Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC

Page created by Gary Woods
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020

May 2020                   METAL TIGER PLC                 1
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC

 This presentation (“Presentation”) is being provided to you (the “Recipient”) by Metal Tiger Plc (the             the requirement to register as an investment company in the United States. However, if the Company is
 “Company” or “Metal Tiger”) for information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of, and            unable to maintain compliance with the aforementioned exemptions and it was required to seek
 should not be construed as, an offer or invitation to sell or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or        registration, it would likely have a material detrimental effect on the Company.
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 investments who fall within the definition "investment professionals" in Article 19(5) of the Financial           review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or
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May 2020                                                                                              METAL TIGER PLC                                                                                                               2
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Corporate Snapshot

    AIM : MTR                                                                                     Av. Daily. Volume:      135,526
                                                                                                  52 Wk High/Low:         1.44/1.36p
    Market Cap.

    Share Price

    Shares outstanding

    Significant Shareholders                                            Board of Directors

                                                     % Issued Share
    Shareholder                    Ordinary Shares                      Charles Hall                         Michael McNeilly
                                                                        Chairman                             Chief Executive Officer
    Exploration Capital Partners    206,361,942         13.56%          Mark Potter                          Neville Bergin
                                                                        Chief Investment Officer             Non-Executive Director
    Michael Joseph                  123,766,628          8.13%

    Estate of Terry Grammer          83,963,426          5.52%
                                                                        For more info on directors please refer to end of presentation
    RIBO Trust (Rick Rule)           60,000,000          3.94%

May 2020                                                    METAL TIGER PLC                                                              3
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Background – Investment Approach
Metal Tiger (AIM:MTR) employs a hands on and dynamic investment approach and pursues a hybrid public and private
equity investing model focused on the mining sector.

The Company invests in direct asset level exposure with high return potential and a larger ownership position akin to an
exploration and development company as well as primarily active and passive equity investments. Active investments are
where Metal Tiger has Board representation and typically over a 10% investment stake.

These investments are split into the following categories:
• Project Investments – always active

• Equity Investments – active and passive

and are categorised into active or passive investments and can be both public or private. The Company also has a portfolio
of pre-production Royalties.
Investments are assessed on seven core categories that can help drive value:

• Significant discovery potential
• Country/district/first mover advantage
• Application of improved exploration techniques

• Exploration value uplift potential/brownfields

• Financial restructuring opportunity
• M&A opportunity

• Macro/Micro economic trading opportunity

Finally, if an opportunity arises that doesn’t fit the above it is categorised as a special situation investment opportunity and
would primarily be undertaken to balance the Company’s investment portfolio risk profile.

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Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Background – Investment Origination/Filtering
                           Externally Sourced                                                  Internally Sourced
                           Metal Tiger network                                                 In-house research
                           1.   Technical contacts/consultants                                 1.    Desktop research
                           2.   Brokers/Investment Bankers                                     2.    Bloomberg terminal
                           3.   Corporates                                                     3.    Technical papers
                           4.   Co-investors                                                   4.    Licence checks (where
                           5.   Other industry contacts                                              available)
                                                                                               5.    Industry publication
                                                                                                     subscriptions – Mining
                                                                                                     Journal and Mining News
                                                                 Industry Conferences

  Phase 1 (initial analysis):                                             Phase 2 (subsequent analysis):

  • Quick review of opportunities depending on six high-level criteria: • Does the opportunity fit any (or several) of the following criteria:
        • Commodity                                                          • Significant discovery potential
        • Technical merits                                                   • Country/district/first mover advantage
        • Jurisdiction                                                       • Application of improved exploration techniques
        • Management team                                                    • Exploration value uplift potential/brownfields
        • Possible investment size (if available)                            • Financial restructuring opportunity
        • Quality of co-investors/existing investors                         • M&A opportunity
                                                                             • Macro/Micro economic trading opportunity
                                                                             • Special situation opportunity

                              Where does the investment sit on the development curve?
                       Is the investment a Project Investment/Equity Investment/Special Sits?

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Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Development Curve

            *For demonstration purposes only, actual curve and performance will vary by individual investment

May 2020                                               METAL TIGER PLC                                          6
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Main Equity/Project Investments*

                                                           Significant                                Application of                                  Financial
                                                           discovery     Country / district / first   improved exploration Exploration value uplift   restructuring   M&A           Macro / Micro trading
                                                           potential     mover advantage              techniques           potential / brownfields    opportunity     opportunity   opportunities

Equity Investments                        Public Private
          Cobre Limited                     X                       X                    X                      X                                                           X

          Southern Gold Limited             X                       X                    X                      X                        X                                  X

          Thor Mining PLC                   X                                                                                            X                      X

          Sandfire Resources Limited        X                       X                    X                      X                        X                                  X                 X

          Pan Asia Metals                           X                                    X                                               X

Project Investments
          Kalahari Metals Limited                   X               X                    X                      X                                                           X

  *Investors should note that the Company holds other passive investments that are smaller in investment size and are held for trading/considered none core or legacy investments and should
  reference announcements or the Company’s accounts for further information. In addition the Company holds several royalties which are highlighted in this presentation and form a core part of
  the business.

  May 2020                                                                                   METAL TIGER PLC                                                                                           7
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Royalty Investments
Metal Tiger holds the following three Royalties (under four Royalty agreements):

•   Royalty 1: a US$2m capped 2% net smelter royalty over Sandfire Resources’ T3 project in the Kalahari Copperbelt (within PL190/2008 which is held by
    Sandfire Resources’ subsidiary Tshukudu Metals Botswana).

•   Royalty 2: an uncapped 2% net smelter royalty over any future production over Sandfire Resources’ 100% held subsidiary Tshukudu Exploration Limited’s
    circa 8,000km2 licence holding in the Kalahari Copperbelt (including the area covered by PL190/2008 that is outside of the T3 project, in which Tshukudu
    Exploration Limited holds a beneficial (but not legal) interest).

• Royalty 3: an uncapped conditional 2% net smelter royalty over all of Kalahari Metals Group's (“Kalahari Metals”) wholly owned licences, being seven
  licences covering, in aggregate, 6,650km2. These are structured as two separate royalty agreements based on how the licences are held under Kalahari
  Metals’ corporate structure but the ultimate guarantor is Kalahari Metals.
Exciting, recently announced (17 April 2020), results at the A4 prospect located 8km west of the T3 Copper-Silver Project are already starting to add significant
value potential to Royalty 2. Sandfire has announced that its resource drill out was >50% complete prior to recent COVID-19 restrictions which suspended

 Assays are awaited for a further 12 holes drilled into the A4 resource area and six holes have commenced but not been completed as per their latest

Some highlights include:
MO-A4-035D: 18m @ 5.2% Cu and 124g/t Ag from 77m down-hole (uncut), or
                      18m @ 3.9% Cu and 124g/t Ag from 77m down-hole (15% top-cut); and
                      4.4m @ 1.2% Cu and 26g/t Ag from 98m down-hole; and
                      6.6m @ 1.5% Cu and 39g/t Ag from 112.5m down-hole (15% top-cut)

MO-A4-036D: 21.5m @ 2.4% Cu and 46g/t Ag from 67m down-hole; and
                    10m @ 0.9% Cu and 20g/t Ag from 102m down-hole; and
                    3m @ 2.3% Cu and 25g/t Ag from 133m down-hole

MO-A4-039D: 24m @ 2.1% Cu and 51g/t Ag from 86.6m down-hole; including:
                   8.1m @ 5.2% Cu and 123g/t Ag from 93m down-hole; and
                   5m @ 1.0% Cu and 24g/t Ag from 142m down-hole; and
                   1.8m @ 1.6% Cu and 24g/t Ag from 262m down-hole

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Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Royalty Investments - continued

May 2020                    METAL TIGER PLC   9
Dynamic Investing in Mining Sector | May 2020 - METAL TIGER PLC
Project Investment(s) – Kalahari Metals Limited
• Classified as an active private investment with Michael McNeilly
  and one other Metal Tiger Director as two nominee Board
  representatives. Metal Tiger is not the operator of the project.
• Holds interests in 12 highly prospective exploration licences
  covering a total area of 8,714km2 in the Kalahari Copper Belt of
  Botswana, comprising two 100% owned exploration licences, five
  exploration licences subject to a binding earn-in agreement with
  Triprop Holdings (Pty) Limited and 51% held by Kalahari Metals
  (includes the Ngami Copper Project), and five exploration licences
  held by 100% owned subsidiary, Kitlanya Limited.

• Initial investment Date: June 2018
• Total investment/Commitment to date: US$4.2m
• Latest investment (Feb 2020): US$1.5m (included in US$4.2m)

• Ownership percentage: 62.2%
• Four main project areas:
      • OCP – 961m of drilling, 6 holes
      • NCP – 1,383m of drilling, 6 holes
      • KIT-E – drilling started, halted due to COVID-19
      • KIT-W – no drill testing
• Environmental Management Plan approvals received for all project
  areas allowing for drill testing.

• Varying levels detailed airborne electromagnetic (“AEM”)
  geophysics data collected over all project areas and processed.

• Varying levels of geochemistry (soils) undertaken

May 2020                                                       METAL TIGER PLC   10
Project Investment(s) – Kalahari Metals Limitied – Cont.
• Phase 1 2020 drill programme suspended in April 2020 due
  to COVID-19 restrictions.

• The Phase 1 Drilling Programme at KIT-E consists of a
  planned 1,200m of core drilling over an initial four holes
  (Figure 1). Drilling will focus on an interpreted northern
  anticlinal structure where the AEM survey has identified
  compelling fold structures, possibly related to marker
  conductor units in the lower D’Kar Formation (“DKF”)
  stratigraphy. Drilling will aim to confirm the presence of
  Ngwako Pan Formation (“NPF”) which will significantly
  upgrade the potential for shallow mineralisation in this target.

• Drilling completed to date at Kitlanya East has intersected
  shallow lower D’Kar formation units, highlighting the potential
  for Cu-Ag mineralisation in close proximity to neighbouring
  Sandfire Resources T3 deposit.

• During the 2019, field season, work on the KIT-E project
  identified a number of interpreted anticlinal structures which
  have the potential to host Cu-Ag mineralisation along the
  traditional DKF–NPF redox contact as well as in folded
  trapsites above the DKF-NPF contact, akin to Sandfire
  Resources’ T3 project and A4 prospect which are situated
  directly north of the project.

May 2020                                                     METAL TIGER PLC   11
Equity Investments – Sandfire Resources Limited
• As at 20 May 2020, Metal Tiger currently holds 6,366,990 shares in Sandfire Resources Limited (ASX:SFR) a mid-tier Australian mining and
  exploration company representing approximately 3.58% of Sandfire Resources Limited’s issued share capital. Majority of shares obtained as
  a result of the acquisition of MOD Resources by Sandfire Resources in 2019 (some purchased on market).

• The investment is a passive investment.
• As announced on 17 December 2020, 1,675,125 of the Sandfire shares held by the company are subject to an equity derivative collar
  financing arrangement (“Financing Arrangement”) with a global investment bank (the “Lender”) pursuant to an Equity Option and Loan
  Facility (the “Umbrella Facility”), and as announced on 20 May 2020 a further equity derivative collar financing arrangement has been
  secured      over,  in   aggregate,      328,798  Sandfire  shares   (read    full  details   of    this   latest   announcement   at:
  https://www.londonstockexchange.com/exchange/news/market-news/market-news-detail/MTR/14546430.html). The combined financing
  arrangements are secured over, in aggregate 2,003,923 Sandfire shares representing approximately 1.125% of Sandfire’s issued share

• Under the terms of the initial Financing Arrangement, Metal Tiger has:
     • Entered into a stock lending arrangement with the Lender, pursuant to which the Lender (or an affiliate of the Lender) can borrow up to
         1,675,125 Sandfire Shares from Metal Tiger;
       • obtained the right (but not the obligation) to sell 1,675,125 Sandfire shares to the Lender in three years’ time at 80% of the reference
         price, being A$6.10 (subject to customary adjustments) (the “Reference Price”) (the “Put”);
       • granted the Lender the right (but not the obligation) to buy 1,675,125 Sandfire shares from Metal Tiger in three years’ time at an
         agreed premium of 145% of the Reference Price (the “Call”); and
       • borrowed A$8,174,610 (A$7,500,000 net cash out after costs) from the Lender secured on the combination of the above with a
         maturity date of 16 December 2022 (the “Loan”).

• Metal Tiger has the right to elect to settle the Put and the Call by way of physical delivery of Sandfire shares or by way of a cash payment
  reflecting the value of the Put and Call at the time.

• Further additional financing arrangements available on remaining shares to provide financing to Metal Tiger.

• Dividends received to-date from beginning of investment (Nov-2019): A$1,328,621.50

May 2020                                                       METAL TIGER PLC                                                                 12
Equity Investments – Cobre Limited

• Cobre Limited (ASX: CBE) is an emerging resources exploration growth company with prospective projects in Western
  Australia. Cobre has discovered a Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulphide (“VHMS”) deposit enriched in high grade copper, gold,
  silver and zinc within its Perrinvale Project area in the Panhandle Greenstone Belt of Western Australia.
• Classified as an active public investment with Michael McNeilly as a Metal Tiger nominee Board representative.
• Initial investment date: September 2019 – commenced trading on ASX on 31 January 2020 (having raised A$10m before costs)
• Total Investment to date: circa A$2.9m (further A$310,000 committed subject to various conditions and approval at AGM)
• Ownership percentage: 19.99%
• Initial drill campaign completed with very encouraging results.

May 2020                                                   METAL TIGER PLC                                                   13
Equity Investments – Cobre Limited – Cont.

• In its maiden drill campaign at Schwabe Prospect the best hole
           • 5m @ 9.8% Cu, 3.2g/t Au, 34g/t Ag, 3.1% Zn
           • which includes 3m @ 12.6% Cu, 4.7 g/t Au, 43.7 g/t Ag, 3.6% Zn

• The recently announced (16 April 2020) recent diamond drilling exploration
programme received assays from diamond drilling at three prospect areas within
the Perrrinvale Project of Western Australia.

• At Schwabe Prospect – drilling & assay results confirm the presence of a high-
grade VHMS system containing primary copper, zinc, gold and silver at shallow
depth including:
    •   20PVDD003 6m @ 8.39% Cu, 3.52% Zn, 30g/t Ag, 0.14% Co, 3.1g/t Au from
    •   20PVDD004 6m @ 5.39% Cu, 3.89% Zn, 22g/t Ag. 0.1% Co, 1.4g/t Au from

• At Zinco Lago Prospect – drilling results uncovered disseminated, stringer and
narrow massive base metal sulphide mineralisation.

• At Monti Prospect – drilling intersected generally low levels of primary sulphides
including disseminated veinlet and blebby/clustered pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite
and sphalerite.

May 2020                                                        METAL TIGER PLC        14
Equity Investments – Cobre Limited – Cont. 2

• Downhole electromagnetic surveys have been undertaken on the recently
  completed diamond core holes at Schwabe, Zinco Lago and Monti
  Prospects, plus two of the reverse circulation holes drilled in 2019.
• A number of promising electromagnetic conductors have been identified within
  the Perrinvale Project including: the existing Schwabe drill area, below recent
  drilling at Zinco Lago; off hole along the Zinco Lago - Lago Rame gossan trend;
  and adjacent to the recent Monti drilling.

• Ground electromagnetic surveys commenced on 22 April 2020 and (expected to
  take circa three weeks) over several targets (see image) to further refine targets
  for the next phase of drilling which is anticipated to commence shortly following
  receipt and interpretation of the results. For most of the conductors being
  investigated the existing Programme of Works approvals will allow for immediate

• On 28 April 2020 Cobre announced that it had agreed to acquire the 20% (free
  carried) minority stake in its 80% owned subsidiary Toucan Gold Pty Ltd
  (“Toucan”), which is the 100% holder of the Perrinvale Project.

• Consideration to be paid in a combination of cash and shares and the
  transaction is project accretive.

• Metal Tiger to invest a further A$310,000 to maintain its 19.99% stake subject to
  completion of the transaction and approval by Cobre shareholders at their AGM
  anticipated to be held later this year.

   May 2020                                                        METAL TIGER PLC     15
Equity Investments – Southern Gold

• Classified as an active public investment Metal Tiger has the right to appoint
  a nominee representative to the Board as a non-executive director. Board
  representation rights secured if >= 10% shareholding maintained.

• Southern Gold is an ASX listed gold exploration company (ASX: SAU) with
  numerous discovery to drilling stage exploration properties in central and
  southwestern South Korea.

• Initial investment date: March 2020

• Total investment to date: A$2.2m (part of a A$4m raise)

• Ownership percentage: 17.1%

• Renowned Ex-Ivanhoe Executive Vice President and Exploration Manager
  Doug Kirwin (previously an advisor to SAU) appointed as part of investment

• Excellent project generation team – many ex-Ivanhoe geologists involved

• Attractive jurisdiction with an under explored and under mapped epithermal
  gold exploration industry

• Enormous new discovery and project generation potential

• Supportive existing shareholders with significant investment capacity

May 2020                                                    METAL TIGER PLC        16
Equity Investments – Southern Gold – Cont.
Project               Ownership          Project Status Metallogenesis                    Historical Mining             Completed Exploration                  Exploration Status              Rig Priority

                      50/50 JV with Mine
Kochang               BMV*          Development Mesothermal                               4 mines within 1 km           Resource definition
                      50/50 JV with Mine                                                  Many mines w/i 20 km
Gubong                BMV*          Development Orogenic                                  radius, 5 in immediate area   Resource definition
                      100%               Exp. Permit         Low sulphidation epithermal                                                                 Drilling completed and ongoing at
                                                                                                                        Field mapping, rock chip sampling,
Beopseongpo           Southern Gold      Granted             multi-phase vein complex    Local small mines                                               multiple vein targets**
                                                                                                                        first phase drilling, scout drilling                                        1
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                      Weolyu North main mine,    Surface and mine adit channel       1600m deep drill program prep to
Weolyu                Southern Gold      Granted             Low sulphidation epithermal small adits at Weolyu South sampling                            test 3 vein extensions***                  4
                      100%               Exp. Permit         Intermediate sulphidation    Main mine and nearby Shin Adit channel sampling, outcrop/float Drill ready to test below Shin Hill
Deokon                Southern Gold      Granted             epithermal vein breccia      adit (focus)               rock chip sampling, scout drilling  mine workings                              2
                      100%               Exp. Permit         Hybrid high/low sulphidation Former open pit and                                            Drill ready to test down dip and
Aphae                 Southern Gold      Granted             vein/breccia complex         undderground mine          Mine waste pile sampling            along strike extensions                    3
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                                                    Field mapping, surface outcrop/float
Dokcheon              Southern Gold      Granted             Epithermal                                                 rock chip sampling                   Scout drilling planned
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                      Historic mine area included
Hampyeong             Southern Gold      Granted             Epithermal                   in package                    First phase drilling
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                     No, but 70km NW of an          Field mapping, outcrop/float rock
Neungju               Southern Gold      Granted             Low sulphidation epithermal operating mine                 chip sampling
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                                                    Reconnaissance field mapping, rock     More detailed field mapping,
Daeam Valley          Southern Gold      Application         Low sulphidation epithermal Local small mines              chip campling                          petrology
                      100%               Exp. Permit                                                                    Reconnaissance field mapping, rock     More detailed field mapping,
Geum Mar              Southern Gold      Application         Epithermal                   Local small mines             chip sampling                          petrology

*Bluebird Merchant Ventures (operator)
** Target veins/trends: Hand of Faith, Golden Palm, Spider
*** Target veins/trends: Mystery, Surprise/Moonlight, Summit

   May 2020                                                                                    METAL TIGER PLC                                                                                      17
Board and Management

Charles Hall               Experienced international banker with over 30 years with HSBC in finance and insurance, appointed to Metal Tiger in
Non-Executive Chairman     December 2016.Overseas experience running complex businesses with a focus on strategy and corporate
                           Strong Asian ties and an Associate of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers.
                           Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, BA (Hons) University of Sussex.

Michael McNeilly           Experienced corporate financier spending his early career advising private, Main Market listed, AIM quoted and ISDX
Chief Executive Officer    (NEX) listed companies appointed as Metal Tiger CEO in December 2016.
                           Former Non-Executive Director of MOD Resources, Arkle Resources and Greatland Gold.
                           Currently a director on numerous Metal Tiger investment and subsidiary entities – notably Kalahari Metals Limited and
                           Cobre Limited
                           Formerly worked for Arden Partners (AIM: ARDN) and with Allenby Capital advising public companies on corporate
                           finance, BA (Econ) American University of Paris. Worked with early stage blockchain-focused start-ups while a
                           corporate executive at Coinsilium (NEX: COIN).

Mark Potter                With over 14 years’ experience in natural resources investments, is the Founder and Partner of Sita Capital Partners LLP,
Chief Investment Officer   and investment management advisory firm specialising in mining investments appointed to Metal Tiger in January 2017.
                           Former Director and Chief Investment Officer of Anglo Pacific Group LLP, a London listed resources royalty company
                           where he successfully led a turnaround of the business through acquisitions and disposals.
                           As founding member and Investment Principal for Audley Capital Advisors LLP, a London-based activist hedge fund
                           was responsible for managing all UK listed and natural resources investments.
                           Appointed Non-Executive Chairman of Artemis Resources Limited (ASX: ARV) – February 2020; Non-Executive Director
                           of Trident Resources plc (LON: TRR) – November 2019; Non-Executive Director of Thor Mining plc (AIM: THR) – August
                           2019. Formerly a director of Kalahari Metals Ltd.
                           Graduated with an MA degree from Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

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Board and Management

Neville Bergin           Neville is a mining engineer with almost four decades of accumulated experience in the mining industry. He has had
Non-Executive Director   exposure to a range of commodities and both underground and open pit operational experience. His broad experience
                         base encompasses many operational and executive roles, and five years’ experience as a non-executive director of
                         both ASX listed and unlisted companies including Northern Star Resources Limited. Neville was previously Vice
                         President of Gold Fields Australia Pty Ltd where he was in charge of operational management of two mines.

                         Neville has extensive experience in technical due diligence having undertaken this type of investigation for several past
                         employers. He is also well versed in study management having managed several feasibility studies. He has a BSc from
                         the Camborne School of Mines in the UK and currently runs his own mining consultancy business.

May 2020                                               METAL TIGER PLC                                                                         19

             Head Office
             Metal Tiger plc
             107 Cheapside
             EC2V 6DN

                 +44 (0)20 7099 0738


April 2020         METAL TIGER PLC        20
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