                YEAR‑TO‑DATE

                                           NORTH ASIA (INCLUDING CHINA)

                                           SOUTH EAST ASIA

To view more information,                  MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA                               23,295                                   688,164
including a snapshot of the                                                                         MT                                      MT
                                           LATIN AMERICA
rolling year-to-date results –


  The next trading event will be held on 4 August 2020. Visit for more information.

Dairy commodity
                                                1,100                                                                                                 0.72
prices and New
Zealand dollar trend
                                                1,025                                                                                                 0.68
Financial markets are steady
                                  PRICE INDEX

                                                                                                                                                              NZD / USD

as they weigh the dichotomy
                                                 950                                                                                                  0.64
between improving economic
performances post-lockdowns,
and an increasingly worrying                     875                                                                                                  0.60
picture of global health
outcomes as COVID-19
                                                 800                                                                                                   0.56
spreads further. The NZD                           JUL 18     SEP 18   DEC 18   FEB 19     MAY 19   JUL 19   OCT 19   DEC 19    FEB 20   MAY 20   JUL 20
continues to find relative                                  GDT PRICE INDEX      NZD/USD SPOT RATE
stability around 66 US cents.

Our Performance

The Co-operative Difference Payment
Fonterra farmers producing         that’s paid,” says Fonterra      for any changes needed in         their local environment and
sustainable, high quality          CEO Miles Hurrell.               the future.                       waterways to make their
milk will be eligible for a                                                                           farms sustainable for the
                                   “We’ve always paid our           The payment will replace the
new payment, as Fonterra                                                                              future. It’s great to see these
                                   farmers based on the value       Farm Source Reward Dollars
announces important                                                                                   farmers distinguished and
                                   that milk provides to the        farmers currently earn
changes to the way it pays                                                                            rewarded for their efforts
                                   Co-operative. The reality is     through The Co-operative
farmers for their milk.                                                                               to produce and deliver
                                   that the drivers of value are    Difference and will work on
                                                                                                      a product that Fonterra
From 1 June 2021, Fonterra is      changing, and we need to         a tiered system. The more
                                                                                                      can capture the highest
introducing a Co-operative         reflect that. Our customers      a farmer achieves in The
                                                                                                      value from. Through The
Difference payment of up           want to know that the            Co-operative Difference
                                                                                                      Co‑operative Difference,
to 10 cents per kilogram           products they are buying         programme, the higher
                                                                                                      we can get better, together,”
of milk solids (kgMS) if the       are not only safe, but also      the payment will be. The
                                                                                                      says Northland dairy farmer
farm meets the Co-op’s             produced sustainably.            precise payment structure
                                                                                                      Terence Brocx.
on-farm sustainability and                                          will be confirmed over the
                                   “This payment helps us meet
value targets. It’s part of                                         next few months following         “We’ve created this with
                                   the changing needs of our
the Co-op’s strategy to add                                         discussions with farmers          our Co-operative principles
                                   customers, so they continue
value to New Zealand milk                                           but will be no more than          in mind. All farmers
                                   to choose our milk and enjoy
and responds to increasing                                          10 cents per kgMS.                can participate in The
                                   dairy as a sustainable and
demand from customers                                                                                 Co‑operative Difference and
                                   nutritious choice.               Nestlé’s Robert Erhard
here and around the world                                                                             we’ll keep supporting them
                                                                    says, “At Nestlé, how milk
for sustainably-produced           “We want to deliver the                                            through Farm Source,” says
                                                                    is produced matters. Now
dairy. The payment will be         innovation, sustainability and                                     Mr Hurrell.
                                                                    more than ever, people
funded out of the Farmgate         efficiency needed to make
                                                                    expect farmers to act as          “We want farmers looking
Milk Price.                        the most difference to our
                                                                    good stewards of the land         to the future, and The
                                   strategy and our bottom line.
“The total Farmgate Milk                                            – safeguarding the climate,       Co-operative Difference
                                   It makes sense to financially
Price will remain the same                                          enhancing animal welfare          encourages them to
                                   reward those farmers who
across the Co-operative,                                            and carefully managing            continue to focus on the
                                   go the extra mile to help our
but the amount that each                                            water and the health of soils.”   things that will create the
                                   Co-op differentiate its milk.”
individual farm is paid will                                                                          highest value milk. This
                                                                    “Farmers put in a lot of
vary depending on their            Last year Fonterra launched                                        helps us create higher value
                                                                    effort to produce the best
contribution under The             The Co-operative Difference                                        products that stand out
                                                                    quality milk possible. Over
Co-operative Difference,           – a straight-forward                                               in the global market for
                                                                    recent years, large numbers
in addition to the other           framework to help farmers                                          their New Zealand-ness
                                                                    of farmers have spent a
variables, like fat and protein,   produce high-quality,                                              and the sustainable way
                                                                    significant amount of time
which affect the amount            sustainable milk and prepare                                       they’re produced.”
                                                                    and money to improve

Our Co-op

Doing our bit to support   As a Co-operative owned
New Zealand’s small        by 10,000 farming families,
                           Fonterra recognises the
and medium-sized           enormous contribution
businesses                 small and medium-sized
                           businesses make to
                           New Zealand’s economy
                           and it’s important the
                           Co-op plays its part in
                           supporting the country’s
                           economic recovery.
                           Since March, when
                           New Zealand first started
                           dealing with COVID-19,
                           Fonterra has been looking at      New Zealand vendors who         invoices, and invoices need
                           ways to support employees,        Fonterra spends up to           to be checked in a timely
                           farmers and communities           $300,000 per annum with,        manner to ensure they
                           through the pandemic and          and who have fewer than         match the services delivered.
                           its after-effects.                50 employees, are eligible.
                                                                                             The Co-op has already been
                                                             That represents 86% of all
                           One of the ways Fonterra                                          working with vendors to
                                                             the Co-op’s New Zealand
                           could help was by paying                                          ensure their invoices are
                                                             suppliers and the goal is
                           its 3,000 small and                                               right first time by providing
                                                             to pay 95% of eligible SME
                           medium‑sized vendors                                              practical tips on what is
                                                             invoices within ten days of
                           more quickly and, as of                                           required. It has also been
                                                             receiving them.
                           1 July 2020, the Co-op                                            impressing on its team
                           accelerated payments to           Fonterra’s able to do this      the importance of prompt
                           eligible businesses so they’re    because of a significant        processing of invoices and
                           paid within 10 days from the      overhaul of its vendor          the flow-on effect this has
                           receipt of invoice. Previously,   payment system in the last      for vendors.
                           small to medium-sized             few years, which has seen
                                                                                             The Co-op moved fast
                           enterprises (SMEs) were paid      all vendors moved onto
                                                                                             to accelerate payments
                           on the 20th of the month          electronic invoicing and
                                                                                             to better serve business-
                           following the invoice date.       encouraging them to use
                                                                                             owners and New Zealand’s
                                                             a NZ Business Number.
                           Fonterra knows that getting                                       economy. It demonstrates
                                                             This has improved invoice
                           paid quickly helps cashflow                                       Fonterra’s commitment
                                                             accuracy in the Co-op’s
                           and keeps businesses                                              to working with and
                                                             system which enables
                           running smoothly and this                                         supporting New Zealand’s
                                                             those businesses to be paid
                           is a small but important way                                      local communities, not
                                                             on time.
                           the Co-op can support the                                         only during COVID-19,
                           country’s economic recovery.      There are quite a few things    but beyond.
                           It also demonstrates              that have to be in place to
                           Fonterra’s commitment to          ensure invoices are paid
                           supporting New Zealand’s          quickly. For example, vendors
                           regional communities.             need to submit correct

Supplementary Information

Global Dairy Market              PRODUCTION
The charts on the right                                   1,000
illustrate the year-on-year
changes in imports, exports                                800
and production for a range of
                                 LIQUID MILK (M LITRES)

countries that are important                               600
players in global dairy trade.
The absolute size of
the bars represents the                                    200
change in imports, exports
or production, relative                                      0
to the same period the
previous year.                                            -200
                                                                  JUL 19   AUG 19    SEP 19   OCT 19   NOV 19   DEC 19   JAN 20   FEB 20   MAR 20    APR 20   MAY 20    JUN 20
Averages are shown where
                                                                     NEW ZEALAND                EU27            UNITED STATES          AUSTRALIA               AVERAGE
data is complete for the
regions presented.               NOTE: Data for EU and Australia to May; New Zealand and US to June.

 BACK TO SUMMARY                 EXPORTS


                                 MT (000s)



                                                                  JUN 19    JUL 19   AUG 19   SEP 19   OCT 19   NOV 19   DEC 19   JAN 20   FEB 20    MAR 20   APR 20    MAY 20

                                                                     NEW ZEALAND                EU27            UNITED STATES          AUSTRALIA               AVERAGE
 BACK TO SUMMARY                 NOTE: Data for EU to April; New Zealand, Australia and US to May.



                                 MT (000s)





                                                                  JUN 19    JUL 19   AUG 19   SEP 19   OCT 19   NOV 19   DEC 19   JAN 20    FEB 20   MAR 20   APR 20    MAY 20

                                                                     ASIA               CHINA             MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA             LATIN AMERICA               AVERAGE

                                 NOTE: Data for Asia, Middle East & Africa and Latin America to April; China to May.
                                 SOURCE: Government milk production statistics/GTIS trade data/Fonterra analysis.

Supplementary Information

Fonterra milk                   MILK COLLECTION                                              JUNE         JUNE MONTHLY           SEASON-       SEASON-     SEASON-
                                (MILLION KGMS)                                               2020          2019 CHANGE           TO-DATE       TO-DATE     TO-DATE
production                                                                                                                        2020/21       2019/20    CHANGE
The table on the right
                                Total Fonterra                                               14.8         14.4        2.7%             14.8        14.4       2.7%
shows Fonterra milk solids
                                New Zealand
collected in New Zealand
and Australia compared          North Island                                                  11.0          11.1     (1.2%)            11.0         11.1     (1.2%)
to the previous season.
                                South Island                                                  3.8          3.3       16.0%              3.8         3.3      16.0%
                                MILK COLLECTION                                             JUNE         JUNE MONTHLY           SEASON-       SEASON-      SEASON-
                                (MILLION KGMS)                                              2020          2019 CHANGE           TO-DATE       TO-DATE      TO-DATE
                                                                                                                                 2019/20       2018/19     CHANGE

                                Fonterra Australia                                            6.8          7.0      (2.0%)            107.8       122.2     (11.8%)

Fonterra GDT results                                                                                       LAST TRADING EVENT                        YEAR-TO-DATE
                                                                                                                  (21 JULY 2020)              (FROM 1 AUGUST 2019)
This table provides more
information on the latest       Quantity Sold on GDT                                                                      23,295                            688,164
results, including a snapshot   (Winning MT)
of the year-to-date results.
                                Change in Quantity Sold on GDT                                                            (2.9%)                               1.8%
                                over same period last year
                                Weighted Average Product Price                                                                3,233                           3,269
                                Change in Weighted Average                                                                (6.3%)                               5.1%
                                Product Price over same period
                                last year
                                Change in Weighted Average                                                                (0.2%)                                       –
                                Product Price from previous event

Fonterra GDT results                                              4,000                                                                                    45,000
                                WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICE (USD/MT)

This chart shows Fonterra
GDT prices and volumes over                                       3,700                                                                                    38,000
                                                                                                                                                                    QUANTITY SOLD ( MT)

the past 12 months.
                                                                  3,400                                                                                    31,000

                                                                  3,100                                                                                    24,000

 BACK TO SUMMARY                                                  2,800                                                                                    17,000

                                                                  2,500                                                                                  10,000
                                                                      JUL 19 AUG 19 SEP 19 OCT 19 NOV 19 DEC 19 JAN 20 FEB 20 MAR 20 APR 20 MAY 20 JUN 20
                                                                            WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICE     QUANTITY SOLD


AMF                              kgMS                           Season
Anhydrous Milk Fat.              Kilogram of milk solids, the   New Zealand: A period
                                 measure of the amount of       of 12 months to 31 May
BMP                              fat and protein in the milk    in each year.
Butter Milk Powder.              supplied to Fonterra.
                                                                Australia: A period of
DIRA                             MENA                           12 months to 30 June
                                                                in each year.
Dairy Industry Restructuring     Middle East – North Africa.
Act 2001 (New Zealand).
                                 MPC                            SMP
Farmgate Milk Price                                             Skim Milk Powder.
                                 Milk Protein Concentrate.
The price for milk supplied in                                  WMP
New Zealand to Fonterra by       Non-Reference Products
                                                                Whole Milk Powder.
farmer shareholders.             All dairy products, except
                                 for Reference Products,        WPC
Fluid Products                   produced by the NZ
                                                                Whey Protein Concentrate
The Fonterra grouping            Ingredients business.
of fluid milk products
(skim milk, whole milk           Reference Products
and cream – pasteurised          The dairy products used
or UHT processed),               in the calculation of the
concentrated milk products       Farmgate Milk Price, which
(evaporated milk and             are currently WMP, SMP,
sweetened condensed milk)        BMP, butter and AMF.
and yoghurt.
Global Dairy Trade, the
online provider of the twice
monthly global auctions of
dairy ingredients.

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