General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse

Page created by Maurice Richards
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
General port protection
            Automotive             Datacenter & cloud

            Building automation    Industrial

            Consumer electronics   Mobile & wearables

General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Slide # Interface type             Port type                                                       Title
  3            All                     All                 Overview of Littelfuse protection solutions for pow er and communication ports
  5                                  PoE++                 Evolution from PoE to PoE+ and PoE++
  6       Pow er over                PoE++                 Lightning, ESD, and pow er fault protection – PoE++
           Ethernet                                        Circuit protection solutions for Ethernet port (intra-building, outdoor & harsh
  8                                   PoE
  10                         USB Type A and Type B         Circuit protection solutions for USB Type A and Type B
  11                               USB Type C              Circuit protection solutions for USB Type C
  12                      HDMI, DisplayPort, and eSATA     Circuit protection solutions for HDMI port, DisplayPort, and eSATA port
          High speed
  13                                 RS-232                Circuit protection solution for RS-232 port
  14                                 RS-485                Circuit protection solutions for RS-485 port
  15                     CAN/LIN bus and SIM/µSIM socket   Circuit protection solutions for CAN/LIN bus and SIM/µSIM socket
  16                           Antenna and sensor          Circuit protection solutions for antenna and sensor inputs
  18       Low speed             Audio and video           Circuit protection solutions for audio and video lines
  19        interfaces       Keypads, Battery packs        Circuit protection solution for keypads, buttons, sw itches, and battery packs
  21                                AC input               Circuit protection solutions for AC input
  22         Pow er                 DC input               Circuit protection solutions for DC input
  23                                DC output              Circuit protection solutions for DC output
  24           All                     All                 Additional resources
  25           All                     All                 Littelfuse global locations (sales, R&D, manufacturing)
  26           All                     All                 Why choose Littelfuse?

                                                                                                                                Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   2
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Wide array of Littelfuse circuit protection solutions for
power and communication ports

                                                                                             Speed (Mbps)
                                               1            2        12          25         125              320     400       480      800     2500        5K      10K       20K 40K
                                                                     Low Speed Interfaces                                                     High Speed Interfaces

                                MIDI AUDIO    RS-232            USB 1.0         RS-485            Ethernet                    USB 2.0             eSATA           HDMI 2.0         DP 2.0
  AC POW ER          DC PW ER
    INPUT             INPUT
                                                                                                                                                            USB 3.2          New USB
                                                                                                                                                             Gen2            standard
                                                                                                                                                                     USB 3.2
                                                                                                                                                                     Gen 2x2
                                    S-VIDEO                                                                                                       USB 3.2
                                                                                                                                                                               USB 4.0

         Varistors                              Varistors                                                                                        Overvoltage protection
        TVS Diodes                                                                                TVS Diodes & Diode Arrays


                                                                                                                           Polymer ESD Suppressors

          Fuses                                                                                     Fuses                                        Overcurrent protection

                                                                                                                                                                 Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   3
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Power over Ethernet
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Evolution from PoE to PoE+ and PoE++
                                  PoE                     PoE+             PoE++ (NEW)
Year                              2003                    2009                   2018
Standard                      IEEE 802.3af             IEEE 802.3at         IEEE 802.3bt
                Max Power        15.4 W                   30 W          60 W                  90 W
                Max Current      350 mA                  600 mA         600 mA              960 mA
(supply, PSE)
                Type             Type 1                  Type 2         Type 3               Type 4
Power (receive, PD)             12.95 W                  25.5 W         51 W                71.3 W
# of pairs used for power
                                             2 pairs                             4 pairs
Distance                                                 100 m Cat5e

Higher current and more twisted pairs are used on PoE++ to reach 90 W

                                                                                           Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   5
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Lightning, ESD, and power fault protection – PoE++
RJ45   I                                                                                            Technology                 Series
                                                                                         I*           Fuse (x8)                0461002

 2                                                                                       II         SIDACtor® (x4)           P0640SALRP

 3                                                                                    III          Diode Array (x2)          SP2555NUTG

 6                                                            Ethernet               IV*            TVS Diode (x2)            SMCJ58CA

 4                                                                                       V          TVS Diode (x1)             SMCJ58A

 5                                                                                            TeleLink ® fuses can help protect power fault
                                                                                              overcurrent. These fuses are designed
 7                                                                                            specifically for high-speed telecom applications.
 8                                                                                            A single TVS diode (bi-directional) across the
                   IV                                     V                                   center tap data pair and second TVS diode
                                                                                              across the center tap spare pair. The TVS diode
                                                                PD                            can be chosen based on surge requirements for
                                                              Controller                      400 W, 600 W, 1500 W, or 3000 W.


                ESD:    Electrostatic Discharge                    TVS:    Transient Voltage Suppression
                EFT:    Electrical Fast Transient                  PHY :   Phy sical Lay er                                   Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   6
                CDE:    Cable Discharge Ev ents                    PoE:    Power ov er Ethernet
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Features & benefits of Littelfuse components in PoE++
      Technology            Function in application                Product series                       Benefits                                              Features

                                                                                     Enables compliance with regulatory standards
                         Ov ercurrent protection f rom power                                                                            Surf ace mount; surge tolerant f use designed
 I       Fuse (x8)
                         cross and lightning surges.
                                                                           0461002   likeIEC-60950, Telcordia GR-1089 and FCC
                                                                                                                                        specif ically for high speed telecom applications.
                                                                                     47 part 68 Surge Specif ications.

                         Designed to protect baseband                                Enables to comply with global regulatory
                                                                                                                                        Low v oltage ov ershoot; low on-state v oltage,
II    SIDACtor® (x4)     equipment against damaging                   P0640SALRP     standards; does not degrade surge capability
                                                                                                                                        and low capacitance.
                         ov erv oltage transients.                                   af ter multiple surge ev ents.

                         Designed to prov ide protection                             Package optimized f or high-speed data line
                                                                                                                                        μDFN-10 package; low leakage current
                         against ESD, CDE ,EFT, and                                  routing; minimizes signal distortion; reduces
III   Diode Array (x2)
                         lightning induced surges f or
                                                                                     v oltage ov ershoot, and prov ides a simplif ied
                                                                                                                                        (0.1 µA) & low clamping v oltage; protect up to
                                                                                                                                        4 channels up to 45 A
                         high-speed data lines.                                      PCB design.

IV    TVS Diode (x2)     Protect sensitiv e electronic                 SMCJ58CA
                         equipment f rom v oltage transients                         Improv es sy stem reliability by clamping the      1500 W peak pulse capability ; compatible with
                         induced by lightning and other                              v oltage at saf e lev els during transients.       the lead-f ree solder ref low temperature prof ile
V     TVS Diode (x1)     transient v oltage ev ents.                       SMCJ58A

                                      ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                     TVS:  Transient Voltage Suppression
                                      EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                   PHY : Phy sical Lay er                         Confidential and Proprietary | Littelfuse, Inc. © 2019   7
                                      CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents                     PoE: Power ov er Ethernet
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
Circuit protection solutions for Ethernet port
                                       Intra-building                                                                                 Outdoor and harsh environment
    RJ45 Connector                                                              Ethernet PHY
        J1                                                                                                        RJ45
                                                                                   Tx+                                                                                                                  Ethernet


                                                                                                                                          III                     IV
                                                                                   Rx-                                                                                                                   Rx+

Note: 1Gbps or greater will require an additional two twisted pair and the diode array solution should be replicated.
             Technology                Function in application                           Series                               Benefits                                          Features
                                                                                                           Ensures design meets with all regulatory           Low capacitance; low leakage current; small
   I           Diode Array          Protection f rom ESD and EFT                  SRV05-04HTG-D
                                                                                                           requirements; preserv es signal integrity          design; f our lines of protection
                                                                                                           Ensures design meets with all regulatory           Surf ace mount; surge tolerant fuse designed
   II              Fuse             Ov ercurrent protection                              0461xxx
                                                                                                           requirements; compact design                       specif ically for high-speed telecom applications.

                                                                                                                                                              High surge rating; low capacitance;
  III              GDT              Lightning protection uses GDT with             SG, CG6, CG5            Ensures saf ety and reliability of the equipment
                                                                                                                                                              UL recognized
                                    diode array to meet standard                                           and helps design meet regulatory
  IV           Diode Array          requirements                                  LC03xx, SP40xx           requirements                                       Low capacitance; and low leakage current

                                                  ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                               GDT:     Gas Discharge Tubes
                                                  EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                             PHY :    Phy sical lay er                                               Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   8
                                                  CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents                               PoE:     Power ov er Ethernet
General port protection - Automotive Datacenter & cloud - Littelfuse
High-speed interfaces
Circuit protection solutions for USB Type A and Type B
                                USB 2.0 (480 Mbps)                                                                                USB 3.2 Gen 1x1 (5 Gbps)
      USB                                                                                                          USB Port
      Port      VBUS                                                                                                     VBUS
                                                                              USB                                                                                             USB
                                                                            Controller                                                                                      Controller
                                I                                                                                                         I                        IV
                                                                                IC                                       SSTX+                                                   IC

         Technology                   Function in application                         Series                      Benefits                                          Features
                                    Protect 5 VDC power supply f rom                           Of f ers f ast response to ov er current ev ents;   Ultra-low internal resistance; higher current
 I      Resettable PPTC
                                    ov er current & ov er temperature
                                                                                               suitable f or compact portable dev ices;            holding in smallest SMD package
                                    Protection of data lines against           SP3019-04HTG;   Clamp transient to a saf e lev el prev enting       Low capacitance 0.3 pF & leakage current
II           Diode Array
                                    ESD                                        SP3400-02UTG    catastrophic f ailure; compact design               (0.01 µA); small f orm f actor µDFN
                                    Protection of data lines against                           Low capacitance ideal f or USB; small f orm         Very low capacitance of 0.09 pF; small f orm
III     Diode Array (6x)
                                                                                               f actor allows designers lay out f lexibility       f actor µDFN
                                    Protection of power bus against                            Ensure saf ety of equipment f rom repetitive        Low leakage current of 100 nA; small f orm
IV           Diode Array
                                                                                               ESD strikes without perf ormance degradation        f actor

                                                 ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                    TVS:  Transient Voltage Suppression
                                                 EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                  PPTC: Poly mer Positiv e Temperature Coef f icient                      Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   10
                                                 CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents                    USB: Univ ersal Serial Bus
Circuit protection solutions for USB Type C
                                      USB 3.2 Gen 2x1 (10 Gbps), USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 (20 Gbps) & USB 4.0 (40 Gbps)
                                               USB Port
                                                     Vbus (x4)                                                                 Controller
                                                      CC (x2)

                                                     SBU (x2)
                                            SuperSpeed (x8)

                                                  USB 2.0 (x4)

                                                                       II     III   IV     IV       V

       Technology             Function in application                  Series                                Benefits                                        Features
      Digital Temperature   Protect cable-connectors against                             Reliable ov er-heating protection, regardless of
 I          Indicator       ov erheating
                                                                                         power being deliv ered
                                                                                                                                            Fully compliant with USB Ty pe-C plugs

                            Protect against ESD on USB 2.0                                                                                  0201 f ootprint; extremely low dy namic
II       Diode Array
                            speed data lines
                                                                    SP3530-01UTG         Space ef f icient; reliable ESD protection
                            Protect against ESD on high speed                            Maintain signal integrity of high-speed data
III      Diode Array
                            data lines
                                                                                         lines; reliable ESD protection
                                                                                                                                            Low parasitic capacitance

IV       Diode Array        Protect against ESD                      SP1006-UTG          Space ef f icient                                  AEC-Q101 qualif ied; small f ootprint

V        Diode Array        Protect power bus against ESD           SPHV24-01ETG         Reliably protect charge controller                 AEC-Q101 qualif ied; low dy namic resistance

                                 ESD:    Electrostatic Discharge                                  SBU:                   Sideband use, Pins A8, B8
                                 USB:    Univ ersal Serial Bus                                    SuperSpeed:            Pins A2, A3, A10, A11, B11, B10, B3, B2
                                 Vbus:   Voltage bus power, Pins A4, A9, B4, B9                   USB 2.0:               Pins A6, A7, B7, B6                          Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   11
                                 CC:     Conf iguration channel, Pins A5, B5
Circuit protection solutions for HDMI port, DisplayPort, and
eSATA port
                   HDMI & DisplayPort                                                                                             eSATA
            D2+            I
    HDMI   GND                                             Chipset                              eSATA GND                                                      eSATA
            VBUS                                                                                      VBUS
    Port     D2-                                                                                 Port                                                        Interface
            D0+            I                                 IC
           CLK+                                                                                          GND                  I                                 IC
                           I                                                                              RX-
           HPD                                                                                           GND

    Technology       Function in application                         Series                      Benefits                                            Features
                                                                                Low capacitance makes it ideal f or
                                                                                                                                   Low capacitance of 0.2 pF; low clamping
                   Protection of data signal lines f rom                        high-speed interf aces such as HDMI &
I    Diode Array
                                                                                eSATA; small f orm f actor allows designers
                                                                                                                                   v oltage of 9.2 V @ IPP=2.0 A
                                                                                                                                   (t P=8/20 μs); industry standard DFN f ootprint
                                                                                lay out f lexibility

                                ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                     TVS:   Transient Voltage Suppression
                                EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                   HDMI: High-Def inition Multimedia Interf ace                            Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   12
                                CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents                     eSATA: External Serial Adv anced Technology Attachment
Circuit protection solution for RS-232 port
                                                                              RS-232 port

                                  RS-232 Port                                                                           Transceiv er


                                                                                    SM15 (x6)
                                                                                    (Bidirectional implementation)

    Technology        Function in application                        Series                          Benefits                                     Features
                                                                                    Greatly reduces clamping v oltages; 25%
                   Protection of data signal line f rom                                                                            Very low dy namic resistance 0.30 Ω; Low
I    Diode Array
                                                                SM15-02HTG          higher power handling capability ; 2-3 times
                                                                                                                                   leakage current & clamping voltage
                                                                                    higher ESD withstand capability

                                ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                         TVS:     Transient Voltage Suppression
                                EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                                                                                         Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   13
                                CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents
Circuit protection solutions for RS-485 port
                                  Intra-building                                                                        Outdoor and harsh environment

      RS-485     A                                                         RS-485                  RS-485        AA                                                             RS-485
       Port                                                             Transceiv er                Port                                                                      Transceiv er

                 B                                                                                                                                    IV



          Technology              Function in application                       Series                       Benefits                                           Features
                               Protect equipment f rom short                              Product choices giv e engineers increased           Av ailable in v arious f orm f actors; Low
 I       Resettable PPTC
                               circuit and power cross.
                                                                                          design f lexibility ; helps improv e line balance   parasitic capacitance
                               Protect f rom ESD, EFT, and                                Greatly reduces clamping v oltages;                 Specif ically designed f or RS-485 with
II*            TVS Diode
                               lightning induced surges
                                                                                          robust surge and enhanced ESD protection            asy mmetrical working v oltages -7 V to 12 V

III                            Lightning protection utilizing a GDT
                               with SIDACtor; when lightning                                                                                  Wide range of v oltages and f orm f actors; low
                 GDT +                                                                    Coordinated protection against high surge
                               occurs the SIDACtor will react             GTCxx, Pxxx0s                                                       capacitance and insertion loss
               SIDACtor®                                                                  lev els; low clamping v oltage
IV                             f irst ,causing v oltage to increase                                                                           Low v oltage ov ershoot, low on-state v oltage
                               across PPTC until GDT f ires.

                                                                                                   Note:* Pulse-Guard ESD Suppressors type PGB/XGD are an alternative solution
                                            ESD:    Electrostatic Discharge                     TVS:  Transient Voltage Suppression                                       Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   14
                                            EFT:    Electrical Fast Transient                   GDT: Gas Discharge Tubes
                                            CDE:    Cable Discharge Ev ents                     PPTC: Poly mer Positiv e Temperature Coef f icient
Circuit protection solutions for CAN/LIN bus
and SIM/µSIM socket
                              CAN/LIN Bus                                                                                    SIM/µSIM socket

    CAN Bus                                                       Transceiv er                 SIM                                                                    SIM
                                                                                              Socket                                                                Controller
                                                                                                    V BUS

       CANH                                                                                       DATA

       CANL                                                                                         CLK


         Technology           Function in application                      Series                      Benefits                                     Features
                            Protect against ESD and surge                            Ensures saf ety of the equipment without      AEC-Q101 qualif ied; low clamping v oltage &
I         Diode Array
                                                                                     perf ormance degradation                      leakage current
                                                                                                                                   Low line capacitance 8 pF; high ESD
                                                                                     Small f orm f actor suitable f or compact
II        Diode Array       Protection against ESD                    SP1001-05VTG
                                                                                                                                   withstand capability ; AEC-Q101 qualif ied;
                                                                                                                                   SMD package

                                       ESD:    Electrostatic Discharge                    CAN:    Controller Area Network
                                       EFT:    Electrical Fast Transient                  LIN:    Local Interconnect Network                                 Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   15
                                       CDE:    Cable Discharge Ev ents                    SIM:    Subscriber Identity Module
Circuit protection solutions for antenna
and sensor inputs
                             Antenna                                                                                              Sensor input


                                                                                                                                                                           Receiv er
                    I                                          Amplifier                        Input                                II


     Technology           Function in application                        Series                         Benefits                                           Features
     Poly mer ESD                                                                   Preserv e signal integrity ; withstand high           Extremely low capacitance (0.09 pF); high
I     Suppressor
                        Protection against ESD                           XGD10603
                                                                                    lev els of ESD                                        ESD withstand rating (30 kV)
                                                                                    Small f orm f actor suitable f or compact             High ESD withstand rating; low leakage
II    Diode Array       Protection against ESD                      SP3522-01ETG
                                                                                    designs                                               current; AEC-Q101 qualif ied parts av ailable

                                      ESD:   Electrostatic Discharge                     TVS:     Transient Voltage Suppression                                     Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   16
                                      EFT:   Electrical Fast Transient
                                      CDE:   Cable Discharge Ev ents
Low speed applications
Circuit protection solutions for audio and video lines
                                      Audio line                                                                                        Video line

                                                                                                          Video Port                                                  Video ADC
                    Left                                                                                           Y                                                Luminance

                    Right                                                                                             C
      Audio                                                                                                                                                         Chrominance
       Port                                                              Audio                                  Video                                               Composite

                            I                                                                                       RF                                              Coaxial

                                                                                                                                                        II                 IC

     Technology                    Function in application                         Series                     Benefits                                         Features
                                                                                            Absorb repetitiv e ESD strikes at the max lev el
                                Protect audio codec f rom                                                                                      Low capacitance of 5 pF; low leakage current
I     Diode Array
                                damaging ESD
                                                                                   SP1002   without sy stem perf ormance degradation;
                                                                                                                                               of 0.5 µA; small package
                                                                                            compact design
                                                                                            Absorb repetitiv e ESD strikes at the max lev el
                                Prev ent v ideo analog-to-digital                                                                              Low capacitance of 0.3 pF; low leakage
II    Diode Array
                                conv erter f rom damaging ESD
                                                                             SP3019-04HTG   without sy stem perf ormance degradation;
                                                                                            compact design

                                              ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                   TVS:     Transient Voltage Suppression                                Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   18
                                              EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient
                                              CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents
Circuit protection solution for keypads, buttons,
switches, and battery packs
                 Circuit protection for keypads                                                              Circuit protection for battery packs

      Keypad                                                                                       Battery
            B1                                               I/O                                  Connector                II
                                                          Controller                                      B+
            B3                                                                                                                                            Controller
                                                               IC                                         Cntrl


       Technology            Function in application                    Series                         Benefits                                     Features
                          Protect ICs and other components at                        Prov ides design f lexibility using discrete   AEC-Q200 compliant; standard low
 I         Varistor
                          the circuit board lev el against ESD
                                                                                     single-channel dev ices                        capacitance
                                                                                     Small f orm f actor suitable f or compact      35 A interrupt rating at 32 VDC; compact
II          Fuse          Ov ercurrent protection f or power bus          435
                                                                                     designs                                        f ootprint (0402)

                          ESD protection f or power bus and                          Maintain signal integrity with reliable        AEC-Q101 Qualif ied; low Input capacitance;
III      Diode Array
                          control line
                                                                                     protection                                     f ast response time (< 1 ns)

                                 ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                       TVS:     Transient Voltage Suppression                             Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   19
                                 EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                     MLV:     Multilay er Varistor
                                 CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents
Power inputs
Circuit protection solutions for AC input
                                                                                AC input


                                                 Upstream                            II                  Dow nstream
                                               Pow er System                                            Pow er Module

      Technology      Function in application                        Series                           Benefits                                       Features
                   Protection against short circuit and                             Reduces damage to equipment compact             Third-party compliance; low internal
 I       Fuse
                   ov erload conditions
                                                                                    design; energy ef f iciency protection          resistance
                                                                                                                                    High energy absorption capability ; small
                   Protection against sev ere surge                                 Reduces customer qualif ication time by
II*     Varistor
                                                                                    comply ing with third-party saf ety standards
                                                                                                                                    package; high operating temperature range
                                                                                                                                    up to 125° C

                                                                                                         Note:* High power TVS Diodes (AK Series) are an alternative solution

                                ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                          AC:     Alternate Current                                          Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   21
                                EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                        MOV:    Metal-oxide Varistor
                                CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents
Circuit protection for DC input
      DC Input 12 V/24 V DC                                DC Input 48 V DC                                DC Input (PFC circuit)                           DC Input (portable devices)
                                                                                                         DC                                                        DC

                                                                    I                                              III
                             I                                                                                                                                             IV
                                                 GND                                                   Power                     I          Power
                                                                                                                                                                 Power                            Power
       0                                                                                               Plug                                                      Plug

           Technology            Function in application                       Series                                Benefits                                            Features

                                                                                                  Increased long-term reliability ; more board        High peak surge current rating; high operating
 I             Varistor      Protect against v oltage transients         CIII, LV Ultra MOV, LA
                                                                                                  space; higher surge handling density                temperature range up to 125° C

                                                                                                                                                      High peak surge current ratings; wide
II              GDT          Ground isolation protection                          CG              Extremely low leakage current to ground
                                                                                                                                                      operating v oltage range

                                                                                                  Reduces damage to equipment; compact
III             Fuse         Ov ercurrent protection                           477, 505
                                                                                                                                                      Small f ootprint with high breaking capacity ;

                             Protection against short circuit and                                 Of f ers f ast response to ov er current ev ents;   Ultra-low internal resistance; higher current
IV         Resettable PPTC
                             ov erload current conditions
                                                                                                  suitable f or compact portable dev ices;            holding in smallest SMD package

                                                                                                  Ensure saf ety of equipment f rom repetitive        Low leakage current of 100 nA; small f orm
V            TVS Diode       Surge and ESD protection                           SP11xx
                                                                                                  ESD strikes without perf ormance degradation        f actor; multiple v oltages av ailable

                                          ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                              DC:      Direct Current                                                 Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   22
                                          EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                            MOV:     Metal-oxide Varistor
                                          CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents                              GDT:     Gas Discharge Tube
Circuit protection solution for DC output
                                                                                DC output

                                                                            I                                     Pow er

                                                                                                              Signal Ground

    Technology      Function in application                        Series                            Benefits                                       Features
                                                                                     Improv es sy stem reliability by protecting
I    TVS Diode   Ov erv oltage surge protection                     SMBJ             downstream components f rom transients on     Excellent clamping capability
                                                                                     power lines

                              ESD:     Electrostatic Discharge                           AC:     Alternate Current                                           Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   23
                              EFT:     Electrical Fast Transient                         TVS:    Transient Voltage Suppression
                              CDE:     Cable Discharge Ev ents
Ethernet Protection
                          Selection Guide

                          USB Type-C
                          ESD Protection Solution

                          Circuit Protection
                          for USB applications
                                                    Additional information can be found on

Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020
Local resources for a global market
                                            Mount Prospect                       Deventer
                                            Lake Mills                           Bremen
                                            Chicago                              Lampertheim
                                            Champaign                            Essen
                                                                    Chippenham   Lauf                              Beijing
                        Burlington                                                                                 Wuxi
                Rapid City                                                                                                            Tokyo
          Fremont                                                                                      Hong Kong                           Seongham
                                                        San Sebastian                                                                      Seoul
          Milpitas                                      Charneca de Caparica                                                  Taipei
          Long Beach                                                                                                          Chu-pei

                           Piedras Negras                                                         New Delhi                   Taguig
                           Matamoros                                                                                          Lipa City
                           Muzquiz                                                                Singapore

                                                                    Sao Paulo


                                                                                                                                      Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   25
Why choose Littelfuse?
▪   A global leader with a broad product portfolio, covering every aspect of protection,
    sensing, and control
▪   Application expertise combined with product designed guidelines to help you
    determine the best component for your application
▪   Testing capabilities and assistance to support confirmation of your product
▪   Standards compliance expertise, including product compliance to many standards
    and approval support
▪   High-volume manufacturing that is committed to the highest quality standards
▪   A global company with local support

We are committed to supporting your success!

                                                                                  Littelfuse, Inc. © 2020   26

                 Confidential and Proprietary | Littelfuse, Inc. © 2017   27
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