Game cover, environmental and fodder crop mixtures - A guide to seeds
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Welcome 02 YOUR COUNTRYSIDE 2021 NEW F 2021 OR A warm welcome to all RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT THE LATEST PRODUCTS Supporting who regularly receive All the species marketed by DLF Seeds Ltd. are trialled at our NEW UPDATES, VARIETIES & MIXTURES farmers to Gloucestershire site. In consultation with many of our customers, help their our spring catalogue we trial and evaluate many different types of products and and to those who are mixture prescriptions. We believe this is the most important Chemical Charts 24 & 25 local wildlife reading it for the first part of the process as we procure seed from more than a dozen NEW countries, so testing and evaluating performance under UK RECIP Farm Wildlife provides farmers and advisers with time, we hope you find E best practice guidance on helping wildlife on their 2021 conditions is vital. Our customers may rest assured that they Forage Maize 26 farms and inspiring them to take action. Farm Wildlife are dealing with a forward thinking company which invests it informative. heavily in R&D, majoring in forage crops but also focusing on guidance has been produced by a partnership of some of the UK’s leading conservation organisations and the many other crop species. Our Product, Species and Mixture of Colour Boost Mixtures 05 farmers they work with. Each year brings its own challenges the year have been carefully selected using customer feedback. to growers and this year has been no The 6 point plan to manage arable farms for wildlife Our main goal is to ensure that our customers receive the best provides advice on how to enhance: exception. After a difficult start to the possible product portfolio we can supply for the stewardship Legume Fallow Mixture Flower Rich 07 year accompanied by increased pest 1. Existing habitats 2. Field boundaries schemes and the Your Countryside catalogue continues to offer pressures, growers are now faced with valuable technical information and advice on a diverse range 3. Flower-rich habitats 4. Wet features new further challenges due to Brexit. Our of game cover, environmental stewardship mixtures, root crops HerbMax Mixtures 08 5. Seed-rich habitats 6. Farmed areas diverse range of species and choice of and cover crops products. specialist mixtures can be found in our However, if you are unable to find exactly what you are looking comprehensive catalogue, which brings for within this catalogue, please contact your local technical Anglian Gold Kale 28 together Game Cover, Environmental expert who will be able to assist and advise you on your Stewardship, Roots and Cover Crops. specialist mixture. We hope you find Your Countryside Proteor 42 2021 a useful and informative guide. We gratefully acknowledge all photographic contributions. WE WORK CLOSELY WITH: Promoting the restoration of wild Natural England, RSPB, Campaign for the Farmed plants and habitats for biodiversity, Environment, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, landscapes and people Bumblebee Conservation Trust and Floral Locale. For more information go to
Contents 03 ENVIRONMENTAL GAME COVER CROPS FORAGE CROPS AN TST DI Countryside Stewardship Selector 04 Game Cover Selector 20 Forage Crop Selector 37 NG U 2020 ★O ★ Nectar Rich Mixtures 05 Establishing Game Cover Crops 22 Turnips 38 PRODUCT Solar Mixtures 05 Forage Rape 39 OF THE YEAR Pests & Diseases in Brassicas and Maize 23 Flower Rich Margins 06 Fodder Beet 40 Game Cover Chemicals 24 Buffer Strip Mixtures 07 Swedes 41 Legume & Herb Rich Mixtures 08 Maize Herbicides 25 Kale 42 LEGUME FALLOW MIXTURE WITH GRASS (AB15) SEE PAGE 07 Fallow Mixtures 08 Forage Maize 26 Root Mixtures & Arable Silage 43 Herb & Legumes 09 Game Maize 27 Wild Bird Seed Mixtures 10 Kale 28 ORGANIC SEEDS AN TST DI Scottish Rural Development Programme 12 Nectar Rich Mixtures 05 NG U Brassicas 29 2020 ★O ★ Basic Payment Scheme - Scotland 13 Wild Bird Seed Mixtures 10 Sorghums 30 PRODUCT Glastir Welsh Environmental Scheme 14 Green Manuring Crops 17 OF THE YEAR Millets 31 Game Cover Selector 20 Game Cover Crops 32 Game Cover Crops 32 BIOGAS Game Cover Mixtures 35 Arable Silage 43 WBS 4 1 YEAR SPRING SOWN (AB9) Biogas Crops 15 SEE PAGE 10 ICON GUIDE GREEN MANURING AN TST DI Green Manuring 16 NG U 2020 ★O ★ Green Manuring Selector 17 PRODUCT Green Manuring Crops 18 COVER FEED NECTAR LIFTING CATTLE GRAZING SHEEP GRAZING CULINARY USE OF THE YEAR Green Manuring Mixtures 19 DISCLAIMER Any information provided in this catalogue is given in good faith and to the best of our existing knowledge. Any advice should therefore be taken as a general guide only and not relied upon for all conditions and circumstances. We cannot accept any legal liability for information given in this guide. In any instance where there are shortages of BANGOR FODDER BEET specified species we reserve the right to substitute equivalent species. SEE PAGE 40
Countryside Stewardship Selector STEWARDSHIP SELECTOR Wildflowers BGM 4 with BGM 5 with Ryegrass BGM 3 t & Cocksfo Clover s Rich Grass BGM sfoot + R Cock w with Specie BGM ksfoot eado 2 no o Entry Level Stewardship selector with options that are also available Coc Wil or 1 ith al M under Higher Level Stewardship Scheme and Countryside Stewardship Scheme. dflo 5% 2n 10% RG w rs BG cksfo o we Herb Co M C S l M tur erb 1 w ot + ea e & rba ix H w He ch M e & ith RC SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 AB8 GS8 GS14 SW1 do 2 SW3 r BG ocks AB3 GSSW3 SW4 SWWT2 SW2 SW8 WT1 o R i gum WT2 SW7 SW2 SW3 1 C M foo 5% 8 WT SW4 AB3 SW7 Countryside Stewardship Scheme Description 1w t x SW8 WT1 WT2 WT1 SW4 SW1 Le 7 Ma Bu WT2 SW GS3 SW1 SW AB 3 S W ith 1 GS14 SW1 SW8 WT2 Bu tter SW4 W1 SW ow CSS Higher Tier CSS Mid Tier CSS Code CSS Option Title WT 4 S W1 W8 W3 14 2 W7 mb fly ad SW 4 SW Arable 4 S AB 3 S S SW leb and Me SW2 WT1 rop G 3 W4 W 1 S 7 ee 2 SW 1 8 W W3 S1 AB3 S AB1 Nectar flower mixture hC SW21 GS4 WT W4 SW ✓ ✓ 7 W 4 GS S T1 SW1 Mi SW SWW2 S S8 G tc S W2 SW 1 W W 3 AB2 Basic overwinter stubble SW3 S AB ✓ ✓ x Ca T1 S 14 7 WF SW 7 e 3 SW tur 1 SW 8 WSW3 GS AB3 Beetle banks n WT 4 S GS ✓ ✓ S 8 G 04 1 lia T 1 SW SW 4 W W Mix rder 1 2 Ita EE2 EE3 AB7 Wholecrop cereals 4 3 S ✓ ✓ 1 SW T1 EC24 EE1 EE2 EE3 EE9 SW 8 SWW2 GS AB e 8 WT 3 k O EC SW T2 8 SW SW 7 W spo to AB8 Flower-rich margins & plots E9 ✓ ✓ EC24 2 24 S 1 AB Be cked 2 SW T2 K21 EE3 E GS SW 2 AB9 Winter bird food EF1 ✓ ✓ 8 ax 7 SW SW 8 E Poll EE1 EE2 Pa C geM E9 E EC24 EK20 EE1 GS EE1 with en & N 24 AB13 Brassica fodder crop Fora more E9 ✓ ✓ E 8 SW 1 EE7 EE8 EE9 C2 EF7 E EE1 EE2 E E Gra ectar GS See re for tives E3 E AB15 Two year sown legume fallow E1 EE2 4 ✓ ✓ EE3 EE12 EF1 ss 14 3 E GS chu rna EE3 E EC E AB16 Autumn sown bumblebird mix EC2 EE2 E ✓ ✓ r E2 E9 1 Bro ss alte EE3 EE9 J9 Tie E2 9 24 EE E her 1E Grassland A EC24 E2 EE EE3 EF7 SW1B3 GS EE EE9 gra E 24 3 Hig EE8 Necta 1 EE E EC EE 4 EE 9 E 8 EE1 SW21 GS4 age 4E EE 9 Necta r Rich Gold EE8 GS1 Take field corners out of field management le Sil ✓ ✓ 3 21 E2 2 EF EC2 Arab ixtures EE J9 SW3 GS8 EK E1 E EE 7 ✓ ✓ GS3 Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birds r Rich & 10 8 GS3 3 EJ SW4 GS14 EF EJ Bronz 1 M EE 9 E ✓ ✓ GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards 2 ✓ GS8 Creation of species-rich grassland e SW7 EC2 EE1 HE 10 Buffer Strip 20 EJ ✓ GS14 Creation of grassland for target features 4E E3 2 HE1 s EK 1H E10 Musta rd Flower Rich AB1 EE8 0 EG EK2 0 AB7 Organic EE9 EJ5 Margin M EF1 J 2 B7 Mixtu Rich ixtu E ✓ ✓ OP1 Overwintered stubble re AB8 GS8 WT1 WT2 AB2 A The res EF4 Fodder Radish ✓ ✓ OP2 Wild bird seed mixture J13 EC24 EE1 J10 E F22 E Nectar ✓ ✓ OP4 Multi-species ley EE8 EE9 EE2 EE3 EF6 E AB2 AB7 Stewardship OP5 Undersown cereal EE12 EF1 ✓ ✓ Legume & Fallow AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 EF6 EF22 ro p s Soil and Water EC24 Mixture SW4 WT1 WT2 EE1 EE2 EE3 EE7 EE8 EE9 EF6 EF22 EJ10 EJ13 AB2 AB7 Kwik Fix ✓ ✓ SW1 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land Scheme EJ13 B ra s s ver C ✓ ✓ SW2 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland AB13 Selector EJ10 EJ13 ✓ SW3 In-field grass strips Kale ✓ ✓ SW4 12-24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land AB13 EJ10 EJ13 Vetch ica Co SW5 Enhanced management of maize crops EJ10 ✓ ✓ Rape W EJ13 Forage AB13 s e e il d B ✓ ✓ SW6 Winter cover crops EJ1 0E AB7 Forage Rye ics S J13 ✓ ✓ SW7 Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input AB1 3 d M ir d EJ1 ix t u re O r g a n 0E ✓ ✓ SW8 Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse EF J13 6 SW5 edes s Where this is not possible, you must contact your Organic Inspection body for a derogation. EF Wetlands Sw SW6 2 3 22 AB1 EF WT1 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland Barley ✓ ✓ s SW urnip OF 5 S ble T WT2 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in arable land 2 ✓ ✓ 3 OF4 B1 W Stub A 6 OE1 OE2 OE3 OE8 ELS & HLS Description OE12 OF1 OF73 OK20 OK21 EJ13 OJ5 OJ9 OJ1 SW HF12 5 N-R OELS e 13 SW ich az AB 6 ELS Code HLS Code Code* ELS & HLS Description ter Gr Options for trees and woodland Win A B9 EC24 Hedgerow tree buffer strips on cultivated land Rev OG1 OJ2 ival oot OP Options for buffer strips 1 dR OE9 9 AB api OP EE1 OE1 2m Buffer strips on cultivated land N-H AB 2 R 9 EE2 OE2 4m Buffer strips on cultivated land anc 9 AB Sp e OP EE3 OE3 6m Buffer strips on cultivated land AB9 m rin 2 oo OP5 EE8 OE8 Buffering in-field ponds in arable land gO AB16 Z OP4 Higher Tier EE9 OE9 6m buffer strips on intensive grassland next to a watercourse 4 ils HE10 Floristically enhanced grass buffer strips (non-rotational) 3, Ra ed e 2, Or * Use only organic seed mixes on OELS-eligible land. EE12 OE12 Supplement to add wildflowers to field corners & buffer strips 1, pe ga Selector BS nic Options for arable land 1 Org W Mu S Key: EF1 OF1 Management of field corners WB ani s tar Mix EF2 OF2 Wild bird seed mixture ern c W eed M d EF4 OF4 Nectar flower mixture rth r Org Flower S untryside Mixtu ove ild EF6 OF6 Overwintered stubble r Co No res Organ l Purpose Bir x You anic &C EF7 OF7 Beetle banks ix d em HF12 Enhanced wild birdseed mix plots (rotational or non- rotational) S Sch e Code ge M packed to order i Ask for special Dua d CS Nec ix Fee oMax EF22 Extended overwintered stubble requirements ©DLF seeds and science 2019 Bespoke mix mix tailored Schem id Options to encourage a range of crop types HLS tar M e Partr WBA 2 70% EG1 OG1 Under sown spring cereals to your & Cod ELS Options to protect soil and water e EJ2 OJ2 Management of maize crops to reduce soil erosion EJ5 OJ5 In-field grass areas to prevent erosion and run-off EJ9 OJ9 12m buffer strips for watercourses on culitvated land. EJ10 Enhanced mgmt. of maize crops to reduce soil erosion & run off EJ13 OJ13 Winter cover crops Options for grassland outside the severely disadvantaged areas (SDAs) DISCLAIMER: Any information provided in this table is given in good faith and to the best of our knowledge. EK20 OK20 Ryegrass seed-set as winter/ spring food for birds If you would like further advice please contact your local Natural England Advisor. EK21 OK21 Legume and herb-rich swards
“Pro Flora 1 Flowers Only, provided a fantastic show of colour from E N V I R O N ME NTAL July to October. The all native annual mixture has produced an abundance of nectar, attracting many species of pollinators and invertebrates.” Eamon McAllister, Nectar Rich Mixtures Portglenone, Co. Antrim. 05 NECTAR RICH MIXTURES NATIVE WILDFLOWER 1 Cornfield Annuals (N) 2 Acid Soils (N) Butterfly & Bumblebee Mixture (AB8) WF1 (AB1) Nectar Rich Bronze (AB1) Nectar Rich Gold (AB1) MIXTURES 3 Damp Loamy Soils (N) 15% Creeping Red Fescue 42% Sainfoin 45% Sainfoin 40% Sainfoin 4 Calcareous Soils (N) Our range of Pro 15% SSMG 10% Birdsfoot Trefoil 25% Winter Vetch 18% Winter Vetch Flora Wild Flower 5 Wet Loamy Soils (N) 10% Browntop Bent 8% Red Clover 10% Alsike Clover mixtures will cater 6 Dry Loamy Soils (N) 8% Winter Vetch 10% Hard Fescue 7.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 10% Red Clover for most situations. 7 Hedgerow & Light Shade (N) Pro Flora 10% Sheeps Fescue 7% Alsike Clover 7% Alsike Clover 10% Birdsfoot Trefoil We are always 8 Legacy Country Meadow (N) 7% Lucerne (inoculated) 7% Red Clover 10% Lucerne (inoculated) pleased to advise 4% Crimson Clover 9 Heritage General Purpose (N) 5% Yorkshire Fog 6% Yarrow 1.5% Musk Mallow upon and produce 4.5% Hairy Vetch 3% Lucerne (inoculated) 10 General Purpose (N) 5% Lucerne (inoculated) 0.5% Yarrow mixtures to 4% Birdsfoot Trefoil 0.25% Oxeye Daisy suit individual 11 Woodland & Heavy Shade (N) 2.25% Crimson Clover 0.25% Wild Carrot 100% 12 Water Margin & Pond Edges (N) 4% Kidney Vetch (N) specifications. 4% Alsike Clover 2% Black Medick 100% Sowing rate 10 - 15kg /ha Contacotre 13 Species Rich Lawn & Landscape (N) 2% Tufted Hairgrass 2% Oxeye Daisy Pack size 12kg us for mtion View the online 14 Tall Herb & Tussock (N) 1.5% Ribwort Plantain 1.5% Corn Cockle (N) Sowing rate 10 - 15kg/ha informa digital brochure 110 General Purpose Economy (N) Pack size 12kg 1% Agrimony (N) 1.25% Musk Mallow 1% Phacelia 1.25% Wild Carrot ORGANIC MIXTURE Pack size 1kg 1% Red Campion (N) Annual Nectar Mixture 1% Red Campion (N) Organic Nectar Flower Mixture 1% Musk Mallow 1% White Campion (N) 1% Selfheal 25% Buckwheat 32.5% Organic Vetch COLOUR BOOST A range of 100% wildflower mixtures providing colourful flowers, essential food source and habitat for many 0.75% Oxeye Daisy 0.75% Cornflower (N) 22% Sainfoin 20% Phacelia 27.5% Organic Lucerne (inoculated) RANGE NEW pollinating insects. 0.5% Black Knapweed 18% Sainfoin E 0.5% Corn Marigold (N) 10% Crimson Clover ECIPBOOST RCOLOUR 1 COLOUR BOOST 2 COLOUR BOOST 3 2016 0.5% Field Scabious 0.5% Field Poppy (N) 6% Organic Red Clover 0.5% Selfheal 10% Lucerne (inoculated) 6% Birdsfoot Trefoil High Impact Annuals High Impact High Impact Perennials 0.5% Salad Burnet (N) 7% Red Clover 0.5% Wild Carrot 6% Alsike Clover Quick to establish, long Low-Grow Annuals Seasonal Perennial mixture, 0.25% Field Pansy (N) 0.5% White Campion (N) 6% Alsike Clover flowering period, from comprising 90% perennial 4% Organic Crimson Clover Low growing mixture. 100% 100% 100% 8 weeks to first frost. 100% Dwarf flower mixture. species and 10% annual species. 100% Sowing rate 16kg/ha Sowing rate 5 - 10kg/ha Sowing rate 10kg /ha Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2 Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2 Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2 Sowing rate 10 - 15kg/ha Pack size 1kg Pack size 1kg Pack size 5kg Pack size 10kg COLOUR BOOST 4 COLOUR BOOST 5 COLOUR BOOST 6 Roses and Reds Annuals Summer Yellows Annuals Summer Chameleon Annuals (N) = UK Native Seed DLF Seeds Ltd. is a leading supplier of native provenance wild flowers. SOLAR Our range of Solar Mixtures will cater for most situations. We are always pleased to advise. Please call for more Designed to flower from late Mix of Yellows flowering from 40 species constantly changing We liaise with selected producers and growers to ensure our seed is MIXTURES information. Specialised mixtures to suit individual Spring through to Autumn. late Spring well into Autumn. throughout the growing season. sourced to the highest possible standard. requirements can be arranged. Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2 Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2 Sowing Rate 3-5gm/m2
Flow Rich er Gras E N V I R O N ME NTAL Mar s impo gins pro rtant vide inver habitat teb for and rates birds 06 Flower Rich Margins FLOWER RICH MARGINS Bumblebee Conservation Trust SPECIES RICH WILD FLOWERS MIXTURES supporting wild pollinators on Pollen & Nectar Species-Rich Wild Flowers BGM 4 with Wildflowers Flower Rich your land (SRWF)* Native with Grass (GS4) & Fine Grasses (AB8) Margin Mixture (AB8) 15% SSMG 30% Creeping Red Fescue 25% Slender Red Fescue 20% Selfheal (N) 10% Cocksfoot 22% SSMG 25% SSMG 10% Birdsfoot Trefoil (N) 10% Festulolium 20% Chewings Fescue 12% Chewings Fescue 10% Black Medick (N) 10% Red Clover 10% Hard Fescue 10% Crested Dogstail 10% Ribwort Plantain (N) 10% Sainfoin 4% Sainfoin 5% Hard Fescue 8% Black Knapweed (N) 10% Timothy 4% Crested Dogstail 3.5% Winter Vetch Bumblebees and solitary bees are very 8% Oxeye Daisy (N) 8% Birdsfoot Trefoil 3% Winter Vetch 3.25% Sainfoin important pollinators of both commercial 6% Winter Vetch 8% Yellow Rattle (N) 2% Browntop Bent 3% Browntop Bent agricultural crops and wild flowers. Many UK 5% Creeping Red Fescue 1.4% Red Clover 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 6% Red Campion (N) species have declined in recent years due to 5% Tall Fescue 1% Alsike Clover 2% Black Medick habitat loss. Bumblebees rely on flower rich 5% White Campion (N) 5% Tall Oat Grass 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 2% Red Clover habitats from March to September to provide 4% Yarrow (N) 3% Alsike Clover 0.5% Black Medick 1.25% Oxeye Daisy essential nectar resources for colony growth. 3% Lady's Bedstraw (N) 2% Black Medick 0.4% Yarrow 1.20% Wild Carrot They also require undisturbed tussocky 3% Ragged Robin (N) 0.3% Musk Mallow 0.4% Oxeye Daisy 1.20% Yarrow grassland for nesting. 3% Red Clover (N) 0.3% Oxeye Daisy 0.3% Wild Carrot 1% Red Campion (N) 2% Sorrel (N) 0.2% Selfheal 0.25% Ribwort Plantain 1% Ribwort Plantain There are a number of ways these habitats 0.15% Yarrow 0.25% Sheeps Burnet 0.5% Musk Mallow can be provided on arable and livestock farms, 100% 0.05% Sheeps Burnet 0.25% Selfheal including planting pollen and nectar margins Pack size 1kg 100% or wildflower buffer strips and implementing 100% 0.25% Lady's Bedstraw Sowing rate 16 - 20kg/ha a more sensitive management regime; no/ Sowing rate 20kg/ha 0.1% Salad Burnet (N) Pack size 20kg very light application of farm-yard manure, no Pack size 10kg 100% chemical fertilizers, taking a late hay cut (Mid- Sowing rate 16 - 20kg/ha July to August) allowing wildflowers to set Species-Rich Grass (SRG)* DISCLAIMER: In any instances where there are shortages of specified Pack size 10kg & 20kg seed and adopting a sensitive grazing regime. 20% SSMG species we reserve the right to substitute equivalent species. 20% Creeping Red Fescue Details on how you may improve your land 20% Browntop Bent for bumblebees and other pollinators can * Species-Rich Grass & Species-Rich Wild Flowers are available be found in our series of land management 10% Meadow Fescue separately or as a mixture of grasses (SRG) & flowers (SRWF) fact sheets: www.bumblebeeconservation. 10% Sheeps Fescue together in the following ratios: org/get-involved.We can also offer tailored 10% Hard Fescue advice in our target areas. 10% Crested Dogstail 95% SRG with 5% SRWF Please contact 100% 90% SRG with 10% SRWF Sowing Rate 16kg/ha Pack size 20kg 85% SRG with 15% SRWF Pack size 20kg
E N V I R O N ME NTAL Buffer Strip Mixtures 07 BUFFER STRIPS MIXTURES FALLOW MIXTURES BGM 1 with Cocksfoot BGM 2 no Cocksfoot BGM 3 with Cocksfoot and Clover Legume Fallow Mixture Flower Rich AN 30% Creeping Red Fescue 25% Creeping Red Fescue 25% Creeping Red Fescue TST DI (AB15) 2 Year NG U 20% SSMG 20% Chewings Fescue 20% Tall Fescue 2020 Agreements starting on or after ★O ★ 20% Tall Fescue 20% SSMG 15% Cocksfoot 1st Jan 2021 15% Cocksfoot 20% Tall Fescue 15% SSMG PRODUCT NEW F 50% Winter Vetch 2021R OF THE YEAR O 15% Timothy 15% Timothy 15% Timothy 15% Lucerne Fallow Mixture No.1 100% 100% 5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 15% Red Clover 50% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) Sowing rate 20kg/ha Sowing rate 20kg/ha 5% Small White Clover 10% Alsike Clover 35% Late Perennial Ryegrass (D) Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg 100% 5% Birdsfoot Trefoil RNEW ECIP 10% Timothy Sowing rate 20kg/ha 5% Black Medick 20 E 21 5% White Clover Blend Pack size 20kg 100% 100% Sowing rate 15 - 20kg/ha BGM 1 RC Red Clover BGM 2 RC Red Clover Pack size 20kg Sowing rate 30 - 35 kg/ha and Cocksfoot no Cocksfoot Legume Fallow Mixture 25% Creeping Red Fescue 25% Creeping Red Fescue BGM 5 with Ryegrass (GS3) with Grass (AB15) 2 Year Ryegrass seed set as winter food Agreements starting on or before Fallow Mixture No.2 20% SSMG 20% Chewings Fescue 20% Tall Fescue 20% SSMG for birds 1st Jan 2020 50% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) 15% Timothy 15% Tall Fescue 40% Italian Ryegrass 66% Late Perennial Ryegrass 40% Late Perennial Ryegrass (D) 15% Cocksfoot 15% Timothy 30% Inter. Perennial Ryegrass 15% Red Clover 10% Timothy 5% Red Clover 5% Red Clover 30% Late Perennial Ryegrass 10% Winter Vetch 7% Birdsfoot Trefoil 100% 100% 100% 100% 1% Yarrow Sowing rate 30 - 35 kg/ha Sowing rate 20kg/ha Sowing rate 20kg/ha Sowing rate 35kg/ha 1% Oxeye Daisy Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg 100% Fallow Mixture No.3 Sowing rate 30 - 40kg/ha 55% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) Pack size 20kg 40% Late Perennial Ryegrass (D) OUTSTANDING 5% White Clover Blend PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 100% (N) = UK Native Seed Everyone’s Sowing rate 30 - 35 kg/ha DLF Seeds Ltd. is a leading supplier of native provenance wild flowers. We liaise with selected producers and growers to ensure our seed is sourced to the highest possible standard. talking about it! Pack size 20kg
rb e & He Legum tures ix Rich M le forage E N V I R O N ME NTAL r e li ab s provide ial pollinator e n e fi c il &b ove so & impr re structu 08 Legume & Herb Rich Mixtures NEW F Legume and herb-rich mixtures 2021 OR provide an abundance of productive HERBAL MIXTURES NITROGEN FIXING grazing for livestock whilst Legume & Herb Rich Mixture (GS4) Herbal Meadow (GS4) Mixed Herbs Rapid Gain Mixture MIXTURES providing habitat and food source 25% Late Perennial Ryegrass 27% Late Perennial Ryegrass 26% Sainfoin NE W 49% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) for invertebrates and pollinators, 20% Festulolium 20% Festulolium 23% Sheeps Burnet RECIP E 20% Perennial Chicory EFA Nitrogen Rich Mixture 15% Timothy 11% Timothy 20% Ribwort Plantain 2021 15% Red Clover 76% Winter Vetch supporting biodiversity. 10% SSMG 10% Red Clover 15% Sheeps Parsley 10% White Clover 12% Crimson Clover 10% Creeping Red Fescue 10% SSMG 13% Chicory 6% Ribwort Plantain Herbal leys develop a beneficial soil 7% Cocksfoot 3% Yarrow 12% Red Clover structure through the increase of organic 10% Red Clover 5% Lucerne (inoculated) 100% 5.6% Sainfoin 100% 100% matter due to the variety of species used 4.5% Sainfoin Sowing rate 20kg/ha 1.43% Lucerne (inoculated) 2% Birdsfoot Trefoil Sowing rate Variable Sowing rate 32 -35 kg/ha and the length of time they are in the soil. 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil Pack size 20kg 1% Fenugreek Pack size 1kg & 5kg Pack size 20kg Grasses offer the reliable bulk forage 1% Sheeps Burnet 1% Perennial Chicory Gromore Mixture in these mixtures. These leys replace 0.5% Ribwort Plantain 0.7% Ribwort Plantain 35% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) EFA Nitrogen Fixing Ley organic matter lost through rotation and 0.25% Yarrow 0.5% Sheeps Burnet 30% Ribwort Plantain 0.2% Sheeps Parsley 0.25% Yarrow 20% Red Clover 52% Red Clover also supply a valuable forage crop for 30% Late Perennial Ryegrass (T) 0.02% Wild Carrot 0.05% Sheeps Parsley 15% White clover livestock grazing or cut for silage. 18% Late Perennial Ryegrass (D) 100% 100% 100% The Nitrogen fixing ability of legumes, Sowing rate 30 - 35kg/ha Sowing rate 20kg/ha 100% Sowing rate 32 - 37kg/ha reduces the need for artificial fertilisers, Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg Sowing rate 22 - 25kg/ ha Pack size 20kg as well as increasing the protein content Pack size 20kg which directly enhances DLWG or milk Organic multi species mixture HerbMax 1 Light Land HerbMax 2 Medium to Heavy Land HerbMax 3 Conserve & Graze production. Deep rooting herbs break OP4 available on request 20% Cocksfoot 16% Late Perennial Ryegrass 20% Lofa Hybrid 15% Fojtan Tall Fescue Plus™ 15% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass Ryegrass Plus™ through damaged soil structure providing 15% Sainfoin 14% Timothy 18% Late Perennial Ryegrass livestock with access to vital nutrients 10% Timothy 12% Fojtan Tall Fescue Plus™ 16% Intermediate Perennial and minerals. Herbs act as a natural 10% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 8% Cocksfoot Ryegrass anthelmintic, reducing reliance on 6% Sheeps Burnet 6% Meadow Fescue 14% Timothy 5% Lucerne (inoculated) 6% Red Clover Blend 8% Chicory wormers. 5% Red Clover Blend 6% Sheeps Burnet 8% Cocksfoot 4% Ribwort Plantain 4.5% Ribwort Plantain 6% Red Clover Blend 3% Birdsfoot Trefoil 4% Dual Purpose White Clover Blend 4% Plantain 2.5% Dual Purpose White Clover Blend 3.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 4% Dual Purpose DISCLAIMER: Stock should be introduced 2.5% Alsike Clover 3% Alsike Clover White Clover Blend gradually over a two week period and 2% Sheeps Parsley 2% Sheeps Parsley 2% Alsike Clover an area of grassland should be available 100% 100% 100% for animals to return to; water and hay or straw should also be made available. Please Sowing rate 32kg/ha Sowing rate 35kg/ha Sowing rate 30kg/ha contact your supplier for further guidance. Pack size 10kg Pack size 10kg Pack size 10kg
E N V I R O N ME NTAL Herbs and Legumes 09 PLANTAIN SHEEPS BURNET SAINFOIN BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL A perennial herb providing a high mineral forage with a crude A perennial herb which helps to provide a long grazing Sainfoin acts as a natural anthelmintic and the condensed A nitrogen-fixing, anthelmintic species which helps boost protein content of around 20%. Plantain provides all-year season attributable to its early spring growth. A well- tannins this legume contains aids protein absorption thus soil fertility. Like Sainfoin, this species contains tannins to round grazing, even in drought conditions. Often mixed with established taproot improves drought tolerance within a improving feed conversion efficiency by livestock. Unlike support the absorption of protein by both sheep and cattle. other herbs, this species provides well tillered plants in high sward whilst aiding the supply of vital trace elements to other species, Sainfoin will not cause bloat in livestock Birdsfoot Trefoil is continually included in diverse mixtures density mixtures that will complement the grazing system. livestock. and as little as 10% in a sward will offset the risk of bloat owing to its contribution of beneficial properties both above Pack size 1kg & 25kg Pack size 1kg & 25kg created from other legumes. Best suited to light soils, and below the soil surface. the deep rooting system of Sainfoin provides a drought- Pack size 1kg & 25kg resistant forage that requires no nitrogen fertiliser and little phosphate. This legume prefers alkaline soils and although SHEEPS PARSLEY slow to establish, it is a persistent species. Sainfoin also Often mixed with other forage herbs, this species has a increases biodiversity by attracting an abundance of insects deep taproot that is able to lift trace elements from great and invertebrates, especially pollinators. soil depths whilst also aiding drought tolerance. Recognised Sowing rate 85-90 kg/ha for its high iron content along with vitamins A and C, Sheeps Pack size 1kg & 25kg Parsley can prove a valuable addition to grazing swards. Organic seed available in 25kg packs Pack size 1kg YARROW A forage herb with a very deep rooting structure that has been noted to improve circulation and blood flow in livestock. Yarrow is commonly mixed with Sheeps Parsley, Burnet and CHICORY Plantain although due its it minute seed size, should only be LUCERNE A mineral-rich herb with a long taproot which infiltrates the included at a low rate to ensure that it does not dominate the sward. A persistent, perennial legume that performs particularly soil to a great depth and can break through soil compaction. Chicory is a high protein, anthelmintic species that lifts trace Pack size 1kg well on light, drought prone soils due to its deep, penetrating RED CLOVER elements from within the soil profile that are then made root system. The roots improve soil structure and aid fertility A high protein, nitrogen-fixing forage legume that can be available for intake by livestock. This highly productive by fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Above the soil surface, grown on almost all soil types. When grown as part of a species is especially good for fattening lambs. If not well Lucerne produces a high protein, palatable forage crop that mixture, clover greatly increases the forage yield for both managed, chicory can become tall and woody therefore is an excellent accompaniment to energy feeds in a ration. grazing and cutting. good management is essential to maintain feed quality. Pack size 25kg Pack size 1kg & 25kg Pack size 2kg & 25kg Organic seed available in 25kg packs Organic seed available in 25kg packs
“This bespoke mixture provides high levels of insect activity (biodiversity) E N V I R O N ME NTAL and benefits to wildlife along with a large quantity of nutritious seed for the birds. I like an open game cover that not only holds the birds but also allows them to move freely." Wild Bird Seed Mixtures Tom Carter, North Dorset 10 SPRING SOWN MIXTURES WBS 1 (AB9) 1 Year Spring Sown WBS 2 (AB9) 1 - 2 Year Spring Sown WBS 3 (AB9) 1 Year Spring Sown WBS 4 (AB9) 1 Year Spring Sown Feed & Cover Mixture (AB9) AN Attracts Tree Sparrows Attracts Grey Partridge Attracts Finches & Buntings Attracts Finches & Buntings TST DI 25% Spring Triticale NG U 45% Spring Triticale 45% Spring Triticale 50% Spring Triticale 45% Spring Triticale 2020 24% Spring Barley ★O ★ 30% Spring Barley 20% Spring Barley 15% Spring Barley 25% Spring Barley 24% Spring Wheat 15% Spring Wheat 15% Spring Wheat 15% Spring Wheat 8.5% Dwarf Sorghum PRODUCT 7% Dwarf Sorghum OF THE YEAR 5% White Millet 7% Kale 8% White Mustard 7% White Millet 6% White Millet 3% Fodder Radish 4% Fodder Radish 7% Linseed 5% Linseed 5% Linseed 2% Red Millet 4% White Millet 5% Forage Rape 4% Japanese Reed Millet 3% Japanese Reed Millet 100% 3% Quinoa 100% 3% Red Millet WBS 4 - Herbicide 2.5% Red Millet 2% Red Millet 2.5% Gold of Pleasure tolerant, but please 2.5% Gold of Pleasure Sowing rate 40kg/ha Sowing rate 40kg/ha discuss with your 100% 100% agronomist for 1% Quinoa Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg current specific 100% Sowing rate 40kg/ha Sowing rate 40kg/ha products and Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg recommendations. Sowing rate 40kg/ha Pack size 20kg OUTSTANDING PRODUCT OF THE YEAR Everyone’s talking about it! ORGANIC WILD BIRD SEED MIXTURE 1 ORGANIC WILD BIRD SEED MIXTURE 2 1 Year Spring Sown (OP2) 1 - 2 Year Spring Sown (OP2) 35% Organic Spring Wheat 35% Organic Spring Wheat 35% Organic Spring Barley 35% Organic Spring Barley 20% Spring Triticale 10% Spring Triticale For Higher Tier & HLS these mixtures 5% White Millet 7% Kale must be agreed with the local Natural 3% Fodder Radish 4% Fodder Radish England Advisor before ordering seed. 2% Red Millet 4% White Millet 100% 3% Quinoa Bespoke mixtures can be packed to 2% Red Millet order. Sowing rate 40kg/ha Pack size 20kg 100% Treatment Some species may be treated Sowing rate 40kg/ha Pack size 20kg
Wild mixt Bird See ure d impo s provid E N V I R O N ME NTAL rtant e reso food u farm rces for land & ins birds ects Wild Bird Seed Mixtures 11 NORTHERN SPRING SOWN MIXTURES AUTUMN SOWN MIXTURES Partridge Mixture (AB9) Northern Shot Mixture Northern WBS 1 (AB9) Northern WBS 2 WBA 1 40% Spring Barley 35% Spring Triticale 1 Year Spring Sown 2 Year Spring Sown (AB16) 1 Year Autumn Sown 30% Spring Triticale 25% Spring Barley 60% Spring Triticale 50% Spring Triticale 25% Winter Triticale 15% Linseed 20% Spring Wheat 20% Spring Barley 10% Spring Barley 25% Winter Wheat 20% Winter Barley 10% Spring Oats 10% Kale 8% Linseed 10% Spring Wheat 6% Vetch 4% Gold of Pleasure 5% Hybrid Brassica 4% White Mustard 7% Kale 5% Fodder Radish 1% Kale 2% Perennial Chicory 4% Forage Rape 7% Quinoa 5% Forage Rape 2% Yellow Blossom Clover 2% Phacelia 7% Fodder Radish 3% Gold of Pleasure 100% 3% Lucerne (inoculated) 1% Green Fennel 2% Fodder Radish 4% Yellow Blossom Clover 2% Alsike Clover Sowing rate 62kg/ha 3% Green Fennel 2% Birdsfoot Trefoil 100% 100% Pack size 25kg 2% Red Clover 2% Crimson Clover Sowing rate 50 - 60kg/ha Sowing rate 40kg/ha 2% Red Clover 100% Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg 100% Sowing rate 40kg/ha Sowing rate 40 - 50kg/ha Pack size 20kg Pack size 20kg Northern Star Game Mixture 34% Spring Beans WBA 2 Autumn Sown Bumblebird Mixture 30% Spring Triticale 20% Spring Wheat NON CEREAL MIXTURES (AB16) 2 Year Autumn Sown Northern WBS 2 Farmland (Wild) Bird Seed Mixture 25% Winter Triticale 5% Forage Rape 15% Winter Barley 5% Kale Non Cereal Non Cereal 15% Winter Wheat 2% Gold of Pleasure 23% Kale 45% Linseed 8% Fodder Radish 2% Quinoa 23% Quinoa 25% Buckwheat 6% Winter Vetch 23% Fodder Radish 17% Fodder Radish 5.3% Gold of Pleasure 2% Yellow Blossom Clover 5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 14% Yellow Blossom Clover 10% White Millet 5% Lucerne (inoculated) 100% 10% Green Fennel 3% Phacelia 5% Crimson Clover Sowing rate 50kg/ha 7% Red Clover 100% 5% Kale Pack size 20kg 2.5% Red Clover 100% 2% Phacelia Sowing rate 20kg/ha Treatment Some species may be treated 0.4% Oxeye Daisy Sowing rate 12kg/ha Pack size 10kg 0.4% Wild Carrot Other mixtures Pack size 10kg 0.4% Yarrow Decoy Mixture – pg 35 that also may be 100% Northern Star Game Mixture suitable for AB9: Broadshot – pg 35 The small seed element of Northern WBS2 and Farmland (Wild) Bird Seed Mixture without cereals have been formulated for those who have access to home grown cereals. Sowing rate 40 - 50kg/ha Pack size 20kg
E N V I R O N ME NTAL Scottish Rural Development 12 Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) AECS Options that require Seed AECS Green Cover Crops NORTHERN SPECIES RICH GRASS & 15% NATIVE WILD FLOWERS Stubbles followed by Green Manure Where winter cereals are sown after green cover 25% Creeping Red Fescue Wild Bird seed for Farmland Birds in an arable rotation OVER WINTER GREEN COVER 15% SSMG Pages 10 - 11. Page 11 - Non Cereal Mixtures Where winter cereals are sown after green cover RYE MIXTURE specifically for those who wish to use their own cereal 10% Crested Dogstail SPRING GREEN COVER MIXTURE 85% Forage Rye 10% Hard Fescue 15% Red Clover 10% Meadow Fescue 60% Buckwheat Creation of Beetle Banks, 30% Crimson Clover 100% 10% Sheeps Fescue Water Margins and Grass Strips 10% Egyptian Clover Sowing rate 25 kg/ha 5% Browntop Bent BGM 4 with wildflowers, legumes and fine grasses Pack size 25 kg 15% Native Wild Flowers UK Provenance 100% Pages 5, 6 & 7 Alternative mixtures N-Rich Cover Mixture 100% Sowing rate 12-15 kg/ha Pack size 20 kg Sowing rate 16-20 kg/ha Alternative mixtures Pack size 20 kg Creation of Species Rich Grassland Annual Nectar Mixture and Kwik Fix Pages 6 & 12 OVER WINTER GREEN COVER GRASS MIXTURE 85% Italian Ryegrass Stubbles followed by green manure 15% Red Clover in an arable rotation 100% Pages 12, 16 - 19 Sowing rate 25 kg/ha Pack size 25 kg Alternative mixtures N-Rich Cover Mixture Forage brassicas for Farmland Birds Pages 37 - 43 (N) = UK Native Seed *Disclaimer – The information provided in this catalogue is given in good faith and to the best of our knowledge at Pages 5, 6, 7 & 8 of this brochure contain many other mixtures designed for herbal meadows, fallow ground, the time of printing. Any advice should therefore be taken as a general guide and not relied upon for all conditions pollen and nectar, nitrogen fixing and wild flowers, many of which suit AECS options. and circumstances. We cannot accept any legal liability for information given in this guide.
E N V I R O N ME NTAL BPS Scotland - Greening A guide to Ecological Focus Area (EFA) Mixtures 13 EFA Fallow Land (EFAFAL) Scottish Government Basic Payment Scheme – Greening EFA Fallow BGM 1 BGM 2 BGM 3 WBS Northern Farmland Fallow Period 15th January to 15th July. No agricultural production between these dates. Wild Bird Mixtures & Wild Mixture & & & 1, 2 & 3 WBS 1 Wild Bird Weighting Flower mixtures are encouraged and may be sown during the fallow period. After the fallow period is over grass 1, 2 & 3 BGM 1 RC BGM 2 RC BGM 4 Mixture may be cut or grazed. After the 16th July, plan ahead for 2022 and sow a late heading mixture after 16th July. 1.0 PAGE 7 PAGE 7 PAGE 7 PAGE 6 & 7 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 11 EFA Margins (EFAM) Scottish Government Basic Payment Scheme – Greening EFA BGM 1 BGM 2 Northern WBS & & BGM 3 BGM 4 1, 2, Any Period is 1st January to 31st December. They should be around the margin of a field or split 2 crops within a Weighting WBS 1 Grass field. Must be between 1m and 20 m wide. You are allowed to cut for hay or silage after 15th July. If not beside a BGM 1 RC BGM 2 RC 3&4 1.5 Mixture watercourse it may be grazed. Wild flower, wild bird seed and normal grass mixtures may be established. PAGE 7 PAGE 7 PAGE 7 PAGE 6 PAGE 11 PAGE 10 EFA Catch Crops (EFACC) Scottish Government Basic Payment Scheme – Greening EFA Italian Establish the crop in spring. The only catch crop you can grow will be a cereal nurse crop with undersown grass. Weighting Any Recognised Catch Crop It should be a recognised grass seed mixture. The catch crop must be retained until at least the 31st December. Grass Mixture Mixture You may graze the catch crop after harvest of the main crop. 0.3 EFA Green Cover (EFAGC) Scottish Government Basic Payment Scheme – Greening EFA Over Winter Over Winter Spring N – Rich Establish the green cover crop by 1st November. Maintain the green cover up to 31st December inclusive. Green Cover Green Cover Green Cover Mix Cover Mix Weighting Do not graze during the maintenance period 1st November and 31st December. It must be a mixture of 2 or more Grass Mix Rye Mix of the following: Alfalfa, barley, red clover, white clover, mustard, oats, phacelia, radish, rye, triticale and vetch. 0.3 PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 19 EFA Nitrogen Fixing Crops (EFA-NFIX) Scottish Government Basic Payment Scheme – Greening EFA You must ensure that all EFA nitrogen-fixing crops are surrounded by a claimed EFA margin. You cannot harvest Birdsfoot Red & White Weighting Alfalfa Trefoil Clover before 1st August to protect ground nesting birds. You must grow 2 of the following; Alfalfa, beans, birdsfoot trefoil, Peas & Beans Vetch chickpea, red and white clover, lentils, lupins, peas and vetch. Mixtures are allowed, but the nitrogen-fixing species 1.0 PAGE 9 & 17 PAGE 9 PAGE 9 & 17 must be dominant by weight. EFA Hedges (EFAH) EFA Agro-Forestry (EFAAF) Various These are EFA options for Scotland that do not require any seed.
E N V I R O N ME NTAL 14 Glastir Welsh Environmental Scheme Glastir is the All-Wales Agri-Environment Scheme introduced by the Welsh Assembly Government. Glastir will ensure that future environmental challenges can be met by: Option 32 Plant unsprayed root crops on It is a 5 year whole farm sustainable land management scheme available to farmers and land improved grass and arable land managers across Wales. Since 2012 it has replaced the four existing agri-environment schemes, • COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE Tir Gofal, Tir Cynnal, Tir Mynydd and the Organic Farming Schemes. • White Turnips - see stubble turnip varieties • IMPROVING WATER MANAGEMENT and green globe turnips on page 38 • MAINTAINING AND ENHANCING BIODIVERSITY • Swedes - see page 41 It is designed to deliver measurable outcomes at both a farm and landscape level in a cost effective way. • Fodder Beet - see page 40 • Soft Yellow Turnips Glastir consists of three elements: • Hardy Yellow Turnips 1. ALL-WALES ELEMENT (AWE) A whole farm land management scheme which is open to application from all farmers and land managers Option 33 Establish a wildlife cover crop on improved grass and arable land throughout Wales. It is designed to provide support for the delivery of environmental benefits that meet today’s For mixture option see WBS3 page 6. challenges and priorities. Successful applicants will make a commitment to deliver environmental goods for These mixtures must include at least 80% five years under a legally binding contract. cereal with at least one of the following 2. TARGETED ELEMENT (TE) - mustard, linseed, rape. A part farm scheme intended to deliver significant improvements to the environmental status of a range of These mixtures are designed to provide habitats, species, soils and water that might also require both nesting sites and a food source for changes to current agricultural practices. In order to overwintering species such as tree sparrow, achieve these specific improvements and outcomes, finches, buntings, skylark, grey partridge, financial support from the Welsh Government will be targeted at locations where action will lead to the required yellowhammer and barn owl. result. 3. COMMON LAND ELEMENT (CLE) Option 153 Red clover must make up at Designed to provide support for the delivery of least 80% of the sward environmental benefits on common land. Mixtures of red clover cultivars are permitted as is using a percentage of birdsfoot trefoil seed.
B I O G AS Biogas Crops 15 Over recent years interest has increased MAIZE SILAGE BEET GRASS SILAGE in the production of crops for Anaerobic Maize is a well-known source of biogas, having the Beet is the preferred option for ‘feeding’ anaerobic Grass is an extremely versatile crop; it is a good source digestion plants. advantages of a high methane yield per acre and being digesters, adapting well to many soil and climate types. of material for feeding anaerobic digesters, good for crop relatively easy to store. It has the highest yield potential amongst all other arable rotation, good for the environment and also adapts well to The advantages are: When choosing varieties, high dry matter and high yields are crops and also has the highest dry matter. Due to its many different soil and climate types. It can be planted in the higher levels of sugar it has a shorter retention time in the autumn after a beet or maize crop and be ready for a silage • Replacement of fossil fuels the major considerations; however yields of ME and starch digester than other crops which have a higher lignin and cut in the spring. should also be taken into account. • Reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases cellulose content. However storage is more difficult for beet, High yielding species such as tall fescue and festuloliums, Dry matter at harvest is vitally important. For efficient than other crops. • Reduced impact of slurry ensiling the maize needs to achieve a dry matter content have a very high yield potential and they can in many When selecting a variety, yield is of primary importance situations compete with maize. Grass and grass with clover • Less leaching of nitrogen of between 30% and 32%. Some of the ultra high yielding but cleanliness of the roots should also be considered. work very well in an anaerobic digester mixed with slurry, • Less odour varieties grown on the continent for Biogas may not reach Varieties with a smooth root and low dirt tare should thus improving the yield of gas. this maturity in the UK climate. • Conversion of waste and reducing the need be chosen and for this reason Enermax is the perfect choice. Grass is a perennial crop with a good environmental profile, for landfill Close cropping of energy beet should be avoided as a build improving crop rotation and bringing long term benefits to Production of Biogas is increased when an energy dense RYE up of rhizomania or beet cyst nematode can occur - the crop soil fertility. substrate is used to supplement slurry. should not be grown more often than one in three years on Rye has become very popular in the UK in recent years. We the same ground. To this end, crops can be used as an alternative to waste have varieties being tested against hybrid, conventional and Contact u DLF have a dedicated breeding programme for Energy Beets. s with the added advantage of not requiring a waste disposal forage rye types. for more licence. informati on For a farmer developing a biogas plant, high output crops are a necessity. Also, for the grower with a plant in the neighbourhood, biogas cropping represents a useful source of income. Maize silage Beet Grass silage Comparison Yield, tonnes dry matter/ha 11 13 11,5 The criteria for suitable crops are: of gas % dry matter 33 20 33 • High yield of DM per hectare yield from % ash in dry matter 3 8 10 • High gas potential different • Low costs for growing and handling crops Nm3 methane/tonnes organic matter 352 435 307 • Ease of management and storage Comparison of gas yield from different crops. Based on budget estimates from VFL DK. Søren Ugilt Larsen, Agrotech DK 2010 and 2011
g Growin p ro G R E E N MAN UR ING r c a cove ective ry e f f is a ve ntrolling co way f tode o nema tions popula 16 Green Manuring Green Manuring can bring Green manures not only improve soil status, composition and NEMATODES IN UK FARMING THEIR EFFECT ON nutrient balance but provide a basis for a more environmentally many advantages to the friendly approach to modern farming. We need to focus our AGRICULTURAL CROPPING ROOT KNOT NEMATODES farmer by adding organic minds on the twin problems of high artificial fertiliser prices • Produce galls and can severely damage plant health Nematodes behave in different ways: Ectoparasitic forms – feed externally on plant matter to the soil, increasing and the soil’s need for basic nutrients with these being • Crops most at risk are:- peas, onions, carrots, parsnips, roots and Endoparasitic forms – invade the available in a more sustainable form. biological activity, improving A wide range of plant species can be used as green manures. Different crops and spring wheat roots internally. Both forms cause damage, resulting in an overall reduction in yield or affect soil structure, reducing bring different benefits and the final choice is influenced by many considerations. CYST NEMATODES the marketability of the crop. If the most is to be made of green manuring crops, it is important that they are erosion, increasing the carefully integrated into the crop rotation and proper attention paid to their • Beard like objects which grow and live on root surfaces • Widespread in Europe and many parts of the world supply of nutrients available husbandry. • Crops most at risk are:- potatoes, sugar beet, rape Nematodes, also known as eelworms and roundworms. There are over 28,000 to plants (particularly by Green manures can be categorised as spring sown for summer usage and autumn sown for over-winter usage, intercropping and longer term fertility improvement. and beetroot distinguishable species, of which 16,000 adding nitrogen to the Nitrogen (N) in legumes comes from uptake of soil N and the fixation of N from LESION NEMATODES are parasitic. system by fixation), reducing the atmosphere. The amount of N fixed by different legumes is determined by the • Produce necrotic lesions throughout the cortex Approximately 50% are detrimental to plant health. Damage caused by nematodes can of infected roots leaching and encouraging inherent capacity of the crop/rhizobium symbiosis to fix N, modified by the crop’s growing conditions (e.g. soil, climate, disease), crop management and length of • Crops most at risk are carrots, parsnips, maize emerge differently from crop to crop. But weed suppression. time for which the crop is grown. Consequently, the influence of all these factors and legumes there are a few symptoms which can appear, that are common to all. means that a wide range of values has been reported by different researchers. There are some disadvantages and whilst The presence of soil mineral N is generally thought to reduce fixation capacity. STUBBY ROOT NEMATODES these are few they should also be noted - lost • Stunted plants Factors that will increase the soil mineral N pool include manure application, • Plant roots have a stunted stubby appearance opportunities for cash cropping, exacerbated cutting and mulching, and grazing. Fixation tends to decrease with legume age, • Plants wilt and appear to have no vigour • Infected roots become less capable of supplying pest and disease problems (green bridge mainly because the amount of soil N tends to increase. • Stem malformation nutrients effect), and the potential for green manures • Crops most at risk:- potatoes, sugar beet, onions, carrots • Yellowing to become weeds in their own right. These Where growth of legumes is affected by nutrient deficiency (or acidity) the problems can be overcome with thought and potential for soil N build up is reduced. Phosphorus, Sulphur and some trace and parsnips • Root Galls measured usage, and the benefits to future elements (e.g. Molybdenum) are particularly important. Where there are large • Deformed roots and abnormal growth off-takes of soil nutrients as in silage crops both Phosphorus and Potash supplies STEM NEMATODES crops cannot be dismissed lightly. • Plant death need to be adequate for satisfactory legume growth. These should be replaced as • Can cause distortion in the stems in winter beans and they are essential to the legume to enable it to maximise the fixing of nitrogen. necrotic area on the plant leaves Globally, parasitic species can reduce • Crops most at risk :- potatoes, onions and winter beans agricultural production by approximately 12%.
Crop Pack Av sowing Treatment Sowing Incorporation Root type/depth Soil type Nitrogen Fixing Useful information and growing tips size rate kg/ha type dates period or Storing Plant Short Term Crops Spring/Summer Sowing & Summer/Autumn Incorporation Fast growing and good weed suppressor. Has biofumigation properties but not to same extent as 10kg & Untreated Spring - Early 8 weeks All types, best on light, sandy White Mustard 12 - 17 Fibrous root system soils Storing brown mustard. Produces large quantities of biomass. Excellent scavenger of nitrogen. Requires fine 25kg & Organic Autumn after sowing seedbed. Susceptible to Club root. Plough in before flowering to prevent self-seeding. As white mustard, but contains high levels of glucosinolate which create biofumigation properties to 5kg & Spring - All types, prefers moist reduce wireworm infestation. To maximise this benefit, crop must be finely chopped at flowering and Brown Mustard 5 - 7.5 Untreated Autumn - Spring Taproot ground Storing 25kg Autumn thoroughly incorporated into moist soil. Brown mustard is winter hardy so is excellent for reducing soil erosion, water run-off and fertiliser leaching when grown after maize, potatoes & sugar beet. Quick to establish and a good weed suppressor. Flowers loved by bees and butterflies. The crop must 2kg, 5kg Untreated Spring - 10 - 12 weeks Most soil types, will tolerate Phacelia 7.5 - 10 Shallow, fibrous dry conditions Storing be incorporated into the soil before setting seed or it may reappear in subsequent crops as a weed. & 10kg & Organic Summer after sowing Said to release many minerals into soil as it decomposes, especially P, Ca and Mg. Fast growing and quick to mature, not winter hardy. Dislikes wet, heavy or compacted soil. Do not 10kg & Untreated Spring - Shallow, but with Tolerates poor, but not Buckwheat 50 - 70 Summer - Autumn wet soils Storing allow to set seed before incorporating into soil. Attractive to beneficial insects especially hoverflies. 25kg & Organic Summer good penetration Good scavenger of phosphate. 1kg & Untreated Taproot with fibrous Prefers loam, will tolerate Very attractive to insects. Excellent weed suppressor. Biomass degrades quickly into soil. Crimson Clover 12.5 - 15 Spring Summer - Autumn poor soils as long as alkaline Fixing 25kg & Organic branch roots and free draining Will over-winter in Southern England for autumn sowing/spring incorporation. Shade tolerant. Branched taproot Less biomass than red and white clover but better adapted to wet, acid soils and cooler conditions. Alsike Clover 25kg 5 - 7.5 Untreated Spring Autumn Most types Fixing Deep rooting Requires shallow sowing and firm seedbed. 10kg & Untreated Summer - Deep rooting Good early vigour that gives quick soil coverage, with a large biomas and a large taproot. Excellent Fodder Radish 10 - 20 Autumn - Spring Most types Storing 25kg & Organic Autumn taproot Nitrogen scavenger. 5kg & Summer - Deep penetrating Fast establishing, big biomas, long large white tubers. Excellent for breaking up compacted soil with Daikon Radish 8 - 10 Untreated Autumn - Spring Most types Storing 25kg Autumn taproot its aggressive taproot. An excellent nitrogen scavenger. Annual clover. Grows aggressively throughout the summer and autumn. Likes deep fertile soils with Egyptian/ Spring - Early Later Summer - Taproot with fibrous Needs deep fertile soils 25kg 10 - 22 Untreated (uncompetitive) Fixing plenty of moisture. Produces large amounts of biomass along with fixing large quantities of nitrogen. Berseem Clover Summer Autumn root network A good cover crop to put between two cereal crops. Black Oats/ Later Grows well under most conditions. Early vigour, quickly producing lots of biomass due to the 25kg & Winter - Early Grow in most soil types Japanese Oats 50 - 75 Untreated Summer - Fibrous root system and conditions Storing plant rapidly tillering. Can flower early. The fast establishment helps to suppress weeds. Good at 500kg Spring disrupting disease cycles. Not frost hardy. (Avena strigosa) Autumn Over Winter Crops Autumn Sowing & Spring Incorporation Produces large amounts of green material. Excellent nitrogen scavenger and for the prevention of Forage 25kg & Extensive, fibrous Grows well on light, sandy, 90 - 150 Untreated Autumn Spring free-draining soils Storing nitrate leaching during winter months. Do not allow to run to seed as this will ‘lock-up’ available Winter Rye 500kg root system nitrogen. Very hardy. As with forage rye, produces high yields of biomass. Good root system for improving soil structure. Untreated Extensive, fibrous Diploids better in wet areas Italian Ryegrass 25kg 35 - 38 Autumn Spring and tetraploids in drier Storing If seed heads are produced, crop must be cut before seed is shed to prevent infestation of following & Organic root system crop. Good ‘mopper-up’ of excess soil nitrogen. Thick and fibrous 15kg - Untreated Spring / When undersown at a low seed rate into winter wheat, cocksfoot is an excellent soil improver for Cocksfoot 5 - 7.5 Autumn - Spring with large energy Dry, free-draining Storing 20kg & Organic Autumn drought-prone soils. reserves Fast growing. Good alternative to mustard if using high glucosinolate varieties, as decomposition can 10kg & Untreated Spring / Deeply penetrating Most types, able to tolerate Forage Rape 6.5 - 10 Autumn - Spring poor soil & exposed sites Storing release chemicals which produce a biofumigation effect if incorporated within 24 hours of cutting. 25kg & Organic Autumn taproot Where club root is a problem, make sure a resistant variety is used. Untreated Spring / Prefers loams and clay. Good weed suppressor. Ensure a winter hardy variety is used. Due to its large seed size, will establish Vetches 25kg 60 - 90 Autumn - Spring Taproot Will not thrive in wet or Fixing & Organic Autumn waterlogged conditions later than most other legumes. Requires fine, firm seedbed. Longer Term Crops Seed must be inoculated with rhizobium bacteria. Prefers dry growing conditions. Uncompetitive Lucerne Untreated Spring - Early 25kg 20 - 25 Autumn - Spring Very deep taproot Light/chalky/free-draining Fixing particularly in early stage of development so grow as pure stand or with non-aggressive companion Pre-inoculated & Organic Autumn grasses. 1kg & Untreated Spring - Early Creeping stolons, Wide range. Tolerates dry Continued defoliation stimulates root growth and nitrogen fixation. Smaller leaved varieties are more White Clover 5 - 7.5 Autumn - Spring conditions Fixing 25kg & Organic Autumn Shallow rooting persistent than larger leaved. Good weed suppressor. Shallow sow into fine, firm seedbed. 1kg & Untreated Spring - Early Large, strong Wide range, avoid poorly Aggressive plant, does not release N until crop is ploughed in. Shorter term than white clover. Good Red Clover 12.5 - 15 Autumn - Spring drained, acid soils Fixing 25kg & Organic Autumn taproot for improving and aerating soil structure & useful weed suppressor. Ensure fine, firm seedbed. Yellow Blossom 2kg & Prefers poor soil and dry Biennial. Quick to establish and grows vigorously. Improves soil structure. Plough in before flowering 12.5 - 15 Untreated Spring Summer - Autumn Long taproot conditions. Dislikes wet, Fixing Clover 25kg heavy ground and before stems become woody. Attractive to bees and other insects if allowed to flower.
ps Cover Cro y G R E E N MAN UR ING a have m re n INCORPORATION OF GREEN MANURE tu soil struc Incorporation is most effective when plants are young and succulent and the crop is cut and chopped to benefits produce a mulch before turning it into the soil. This allows it to decompose quickly and release nutrients to be used by the following crop. Some crops, however, require nitrogen to be available at a later stage, in which case they will benefit from the green manure crop being left to become more mature. Decomposition and the release of nutrients will take longer and will be more likely to be available at the right time in the crop’s development. 18 Green Manuring Crops It is very important not to sow too early because of the allelopathic effect of the decomposing plants on germinating seeds. WHITE MUSTARD FODDER RADISH (OIL RADISH) AVALON LEAFY TURNIP FOR SPRING SOWING AND SUMMER DAIKON RADISH Popular as a green manure crop. A relatively A fast growing cover crop, its speed of Avalon is a very leafy turnip that INCORPORATION inexpensive and highly versatile cover crop establishment aids weed suppression. It has a is late flowering, covers the soil A rapid growing crop that Spring sown, summer crops are usually annual crops either sown alone or as a companion to other long tap root which will improve the soil structure very fast and is winter hardy. This produces a large amount of that as a rule do not tolerate frost. They are quick species. It is a fast growing and good weed and also has plenty of leaf that produces a large variety can be sown in spring or biomass. It has the ability growing and will suppress weeds by light deprivation suppressor. Has bio fumigation properties quantity of organic matter. An excellent nitrogen autumn and for forage production to reduce nematodes and as well as providing organic material to improve soil but not to the same extent as brown mustard. scavenger. Some varieties are nematode resistant. these leafy turnips can be grazed is also an excellent weed structure and organic status. As they are usually It is ideal for early cover and produces large after just 6-8 weeks. Avalon suppressor. It produces Sowing rate 10 - 20kg/ha fleshy crops and do not contain high proportions of quantities of biomass although killed off by also has a very high dry matter a long aggressive taproot frost later. White Mustard is an excellent Pack size 10kg & 25kg carbon when incorporated into the soil, they do not yield and excellent resistance to that penetrates through scavenger of nitrogen. Destroy before Treatment Untreated substantially reduce stocks of soil nitrogen in the Alternaria. many different soil types, flowering to prevent self-seeding. Some Organic seed available in 25kg packs breaking down of the plant structure. improving drainage and air varieties are nematode resistant. Sowing rate 5 - 7.5kg/ha movement through the soil. Pack size 10kg & 25kg A major benefit is that it Sowing rate 12 - 17kg/ha BLACK OATS / JAPANESE OATS Treatment Untreated AUTUMN SOWING & SPRING captures and stores nutrients Pack size 10kg & 25kg - AVENA STRIGOSA INCORPORATION from deep in the soil over Treatment Untreated A rapid growing leafy cereal crop which has early the winter period, which are Organic seed available in 25kg packs vigour with good weed suppression. It will produce ROCKET LETTUCE Autumn sown crops which go through the winter will scavenge nitrogen from soils thus preventing leaching released in the spring for the large amounts of organic matter. Destroy before This crop flowers rather late with which is taken much more seriously these days. They flowering to prevent self-seeding. Not winter hardy. next crop. It can provide much BROWN MUSTARD an average early vigour. Rocket can be incorporated in the following spring or can needed cover throughout the Sowing rate 50 - 75kg/ha lettuce is like oil radish; a dual provide a source of forage, prior to incorporation and A fast growing green manure crop with bio winter months for game birds Pack size 25kg & 500kg purpose in regards to diseases and also help to control erosion especially on late harvested fumigation properties, i.e. it suppresses soil- or can be used as an excellent borne pests and diseases. It is an easy to Treatment Untreated pest control. This crop is suitable maize stubbles. Certain species can be utilised to fast growing, nutrient storing Daikon Radish as a biological controller of cyst establish 50 - 70 day crop that can be sown provide a nitrogen fixer which is then readily available green manure crop. between April and September. Unlike white nematodes H. schachtii and betae, to a spring sown crop. Club mustard, it is winter hardy. It will improve FORAGE RYE and fights root knot nematodes Sowing rate 8 - 10kg/ha M. chitwoodi and incognita. This, Root the health of the soil by increasing organic A cereal crop that produces large amounts Pack size 5kg & 25kg Tolerant matter and acts as an excellent weed of organic matter and suppresses weeds. An combined with high levels of LONGER TERM CROPS Treatment Untreated glucosinolate, makes Rocket a suppressant. It is also especially useful as excellent nitrogen scavenger that helps the Grass and clover leys for long term fertility building over-wintering green cover after maize, prevention of nitrate leaching during the winter good biofumigant. must by their nature form part of the rotation. The potatoes and sugar beet crops, reducing soil months. Winter hardy. Do not allow it to run to increased duration of the sward ensures that the grass Sowing rate 10kg/ha DISCLAIMER The table on page 17 is given in good erosion, fertiliser leaching and water run-off. seed as this will lock up available nitrogen. element provides a very strong root system valuable for Pack size 5kg faith and intended for general guidance only. Weather, soil aeration, whilst the legumes with their deeper root Sowing rate 5 - 7.5kg/ha Sowing rate 125 - 185kg/ha Treatment Untreated (Limited) local conditions and crop rotations must always be taken system will improve water filtration through the soil Pack size 5kg Pack size 25kg & 500kg into account. structure whilst also providing increased soil nitrogen. Treatment Untreated Treatment Untreated
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