Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021

Page created by Tiffany Bowman
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
Global Accountants’
Liability Update
October 2021
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
Contents                                          The Netherlands
                                                                     Recent Court Decisions
                                                                     The evaporation of deductible losses: Accountant’s professional error,
                                                                     but client also to blame

                                                                     United States
                                                                     Recent Court Decisions
                                                                     Deloitte settles data breach class action for $4.95 million
                                                                     Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decision
                                                                     PCAOB adopts               PCAOB sanctions             PCAOB sanctions
                                                                     framework to               Deloitte Canada for         KPMG Australia for
                                                                     determine whether it       quality control failures    quality control failures
                                                                     is unable to inspect                                   related to testing
                                                                     foreign auditors

Our global team of securities and professional liability lawyers
at Hogan Lovells is uniquely positioned to monitor legal             Hong Kong
developments across the globe that impact accountants’               Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
liability risk. We have experienced lawyers on five continents       FRC completes investigation on material misstatement by an auditor
ready to meet the complex needs of today’s largest accounting        of a listed entity
firms as they navigate the extensive rules, regulations, and case
law that shape their profession. We recently identified
developments of interest in The Netherlands, the United              Italy
States, Hong Kong, Italy, and Spain which are summarized in          Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                                                                     New voluntary procedure for             Procedure for the adoption
the pages that follow.                                               companies under financial               of administrative sanctions
                                                                     distress and postponement of            by the Ministry of Economy
                                                                     the entry into force of the new         and Finance
                                                                     bankruptcy law

                                                                     Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                                                                     New regulation increases auditors’ obligation to guarantee
                                                                     liability judgments
George A. Salter                    Dennis H. Tracey, III
Partner, New York                   Partner, New York
T +1 212 918 3521                   T +1 212 918 9524

                                                                     Our Global Accountants’ Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
The Netherlands
                          Recent Court Decisions
                          The evaporation of deductible losses: Accountant’s professional error,
                          but client also to blame
                          Introduction and facts                        the opinion that the remaining deductible
                                                                        losses from 2009 had already evaporated
                          A company that specialized in the design
                                                                        as of 1 January 2016. The Accountants
                          and production of optical instruments
                                                                        unsuccessfully objected to this assessment.
                          (hereafter: the Company) hired an
                          accounting firm and a tax consultancy
                                                                        The claim and decision of the court
                          firm (hereinafter: the Accountants) to
                          prepare its annual accounts between 2010      The Company claimed the Accountants are
                          and 2016 and tax returns between 2010         (jointly and severally) liable for the damage
                          and 2017. In doing so, the Accountants        suffered by the Company. According to the
                          advised the Company to exercise the right     Company, the Accountants failed to comply
                          of option to set-off losses (keuzerecht       with their obligations arising from the
The Netherlands           verliesverrekening) (hereinafter: the         agreement entered into with the Company,
                          Right of Option).                             or they breached their duty of care towards
                                                                        the Company.
                          The Right of Option was introduced in
                          2010 and provides that the loss carry-back    Specifically, the Company asserted that the
United States
                          (achterwaartse verliesverrekening) can        evaporation of the deductible losses could
                          be extended by two years, with a maximum      have been prevented if the Accountants
                          of three years. In exchange the loss carry-   had warned the Company in time for it to
Hong Kong                 forward (voorwaartse verliesverrekening)      set up a sale and leaseback transaction to
                          is reduced by three years (from nine to       prevent the evaporation of the deductible
                          six years).                                   losses. The Accountants countered that the
                                                                        Company would not have been able to set
                          In the annual accounts for 2010 to 2016
Italy                                                                   up a sale and leaseback transaction quickly
                          and the tax returns for 2010 to 2017, the
                                                                        enough to avoid all damages.
                          Accountants incorrectly assumed that a
                          loss carry-forward of nine years was still    Not in dispute between the parties is the
                          possible even with the extended loss carry-   fact that the Accountants consistently used
Spain                                                                   an incorrect loss carry-forward period
                          back. In 2017, the Tax Authorities imposed
                          a final corporate income tax assessment       of nine years. The court ruled that the
                          for 2015 on the Company. This assessment      Accountants did not act as a reasonably
Our Global Accountants’   showed that the tax authorities were of       competent and reasonably acting
Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
professional and thus did not exercise the        least to ask questions of the Accountants
                          care of a good contractor. By virtue of these     if it had the impression that the Right of
                          failures, the Accountants have imputably          Option had not been correctly incorporated
                          failed towards the Company to comply with         into the annual accounts. After all, this is
                          the letter of engagement between                  the kind of information on which strategic
                          the parties.                                      choices must be based; the necessary
                                                                            knowledge and skills - also of non-tax
                          Although the court ruled that the
                                                                            specialists - may be expected in a board of a
                          Accountants had failed to fulfill their
                                                                            large company.
                          obligations, the court is of the opinion
                          that the Company is also to blame. The            Against this background the court ruled
                          Company should not have (blindly) relied          that the Company should not have blindly
                          on the Accountants, but in this case also         trusted the Accountants. In light of the
                          had its own duty to pay attention and to          foregoing, the court attributed half of the
                          investigate. The Company knew that in             damage suffered to the Company.
                          view of its difficult financial and economic
                          situation, a different arrangement with
                                                                            Next steps
                          regard to the loss set-off would be applied
                          for the first time as of 2009. In view of         In order to establish the causal link
                          this, the Company was expected to have            between the error and the alleged damage
The Netherlands           carefully checked the first subsequent            and the amount of damages suffered, an
                          annual accounts (and to some extent the           expert opinion is ordered. An expert may
                          successive annual accounts) for the correct       now consider, among other things, whether
                          application of the Right of Option. The           it is likely (if possible, expressed as a
United States             Right of Option is not a difficult deductible     percentage) that the Company could have
                          item that can only be understood by               set up a transaction in 2015 to prevent or
                          those with in-depth tax knowledge,                limit the evaporation of losses as of 2016
                          after consulting detailed accounting              and what benefits this would have brought
Hong Kong                                                                   the Company.
                          documents. A large professional company
                          such as the Company is expected to have
                          the knowledge required to assess the
Italy                     application of The Right of Option, or at

                                        Manon Cordewener                                  Jessica Booij
                                        Partner, Amsterdam                                Associate, Amsterdam
Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
United States
                          Recent Court Decisions
                          Deloitte settles data breach class action for $4.95 million
                          Plaintiffs, who were residents of Illinois,       Claimants will receive $20 per hour for
                          Colorado, and Ohio, alleged that their            all the time they spent dealing with the
                          personal information located on state             data breach, as long as they are able to
                          employment agency websites was left               adequately demonstrate that the time in
                          vulnerable after the sites were hacked. The       question was spent doing activities related
                          class, which was comprised of more than           to the breach.
                          237,000 individuals, specifically claimed
                                                                            The court preliminarily approved
                          that Deloitte did not use reasonable data
                                                                            the settlement that the parties
                          security measures while designing and
                                                                            proposed, though the judge did strike
                          maintaining states’ employment agency
                                                                            language imposing additional objection
                          websites where people could apply for
                                                                            requirements on settlement class members
                          benefits from the Pandemic Unemployment
                                                                            who were represented by counsel seeking
                          Assistance Program.
The Netherlands                                                             fees from non-settlement class members.
                          The settlement created a $4.95 million            The court found that such a requirement
                          non-revisionary settlement fund meant to          could act as a deterrent for certain class
                          compensate plaintiffs, pay attorneys’ fees        members who wanted to make an objection
United States             (1/3 of the total fund), and cover service        in good faith.
                          awards for the class representatives.

Hong Kong                 Contacts:

                                       George A. Salter                                     Dennis H. Tracey, III
                                       Partner, New York                                    Partner, New York

Spain                                                                                       Sam Dougherty
                                       Jonathan G. Coppola
                                       Associate, New York                                  Associate, New York
                                       jonathan.coppola@​                   sam.dougherty@​
Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                          PCAOB adopts framework to determine whether it is unable to inspect
                          foreign auditors
                          The PCAOB took the first step toward           position will impair (1) its ability to select
                          implementing the Holding Foreign               engagements, audit areas, and potential
                          Companies Accountable Act (HFCAA) by           violations to review or investigate, (2) its
                          adopting PCAOB Rule 6100 on September          timely access to work papers and other
                          22, 2021. The rule creates a framework         relevant documents as well as relevant
                          for the PCAOB to determine whether it is       personnel as part of an inspection or
                          unable to inspect or completely investigate    investigation, and (3) its ability to conduct
                          registered public accounting firms located     inspections and investigations consistent
                          in foreign jurisdictions where authorities     with its statutory mandate and applicable
                          deny or limit PCAOB access to conduct          rules. The PCAOB is not required to
                          oversight activities. That determination       attempt an investigation and get stymied in
                          is the first step in a process that could      order to make this determination—it
                          result in the issuers who have retained        can rely on its past experience.
                          those foreign accounting firms getting
                                                                         After the PCAOB makes its determination,
                          delisted from U.S. exchanges. This rule will
The Netherlands                                                          it will issue a report to the Securities and
                          primarily impact companies in Hong Kong
                                                                         Exchange Commission (SEC). If, for three
                          and China, where the Chinese government
                                                                         consecutive years, the PCAOB determines
                          has long resisted inspections of audits.
                                                                         that it cannot inspect or investigate a
United States             Rule 6100 requires the PCAOB to make           specific accounting firm, or all accounting
                          annual determinations as to whether,           firms in a specific jurisdiction, the SEC
                          based on a position taken by one or more       will delist the issuers using those
                          authorities in a foreign jurisdiction, it is   accounting firms from U.S. exchanges.
Hong Kong                 unable to inspect or completely investigate    Rule 6100 will go into effect upon approval
                          registered public accounting firms that        by the SEC, and then the three-year clock
                          are headquartered in that jurisdiction or      will start ticking for the approximately 270
                          that have offices in that jurisdiction. In     Chinese companies currently trading in
Italy                     making these determinations, the Board         U.S. capital markets.
                          will assess whether the foreign authority’s


Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
PCAOB sanctions Deloitte Canada for quality control failures
                          The PCAOB announced a settled                   without oversight. The firm knew about
                          disciplinary order that imposed                 this loophole at the time but neglected to
                          sanctions on Deloitte Canada after              implement any controls measures (through
                          finding that the firm did not comply with       trainings, written policies, etc.) to address
                          PCAOB’s audit documentation standards           the problem.
                          in connection with audits and reviews.
                                                                          Firm employees backdated workpaper
                          Specifically, Deloitte Canada did not
                                                                          production or review dates in at least six
                          implement a quality control system that
                                                                          issuer audits and two quarterly reviews.
                          was able to provide reasonable assurance
                                                                          Furthermore, some auditors replaced sign
                          that its employees appropriately dated their
                                                                          off dates to ensure that reviews were shown
                          preparation and review of audit documents.
                                                                          to have occurred after the document was
                          As a result of Deloitte Canada’s failures,      actually created.
                          the PCAOB: (1) levied a censure; (2) issued
                                                                          The PCAOB made clear that Deloitte
                          a $250,000 fine; (3) required the firm
                                                                          Canada’s extraordinary cooperation
                          to revise its quality control policies and
                                                                          while responding to the violations was a
                          procedures to ensure similar problems
                                                                          significant factor in the Board’s decision
                          would not happen again; and (4) required
The Netherlands                                                           to issue certain sanctions. Had Deloitte
                          the firm to provide four hours of training to
                                                                          Canada handled the situation differently,
                          all relevant employees.
                                                                          the PCAOB would likely have levied a
                          The PCAOB requires auditors to properly         higher monetary penalty and issued
United States             document when workpapers were created           more severe punishments. First, Deloitte
                          and reviewed. In November of 2016,              Canada was extremely cooperative during
                          Deloitte Canada removed a feature from          the entire process. The firm self-reported
                          its internal electronic work paper system       the violation within 15 days of learning
Hong Kong                 that allowed users to manually select           about the transgression, conducted its own
                          preparer and reviewer sign off dates of         internal investigation, and remained in
                          work product. In the new system, the            close contact with the PCAOB throughout
                          current date would be automatically added       the process. Second, Deloitte Canada
Italy                     whenever a preparer or reviewer signed off      took steps to remediate the issue quickly
                          on a document. This caused issues because       by retaining an expert consultant and
                          employees could override the system             retraining employees. Third and finally,
                          by changing the date in their computer,         the firm disciplined personnel identified as
Spain                     which would allow them to backdate              involved in the misconduct.
                          their workpaper preparation or review

Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Global Accountants' Liability Update - October 2021
PCAOB sanctions KPMG Australia for quality control failures
                          related to testing
                          The Public Company Accounting Oversight             The PCAOB stated that KPMG Australia’s
                          Board (PCAOB) issued a settled disciplinary         violations included PCAOB Rule 3400T,
                          order imposing sanctions against KPMG               and Quality Control Standards §§ 20.01,
                          Australia for findings that KPMG Australia          20.08 20.09, 20.13 (.b-.c), 20.20 (.c-.d),
                          violated PCAOB rules and quality control            30.02 (.c-.d), and 40.02 (.b-.c). These rules
                          standards in connection with the firm’s internal    include requirements that a firm “[has] a
                          training tests. The PCAOB censured the firm,        system of quality control for its accounting
                          imposed a $450,000 civil money penalty, and         and auditing practices” that provides the firm
                          required the firm to take remedial measures.        with reasonable assurance that personnel
                          In its order, the PCAOB noted the firm’s            “perform all professional responsibilities
                          extraordinary cooperation in                        with integrity” and “provide the firm with
                          the matter.                                         reasonable assurance that . . . [w]ork is assigned
                                                                              to personnel having the degree of technical
                          The PCAOB order stated that KPMG Australia
                                                                              training and proficiency required in the
                          violated PCAOB rules and
                          quality control standards from 2016 to early
                          2020 by failing to establish proper policies and    Importantly, the PCAOB cited the firm’s
                          procedures for administering and monitoring         extraordinary cooperation in this matter.
                          training testing.                                   After becoming aware of testing-related
The Netherlands           The PCAOB noted that this failure resulted          misconduct in early 2020, the firm voluntarily
                          in the firm’s failure to identify personnel who     self-reported the matter to the PCAOB within
                          were involved in improper answer sharing            15 days and quickly began implementing
                          (either by providing or receiving answers) in       remedial policies and procedures. The firm also
United States             connection with the firm’s mandatory testing.       provided substantial assistance to the PCAOB’s
                          The firm’s mandatory testing included topics        investigation by conducting a thorough
                          of professional independence, auditing, and         investigation and providing the results to the
                          accounting.                                         PCAOB. The firm also instituted remedial
Hong Kong                                                                     measures. Finally, the firm took disciplinary
                                                                              action against 1,131 personnel engaged in
                                         George A. Salter                                       Dennis H. Tracey, III
                                         Partner, New York                                      Partner, New York

Our Global Accountants’                  Jonathan G. Coppola                                    Sam Dougherty
                                         Associate, New York                                    Associate, New York
Liability Team                           jonathan.coppola@​                     sam.dougherty@​
Hong Kong
                          Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                          FRC completes investigation on material misstatement by an auditor
                          of a listed entity
                          On 12 August 2021, Hong Kong’s Financial        regulators to obtain audit working papers
                          Reporting Council (FRC) adopted a report        located in the mainland as mainland
                          on an audit investigation based, in part,       authorities consider audit papers to be
                          on a review of various audit working            “state secrets.”
                          papers having been obtained under a
                                                                          Under Hong Kong Accounting Standard
                          memorandum of understanding with the
                                                                          39 (HKAS 39), an entity is required to
                          People’s Republic of China (PRC) signed
                                                                          recognize an impairment loss on available-
                          in 2019. The investigation concerned an
                                                                          for-sale equity investments if there is
                          auditor’s failure to identify a material
                                                                          objective evidence of impairment. In this
                          misstatement during an audit of a client’s
                                                                          case, concerning an “available-for-sale”
                          financial statements.
                                                                          equity investment of a listed entity, the fair
The Netherlands           The memorandum was signed in May                value of the investment declined by more
                          2019 between the FRC and the Supervision        than half over a twelve-month period. Such
                          and Evaluation Bureau (SEB) of the              a significant and prolonged decline in fair
                          PRC Ministry of Finance with the aim of         value was objective evidence of impairment
United States             facilitating cross-border cooperation and       (impairment loss) under HKAS 39 but
                          collaboration in respect of audit regulation.   the entity failed to record it in its 2017
                          The objective of the memorandum is to           financial statements, which constituted a
                          enhance the quality and reliability of listed   material misstatement.
Hong Kong                 entities’ audits, protect the interests of
                                                                          The entity’s auditor failed to identify the
                          investors and the public, and strengthen
                                                                          material misstatement and was found to
                          both investors’ confidence and public trust
                                                                          have issued an inappropriate audit opinion.
                          in financial reporting.
Italy                                                                     The auditor failed to properly apply the
                          Under the memorandum, the FRC can               applicable financial reporting standard
                          make requests to the SEB for assistance in      in evaluating the entity’s accounting
                          audit regulatory responsibilities in relation   treatment of the impairment assessment of
Spain                     to inspection, investigation and discipline,    the investment, and to exercise appropriate
                          such as gaining access to audit working         professional judgment in evaluating what
                          papers of Hong Kong listed entities kept        constituted an impairment loss under
Our Global Accountants’   by accounting firms in the mainland. It         HKAS 39.
Liability Team            had previously proved difficult for foreign
The engagement quality control reviewer          with other regulatory authorities, including
                          also failed to identify the material             the Securities and Futures Commission
                          misstatement. Both the engagement                (SFC) in February 2021, the Stock
                          partner and engagement quality control           Exchange of Hong Kong in June 2021,
                          reviewer were found to have failed or            and the Independent Commission Against
                          neglected to observe, maintain or otherwise      Corruption in September 2021.
                          apply professional competence and due
                                                                           Auditors should look out for further
                          care as set out in the Code of Ethics for
                                                                           reforms of the regulatory regime for the
                          Professional Accountants.
                                                                           accounting profession in the near future,
                          All in all, it is clear that the powers of the   including the Financial Reporting Council
                          FRC as an independent regulatory body            (Amendment) Bill 2021 which seeks
                          continue to grow, despite a limited budget       to develop the FRC into a fully-fledged
                          and concerns that it may not have enough         independent regulatory and oversight body
                          teeth to exercise effective oversight. This      for the accounting profession.
                          year, the FRC also signed memoranda of
                          understanding on regulatory cooperation

The Netherlands
                                        Chris Dobby                                        Yolanda Lau
                                        Partner, Hong Kong                                 Senior Associate, Hong Kong
United States

                                        Hazel Law                                          Nigel Sharman
                                        Associate, Hong Kong                               Sr. Knowledge Lawyer, Hong Kong
Hong Kong                                              nigel.sharman@​



Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
                          Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                          New voluntary procedure for companies under financial distress and
                          postponement of the entry into force of the new bankruptcy law
                          Law Decree no. 118 of 24 August 2021 (Law      failure to fulfil such informative duties
                          Decree no. 118/2021 – full text in Italian     may trigger their liability under Article
                          available here) introduced a new voluntary     2407 of the Italian civil code, i.e. the
                          procedure to address situations of financial   provision governing general duties and
                          distress affecting undertakings operating in   responsibilities of statutory auditors under
                          Italy. Under the procedure, an independent     Italian law.
                          expert is appointed to assist the company
                                                                         As provided under Article 4(2), the
                          in the preparation of a negotiation scheme
                                                                         independent expert may also appoint an
                          with the creditors. Access to the new
                                                                         external auditor to provide assistance in
                          procedure will be available starting from
                                                                         the negotiation procedure.
                          15 November 2021 through the local
                          Chambers of Commerce.                          Both the statutory auditors and the
The Netherlands
                                                                         company’s external auditors (if any) are
                          In order to facilitate access to the
                                                                         required to cooperate with the independent
                          procedure, Article 15 of Law Decree no.
                                                                         expert and provide all required
                          118/2021 binds statutory auditors to
United States             promptly inform the company’s directors
                          if the company meets the preconditions         Finally, Law Decree no. 118/2021 also
                          to apply for this voluntary scheme. The        postponed the entry into force of the new
                                                                         bankruptcy law to May 2022.
Hong Kong



Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Procedure for the adoption of administrative sanctions by
                          the Ministry of Economy and Finance
                          With Decree no. 135 of 8 July 2021              vi. lack of the requirements provided for
                          (Decree full text in Italian available here),   under Article 14 of Legislative Decree no.
                          the Ministry of Economy and Finance             39/2010 in the audit report and in the
                          (MEF) established the rules governing           opinions to the financial statements;
                          the procedure for the adoption of
                                                                          vii. lack of or inadequate adoption of an
                          administrative sanctions in the event of
                                                                          internal reporting systems.
                          breach of the duties under Article 25 of
                          Legislative Decree no. 39 of 27 January         Once the MEF has collected the elements
                          2010 (full text in Italian available here),     required to assess the existence of
                          applicable to auditors and auditing firms.      the breach, an internal commission
                          The Decree was published in the Italian         (Commissione Centrale per i Revisori
                          Official Journal no. 237 of 4 October 2021      Legali) triggers the sanctioning procedure
                          and will enter into force on 19                 and submits to the auditor/auditing firm
                          October 2021.                                   a letter with the description of the alleged
                                                                          breach(es), and of the estimated timing
                          In particular, administrative sanctions may
                                                                          for the completion of procedure. The letter
                          be applied by the MEF in case of:
The Netherlands                                                           shall be sent as soon as the commission is
                          i. failure to comply with the obligation to     informed of the alleged breach, and in any
                          periodically attend training courses;           case within 180 days therefrom (or 360
                                                                          days, if the party concerned resides or is
                          ii. failure to communicate certain items
United States                                                             based abroad).
                          to be included in the Auditors Register
                          pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree     The auditor/auditing firm have 30 days
                          no. 39/2010, as well as data pertaining to      from the receipt of the letter to provide
                          the identification of the auditor/auditing      their written observations to the charges
Hong Kong                 firm and their assignments;                     and to ask to be heard in person.
                          iii. false declarations in trainees’ annual     Once the observations are acquired, the
                          reports by their supervisors;                   commission submits - within 120 days from
Italy                     iv. breach of the duties of professional
                                                                          the receipt of the letter by the auditor/
                                                                          auditing firm - a non-binding proposal
                          ethics, independence and objectivity, and
                                                                          to the MEF, where it reports the reasons
                          auditing standards;
                                                                          underlying the proposed sanction and
Spain                     v. failure, incompleteness, or delay in         the type and extent of the latter or, in
                          taking the actions indicated in the report      the alternative, proposes to dismiss the
                          issued following a quality control pursuant     proceedings. The MEF - which is not bound
Our Global Accountants’   to Article 20 of Legislative Decree no.         by the opinion of the commission – may
Liability Team            39/2010;
then apply sanctions by means of motivated          39/2010. In the event that the addressees
                          administrative order.                               do not comply with the sanctions, the MEF
                                                                              orders their cancellation from the Auditors
                          Possible sanctions include both monetary
                                                                              Register. Decisions can be appealed before
                          and non-monetary measures, as defined
                                                                              Civil Courts within 30 days from their
                          under Article 24 of Legislative Decree no.


                                         Andrea Atteritano                                    Emanuele Ferrara
                                         Partner, Rome                                        Senior Associate, Rome

The Netherlands

United States

Hong Kong



Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
                          Recent Regulatory and Enforcement Decisions
                          New regulation increases auditors’ obligation to guarantee
                          liability judgments
                          The financial guarantee in Spain                 The specific requirements for such
                                                                           guarantees are established by
                          Statutory auditors and audit firms are liable
                                                                           Article 65 of Royal Decree 2/2021,
                          for any damages arising from the breach of
                                                                           of 12 January, approving the Regulations
                          their duties under the general rules of the
                                                                           implementing Law 22/2015, of 20 July,
                          Spanish Civil Code and more specifically
                                                                           on Account Auditing (Regulation), which,
                          Article 26 of Law 22/2015 of 20 July
                                                                           came into force on 1 July 2021, introducing
                          2015 on Account Auditing (Audit Act).
                                                                           numerous new provisions.
                          This liability must be:
                                                                           The new provisions of the Regulation
                          1) proportional to the economic damage           increases the minimum amounts of the
                          that may be caused by their professional         financial guarantee. While the previous
The Netherlands           performance both to the audited entity and       Regulation established that in the case
                          to a third party;                                of natural persons, the guarantee for the
                          2) personally and individually enforceable,      first year of activity was EUR 300,000,
                          excluding the damage caused by the               the new Regulation raises this figure up to
United States                                                              EUR 500,000. This amount shall be the
                          audited entity itself or by third parties; and
                                                                           minimum amount for subsequent years.
                          3) joint and several between the statutory
                          auditor who has signed the audit report          As for audit firms, this amount for the
Hong Kong                 and the audit firm when the audit is carried     first year of activity is multiplied by each
                          out by a statutory auditor on behalf of an       of the partners – whether or not they are
                          audit firm.                                      auditors – and by each of the non-partners
                                                                           auditors appointed to sign audit reports on
Italy                     Pursuant to Article 27 of the Audit Law,         behalf of the firm. This amount shall be the
                          when such liability is declared, auditors        minimum amount for subsequent years.
                          and audit firms are due to provide a
                          financial guarantee in the form of a cash        The new Regulation also provides for
                          deposit, public debt securities, financial       surety insurance in addition to the liability
Spain                                                                      insurance already set out in the previous
                          institution guarantee or civil liability
                          insurance policies.                              Regulation.

Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
What’s driving this change?                       Very recently another Spanish criminal
                                                                            court in a high-profile case (Abengoa),
                          Some experts believe this striking increase
                                                                            extended the investigation to include the
                          in the guarantee threshold is a response to
                                                                            auditing firm, Deloitte.
                          recent high-profile criminal indictment of
                          auditors, seeking millions in civil liability.    These recent cases underscore the risk that
                                                                            audit firms may face millions in damages if
                          Specifically, in an 6 October 2020
                                                                            they fail to detect accounting fraud.
                          judgment in the Pescanova case, BDO, one
                          of the leading auditing firms in Spain, was       Therefore, the increase in the amount of
                          convicted of “a crime of misrepresentation        the financial guarantees required by the
                          of economic and financial information” in         new Regulation appears to be an effort to
                          regard to Spanish fishing company which           ensure that investors can be compensated
                          went into receivership in 2013 after the          by making the liability system more secure.
                          scandal about its accounting irregularities
                          broke out. This judgment set a historic
                          milestone since it was the first time an
                          auditing firm and the partner who signed
                          the accounts were convicted in Spain.

The Netherlands           Contact:

                                        Jose Luis Huerta
United States                           Partner, Madrid

Hong Kong



Our Global Accountants’
Liability Team
Our Global Accountants’ Liability Team
Federico De Noriega Olea                  Jonathan G. Coppola                  Jose Luis Huerta                    Erik Willem Brouwer
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                                                                               joseluis.huerta@​       jonathan.coppola@​

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