Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS

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Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Market Report | Summer 2021-2022

Ray White Castle Hill
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Ray White
Castle Hill
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Summer 2021 - 2022
As Australia recovers from Covid-19 lock-downs and restrictions, Sydney’s property prices continue their seemingly
never-ending upward trajectory. Sydney’s eye-watering house prices have increased by a staggering 30.4% in the
past year. This was fueled mostly by supply shortage with sellers holding off during lock-down uncertainty. This is
nowhere more evident than in the Hills District, where record street sales are no longer the anomaly.

It might seem that with so many buyers in the market as well as record prices, a good result can appear comfortably
attainable. But the question remains – is it the absolute best result achievable? A good agent must exhaust the
marketing and negotiation process and never assume what buyers in a competitive market might be prepared to pay
and continually engage with them, not only to help them achieve their ambitions, but to integrate the rising
expectations of the vendor.

However, there are signs that things are beginning to slow. As the high prices attract vendors, more are engaging
with the market. Increasing supply in turn can offer greater choices for buyers and consequently lessen competition.
As a result, the necessity to choose the right agent is becoming more and more important. The Ray White Castle Hill
Team has been behind many of the record-breaking sales in the last year. We are proud of our 96.3% Auction
clearance rate and 5 star reviews. We welcome your inquiries, be it selling, buying, renting, or simply to find out how
much your property is worth after the recent boom.

Our office is open Monday - Saturday, 9am-5pm and we can be contacted on 02 9680 2255.

                   Philip Kelly                                              David Dowling
                   Director                                                  Director
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS


80 Greenbank Drive, Glenhaven                                                                            58 Evans Road, Glenhaven
6 Beds / 4 Baths / 4 Cars                                                  $3,100,000                    5 Beds / 3 Baths / 2 Cars                                                  $3,000,000

10 Woodburn Place, Glehaven                                                                               173 Greenbank Drive, Glenhaven
4 Beds / 2 Baths / 2 Cars                                                   $2,001,000                    4 Beds / 2 Baths / 2 Cars                                                $1,900,000

53 Grange Road, Glenhaven                                                                                 29 Fullers Road, Glenhaven
5 Beds / 3 Baths / 2 Cars                                                  $2,100,000                     4 Beds / 2 Baths / 2 Cars                                                $2,275,000

We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this document – independent advice should be obtained before making any
decision. We acknowledge that information contained in this document may be sourced and obtained in part from third parties. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether
expressed or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this or any other information supplied on our behalf. For more information:
disclaimers. Properties included may/may not be sold by Ray White Castle Hill.
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS


13 Grange Road, Glenhaven                                                                                56 Greenbank Drive, Glenhaven
4 Beds / 3 Baths / 4 Cars                                                  $2,715,000                    5 Beds / 4 Baths / 2 Cars                                                  $2,400,000

8 Evans Road, Glenhaven                                                                                  28A Mills Road, Glenhaven
4 Beds / 3 Baths / 2 Cars                                                   $2,265,000                   6 Beds / 3 Baths / 3 Cars                                                  $4,050,000

9 Hyde Avenue, Glenhaven                                                                                  164 Glenhaven Road, Glenhaven
5 Beds / 3 Baths / 2 Cars                                                     $2,015,000                  6 Beds / 4 Baths / 5 Cars                                                 $4,726,000

We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in this document – independent advice should be obtained before making any
decision. We acknowledge that information contained in this document may be sourced and obtained in part from third parties. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether
expressed or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this or any other information supplied on our behalf. For more information:
disclaimers. Properties included may/may not be sold by Ray White Castle Hill.
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Market Snapshot

Total Sales by Quarter
                                                                                                                           Median House Sale Price

                  2022/21                           2021/20                          2020/19

Dec - Feb                   —                        22                               22
                                                                                                                              25.1% change vs. last year

Sep - Nov                   32                       30                               26
                                                                                                                           Median Unit Sale Price

Jun - Aug               25                           22                               22
                                                                                                                           No change vs. last year
Mar - May               36                           14                               18

  Sold Median Price Trend
         Houses                                    Units

                  Sep - Nov 18

                                 Dec 18 - Feb 19

                                                       Mar - May 19

                                                                      Jun - Aug 19

                                                                                          Sep - Nov 19

                                                                                                         Dec 19 - Feb 20

                                                                                                                             Mar - May 20

                                                                                                                                            Jun - Aug 20

                                                                                                                                                           Sep - Nov 20

                                                                                                                                                                          Dec 20 - Feb 21

                                                                                                                                                                                            Mar - May 21

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jun - Aug 21
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Ray White
Castle Hill
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Tips on how to survive the Australian summer
We all look forward to summertime, but we often
forget just how hot the Australian summer can get.

The Independent Climate Council has warned the
Australian government to prepare for hotter
summers, with heat waves becoming much more

Australian’s summer can be fun – if you know how
to combat the heat.

The best way to keep cool is to create a haven for yourself in a home well-prepared for Australia’s
harsh climate. Without a cool house, you may find it impossible to cool down.

The house is where you go to seek respite from harsh temperatures outside, but with a stuffy
house ill-prepared for a heat wave, your Australian summer may become unbearable.

Thankfully, there are actually a number of simple things you can do to create a summer-friendly

Stay downstairs

Heat rises, so upstairs rooms are likely to be stuffier and hotter than downstairs. If the bedrooms
are upstairs, relocate downstairs for better sleep when hot nights are predicted.

Turn off all heat sources
Using any electrical appliances prone to heating up is counter-productive to cooling your house

Ovens, stoves, computers, televisions and even incandescent lights all emit heat – avoid using
them when possible.

 Close curtains, blinds and roller shutters

 Make sure your curtains and blinds are closed during
 the day to block out heat and sunlight and keep the
 house cool.

 Roller shutters will make sure the sun’s heat cannot
 get anywhere near the window frames and into your

 A pergola or veranda will allow you to still go outside
 without getting overly hot.
Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS
Open windows and doors at night
Once the mercury has dipped, it’s a good idea to open
windows and doors (including those inside the house).

This creates a natural ventilation system that purges hot air
from the house, while the draft cools down the rooms.

Insulate your home
Insulating your home guarantees a cooler house in the long term.

A house with well-insulated walls and attic acts like a styrofoam cooler, keeping the heat out of
your house during the hotter months.

 Create shade in your garden
 Plant trees in your garden over areas that attract more sunlight. They will filter sunlight
 through in winter and create a degree of shade in summer.

 If you want to create complete shade, consider building a pergola in the garden. It will give
 you a reclusive sheltered spot away from the house if you’re getting a little stir-crazy shut
 up indoors.

 Also carefully consider where to build outdoor entertainment space. If it is in direct sunlight
 throughout most of the day, make note that rocks, stone and concrete surfaces retain heat
 for a long time after the sun has set. If you want to build a verandah away from the sun, look
 for an appropriate south-facing position. If you have no option but to build a north-facing
 verandah or one that simply catches a lot of sunlight, put up shade blinds or tinted PVC
 blinds to keep out the sun during the hotter months.

Glenhaven Market Report | Summer 2021-2022 - Ray White Castle Hill - Amazon AWS

Local experts, working for you.

Philip Kelly              Kieron Stedman                   Brendan Jackson                  Paul Conti
Director                  New Developments / Project Mkg   New Developments / Project Mkg   Sales Executive

Peter Iann                Daniel Llamas                    Joel Simpson                     Kael Sharp
Sales Executive           Sales Executive                  Sales Executive                  Sales Executive

Sam Shamal                Karl Anthony                     Matthew Langdon                  Sara Perry
Sales Executive           Sales Executive                  Sales Executive                  Sales Executive

Kelly Curmi               Craig Robinson                   Yong Park
Sales Executive           Sales Executive                  Sales Executive

 Ray White Castle Hill                                                                                     02 9680 2255
 287C Old Northern Road                                                                
 Castle Hill NSW 2154

Local experts, working for you.

Warren Tam                 Tony Yee                   Sylvester Wijaya         Odette Roach
Senior Property Manager    Property Manager           Leasing | New Business   Business Manager

Lauren McEachen            Ana Bujak                  John Alejandro           Sam Lazarus
Administration Assistant   Administration Assistant   Sales Assistant          Sales Assistant

                                                                                              02 9680 2255
Ray White Castle Hill
287C Old Northern Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154
                (02) 9680 2255

           Ray White Castle Hill
            is the proud sponsor of
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