GCSE OPTIONS - Worth School

Page created by Bobby Holmes
MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE                   03
THE YEAR 10 AND 11 CURRICULUM             04
ART                                       05
BIOLOGY                                   06
CHEMISTRY                                 07
CLASSICS: LATIN & GREEK                   08
DRAMA                                     09
ECONOMICS                                 10
FRENCH                                    13
GEOGRAPHY                                 14
GERMAN                                    15
HISTORY                                   16
ICT                                       17
MATHEMATICS                               18
MUSIC                                     19
PHOTOGRAPHY                               20
PHYSICS                                   21
RELIGIOUS STUDIES                         22
SPANISH                                   23
SPORTS SCIENCE                            24
LEARNING SUPPORT                          25
WELCOME FROM                                                                                                          MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE
THE DEPUTY HEAD (ACADEMIC)                                                                                            In deciding which optional subjects to pursue to GCSE level, there are many factors to consider. Questions that
                                                                                                                      you should be asking yourself include:
One of the many things you come to learn whilst at Worth is that you have been placed on this earth in order
to fulfil a particular vocation, a unique role that only you can play out. Coming to know what God has in mind        Which subjects do I enjoy?
for you is part of the education that you receive here. The development of abilities, aptitudes, skills and           It is often the case that the subjects at which pupils are most successful are also those which they most
capabilities, is an essential part of your growing and developing as a person. Being challenged to go further         enjoy. Certainly, your time in Years 10 and 11 will be more enjoyable if you are studying subjects which you
and to be better is vital to long term success, happiness and greater self-awareness.                                 find interesting and stimulating. It is important to remember, however, that the material that you cover in a
                                                                                                                      particular subject in Years 10 and 11 may well be quite different from that which you covered in Year 9. For
Taking time to reflect upon your academic interests and abilities, and considering which subjects to study at         this reason, it is very important that you do some research into exactly what each GCSE entails. This booklet
GCSE, is an important part in your continuous development as a person. The decisions you make now will                should give you some key information in this respect.
help influence your future, so think carefully before choosing your options and think also about building upon
success and what you find enjoyable and worthwhile.                                                                   Which subjects am I best at?
                                                                                                                      Although life is not simply about getting good examination results, it is important that you opt for subjects in
In order to ensure that every Worth pupil is equipped with a good balance of skills and knowledge, certain            which you have a strong chance of doing well. Equally, it is likely that you will enjoy your time at school more
subjects are compulsory at GCSE level. These subjects constitute what is known as the ‘core curriculum’, and          if you are studying subjects which you do not find excessively difficult.
include subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies. In addition, pupils choose a
number of optional subjects. The decision regarding which of these optional subjects should be studied is an          Do I need to study particular subjects if I wish to follow a particular career?
important one. It is hoped that this booklet will provide you with some important information concerning the          For entry to some professions, it is important to have the right academic qualifications. Those wishing to enter
subjects that are available and will, in turn, help you to make a sensible and informed choice.                       disciplines such as medicine or engineering, for example, would be strongly advised to opt for three sciences.
                                                                                                                      However, for entry to many degree courses and professions, it is not a requirement to have studied any
Of course, your time at school is not simply about academic work and examinations. To get the most out of             particular subjects.
Worth, every pupil is urged to become involved in a wide range of sporting, cultural, spiritual and recreational
activities. It is very much the case, however, that the basis for a happy and fruitful time at school is also about   Most pupils in Year 9 probably do not have clear ideas about the degree subject they would like to study, or
getting the academic side of life right. Making the correct choices for GCSE should certainly put you on the          the type of career they would like to pursue. You certainly should not worry if, at this stage, you have little idea
path to achieve this.                                                                                                 about what you would eventually like to do – indeed, many of those who think they know at this stage what
                                                                                                                      they want to do often change their minds (sometimes several times) before finally deciding what to study
                                                                                                                      at university and which career to pursue. The best advice, therefore, is probably to ensure that you make a
                                                                                                                      sensible choice that does not rule out particular careers that you may be considering, but which leaves enough
                                                                                                                      flexibility to allow you to change your mind later. Above all, you should ensure that you play to your strengths
                                                                                                                      by selecting subjects which you enjoy and at which you are good. Remember that the most important thing for
Mr Simon Fisher                                                                                                       most pupils is to get good GCSE grades, rather than GCSEs in particular subjects.
Deputy Head (Academic)
                                                                                                                      Who can help me make my choice?
                                                                                                                      Many people are on hand to help you decide the best combination of subjects for you. Your housemaster or
                                                                                                                      housemistress, tutor, teachers and parents will all be happy to give advice. You may also wish to talk to our
                                                                                                                      Careers and Higher Education team. You should take the time to seek advice from as wide a range of people as
                                                                                                                      possible and think through all the options. In that way, you maximise the chances of making the best choice.

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
                                                       02                                                                                                                    03                                         www.worthschool.org.uk
THE YEAR 10 AND 11 CURRICULUM                                                                                             ART
At Worth pupils study nine or ten GCSE subjects, although this is not a firm rule and may be varied upwards               “A line, an area of tone, is not really important because it records what you have seen, but because of what it
or downwards due to individual circumstances. All pupils will study a number of core subjects to GCSE level.              will lead you on to see. Following up its logic in order to check its accuracy, you find confirmation or denial in
These are:                                                                                                                the object itself or in your memory of it.” John Berger

      •   English                                                                                                         Art equips students with the skills to enjoy, produce and engage with the visual arts throughout their lives.
      •   Mathematics                                                                                                     It develops transferable skills teaching them how to apply a creative approach to problem solving, gain
      •   Religious Studies                                                                                               the confidence to express individual thoughts and choices through experimentation and risk taking. It also
      •   Science                                                                                                         develops their analytical skills to encourage critical analysis of their own work and the work of others.

Most students will study a modern foreign language (French, Spanish or German).

Although all of these subjects must, as our core curriculum, be studied by all pupils, there are some variations:
                                                                                                                          COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
      • In English, most pupils will study English Language GCSE. In addition, pupils will also usually study English
          Literature GCSE. GCSE English as a Second Language will be offered to some non-native speakers.                 The GCSE course is highly structured in the first year.   “Art is frequently described as a non-academic
      • Pupils may opt to study two languages to GCSE level by taking one as part of the core curriculum and            A theme decided by the department is explored             subject, which does not justify the challenges it
          the other as an optional subject.                                                                               through initial research to gain contextual, art          presents. It enables a different way to communicate
      • In Science, pupils have a choice between taking the three separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry                 historical and artists’ connections, exploring these      thoughts and ideas through a visual language in
          and Physics), Double Award Science (2 x GCSEs) or Combined Science (1 x GCSE). The latter options               ideas through the experimentation of a broad              a freer learning environment to nurture individual
          incorporate elements of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.                                                         range of Art materials, processes, techniques and         expression.”
      • Those pupils requiring Learning Support are advised to discuss their options with the Learning Support          disciplines. Drawing underpins all development            Ms Hudson, Head of Art & Photography
          department, in order to ensure that their choices are appropriate and their workload manageable.                and the sketchbook forms a very important part of
                                                                                                                          this documentation, enabling the recording of the         “Art is like a poem or song. It allows my own unique
                                                                                                                          creative journey up to the final realisation(s). In the   interpretation. It permits a different way to express
                                                                                                                          second year of the course the pupils are expected         myself and challenges my imagination.”
                                                                                                                          to become independent and develop their own               Year 10 Student
                                                                                                                          ideas into final realisations with the support of their
                                                                                                                          teachers using all they have learned in the previous
                                                                                                                          year. In the spring term, the exam board set a theme
                                                                                                                          for the students to explore during a preparatory
                                                                                                                          period when the exam idea is researched, developed,
                                                                                                                          media explored, experimented with and refined.
                                                                                                                          The final idea will be executed during the 10 hour
                                                                                                                          controlled assessment.

                                                                                                                          The GCSE Art qualification requires students to
                                                                                                                          actively engage in the creative process of art
                                                                                                                          and design in order to develop as effective and
                                                                                                                          independent learners, and as critical and reflective
                                                                                                                          thinkers with enquiring minds.

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
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BIOLOGY                                                                                                                    CHEMISTRY
“Although Nature needs thousands or millions of years to create a new species, man needs only a few dozen                  ‘… even when we find not what we seek, we find something as well worth seeking as what we missed’.
years to destroy one.” V. Scheffer, Biologist-1906- 2011                                                                   Robert Boyle, Of Unsucceeding Experiments, 1661

So many pupils say to me that Biology is their favourite subject. Why? Because in Biology we get to study the              This course stimulates student intellectual curiosity to think about the world around us on a molecular scale.
components of life itself. We get to study how organisms interact with one another and their environment.                  The diversity of the topics at GCSE enables students to begin to understand the properties and behaviour of
                                                                                                                           the materials and products that they use in everyday life. Along with an increased understanding of theoretical
                                                                                                                           chemistry, students also develop their analytical and practical skills. The style of learning is varied from
                                                                                                                           practicals to presentations as well as the development of key examination skills. Chemistry improves the ability
                                                                                                                           of students to think creatively as well as logically in order to solve problems by connecting different ideas.
COURSE                                                       CAREERS/HIGHER EDUCATION
The course begins with the essential processes of            There are a range of careers that can be pursued
living organisms, which acts as the central spine to         after studying Biology GCSE. First, it is a stepping
the course and from which all other topics of the            stone to studying Biology at a higher level such as the
course hang.                                                 International Baccalaureate or A level. Beyond this,          COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
                                                             Biology GCSE allows students to study a wide range
We will look at organisms at a broad variety of levels.      of degrees at university, from Biological Sciences,           Chemistry GCSE enables students to develop their          “Chemistry allows an individual to think laterally
We will study the molecular reactions of life, looking       Medicine, Dentistry to Ecology.                               understanding of how and why chemical reactions           and mathematically. You just need the subject to
at the DNA that controls the cell and the proteins that                                                                    happen. The course covers a wide range of topics          captivate you, and allow yourself to strive for the
give rise to the characteristics of living systems. At the                                                                 including; atomic structure, periodic trends, bonding,    knowledge that chemistry is able to provide.”
other extreme we will investigate the ways different                                                                       mole calculations, equilibrium, rates of reactions,       Year 10 Student
organisms interact with one another and with their           PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                         energetics, carbon chemistry, electrolysis and analysis
environment.                                                                                                               of ions and gases. Students will learn how to apply
                                                             “I always maintain that studying Biology is the best          their knowledge from both theory and practical
The course also incorporates some of the modern              career a person can have. I have one of the most              lessons in order to be able to explain and predict the
biotechnologies such as cloning animals, DNA                 interesting jobs in the world. I get to teach about the       properties of elements and reactions. The course
manipulation to produce genetically modified                 basis of life to students learning it for the first time. I   is assessed by written papers which will include
organisms and the optimising of productivity in              get to see their wonder, fascination and awe. What            questions on the practicals undertaken throughout
farming.                                                     can be better than that?”                                     the course and the analysis of experimental data.
                                                             Dr Scott, Head of Biology

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
                                                        06                                                                                                                       07                                        www.worthschool.org.uk
CLASSICS: LATIN & GREEK                                                                                                DRAMA
“I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat.” Sir Winston Churchill, Roving            Drama at Worth is a dynamic and practical subject. It gives pupils the opportunity to enhance their social and
Commission: My Early Life.                                                                                             presentation skills, whilst providing a significant intellectual challenge in terms of concepts, ideas and being
                                                                                                                       able to appreciate texts. There is a strong tradition at Worth, greatly aided by the facilities we have available,
Classical subjects are very enjoyable, and unique in their breadth and depth - there is always something more          of selecting challenging and intellectually exciting texts to explore at GCSE and beyond. The subject continues
to discover. Pupils develop a deeper understanding of the rich culture, language and literature of Greece              to be a popular choice and pupils achieve highly in all aspects of the course.
and Rome, which continue to shape every aspect of the modern world: literature, law, drama, architecture,
philosophy, and religion. Furthermore, as Latin and Greek are among the roots of English, French, Spanish and
Italian their study complements a variety of modern languages. Classical subjects are academically rigorous.
Pupils are suitably stretched and challenged, so are at the intellectual hub of the school: they develop a critical
expertise with texts and source materials, and learn to express their opinions with clarity and confidence.            COURSE                                                     PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
                                                                                                                       Component 1 is a devising unit. It is an exciting and      “Drama is not just about acting, it develops you as a
                                                                                                                       challenging opportunity to work collaboratively with       person, giving you valuable life skills that you will use
                                                                                                                       other pupils to create an original performance piece.      in life no matter what path you choose to take.”
                                                                                                                       There are two areas of assessment. Pupils will be          Mrs Lynch, Director of Drama
                                                                                                                       marked on their acting skills within the performance
LATIN / GREEK                                              PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                       of the devised piece and they will put together a          “I love studying drama, it has helped to develop my
                                                                                                                       portfolio of work to analyse and evaluate the process.     confidence and given me the chance to develop a
In Year 10, pupils studying Latin and/or Greek focus       “As Latin is the base of many modern European               Component 2 gives pupils the opportunity to explore        very practical way of learning.”
on the prescribed grammar and vocabulary. In Year          languages, it seemed prudent to learn about the             a play and perform some key extracts within a final        Year 11 Student
11 pupils have the opportunity to read poetry and          roots of other languages that I speak and study. I          performance context. They are marked by a visiting
prose set texts written two thousand years ago. Pupils     also think it’s a very interesting subject in itself, and   examiner on either their acting skills or design
are examined by means of three written papers:             smaller class sizes enable pupils to progress at a          skills. Component 3 is a written exam. Pupils will be
                                                           fast pace.”                                                 assessed in two different areas. They will study a
Language: 1 hour 30 mins (50% of total marks)              Year 10 Student                                             classic text and answer six short questions on how
Prose Literature: 1 hour (25%)                                                                                         they would explore it. Pupils will also be assessed
Verse Literature: 1 hour (25%)                                                                                         on a live performance that they have seen and will
                                                                                                                       answer two questions about the performance.

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
                                                      08                                                                                                                      09                                         www.worthschool.org.uk
ECONOMICS                                                                                                        ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE
Economics is about people and their economic choices. The GCSE course will enable students to appreciate         Nearly all students in Years 10 and 11 take First Language English and English Literature, gaining two separate
the decisions made by individuals and families as well as policies implemented by governments and                GCSEs. They will learn to analyse texts and to write concisely and effectively. They will have the opportunity
international organisations. The course will encourage students to become more responsible citizens,             to study some wonderful works of literature from Shakespeare’s time to the present day. Studying literature
consumers and potential producers. At Worth, we hope that by learning how to explain and evaluate                allows us to explore ideas, to reflect on why people behave as they do, and to enjoy the beauty of language.
economic problems, our students will acquire a way of thinking as economists and develop a logical approach
to thinking and reasoning.

COURSE                                                    ASSESSMENT                                             ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                            ENGLISH LITERATURE
                                                                                                                 This course involves the study and analysis of              This course involves the study of literary texts from a
In Year 10, the course introduces fundamental             Students will be examined by two written papers        literary as well as non-literary texts. All texts in the    range of periods and genres. Assessment is by closed-
economic terms and concepts which are applied to          at the end of Year 11.                                 examination are unseen.                                     book examination of set texts and of unseen poetry.
investigate how markets work in both contemporary
and historical contexts. In addition, students will be    Paper 1: Introduction to Economics 1 hour 30           Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing       Paper One: Shakespeare and the 19th century novel
encouraged to consider moral and ethical issues that      minutes (50%)                                          Pupils are assessed on their analysis of an extract         Section A Shakespeare: students will answer one
arise as a result of economic activity.                   Paper 2: National and International Economics 1 hour   from one literature fiction text. They are also             question on their play of choice. They will be required
                                                          30 minutes (50%)                                       required to complete a piece of descriptive or              to write in detail about an extract from the play and
In Year 11, students will investigate the main                                                                   narrative writing. This is assessed by a written            then to write about the play as a whole.
economic objectives of the government in terms            Knowledge and understanding will be assessed via       examination of one hour and 45 mins duration. (80           Section B The 19th-century novel: students will
of employment, price stability and economic growth.       multiple choice questions and short case studies       marks: 50% of GCSE)                                         answer one question on their novel of choice. They
We will also analyse and evaluate the policies            leading to short, medium and extended responses.                                                                   will be required to write in detail about an extract
government can use to achieve these goals. The                                                                   Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives               from the novel and then to write about the novel as a
course also examines the importance and impact                                                                   Pupils are assessed on their analysis of one non-           whole.
of international trade.                                                                                          fiction text and one literary non-fiction text. They
                                                                                                                 are also required to complete a task which involves         Paper Two: Modern Texts and Poetry
                                                                                                                 writing to present a viewpoint. This paper is assessed      Section A Modern texts: Students will answer one
                                                                                                                 by written examination of one hour 45 minutes               essay question from a choice of two on their studied
                                                                                                                 duration (80 marks: 50% of GCSE)                            modern prose or drama text.
                                                                                                                                                                             Section B Poetry: Students will answer one
                                                                                                                 Non-examination Assessment: Spoken Language                 comparative question on one named poem printed
                                                                                                                 This assessment is compulsory and assesses the              on the paper and one other poem from their chosen
                                                                                                                 pupils’ ability to present, respond to questions            anthology cluster.
                                                                                                                 and feedback. Pupils are assessed on presenting,            Section C Unseen poetry: Students will answer one
                                                                                                                 responding to questions and feedback and their use          question on one unseen poem and one question
                                                                                                                 of Standard English.                                        comparing this poem with a second unseen poem.

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
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ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE                                                                                                 FRENCH
The GCSE ESL course is available to international students in Years 10 and 11 and runs parallel to the GCSE                  The official language of 33 countries, an official language in the EU and spoken worldwide on every continent,
First Language course. It is a Cambridge exam, conducted under the auspices of Cambridge Assessment, a                       French is an asset in a very competitive world. Because most pupils have been studying French for a number
department at the University of Cambridge. The GCSE syllabus undertakes to support students to become                        of years, they already have linguistic foundations, allowing a good pace through the two year course and
“confident, responsive, reflective, innovative, engaged”, all excellent qualities and skills to instil in our pupils.        opportunities for reinforcement and stretch.

At Worth, we have elected to teach the more                  PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                           COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
challenging and demanding Extended ESL course. The
course is taught by trained specialists and delivered        “In my opinion, the ESL course offers a great opportunity       Over the two years, pupils cover a variety of current     “Whether you want to discover a rich culture and
in small groups in the EAL Department. Students are          to read more diverse topics about worldwide issues              topics such as relationships, education and the           language, enjoy your holidays abroad even more,
taught the skills prescribed and trained to recognise,       happening nowadays. It is a place where you can                 world of work, environmental issues, leisure, home,       give yourself an advantage in a competitive world or
understand and meet the assessment objectives of             improve your English skills and understand more                 holiday and the media. They have the opportunity to       just have fun communicating in a foreign language,
the four papers. In Year 11, students sit the GCSE           complicated writing. I have also made good friends and          compare their own world with the French-speaking          studying French brings so much satisfaction!”
exam which consists of a two hour Reading and                had a great deal of support from the staff.”                    one. In the GCSE examination in the summer term           Mr Crénel, French teacher
Writing paper, a Listening exam and an Oral exam.            Year 11 Student                                                 of the final year, pupils will be assessed on the four
                                                                                                                             skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Our expanding resources and the flexibility afforded         “You also learn how to be a better reader, a better writer
by our bespoke classrooms are extremely beneficial in        and lots of useful skills for your life. And best of all, the
delivering the curriculum in a creative and engaging         teachers treat you really well!”
way. Our students come from all over the globe, from         Year 11 Student
countries such as South America, China, Germany,
France, Italy, Russia, Korea, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico,      “The GCSE ESL course equips students with the skills
Ukraine and Spain among others, all contributing             they will need for applied English throughout their
to the rich cultural exchange and the ethos of this          lives. It enables them to handle practical language-
growing department. Wherever they come from, it is           based tasks while also teaching them to read and to
important for all students to acquire a good grade in        listen intelligently and critically, as well as to speak
the GCSE ESL exam if they wish to continue education         and to write with relevance, clarity and purpose.”
in the UK or in the British educational system, as           Mr Marks, Head of EAL
English is one of the core GCSE subjects required for
progression to A Levels. It is also important they enjoy
the learning and that certainly seems to be the case
in the ESL course!

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
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GEOGRAPHY                                                                                                        GERMAN
Geography is one of a limited number of subjects listed by Russell Group universities as being academically      “German is the most expressive of all languages.” Arthur Conan Doyle
rigorous enough for consideration of applications by prospective students. It is deemed to be a ‘facilitating’
subject.                                                                                                         German is a major language in the world of finance and science and with the commercial development of
                                                                                                                 Eastern Europe where German is still a widely spoken language, there is a real need for people with multi-
                                                                                                                 language skills. A knowledge of German is also the key to one of the richest cultural heritages in the world.
                                                                                                                 It is a highly sought after skill which not enough people can offer nowadays, and for that reason all the more
COURSE                                                    graphs and tables. Consequently there will be a day
                                                          field trip during which we will practise field work
Worth follows the Edexcel International GCSE              techniques such as beach and sand dune profiling,
syllabus. This is a modern, straightforwardly             environmental quality surveys, urban land use
structured syllabus which prepares students directly      transects and questionnaires at Chichester and West    COURSE                                                     PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
for A Level and the IB Diploma syllabus.                  Wittering.
                                                                                                                 The German GCSE examination consists of the 40             “Studying German has many benefits: not only
The course is assessed via two exams at the end of        All of the department’s revision materials, written    minute Listening examination (25% of the total GCSE        does it allow you to communicate with 128 million
Year 11. The exams have only one tier. Paper 1 covers     by the department to ensure they are tailored to       qualification), the 90 minute Reading and Writing          native speakers in Europe, it also gives you an insight
physical geography and is 1 hour 10 minutes long.         the needs of the syllabus, as well as past papers,     examinations (50% of the total GCSE qualification)         into an excitingly varied culture with a plethora of
Paper 2 examines human geography and is 1 hour            mark schemes and support materials to facilitate       and the 10 minute Speaking examination (25% of the         different traditions and customs.”
45 minutes in duration. Both papers are marked            independent learning are accessible via Google         total GCSE qualification).                                 Year 11 Student
externally by the exam board. The majority of the         Drive. The GCSE Geography magazine ‘Wideworld’ is
different parts of each question consist of short         available online through the library webpage.
answer questions worth between 1 and 6 marks.
There is always a final part to each question worth 8                                                            CAREERS/ HIGHER EDUCATION
marks. This makes the exam questions accessible for
less able students while still providing opportunities    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                  Students of German not only develop high-level
for more able students to demonstrate their full                                                                 linguistic skills which are much in demand from
ability.                                                  “So many of the world’s current issues – at a global   employers, but also explore the cultural wealth and
                                                          scale and locally - boil down to geography, and need   history of Germany and Austria, which has been
Worth students study the topics of ‘Coastal               the geographers of the future to help us understand    fundamental to the development of the Europe we
Environments’, ‘Hazardous Environments’, ‘Economic        them. Global warming as it affects countries and       know today.
Activity and Energy’, ‘Urban Environments’ and            regions, food and energy security, the degradation
‘Globalisation and Migration’, which also incorporates    of land and soils from over-use and misuse, the        Subjects such as English, Politics, History, Economics,
‘Tourism’.                                                spread of disease, the causes and consequences         and Business can be combined with German to give
                                                          of migration, and the impacts of economic change       your CV a distinctive edge, and the international
There is no actual written piece of coursework or         on places and communities. These are just some of      experience that you gain on a year abroad is
controlled assessment. However, students will be          the challenges facing the next generation, which       invaluable in today’s competitive environment.
asked questions within each of exam papers on how         geographers must help solve.”
they would plan coursework or what techniques they        Michael Palin writing in the Guardian
would use to investigate certain topics. In addition,
students will conduct data analysis interpreting

Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
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HISTORY                                                                                                             ICT
“The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.” Mao Zedong                 “Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever
                                                                                                                    before—if we will allow it.” Jenny Arledge
GCSE History is a uniquely exciting and enriching option. Throughout the course every opportunity is taken to
develop good scholarly practice and foster a lifelong love of history. Studying History helps students develop      “The technology itself is not transformative. It’s the school, the pedagogy that is transformative.” Tanya Byron
their critical thinking skills and in doing so become more effective at analysis, research and essay writing. The
GCSE course is based entirely upon the events of the twentieth century and has a global focus. In addition          “Learners in the internet age don’t need more information. They need to know how to efficiently use the
to studying events of significance in British History, students also have the opportunity to learn about a          massive amount of information available at their fingertips – to determine what’s credible, what’s relevant,
modern superpower, China and study some of the causes behind tensions in the Middle East. In addition to            and when it’s useful to reference.” Anna Sabramowicz
learning about important events of the past, the GCSE course therefore allows students to gain a far greater
understanding of the world we live in today.                                                                        From personal computers to smartphones, from apps to websites, all of our lives, every day, are enhanced
                                                                                                                    through the use of ICT. The Cambridge Nationals Award in ICT reflects this and provides pupils with a solid
                                                                                                                    foundation for understanding and applying this subject in their future working lives.

                                                                                                                    ICT skills are essential for success in employment and higher education, and are among the fundamental
COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                     transferable skills required by employers. The Cambridge Nationals Award deliver these skills across the whole
                                                                                                                    range of learning styles and abilities, effectively engaging and inspiring all pupils to achieve great things.
Year 10 begins with a study of the inter‐war period       “I especially enjoyed the chance to learn about
1919‐1939, focusing on the post First World War           Mao’s China. Chinese culture is very different from
peace treaties, the League of Nations, and the causes     the European culture we are so accustomed to. In
of the Second World War. Pupils then carry out an in-     addition to learning lots of fascinating stories, facts
depth study on Mao’s China 1930‐1976. This course         and ideologies in History, the GCSE course has given      COURSE                                                   In Year 11, pupils will take two further coursework
examines how China became a communist state and           me new skills in evaluating evidence in a critical way                                                             units from the Cambridge Nationals. Unit 3 –
how Mao’s rule changed the lives of the Chinese           and a better understanding of modern day conflicts.”      Two compulsory units are taken in Year 10: The first     Handling Data using Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets
people. In Year 11 historians study the origins and       Year 11 Student                                           Unit R001 – Understanding Computer Systems is a          are used extensively in businesses for a variety
development of the Cold War and finish by examining                                                                 one hour formal written examination and as the first     of purposes such as budgeting, cost modelling,
Saddam Hussein’s rule and events in the Gulf                                                                        mandatory unit, and a foundation for others, this unit   reporting, trend analysis and forecasting. Unit 7 –
between 1970 and 2000. Year 11 pupils also write a                                                                  will give pupils a solid base to develop knowledge       Creating Dynamic Products using Sound and Vision.
piece of coursework on Mao’s China. This coursework                                                                 and understanding of computer systems and the            Pupils can focus on developing their expertise in
makes up 25% of the course with the remaining 75%                                                                   implications of working with data to enable them to      music, video or animation. They may create products
from two exams formed of structured essay questions                                                                 use computers effectively.                               such as a music recording and/or mix video news clips
and analysis of primary sources.                                                                                                                                             or animations for a webpage
                                                                                                                    Unit R002 – Using ICT to Create Business Solutions
                                                                                                                    is 100% coursework and is the second mandatory
                                                                                                                    unit, pupils will refine their existing knowledge of
                                                                                                                    computers to reflect the working practices of the
                                                                                                                    commercial world.

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MATHEMATICS                                                                                                      MUSIC
All students study Mathematics at GCSE level. The course aims to aims develop both students’ written and         “Music is about communication, creativity and cooperation, and by studying music in school, students have
practical mathematics skills and reasoning and improve their confidence in both numeracy and mathematics.        the opportunity to build on these skills, enrich their lives and experience the world from a new perspective.”
Usually the whole year group take the Higher Level examinations, although students who find the subject very     Bill Clinton
challenging may be prepared for the Foundation Level examination in Year 11. The most able students will
study the subject beyond the GCSE syllabus to prepare them for Sixth Form Mathematics.                           It has long been recognised that the study of music can be a positive force in the academic success of a
                                                                                                                 student. Studying music encourages self-discipline and diligence, traits that carry over into intellectual pursuits
                                                                                                                 and that lead to effective study and work habits. At GCSE, through both an intellectually stimulating and highly
                                                                                                                 enjoyable course, pupils are able to develop key life skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication
                                                                                                                 problem-solving and leadership along with a greater understanding of a subject they love!
COURSE                                                   PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
Over the two years students will reinforce and           “I used to hate Maths, then I came to Worth. I feel
develop their ability to carry out calculations and      that Worth pushes me to study and work hard at it”. I
solve problems using geometry, trigonometry              look forward to A Level Maths!”                         COURSE                                                     PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
and data-handling methods. They will consider            Year 11 Student
appropriate levels of accuracy and apply their                                                                   The GCSE Music course allows for an integrated             “I loved taking GCSE Music as you get to experience
mathematical techniques to real life problems in a       “I find Maths stimulating and challenging in a          approach to the three distinct musical disciplines         the music in a different way to just listening to it, and
variety of contexts. Their mathematical vocabulary       beneficial way. Each lesson I challenge myself do       of performing, composing and appraising.                   explore the true meaning behind it.”
and approach will be made increasingly rigorous and      even better than my previous lesson.”                   Students will study music from a variety of genres         Year 11 Student
the emphasis will be increasingly on clear and concise   Year 11 Student                                         and styles in order to develop knowledge and
algebraic solutions, particularly for those wishing to                                                           understanding of four main areas of study: The             “I love GCSE music because it’s the most enjoyable
pursue the subject at A Level. More able students                                                                Western Classical Tradition, Music for Ensemble,           course - lessons have a different atmosphere to
will also do more extended problem solving and                                                                   Film Music and Popular Music. Students will develop        the other subjects, and overall it’s more personal
open ended tasks and they will have the opportunity                                                              an understanding of musical elements, musical              compared to the other GCSEs.”
to participate in the UK Mathematics Challenges.                                                                 language and placing music in historical context, in       Year 11 Student
Students in the highest sets will also study topics                                                              preparation for a final listening examination at the
from the OCR Additional Mathematics course and                                                                   end of the course. Performing accounts for 30% of
have the opportunity to take the examination at the                                                              the final assessment and throughout the course there
end of Year 11.                                                                                                  will be opportunities for both solo and ensemble
                                                                                                                 performances. Students will also develop composition
                                                                                                                 skills with final assessment in the form of two
                                                                                                                 compositions, one in response to a brief set by the
                                                                                                                 examination board.

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PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                                                         PHYSICS
“The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the use of the camera as well as the pen.”             “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy                                                                                                  the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Albert Einstein (1931)

                                                                                                                    Physics as a separate GCSE is particularly appropriate for pupils who enjoy discovery and love to know how
                                                                                                                    the world around them works on a fundamental level. Students taking this course will be given an excellent
                                                                                                                    preparation for any Physics course offered in the Sixth Form. Physics paves the way for careers in engineering
COURSE                                                    work from. The exam paper with the list of themes         and cutting edge technological research as well as strongly supporting any other Science related profession.
                                                          to choose from are released in January, thereby           It also acts as an excellent preparation for those planning to carry on with science in the Sixth Form and
Students experience six short teacher led workshops       starting the preparatory period in which students’        University.
as part of the Skills Workshop Programme (SWP)            research, experiment, test and review both their
at the start of the GCSE course, designed to              ideas and practical work. At the end of this period
methodically introduce students to the basic              of experimentation, students look to fully resolve a
principles of photography. Throughout the SWP,            finished and final piece of work at the end of a 10
students explore both traditional and digital             hour, practical exam.                                     COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
processes and techniques in attempt to strengthen
their understanding of exposure and composition.                                                                    The course provides a fantastic grounding in physics      “Physics is a great subject. To start with it’s the most
During the SWP, students keep a photography folder                                                                  covering all the areas that would be expected from        fun. The practical work is the most engaging of any
during to provide evidence of their learning.             PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                     a traditional physics course. This will include topics    subject you can do, and learning about notoriously
                                                                                                                    on: Forces and Motion, Electricity, Waves, Energy         complex topics such as nuclear fission, allow you to
Following on from this, students begin the first of       “I like this course being a creative person. It’s taken   and Energy Resources, Solids, Liquids and Gases,          appreciate how much knowledge you’re getting. Not
two research projects. These teacher supported            a creative subject to develop my understanding            Magnetism and Electromagnetism, Particle and              only is it fun but the analytical skills you pick up are
projects are designed to ease students through their      of taking photographs and it’s opened up my               Nuclear Physics and lastly Astrophysics. Practical        helpful for the future and will help with almost every
first creative journey on the course. At this stage,      imagination. I am a developing photographer as I’ve       work is completed throughout the course with the          route you can take in life.”
importance is placed upon developing ideas and            put this down for an option for A level, I hope from      emphasis being very much on learning by discovery.        Year 11 Student
expanding the potential of visual responses to a set      here my skills and technique’s will improve.”             As with the other two sciences, pupils are encouraged
theme through physical and digital experimentation.       Year 11 Student                                           to question all aspects of scientific and technological   “The GCSE Physics course allows you to look at things
Underpinning this project is a first concentrated look                                                              advancement, while also developing their research         from a different perspective; although you cover
at research, where the students will need to show         “It was hard at the beginning because it was the first    skills using books and the internet.                      similar topics in the other sciences, the physics side
an ability to understand and interpret a variety of       time that I had used a sketchbook. I learnt loads of                                                                is completely different, which made lessons more
forms of information. The evidence of this should         techniques that will be useful for my future. I really                                                              interesting and more enjoyable.”
be seen literally through analytical notation in their    enjoyed the creative journey that I experienced and                                                                 Year 11 Student
sketchbook and, most importantly, through the             the way that photography allowed me to research
development of their own creative work.                   into interesting people and learn new things not
                                                          directly related to photography.”
For the externally set assignment students are asked      Year 11 Student
to respond to one theme offered by the Examining
Board and develop an in-depth and personal body of

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RELIGIOUS STUDIES                                                                                                  SPANISH
All pupils at Worth study for the Religious Studies GCSE course in Years 10 and 11.                                “A different language is a different vision of life.” Federico Fellini

GCSE Religious Studies helps students to develop a holistic understanding of religion, exploring religion and      Why learn Spanish? Firstly, it is a major world language, and secondly, Spanish is the official language of 21
practice in the 21st Century through reflecting on and engaging with fundamental questions of meaning and          countries and is spoken by 350 million native speakers. It is also spoken by over 20% of the population of
purpose. The course also develops transferable skills for progression so that pupils will develop analytical and   the USA and it also plays a key part in international business both in Europe and beyond (particularly Latin
critical thinking skills to enable them to present a wide range of well‐informed and reasonable arguments,         America).
aiding in progression to A Level and IB study.

                                                                                                                   GCSE COURSE                                                  PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
COURSE                                                    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES
                                                                                                                   The GCSE Spanish examination consists of the                 “I am really passionate about Spanish as it is so
The course is structured to focus in depth on the         “GCSE Religious Studies is great because it allows you   Speaking examination and two papers: Paper 1                 energetic and dynamic and it really helps when I
study of Catholic Christianity, but with a close          to explore your beliefs, which is especially important   (Listening) and Paper 2 (Reading and Writing).               go on holidays to Spanish-speaking countries with
consideration of a second religion to reflect religious   at a Catholic school. It also allows you to formulate    Both papers are un-tiered and differentiation is by          my family.”
practice in the UK. In addition to this, philosophical    your own ideas on topical issues, which is useful for    outcome. The Speaking examination and Paper 1                Year 10 Student
themes and ethical issues are addressed in the third      getting your point across - a skill that can be used     count for 25% respectively and Paper 2 counts for
paper, the latter with a particular focus on the nature   throughout your life.”                                   50% of the overall final exam mark. Each component
of relationships. The course involves three main areas    Year 11 Student                                          of the examination is externally assessed. In Years
of study: Paper 1 (50%) Study of Religion (Catholic                                                                10 and 11 use the Edexcel GCSE Spanish textbook,
Christianity); Paper 2 (25%) Study of Second Religion                                                              supplemented by other materials. Pupils are
(Judaism or Islam); Paper 3 (25%) Philosophy and                                                                   streamed according to ability, and fluent or near-
Ethics (Catholic Christianity). There is no coursework                                                             fluent speakers may be allowed to sit the GCSE
and all exams take place at the end of Year 11.                                                                    examination at the end of Year 10.

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SPORTS SCIENCE                                                                                                       LEARNING SUPPORT
‘’Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”       Learning Support lessons underpin the mainstream curriculum for those pupils who have a particular learning
John F. Kennedy                                                                                                      need. Lessons take place in small groups and often replace language or Latin options. The department is
                                                                                                                     centrally positioned, with most Learning Support teaching taking place in the Clock Tower building.
Learning how the body functions during exercise (Anatomy and Physiology), how it responds to training
(Exercise Physiology), the effect of psychology on performance and how we learn to develop and perform skills        Learning becomes a positive experience with carefully devised and stimulating programs of work tailored
is at the heart of the Sports Science GCSE. The course also covers a sociological study of sport and physical        to meet individual needs. Specialist staff will devise a programme of learning where the individual needs of
education and contemporary issues in sport such as performance enhancing drugs, the impact of modern                 the student are met within the small group. We aim to equip pupils with the skills needed to feel happy and
technology and the role of various agencies in promoting participation. It is both an academically rigorous          confident not only in the school’s academic environment but also within our Benedictine community.
and physically demanding course that will challenge the pupils require them to use a variety of study skills
including recall and application of knowledge, data handling, problem solving, analysis and written and verbal       Pupils work within small groups, and/or individually, with a specialist teacher for 30 or 55 minute lessons.
communication.                                                                                                       Most pupils receive literacy and study skills support, while a small number have specialist help in mathematics.
                                                                                                                     Support with organisation and prep will also be provided. Strategies are introduced to help improve basic
                                                                                                                     literacy or mathematical skills, working memory and concentration. As pupils progress through the school,
                                                                                                                     increasing emphasis is placed on learning how to learn. Time management, higher reading skills, question
                                                                                                                     analysis and revision skills are important preparation for the demands of GCSE and beyond.
COURSE                                                    CAREERS/HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                                                                                     All pupils are screened for possible learning support provision and Access Arrangements (exam concessions)
Applied anatomy and physiology physical training          GCSE Sports Science is an excellent platform from          at the beginning of Year 9. The Learning Support department will contact parents with any necessary
• Physical factors affecting performance (01)            which to study Sports Science at A Level and at            recommendations which come as a result of the screening process. This may entail the arrangement of a
   60 marks 1 hour written paper                          university. Did you know that many nutritionists,          full assessment of the pupil by a qualified Educational Psychologist. The department is happy to recommend
   30% of total GCSE                                      physical therapists and chiropractors have a degree        Educational Psychologists if there is a request for one but we cannot conduct assessments within the Learning
                                                          in Sports Science or PE? Some other careers that you       Support department.
Socio-cultural influences sports psychology health,       could consider include Sports Science - PE Teacher,
fitness and well-being                                    Physiotherapist, Performance Analyst, Sports Coach/        There are great advantages in using ICT across the curriculum for students with specific learning difficulties.
• Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology (02)       Consultant, Personal Trainer.                              We encourage them to take full use of the excellent computer network facilities available. All pupils own
   60 marks 1 hour written paper                                                                                     laptop computers which can be used in the classroom and for independent study. Touch typing skills are a
   30% of total GCSE                                                                                                 great asset and a touch typing program is available to all students on the school computer network to support
                                                                                                                     regular practice. It should be noted, however, that the majority of students will still be required to write their
Practical activity assessment analysing and evaluating    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES                                      GCSE examination papers by hand. It is important, therefore, that students do not become over-reliant upon
performance (AEP)                                                                                                    the use of ICT at the expense of handwriting.
• Performance in physical education (03)*                “Sports Science is a modern, relevant and absorbing
   80 marks non-exam assessment (NEA)                     GCSE requiring an array of transferable skills that        Teaching staff show a sympathetic awareness of individual styles of learning and have access to information
   40% of total GCSE                                      gives it a versatility many pupils find genuinely useful   about each pupil’s particular needs. Learning Support staff have opportunities to visit lessons and liaise with
                                                          in many areas of their lives.”                             subject teachers. The department aims to provide the help and motivation for successful and independent
                                                          David Burton, Director of Sport                            learning.

                                                                                                                     For further details of Learning Support at Worth, please feel free to contact Mrs Catherine Latham, Head of
                                                                                                                     Learning Support at clatham@worth.org.uk

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Worth School, Paddockhurst Road,
                                              Turners Hill, West Sussex RH10 4SD
                                                       01342 710200
                                Charity number: 1093914 Company registration number: 4476558
Worth School GCSE Options 2018/19
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