Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

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Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

Gen Y
Shaping the future

Spatial revolution
Science for the new

Elite athletes
Balancing their sporting
and scholarly ambitions

                                                                                                summer 2008/09 cite   1
Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News
Cite (s∂ it)v. To put forward          Editor in chief                                  Contributors
                                       Val Raubenheimer
thought-provoking arguments;                                                            David Black is a political commentator and Curtin’s
to offer insightful discussion and     Margaret McNally
                                                                                        Emeritus Professor of History and Politics. A historical
new perspectives on topics of                                                           consultant to the John Curtin Prime Ministerial
                                       Editorial team                                   Library and a Parliamentary Fellow (History) at the
social, political, economic or         Laraine McClelland, Ann Paterson                 Parliament of Western Australia, he taught history
environmental relevance; to report     Creative direction                               and politics at WAIT and Curtin from 1968 to 2001.
on new thinking. Sight (s∂ it) n.      Sonia Rheinlander                                Claire Bradshaw is a freelance writer and editor.
A feature or object in a particular    Design                                           She has worked for many years in communications,
place considered especially            Manifesto Design                                 including eight years in Curtin’s corporate
                                                                                        communications area.
worth seeing.v.To frame or             Contributing writers
                                                                                        Sue Emmett is a freelance writer and photo-
scrutinise community, research         David Black, Claire Bradshaw, Sue Emmett,
                                                                                        journalist, with special interests in science,
                                       Andrea Lewis, Tony Malkovic, Isobelle McKay,
and business initiatives; to present   Max Noakes                                       technology, WA business, education and the
points of view on current issues.      Contributing photographers
                                                                                        marine environment.
Site (s∂ it) n. The location of a      Adrian Lambert, Sam Proctor, James Rogers        Andrea Lewis is a freelance writer and editor.
building or an organisation, esp.      Cover photography
                                                                                        She was formerly publications manager in Curtin’s
as to its environment. v.To place                                                       corporate communications area.
                                       James Rogers
or position in a physical and                                                           Tony Malkovic is a freelance writer, with a special
                                                                                        interest in writing about science, technology and
social context.                        Scott Print
                                                                                        the environment.
                                       Editorial Enquiries
                                                                                        Isobelle McKay is a freelance journalist, who has
                                       Margaret McNally
                                                                                        written broadly for newspapers and magazines.
                                       Corporate Communications
                                                                                        She is a Curtin graduate, with a degree in journalism
                                       Curtin University of Technology
                                                                                        and professional writing.
                                       GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845
                                                                                        Max Noakes is a freelance arts and music journalist.
                                       Tel: +61 8 9266 2200
                                                                                        He graduated from Curtin with a Bachelor of Art in
                                                                                        creative and professional writing.
                                       Cite is available in PDF at
                                       and in alternative formats on request.
                                       For more information, contact
                                       Margaret McNally on +61 8 9266 2200 or
Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News
Vashti Innes-Brown

                                                                                               JAMES ROGERS

                                                                                                                                                    JAMES ROGERS
COVER STORY                                      17 Scene at the gallery                   13 The rise of the
4   Gen Y: it pays to                                Cite goes behind the scenes at the       graphic novel
                                                     John Curtin Gallery to show just                     Graphic novels are coming into
    understand them                                  what it takes to put together                        their own, earning a place on
    Generation Y is sometimes derided                a major exhibition, like WA fashion                  shelves in mainstream book
    as the ‘spoilt’ generation. Yet this             designer Ruth Tarvydas’ 40th                         shops, and sometimes even
    group of 18 to 30 year-olds is the               anniversary retrospective of                         on the silver screen.
    youngest segment of our workforce.               her work.
    New research sheds light on                                                            16 Breathing easy
    Gen Yers and explains why it pays            24 Sport and study:                                      A new drug treatment for
    to understand them.                             a winning combination                                 respiratory diseases aims to help
FEATURES                                             Where to for elite athletes when                     sufferers better manage their
                                                     their competition days are over?                     condition, thanks to the work
10 Mapping the future                                Collaboration between universities                   of researchers in Curtin’s School
    Spatial science plays an important               and sporting institutes provides                     of Biomedical Sciences.
    role in our everyday lives, without              assistance to athletes who wish
    many of us realising what it is and              to achieve academic excellence        REGULARS
    what it does. Western Australia                  while pursuing their sport.           2              VC’s View
    is leading the nation in spatial
    technology, and its applications             SNAPSHOTS                                 3              News in Brief
    reach far and wide in this rapidly           8   A much-needed boost                   7              Alumni
    emerging science.                                                                                     Keith Rowe talks about how
                                                     Medical microbiologist and
                                                     immunologist Dr Trilochan Mukkur,                    he became involved in finding
14 Driving the price of oil
                                                     from Curtin’s School of Biomedical                   the HMAS Sydney II.
    Oil and petrol prices go up and
                                                     Sciences, has developed a new         9              Campus Life
    down – mostly up. But does the
                                                     vaccine to help eliminate a highly
    high cost of petrol at the pump                                                        28 Perspective
                                                     contagious and potentially fatal
    affect our driving habits? Professor
                                                     disease – whooping cough.                            Emeritus Professor David Black
    of Energy Economics Tony Owen,
                                                                                                          is a name synonymous with
    from Curtin Business School,
                                                                                                          Australian history and politics –
    suggests it doesn’t.
                                                                                                          and he is vocal about Australia
                                                                                                          becoming a republic.

                                                                                                                          summer 2008/09 cite   1
Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

                                        THE  best measure of Curtin’s vision of being a leading university in education and
                                        research is its students. While the University continues to tailor courses and target
                                        research to improve the educational and research outcomes for students and the
                                        community, it is the students, by their commitment to scholarship, who embody
                                        the University’s vision.
                                           Curtin strives to prepare its students for a future beyond tertiary studies
                                        because it is these students who will one day shape the future in business,
                                        industry, government and the wider community. A significant portion of our
                                        student cohort lies in the 18 to 30 demographic – otherwise known as
                                        Generation Y – and I’m pleased to see that this group weaves a common thread
                                        through this vibrant issue of Cite.
                                           Learn more about the often-misunderstood Gen Y, particularly their workplace
                                        aspirations, in ‘Gen Y: it pays to understand them’. Gen Yers are highly educated
                                        and ambitious, with great expectations – characteristics they are sometimes
                                        derided for. But these are precisely the qualities Curtin encourages in its students.
                                           The spatial sciences are revolutionising the technology that maps place, space
                                        and location, with applications ranging from the everyday GPS navigation systems
                                        in our cars to geographic information systems which help us better understand
                                        global warming and climate change. Generation Y, having grown up with
                                        technology and the internet, is at the forefront of this rapidly emerging science
                                        which you can learn more about in ‘Mapping the Future’.
                                           From science to sport, Curtin’s Elite Athletes program supports the sporting and
                                        academic pursuits of athletes, in preparation for a life with and beyond sport.
                                          Curtin is proud of the more than 30 elite athletes – again,
                                        mainly Gen Yers – who study at the Bentley Campus, among
                                        them Olympians past and present, including several who
                                        attended the Beijing Games.
                                           ‘Sport and Study: a winning combination’ provides an insight into the flexible
                                        program that brings balance to the lives of these gifted students, and offers a
                                        glimpse of the commitment required by them to achieve their dual goals.
                                           Curtin’s scholarly offerings and cutting-edge research initiatives are made
                                        possible only by the dynamic academics and researchers who are at the vanguard
                                        of their discipline. Political commentator and historical consultant at the
                                        John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library Emeritus Professor David Black engages in
                                        the Australian republic debate with an impassioned perspective on page 28.
                                        And I invite you to read about the important developments by health science
                                        researchers in the treatment of whooping cough and asthma.
                                           Finally, you will notice the pages in this issue of Cite have switched from gloss
                                        to satin stock. The reason is twofold: non-reflective paper aids readability because
                                        it reduces light reflecting off the page and, in turn, complies with the University’s
                                        Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). Curtin’s DAIP outlines the strategies
                                        we will undertake to provide an accessible and inclusive environment for our
                                        students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including vision impairment, and
                                        non-reflective paper is recommended in the Disability Services Commission’s
                                        guidelines for accessible printed information. So happy reading.
                                           It’s been an exciting year at Curtin. As 2008 draws to a close, I wish you all
                                        a peaceful and prosperous holiday season, ahead of another year of opportunities
                                        and challenges in 2009.
                          SAM PROCTOR

                                        Professor Jeanette Hacket
                                        CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY

2   summer 2008/09 cite
Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

                 Artist’s impression of Curtin Singapore

                                                                                                                JAMES ROGERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ROBERT FRITH
From Left: Moses Tadé; Michael Alpers; Zheng-Xiang Li; and James Semmens                                                       The John Curtin Gallery - BEAP 2002 Immersion exhibition

Academics at the top                                                                           Curtin Singapore                                      Gallery on Show
Several of Curtin’s researchers from              Geoscientist Professor Zheng-Xiang Li        Curtin has ratified a 20-year relationship            In celebration of the John Curtin Gallery’s
spatial sciences, engineering, health          sits in the top one per cent of scientists in   with Singapore by establishing a                      (JCG) 10th anniversary, Gallery Director
and geoscience have received prestigious       his field for receiving one of the highest      comprehensive teaching facility which                 and Dean of Art Professor Ted Snell has
recognition as leaders in their field.         average citation rates of a published paper     will receive its first intake of students in          compiled Gallery – a tribute to the JCG
   Curtin has received its first Australian    over a 10-year period to 2007.                  December 2008.                                        and those connected with it since its
Research Council (ARC) Federation              His outstanding record in the geosciences          Professor John Neilson has been                    establishment in February 1998.
Fellowship, awarded to spatial scientist       includes 66 published papers cited 1,231        appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor of Curtin                  “Not only does it showcase our major
Professor Peter Teunissen. Teunissen’s         times over that period. Li’s achievement        Singapore to provide academic leadership              exhibitions, the artists, and those
application to examine the future potential    was recognised with a Thomson Scientific        and ensure the quality of the programs on             exhibitions of our campus partners across
of Global Navigation Satellite Systems         Research Citation Award, naming him one         offer. Education services company Navitas             the University, but also gallery staff who
(GNSS) in providing geospatial information     of the 10 most pre-eminent researchers          Singapore, with whom Curtin has a                     have been involved in the installations,”
earned him one of 14 ARC Federation            in Australia. His work focuses on               long-standing relationship through its                Snell says.
Fellowships, which commenced in 2008.          understanding the Earth’s evolution             operations of Curtin Sydney and the                      “I am confident Gallery will demonstrate
   Dean of Engineering Professor Moses         over the last 1,000 million years, and          Curtin International College, will manage             that our exhibitions are internationally
Tadé has earned a place in the Top 100         the tectonic processes responsible for          the facility.                                         relevant and that the John Curtin Gallery
Most Influential Engineers in 2008 for his     this evolution.                                    Currently, Curtin has between 750                  is regarded as an international best
outstanding leadership and advocacy for           The Royal Australasian College of            and 800 students enrolled through the                 practice gallery.”
Curtin’s outreach scheme. The only             Surgeons Medal has been awarded to              Marketing Institute of Singapore, the                    Snell describes the book as a “bit like
Western Australian academic awarded            Professor James Semmens, Director of            Singapore Human Resources Institute                   a corporate end-of-year report, with lots
such a place by Engineers Australia            the Safety and Quality of Surgical Care         and the Singapore Institute of Materials              of images of installations accompanied
magazine, Tadé has secured a number            Project. Semmens was recognised for his         Management.                                           by succinct text and comments from the
of industry-sponsored scholarships for         project’s peer-review processes, designed          Curtin Business School courses will                artists themselves”.
engineering students and says he is            to independently review deaths in surgical      continue to be offered through Curtin                    “For instance, Tracey Moffat
focused on attracting more high school         patients in Western Australia (the Western      Singapore, while programs from other                  commented that her work has never
students to engineering.                       Australian Audit of Surgical Mortality) and     faculties will be developed according                 looked better than when shown at the
   From Curtin’s Centre for International      New South Wales (the Collaborating              to student demand.                                    JCG – and this is an artist who has shown
Health, Professor Michael Alpers has been      Hospitals Audit of Surgical Mortality).            It is anticipated the new facility will            at every major art gallery in the world and
elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, the                                                     increase the attractiveness of Curtin’s               at every major Biennale,” he says.
world’s oldest scientific academy which                                                        programs in Singapore and deliver                        Gallery includes stunning images from
has been in continuous existence since                                                         long-term benefits for students. Curtin               House of Tarvydas, the retrospective of
1660. The rare honour recognises                                                               Singapore will be the University’s second             Western Australian fashion designer
researchers who have made an                                                                   teaching facility in Asia, following the              Ruth Tarvydas’ work. The book will be
outstanding contribution to science.                                                           establishment in Miri, Malaysia, of Curtin            launched in early 2009.
Only a handful of Australians have                                                             Sarawak, in 1999.
received the award.

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Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

      STORY   Andrea Lewis
      PHOTOGRAPHY     James Rogers

     It pays to
      Known to many as the ‘spoilt’ generation,
      Gen Y is the youngest segment of our workforce.
      They’re highly educated, optimistic and vital
      to the labour market. But do we really
      understand them?

4   summer 2008/09 cite
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IF you’ve heard anything about Gen Y by way of         exists in mapping their working-life expectations.           McCabe points out that Gen Y is remarkably
the mainstream media, it’s probably been largely       She will do just that, using data from a 2003 survey      relationship-focused and they want mutual
negative. Characteristics such as disloyalty,          of first-year students from all Western Australian        and constructive communication. And it is on
over-confidence and short attention spans are          universities – public and private, metropolitan and       relationships that they will build commitment
well documented in standard portrayals of the          regional – with a sample size of about 1,000.             to teams, managers and networks – rather than
18 to 30 year-olds who make up this demographic.          Her analysis will consider how this group sees         to corporations.
   In sharp contrast to baby boomers, known            themselves as graduates as well as how they                  “They want to have meaningful work and
for their lifelong commitment to a place of            see themselves in the workforce over the longer           are very open to being mentored,” she says.
employment, Gen Y is often seen to be fickle           term. The study will also identify differences in         “If conditions aren’t right, they’ll move on
and flighty, moving from job to job in search          expectations between young women and men, and             because, particularly in periods of economic
of instant gratification.                              differences between Gen Yers based on their areas         prosperity, they can.”
   Well-known demographer Bernard Salt has             of occupational interest.
pointed to the immature and self-indulgent                Results will help create a clearer picture of Gen Y,   ORGANISATIONS     have no choice but to deal with
tendencies of Gen Y, who are blissfully ignorant       in terms of their working-life expectations and           the changes that Gen Y employees bring with
of economic recession and happy to access the          behaviours, which can then be used by employers.          them. They’re obviously indispensable in a tight
‘boomer bank’ well into their 20s.                                                                               labour market, and have desirable traits that
                                                         “What we do know,” says McCabe,                         suggest huge leadership potential.
   But is this a fair representation? And what are     “is that they are the most highly
the implications of not adequately understanding                                                                    While McCabe’s work will help organisations
this group?
                                                       educated generation that Australia                        to better understand Gen Y so they can change to
   The demographic is such a powerful presence         has seen. They’re optimistic and                          integrate them effectively into their organisational
in the workplace and so vital to the labour market     they’re confident about their ability                     culture, the process may not be easy.
that working with them rather than against them,       and their future.                                            “This can be confronting because companies
researchers say, is the key to effective management       “They have been parented differently from              may have to adapt their management philosophies
strategies, positive organisational development and    previous generations and have high levels of              and practices,” she says.
a strong labour force.                                 self-esteem.”                                                “They will have to develop flexible systems
   Researchers with the Women in Social and               However, much of their savvy is portrayed              to accommodate the requirements of different
Economic Research (WiSER) unit at Curtin’s             in the media as disloyalty and disrespect.                employees. I think companies can benefit
Graduate School of Business (GSB) are helping             “But you have to remember that they have               significantly from recent graduates.
facilitate this process through a number of research   witnessed the impact on their families of                    “In a sense, Gen Y is forcing the issue of change
projects aimed at building a more accurate profile     destabilising trends, like severe corporate               in corporate culture to an extent that Gen X
of Gen Y, which may help organisations adapt to        downsizing, which they’ve factored into their             couldn’t. Gen X didn’t have the numbers,
the change they are being compelled to face.           workplace expectations,” McCabe says.                     economic circumstances and confidence that
   Postgraduate student Rebecca McCabe is                 “Trust for long-term security in an organisation       we see with Gen Y.”
helping to build this profile in what will be her      just isn’t there like it was for the veteran generation      Given the current skills shortage, most
master’s thesis, entitled Career and Working Life      and baby boomers. From what my research tells             sectors cannot afford not to embrace this
Expectations of Generation Y Graduates.                me, they are loyal and they are very hardworking          generation, especially because the future
   While much work has been done on marketing          – many of them working while studying full-time –         of many companies lies with its younger,
to Gen Y, McCabe says that little scholarly research   but they are dedicated in a different way.”               well-groomed talent.

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Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News
WiSER researchers argue that with regard to          economy most affected by skills shortage –
                          Gen Y, a particularly under-utilised subset is young    the resources sector. For obvious reasons, the sector
                          professional women. A staggering 50 per cent of         has a lot to gain by capturing segments of the
                          working women are employed on a part-time basis,        population not historically drawn to it.
                          with these jobs tending to be in low-paid, less            Funded by the Minerals Council of Australia and
                          secure positions.                                       the Australian Office for Women, the research
                             It’s not that Gen Y women aren’t educated.           resulted in the report Unearthing New Resources:
                          They are – as much as or more than their male           Attracting and Retaining Women in the Australian
                          counterparts. But the issue of raising a family and     Minerals Industry which shows clearly that young
                          the limiting prospects of returning to stable,          women represent a much-needed cohort in the
                          professional work means that many shy away from         Australian minerals sector.
                          attempting to continue their professional careers.         But the research also found that women in their
                             Besides the deflation of personal career goals and   20s wanted meaningful work, the desire for an
                          potential, in a tight labour market this is bad news.   integrated work-life balance, the need for flexibility
                             Nursing is one area that’s had a particularly        to sustain relationships and a context free from
                          difficult time getting young women to choose to stay    sexism and harassment.
                          in the profession. In 2005, the WA Department of           “While prepared to consider careers in the
                          Health funded research at Curtin’s GSB to               resources sector, they were well aware of its
                          understand the relationship between changing            drawbacks,” Preston says.
                          gender roles and women’s participation in the
                                                                                     “Gen Y women are, therefore,
                             The research – led by Professors Margaret Nowak      less likely to choose a career path
                          and Alison Preston, also Director of WiSER – found      if, once they’ve had a family, they
                          that many young women avoid nursing because of          are faced with returning to a system
                          its low status and its economic devaluation;            that doesn’t accommodate their
                          perceptions that would not have existed even for        personal aspirations.”
                          Gen X.                                                     The WiSER research was followed by a series of
                             Research fellow Dr Angela Barns, in related          workshops, facilitated by Lord, with resources
                          research, conducted a qualitative study of Year 12      companies, which focused on strategies by which
                          TEE female students intending to pursue a               they could adjust culture and develop tactics that
                          professional career. A major finding was that while     might entice Gen Y graduates to the sector.
                          Gen Y women were experiencing unprecedented                The general message underpinning the WiSER
                          access to educational and career opportunities, they    workshops and the GSB research in general is that
                          were still caught in the bind of wanting both a         in dealing with Gen Y, you’re dealing with a diverse
                          family and a career.                                    set of needs that require a reorientation of traditional
                             “Aspiration is huge among this group,” says
                                                                                  workplace culture.
                          Barns. “But this is severely limited by the lack of
                                                                                     Says McCabe: “It’s not about indulging a spoilt
                          flexible working arrangements in many sectors.
                                                                                  generation; it’s about listening to the needs of a new
                             “For systemic change to happen, social policy
                                                                                  generation who have a different set of experiences
                          must confront the gendered nature of our
                                                                                  and who simply think differently about the world.
                          employment culture.”
                                                                                     “And if we can capture and work with that, Gen Y
                          WITH colleague Dr Linley Lord, Preston has also         has an enormous contribution to make, both socially
                          undertaken research for that part of the Australian     and economically.”

6   summer 2008/09 cite
Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

                                                                                                                                   STORY   Andrea Lewis
                                                                                                                                   PHOTOGRAPHY     James Rogers

       A Curtin graduate played an
       instrumental role in locating the
       HMAS Sydney II in early 2008
       and, in doing so, helped the
       nation understand its biggest
       naval disaster.

PHYSIOTHERAPY        graduate Keith Rowe may have          “My mother had given me a book                         current helped indicate more precisely where the
started his career in a predictable way, but his         about the HMAS Sydney ll and I                           ships might have finally settled. It was decided to
ongoing interest in maritime history led him,            remember being fascinated by the                         search the shallower half of the identified search box.
unpredictably, to some very different discoveries.       story,” he says.                                            “And that’s where we found both vessels,
   Rowe was born in Margaret River and spent time                                                                 207 kilometres west of Steep Point, in 2,500 metres
                                                            “The German raider Kormoran and the Sydney
as a child in the Wheatbelt before attending Scotch                                                               of water,” Rowe says.
                                                         had met off the coast between Geraldton and
College in Perth as a teenager. After high school, he                                                                Using remotely-operated-vehicle equipment,
                                                         Carnarvon in November 1941. After an intense battle,
attended Curtin’s School of Physiotherapy, and in his                                                             with cameras flown in from Norway, the FSF took
                                                         both ships sank and the Sydney was lost, with all
final year of undergraduate study opted to participate                                                            60 hours of video footage and 1,400 photographs.
                                                         645 men on board.
in a six-week medical study tour of China. Intrigued                                                              A documentary on the search was aired on ABC TV,
                                                            “To think that this happened just off the coast
by the experience, he began to study Mandarin                                                                     in June 2008.
                                                         of Carnarvon was what struck me. I had fished off
when he returned to Perth, while also working at
                                                         that coastline so many times. I just wanted to know
Royal Perth Hospital.                                                                                             FOR Rowe, one of the highlights of his journey to
                                                         what happened.”
   Rowe returned to Curtin to complete postgraduate         In 2000, a casual conversation with his neighbour,    locate the Sydney was being invited on board HMAS
studies in Manipulative Therapy, and then moved          Ted Graham, provided the opportunity to find out.        Anzac for three days to conduct commemorative
to Kalgoorlie in search of new frontiers. He set up      Graham, with a couple of friends, had a great interest   ceremonies over each vessel. He was accompanied
a successful physiotherapy practice which, after         in locating the Sydney.                                  by his four fellow volunteer directors, Ted Graham,
26 years, continues to be the biggest of its kind           The small group of neighbourhood acquaintances        Bob Trotter, Don Pridmore and Glenys MacDonald.
between Perth and Adelaide.                              met at a local restaurant early in 2001 and began           The Chief of Navy, Minister for Defence Services
   With his wife, Lesley – also a Curtin physiotherapy   to formulate a business plan to spearhead a search       and the German Ambassador also attended, as did
graduate – he raised their three sons in Kalgoorlie,     for the ship. The not-for-profit Finding Sydney          five family representatives, including Rory Burnett,
eventually returning to Perth to manage a practice       Foundation (FSF) was established and weekly              son of the Sydney’s captain.
they had bought in East Fremantle.                       meetings began.                                             “We could see how important this was to all the
   At this point in his life, Rowe returned to some         In 2003, 2004 and 2005, the group got serious         family members we met,” Rowe says. “The time with
of his other long-held interests. He reacquainted        about lobbying and fundraising to conduct the            Rory Burnett was especially moving, as I could see
himself with China, and now travels there three or       search, but soon realised they couldn’t realise their    his relief in finally having more answers about what
four times a year as the director of a Chinese-based     quest without the Federal Government’s financial         happened to his father and the men on board.
exploration company.                                     support. And so began the task of convincing the            “A great silence had existed during the war about
   But it was in 1998, when Rowe visited Steep           government – in particular, the then Prime Minister      what happened to the Sydney. The Official Secrets
Point – Western Australia’s most western point           John Howard, his key cabinet ministers and the           Act continued after the war ended, and various
– to look for Dutch shipwrecks that his life took a      Royal Australian Navy – that they were competent
different course.                                                                                                 conspiracy theories fuelled confusion.”
                                                         and were searching an area that had a good chance
   The group he travelled with was undertaking                                                                       All of the FSF’s archives have gone to the Federal
                                                         of success.
aerial surveys along the Zuytdorp Cliffs and had                                                                  Government and the WA Maritime Museum, with full
                                                            By 2007, the FSF had raised $5.3 million from the
picked up some ‘hot spots’. They had allowed             Federal and State Governments and from private           public access available. The Federal Government’s
themselves a month to dive and investigate them.         donors. The funding was sufficient to mount a 42-day     Commission of Inquiry into the Loss of the Sydney
   “We didn’t find any Dutch wrecks,” says Rowe,         search using side scan sonar equipment in depths         is now investigating what happened.
“but we did find a yacht missing since the ‘80s,         from 2,500 to 5,000 metres, in an area totalling            Rowe says he will leave the interpretation to
a trawler with an unexplained history and a large        1,800 square nautical miles. Tenders were accepted       the historians.
cray pot. This gave me a real taste for maritime         for a Singapore-based vessel and sonar equipment            “Our job was to locate and to commemorate,”
exploration.”                                            from Seattle, in the US.                                 he says. “We weren’t in it for the glory or for financial
   His first taste, however, was back in the                Information from the Bureau of Meteorology and        gain. It was just a good thing to do.”
mid-1980s.                                               the CSIRO on the eddying fields within the Leeuwin          For more information:

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Gen Y - Spatial revolution Science for the new generation - Curtin News

A much-needed boost                                                                       by some families with the recommended vaccination
                                                                                          schedule. And without these vital boosters,
                                                                                          opportunities emerge for the bacterial pathogen
                                                                                          to cause whooping cough again not only in
                                                                                          infants, but also in adults vaccinated during
                                                                                          their childhood because of waning immunity
                                                                                          against the disease.
                                                                                             However, a biomedical breakthrough at Curtin
                                                                                          will now help to eliminate the disease worldwide,
                                                                                          with the development of an intranasal vaccine that
                                                                                          is destined to offer longer-lasting immunity, fewer
                                                                                          boosters and potentially fewer side effects.
                                                                                          DEVELOPED     by medical microbiologist and
                                                                                          immunologist Dr Trilochan Mukkur, from the School
                                                                                          of Biomedical Sciences, the intranasal vaccine will
                                                                                          be cheaper to produce than the existing vaccine,
                                                                                          and provide significant benefits to developed as well
                                                                                          as developing countries.
                                                                                             “Whooping cough has persisted as a serious
                                                                                          health threat to world populations because long-term
                                                                                          immunity requires numerous booster injections over
                                                                                          a person’s lifetime,” Mukkur says.
                                                                                             “My intranasal vaccine produces
                                                                                          a more effective stimulation of the
                                                                                          immune system that will provide
                                                                                          long-lasting immunity and fewer,
Whooping cough is highly         WHOOPING cough is high on the list of the
                                                                                          if any, booster shots.”
                                 world’s most contagious diseases. The toxic
contagious and has potentially   bacteria (Bordetella pertussis) has plagued global
                                                                                             The difference between Mukkur’s intranasal
fatal consequences. But a new    communities for centuries, and large numbers of          vaccine and the existing one is significant.
                                                                                          The current vaccine given by injection only partially
vaccine will help to eliminate   humans – from infants to the elderly – have been
                                                                                          stimulates the immune response because the
the disease worldwide, with      infected with the debilitating respiratory illness.
                                    Children are more likely to develop serious           injection confines immune responses to the blood.
fewer boosters and potentially   complications from the disease, with nearly              Lung secretions may have some antibodies, but
fewer side effects.              40 million infants worldwide catching whooping           they are not necessarily of the most desired type.
                                 cough each year, and 300,000 dying from it.              Also, the current vaccine does not stimulate the
STORY   Sue Emmett                  Anyone who has been with a child affected by          cell-mediated immunity necessary for long-term
PHOTOGRAPHY   James Rogers       whooping cough finds it hard to erase from their         protection against whooping cough.
                                 memory the distress of a young patient who gasps            Adults wanting to remain immune to the disease
                                 for breath and ‘whoops’ between violent and              need up to six boosters over their lifetime. Most fail
                                 prolonged coughing fits.                                 to follow up the boosters after primary school.
                                    In adolescents and adults the ‘whoop’ is less            The Federal Government provides the vaccine free
                                 identifiable, but the continuous coughing that can       to all Australian children from two months old to age
                                 lead to pneumonia and other complications is equally     six. However, the high cost of vaccine production
                                 serious. Infected adults lose about 10 working           excludes it from two-thirds of the world’s population,
                                 days a year, and those who recover from it are not       who miss out on any protection at all.
                                 necessarily immune to a second attack. On top               The method of dispensing the vaccine is also
                                 of it all, they are responsible for infecting about      significant. Administered intranasally, either as
                                 55 per cent of infants.                                  a spray or nasal drop, Mukkur’s vaccine has been
                                    One vaccine called killed pertussis vaccine,          found to stimulate immune response in the lung
                                 which contains whole killed cells, was introduced        secretions and in the blood. The vaccine also arms
                                 40 years ago to help build up immunity to the            the cells of the immune system to perform better,
                                 bacteria that causes whooping cough.                     and it will be cheaper to make.
                                 The vaccine quite effectively stopped whooping              The potential benefits of Mukkur’s vaccine have
                                 cough epidemics, but it had a few shortcomings.          attracted interest worldwide, and the medical
                                 These included serious side effects such as high         scientist recently received Curtin’s prestigious
                                 fever, persistent crying at a high pitch in children,    2008 New Inventor Award for his effort.
                                 febrile seizures and, occasionally, brain damage.           Curtin is currently approaching pharmaceutical
                                    A subsequent vaccine consisting of select             companies for investment in further development
                                 fractions of the disease-causing bacterium mixed         and human trials of the vaccine.
                                 with an immune response-enhancing chemical                  In the meantime, Mukkur stresses the importance
                                 (adjuvant) was introduced in the developed world,        of vaccination against the disease.
                                 including Australia. However, although it provides          “This particular pathogen only affects humans and
                                 medium-term protection at best, adverse side             it creates very damaging toxic symptoms that can be
                                 effects, including a large swelling at the injection     deadly for children who are not vaccinated,” he says.
                                 site, can occur in a significant percentage of              “Vaccination of young children with one of the
                                 vaccinated children who are allergic.                    currently marketed vaccines is very important.”
                                    Because of the side effects particularly following       For more information:
                                 the third booster, there has been a lack of compliance

8   summer 2008/09 cite
Gone are the queues
at Curtin Library’s
Information Desk –
replaced instead by a
band of ever-helpful,
ever-smiling student
Rovers, who are at the
beck and call of students,
staff and the broader
community. Easy to find
in their colourful t-shirts,
they can be called on
for help with finding
material in the catalogue
or a book on the shelves.
They are especially adept
at handling IT queries,
including where best
to access the wireless
network and how to use
OASIS – the student and
staff portal to information
about Curtin. Armed with
walkie-talkies, the Rovers
also answer calls received
through Help phones on
every floor of the library.
It’s all in a day’s work
for these trained and
motivated young students,
who go a long way to
help meet the needs of
Curtin Library’s 1.5 million
visitors a year.
                               JAMES ROGERS

                                              summer 2008/09 cite   9

the future
Spatial sciences play        THE  core of spatial sciences is the mapping of
                             information and development of programs that allow
                                                                                       an ever-increasing range of information, from
                                                                                       population movement to crop pasture growth,
an important role in our     us to understand and use the information it presents.     bushfire outbreaks, endangered species habitats
                                Spatial refers to a place, space or location, and      and incidence of pests and diseases within
lives, so it is surprising   since everything is somewhere on the surface of the       the community.
that most of us use          Earth, spatial information and technology has a very
                             broad range of uses.
                                                                                          On a global scale, the science is also being used to
                                                                                       better understand ocean salinity, sea level variations,
technologies from this          Google has given the community a taste of              the melting of the polar ice caps, global warming and
rapidly emerging science     exploring the world virtually with Google Earth,
                             Google Maps and even Google Street View. Some of
                                                                                       climate change.
                                                                                          “Everyone is exposed in some way to GIS and
in one form or another       us have extended our spatial curiosity a step further     spatial technology, particularly young people, but
                             by installing a GPS navigation system in our car.         they don’t realise it. That is the irony,” says Curtin’s
each day, without            But this user-friendly software is really just a teaser   Head of Spatial Sciences Associate Professor
recognising it by name.      to the dynamic spatial revolution that has been
                             quietly building up over the last two decades.
                                                                                       Bert Veenendaal.
                                                                                          “As a relatively new technology it offers a huge
                                Spatial technology came into its own right with        variety of well–paid, interesting jobs for qualified
STORY   Sue Emmett
                             the merger of land and hydrographic surveying,            young people. Yet we have difficulty convincing
IMAGES   Supplied            geographic information systems (GIS), cartography         many high school graduates to consider the spatial
                             and mapping, engineering and mining surveying,            sciences as a career.
                             remote sensing and photogrammetry.                           “Curtin has the only tertiary degrees in the spatial
                                Twenty-five years ago, these four complementary        sciences in WA, and when we visit schools and say
                             disciplines were separate entities. Advancing             GIS, we get a puzzled look. When we say Google
                             computer technology, the development of GIS and           Earth everyone has a complete understanding of
                             the emerging spatial industry brought them together       what we are talking about.
                             to better understand our world and help solve issues         “It’s puzzling to us that students don’t link the
                             affecting us on local and global scales.                  two when they are so exposed to spatial information
                                Spatial technology is now assisting Western            and data. They can actually read, understand and
                             Australian scientists and researchers, and those          navigate their way through spatial information
                             working in government departments, business               in a way that older generations find impossible
                             and the resources and agriculture sectors to map          to understand.”

10 summer 2008/09 cite
right on track
                                                        A group of spatial sciences enthusiasts have              The team arrived safely at Wiluna on 18 July,
                                                        retraced the steps of Alfred Canning, who             after travelling more than 1,500 kilometres from
                                                        surveyed the Canning Stock Route by camel             Newman over some of the most rugged and
                                                        almost 100 years ago.                                 punishing 4WD driving tracks in Australia.
                                                           The team comprising four surveying students,           The expedition was an outstanding success for
                                                        one cartography student, two Curtin lecturers,        all participants and the geodetic upgrade work
                                                        four surveying professionals and two documentary      carried out through the region. For two weeks,
                                                        makers made the 3,596-kilometre journey by            the team’s GPS navigation system traversed 600
                                                        4WD between 3 and 17July 2008, accompanied            kilometres, and accurately located and adjusted
                                                        by two local Martu people and one member of the       more than 70 markers from various surveys
                                                        Birriliburu tribe.                                    completed over the last century, including a
   Spatial Sciences Senior Lecturer Tony Snow              The Canning Stock Route runs from Wiluna           number of original Canning survey marks.
agrees. He is equally perplexed because he sees         in Western Australia to Halls Creek in the                “Some of the survey pegs were hard to find
the science developing rapidly to meet a huge           Northern Territory.                                   and those we did come across were repaired and
variety of needs.                                          The group focused on finding and upgrading         replaced for surveyors who would need them in
   “As people in the front line of the technology,      the survey pegs along the southern section of         the future,” Snow says.
we feel we are really riding a wave that is advancing   the track from Georgia Bore south to Wiluna,              “We were very well equipped with satellite
at an extraordinary rate,” he says.
                                                        a distance of more than 600 kilometres.               phones, a GPS tracker and an emergency
   “The driving force of this revolution is that the
                                                           Mining companies often use the original            beacon. The journey brought home the necessity
technology, hardware and data come together at
                                                        survey markers to put in mining leases, and the       of good planning and emergency procedures
the right time. You can just press a button and
                                                        Aboriginals have native title on either side of the   for carrying out surveys in these types of
download it. It’s a real breakthrough for government
                                                        track route.                                          isolated areas.”
departments, commerce and industry, where good
planning is crucial.”                                      Spatial Sciences Senior Lecturer Tony Snow,            Students on the trip used the experience as
                                                        who was part of the team, says in addition to their   a final-year project component that involved
  Snow believes Gen Y students are                      high-tech surveying equipment, they used copies       comparing the accuracy of GPS systems.
born for spatial technology because                     of old survey maps drawn by Canning, to see how
they are the first generation to do                     accurately the markers had been placed.
most of their social networking
in cyberspace.
WITH these new-generation students in mind, Curtin
recently launched a state-of-the-art Spatial Sciences
Studio. The facility is a focal point for geographic
information science, surveying and cartography in
WA, and serves as an industry resource to support
education and research initiatives.
   Landgate has committed $430,000 over the next
five years to develop the studio which combines
high-tech computer systems with the latest
teaching resources, specifically targeted at today’s
generation of technology-savvy students.
   Veenendaal says GIS and the spatial sciences
are tailored to government and industry needs,
and the department has a range of bursaries,
sponsorships and cadetships available that are
   “Industry and government are struggling to get
good people now, so the future for young people
and jobs in the spatial sciences is only going to get
better,” he says.
WESTERN Australia is leading the nation in spatial
technology. For many years the State has been a
centre of spatial innovation excellence. Our State’s
spatial technology has much to offer developing
nations in the Asia-Pacific region, from mapping
rising sea levels to tsunami and earthquake
modelling, disaster recovery and satellite monitoring
for illegal forest burn-offs in Indonesia’s
remnant jungle.
   On the Indonesian island of Banda Aceh, for
example, NGIS, a WA consulting firm which employs
Curtin spatial sciences graduates, has been working
for the past few years to help the community to map
the recovery of their town.
   Landgate recently pushed the WA spatial
                                                                                                                                                                  KIRBY GAMBLE

technology platform a whole lot further, with the
official launch of its Shared Land Information
Platform (SLIP).

                                                                                                                                                summer 2008/09 cite 11
In Western Australia, more than 1,900 people        information. The difficulties they had to access the
                         a month now log on to SLIP to access more than         required information were enormous.
                         20 gigabytes of spatial information maintained by         “Landgate looked for a new way to share this
                         many government departments. The result is that        information and came up with a concept that
                         users have access to the most up-to-date information   was probably not technically feasible at the time,”
                         from the authoritative source by going to a single     Bradford says.
                         point of access. Nineteen government agencies and         “Landgate is also looking into the future for more
                         two private organisations are currently connected      innovative applications serving information out to
                         to the SLIP network, bringing together and making      mobile devices. Crowd sourcing, which gives people
                         available some 200 vector spatial datasets and more    in the community the ability to submit information
                         than 1,000 imagery datasets that in the past resided   to the site, is also under consideration.”
                         in isolated systems.                                      So what does the future hold for the spatial
                            SLIP’s objective is to simplify access to land      sciences and technology?
                         and geographic data for the general community             One of the major areas of spatial growth in the
                         and business. Four lead agencies – Fire and            US is location-specific advertising, and there is a big
                         Emergency Services, the Department of Agriculture      demand for people who are working in advertising
                         and Food, the Department for Planning and              and marketing with some spatial expertise to apply
                         Infrastructure, and Landgate – share responsibility    it to their industry.
                         for SLIP’s implementation. Each of the government         Spatially enabled mobile phone technology
                         departments is responsible for updating its own        is already the next move forward, according to
                         data each night.                                       Veenendaal. Built-in GPS systems and links to
                           “Spatial technology allows people                    sites like Google’s Maps, Streets and Search and
                         to share information in a way that                     Facebook will enable businesses to tailor individual
                                                                                marketing strategies for consumers.
                         has not been possible before,” says
                                                                                   So don’t be surprised when the local café owner
                         Landgate Acting Chief Executive                        ‘sees’ you approaching and targets you virtually
                         Mike Bradford.                                         through your phone, suggesting it’s time for a
                            “At the end of the day, everything happens at       coffee break.
                         a place, so location is so important, whether it
                         is around health information, demographics or
                         incidence of disease.
                            “To be able to view and analyse information
                         spatially can provide really powerful answers
                         that can lead to better decision-making and
                         infrastructure planning.”
                            Bradford says Landgate took the lead in SLIP
                         when in 2003 it identified there were 5,000 State
                         Government employees from about 26 different
                         government agencies making use of land

12 summer 2008/09 cite
fertilizer for
                                                                                                                                                          indoOr potTed

                                                                                                                                                                          Number two:
                                                                                                                                                                       would you be prep-
                  SNAPSHOT                                                                                                                                            ared to purchase for
                                                                                                                                                                      only $13.99 a batTery
                                                                                                                                                                       freE pocket sundial,
                                                                                                                                                                       guaranteEd lifetime

                                                           The rise of

                                                                                                                                                                                                        BEN TEMPLESMITH
                                                             waldo.indd 34                                             3/3/08 8:03:37 AM

                                                           the graphic
                  STORY Max Noakes
                  ILLUSTRATIONS Justin Randall and Chris Bones
                  Ben Templesmith

                  IF we’ve learnt anything from prehistoric cave                                                                             “There is very little external control to the books
                  paintings or ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, it’s that                                                                   compared to most other mediums. It’s the one
                  graphics are just as legitimate a narrative device as                                                                    industry you can really do anything crazy and daring,
                  prose. In a society propelled by images, theatre, the                                                                    and still put it out in the marketplace to see what
                  internet, film and television make up a substantial                                                                      people think. That’s the freedom the big movie
                  part of our cultural diet.                                                                                               studios don’t have, and why they’re hovering like
                     Many think of graphic novels as fast food.                                                                            vultures over the industry right now.”
                  Yet, despite the publishing industry’s fastidious            “Graphic novels have been the only
                                                                                                                                           IRONICALLY,      30 Days of Night, arguably
                  standards, they’ve made their way into the                 real growth area in the book market for
                  mainstream market. Whereas traditional comic books         years now, and seem to have gained                            Templesmith’s most popular work, joined a list of
                                                                                                                                           graphic novels such as History of Violence, The Crow
                  comprise graphic strips which narrate short stories        some popularity or at least awareness.
                  over a series of books, graphic novels employ a                                                                          and Sin City to have been translated onto the big
                                                                                “Graphic novel and comic book publishers have
                  narrative structure similar to that of a traditional                                                                     screen. During 30 Days of Night‘s opening credits,
                                                                             gradually been able to convince book stores to carry
                  novel but with the emphasis on images rather than                                                                        special mention is made about the film being based
                                                                             more and more graphic novels. My publisher, IDW
                  words. For this reason they’re at home on                                                                                on a graphic novel rather than a comic book.
                                                                             Publishing, now makes more than 50 per cent of its
                  bookshelves alongside their wordier counterparts,                                                                            Justin Randall, commercial illustrator, graphic
                                                                             sales outside of traditional comic stores.”
                  with their own sections in public libraries and               A graduate of Curtin’s Bachelor of Design degree,          novelist and digital illustration lecturer at Curtin,
                  commercial book stores. And they are, of course,           Templesmith now lives in San Diego, in the US. He is          says it’s “actually a big step in attempting to
                  regular tenants of the faithful comic book shop.           best known for his work in the American comic book            separate some ‘comics’ as more than just fodder
                     For some people, graphic novels are a regression to     industry and has received multiple nominations for            for 13-year-old boys”.
                  the childish nature of the picture book – the culprit      the industry’s top prize, The Eisner Award.                       “It’s only a slight change in the wording but just
                  being their association with spandex-clad                     The award is named after Will Eisner, creator of the       the very word ‘comic’ in Western culture brings forth
                  superheroes. After all, there’s not much more              first graphic novel A Contract with God and Other             images of antisocial, freckle-faced nerds, and I think
                  between those pages than muscle-bound men in               Tenement Stories (1978) which explored working-               some people are just tired of that generalisation.”
                  tights – or is there?                                      class Jewish life in New York during the Great                    The success of a graphic novel is not dependent
                     For graphic novel artist and writer Ben Templesmith     Depression. The novel found comic book writers                on its transition to the big screen, nor does the
                  this question would be deserving of a slow, sarcastic      reassessing the potential of their art form, as Eisner’s      transition spell instant success. And, Randall
                  handclap. Like many graphic novelists, he walks a          readership suddenly expanded to a new adult                   says, both graphic novelist and filmmaker need
                  gauntlet of cultural ignorance, rooted for the most        audience. It also paved the way for Art Spiegelman’s          to adhere to guidelines similar to those deployed
                  part in the idea that the graphic novel is a literary      Maus: A Survivor’s Tale which won a Pulitzer Prize            in blockbusters to avoid a flop. He has taken his own
                  genre, when it is, he argues, an individual medium,        Special Award in 1992. The work was based on the              advice, having worked on the critically acclaimed
                  with a vast array of its own genres.                       survival of the author’s father, a Polish Jew during          Silent Hill, Waldo’s Hawaiian Holiday and new
                     “I remember in my early days looking for gigs,”         the Holocaust.                                                additions to the 30 Days of Night series.
                  says Templesmith, “asking someone who worked for              While Templesmith’s work doesn’t deal with such                “Like any film you need a great concept, narrative
                  HarperCollins if they’d be interested in doing some        serious, historical subject matter, it steers noticeably      and dialogue,” he says.
                  graphic novels – for example, historical-based novels,     clear of superhero territory, instead operating in                “Making it pretty helps, too. But the greatest
                  rather than the superhero subgenre. I could virtually      horror, humour and sci-fi realms.                             illustrator in the world can’t keep a story afloat
                  see the sneer at the words ‘graphic novel’ and               “Graphic novels are the last bastion                        if the language of a graphic novel is not treated
                  ‘comic’ down the phone line. What a pity.                  of creativity,” he says.                                      with respect.”

                                                                                                                                                                               summer 2008/09 cite 13

                  Pumping petrol into our cars is a costly
                  exercise these days, but evidently not high

                  Driving the
                  enough to dent our desire to drive.

                  price of oil

14 summer 2008/09 cite
STORY   Tony Malkovic
PHOTOGRAPHY    James Rogers

                                                               “It’s difficult to prove and there’s no data around,
                                                            and speculators don’t tell us what they’re doing,”
                                                            he says.
                                                               For Owen, the fluctuation in oil prices is due
                                                            to demand and supply and the market being
                                                            manipulated by the OPEC countries that control
                                                            the supply.
                                                               Supply is tight because demand has increased
                                                            over the years – in China, especially – while the
                                                            reserve capacity to pump oil has gone down. So
                                                            prices are high because there’s no excess production
                                                            capacity. As demands goes up, prices go up.
YOU’D    think that with soaring petrol prices, you’d          That part is simple demand and supply economics.
see people using their cars less.                           But there are some other, less obvious mechanisms
   But think again. For many people, the convenience        at play.
of cars is enough to keep them paying for petrol,              “It’s not generally well known that most               coast, in which the State lost access to a third of
whatever the price.                                         developing countries in the region – China, Malaysia,     its natural gas supplies, led to renewed calls for a
   According to economist Tony Owen, many people            Indonesia, Thailand – have been heavily subsidising       Statewide energy policy to be developed.
are likely to choose to cut back on other expenses          their fuel, so their oil prices are considerably lower       Owen says such a move makes sense and
first, such as dining at a restaurant.                      than the market would dictate,” Owen says.                WA could easily tap into available local expertise
   Owen is Professor of Energy Economics at Curtin             “With significant increases in oil prices, this        to set up a centre for energy economics to help
Business School, the first position of its kind in          has had a major impact on their central budgets           do the sums.
Australia. He is also co-director of Oil and Gas            because the subsidies have just exploded their               “An energy economics centre in WA could use
Management, an area of research excellence for              budget figures.                                           the expertise of the two major universities in Perth
the school.                                                    “So they’ve been taking the subsidies away and         – Curtin and The University of Western Australia –
   In effect, he’s an expert at crunching the numbers       this has had a negative impact on their industry,         to assist the State Government in policy decisions
when it comes to assessing our energy options               and there have been social impacts. There have            for WA,” he says.
involving fuels such as oil, gas and coal, and their        been riots in a few countries because of this.”              “WA is heavily dependent on its mineral wealth,
effects on electricity prices. With rising petrol prices,      The attendant geopolitical, technical and              so it doesn’t really make sense to have a hand-to-
he says it’s a matter of choice and simply working          environmental concerns are likely to dominate             mouth energy policy. And that was quite clear with
out what we’d prefer not to do without.                     our region’s political and economic landscape             the Apache Energy explosion on Varanus Island
   “With something like increased interest rates,           for decades, Owen says.                                   – there wasn’t a Plan B.”
for instance, you can’t avoid paying more on your              Back to the bowser, and with all this talk of             Energy economics may seem a bit dry for some
mortgage,” he says.                                         finite reserves and peak oil, will we eventually run      people, but the Varanus explosion shows that getting
   “With petrol, if you want to keep driving, you           out of oil?                                               the figures right on our present and future energy
can look at other areas to cut back on. And most               “Well, no,” Owen says.                                 requirements is crucial.
people have enough discretionary income to allow               “There’s an enormous amount of oil in the world.          And that applies whether we’re trying to draw up
them this choice. The cost of not driving can be            And there’ll be plenty of oil in the world long after     a State or national energy policy – or simply choosing
high, in terms of your lifestyle.                           people have stopped using it.”                            between a night out at a fancy restaurant and a tank
   “The car is so convenient. So people will give              Owen argues there’s no shortage of oil reserves –      of pricey petrol at the local service station.
up other luxuries before they give up their car.            there are huge deposits in the Middle East, central
For example, meals out are more likely to be given          Asia, Canada and under the Arctic Ocean. However,
up first.”                                                  they’re not always in the right place. What’s more,
  With cars, the two big economic                           three-quarters of reserves are not accessible to
drivers for most people are                                 private companies but are controlled by state
convenience and time.                                       companies that may not have profit maximisation as
                                                            an immediate objective and prefer to store reserves
   “I think the fundamental message is that if you
                                                            for future generations.
buy a car, it offers so many lifestyle benefits you
                                                               Global petroleum giant BP also depicts a world
will be reluctant to do without it,” Owen says.
                                                            awash with oil.
   “Driving a car saves time, and time is very
                                                               According to its recently released 2008 BP
valuable to most people. For many people, that’s
                                                            Statistical Review of World Energy, the world’s levels
quite a big issue; why spend two hours on the bus
                                                            of fossil fuels “remains sufficient to support growing
 – an hour each way to and from work – when you
                                                            levels of production”. It adds that the key to high
can do it in 15 or 20 minutes?”
                                                            and volatile energy prices lies elsewhere – namely,
   He says if oil and petrol prices stay high in the
                                                            political factors, barriers to entry, and high taxes.
long term, people are likely to get a smaller or more
                                                               Or as BP’s chief executive Tony Hayward pointed
fuel-efficient vehicle the next time they buy a car.
                                                            out in launching the review: “In other words, when
To understand why oil and petrol prices fluctuate,          it comes to producing more oil, the problems are
we need to look at the bigger picture of energy             above ground, not below it. They are not geological,
economics for an explanation.                               but political.”
  Owen says speculation on the futures market is               BP’s annual global review underscores the
an easy explanation for increasing oil prices and           importance of energy economics at the international
their sudden sharp rises and falls, but there’s no hard     scale. At the local level, the recent explosion on
evidence to back up the assertion.                          Varanus Island, off Western Australia’s north-west

                                                                                                                                                      summer 2008/09 cite 15
You can also read