Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Glimpse into the future
Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035
Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Peace cannot be kept by
     force; it can only be
     achieved by
     Albert Einstein

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Scenario Thinking                                                                            05
Critical Uncertainties                                                                       06
Four Possible Future Scenarios                                                               08
Conclusions and Outlook                                                                      12
Methodology                                                                                  14
Contacts                                                                                     16

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Scenario Thinking
A glimpse into the future of digital conflicts in geopolitics

Geopolitical conflict is as old as humanity. It       In the Sophie's World scenario, integrated          Before we travel into these four different
has been widely debated by academics,                 social and technological systems have led to        future worlds we will examine the ‘critical
politicians and economists. However, in our           strong Sino-European political and economic         uncertainties’ or factors that might influence
rapidly transforming world, traditional               cooperation. The risk of conflict has               them. Digital conflicts in geopolitics are
debates can no longer adequately capture              decreased significantly, and technological          characterized by rapid and significant change.
the complexities of geopolitical conflict in the      developments and mutual understanding               Let´s journey into four different future worlds
digital sphere.                                       have fostered a high level of resilience in both    in 2035 and see what they would mean for
                                                      China and Europe.                                   us.
What could future digital conflicts in
geopolitics look like in 2035? What role could        The scenario Collapse of the Digital Global         Enjoy the ride!
the European Union (EU), China and non-               Commons describes a world of instability
governmental actors have in solving them?             and danger. The integration of Chinese and          Your
The answers to these questions depend on              European social and technological systems
the many uncertainties that accompany the             has led to an uncontrolled playing field for
extension of classic geopolitical conflicts into      cybercriminals and terrorists, making digital
the digital realm. How the private and public         ecosystems highly vulnerable. Both China and
sectors, as well as civil society, in China and       Europe respond with inward-looking
the EU respond to these complex questions             governance, focusing on their own narrow
will be vital in the future.                          interests instead of working together.

Scenario analysis can capture such                    In Cold War 4.0, digital feudalism and
complexities more effectively than traditional        protectionism have fostered highly polarized
analytical methodologies. While it is                 governance systems with digital Darwinism
impossible to predict the future, scenario            characterized by a ‘me first’ attitude in both
planning can help to tell stories of the future,      China and Europe. Both operate in their own
cutting through complexity and flagging               digital sphere and economic markets are
opportunities and risks. This allows decision         isolated. Although diplomatic ties are still
makers to develop robust, yet flexible                strong, other communication and exchange is
strategies for the future.                            almost non-existent because of frequent
                                                      cyberwars and massive cyberattacks.
Combining the scenario expertise of Deloitte’s
Centre for the Long View (CLV) with the               Unsplendid Digital Isolation describes a
academic expertise of the German Institute            world of a Sino-European stalemate
for International and Security Affairs (SWP)          characterized by border walls, protectionism
and the European University Viadrina, we              and isolationism. China and Europe have
developed four possible scenarios for the             become highly resilient digital islands with no
future of digital geopolitical conflict. While this   exchange between the two. Politically,
glimpse will focus on the question of what            dictatorships are on the rise, and technology
digital conflict might look like, further             is exploited to further narrow local interests
publications by the SWP, in cooperation with          only.
the CLV, will take a closer look at the
implications of these scenarios and potential
solutions. The four scenarios demonstrate
how different the future could be:

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Critical Uncertainties
Drivers that will shape future digital conflicts in geopolitics

                                In today’s complex world many forces have            means that the possibilities for social and
                                the potential to affect the development of           technological cooperation and exchange
                                digital geopolitical conflicts. ‘Drivers’ are what   between the EU and China are greatly
                                we call the factors that may influence the           reduced, and physical or digital transfers face
                                future. To identify and prioritize the large         severe barriers. The main drivers underlying
                                number of potential drivers, we used a               this critical uncertainty range across all seven
                                combination of AI-based natural language             STEMPLE categories: Digital Divide, Artificial
                                processing algorithms, traditional research          Intelligence, Skill gap in China and the EU,
                                and expert interviews. The drivers range             Interoperability of technological ecosystems,
                                across all seven of the STEMPLE categories           Data Protection and Privacy Regulations,
                                (social, technological, economic, military,          Technology gap between the EU and China,
                                political/legal and environmental factors)           and Industry 4.0.
                                ensuring a holistic outlook on current and
                                future complexities.                                 The second axis is formed by the critical
                                                                                     uncertainty ´sustainability of digital
                                To build the basis for the scenario framework,       ecosystems´. This means the capability of
                                an expert panel rated the drivers according to       long-term, development, production and
                                their potential impact and their uncertainty.        maintenance of networks of digital platforms
                                Subsequently, the focus was put on the most          and related digital products. Digital
                                impactful and most uncertain drivers, which          ecosystems can either be resilient or
                                were grouped into a series of ‘critical              vulnerable. Resilience is characterized by
                                uncertainties’. Critical uncertainties are           highly secure digital networks and products
                                clusters of interrelated drivers that capture        and the ability to effectively prevent, respond
                                decisive questions on future developments.           and react to cyber attacks. Vulnerability
                                In this process, our expert panel defined five       describes highly insecure digital networks or
                                critical uncertainties. After correlation testing,   products and the inability to effectively
                                two out of these five critical uncertainties         prevent, respond and react to cyber attacks.
                                were identified as the axes pairs for our            Five major drivers shape this critical
                                scenario matrix, forming four plausible but          uncertainty: the cybersecurity of critical
                                challenging scenario worlds.                         infrastructure, the level of cyber resilience, the
                                                                                     attribution of cyber attacks, international
                                The first critical uncertainty selected is the       cyber cooperation and the role of third party
                                interoperability of Chinese and European             states in cybersecurity.
                                social and technological systems. This
                                delineates the compatibility of and                  As a result, the four plausible but highly
                                relationship between social and technological        challenging visions of the future, illustrated on
                                standards in China and the EU. Chinese and           the right, were derived. These alternative
                                European social and technological systems            futures give four answers to our focal
                                can either be integrated or fragmented.              question: What could digital conflicts in
                                Integration means that the flow of people,           geopolitics look like in 2035?
                                information, capital, goods and services is
                                encouraged and facilitated, and that societies
                                can use a common market for social, political
                                and economic exchange. Fragmentation

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Fig. 1 – Scenario matrix : The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics 2035


             Unsplendid Digital                                                                                          Sophie's World
                                                                    Sustainability of digital ecosystems


    Fragmen-                      Interoperability of                                                      social+techn. systems          Integra-
    tation                                                                                                                                tion

                 Cold War 4.0                                 Vulnerability                                          Collapse of the Global
                                                                                                                       Digital Commons

.                                                                                                                                                  07
Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Four Possible Scenarios
The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics

Scenario 1:                    In this scenario, China and Europe cooperate      terrorism threats. However, despite these
                               in a peaceful world. The integration of           positive developments, tensions between
Sophie's World                 Chinese and European social and                   China and Europe on the control of standards
                               technological systems has fostered a strong       have the potential to grow and threaten
Integration of Chinese and     relationship and fruitful exchange. This has      relations between the two players.
European social and            significantly reduced the risk of conflict and    Economic competition has led to permanent
                               strengthened political, social and economic       learning in both China and Europe. One result
technological systems and      ties. In the competition-based economic           of this is a very high level of resilience of digital
resilience of digital          system, both players were able to grow their      ecosystems. Both players are highly
                               capabilities within a defined set of standards.   adaptable and able to cope with change well.
ecosystems                     While there are no tensions on the use of         Technology is generally employed for the
                               these capabilities, the question of who           common good, for example to increase social
                               controls these standards is contested. The        cohesion and is open to all. While there is
                               Chinese and the European states have a            agreement on social values between China
                               strong hand in setting standards, but social      and Europe, the instruments by which these
                               and technological interconnectivity ensures       values are promoted and enforced are
                               close cooperation. A Sino-European                contested.
                               Cybersecurity Council has been established to
                               counter the existing cyber crime and cyber

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Scenario 2:                  In this alternative future, China and Europe        narrow interests. Instability and the high level
                             find themselves in an unstable situation.           of cyber threat have led to low economic
Collapse of the digital      Although diplomatic ties between both               growth. Access to the open market is key for
global commons               players are still intact, the strenuous balance     social and economic wellbeing. While big
                             of today´s Chinese-European relationship            international companies can leverage the
Integration of Chinese and   has been cemented over the years. The world         open digital playing field and profit despite
                             is a dangerous place – despite the successes        the cost-intensity of the economy, all others
European social and          of integrating Sino-European social and             fight for survival and employees are exploited
technological systems and    technological systems, the open-border digital      for economic profit. While states have lost
                             sphere has also given free reign to cyber           power, these big private players have gained
vulnerability of digital     criminals. The threat of non-state actors in        influence.
ecosystems                   this sphere is significant in both China and
                             Europe.                                             Global governance thus remains a challenge –
                                                                                 despite the high interoperability, individual
                             This has led to a high vulnerability of digital     territory-based governance systems have
                             ecosystems. Citizens' security and livelihoods      persisted. Although the interoperability of
                             thus depend on the states’ success in               technological systems allows a Chinese-
                             protecting and growing the digitalized              European exchange on different levels, social
                             economic and social spheres. To do so               and cultural ideas have remained largely
                             innovation is needed, but access to                 segregated.
                             technological developments is limited to the
                             economically powerful and often used for

Glimpse into the future - Digital Conflicts in Geopolitics 2035 - Deloitte
Scenario 3:                 In the Cold War 4.0 scenario, China and           Europe has lost the technology race, making it

Cold War 4.0                Europe operate in a highly polarized system
                            governed by the survival of the fittest. Cyber
                                                                              digitally vulnerable. However, with exponential
                                                                              technological developments and warlords
                            war is frequent, and states govern with a ‘me     and other non-state actors leading constant
Fragmentation of Chinese    first’ attitude. Digital feudalism and            digital skirmishes, China also finds itself in a
and European social and     protectionism have carved the world into          situation of high vulnerability. Massive cyber
                            different socially and technologically            attacks have hit both players since the early
technological systems and   fragmented spheres, all of which adhere to        2020s.
vulnerability of digital    their own, oppositional social and political
                            values. Ideologies and religion have flourished   This has led to the maintenance of
ecosystems                  in this environment. With no direct border        communication and the establishment of a
                            between China and Europe, divisions have          multilateral digital alliance between power
                            manifested themselves in proxy wars across        players, including China and Europe. Despite
                            Asia and Africa. In and beyond these –            the dire state of the world, the existence of
                            partially hot- wars, technology is employed by    such diplomatic ties holds promise, and
                            states to further their own interests.            stability could be reached through diplomatic
                            Isolationism is also a feature of the economic    means.
                            markets. Separate blocks of digital economies
                            have emerged, tightly controlled by states.

The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Scenario 4:                 In this world, China and Europe find                   substitution with heavily protected individual
                            themselves in a stalemate rather than in               cyber spheres. Technology is widely used for
Unsplendid digital          sustainable stability. The world is                    narrow interests by both state and non-state
isolation.                  characterized by border walls; protectionism           actors. Governments actively control the
                            and isolationism rule. Fueled by the                   information flow within their realms according
Fragmentation of Chinese    fragmentation of social and technological
                            systems, China and Europe have become
                                                                                   to their clashing social and political values.
                                                                                   Resilience has become a major government
and European social and     strictly governed, highly resilient digital islands.   concern. To ensure this, China and Europe
technological systems and   Any exchange, whether digitally or in the
                            analogue world, is almost impossible.
                                                                                   adhere to their own governance system, with
                                                                                   no convergence on a uni- or multilateral level.
resilience of digital       Aggression dominates the tone on both sides            Imperialism has returned, and both China
ecosystems                  as they stand on the verge of conflict.
                            Both China and Europe have cemented
                                                                                   and Europe compete to expand their
                                                                                   influence and widen their respective islands,
                            preconditions for dictatorships in the late            particularly in Africa and Asia.
                            2020s, following an intense cyber war with             The danger of instability is always lingering
                            disastrous consequences for both                       over both players´ heads, but there is also
                            governments and civilians. The world has               potential for growth; massive cyberattacks on
                            become highly polarized. This has resulted in          both China and Europe have led to the
                            the end of internet as we know it, and its             understanding that change is necessary.

Conclusions and
The future of digital conflicts in
geopolitics will have wide-ranging
implications for public and private actors
and civil society in both China and the EU.

The four scenarios each describe                     of the private and public sectors or civil           a meaningful exchange on all levels. The civil
radically different worlds.                          society organizations, but should trickle down       society can be a powerful player here.
Yet, all four of them make one thing blatantly       into wider society.
obvious: a close cooperation between China                                                                Naturally, the implications of the four
and Europe will be needed to deal with the           Equally, to build positive relations successfully,   scenarios go well beyond this. Implications
different challenges that lie ahead.                 traditional means will not suffice. In a             should be analyzed and strategies formulated
                                                     digitalized world communication channels             for each scenario. Common core policies
This cooperation will hinge not only on              must be adapted to the new digital reality.          applying to all four scenarios need to be
governmental activity, but also on private           This means supplementing traditional means           devised. This in itself will require the
sector action and the involvement of civil           and points of interaction with new ones, for         engagement of a diverse set of stakeholders.
society. Close diplomatic cooperation will be        example by supplementing traditional forms           Our scenario design process involved an
vital, but not in itself sufficient to prevent and   of diplomacy with digital diplomacy.                 interdisciplinary panel of public, private and
solve future digital geopolitical conflict.                                                               civil society experts from both China and
Instead, relationships need to be built on the       Both China and the EU need to be willing to          Europe. A similarly diverse group needs to be
political, social and economic level. This           understand political, social and economic            included in the formulation of strategic
should not be limited to high-ranking officials      specificities of the other, and aim at fostering     options. This in itself is a first step towards the

The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

crucial coordination that is a key strategic      alternative futures. By capturing uncertainty       development of the four scenarios,
necessity of all four scenarios.                  using scenario design, we can take a glimpse        monitoring drivers and related indicators will
                                                  into four different possible stories of the         be key to adapt to changing winds in the
These scenarios show a glimpse into four          future. Of course, we do not expect one of          journey across the scenario worlds. Only this
worlds that will be challenging to navigate.      these to unfold exactly as described – the          will enable stakeholders not only to react to
Whether this is the positive „Sophie´s World”     future may lie somewhere in between.                change, but to drive it proactively towards a
or the three darker scenarios “Collapse of the    However, journeying into these four extreme         positive future.
Digital Global Commons”, “Unsplendid Digital      worlds will help stakeholders to define robust
Isolation” or “Cold War 4.0”, each scenario has   but flexible strategies that enable them to         Let's make our journey into the future a
its own individual friction stakeholders need     cope with the uncertainties of today and            positive one.
to face as the drivers underlying critical        tomorrow.
uncertainties evolve.
                                                  This is not a one-time task. To ensure the
The complex interaction of the different          validity of strategic options, current and future
critical uncertainties and underlying drivers     developments must be carefully monitored.
that we defined could paint a myriad of           Although this project focused on the

Introduction to scenario design and                   technological, economic, military, political/        interoperability of Chinese and European
methodology                                           legal, and environmental factors.                    social and technological systems’ and ‘the
This study on the future of digital conflicts in                                                           sustainability of digital ecosystems’.
geopolitics is based on the seven-step                In order to determine this study’s longlist of
scenario-design methodology of the Center             drivers, we conducted detailed analyses with         Having established the scenario matrix, we
for the Long View (CLV). It is the outcome of         our AI- based research tool, CLV Deep View.          then in a fifth step develop the four scenario
comprehensive research, expert interviews,            Deep View uses proprietary natural language          narratives. Scenario narratives define the
and a scenario workshop involving selected            processing algorithms to read millions of data       framework conditions and atmosphere of
experts from the private and public sectors           sets with the aim of identifying patterns            each scenario within the context of a story. By
and civil society from China and Germany, as          between key words, phrases, people,                  using the previously identified drivers to
well as the Deloitte network and experienced          companies, or institutions. This allows us to        reverse-engineer the milestones that would
scenario practitioners from the CLV.                  gain a holistic understanding of highly              lead to each future, we can determine the key
                                                      complex issues and interrelationships, as well       elements for each scenario.
For this project, we focused on steps one to          as to identify global trends. It also helps to
five, outlined below. The sixth step, the             avoid the inherent bias of traditional research      Then, in a sixth step, we use these scenario
consideration of implications and the                 methods. This longlist of drivers is then            narratives to consider the resulting
formulation of strategic options, will be             consolidated into a shortlist. For this project,     implications for the stakeholders involved,
considered in more detail in additional               this shortlist contained 104 driving forces          such as the private and public sectors and
publications of the SWP. However, for the             across all seven STEMPLE categories.                 civil society.
sake of completion, all seven steps of the CLV
scenario methodology will be explained                In a third step, we prioritize and cluster the       In a seventh and final step, we define key
below.                                                identified drivers into critical uncertainties.      indicators for each of the four scenarios to
                                                      This is necessary, as not all driving forces are     enable the monitoring of trend
This process begins with the formulation of a         uncertain. Some may be predetermined and             developments. The aim of this step is to
focal question in order to determine the              unlikely to develop in different ways across         observe relevant developments in order to
project’s scope and strategic direction. The          different scenarios. Thus, critical uncertainties    establish which scenario the world is moving
focal question for this study was: What could         must fulfill two criteria: firstly, they must have   towards and to identify shifts from one
digital conflicts in geopolitics look like in 2035?   a high impact on the outcome of the focal            scenario to another one.
As a follow-on step, we then look at the              question. Secondly, they must be highly
implications of that question: What role could        uncertain or volatile. These critical
the EU, China and non-governmental actors             uncertainties then serve as the building
have in solving them?                                 blocks for the scenario framework.

As scenarios are a way of understanding the           The scenario framework is developed in the
dynamics that shape the future, the second            fourth step of our scenario design approach.
step of our methodological approach is the            Following a correlation test, two critical
identification of drivers. Drivers are those          uncertainties are selected by the expert
factors that have the potential to significantly      group as the scenario matrix axes. The axes
impact the focal question at hand. These              thereby form four highly divergent but
drivers can be grouped into seven categories,         plausible scenario worlds. In our study, these
called the STEMPLE forces: social,                    two critical uncertainties are ‘the

The future of digital conflicts in geopolitics - China and the EU | A scenario approach

Fig.2 – Seven step scenario approach of the CLV

                        7   Monitoring
                                                                                          1    Focal Question

     6   Implications
         & Options                                 Seven Step                                                   2     Driving Forces


              5   Scenario
                                                                                                         3     Critical

                                                  4   Scenario Frameworks


Florian Klein                                                Annina Lux
Head of the Center for the Long View                         Scenario Practitioner
Monitor Deloitte                                             Center for the Long View
Tel: +49 (0)69 97137 386                                     Tel: +49 (0)30 25468 5131                                 

With special thanks to Maximilian Lobbes for his contribution.

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Issue 03/2019
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