German 2, Semester A v4.0 Course Map

Page created by Arnold Mccoy
German 2, Semester A v4.0
                                                          Course Map
This German 2 course was created using the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). This document outlines the design
of the course as well as the coverage of the Grades 9-10 standards within the course.

ACTFL Standards

Semester A:
Unit 1: Back-to-School

 Course Level Objective(s):
 • Use correct masculine, feminine, and neuter, definite and indefinite articles with nominative and accusative cases.
 • Use interrogative words and question formation, including tag questions, inversion, and negation.
 • Use correct adjective endings in nominative and accusative cases.
 • Use basic conversational past tense correctly with regular (weak) and irregular (strong) verbs.
 Unit 1:
 By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
     ▪ Describe classes, teachers, friends at school, and school supplies.
     ▪ Use subject pronouns such as ICH, DU, ER, SIE, ES, WIR, IHR, SIE, and SIE.
     ▪ Use present tense regular verbs.
     ▪ Use correct noun plural forms.
     ▪ Use correct masculine, feminine, and neuter definite and indefinite articles with nominative and accusative cases.
     ▪ Review stem-changing verbs such as ESSEN, GEBEN, LESEN, SEHEN, SPRECHEN, NEHMEN, FAHREN, and EINLADEN.
     ▪ Review basic adjectives, including adjective endings with definite and indefinite articles.
     ▪ Ask and answer questions about school, teachers, classmates, and things around town.
     ▪ Use interrogative words and question formation, including tag questions, inversion, and negation.
     ▪ Review HABEN (TO HAVE), SEIN (TO BE), and the phrase ES GIBT (THERE IS/ARE).
     ▪ Use accusative determiners including EINEN.
     ▪ Describe the importance of intonation in question formation.

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▪   Use two-way prepositions: IN, AN, and AUF.
      ▪   Ask and answer questions about national origin and other personal information.
      ▪   Use correct adjective endings in nominative and accusative cases.
      ▪   Use contractions such as ZUM and AM appropriately.
      ▪   Describe summer holidays and activities.
      ▪   Use basic conversational past tense correctly with regular (weak) verbs.
      ▪   Use basic conversational past tense correctly with irregular (strong) verbs.
      ▪   Use time order words and phrases and correct word order: IN DEN FERIEN, ZUERST, DANN, DANACH, and ZULETZT.
      ▪   Compare PERFEKT and IMPERFECT (only HATTEN and WAREN).

                               Lesson Level                Instructional
      Lesson                                                                           Tools                     Activity                    Assessment
                                Objective                    Material
 ▪    New Faces,        ▪    Describe classes,         ▪   New Faces, New        ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Students will complete the     ▪   Lesson Activities:
      New Places             teachers, friends at          Places:               ▪   Glossary             paragraph provided with            Self-Evaluations
                             school, and school            o Discussion          ▪   ‘Look up a word’     the appropriate definite or    ▪   Mastery Test
                             supplies.                     o Tutorial            ▪   Slide Narration      indefinite articles.           ▪   Unit 1 Post Test
                        ▪    Use subject pronouns          o Teacher             ▪   Click to speak   ▪   Students will complete the     ▪   German 2A End-
                             such as ICH, DU, ER,
                                                               Graded Activity   ▪   Audio Recorder       paragraph in this activity         of-Semester Test
                                                           o Unit Activity:      ▪   Highlighter          with the appropriate forms
                             SIE, ES, WIR, IHR, SIE,           Back to School                             of each verb provided in
                             and SIE.                                                                     parentheses.
                        ▪    Use present tense                                                       ▪    Reading Stephanie’s blog
                             regular verbs.                                                               describing a day in her life
                        ▪    Use correct noun                                                             and the life of a new friend
                             plural forms.                                                                in Frankfurt. Students will
                        ▪    Use correct                                                                  then create a blog post in
                             masculine, feminine,                                                         German describing their
                             and neuter definite                                                          daily schedule and that of a
                             and indefinite articles                                                      friend’s.
                             with nominative and
                             accusative cases.
                        ▪    Review stem-
                             changing verbs such

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                             LESEN, SEHEN,
                             SPRECHEN, NEHMEN,
                             FAHREN, and
                        ▪    Review basic
                             adjectives, including
                             adjective endings
                             with definite and
                             indefinite articles.

                               Lesson Level              Instructional
      Lesson                                                                         Tools                    Activity                    Assessment
                                Objective                  Material
 ▪    At School and     ▪    Ask and answer          ▪   At School and         ▪   Discussion Board ▪ Students will use the given     ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Around Town            questions about             Around Town:          ▪   Glossary           question words to create            Self-Evaluations
                             school, teachers,           o Tutorial            ▪   ‘Look up a word’   questions for the               ▪   Mastery Test
                             classmates, and             o Teacher             ▪   Slide Narration    responses and answer            ▪   Unit 1 Post Test
                             things around town.             Graded Activity   ▪   Click to speak     prompts provided:               ▪   German 2A End-
                                                         o Unit Activity:      ▪   Audio Recorder         • was                           of-Semester Test
                        ▪    Use interrogative
                                                             Back to School    ▪   Highlighter            • wie
                             words and question
                                                                                                          • wem
                             formation, including
                                                                                                          • wen
                             tag questions,                                                               • wer
                             inversion, and                                                               • wo
                             negation.                                                                    • warum
                        ▪    Review HABEN (TO                                                       ▪ Students will complete the
                             HAVE), SEIN (TO BE),                                                     table below by filling in the
                             and the phrase ES                                                        missing questions, using
                             GIBT (THERE IS/ARE).                                                     the question words and
                        ▪    Use accusative                                                           tagging the question
                             determiners including                                                    phrases that they’ve
                             EINEN.                                                                   learned. Students will also
                                                                                                      use the corresponding
                                                                                                      statement and filled-in

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▪    Describe the                                                             question as hints.
                             importance of                                                       ▪    Students will create
                             intonation in question                                                   interview questions in
                             formation.                                                               German that they would
                        ▪    Use two-way                                                              like to ask the famous actor
                                                                                                      Heidi Klum, using the
                             prepositions: IN, AN,
                                                                                                      different question forms
                             and AUF.                                                                 that they’ve learned.

                               Lesson Level            Instructional
      Lesson                                                                       Tools                     Activity                     Assessment
                                Objective                Material
 ▪    Exchanging        ▪    Ask and answer        ▪   Exchanging            ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Student will complete the       ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Personal               questions about           Personal              ▪   Glossary             paragraph provided using            Self-Evaluations
      Information            national origin and       Information:          ▪   ‘Look up a word’     the following list of words:    ▪   Mastery Test
                             other personal            o Tutorial            ▪   Slide Narration      • sportlich                     ▪   Unit 1 Post Test
                             information.              o Teacher             ▪   Click to speak       • gesellig                      ▪   German 2A End-
                        ▪    Use correct adjective
                                                           Graded Activity   ▪   Audio Recorder       • fleißig                           of-Semester Test
                                                       o Unit Activity:      ▪   Highlighter          • nett
                             endings in nominative         Back to School                             • kultiviert
                             and accusative cases.
                                                                                                      • Schweizer
                        ▪    Use contractions such
                                                                                                      • geduldig
                             as ZUM and AM
                                                                                                      • Englände
                             appropriately.                                                      ▪    Students will write a
                                                                                                      paragraph in German that
                                                                                                      can be a part of
                                                                                                      Stephanie’s blog in which
                                                                                                      she describes her school
                                                                                                      friends. They will include
                                                                                                      information about their
                                                                                                      nationalities, interests, and
                                                                                                      personality traits using the
                                                                                                      details in the provided in
                                                                                                      the table.

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▪    Last Summer       ▪    Describe summer       ▪   Lat Summer:           ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Explaining what they           ▪   Lesson Activities:
                             holidays and              o Tutorial            ▪   Glossary             understand about the               Self-Evaluations
                             activities.               o Teacher             ▪   ‘Look up a word’     Perfekt and Präteritum         ▪   Mastery Test
                        ▪    Use basic                     Graded Activity   ▪   Slide Narration      tense, when it is used, and    ▪   Unit 1 Post Test
                             conversational past       o Unit Activity:      ▪   Click to speak       how the Perfekt tense is       ▪   German 2A End-
                             tense correctly with
                                                           Back to School    ▪   Audio Recorder       formed using the auxiliary         of-Semester Test
                                                                             ▪   Highlighter          verbs haben/sein, students
                             regular (weak) verbs.                                                    will write a paragraph, in
                        ▪    Use basic                                                                German. Students will
                             conversational past                                                      also use the Perfekt tense
                             tense correctly with                                                     to describe how they spent
                             irregular (strong)                                                       their last summer vacation.
                             verbs.                                                              ▪    Students will read several
                        ▪    Use time order words                                                     sentences, which describe
                             and phrases and                                                          a series of events then they
                             correct word order:                                                      will rearrange the
                             IN DEN FERIEN,                                                           sentences in chronological
                                                                                                      order starting with the
                             ZUERST, DANN,
                                                                                                      most recent event,
                             DANACH, and                                                              underlining the term or
                             ZULETZT.                                                                 phrase that indicates the
                        ▪    Compare PERFEKT                                                          relative order of the
                             and IMPERFECT (only                                                      sentence in the sequence.
                             HATTEN and WAREN).                                                  ▪    Germany offers many
                        ▪                                                                             exciting outdoor activities
                                                                                                      for adventure-
                                                                                                      seekers. Students will write
                                                                                                      a few sentences, in
                                                                                                      German, about the
                                                                                                      activities that they would
                                                                                                      want to try, and why they
                                                                                                      would want to try it.

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Unit 2: Lifestyles

 Course Level Objective(s):
 • Use conjunctions when expressing likes and dislikes (dass - Ich finde, dass), including correct word order.
 • Express likes and dislikes using nicht and kein, gern haben and nicht gern haben, gefallen, and finden.
 Unit 2:
 By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
      ▪   Describe and compare types of clothing, both traditional and modern.
      ▪   Use comparative and superlatives correctly (GUT, BESSER, AM BESTEN, and so on).
      ▪   Use separable verbs (ANPROBIEREN, AUSSEHEN, and ANZIEHEN).
      ▪   Use stem-changing verbs (TRAGEN).
      ▪   Use modal verbs (WOLLEN, MÖCHTEN, and so on).
      ▪   Use dative direct object verbs (PASSEN, STEHEN GUT, and so on).
      ▪   Review common adjectives from year 1.
      ▪   Express opinions about neighborhoods and living arrangements.
      ▪   Express likes and dislikes using NICHT and KEIN, GERN HABEN and NICHT GERN HABEN, GEFALLEN, and FINDEN.
      ▪   Use conjunctions when expressing likes and dislikes (DASS - ICH FINDE, DASS), including correct word order.
      ▪   Express likes and dislikes using modal verbs (WOLLEN, MÖGEN, and MÖCHTEN).
      ▪   Use indirect object pronouns.
      ▪   Describe online browsing and shopping experiences.
      ▪   Use present tense stem-changing verbs such as NEHMEN (TO TAKE), SEHEN (TO SEE), and LESEN (TO READ).
      ▪   Use present tense separable verbs, including ANMELDEN (TO REGISTER OR TO SIGN UP) and EINKAUFEN (TO SHOP), as well as
          regular weak verbs, including SUCHEN (TO SEARCH), BEZAHLEN (TO PAY), WAEHLEN (TO CHOOSE) that are applicable for online
      ▪   Use conversational past for separable and irregular verbs.
      ▪   Use direct object, or accusative, pronouns.
      ▪   Ask and answer questions about currencies and exchange rates of various countries.
      ▪   Review -ELN verbs, including to exchange (WECHSELN).
      ▪   Use question words appropriately (WIE VIELE, WIE, and WAS).
      ▪   Use irregular past tense verbs such as (GEHEN, GEBEN, FAHREN, and BRINGEN).

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      Lesson           Lesson Level Objective                                       Tools                      Activity                      Assessment
 ▪    Ways of          ▪   Describe and compare      ▪   Ways of            ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Student will rewrite the blog     ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Dressing             types of clothing, both       Dressing:          ▪   Glossary               entry below, using the third          Self-Evaluations
                           traditional and               o Discussion       ▪   ‘Look up a word’       person singular(er, sie, es) in   ▪   Mastery Test
                           modern.                       o Tutorial         ▪   Slide Narration        the present tense.                ▪   Unit 2 Post Test
                       ▪   Use comparative and           o Unit Activity:   ▪   Click to speak                                           ▪   German 2A End-
                                                            Lifestyles      ▪   Audio Recorder             •    Ich gehe heute zum           of-Semester Test
                           superlatives correctly
                                                                            ▪   Highlighter                     Kaufhaus, um einige
                           (GUT, BESSER, AM
                                                                                                                Kleider zu kaufen.
                           BESTEN, and so on).                                                                  Ich fahre mit
                       ▪   Use separable verbs                                                                  meinem Auto zum
                           (ANPROBIEREN,                                                                        Kaufhaus. Ich trage
                           AUSSEHEN, and                                                                        heute einen neuen
                           ANZIEHEN).                                                                           Pullover. Ich treffe
                       ▪   Use stem-changing                                                                    meine Freundin im
                           verbs (TRAGEN).                                                                      Kaufhaus. Meine
                       ▪   Use modal verbs                                                                      Freundin trägt einen
                           (WOLLEN, MÖCHTEN,                                                                    blauen Hut. Ich
                                                                                                                trage auch einen
                           and so on).
                                                                                                                schönen Rock und
                       ▪   Use dative direct                                                                    ich sehe sehr schön
                           object verbs (PASSEN,                                                                aus.
                           STEHEN GUT, and so                                                      ▪   Students will write a blog
                           on).                                                                        entry describing the
                       ▪   Review common                                                               similarities and differences
                           adjectives from year 1.                                                     between Swiss clothing
                                                                                                       styles, both traditional and
                                                                                                       contemporary, and
                                                                                                       American styles. In their
                                                                                                       blog, students will use the
                                                                                                       comparisons of equality and
                                                                                                       inequality that they’ve

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▪ Wir bieten Kunsthandwerke
                                                                                                    und moderne Kleider. Es ist
                                                                                                    das Beste in Zürich.

                                                                                                    Students will create an
                                                                                                    advertisement for Bally St.
                                                                                                    Moritz, a shop selling
                                                                                                    traditional clothes in
                                                                                                    Switzerland, describing what
                                                                                                    they offer. Students will use
                                                                                                    verbs related to shopping as
                                                                                                    well as comparisons and
                                                                                                    superlatives in their
                                                                                                    advertisement. The
                                                                                                    advertisement should be at
                                                                                                    least four sentences long.

      Lesson           Lesson Level Objective                                    Tools                     Activity                     Assessment
 ▪    Living     ▪         Express opinions about ▪   Living             ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Creating a sentence about       ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Arrangemen           neighborhoods and          Arrangements:      ▪   Glossary               William’s friends’ likes and        Self-Evaluations
      ts                   living arrangements.       o Tutorial         ▪   ‘Look up a word’       dislikes, students will use     ▪   Mastery Test
                       ▪   Express likes and          o Unit Activity:   ▪   Slide Narration        the prompts below:              ▪   Unit 2 Post Test
                           dislikes using NICHT            Lifestyles    ▪   Click to speak              • Die Wohnung in der       ▪   German 2A End-
                           and KEIN, GERN HABEN                          ▪   Audio Recorder                  Stadt (die Familie,        of-Semester Test
                                                                         ▪   Highlighter                     lieben)
                           and NICHT GERN
                                                                                                         • Der Stil (Richard,
                           HABEN, GEFALLEN, and                                                              gefallen)
                           FINDEN.                                                                       • Das Leben in der
                       ▪   Use conjunctions when                                                             Stadt (ich, lieben)
                           expressing likes and                                                          • Der Balkon in der
                           dislikes (DASS - ICH                                                              Wohnung (meine
                           FINDE, DASS), including                                                           Freunde, lieben)
                           correct word order.                                                           • Das Leben im Vorort
                                                                                                             (ich, mögen)

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▪   Express likes and        ▪ Students will rewrite various
                           dislikes using modal         sentences using the phrase
                           verbs (WOLLEN,               ich finde, dass..
                           MÖGEN, and                         • Die Wohnung ist
                           MÖCHTEN).                              schön.
                                                              • Das Haus ist groβ.
                       ▪   Use indirect object
                                                              • Die Miete ist zu
                                                              • Das Leben in der
                                                                  Stadt ist stressig.
                                                    ▪   Students will replace the
                                                        indirect objects in various
                                                        sentences provided with
                                                        indirect object pronouns
                                                        (mir, dir, ihm, ihr, uns, and
                                                    ▪   Students will complete
                                                        sentences in this activity by
                                                        filling-in-the blanks with the
                                                        correct indirect object
                                                    ▪   Students will use the table
                                                        provided summarizing Felix’s
                                                        opinions on living quarters
                                                        and decorating styles to
                                                        create a blog entry
                                                        expressing these opinions
                                                        from Felix’s point of view,
                                                        trying to use as many verbs
                                                        as they can to express these

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      Lesson           Lesson Level Objective                                       Tools                      Activity                     Assessment
 ▪    Browsing         ▪   Describe online           ▪   Browsing and       ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will use the            ▪   Lesson Activities:
      and Buying           browsing and shopping         Buying             ▪   Glossary               present tense forms of the           Self-Evaluations
                           experiences.                  :                  ▪   ‘Look up a word’       verbs given within the           ▪   Mastery Test
                       ▪   Use present tense             o Tutorial         ▪   Slide Narration        activity to fill-in-the blanks   ▪   Unit 2 Post Test
                           stem-changing verbs           o Teacher          ▪   Click to speak         within the paragraph             ▪   German 2A End-
                           such as NEHMEN (TO
                                                            Graded          ▪   Audio Recorder         provided.                            of-Semester Test
                                                            Activity        ▪   Highlighter        ▪   William’s friends have
                           TAKE), SEHEN (TO SEE),        o Unit Activity:                              posted some questions on
                           and LESEN (TO READ).             Lifestyles                                 his blog about currency and
                       ▪   Use present tense                                                           shopping in Switzerland.
                           separable verbs,                                                            Students will reply to his
                           including ANMELDEN                                                          friends' questions as if they
                           (TO REGISTER OR TO                                                          were William, using what
                           SIGN UP) and                                                                they have learned in the
                           EINKAUFEN (TO SHOP),                                                        lesson. Students can also do
                           as well as regular weak                                                     research online to help
                           verbs, including                                                            them answer their
                           SUCHEN (TO SEARCH),
                           BEZAHLEN (TO PAY),
                           WAEHLEN (TO
                           CHOOSE) that are
                           applicable for online
                       ▪   Use conversational
                           past for separable and
                           irregular verbs.
                       ▪   Use direct object, or
                           accusative, pronouns.

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      Lesson           Lesson Level Objective                                      Tools                      Activity                     Assessment
 ▪    Exchanging       ▪   Ask and answer           ▪   Exchanging         ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Looking at a list of items and   ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Money                questions about              Money:             ▪   Glossary               their prices in Swiss Francs,        Self-Evaluations
                           currencies and               o Tutorial         ▪   ‘Look up a word’       students will complete the       ▪   Mastery Test
                           exchange rates of            o Teacher          ▪   Slide Narration        sentences below by filling in    ▪   Unit 2 Post Test
                           various countries.               Graded         ▪   Click to speak         the price of each item in        ▪   German 2A End-
                       ▪   Review -ELN verbs,
                                                            Activity       ▪   Audio Recorder         word form.                           of-Semester Test
                                                        o Unit Activity:   ▪   Highlighter                 • Der blaue Stuhl—
                           including to exchange            Lifestyles                                         CHF 52,90
                           (WECHSELN).                                                                     • Das Haus—CHF
                       ▪   Use question words                                                                  2.00.000
                           appropriately (WIE                                                              • Die Ananas—CHF
                           VIELE, WIE, and WAS).                                                               0,80
                       ▪   Use irregular past                                                              • Das Auto—CHF
                           tense verbs such as                                                                 12.800
                           (GEHEN, GEBEN,                                                                  • Das braune Sofa—
                           FAHREN, and                                                                         CHF 634
                           BRINGEN).                                                              ▪   William’s friends have
                                                                                                      posted some questions on
                                                                                                      his blog about currency and
                                                                                                      shopping in Switzerland.
                                                                                                      Students will reply to his
                                                                                                      friends' questions as if they
                                                                                                      were William, using what
                                                                                                      they have learned in the
                                                                                                      lesson. Students can also do
                                                                                                      research online to help them
                                                                                                      answer their questions.

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Unit 3: Relationships

 Course Level Objective(s):
 •    Differentiate between koennen (knowing how to), wissen (knowing something), and kennen (to recognize or know someone).
 •    Use the phrases for giving opinions: Meiner Meinung nach (In my opinion), Wenn du mich fragst (If you ask me).
 Unit 3:
 By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
      ▪   Describe relationships between family members and friends.
      ▪   Use possessive adjectives (MEIN and DEIN) and correct adjective endings.
      ▪   Use determiners (DIESER, JENER, and WELCHE).
      ▪   Use words related to the descriptive past, including adverbs of frequency such as OFT (OFTEN), IMMER (ALWAYS), etc.
      ▪   Describe relationships between students and teachers and between employees and employers.
      ▪   Compare past tenses: IMPERFEKT and PERFEKT.
      ▪   Use words related to the length of relationships (SEIT and VOR) and time phrases (NAECHSTE and LETZTE).
      ▪   Describe relationships among members of a community and community celebrations.
      ▪   Use modal verbs for should and can (SOLLEN and KOENNEN).
      ▪   Use formal and informal forms of the Imperative.
      ▪   Review separable verbs including EINLADEN (TO INVITE), ABHEBEN (TO LIFT UP), and ANZIEHEN (TO PUT ON).
      ▪   Discuss online relationships and communication.
      ▪   Use the imperative in the negative to give instructions
      ▪   Use phrases for giving opinions: MEINER MEINUNG NACH (IN MY OPINION), and WENN DU MICH FRAGST (IF YOU ASK ME).
      ▪   Use the subjunctive for giving advice (WUERDE/HAETTE/WAERE ICH).
      ▪   Use conjunctions (including a review of DASS) and correct word order.
      ▪   Use the dative verbs and pronouns (SAGEN and GLAUBEN).

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      Lesson               Lesson Level Objective                                          Tools                     Activity                    Assessment
 ▪    Friends and      ▪    Describe relationships        ▪   Friends and Family:   ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will complete        ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Family                between family members            o Discussion          ▪   Glossary               Stephanie's family tree by        Self-Evaluations
                            and friends.                      o Tutorial            ▪   ‘Look up a word’       filling in the relationship   ▪   Mastery Test
                       ▪    Use possessive adjectives         o Teacher             ▪   Slide Narration        of each person to her.        ▪   Unit 3 Post Test
                            (MEIN and DEIN) and                   Graded Activity   ▪   Click to speak         They will use the             ▪   German 2A End-
                            correct adjective endings.        o Unit Activity:      ▪   Audio Recorder         information that they             of-Semester Test
                       ▪    Use determiners (DIESER,              Relationships     ▪   Highlighter            have gathered from the
                            JENER, and WELCHE).                                                                conversation between Ava
                       ▪    Use words related to the                                                           and Stephanie to
                            descriptive past, including                                                        complete the activity
                            adverbs of frequency such                                                          typing their response in
                            as OFT (OFTEN), IMMER                                                              German.
                            (ALWAYS), etc.                                                                 ▪   Completing the paragraph
                                                                                                               with the correct adverbs
                                                                                                               of frequency from the
                                                                                                               table provided, students
                                                                                                               will use each adverb for
                                                                                                               only one blank, wherever
                                                                                                               it works best.
                                                                                                                     • niemals
                                                                                                                     • manchmal
                                                                                                                     • immer
                                                                                                                     • oft
                                                                                                           ▪   Students will write a short
                                                                                                               paragraph in German
                                                                                                               describing activities they
                                                                                                               have done with their
                                                                                                               friends and family using
                                                                                                               present perfect tense.

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      Lesson               Lesson Level Objective                                            Tools                      Activity                    Assessment
 ▪    School and       ▪    Describe relationships          ▪   School and Work       ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will write about      ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Work                  between students and                Associates:           ▪   Glossary               a part-time job in German          Self-Evaluations
      Associates            teachers and between                o Tutorial            ▪   ‘Look up a word’       that they or someone they      ▪   Mastery Test
                            employees and employers.            o Teacher             ▪   Slide Narration        know has had, using the        ▪   Unit 3 Post Test
                       ▪    Compare past tenses:                    Graded Activity   ▪   Click to speak         Perfekt tense and the          ▪   German 2A End-
                            IMPERFEKT and PERFEKT.              o Unit Activity:      ▪   Audio Recorder         Präteritum forms of haben          of-Semester Test
                       ▪    Use words related to the                Relationships     ▪   Highlighter            and sein.
                            length of relationships (SEIT
                            and VOR) and time phrases
                            (NAECHSTE and LETZTE).

 ▪    Community        ▪    Describe relationships          ▪   Community             ▪   Discussion Board   ▪ Giving advice to a friend        ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Customs               among members of a                  Customs:              ▪   Glossary               (in German) students will          Self-Evaluations
                            community and community             o Tutorial            ▪   ‘Look up a word’       use the informal               ▪   Mastery Test
                            celebrations.                       o Teacher             ▪   Slide Narration        imperative along with the      ▪   Unit 3 Post Test
                       ▪    Use modal verbs for should              Graded Activity   ▪   Click to speak         prompts provided.              ▪   German 2A End-
                            and can (SOLLEN and                 o Unit Activity:      ▪   Audio Recorder     ▪   Students will complete the         of-Semester Test
                            KOENNEN).                               Relationships     ▪   Highlighter            paragraph provided by
                       ▪    Use formal and informal                                                              filling-in-the blanks with
                            forms of the Imperative.                                                             the appropriate forms of
                       ▪    Differentiate between                                                                the separable-prefix verbs
                            KOENNEN (KNOWING HOW                                                                 given in parentheses.
                            TO), WISSEN (KNOWING                                                             ▪   Students will write a blog
                            SOMETHING), and KENNEN                                                               entry, in German,
                            (TO RECOGNIZE OR KNOW                                                                describing cultural
                            SOMEONE).                                                                            traditions and customs in
                       ▪    Review separable verbs                                                               Germany.
                            including EINLADEN (TO                                                           ▪   Creating three brief job
                            INVITE), ABHEBEN (TO LIFT                                                            listings in German,
                            UP), and ANZIEHEN (TO PUT                                                            students will describe the
                            ON).                                                                                 jobs, and include the skills
                                                                                                                 and education needed for
                                                                                                                 each job. Students will

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also use the vocabulary
                                                                                                                 related to professions that
                                                                                                                 they’ve learned along with
                                                                                                                 the verb sollen.
                                                                                                             ▪   Writing a toast (in
                                                                                                                 German) that they would
                                                                                                                 give at a teacher’s farewell
                                                                                                                 party, students will use
                                                                                                                 the formal imperative

      Lesson               Lesson Level Objective                                            Tools                      Activity                     Assessment
 ▪    Online           ▪    Discuss online relationships    ▪   Online                ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will write an          ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Communitie            and communication.                  Communities:          ▪   Glossary               email to a friend, in               Self-Evaluations
      s                ▪    Use the imperative in the           o Tutorial            ▪   ‘Look up a word’       German,       giving    their   ▪   Mastery Test
                            negative to give instructions       o Teacher             ▪   Slide Narration        opinion and advice about        ▪   Unit 3 Post Test
                       ▪    Use phrases for giving                  Graded Activity   ▪   Click to speak         different online groups         ▪   German 2A End-
                            opinions: MEINER MEINUNG            o Unit Activity:      ▪   Audio Recorder         and social networking               of-Semester Test
                            NACH (IN MY OPINION), and               Relationships     ▪   Highlighter            sites. Students will be sure
                            WENN DU MICH FRAGST (IF                                                              to use the phrases they
                            YOU ASK ME).                                                                         have learned in the lesson
                       ▪    Use the subjunctive for                                                              to give advice, such as
                            giving advice                                                                        meiner Meinung nach and
                            (WUERDE/HAETTE/WAERE                                                                 wenn du mich fragst.
                            ICH).                                                                            ▪   Studnets will write a blog
                       ▪    Use conjunctions (including                                                          entry, in German, about
                            a review of DASS) and                                                                joining and participating in
                            correct word order.                                                                  an       online      cooking
                       ▪    Use the dative verbs and                                                             community. Making sure
                            pronouns (SAGEN and                                                                  to include some safety tips
                            GLAUBEN).                                                                            in the blog.

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Unit 4: Managing Life
 Course Level Objective(s):
 •    Use modal verbs or verbs of necessity: koennen (can), sollen (should), duerfen (be allowed to).
 Unit 4:
 By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
     ▪ Describe daily personal routines and activities.
     ▪ Use accusative and dative reflexive verbs in the present tense and pronouns relating to daily routine.
     ▪ Use correct verbs to form idiomatic expressions.
     ▪ Use accusative prepositions and pronouns.
     ▪ Describe household and family responsibilities.
     ▪ Use modal verbs or verbs of necessity: KOENNEN (CAN), SOLLEN (SHOULD), and DUERFEN (BE ALLOWED TO).
     ▪ Use separable verbs related to household chores (AUFRAEUMEN, EINKAUFEN, WEGTRAGEN, and WEGGEBEN).
     ▪ Introduce WERDEN as future tense.
     ▪ Use frequency words (EINMAL, OFT, NIE, etc.).
     ▪ Use conjunctions (WEIL, DENN, OB, WENN, etc.).
     ▪ Discuss responsibilities and obligations to the community.
     ▪ Use modal verbs of necessity (MUESSE and DUERFEN).
     ▪ Use affirmative and negative words such as ETWAS/NICHTS, JEMAND/NIEMAND, WEDER/NOCH, ENTWEDER/ODER, and IMMER/NIE.
     ▪ Use MAN appropriately to discuss responsibilities and obligations.
     ▪ Describe personal finances and banking.
     ▪ Review separable verbs related to banking and finance (ANMELDEN, ABSCHLIESSEN, EINZAHLEN, AUSZAHLEN, ABHEBEN, INVESTIEREN,
     ▪ Use and form adverbs by adding WEISE (GLUECKLICHERWEISE, BEISPIELSWEISE).
     ▪ Review subjunctive mood (WAERE/HAETTE).

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       Lesson                Lesson Level Objective                                       Tools                   Activity                  Assessment
 ▪    Day Planner        ▪     Describe daily personal      ▪   Day Planner:       ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will             ▪   Lesson Activities:
                               routines and activities.         o Discussion       ▪   Glossary               complete each                 Self-Evaluations
                         ▪     Use accusative and dative        o Tutorial         ▪   ‘Look up a word’       sentence by filling-in-   ▪   Mastery Test
                               reflexive verbs in the           o Teacher Graded   ▪   Slide Narration        the blanks using the      ▪   Unit 4 Post Test
                               present tense and                   Activity        ▪   Click to speak         correct form of the       ▪   German 2A End-
                               pronouns relating to daily       o Unit Activity:   ▪   Audio Recorder         noun or pronoun               of-Semester Test
                               routine.                            Managing Life   ▪   Highlighter            provided in brackets.
                         ▪     Use correct verbs to form                                                  ▪   Writing sentences, in
                               idiomatic expressions.                                                         German, students
                         ▪     Use accusative                                                                 will use reflexive
                               prepositions and                                                               verbs to describe
                               pronouns.                                                                      each of the images
                                                                                                              provided within the
                                                                                                          ▪   Creating a daily
                                                                                                              schedule, in German,
                                                                                                              students will includes
                                                                                                              their daily tasks
                                                                                                              including personal
                                                                                                              grooming, school
                                                                                                              work, extracurricular
                                                                                                              activities, and any
                                                                                                              volunteer work they
                                                                                                              do. Making sure to
                                                                                                              use the reflexive
                                                                                                              verbs they have
                                                                                                              learned, such as sich
                                                                                                              duschen, sich
                                                                                                              waschen, and sich die
                                                                                                              Zähne putzen.

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       Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                       Tools                  Activity                  Assessment
 ▪    Managing           ▪   Describe household and      ▪   Managing Chores:   ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   William volunteers at    ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Chores                 family responsibilities.        o Tutorial         ▪   Glossary               a youth center in            Self-Evaluations
                         ▪   Use modal verbs or verbs        o Teacher Graded   ▪   ‘Look up a word’       Zurich where he          ▪   Mastery Test
                             of necessity: KOENNEN              Activity        ▪   Slide Narration        teaches English and      ▪   Unit 4 Post Test
                             (CAN), SOLLEN (SHOULD),         o Unit Activity:   ▪   Click to speak         helps with other         ▪   German 2A End-
                             and DUERFEN (BE                    Managing Life   ▪   Audio Recorder         tasks on Tuesday             of-Semester Test
                             ALLOWED TO).                                       ▪   Highlighter            mornings. Student
                         ▪   Use separable verbs                                                           will read his schedule
                             related to household                                                          provided. Then write
                             chores (AUFRAEUMEN,                                                           a paragraph, in
                             EINKAUFEN, WEGTRAGEN,                                                         German, about the
                             and WEGGEBEN).                                                                tasks that William
                         ▪   Introduce WERDEN as                                                           needs to do. Making
                             future tense.                                                                 sure to use the verbs
                         ▪   Use frequency words                                                           and phrases of
                             (EINMAL, OFT, NIE, etc.).                                                     necessity that
                         ▪   Use conjunctions (WEIL,                                                       they’ve learned
                             DENN, OB, WENN, etc.).                                                        within their response
                                                                                                           (müssen, sollen,
                                                                                                           brauchen … zu, es ist
                                                                                                       ▪   Reading a chore
                                                                                                           schedule, students
                                                                                                           will complete the
                                                                                                           paragraph by filling-
                                                                                                           in-the blanks using
                                                                                                           the best conjunction
                                                                                                           from the options
                                                                                                       ▪   Students will
                                                                                                           continue reading a
                                                                                                           chore schedule for
                                                                                                           William and his
                                                                                                           roommates, and then

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answer various
                                                                                                                questions in German,
                                                                                                                relating to the
                                                                                                            ▪   Completing the
                                                                                                                paragraph provided
                                                                                                                within the activity,
                                                                                                                students will use the
                                                                                                                appropriate form of
                                                                                                                the construction
                                                                                                                werden + Infinitiv or
                                                                                                                a frequency word or
                                                                                                                phrase to fill-in-the

       Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                            Tools                  Activity                 Assessment
 ▪    In the             ▪   Discuss responsibilities and   ▪   In the Community:    ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will write a   ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Community              obligations to the                 o Tutorial           ▪   Glossary               blog entry, in              Self-Evaluations
                             community.                         o Teacher Graded     ▪   ‘Look up a word’       German, from            ▪   Mastery Test
                         ▪   Use modal verbs of                      Activity        ▪   Slide Narration        William's point of      ▪   Unit 4 Post Test
                             necessity (MUESSE and              o Unit Activity:     ▪   Click to speak         view, providing         ▪   German 2A End-
                             DUERFEN).                               Managing Life   ▪   Audio Recorder         information to              of-Semester Test
                         ▪   Use affirmative and                                     ▪   Highlighter            tourists about some
                             negative words such as                                                             of the laws in
                             ETWAS/NICHTS,                                                                      Switzerland that they
                             JEMAND/NIEMAND,                                                                    should be aware of
                             WEDER/NOCH,                                                                        before visiting the
                             ENTWEDER/ODER, and                                                                 country. Making sure
                             IMMER/NIE.                                                                         they use verbs of
                         ▪   Use MAN appropriately to                                                           necessity in their
                             discuss responsibilities and                                                       sentences, students
                             obligations.                                                                       can also do online
                                                                                                                research to help

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them write their
                                                                                                        ▪   Writing an email to a
                                                                                                            friend who is
                                                                                                            planning to visit
                                                                                                            Switzerland. Students
                                                                                                            will create an email,
                                                                                                            giving their friend
                                                                                                            some information
                                                                                                            about the taxes in
                                                                                                            the country. They will
                                                                                                            use affirmative and
                                                                                                            negative vocabulary
                                                                                                            in their sentences
                                                                                                            and type their email
                                                                                                            in German.
                                                                                                        ▪   Reading the Swiss
                                                                                                            laws stated within
                                                                                                            this activity, students
                                                                                                            will write a few
                                                                                                            sentences in German
                                                                                                            comparing these
                                                                                                            laws with
                                                                                                            counterparts in their

       Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                        Tools                   Activity                  Assessment
 ▪    Managing           ▪   Describe personal finances   ▪   Managing Money:    ▪   Discussion Board   ▪   Students will             ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Money                  and banking.                     o Tutorial         ▪   Glossary               complete the                  Self-Evaluations
                         ▪   Review separable verbs           o Teacher Graded   ▪   ‘Look up a word’       following sentences       ▪   Mastery Test
                             related to banking and              Activity        ▪   Slide Narration        by filling-in-the         ▪   Unit 4 Post Test
                             finance (ANMELDEN,               o Unit Activity:   ▪   Click to speak         blanks with the           ▪   German 2A End-
                             ABSCHLIESSEN,                       Managing Life   ▪   Audio Recorder         adverb that best              of-Semester Test

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EINZAHLEN, AUSZAHLEN,     ▪   Highlighter      completes each
                             ABHEBEN, INVESTIEREN,                          sentence, choosing
                             UEBERWEISEN, and                               an adverb from the
                             ABBUCHEN).                                     vocabulary bank
                         ▪   Use and form adverbs by                        provided below:
                             adding WEISE                                    •    Sicher
                             (GLUECKLICHERWEISE,                             •    Vorsichtig
                             BEISPIELSWEISE).                                •    Schnell
                         ▪   Review subjunctive mood                         •    Zusammen
                             (WAERE/HAETTE).                                 •    Einfach
                                                                         ▪ Reading the
                                                                           statements provided
                                                                           in the activity
                                                                           describing William’s
                                                                           budget and finances,
                                                                           students will write a
                                                                           few sentences, in
                                                                           German, in the
                                                                           subjunctive mood
                                                                           according to the
                                                                           prompt given
                                                                           reflecting what each
                                                                           given statement
                                                                         ▪ William has created a
                                                                           budget of his monthly
                                                                           expenses. Students
                                                                           will review his budget
                                                                           and then write a few
                                                                           sentences, in
                                                                           German, giving him
                                                                           advice on how to
                                                                           manage his money.

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Unit 5: Types of Cuisine

 Course Level Objective(s):
 •    Soften commands using the present subjunctive: Wuerden Sie mir bitte einen Kaffee bringen? (Would you please bring me a coffee?).
 Unit 5:
 By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
     ▪ Discuss ways of preparing food, including recipes and units of Measurement.
     ▪ Review direct and indirect object pronouns (accusative/dative).
     ▪ Review word order.
     ▪ Review determiners (DIESER, JEDER, ALLE, WELCHE, etc.).
     ▪ Use verbs and expressions for cooking and baking (BACKEN, MESSEN, and SCHLAGEN).
     ▪ Discuss ethnic foods and street food.
     ▪ Use stem-changing verbs (FRESSEN/ESSEN).
     ▪ Use comparative and superlative terms/phrases.
     ▪ Use verbs meaning TO LIKE such as GERN HABEN, MOEGEN, GEFALLEN, LUST HABEN, BOCK AUF, and FINDEN.
     ▪ Use the dative preposition MIT.
     ▪ Describe various dining establishments and the experience of dining out.
     ▪ Use verbs of suggestion (EMPFEHLEN, VORSCHLAGEN).
     ▪ Use verbs and phrases for ordering, including modal verbs (MOECHTEN and WOLLEN), double infinitives (ESSEN GEHEN), stem-changing verbs
         (ESSEN, GEBEN), dative verbs (SCHMECKEN), and (HAETTE GERN).
     ▪ Soften commands using the present subjunctive: WUERDEN SIE MIR BITTE EINEN KAFFEE BRINGEN? (WOULD YOU PLEASE BRING ME A
     ▪ Describe activities related to working in or running a restaurant.
     ▪ Use prepositional phrases (including with contractions: AM WOCHENENDE, INS RESTAURANT, and ZUM ABENDESSEN).
     ▪ Use irregular command forms correctly with stem changing verbs and separable verbs including TAKE (NIMM!), GIVE (GIB!), SEE (SIEH!), DRIVE
         (FAHR!), and CLEAN UP (RAEUM AUF!).
     ▪ Use verb/preposition associations such as ICH BEWERBE MICH UM, ICH ERKUNDIGE MICH NACH, and ICH BESCHAEFTIGE MICH MIT.
     ▪ Use object pronouns in commands correctly.

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       Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                       Tools                    Activity                     Assessment
 ▪    Preparing           ▪   Discuss ways of            ▪   Preparing Food:     ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Students will categorize       ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Food                    preparing food,                o Discussion        ▪   Glossary             the several food items             Self-Evaluations
                              including recipes and          o Tutorial          ▪   ‘Look up a word’     according to the units         ▪   Mastery Test
                              units of Measurement.          o Teacher           ▪   Slide Narration      that they would likely be      ▪   Unit 5 Post Test
                          ▪   Review direct and                 Graded           ▪   Click to speak       measured in, using the         ▪   German 2A End-
                              indirect object pronouns          Activity         ▪   Audio Recorder       metric system.                     of-Semester Test
                              (accusative/dative).           o Unit Activity:    ▪   Highlighter      ▪   Students will complete
                          ▪   Review word order.                Types of                                  the passage where a
                          ▪   Review determiners                Cuisine                                   cooking instructor is
                              (DIESER, JEDER, ALLE,                                                       giving instructions to his
                              WELCHE, etc.).                                                              students on how to make
                          ▪   Use verbs and                                                               a chocolate cake, filing-in-
                              expressions for cooking                                                     the blanks using the
                              and baking (BACKEN,                                                         correct forms of the verbs
                              MESSEN, and                                                                 provided within
                              SCHLAGEN).                                                                  parentheses.
                                                                                                     ▪    Students will rewrite the
                                                                                                          following sentences by
                                                                                                          replacing the indirect
                                                                                                          and/or direct objects with

 ▪    Trying New          ▪   Discuss ethnic foods and ▪     Trying New Foods:   ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Students will complete         ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Foods                   street food.                   o Tutorial          ▪   Glossary             the paragraph by filling-          Self-Evaluations
                          ▪   Use stem-changing verbs        o Teacher           ▪   ‘Look up a word’     in-the blanks with the         ▪   Mastery Test
                              (FRESSEN/ESSEN).                   Graded          ▪   Slide Narration      correct forms of the           ▪   Unit 5 Post Test
                          ▪   Use comparative and                Activity        ▪   Click to speak       stem-changing verbs in         ▪   German 2A End-
                              superlative                    o Unit Activity:    ▪   Audio Recorder       brackets, remembering              of-Semester Test
                              terms/phrases.                     Types of        ▪   Highlighter          the stem changes.
                          ▪   Use verbs meaning TO               Cuisine
                              LIKE such as GERN
                              HABEN, MOEGEN,

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                              BOCK AUF, and FINDEN.
                          ▪   Use the dative
                              preposition MIT.

      Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                      Tools                     Activity                  Assessment
 ▪    Dining Out          ▪   Describe various dining   ▪   Dining Out:        ▪   Discussion Board   ▪ Students will choose their   ▪   Lesson Activities:
                              establishments and the        o Tutorial         ▪   Glossary             favorite dish from               Self-Evaluations
                              experience of dining out.     o Unit Activity:   ▪   ‘Look up a word’     German cuisine and           ▪   Mastery Test
                          ▪   Use verbs of suggestion           Types of       ▪   Slide Narration      describe it in their own     ▪   Unit 5 Post Test
                              (EMPFEHLEN,                       Cuisine        ▪   Click to speak       words, naming the main       ▪   German 2A End-
                              VORSCHLAGEN).                                    ▪   Audio Recorder       ingredients used. Then           of-Semester Test
                          ▪   Use verbs and phrases                            ▪   Highlighter          they will explain why they
                              for ordering, including                                                   chose that dish and which
                              modal verbs                                                               course the dish would be
                              (MOECHTEN and                                                             found in on a German
                              WOLLEN), double                                                           menu.
                              infinitives (ESSEN                                                      ▪ Students will write about
                              GEHEN), stem-changing                                                     a dining place that you
                              verbs (ESSEN, GEBEN),                                                     have visited in their
                              dative verbs                                                              hometown, describe the
                              (SCHMECKEN), and                                                          service and their favorite
                              (HAETTE GERN).                                                            dish served there.
                          ▪   Soften commands using                                                     Students will also use
                              the present subjunctive:                                                  some of the vocabulary
                              WUERDEN SIE MIR BITTE                                                     that they have learned,
                              EINEN KAFFEE BRINGEN?                                                     including: ich mag es, ich
                              (WOULD YOU PLEASE                                                         mag es nicht, ich
                              BRING ME A COFFEE?).                                                      bevorzuge, die
                                                                                                        Reservierung, die
                                                                                                        Bedienung, etc.
                                                                                                      ▪ Students will complete
                                                                                                        the following menu,
                                                                                                        mentioning the names of

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the different courses in a
                                                                                                        German meal, followed by
                                                                                                        an example of a dish
                                                                                                        typically found in each
                                                                                                        course. Students will also
                                                                                                        make sure to use the
                                                                                                        vocabulary that they have
                                                                                                        learned in the lesson.

      Lesson             Lesson Level Objective                                      Tools                    Activity                   Assessment
 ▪    Running a           ▪   Describe activities       ▪   Running a          ▪   Discussion Board ▪   Students will write a        ▪   Lesson Activities:
      Restaurant              related to working in or      Restaurant:        ▪   Glossary             paragraph, in German,            Self-Evaluations
                              running a restaurant.         o Tutorial         ▪   ‘Look up a word’     about a restaurant owner     ▪   Mastery Test
                          ▪   Use prepositional             o Teacher          ▪   Slide Narration      or chef whom they            ▪   Unit 5 Post Test
                              phrases (including with           Graded         ▪   Click to speak       admire. Including some       ▪   German 2A End-
                              contractions: AM                  Activity       ▪   Audio Recorder       information about the            of-Semester Test
                              WOCHENENDE, INS               o Unit Activity:   ▪   Highlighter          person’s background and
                              RESTAURANT, and ZUM               Types of                                describe the types of
                              ABENDESSEN).                      Cuisine                                 cuisine served and the
                          ▪   Use irregular command                                                     ambience at the
                              forms correctly with                                                      restaurant.
                              stem changing verbs and
                              separable verbs
                              including TAKE (NIMM!),
                              GIVE (GIB!), SEE (SIEH!),
                              DRIVE (FAHR!), and
                              CLEAN UP (RAEUM
                          ▪   Use verb/preposition
                              associations such as ICH
                              BEWERBE MICH UM, ICH
                              ERKUNDIGE MICH NACH,
                              and ICH BESCHAEFTIGE
                              MICH MIT.

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▪   Use object pronouns in
                              commands correctly.

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