DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019

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DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
DCU Connected
Excellence in Online Education

Prospectus 2018/2019
DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
                                        02		   Welcome from the President
                                        04		   What is DCU Connected?
                                        06		   The DCU Connected Student Experience

                                        09		   Undergraduate Programmes
                                        10		   Diploma/BA in Humanities (BAH)
                                        12		   Diploma/BA in English and History (BAEH)
                                        14		   Diploma/BA in Humanities (Psychology Major) (BAPY)
                                        18     BA Single Module (BASM)
                                        20		   Diploma/BSc in Information Technology (IT)
                                        24		   Diploma/BSc in the Management of Information Technology/Information Systems (IT/IS)
                                        26     Certificate in Peer Support Working in Mental Health

                                        29		   Postgraduate Programmes
                                        30		   Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of Operations (MOPS)
                                        32		   Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of Internet Enterprise Systems (MSIS)
                                        34		   Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of Information Systems Strategy (MISS)
                                        36		   Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management for Sustainable Development (MSD)
                                        38		   Graduate Diploma/MSc in the Management of Clean Technologies (MCT)
                                        40		   Postgraduate Level Single Module (PGSM)
                                        42		   Masters in Special Educational Needs (MSEN)
                                        44     Graduate Certificate in the Education of Pupils on the Autism Spectrum
                                        46     Professional Certificate/Diploma in Special & Inclusive Education
                                        48		   Master of Education (MEd) Special Options: Educational Leadership or Teaching and Learning
                                        50     Graduate Diploma/MSc in Public Relations & Strategic Communication
                                        52     MSc in Diagnostics & Precision Medicine

                                        54		   Further Information
                                        54		   Further Information on Undergraduate Programmes
                                        55		   Further Information on Postgraduate Programmes
                                        55		   Exemptions for Prior Accredited Learning on the Undergraduate Programmes
                                        55		   Teaching Council of Ireland

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
Welcome from the President

Dublin City University (DCU) is a
research-intensive, globally-engaged,
dynamic institution that is distinguished
by both the quality and impact of
its graduates and its focus on the
translation of knowledge into societal
and economic benefit. Since admitting
our first students in 1980, DCU has
grown rapidly and, today, our graduates
are playing key roles in many sectors
nationally and internationally.

Our academic quality, our innovative       The outreach of DCU is not limited to     The digital society in which we live has led to   increasing number of world-class online
research and our engagement with           Dublin. One of the key characteristics    fundamental changes in education and DCU          programmes. DCU Connected also includes
industry have built an international       required of graduates today, and          is embracing these changes. The National          a number of digitally-enhanced courses
reputation for excellence and DCU is       of the university from which they         Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at          offered through our strategic international
consistently ranked among the world’s      graduate, is openness, responsiveness     DCU builds on our reputation as a leader          partnerships with institutions such as Arizona
leading young universities. DCU is         and adaptability to change. DCU           in the area of online, blended and distance       State University (ASU) in the United States.
Ireland’s fastest growing university and   promotes these characteristics in a       learning and is pioneering a range of R&D
hosts more than 17,000 students across     number of ways, including leading inthe   initiatives. In 2018, for example, our free       As with all DCU programmes, those offered
its three academic campuses in the         development of new flexible methods       online courses on Irish Langage and Culture       through DCU Connected are of the highest
Glasnevin-Drumcondra region of Dublin.     of course delivery.                       delivered in partnership with FutureLearn         academic quality. This means that if you
                                                                                     have already attracted over 20,000 learners       choose a programme offered through DCU
                                                                                     from more than 125 countries. DCU is              Connected you will not be disappointed!
                                                                                     committed to harnessing the potential of
                                                                                     new digital technologies to ensure that           I look forward to engaging with you through
                                                                                     students have the best possible learning          DCU Connected!
                                                                                     experiences, whether they are on,
                                                                                     or off, campus.

                                                                                     DCU Connected encompasses all DCU
                                                                                     courses and programmes offered in an
                                                                                     online format. Launched in 2014, DCU              Professor Brian MacCraith
                                                                                     Connected was developed to allow students,        President
                                                                                     wherever they live, to have access to DCU’s       Dublin City University

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
What is DCU Connected?

DCU Connected is the platform we use to describe
courses available to students who choose a
flexible study option. These options encompass
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes,
transnational initiatives and short courses where
students are primarily studying online, off-campus
and/or through one of our strategic partners.

DCU has over 30 years providing what           just access them from further away.
was traditionally known as ‘distance           Another key feature of DCU Connected
education’, delivering a fully accredited      is the way it fits our mission of
DCU degree to people that could not            transforming lives and societies. We take
commit to full time, on-campus learning.       this mission seriously. At DCU we realise
DCU Connected is the evolution of this         that not everyone has the option of
delivery mode but with a much wider            undertaking full time, on-campus study.
focus. Importantly, the term ‘connected’       For these students, our aim is to provide
reflects a particular philosophy we have       flexible access to fully accredited DCU
about learning in the new digital world.       programmes.

We no longer call it a distance education,     We are committed to offering globally
because it isn’t. You will feel as close       recognised qualifications that provide
and engaged as any of our on-campus            a perspective on some of the major
students, maybe even more so. This type        challenges and opportunities facing
of learning is no longer at the edge of        the world. However, in today’s globally
the university experience, it is at the very   connected world we also understand the
heart of it.                                   importance of developing local capacity
                                               and customising our programmes to
We call it a connected education,              meet local needs. That is why there is
connecting you to a quality education          a lot more to DCU Connected than
wherever you are. To world-class               simply offering a suite of online degree
courses and professional development           programmes.
opportunities in strategically important
areas. To international experts and            Online platforms are changing the
engaging teachers at the leading edge of       traditional teaching and learning
their disciplines. To fellow students who      paradigms. Technology now enhances
share a passion for learning and interest      both choices and flexibility. With DCU
in the subject. Every DCU student has          Connected, learning happens any time,
access to the same opportunities, some         any place.

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
The DCU Connected
Student Experience

Flexibility                                  The Challenge                                  Finding time to study                          Student Services and Support
Online learning suits so many different      While online learning offers unique            One of the strongest pieces of advice          Student Support with DCU Connected
lifestyles. With this medium of education,   flexibility, knowing what is required of you   from our current students is that it is        includes the following:
you can fit your study in with work          as a student is essential for your success.    important to take the time to plan the
commitments, parenting or other family       Entering into a programme with clear           academic year (normally September –            —    Online learning materials and other
commitments, travel abroad etc. Many         expectations will make your transition         May). Identifying your key dates from          		   study resources
of our students have told us that without    to studying a lot easier – after all, your     the start of the year, and scheduling your     —    Online tutor/lecturer support
the flexibility of online learning, they     studies will be fitting in with many other     study time will get you off to a great start   —    Online learning environment (Loop)
would never have been able to complete       things in your life, so having as much         – and also gives you an element of control     —    Online library
their studies.                               knowledge as possible starting off can         over managing your time to your best           —    Online assessment
                                             only be to your benefit. We strongly           advantage. Make a note of every event
Studying through DCU Connected               recommend that you:                            you can think of coming up as they apply       Online Materials and Study Resources
                                                                                            to you – work commitments, children’s
One of the really good things about                                                                                                        For each module you study, you are given
                                             — Read the detailed material provided          activities and school schedules, your
online learning is that it will take you                                                                                                   access to online learning materials. These
                                               online about the programme you are           spouse’s schedule etc. Make a note of the
mere seconds to reach your classroom                                                                                                       can be in the form of written materials;
                                               interested in                                dates that continuous assessment work is
– no travel, parking or making your way                                                                                                    videos; activities and other online
                                             — Check out the Frequently Asked               due, exam dates and work out where you
through buildings etc. Loop, which is                                                                                                      resources. You will also have online access
                                               Questions section                            will get your hours to study. Of course,
DCU’s online learning environment, offers                                                                                                  to the extensive resources provided
                                             — In particular, take note of the              things will happen in between despite
platforms to hold discussions, access to                                                                                                   by the DCU Library. In addition, for
                                               recommended study hours per                  the best-laid plans – but at least you will
your course materials and to the vast                                                                                                      most modules, you will also be required
                                               module                                       have the full picture in front of you to
array of online materials (such as journal                                                                                                 to obtain a small number of selected
                                             — If you can, attend one of the DCU            identify windows of opportunity to get
articles) supplied by DCU’s Library – all                                                                                                  textbooks.
                                               Connected open evenings - see the            assignments completed.
of which are accessible to you from
                                               DCU Connected website at www.dcu.
anywhere with an internet connection.                                                                                                      Assessment
                                               ie/connected                                 DCU Student Life
                                             — If you have any unanswered queries,                                                         On most modules on the DCU Connected
Many of DCU connected courses also                                                          As a DCU Connected student, you may
                                               please get in touch with us by phone                                                        undergraduate programmes, assessment
provide “live” online tutorials, which                                                      not be on campus very often – but you
                                               at 01 7005481, or email us at                                                               takes the form of continuous assessment
means that you can “attend” tutorials                                                       are still able to avail of all the services
                                               connected@dcu.ie                                                                            and an end-of-year examination.
and interact with your tutors and                                                           available to any DCU student.
fellow students in real time – we use
                                                                                                                                           Normally, the continuous assessment
a software package similar to Skype,                                                        These include:
                                                                                                                                           takes the form of one or more
which is designed for educational
                                                                                                                                           assignments that have to be submitted
purposes. For example, instead of                                                           —   The Library
                                                                                                                                           by designated dates throughout
raising your hand, you’ll click the “raise                                                  —   Careers Service
                                                                                                                                           the academic year. The end-of-year
hand” button to notify the tutor.                                                           —   Sports Facilities
                                                                                                                                           examinations take place in May with
Undergraduate programme tutorials                                                           —   Student Advice Centre
                                                                                                                                           re-sits in August. On the DCU Connected
involve a combination of online and face                                                    —   Counselling & Personal
                                                                                                                                           postgraduate programmes, assessment
to face tutorials, while postgraduate                                                           Development Service
                                                                                                                                           is mainly by continuous assessment only.
programmes only use online tutorials.                                                       —   Maths Learning Centre
                                                                                                                                           This normally takes the form of three
You will submit nearly all your continuous                                                  —   Disability & Learning
                                                                                                                                           assignments per module. See programme
assessment work online – meaning your                                                           Development Service
                                                                                                                                           information for further details.
work gets delivered on time without                                                         —   DCU Student ID Card
having to negotiate a post office queue                                                     —   Registry
or search for stamps…simply upload your
assignment and hit “submit”.                                                                Despite the fact that you are not
                                                                                            primarily campus-based for your studies,
                                                                                            assistance from DCU staff is always
                                                                                            on hand – by phone, email or visit us
                                                                                            in person.

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
BA in Humanities (BAH)                    Understanding the Course                                 your degree. 180 ECTS credit points are
                                                                                                   required for the Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
                                                                                                                                                                PAC Code
Undergraduate                             The DCU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
                                          is a Level 8 (on the National Framework
                                                                                                   in Humanities and 120 ECTS credit
                                                                                                   points are required for the Diploma in                       Entry Method
                                          of Qualifications) honours degree
                                                                                                   Humanities.                                                  PAC
                                          programme. Students undertaking
                                          this degree choose to study a selection
                                                                                                   Career Prospects                                             Duration
                                          of modules in History, Literature,
Whether you are interested in pursuing    Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology.                    The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in
                                                                                                                                                                Minimum 3 years,

a career in a specific discipline, for                                                             Humanities programme facilitates
                                                                                                                                                                no maximum
                                          Course Structure                                         those interested in pursuing any kind of
example Literature or Sociology, or are                                                            work that requires critical thinking skills,
                                          As a student on this degree programme
seeking a broad-based undergraduate       you may choose to study from a range
                                                                                                   high-quality written expression and
                                                                                                                                                                Level 8
                                                                                                   transferable skills such as organisation
education, the Bachelor of Arts (Hons)    of modules in the following Humanities
                                                                                                   and time-management. All these
                                                                                                                                                                Delivery Mode
                                          subject areas:
in Humanities provides you with the                                                                skills and abilities are highly valued by
                                                                                                   employers. Many people also enter their
means to achieve your goals.              1   History
                                                                                                   studies with the ambition of becoming a
                                          2   Literature
                                                                                                   post-primary teacher.
                                          3   Philosophy
Students can choose to explore a wide     4   Psychology
                                                                                                   Further information
breadth of Humanities subject areas,      5   Sociology
                                                                                                   Programme Provider
while also specialising in at least one   To complete the Bachelor of Arts                         Open Education
of the subject areas they find most       (Honours) in Humanities you need                         www.dcu.ie/connected
                                          to complete twelve modules, with at
rewarding. This degree programme’s        least five modules in one subject area.                  Programme Chair
strength lies in its academic quality     Students may choose to exit with a                       Orna Farrell
                                          Diploma in Humanities on completion of                   orna.farrell@dcu.ie
and its flexibility.                      eight modules. Each module is awarded
                                          15 European Credit Transfer System                       Fees
                                          (ECTS) credit points. These points are                   More information at:
                                          accumulated towards the award of                         www.dcu.ie/connected

                                                         Literature          History               Philosophy              Sociology              Psychology
                                          Foundation     Lit 1               His 1                 PH100                   SC100                  PY100
                                                         Literature          History               What is                 Sociology              Psychology
                                                         Foundation          Foundation            Philosophy              Foundation             Foundation

                                          Intermediate   Lit 2               His 2                 Phil 2                  Soc 2                  PY200
                                                         Literatures of      Europe and a          Reading                 The Changing           Social and Organisational
                                                         the 20th Century    Wider World           Philosophers            Social Environment     Psychology

                                          Intermediate   Lit 3               His 3                 Phil 3                  Soc 3A                 PY210
                                                         Literatures of      Land, Politics &      Philosophy of Values:   Power, Social Order,   Developmental &
                                                         17th & 18th         Society in Ireland    Ethics & Aesthetics     Crime, Deviance,       Educational
                                                         Centuries           1790-1922                                     Work & Employment      Psychology

                                          Intermediate   Lit 4               His 4                 PH300                   Soc 4                  PY230
                                                         The Renaissance     Politics, Culture     Philosophy of           Social Inequality      Cognitive Psychology
                                                                             & Society in          Education: Teaching,    & Intergroup           & Biopsychology
                                          		                                 Independent Ireland   Pedagogy and            Relations
                                          		                                 1916-2010             Practice

                                          Advanced       Lit 5               His 5                 Phil 5                  Soc 5B                 PY300
                                                         Literature of the   Women in Irish &      Philosophy of           Language Culture       Individual
                                                         19th Century:       European Society      Religion and            & Society              Differences
                                                         Romanticism to      1789-1922             Metaphysics

                                          Advanced       Lit 6               His 6          Phil 6       SC300                                    PY310
                                                         Literatures of      Researching    Contemporary Sociology of Health                      Abnormal Psychology
                                                         the Late 20th       Local History. Philosophy   & Illness                                & Psychological
                                                         Century             People, Place			                                                     Counselling
     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected     		                                 & Time

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
BA in English and History (BAEH)          Understanding the Course                                  Literature                                                 PAC Code
Undergraduate                             The DCU Bachelor of Arts in English
                                          and History is a Level 8 (on the National
                                                                                                    The Literature subject stream equips
                                                                                                    students with the skills and techniques to
                                                                                                                                                               Entry Method
                                          Framework of Qualifications) honours                      discriminate between literature and other
                                          degree programme, which provides                          forms of writing and representation,
                                          students with a focused, tailored course                  taking account of contemporary
                                          of education in English and History.                      perspectives in criticism and theory,
This programme is designed to                                                                       including feminism, historicism and
                                                                                                                                                               Minimum 4 years,

develop students’ knowledge and           Course Structure                                          post-modernism. Irish, British, American
                                                                                                                                                               Maximum 8
                                                                                                    and other literature in English will be
understanding of the English and          The English and History subject areas
                                                                                                    evaluated in terms of their contribution
                                          are each presented as a suite of six
History subject areas, and is therefore   modules. To complete the Bachelor of
                                                                                                    to cultural formation. Students will
                                                                                                                                                               Level 8
                                                                                                    encounter competing ideas about writing
tailored to be suitable for anyone who    Arts (Hons) in English and History you
                                                                                                    and literature, within different historical
                                                                                                                                                               Delivery Mode
                                          need to complete the twelve modules
wishes to focus specifically on these     in these two subjects as detailed in the
                                                                                                    and national frameworks.

subjects in their studies, whether for    table below. Students may choose to exit
                                                                                                    Career Prospects
                                          with a Diploma in English and History
personal or professional reasons.         on completion of eight modules if they                    The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English
                                          do not wish to progress to the degree                     and History degree programme
The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English    qualification. Each module is awarded                     facilitates those interested in pursuing
                                          15 European Credit Transfer System                        any kind of work that requires critical
and History programme offers you          (ECTS) credit points. These points are                    thinking skills, high quality written
the attractive opportunity to obtain a    accumulated towards the award of                          expression, and transferable skills such
                                          your degree. 180 ECTS credit points are                   as organisation and time-management.
DCU undergraduate degree through          required for the Bachelor of Arts (Hons)                  All these skills and abilities are highly
online learning.                          and 120 ECTS credit points are required                   valued by employers. Many people also
                                          for the Diploma in English and History.                   enter their studies with the ambition of
                                                                                                    becoming a post-primary teacher.
                                          The History subject stream equips                         Further information
                                          students with a wide range of skills and
                                                                                                    Programme Provider
                                          techniques upon which historical research
                                                                                                    Open Education
                                          and writings are based. Students will
                                          engage in the critical examination of
                                          historians’ works, and the evaluation of
                                                                                                    Programme Chair
                                          primary sources, and will acquire the
                                                                                                    Orna Farrell
                                          conceptual tools with which our view of
                                          the past is shaped. The modules provide
                                          perspectives on major themes in Irish
                                          and European political, economic, social
                                                                                                    More information at:
                                          and cultural history from the close of the
                                          Middle Ages to the 20th century.

                                          History                                                                Literature

                                          His 1   History Foundation                                             Lit 1   Literature Foundation
                                          His 2   Europe and a Wider World                                       Lit 2   Literatures of the 20th Century
                                          His 3   Land, Politics & Society in Ireland 1790-1922                  Lit 3   Literaturesof the 17th & 18th Centuries
                                          His 4   Politics, Culture & Society in Independent Ireland 1916-2010   Lit 4   The Renaissance
                                          His 5   Women in Irish and European Society 1789-1922                  Lit 5   Literatures of the 19th Century: Romanticism to Victorianism
                                          His 6   Researching Local History: People, Place & Time                Lit 6   Literatures of the Late 20th Century

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
BA in Humanities (Psychology Major) (BAPY)                                                                                                     PAC Code
                                                                                                                                               Entry Method

This programme is designed to develop              Understanding the Course                      These Sociology modules cover topics
                                                                                                 such as power and social order, crime and
                                                                                                                                               Minimum 4 years,

students’ knowledge, skills and competencies       The DCU Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
                                                   (Psychology Major) is a Level 8 (on the
                                                                                                 deviance, work and employment, social
                                                                                                                                               Maximum 8

in Psychology, and is therefore tailored to suit   National Framework of Qualifications)
                                                                                                 inequality and intergroup relations.
                                                                                                 To complete the Bachelor of Arts

anyone who wishes to study Psychology at           honours degree programme, which
                                                   provides students with a focused, tailored
                                                                                                 (Hons) in Humanities (Psychology
                                                                                                                                               Level 8

undergraduate level; whether for personal or       programme of education in Psychology.
                                                                                                 Major) a student needs to successfully
                                                                                                 complete the twelve modules from
                                                                                                                                               Delivery Mode

professional reasons.                              The programme is accredited by the
                                                   Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI),
                                                                                                 these two subjects.

                                                   which ensures that the progamme meets
                                                                                                 Students may choose to exit with a
You may have: a general interest in studying       the highest standards for undergraduate,
                                                                                                 Diploma in Humanities (Psychology
                                                   pre-professional education and training
behaviour, thoughts, feelings, motivations         in Psychology.
                                                                                                 Major) on successful completion of
                                                                                                 eight modules, if they do not wish to
etc.; a specific interest in one area of                                                         progress to the full degree qualification.
Psychology, for example Social Psychology or       Course Structure                              It should be noted that this Diploma is
                                                                                                 not a route to graduate membership of
Counselling Psychology, or; a specific interest    On this programme you will study nine
                                                                                                 a Psychological Society of Ireland, and
                                                   Psychology modules, which cover the
in one of the fields in which Psychological        core areas of Psychology. As part of
                                                                                                 therefore, it is not a route into the field
                                                                                                 of Psychology. Each module is awarded
knowledge, skills and competencies can be          this programme you will also have
                                                                                                 15 European Credit Transfer System
                                                   the opportunity to complete, under
applied, such as education or health.              supervision, an independent research
                                                                                                 (ECTS) credit points. These points are
                                                                                                 accumulated towards your award of
                                                   project in Psychology. In addition to the
                                                                                                 degree. 180 ECTS credit points are
                                                   Psychology modules, you will study three
                                                                                                 required for the Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
                                                   Sociology modules that will compliment
                                                                                                 and 120 ECTS credit points are required
                                                   your Psychological studies.
                                                                                                 for the Diploma.

                                                   Foundation         PY100:            PY110:                      SC100:
                                                                      Psychology        Exploring                   Sociology
                                                                      Foundation        Psychological Research      Foundation

                                                   Intermediate PY200:          PY210:                              Soc3A:
                                                                Social and      Developmental                       Power, Social Order,
                                                                Organisational  and Educational                     Crime, Deviance,
                                                                Psychology      Psychology                          Work and Employment

                                                   Intermediate PY220:          PY230:                              Soc4:
                                                                Quantitative    Cognitive                           Social Inequality
                                                                and Qualitative Psychology and                      and Intergroup
                                                                Research in     Biopsychology                       Relations

                                                     PY300:                             PY310:                      PY320:
                                                     Individual                         Abnormal                    Advanced Research
                                                     Differences                        Psychology and              Differences
                                                   		                                   Psychological Counselling

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

DCU Connected Excellence in Online Education - Prospectus 2018/2019
BA in Humanities (Psychology Major) (BAPY)

                                Career Prospects                              Further information    When I left school, I made the decision to turn down
                                The knowledge, skills and competencies        Programme Provider     my college place and start work as I was offered a job.
                                relating to Psychological research            Open Education
                                methods that graduates will achieve           www.dcu.ie/connected   I found, however, that after a number of years, I missed
                                on completing this programme, will                                   out on promotions because I didn’t have a degree and
                                allow them to work in junior researcher       Programme Chair
                                positions. Graduates from the Bachelor        Dr. James Brunton
                                                                                                     it always bothered me. As I was working and was the
                                of Arts (Hons) in Humanities (Psychology      james.brunton@dcu.ie   mother of three children, full time university was not
                                Major) programme who intend to qualify                               an option. I chose to study with DCU Connected as it
                                as professional Psychologists will need       Fees
                                to pursue further training in Psychology      More information at:   enabled me to work my studies around my family and
                                at Masters or Doctoral level. Graduates       www.dcu.ie/connected   work life and I could choose how long it took, depending
                                from the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in
                                Humanities (Psychology Major) will be
                                                                                                     on the time I had available and my budget.
                                able to go on to postgraduate study,
                                and careers, in a number of Psychology’s
                                                                                                     The tutors were very supportive, particularly as they
                                subdisciplines and related fields.
                                                                                                     understood the dedication needed to combine work life,
                                Graduates may proceed to either a                                    home life and study.
                                taught masters or doctoral programmes
                                in a specific sub-discipline of Psychology,
                                or a Psychology masters or doctorate by                              It was also great to meet lots of other like-minded people
                                research, where they conduct a research
                                project, under supervision, in their area
                                                                                                     and there was a lot of support from all of them. I also
                                of interest.                                                         loved the fact that this was something purely for me.

                                                                                                     I did far better than I had anticipated and graduated
                                                                                                     with First Class Honours. I have also surprised myself by
                                                                                                     continuing on and am now studying for my Masters.

                                                                                                     I would not have had the opportunity to achieve so much
                                                                                                     without the option of distance and online Learning. It
                                                                                                     does take a lot of commitment and dedication and, at
                                                                                                     times, you can feel that you’ll never get there, but it is so
                                                                                                     worth it when you do. Having this degree has allowed
                                                                                                     me to prove to myself that I could do it and has, in fact,
                                                                                                     surpassed my hopes and expectations.

                                                                                                     Ingrid Doyle
                                                                                                     Executive Officer at the Department of Health

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM)                                                                                           PAC Code
                                                                                                                                Entry Method

The Bachelor of Arts Single Module      Understanding the Course                    Career Prospects
                                                                                                                                Module Dependent

(BASM) allows students to undertake     Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM)
                                        students study a small number of
                                                                                    The studying of individual modules will
                                                                                    develop skills such as critical thinking,   NFQ
study at university degree level for    modules at degree level (level 8 on the     high quality written expression, and        Level 8

personal enjoyment or for continual     National Framework of Qualifications)
                                        for personal enjoyment or continual
                                                                                    transferable skills such as organisation
                                                                                    and time-management. The knowledge,
                                                                                                                                (Please note that BASM
                                                                                                                                students do not receive

professional development purposes       professional development without            abilities and skills you will develop are
                                                                                                                                an exit award)

without having to commit to study       having to commit to study towards a
                                        degree or diploma. Of specific interest
                                                                                    highly valued by employers and will also
                                                                                    be useful and valuable to you should
                                                                                                                                Delivery Mode
towards a degree.                       to BASM students who are post-primary       you undertake any further study. Many
                                        teachers is that the History, Literature,   Bachelor of Arts Single Module (BASM)
                                        Philosophy and Sociology modules meet       students are existing teaching staff
                                        the Teaching Council of Ireland criteria    who enhance their teaching prospects
                                        for general registration in relation        by adding another subject to their
                                        to the teaching of History (History),       repertoire.
                                        English (Literature) CSPE (Sociology)
                                        Environmental and Social Studies (ESS)      Further information
                                        (History); and Politics and Society
                                                                                    Programme Provider
                                        (History or Philosophy, Sociology).
                                                                                    Open Education
                                        Teachers who wish to up-skill and become
                                        registered in one of these subject areas
                                        may use the BASM programme in order
                                                                                    Programme Chair
                                        to accomplish this goal.
                                                                                    Orna Farrell

                                                                                    More information at:

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

BSc in Information Technology (IT)                                                                                                                  PAC Code
                                                                                                                                                    Entry Method

The programme should be of particular         Understanding the Course                          Mathematics - Recommendation
                                                                                                                                                    Minimum 2 years

relevance if you are working or aspiring to   This DCU BSc in Information Technology
                                              is a level 8 honours degree delivered
                                                                                                It is recommended that applicants
                                                                                                have studied mathematics at Leaving
                                                                                                                                                    (Direct entry)
                                                                                                                                                    4 years
work in the dynamic IT/Software industry,     through a combination of face to face             Certificate level. Details of the                   (non-direct entry)

especially if you have no third-level IT      and online tuition.                               Mathemathics requirements can
                                                                                                be found at www.dcu.ie/courses/
                                                                                                                                                    8 years
qualification or have an IT qualification     Technology and Online Skills required             Undergraduate/openeducation/
lower than an honours degree. This            Your learning experience as a DCU
                                                                                                Information-Technology.shtml#tab5                   NFQ
                                                                                                                                                    Level 8
programme provides students with              Connected student is enhanced through
                                              the use of rich digital media. You can find
                                                                                                Course Structure
critical insight into the application of      detailed information on the necessary             The programme consists of an integrated
                                                                                                                                                    Delivery Mode
Information Technology to the processes       equipment and skills required for
                                              DCU Connected students at
                                                                                                series of modular courses outlined in the
                                                                                                table below.
of administration, management and             www.dcu.ie/connected/Technology-
innovation within a range of organisations.   Skills-Requirements.shtml                         Students must successfully complete
                                                                                                fourteen (14) modules, equating to
                                                                                                240 ECTS credits, to be eligible for the
                                                                                                award of a degree. Students may choose
                                                                                                to exit with the award of a Diploma on
                                                                                                completion of the eight (8) modules at
                                                                                                Level 1 and Level 2, equating to 120
                                                                                                ECTS credits.

                                                         Computing (C)              Communications              Human Science (HS)          Management Science
                                                                                    Technology (CT)                                         (MS)

                                               Level 1   IT and Web Technology      Principles of               Exploring                   Mathematical and
                                                         Fundamentals               Communications Devices      Interaction Design          Statistical Methods
                                                                                    & Networks
                                                         (C1)                       (CT1)                       (HS1)                       (MS001)
                                                         15 ECTS credits            15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits

                                               Level 2   Object Oriented            Communications Device       User Experience Design      Management Science
                                                         Programming with Java      Theory and Design                                       and Business Modelling
                                                         (C2)                       (CT2)                       (HS2)                       (MS002)
                                                         15 ECTS credits            15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits

                                               Degree    Database     Mobile        Modern Data                 Researching Interactions    Entrepreneurship and
                                               Level     Theory       Application   Communications              with Technology             Emerging Technologies
                                                         and          Development   & Networks
                                                         (CA)         (SDA)         (CTA)                       (HSA)                       (MS00B)
                                                         20 ECTS      20 ECTS       20 ECTS credits             20 ECTS credits             20 ECTS credits
                                                         credits      credits


                                                         Software Engineering                                   Managing the Digital Landscape
                                                         (CB)                                                   (MSA)
                                                         20 ECTS credits                                        20 ECTS credits

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

BSc in Information Technology (IT)

                                Career Prospects                           Further information       I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the BSc in
                                You will graduate from this programme      Programme Provider        Information Technology course and found it to be a very
                                with a unique mix of skills in computing   Open Education
                                and business.                              www.dcu.ie/connected      rewarding experience. The open and flexible nature of
                                                                                                     this distance/online learning course was particularly
                                Graduate roles include:                    Programme Chair
                                —		 Software Developer                     Dr. Lorraine Delaney
                                                                                                     suited to me, as it enabled me to combine work, social
                                —		 Mobile App Developer                   lorraine.delaney@dcu.ie   and family commitments with my studies in a way
                                —		 Embedded Systems Developer                                       very few other courses could. I found the structure of
                                —		 Front End Developer                    Fees
                                —		 Cloud Developer                        More information at:      the course particularly important. All modules are
                                —		 DevOps Engineer                        www.dcu.ie/connected      expertly arranged and conducive to study. The timing
                                —		 IT Project Manager
                                —		 Technical Writer
                                                                                                     of assignments were ideal in ensuring engagement with
                                —		 Software Support Specialist                                      module content. I cannot speak highly enough about all
                                —		 Software Tester
                                                                                                     the staff involved, they were always on hand for guidance
                                In addition to traditional ICT career                                and assistance.
                                paths, graduates of this programme will
                                have the skills to pursue innovation and
                                entrepreneurship by starting their                                   Now that I have graduated, I will always look back
                                own ICT-enabled businesses.                                          fondly on my time studying through distance and online
                                                                                                     learning, even though there were times when the volume
                                                                                                     of hard work required seemed daunting. Having come
                                                                                                     out the other end, I do feel very proud of my achievement.
                                                                                                     This course is ideal for anyone looking to further their
                                                                                                     working knowledge and enhance their career prospects
                                                                                                     in the IT industry. It gave me a broad, yet detailed
                                                                                                     understanding of all aspects of Information Technology
                                                                                                     and has given me the confidence and enthusiasm for
                                                                                                     what is at this stage of my life is a major career change.

                                                                                                     To anyone considering DCU Connected for their studies,
                                                                                                     all I can say is do it. You will be very glad you did.

                                                                                                     Ross Cantillon
                                                                                                     Technical Services Engineer

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

BSc in Management of Information Technology             Understanding the Course                           240 ECTS credits, to be eligible for the
                                                                                                           award of a degree. Students may choose
                                                                                                                                                                PAC Code
& Information Systems (IT/IS)                           This DCU BSc in Information Technology
                                                        is a level 8 honours degree delivered
                                                                                                           to exit with the award of a Diploma on
Undergraduate                                           through a combination of face to face
                                                                                                           completion of the eight (8) modules at
                                                                                                           Level 1 and Level 2, equating to 120
                                                                                                                                                                Entry Method
                                                        and online tuition.
                                                                                                           ECTS credits.
                                                        Technology and
The programme should be of particular relevance         Online Skills Requirements
                                                                                                           Career Prospects                                     Minimum 2 years

to those working or aspiring to work in the             Your learning experience as a DCU
                                                                                                           You will graduate from this programme
                                                                                                                                                                (Direct entry)
                                                                                                                                                                4 years
                                                                                                           with a unique mix of skills in computing
Management of IT/IS, especially those with no           Connected student is enhanced through
                                                                                                           and business.
                                                                                                                                                                (non-direct entry)
                                                        the use of rich digital media. You can find
third-level IT/IS qualification or with a sub-honours   detailed information on the necessary
                                                                                                                                                                8 years
                                                                                                           In addition to traditional ICT career
degree IT/IS qualification. The programme is            equipment and skills required for DCU
                                                                                                           paths, graduates of this programme will
                                                        Connected students at
designed particularly for those interested in           www.dcu.ie/courses/Undergraduate/
                                                                                                           have the skills to pursue innovation and
                                                                                                                                                                Level 8
                                                                                                           entrepreneurship by starting their
using IT to promote enterprise or institutional         openeducation/Information-Technology.
                                                                                                           own ICT-enabled businesses.
development and renewal and those interested                                                                                                                    Delivery Mode
                                                                                                           Further information                                  Part-time/online
in industrial training and teaching positions in IT.    Mathematics - Recommendation
                                                                                                           Programme Provider
The programme equips students with competence           It is recommended that applicants have
                                                                                                           Open Education
                                                        studied mathematics at Leaving
in the Management of Information Technology/            Certificate level. Details of the

Information Systems with a critical appreciation        mathemathics requirements can be
                                                                                                           Programme Chair
                                                        found at www.dcu.ie/dc343.
of its potential application to the processes of                                                           Dr. Lorraine Delaney
innovation, management and administration.              Course Structure
                                                        The programme consists of an integrated            Fees
                                                        series of modular courses outlined in the          More information at:
                                                        table below.                                       www.dcu.ie/connected

                                                        Students must successfully complete
                                                        fourteen (14) modules, equating to

                                                                   Computing (C)               Human Science (HS)        Management Science       Communications
                                                                                                                         (MS)                     Technology (CT)

                                                         Level 1   IT and Web Technology       Exploring                 Mathematical and         Principles of
                                                                   Fundamentals                Interaction Design        Statistical Methods      Communications
                                                                                                                                                  Devices & Networks
                                                                   (C1)                        (HS1)                     (MS001)                  (CT1)
                                                                   15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits           15 ECTS credits          15 ECTS credits


                                                         Level 2   Object Oriented             User Experience Design    Management Science       Business Information
                                                                   Programming with Java                                 and Business Modelling   Systems

                                                                   (C2)                        (HS2)                     (MS002)                  (MN2)
                                                                   15 ECTS credits             15 ECTS credits           15 ECTS credits          15 ECTS credits

                                                         Degree    Database    Software        Researching               Entrepreneurship         Managing          Managing IT
                                                         Level     Theory      Engineering     Interactions              and Emerging             the Digital       for Business
                                                                   and         Methodologies   with Technology           Technologies             Landscape         Success
                                                                   (CA)        (CB)            (HSA)                     (MS00B)                  (MSA)             (MNA)
                                                                   20 ECTS     20 ECTS         20 ECTS credits           20 ECTS credits          20 ECTS           20 ECTS
                                                                   credits     credits                                                            credits           credits

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Certificate in Peer Support Working in Mental Health                                                                                              PAC Code
                                                                                                                                                  Entry Method

If you currently work in a peer support worker role    Framework of course                          In addition to ‘expertise by experience’
                                                                                                    and ‘family supporter experience’ there
                                                                                                                                                  Part time, 1 year

or a family peer support worker role in the area       This is the only accredited award
                                                       programme in Ireland in Peer Support
                                                                                                    are a number of entry criteria:
of mental health this course will help enhance our     Working and it is the established
                                                                                                    — Evidence of critical thinking, literacy,
                                                                                                        communication/writing skills at level
                                                                                                                                                  Level 8

knowledge and skills in order to develop to practice   standard for Peer Support Workers
                                                       employed by the HSE. Innovative
                                                                                                        5 NFQ. This can be in the form of
                                                                                                                                                  Delivery Mode
as a peer support worker in mental health inpatient    teaching methodologies place students’
                                                                                                        formal qualifications (e.g. Leaving
                                                                                                        Certificate) or the equivalent

and community settings.                                learning styles, and needs at the core of
                                                       teaching and learning activity.
                                                                                                    — Where applicants do not have formal
                                                                                                        level 5 NFQ qualifications they will be
                                                       Course assessments involve critical
                                                                                                        assessed through Recognition of Prior
The programme is aimed at Peer Support Workers.        thinking, reflection and are based
                                                                                                        Learning (RPL)
                                                       on practice, assignments are
In addition to improving your knowledge and            transformatory and are personally
                                                                                                    If you have any questions when applying
competence in working and developing practice in       applicable to the students’ workplace.
                                                                                                    for this course please contact Martha
this area, you’ll enhance your professional profile.   How is the course taught
                                                                                                    Griffin for information and guidance
                                                                                                    For more see www.dcu.ie/DC762.
You’ll broaden your career horizons, to include the    The Certificate consists of three modules
areas of:                                              delivered on a part-time basis over          Further Information
                                                       two semesters. The course involves
                                                                                                    Course Provider
                                                       attendance in two-day blocks every two
—     Peer Advocacy;                                   weeks during the semester (16 in total)
                                                                                                    Faculty of Science and Health

—     Peer Education;                                  and ten days on-line work through loop.   
                                                                                                    Programme Chair
—     Healthcare;                                                                                   Martha Griffin
                                                       Entry Requirements                           T: +353 (0) 1 700 7861
—     Recovery.                                        Peer Support Workers will have a
                                                       previous history of mental health
                                                       problems and be in recovery or
                                                       recovered. Family Peer Support Workers
                                                       will have experience of supporting
                                                       someone with mental health problems.
                                                       Potential students will be interviewed
                                                       prior to commencement of the
                                                       programme. This process will provide an
                                                       opportunity for DCU staff to review the
                                                       educational academic entry point of the
                                                       student and apply RPL guidelines.

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected


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Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of                                                                                              PAC Code
Operations (MOPS)                                                                                                                  for September intake
Postgraduate                                                                                                                       DC917
                                                                                                                                   for January intake

                                                                                                                                   Entry Method
This online programme enables                Understanding the Course                   You are also required to complete a
                                                                                        research proposal during the summer

students to grow into senior operations      The aim of this programme is to
                                             develop the management of operations
                                                                                        period between Year 1 and Year 2.
management roles in technology-              knowledge and skills to enable students
                                                                                        To complete a Masters Degree, 5
                                                                                                                                   Minimum 1 year

intensive organisations, in the financial    to grow into senior roles in dynamic,
                                             technology-intensive manufacturing or
                                                                                        modules are required, a Postgraduate
                                                                                                                                   Maximum 4 years
sector, in supply chain management,          services environments. On completion
                                                                                        Diploma requires 4 modules, and a
                                                                                        Postgraduate Certificate, 2 modules.
manufacturing or services organisations,     of the programme, students will have a
                                             critical awareness of current challenges
                                                                                                                                   Level 9
in both the public and private sectors.      and new insights into Operations
                                                                                        Career Prospects

Learners will gain a critical awareness of   Management in dynamic, high
                                             technology services or manufacturing
                                                                                        Graduates of this programme tell us
                                                                                        how they have grown in confidence
                                                                                                                                   Delivery Mode
current opportunities and new insights       environments. They will have developed     as a result of coming to understand
into operations management in varied         new transversal business skills and
                                             will be able to select the appropriate
                                                                                        the theory underpinning professional
                                                                                        practice brought about by their studies.
environments.                                tools to apply to a variety of business    This confidence, together with their
                                             challenges. The programme will provide     increased understanding and knowledge,
                                             graduates of different disciplines with    has helped them to become more
Learners will also develop the range         a unique opportunity to develop the        strategic and meaningful contributors in
of investigative and analytic skills and     hybrid, interdisciplinary knowledge        the workplace and to engage at a more
                                             and skills essential for modern business   senior level.
techniques required to equip them to         development and management.
assume senior roles within organisations     Students will also develop the range       As high level academic qualifications
                                             of investigative and analytic skills and   are becoming increasingly important
in the public and private sectors.           techniques required to equip them to       to organisations’ recruitment and
                                             assume managerial or senior roles in       promotion policies, this degree will
                                             organisations.                             add long-term value to your career.

                                             Course Structure                           Graduates of this programme are
                                                                                        currently employed in manufacturing
                                             Year 1            Normal      Credits
                                             (30 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                                                        and service organisations across a wide
                                                                                        range of sectors including the retail,
                                             Project and       Sept-Jan    15
                                                                                        food and beverage, pharmaceutical
                                                                                        and electronics industries. Many are
                                                                                        also self-employed.
                                             Sustainable       Jan-May     15
                                                                                        Further information
                                             Year 2            Normal      Credits
                                             (60 Credits)      Timeframe                Programme Provider
                                                                                        Open Education
                                             Management        Sept-Jan    15
                                             of Operations                              www.dcu.ie/connected

                                             Evidence Based     Jan-May    15
                                                                                        Programme Chair
                                             Evaluation and
                                             Entrepreneurship 		                        Colum Foley
                                             Dissertation      Sept-Jul    30

                                                                                        More information at:

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management of                                                                                                      PAC Code
Internet Enterprise Systems (MSIS)                                                                                                         for September intake
Postgraduate                                                                                                                               DC916
                                                                                                                                           for January intake

                                                                                                                                           Entry Method
The online programme in Management of             Understanding the Course                    Career Prospects

Internet Enterprise Systems develops learner’s    The overall aim of the programme is
                                                  to develop your knowledge and skills
                                                                                              This programme will enable you to
                                                                                              understand, develop and manage               Duration
knowledge and skills in the areas of Cloud        in areas such as Cloud Computing            emerging technologies in the networked       Minimum 1 year

Computing and Social Networking, so that          and Social Networking so that you
                                                  can manage and apply key Internet
                                                                                              society and have a critical awareness
                                                                                              of current problems and new insights
                                                                                                                                           Maximum 4 years
they can manage and apply key IS strategies       Systems strategies to your organisation.    associated with the Web, Cloud
to organisations.This course will benefit those   Specifically the programme will combine
                                                  an overview of the strategic applications
                                                                                              Technology, Social Networks and related
                                                                                              technologies. You will develop a range
                                                                                                                                           Level 9
working or aspiring to work as a manager          and management of these technologies        of investigative and analytical skills and
dealing with networks, including social           with an investigation of the underpinning
                                                  technological principles, and how
                                                                                              techniques required to equip you to
                                                                                              assume and develop managerial or senior
                                                                                                                                           Delivery Mode
networks and Internet systems, and to those       selected societal and commercial issues     roles within your organisation or within
who are self-employed in this field.              relate to their use and management.         your own business.

                                                  Course Structure                            As top level academic qualifications
                                                                                              are becoming increasingly important
                                                  Year 1            Normal      Credits
                                                                                              to organisations’ recruitment and
                                                  (30 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                                                              promotion policies, this programme will
                                                  Project and       Sept-Jan    15            help you to advance your career, whether
                                                                                              you are an experienced professional or
                                                                                              a recent graduate. Graduates of this
                                                  Sustainable       Jan-May     15
                                                                                              programme are currently employed in
                                                                                              both the public and private sectors in
                                                  Year 2            Normal      Credits       organisations that are seeking to use
                                                  (60 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                                                              internet technologies for competitive
                                                  Management        Sept-Jan    15            advantage. Many are also self-employed.
                                                  of Internet
                                                                                              Further information

                                                  Evidence Based     Jan-May    15
                                                                                              Programme Provider
                                                  Evaluation and                              Open Education
                                                  Entrepreneurship 		                         www.dcu.ie/connected
                                                  Dissertation      Sept-Jul    30
                                                                                              Programme Chair
                                                                                              Colum Foley
                                                  You are also required to complete a         colum.foley@dcu.ie
                                                  research proposal during the summer
                                                  period between Year 1 and Year 2.           Fees
                                                                                              More information at:
                                                  To complete a Masters Degree, 5             www.dcu.ie/connected
                                                  modules are required, a Postgraduate
                                                  Diploma requires 4 modules, and a
                                                  Postgraduate Certificate, 2 modules.

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management                                                                                                     PAC Code
of Information Systems Strategy (MISS)                                                                                                 for September intake
Postgraduate                                                                                                                           DC915
                                                                                                                                       for January intake

                                                                                                                                       Entry Method
The programme will be of particular              Understanding the Course                   To complete a Masters Degree,
                                                                                            5 modules are required, a Postgraduate

relevance to students with competencies in       On completion of the programme, you
                                                 will gain an understanding of the role
                                                                                            Diploma requires 4 modules, and a
Information Systems and those working or         of IS/IT in the processes of innovation,
                                                                                            Postgraduate Certificate, 2 modules.
                                                                                                                                       Minimum 1 year

aspiring to work as a manager in Information     management and administration
                                                 associated with modern organisations.
                                                                                            Career Prospects
                                                                                                                                       Maximum 4 years
Technologies (IS/IT). You will gain the skills   You will also gain a critical awareness    This programme will provide you with a
and knowledge in information systems             of current problems and new insights
                                                 associated with the management of
                                                                                            range of competencies in Information
                                                                                            Systems and Technologies together
                                                                                                                                       Level 9
and technologies which will enable you to        Information Systems in dynamic, high       with the theoretical framework which
manage more confidently in an environment        technology manufacturing or services
                                                 environments. Finally, you will develop
                                                                                            will support, enhance and develop your
                                                                                            existing practical knowledge. It will
                                                                                                                                       Delivery Mode
where information systems both drive             the range of investigative and analytic    enable you to manage confidently and
and serve business, to align Information         skills required to equip you to assume
                                                 managerial or senior roles within your
                                                                                            strategically in an environment where
                                                                                            information systems both drive and
Strategy with the overall business strategy      organisations.                             serve business.
and to contribute meaningfully to ongoing        Course Structure                           Furthermore, this degree will add long-
Information Strategy development in the                                                     term value to your career as high level
                                                 Year 1            Normal      Credits
public and private sectors and those who         (30 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                                                            academic qualifications are becoming
                                                                                            increasingly important to organisations’
are self-employed in this field.                 Project and       Sept-Jan    15           recruitment and promotion policies.
                                                                                            Graduates of this programme
                                                                                            are currently both self-employed
                                                 Sustainable       Jan-May     15           and employed in a wide range of
                                                                                            organisations in both the public and
                                                 Year 2            Normal      Credits      private sectors.
                                                 (60 Credits)      Timeframe

                                                 Management        Sept-Jan    15
                                                 of Internet
                                                                                            Further information
                                                 Enterprise                                 Programme Provider
                                                                                            Open Education
                                                 Evidence Based     Jan-May    15           www.dcu.ie/connected
                                                 Evaluation and
                                                                                            Programme Chair
                                                 Dissertation      Sept-Jul    30           Colum Foley

                                                 You are also required to complete a        Fees
                                                 research proposal during the summer        More information at:
                                                 period between Year 1 and Year 2.          www.dcu.ie/connected

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management                                                                                                         PAC Code
for Sustainable Development (MSD)                                                                                                          for September intake
Postgraduate                                                                                                                               DC914
                                                                                                                                           for January intake

                                                                                                                                           Entry Method
The programme will be of particular             Understanding the Course                      You are also required to complete a
                                                                                              research proposal during the summer

relevance to those working or aspiring          The overarching aim of the course
                                                is to provide a programme for those
                                                                                              period between Year 1 and Year 2.
to work as environmental/sustainable            who wish to develop their professional
                                                                                              To complete a Masters Degree, 5
                                                                                                                                           Minimum 1 year

development managers in a business,             skills from a sustainable management
                                                perspective through part-time study and
                                                                                              modules are required, a Postgraduate
                                                                                                                                           Maximum 4 years
industry or service in both the public and      at a distance. This programme provides
                                                                                              Diploma requires 4 modules, and a
                                                                                              Postgraduate Certificate, 2 modules.
private sectors and is particularly suited to   students with an understanding of the
                                                theoretical, practical and legal aspects of
                                                                                                                                           Level 9
those who wish to develop and implement         modern environmental practices. It seeks
                                                                                              Career Prospects

best practice and sustainable strategies        to develop in students an understanding
                                                of the key management functions
                                                                                              The blend of skills developed in this
                                                                                              programme ensures graduates are
                                                                                                                                           Delivery Mode
in both the public and private sectors.         required in business,including strategic      suitable for any role in which Sustainable
                                                management, project management and            Development is important, which today is
                                                risk assessment.                              almost every sector of the economy. As a
                                                                                              graduate of this programme you will
                                                On completion, students will be able          have a thorough understanding of best
                                                to carry out research on a range of           practice in the rapidly growing area of
                                                focused topics, involving data collection,    Sustainable Development and will have
                                                critical analysis, interpretation and         the  knowledge and skills to develop and
                                                to present them in a report format.           implement best practice and sustainable
                                                The programme’s main philosophy is            strategies in both the public and private
                                                that for business to be sustainable in        sectors. This degree will add long-term
                                                the long-term, a successful manager           value to your career, regardless of your
                                                must effectively manage the whole             existing role.
                                                of the business’ resources, including
                                                environmental, economic and social            Further information
                                                resources, from a sustainable, global
                                                                                              Programme Provider
                                                                                              Open Education
                                                Course Structure

                                                Year 1            Normal       Credits        Programme Chair
                                                (30 Credits)      Timeframe                   Colum Foley
                                                Project and       Sept-Jan     15
                                                Management                                    Fees
                                                Sustainable       Jan-May      15
                                                                                              More information at:
                                                Business                                      www.dcu.ie/connected
                                                Year 2            Normal       Credits
                                                (60 Credits)      Timeframe

                                                Management        Sept-Jan     15
                                                for Sustainable

                                                Evidence Based     Jan-May     15
                                                Evaluation and

                                                Dissertation      Sept-Jul     30

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Graduate Diploma/MSc in Management                                                                                                               PAC Code
of Clean Technologies (MCT)                                                                                                                      for September intake
Postgraduate                                                                                                                                     DC919
                                                                                                                                                 for January intake

                                                                                                                                                 Entry Method
The Management of Clean Technologies online                  Understanding the Course                 Career Prospects

programme will enable learners to apply their engineering    The overarching aim of the MSc in
                                                             Management of Clean Technologies is
                                                                                                      The blend of skills developed in this
                                                                                                      programme ensures graduates are            Duration
or technical background to grow into senior managerial       to provide a programme for graduates     suitable for any role in which the         Minimum 1 year

roles in the Clean Technology sector.                        who wish to develop professional and
                                                             managerial competencies in the Clean
                                                                                                      management of clean technologies is
                                                                                                      important. It covers the environmental
                                                                                                                                                 Maximum 4 years
                                                             Technology sector. This programme        issues surrounding industrial processes,
The programme’s main philosophy is that for a business       is primarily aimed at those with an      including the legislative framework.       NFQ
                                                             engineering or technical background.                                                Level 9
to be successful and competitive in the long-term, the       It should be noted that the programme    Graduates from this programme
whole of the business’ resources, including environmental,   has a strong technical emphasis and      will have the knowledge and skills to      Delivery Mode
                                                             aims to give graduates the technical     minimise pollution and resource usage      Part-time/online
economic and social resources, must be managed from          and mathematical skills to effectively   in a manufacturing organisation. As
a perspective that integrates the growing importance         measure and analyse the use of Clean     Clean Technologies become increasingly
                                                             Technologies.                            important to all sectors of the economy,
of Clean Technologies and the contribution they have to                                               this degree will add long-term value
make to economic competitiveness.                            Course Structure                         to your career, regardless of your
                                                                                                      existing role.
                                                             Year 1            Normal      Credits
The programme is designed to give graduates the              (30 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                                                                      Further information
technical and mathematical skills to effectively measure     Project and
                                                                               Sept-Jan    15
                                                                                                      Programme Provider
and analyse the use of Clean Technologies with a view to     Management                               Open Education
improving efficiency, effectiveness and value for money.     Sustainable
                                                                               Jan-May     15

                                                                                                      Programme Chair
                                                             Year 2            Normal      Credits
                                                                                                      Colum Foley
                                                             (60 Credits)      Timeframe
                                                             Management        Sept-Jan    15
                                                             for Clean
                                                                                                      More information at:
                                                             Evidence Based     Jan-May    15
                                                             Evaluation and

                                                             Dissertation      Sept-Jul    30

                                                             You are also required to complete a
                                                             research proposal during the summer
                                                             period between Year 1 and Year 2.

                                                             To complete a Masters Degree, 5
                                                             modules are required, a Postgraduate
                                                             Diploma requires 4 modules, and a
                                                             Postgraduate Certificate, 2 modules.

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

Postgraduate Single Module (PGSM)                                                                                                           Entry Method
Postgraduate                                                                                                                                should email
                                                                                                                                            and request an
                                                                                                                                            application form
Whether you are interested in up-skilling,     Understanding the Course                      Full information on the learning outcomes
                                                                                             and content of each module can be
for example you already have a Masters         Postgraduate Single Module (PGSM)
                                               students undertake study at Masters
                                                                                             found on the DCU connected website
                                                                                                                                            Sept - Jan
qualification in business, but wish to learn   level (level 9 on the national framework

more about information technology, or are      of qualifications) modules for personal
                                               achievement or continual professional
                                                                                             If you have completed the modules and
                                                                                                                                            Level 9
seeking to study for personal achievement,     development (CPD) without having
                                                                                             you wish to enrol on the full Masters
                                                                                             programme, you may progress to do so.
the DCU Postgraduate Programme Single          to commit to study towards an exit
                                               award. This means you can study for
                                                                                                                                            Delivery Mode
Module (PGSM) Level 9 programme provides       one semester in a topic of interest,
                                                                                             Career Prospects

you with the means to achieve your goals.      whether this is Information Technology,
                                               Management of Operations or
                                                                                             The Postgraduate Programme Single
                                                                                             Module (PGSM) allows student to
The Postgraduate Programme Single Module       Environmental Management.                     undertake study at university masters
(PGSM) offers you the opportunity to study,    All PGSM modules run from the end of
                                                                                             degree level for personal achievement
                                                                                             or continual professional development
at Masters Level through distance education,   September until mid-January on a              (CPD) purposes without having to
without having to commit to a full-time, or    part-time basis.                              commit to study towards an exit award.
                                                                                             The studying of individual modules will
part-time, campus-based programme.             As a PGSM student you will have               develop skills such as critical thinking,
                                               access to learning materials and will         high quality written expression, and
                                               be supported through online tutorials         transferable skills such as organisation
                                               using the most current, online, ‘live’        and time-management.
                                               classroom technology, a virtual learning
                                               environment called Loop, email etc.           The knowledge, abilities and skills you will
                                               and a dedicated postgraduate support          develop are highly valued by employers.
                                               service. The format of assessment will        In addition, if you wish to pursue further
                                               depend on the module being studied,           study in this area, you will have achieved
                                               but typically will include contributions to   15 ECTS credits towards a Postgraduate
                                               online discussion fora, case studies and      qualification. For more information about
                                               individual assignments.                       these qualifications, please refer to the
                                                                                             relevant pages of this prospectus.
                                               Course Structure
                                                                                             Further information
                                               Once registered, you can choose from
                                               the modules listed below.                     Programme Provider
                                                                                             Open Education
                                               OSC10   Management of Operations              www.dcu.ie/connected
                                               		      (15 credits)
                                               OSC11   Information Systems Strategy          Programme Chair
                                               		      (15 credits)                          Colum Foley
                                               OSC12   Management of Internet                colum.foley@dcu.ie
                                               		      Enterprise Systems
                                               		      (15 credits)                          Fees
                                               OSC14   Management of                         More information at:
                                               		      Sustainable Development               www.dcu.ie/connected
                                               		      (15 credits)

     Find out more — dcu.ie/connected

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