FY 2022-2023 ACTION PLAN - Community Development Block Grant Program - DRAFT - City of Largo

Page created by Wendy Henry
FY 2022-2023 ACTION PLAN - Community Development Block Grant Program - DRAFT - City of Largo

      FY 2022-2023 ACTION PLAN
Community Development Block Grant Program

Build Community by Investing in Housing, Neighborhoods
                and Supportive Services

             City of Largo Housing Division: housing@largo.com
   AP-05 Executive Summary - 91.200(c), 91.220(b) .................................................................................... 2

       Table 1: Past Performance .................................................................................................................... 4

   PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies - 91.200(b) ...................................................................................... 6

   AP-10 Consultation - 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l) ................................................................................... 7

       Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated ............................................................... 8

       Table 3 - Other local / regional / federal planning efforts .................................................................. 11

   AP-12 Participation - 91.401, 91.105, 91.200(c) ..................................................................................... 13

       Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach ............................................................................................ 14

Expected Resources .................................................................................................................................... 19

   AP-15 Expected Resources - 91.420(b), 91.220(c)(1,2) .......................................................................... 19

       Table 5 – Goals Summary.................................................................................................................... 22

   AP-35 Projects - 91.420, 91.220(d) ......................................................................................................... 25

   AP-38 Project Summary .......................................................................................................................... 26

   AP-50 Geographic Distribution - 91.420, 91.220(f) ................................................................................ 37

   AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing -91.420, 91.220(j) ........................................................................ 39

   AP-85 Other Actions - 91.420, 91.220(k) ................................................................................................ 40

Program Specific Requirements .................................................................................................................. 44

Appendix A: Funding Recommendations (Summary Sheet)

Appendix B: Alternate Projects List

                                                               Annual Action Plan                                                                       1


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Executive Summary
AP-05 Executive Summary - 91.200(c), 91.220(b)

1.        Introduction

The City of Largo receives an annual grant allocation from the United States Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Largo
also receives annual funding as a member agency of the Pinellas County Consortium for the federal
Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program. The FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan is the five-year
planning document required by HUD that develops goals and priorities based on the community needs.
The Action Plan is the annual planning document that represents the programmatic course to be
followed in FY 2022-2023 by the City for utilization of the funds. It is designed to address the needs of
the community as identified in the goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan.

This plan also includes the City’s planned investment of its annual State Housing Initiatives Partnership
(SHIP) funding and local Housing Trust Fund (HTF) money to support the housing goals identified in this
Plan. This Action Plan was developed over the past several months through community input and
guidance from the goals outlined in the five-year Consolidated Plan.

The primary focus of the Consolidated Plan and Action Plan is to carry out the Housing Division’s vision
to “empower people to thrive in vibrant, and inclusive neighborhoods” through its mission to “build
community by investing in housing, neighborhoods and supportive services”. To allow flexibility to
address the community needs through the pandemic or other emergencies or disasters that face the
community, the Plan includes an Emergency Mitigation, Protection and Recovery Goal.

2.        Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan

This could be a restatement of items, or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to
another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs
assessment, the housing market analysis, or the strategic plan.

The three main statutory objectives of the Federal CDBG Program are: Create a Suitable Living
Environment (SL); Provide Decent Housing (DH); and Create Economic Opportunities (EO). HUD has
established standard outcomes that measure the results of the benefits provided to the public and
program participants in terms of the three main objectives of CDBG. The outcomes are as follows:

     1. Availability/Accessibility: used to measure outcomes of activities that make services,
        infrastructure, public services, public facilities, housing or shelter available or accessible to low-
        and moderate-income people, including persons with disabilities.
     2. Affordability: used to measure outcomes for activities that improve affordability to low- and
        moderate-income people (such as downpayment assistance and rent assistance).
     3. Sustainability: used to measure activities that are focused upon improving communities or
        neighborhoods, helping to make them livable through providing a benefit to low and moderate
        persons or by removing slums or blighted areas, through multiple activities or services that
        sustain communities or neighborhoods.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                                 2


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Goals and Related Objectives and Outcomes

The Action Plan identifies three priority needs for the City: Housing, Neighborhoods and Supportive
Services. The following depicts the goals and related objectives and outcomes for each goal:

Housing (DH-1): Support projects that preserve or expand the affordable housing stock, foster
homeownership, and/or access to rental housing for low- and moderate-income households, including
special needs households and persons exiting homelessness.

Neighborhoods (SL-3): Collaborate with residents and community stakeholders to implement projects
that support the Housing Division’s Vision of empowering people to thrive in vibrant, inclusive

Supportive Services – Public Services (DH-1): Partner with local agencies to provide housing-, homeless-
and special needs-related supportive services to help low- and moderate-income residents physically,
mentally, and economically thrive in Largo.

Supportive Services – Public Facility Improvements (SL-1): Partner with local agencies to add, expand or
improve public facilities that (will) provide supportive services predominantly to low- and moderate-
income clientele/households/areas that will help Largo residents physically, mentally, and economically
thrive in Largo. Projects that improve energy efficiency to enable service providers to use their
operating funds more effectively toward client services, and/or projects that harden such facilities to
improve disaster resiliency would also be supported under this Goal.

Planning & Administration (SL-1): General planning and administration costs associated with
administering federal CDBG and HOME funds, State SHIP funds and local Housing Trust Funds (HTF).
(Largo is required to list as a goal or part of a goal to fund planning and administration costs from CDBG).

Disaster Mitigation, Protection and Recovery (SL-3): Assist the community of Largo prior to, during and
after a community emergency and/or disaster event to prepare and/or mitigate loss, protect during an
event, and aid with recovery.

3.        Evaluation of Past Performance

This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or

This evaluation in the table below compares the planned outcomes from the 2020-2024
Consolidated Plan to the actual outcomes at the end of FY 20-21, the first complete year of the
Consolidated Plan funded through CDBG, HOME, SHIP and HTF and through density bonuses.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                          3


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Table 1: Past Performance
   Goal Name                 5-Year           Outcomes   Beneficiary Type         Goal/Outcome Indicator
                             Goal             (Year 1)   Assisted

   Housing (DH-1)                       84          44   Household Housing        Rental Units Constructed
   Housing (DH-1)                       10           0   Household Housing Unit   Rental Units Rehabilitated
   Housing (DH-1)                       25           0   Household Housing Unit   Homeowner Housing Added
   Housing (DH-1)                       40           6   Household Housing Unit   Homeowner Housing
   Housing (DH-1)                       50           2   Households Assisted      Direct Financial Assistance to
   Neighborhoods                     7,890           0   Persons Assisted         Public Facility or Infrastructure
   (SL-3)                                                                         Activities other than
                                                                                  Low/Moderate Income
                                                                                  Housing Benefit
   Neighborhoods                          2          0   Buildings                Buildings Demolished
   Supportive Services                 425         555   Persons Assisted         Public Service Activities other
   – Public Services                                                              than Low/Moderate Income
   (DH-1)                                                                         Housing Benefit
   Supportive Services                 625           0   Household Assisted       Public Service Activities other
   – Public Services                                                              than Low/Moderate Income
   (DH-1)                                                                         Housing Benefit

   Supportive Services                 500         346   Persons Assisted         Homeless Persons-Overnight
   – Public Services                                                              Shelter

   Supportive Services               7,890           0   Persons Assisted         Public Facility or Infrastructure
   – Public Facility                                                              Activities other than
   Improvements                                                                   Low/Moderate Income
   (SL-1)                                                                         Housing Benefit
   Emergency                              1          0   Other                    To Be Determined Based on
   Mitigation,                                                                    the Activity and Nature of the
   Protection and                                                                 Disaster
   Recovery (SL-3)

     •    The increase in housing prices has limited the housing stock for new homebuyers. The City
          increased its award amounts and added the 121-140% AMI income category under SHIP. The
          City is working on developing a program for rental unit rehabilitation, therefore this project has
          not started yet. However, the City’s density bonus programs have been successful in adding
          affordable units with another 171 affordable units in various stages from site plan review to first
     •    The Washington Avenue NW Sidewalk and Lighting project had some construction delays and
          was completed in FY 2021-22. This project assisted 755 households (Low/Moderate Income
          Area) in the CDBG Target Area.

                                                  Annual Action Plan                                                  4


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
4.        Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process

Summary from citizen participation section of plan.

The Action Plan was developed following the guidelines of the City's Citizen Participation Plan, adopted
June 1988 and amended June 2020. The Citizen Participation Plan details the mechanisms for engaging
the public in the planning process for the Consolidated Plan and Action Plan.

The Citizen Participation Plan requires public hearings to be held throughout the stages of Consolidated
Plan/Action Plan development, including a pre-planning hearing and adoption hearing. The City also
utilizes its Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB) as a platform for ongoing citizen input
throughout the development of these plans. The CDAB consists of Largo residents that represent
different areas of the City as well as a variety of income levels. Representation from the CDBG Target
Area is also on the CDAB.

Largo's pre-planning public hearing was held in partnership with Pinellas County on January 18, 2022 to
obtain input from the public agencies and residents that serve both largo and countywide areas. To
accommodate social distancing, the meeting was held in person with a virtual attendance option. The
city continues to regularly participate in the Funder's Council for the Pinellas County Continuum of Care
(CoC) to stay informed on needs for the homeless system, data, and outcomes. City staff also
participates in monthly meetings with funding agencies throughout the County to coordinate pandemic
response and program funding. Additional details regarding citizen participation used in preparing the
Action plan are included in the Consultation and Citizen Participation sections of this Action Plan.

5.        Summary of public comments

This could be a brief narrative summary or reference an attached document from the Citizen
Participation section of the Con Plan.

A summary will be added based on the 30-day public comment period responses.

6.        Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them

All comments received were considered in the development of the plan. Any comments received during
the public comment period will be reviewed and considered prior to plan adoption.

7.        Summary

The Action Plan was developed in alignment with the Housing Division's Vision to Empower People to
Live in Vibrant, Inclusive Neighborhoods through its Mission to Build Community through Housing,
Neighborhoods and Supportive Services.

                                              Annual Action Plan                                           5


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies - 91.200(b)

1.        Agency/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan

The following are the agencies/entities responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those
responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source.

 Table 1 – Responsible Agencies
     Agency Role                              Name                   Department/Agency
     Lead Agency                              Largo                  Community Development Dept.
     CDBG Administrator                       Largo                  Community Development Dept.
     HOPWA Administrator                      Pinellas County        Housing & Community Development
                                                                     Dept. – Community Development
     HOME Administrator                       Pinellas County        Housing & Community Development
                                                                     Dept. – Community Development
     HOPWA-C Administrator                    City of Tampa          Housing & Community Development
                                                                     Dept. – Community Development


The City of Largo serves as the lead agency for its CDBG funding. Pinellas County acts as the lead agency for
the Pinellas County HOME consortium and is responsible for the development of the Consolidated Plan.
Largo completes the entitlement consortium member component of the Consolidated Plan and annual
Action Plan to address the needs and goals for the CDBG grant program for which it receives funding directly
from HUD

Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information
Sheera Greene, Housing Grant Specialist
Housing Division/Community Development Dept.
PO Box 296
Largo, FL 33779-0296
Email: sgreene@largo.com or housing@largo.com
Phone: (727) 586-7489 ext. 7216

                                                    Annual Action Plan                                    6


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
AP-10 Consultation - 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l)

1.        Introduction

The Annual Action Plan was developed as an ongoing process of consultation and coordination to ensure that
all residents and stakeholders have an opportunity to help shape the goals and objects for the plan. The
Action Plan process included consultation with stakeholders and community agencies through public
meetings, City staff attending agency meetings, and review of related published plans and reports.

The City of Largo Citizen Participation Plan requires public meetings be held to obtain citizen comments, that
a public period of not less than 30 days is allowed for citizen comment, and that timely responses to citizen
inquires is provided. In addition to the required public hearings, the City utilized its Community Development
Advisory Board (CDAB) for feedback and recommendations throughout the process of developing these
plans. The CDAB consists of residents that live in various areas of the City, including the CDBG Target Area.
The City also participated in a joint pre-planning meeting with Pinellas County to obtain input from citizens
and agencies. This meeting was offered virtually and in-person to allow flexibility for participation during the
COVID-19 Pandemic.

Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between public
and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health, and service
agencies (91.215(l)).

Largo's Housing Division continued to participate in monthly jurisdiction/funder agency meetings throughout
the COVID-19 Pandemic to enable the funding entities to stay informed on community needs, trends, and
share information about how each organization was allocating funding for a coordinated response. The City's
Community Development Department has worked closely with the Pinellas Housing Authority, Homeless
Leadership Alliance of Pinellas County, the local Street Outreach team and local Enriching Lives through
Mental Health team to connect residents who are homeless, on the verge of being displaced or have
unstable living situations. The City also convened an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee in FY 2020-
2021 to get feedback from representatives from various housing stakeholder representatives. The annual
report with recommendations for improving affordable housing incentives was also considered as part of
developing the Action Plan.

Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless
persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children,
veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness.

The City of Largo has representatives serving on the Continuum of Care (CoC) Board and on various sub-
committees, such as the Funder's Council (which helps establish funding priorities and reviews data
outcomes of the homeless system), annual Point-in-Time Count sub-committee, and various other work
groups throughout the year. Funding priority discussions at the Funder's Council indicated eviction
prevention, rapid re-housing, and more affordable housing/permanent supportive housing, as top priorities.
The Funder's Council also indicated that although many of the homeless programs prioritize families, there is
a larger need for re-housing homeless individuals.
                                              Annual Action Plan                                         7


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
The City started a Homeless Street Outreach Team (one police officer paired with a social worker) midway
through FY 2019-20 and has continued the program since. This team works full time on connecting street
homeless individuals with housing, shelter, and services.

Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction’s area in
determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate
outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and
procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS

The City of Largo does not receive ESG Funds. However, Consortium member agencies have consulted with
the CoC on a regular basis to determine priority needs for allocation of ESG funds in accordance with the CoC
as well as feedback for the Consolidated Plan. City staff regularly attends Homeless Leadership Board (CoC)
Funder's Council meetings to participate in funding prioritization discussions. Largo also convened (and
continues to convene) monthly virtual meetings with the local jurisdictions and other funding agencies to
coordinate use of funds and identify community needs. Largo obtains information about how ESG funds are
being allocated through monthly jurisdictions meetings.

2. Agencies, groups, organizations, and others who participated in the process and consultations

                 Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated
 1     Agency/Group/Organization                   Pinellas County Housing Authority
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              PHA
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Public Housing Needs
       by Consultation?
       Briefly describe how the                    The Pinellas County Housing Authority Special Projects
       Agency/Group/Organization was               Manager participated the City’s Affordable Housing
       consulted. What are the anticipated         Advisory Committee and contributed to the
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for   recommendations for incentivizing and streamlining
       improved coordination?                      affordable housing development in the Committee’s
                                                   Annual Report.
 2     Agency/Group/Organization                   Feeding Tampa Bay
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Food Distribution/ Food Bank
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Homelessness Strategy
       by Consultation?
       Briefly describe how the                    A representative from Feeding Tampa Bay attended the
       Agency/Group/Organization was               January 18, 2022, Joint Public Meeting held both with
       consulted. What are the anticipated         virtual attendance and in-person attendance options.
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for
       improved coordination?
 3     Agency/Group/Organization                   HABITAT FOR HUMANITY
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Housing
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Housing Need Assessment
       by Consultation?

                                              Annual Action Plan                                         8


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Briefly describe how the                    A representative from Habitat for Humanity attended
       Agency/Group/Organization was               the January 18, 2022, Joint Public Meeting held both
       consulted. What are the anticipated         with virtual attendance and in-person attendance
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for   options.
       improved coordination?
 4     Agency/Group/Organization                   Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Services-Children
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Anti-poverty Strategy
       by Consultation?
       Briefly describe how the                    A representative from the Juvenile Welfare Board
       Agency/Group/Organization was               attended the January 18, 2022 Joint Public Meeting held
       consulted. What are the anticipated         both with virtual attendance and in-person attendance
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for   options
       improved coordination?
 5     Agency/Group/Organization                   RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SERVICES (RCS)
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Housing
                                                   Services - Housing
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Housing Need Assessment
       by Consultation?                            Homeless Needs - Families with children
                                                   Homelessness Strategy
                                                   Anti-poverty Strategy
       Briefly describe how the                    A representative from Religious Community Services
       Agency/Group/Organization was               (d/b/a Hope Villages of America) attended the January
       consulted. What are the anticipated         18, 2022, Joint Public Meeting held both with virtual
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for   attendance and in-person attendance options.
       improved coordination?
 6     Agency/Group/Organization                   PARC, INC.
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Services - Housing
                                                   Services-Persons with Disabilities
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Non-Homeless Special Needs
       by Consultation?
       Briefly describe how the                    A representative from PARC attended the January 18,
       Agency/Group/Organization was               2022, Joint Public Meeting held both with virtual
       consulted. What are the anticipated         attendance and in-person attendance options.
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for
       improved coordination?
 7     Agency/Group/Organization                   Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas
       Agency/Group/Organization Type              Services-homeless
                                                   Planning organization
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
       by Consultation?                            Homelessness Needs - Veterans
                                                   Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth
                                                   Homelessness Strategy

                                              Annual Action Plan                                          9


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Briefly describe how the                    The City of Largo has had staff continue to participate
       Agency/Group/Organization was               on the Funder's Council for Continuum of Care and
       consulted. What are the anticipated         facilitated by the Homeless Leadership Alliance (HLA).
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for   The Homeless Leadership Alliance also participates in
       improved coordination?                      the monthly Jurisdictions/Agencies meetings to stay in
                                                   contact about funding needs and resources. The
                                                   Funder’s Council and Jurisdictions/Agencies groups held
                                                   a joint meeting in which City staff participated that
                                                   helped develop the priorities for funding to address
 8  Agency/Group/Organization                      Suncoast Housing Connections
    Agency/Group/Organization Type                 Services - Housing
    What section of the Plan was addressed         Housing Need Assessment
    by Consultation?                               Market Analysis
    Briefly describe how the                       A representative from Tampa Bay Community
    Agency/Group/Organization was                  Development Corporation (recently changed to d/b/a
    consulted. What are the anticipated            Suncoast Housing Solutions) attended the January
    outcomes of the consultation or areas for      18,2022 Joint Public Meeting held both with virtual
    improved coordination?                         attendance and in-person attendance options.
 9 Agency/Group/Organization                       Community Law Program, Inc.
    Agency/Group/Organization Type                 Service-Fair Housing
    What section of the Plan was addressed         Housing Need Assessment
    by Consultation?                               Homelessness Strategy
    Briefly describe how the                       A representative from Community Law Program, Inc.
    Agency/Group/Organization was                  attended the January 18,2022 Joint Public Meeting held
    consulted. What are the anticipated            both with virtual attendance and in-person attendance
    outcomes of the consultation or areas for      options.
    improved coordination?
 10 Agency/Group/Organization                      Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg
    Agency/Group/Organization Type                 Services-Health
    What section of the Plan was addressed         Non-Homeless Special Needs
    by Consultation?
    Briefly describe how the                       Two representatives from a Foundation for a Healthy St.
    Agency/Group/Organization was                  Petersburg attended the January 18, 2022, Joint Public
    consulted. What are the anticipated            Meeting held both with virtual attendance and in-
    outcomes of the consultation or areas for      person attendance options.
    improved coordination?
 11 Agency/Group/Organization                      Seniors in Service of Tampa Bay, Inc.
    Agency/Group/Organization Type                 Services-Children
                                                   Services-Elderly Persons
                                                   Services-Persons with Disabilities
       What section of the Plan was addressed      Non-Homeless Special Needs
       by Consultation?

                                              Annual Action Plan                                      10


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Briefly describe how the                            A representative from Seniors in Service attended the
    Agency/Group/Organization was                       January 18,2022 Joint Public Meeting held both with
    consulted. What are the anticipated                 virtual attendance and in-person attendance options.
    outcomes of the consultation or areas for
    improved coordination?
 12 Agency/Group/Organization                           SALVATION ARMY OF TAMPA, A GEORGIA
       Agency/Group/Organization Type                   Services-homeless
       What section of the Plan was addressed           Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
       by Consultation?                                 Homeless Needs - Families with children
                                                        Homelessness Needs - Veterans
                                                        Homelessness Strategy
       Briefly describe how the                         A representative from the Salvation Army attended the
       Agency/Group/Organization was                    January 18,2022 Joint Public Meeting held both with
       consulted. What are the anticipated              virtual attendance and in-person attendance options.
       outcomes of the consultation or areas for
       improved coordination?

Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting

Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan

                    Table 3 - Other local / regional / federal planning efforts
     Name of Plan            Lead Organization    How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals
                                                                           of each plan?
 Continuum of Care           Homeless            CoC Goal: Coordination with Consolidated Plan Entities to:
                             Leadership          Increase Progress toward ending chronic homelessness,
                             Alliance            Increase Housing Stability; Increase participants income;
                                                 Increase the number of participants obtaining mainstream non-
                                                 cash benefits; and use rapid re-housing as a method to reduce
                                                 family homelessness. Overlapping Goal: Supportive Services
                                                 (Public Services) Goal
 Clearwater-Largo            City of Largo       Plan Goal: Revitalize the Clearwater-Largo Road CRD area
 Road CRD Plan               Community           through economic development, reduction of slum and blight,
                             Development         creation of additional housing stock and preservation of the
                                                 existing housing stock and invest in community and
                                                 infrastructure improvements. Overlapping Goals: The Housing
                                                 and Neighborhoods Goals place priority in the CDBG Target
                                                 Area. The City's CDBG Target Area overlaps this district.
 West Bay Drive              City of Largo       Plan Goal: Revitalize the West Bay Drive CRD area through
 CRD Plan                    Community           economic development, reduction of slum and blight, creation
                             Development         of additional housing stock and preservation of the existing
                                                 housing stock and invest in community and infrastructure
                                                 improvements. Overlapping Goals: The Housing and

                                                  Annual Action Plan                                        11


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Neighborhoods Goals place priority in the CDBG Target Area.
                                                   The City's CDBG Target Area overlaps this district.
 Largo SHIP Local            City of Largo         Plan Goal: Create local partnerships to expand the production
 Assistance Housing          Housing Division      of and preservation of affordable housing, to further the
 Plan                                              housing element of the local government comprehensive plan
                                                   specific to affordable housing, and to increase housing-related
                                                   employment. Overlapping Goal: Housing Goal
 Tri-City Special            City of Largo         Plan Goal: Create an attractive, sustainable, and economically
 Area Plan                                         vital urban destination that incorporates a higher degree of
                                                   mixed uses, density, and accessibility to multiple modes of
                                                   transportation. Overlapping Goal: Housing, Neighborhoods
 Largo                       City of Largo         Largo Environmental Action Plan is focused on reducing the
 Environmental                                     environmental impacts of the organization. An update in
 Action Plan                                       progress that will seek to reduce environmental impacts of the
                                                   City overall. Overlapping Goal: Housing (Housing programs
                                                   integrate energy efficient and resiliency components as well as
                                                   consider resiliency in location of affordable housing).
 Advantage Pinellas          Pinellas County,      The compact is to have a unified commitment to expanding
 Housing Compact             Local Jurisdictions   affordable housing. Overlapping Goal: Housing
                             & Agencies


The City of Largo partnered with Pinellas County for a joint public meeting with agencies serving the
community. Residents were invited as well. Pinellas County, City of St. Petersburg, City of Clearwater, City of
Pinellas Park, Juvenile Welfare Board (JWB), Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas (HLA) and various other
agencies have been participating in monthly meetings to identify community needs and update on available
financial resources to serve the community.

The City adopted its FY 2022-2025 three-year plan (Local Housing Assistance Plan) in April 2022 which was
consequently submitted and approved by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. This agency administers
the SHIP Program at the State level. This plan identifies the strategies that will be used to preserve and
expand affordable housing and improve access to housing for Largo residents based on the goals and
priorities set by the State for the SHIP Program.

                                                    Annual Action Plan                                         12


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
AP-12 Participation - 91.401, 91.105, 91.200(c)

1.        Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation

Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal setting

Development of the Action Plan is a result of an ongoing process of consultation and coordination to ensure
that all residents and stakeholders have an opportunity to help shape the priorities for these plans. The
Action Plan is also based on the FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, which was developed through a public
participation process to develop the five-year goals for use of CDBG and related funding sources.

The City of Largo Citizen Participation Plan requires public meetings be held to obtain citizen comments, that
a public period of not less than 30 days is allowed for citizen comment, and that timely responses to citizen
inquires is provided. The required pre-planning meeting was held in partnership with Pinellas County on
January 18, 2022, for local agencies and residents to provide input for the Plans. A public meeting was also
held on January 31, 2022, with the City's Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB) to obtain input on
the priorities for the development of the Action Plan.

The 30-day public comment period will be held from June 1, 2022- June 30, 2022. The final public hearing
for adoption of the Action Plan is scheduled for July 19, 2022. Any comments received during the public
comment period will be incorporated herein.

                                               Annual Action Plan                                         13


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Citizen Participation Outreach

                                                        Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach
 Sort         Mode of                Target of          Summary of                    Summary of               Summary of comments          URL (If applicable)
 Order        Outreach               Outreach       response/attendance            comments received              not accepted
                                                                                                                   and reasons
 1          Neighborhood       Non-targeted/        On January 15, 2022,       Suggested improvements:         Most improvements will
            Meeting            broad community      Neighbors attended the     neighborhood lighting,          be taken into
                                                    meeting to share their     exercise equipment, native      consideration during the
                               Woodrow Park         ideas for                  plantings, dog park             design of the project. The
                               Neighborhood         neighborhood/park                                          City will be looking for
                                                    improvements.                                              other suitable locations
                                                                                                               for a dog park as it was
                                                                                                               not deemed suitable in
                                                                                                               this location.
 2          Public             Minorities           A joint pre-planning       Housing activities such         All comments were            www.largo.com/housing
            Meeting                                 public hearing was held    expanding affordable housing;   accepted during the
                               Non-English          with the City of Largo     addressing gap in               development of the plan
                               Speaking - Specify   and Pinellas County on     homeownership for African
                               other language:      January 18, 2022. It was
                               Spanish,             advertised in the Tampa    American and people of color;
                               Vietnamese           Bay Times and the
                                                    Weekly Challenger.
                               Persons with         Pinellas County also
                               disabilities         posted notice in Tre
                                                    Magazine (in
                               Non-                 Vietnamese) and La
                               targeted/broad       Gaceta (in Spanish).
                               community            Emails were sent to
                                                    community agencies and
                                                    the meeting was
                                                    advertised on the City's
                                                    website, Largo TV, and
                                                    social media. The City's
                                                    website also allows the
                                                                               Annual Action Plan                                            14


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
public notice information
                                                      to be translated into
                                                      multiple different
                                                      languages directly on the
 3          Public             Non-                   On January 31, 2022, a       Board members asked about          All comments were
            Meeting            targeted/broad         public meeting was held      funding for Washington             accepted during the
                               community              at the City's Community      Ave/Sidewalk project, also         development of the Plan.
                                                      Development Advisory         inquired when they will be
                                                      Board (CDAB) meeting.        meeting the community
                                                      The Community                agencies. Explained that
                                                      Development                  Housing did an application
                                                      Department presented         cycle a few years back and
                                                      the past performance         included the ability to do up to
                                                      from the program,            2 one-year extensions. Board
                                                      expected financial           wanted to know if agencies
                                                      resources and goals for      have requested additional
                                                      the upcoming year.           money due to the pandemic.
 4          Community          Non-                   On Thursday, March 10,        The top themes brought up by       All comments provided         Largo.com/Connect
            Conversation       targeted/broad         the City of Largo hosted a     the discussion groups were:      were considered in
                               community              Community Conversation        Affordable Housing, the need      developing the Action
                                                      at Largo Public Library          for grants/stable funding      Plan. The Five-Year Plan
                               public, local          with the theme New             sources for non-profits, the     calls for additional
                               organizations, local   Year, New Connections.          need for physical space for     subrecipient public facility
                               businesses             Over 30 community                 non-profits to increase       projects for the following
                                                      stakeholders                      connections and share         year of this Action Plan.
                                                      representing various           resources, workforce hiring,     Some of these items are
                                                      service areas (civic           training and retainment for      part of American Rescue
                                                      groups, nonprofits,             non-profits, transportation     Plan Act projects and/or
                                                      business support, etc.)      and mobility issues. Secondary     CDBG-CV (covid) funding.
                                                      attended. The group                 themes were: food
                                                      reviewed the findings of         access/insecurity, senior
                                                      two community-wide              services, and the need for
                                                      surveys reflecting input             more volunteers.
                                                      from nearly 700
                                                      residents and 100

                                                                                   Annual Action Plan                                                 15


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
owners/managers across
                                              Largo service area, and
                                              shared additional insights
                                              from their experiences as
                                              direct service providers
                                              and community
                                              members themselves.
                                              The survey results and
                                              Community Conversation
                                              discussion will help to
                                              inform decision-making
                                              on City funding priorities
                                              related to Largo's annual
                                              budget and City
                                              partnerships with various
                                              grant programs, as well
                                              as considerations for
                                              how to best focus the
                                              $12.9 million that the
                                              City has received from
                                              the federal government
                                              in American Rescue Plan
                                              Act (ARPA) funds.

                                                                           Annual Action Plan   16


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
5          Funders            Funders Council      The City of Largo           Top priorities to address           All comments were
            Council and        and local            attended a Funders          homelessness:                    considered and reviewed
            local              jurisdictions        Council Jurisdiction                                           for eligibility with the
            jurisdictions                           Meeting on April 7, 2022,   -eviction prevention (prep for      City’s housing funds.
                                                    to discuss challenges       when main pandemic rent
                                                    with funding, current       assistance program runs out)
                                                    investment strategies,
                                                    and strategy                -Rapid Re-Housing (Rent
                                                    prioritization for future   Deposits/subsidies/case
                                                    funding.                    managers)

                                                                                Supportive Housing

 6          Public             Non-                  The Housing Division will Comments will be added after Comments will be added            www.largo.com
            Meeting            targeted/broad        present funding           the meeting                  after the meeting
                               community             recommendations to the
                                                     Development Advisory
                                                     Board at its regular
                                                     meeting on May 23,
                                                     2022. The meeting was
                                                     advertised on the City’s
 7          Public Notice      Non-Targeted /     A 30-day public comment Comments will be added after To Be Determined
            – 30 Day           Broad              period will run from May the public comment period
            Public             Community,         26, 2022 – June 24, 2022.
            Comment            Minority –         The notice will run in the
            Period             African American   Tampa Bay Times,
                                                  Weekly Challenger and
                                                  be posted on the City’s
                                                  website for public
                                                  comment. A copy of the
                                                  draft Action Plan will also
                                                                                Annual Action Plan                                             17


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
be posted at Largo Public
                                               Library and Largo City
 8          Public             Non-Targeted/   The public hearing for      Comments will be added      To Be Determined   www.largo.com/housing
            Hearing            Broad           the Action Plan             after the public hearing.
                               Community       Adoption is tentatively
                                               scheduled for July 19,
                                               2022. A copy of the
                                               public hearing notice
                                               will be published in the
                                               Tampa Bay Times 15
                                               days prior to the
                                               meeting. The notice
                                               will also be posted on
                                               the City’s website.

                                                                             Annual Action Plan                             18


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Expected Resources
AP-15 Expected Resources - 91.420(b), 91.220(c)(1,2)

Largo will utilize CDBG, any CDBG rollover funds from prior years, County Housing Trust Fund (HTF), State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP),
City General Funds and HOME funding to implement the Consolidated Plan and consequent Action Plans.

HOME funding is received by the City through the Pinellas County Consortium. Therefore, HOME funds are officially listed in Pinellas County's
Consolidated Plan and not listed below. The City anticipates $274,215.54 in HOME grant, plus $280,000 in program income and $600,000 in
unexpended grant rollover from prior years for a total of $1,154,215.54 to be available during the FY 2022-23 Action Plan period.

Anticipated Resources

  Table 1- Expected Resources-Priority Table
 Program        Source       Uses of Funds             Expected Amount Available Year 1          Expected Amount          Narrative Description
                  of                            Annual      Program   Prior Year       Total:   Available Remainder
                Funds                         Allocation: Income: $ Resources:                       of ConPlan
                                                   $                      $              $
 CDBG          public -    Acquisition        523,112      280,000         0          803,112       2,409,336         Annual CDBG allocation is
               federal     Admin and                                                                                  provided by HUD. Program
                           Planning                                                                                   income is estimated by the
                           Economic                                                                                   City of Largo. Expected
                           Development                                                                                amount available for
                           Housing                                                                                    remaining years is based on
                           Public                                                                                     the annual allocation and
                           Improvements                                                                               estimated program income for
                           Public Services                                                                            the remaining 2 years of the
                                                                                                                      Consolidated Plan.

                                                                       Annual Action Plan                                     19


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Other         public -    Acquisition        600,000       0         0           600,000              0     Projected unexpended
               federal     Housing                                                                           rollover of CDBG funds from
                           Public                                                                            prior grant year
 Other         public -    Acquisition        795,492   550,000    500,000       1,845,492       2,690,984   State Housing Initiative
               state       Admin and                                                                         Partnership Program. The City
                           Planning                                                                          receives an annual allocation
                           Housing                                                                           for these funds plus program
                           Public Services                                                                   income received from the
                                                                                                             outstanding housing loan
                                                                                                             portfolio. The final allocation
                                                                                                             is $795,492. Anticipating:
                                                                                                             $550,000 in program income
                                                                                                             and $500,000 in rollover from
                                                                                                             prior year grants.
 Other         public -    Admin and          73,400    0         0              73,400      20,000          Pinellas County's Housing
               local       Planning                                                                          Trust Fund (HTF) has not been
                           Housing                                                                           identified to receive funding;
                                                                                                             revenues received as program
                                                                                                             income from previous
                                                                                                             allocations will be used to
                                                                                                             address the affordable
                                                                                                             housing goals identified in the
 Other         public -    Admin and          140,600   0         0              140,600     281,200         City of Largo General Fund -
               local       Planning                                                                          subject to final adoption by
                           Public Services                                                                   the City Commission of annual

                                                                  Annual Action Plan                                  20


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state, and local funds),
including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied

The City receives annual SHIP funding from the State of Florida. This program also generates program income on
an annual basis. Even though Pinellas County's Housing Trust Fund (HTF) has not been identified to receive
funding, revenues received as program income from previous allocations will be used to address the affordable
housing goals identified in the plan. Additionally, should new funding for these resources become available,
funds will be used to continue addressing the affordable housing needs of Largo residents. Private funds
available through local lending institutions will be leveraged by Federal funds in the Affordable Housing
Development and Downpayment Assistance Programs as well as for the purchase of new homes.

The City also utilizes density bonuses for the development of affordable housing, which can be used to leverage
private investment for affordable housing. Penny IV is another source of funds that can be pursued by a
developer for additional funding for affordable housing and economic development projects. These funds are
accessed through Pinellas County.

If appropriate, describe publicly owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be
used to address the needs identified in the plan

The City maintains a publicly owned land inventory. Most of the properties contain City facilities, parks, or
preservation land. The City will evaluate publicly owned land on a continuous basis to evaluate potential use for
affordable housing. Currently, the City has two lots that were acquired with CDBG funds specifically for
clearance of slum and blight and re-use for affordable housing. The City is in the process of lot donation to non-
profit affordable housing developers to construct the new homes on the lots.


Projects may be funded from the Alternate Projects List if additional funding is available or if a funded project is
canceled or delayed beyond the grant year. Factors to be taken into consideration for selecting from the
Alternate Projects list include: priority rank on the list, available funding based on funding caps (ex. Public
Services Cap), eligibility of project for available funding source, and timeframe for completion in relation to the
time period available for expending funds. If available funding is less than the estimated amounts, funding will
be decreased in proportional amounts to the amounts included in the Action Plan, except in the case where a
project cannot come to completion if the dollar amount is reduced (for example, if a capital project is funded for
the full amount and cannot be accomplished with a lesser amount).Annual          Goals and Objectives

                                                 Annual Action Plan                                          21


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives - 91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&(e)

Goals Summary Information

                                                              Table 5 – Goals Summary
  Sort        Goal Name           Start       End        Category          Geographic Area           Needs        Funding           Goal Outcome Indicator
 Order                            Year        Year                                                Addressed
 1         Housing                2020        2024   Affordable Housing   CDBG TARGET           Housing         CDBG: $637,230     Homeowner Housing
                                                     Homeless             AREA (CLRD/WBD)                        CDBG Rollover:    Added: 5 Household
                                                     Non-Homeless         Largo Citywide                              $425,000     Housing Units
                                                     Special Needs                                                 County HTF:
                                                                                                                                   Rental Housing Added: 10
                                                                                                                          SHIP:    Rental Housing
                                                                                                                                   Rehabilitated: 4
                                                                                                                                   Homeowner Housing
                                                                                                                                   Rehabilitated: 8 Household
                                                                                                                                   Housing Units
                                                                                                                                   Direct Financial Assistance
                                                                                                                                   to Homebuyers: 14
                                                                                                                                   Households Assisted
                                                                                                                                   Tenant-Based Rental
                                                                                                                                   Assistance/Rapid Re-
                                                                                                                                   Housing: 20
 2         Neighborhoods          2020        2024   Non-Housing          CDBG TARGET           Neighborhoods   CDBG: $300,000     Public Facility or
                                                     Community            AREA (CLRD/WBD)                                          Infrastructure Activities
                                                     Development          High Point Target                      CDBG Rollover:    other than Low/Moderate
                                                                          Area                                       $175,000      Income Housing Benefit:
                                                                          Greater Ridgecrest                                       400
                                                                          Target Area
                                                                                                                                   Buildings Demolished: 2
 3         Supportive             2020        2024   Affordable Housing   CDBG TARGET           Supportive      CDBG: $130,260     Public service activities
           Services - Public                         Homeless             AREA (CLRD/WBD)       Services           Local General   other than Low/Moderate
           Services                                  Non-Homeless         Largo Citywide                         Fund: $140,600
                                                     Special Needs

                                                                           Annual Action Plan                                         22


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
SHIP: $5,000     Income Housing Benefit:

                                                                                                                                       Public service activities for
                                                                                                                                       Low/Moderate Income
                                                                                                                                       Housing Benefit: 125

                                                                                                                                       Homeless Person
                                                                                                                                       Overnight Shelter: 100
 4         Supportive             2020        2024   Homeless              Largo Citywide        Supportive               CDBG: $0     Public Facility or
           Services - Public                         Non-Homeless                                Services                              Infrastructure Activities for
           Facility                                  Special Needs                                                                     Low/Moderate Income
           Improvements                              Non-Housing                                                                       Housing Benefit: Alternate
                                                     Community                                                                         Projects List
 5         Emergency              2020        2024   Affordable Housing    CDBG TARGET           Housing         $0 – Alternate List   Other: Alternate Projects
           Mitigation,                               Public Housing        AREA (CLRD/WBD)       Neighborhoods                         List
           Protection &                              Homeless              Largo Citywide        Supportive
           Recovery                                  Non-Homeless          High Point Target     Services
                                                     Special Needs         Area
                                                     Non-Housing           Greater Ridgecrest
                                                     Community             Target Area
                                                     Other assistance as
                                                     needed based on
                                                     type of disaster
 6         Administration         2020        2024   Administration        CDBG TARGET           Housing          CDBG: $160,622       N/A
                                                                           AREA (CLRD/WBD)       Neighborhoods   County HTF: $670
                                                                           Largo Citywide        Supportive        SHIP: $107,049

Goal Descriptions

                                                                            Annual Action Plan                                            23


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
1 Goal Name               Housing
      Goal                 Support projects that preserve or expand the affordable housing stock, foster homeownership, and/or expand access to
      Description          rental housing for low- and moderate-income households, including special needs households and persons exiting

                           Funding for the HOME program will also be used to fulfill this goal. Since the City receives funding through the Pinellas
                           County Consortium, planned funding is officially reported in Pinellas County’s Action Plan. However, the City expects to
                           utilize $1,119,794 in HOME funding to support this goal. Projected units listed below for this goal include utilizing HOME
                           funding toward achieving these outcomes.
 2 Goal Name               Neighborhoods
   Goal                    Collaborate with residents and community stakeholders to implement projects that support the Housing Division's Vision
   Description             of empowering people to thrive in vibrant, inclusive neighborhoods.
 3 Goal Name               Supportive Services - Public Services
   Goal                    Partner with local agencies to provide housing, homeless and special needs services to help low-and moderate-income
   Description             residents physically, mentally, and economically thrive in Largo.
 4 Goal Name               Supportive Services - Public Facility Improvements
   Goal                    Partner with local agencies toa dd, expand or improve public facilities that (will) provide supportive services
   Description             predominantly to low-and moderate-income clientele/households/areas that will help Largo residents. Projects that
                           improve energy efficiency to enable services to effectively use their operating funds toward client services, and/or
                           projects that harden such facilities to improve disaster resiliency would also be supported under this goal.
 5 Goal Name               Emergency Mitigation, Protection & Recovery
   Goal                    Assist the community of Largo prior to, during and after a community emergency and/or disaster event to prepare and/or
   Description             mitigate loss, protect during an event, and aid with recovery.
 6 Goal Name               Administration
   Goal                    Provide the planning and administrative support functions to carry out other programs and projects of the Action Plan.
   Description             An additional $34,421.54 is anticipated from HOME funding to support Planning and Administration. The amount
                           available is based on a formula of 10% of the grant plus 2.5% of program income.

                                                                     Annual Action Plan                                         24


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
AP-35 Projects - 91.420, 91.220(d)

The following projects reflect the goals of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The projects are funded
through a combination of CDBG, HOME, County HTF, SHIP and City General Fund. Should funds become
available from unanticipated program income, activities coming under budget, or activities being
canceled, the City has identified an Alternate Projects List. Factors to be taken into consideration for
selecting from the Alternate Projects List include: priority rank on the list; funding restrictions; eligibility
of the project for the available funding source; and the timeframe for project completion in relation to
required funding deadlines for funding sources. These alternate projects are also included within the
Projects section; however, the priority rank is included as an attachment to the Action Plan.

  Table 3- Project Information
  #                                   Project Name
   1   Affordable Housing Development (AHD) (DH-1)
   2   Housing Rehabilitation (DH-1)
   3   Down Payment Assistance Program (DH-2)
   4   Accessory Dwelling Unit Program (DH-1)
   5   Rent Deposit & Eviction/Foreclosure Prevention (DH-2)
   6   Neighborhood Improvements (SL-3)
   7   Slum and Blight Removal (SL-3)
   8   Supportive Services - Public Services (SL-1)
   9   Supportive Services - Capital Improvements to Public Facilities (SL-1)
 10    Planning & Administration
 11    CV-Emergency Mitigation, Response and Recovery - Public Services (SL-3)
 12    Emergency Mitigation, Protection & Recovery (SL-3)

Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
The projects identified in this Action Plan directly support the Largo Housing Division's mission: To
Building Community through housing, neighborhoods, and supportive services. Expansion and
preservation of affordable housing remain the highest priority.

Funding availability for public services is limited through the federal and state grants included in the
Action Plan. Although the need for such services is present, public service caps limit how much funding
can be used to support these services. Likewise, CDBG, HOME and SHIP have requirements that can
restrict use of funds to serve critical needs. These limitations include: restrictions on mobile home
repairs, length of time for income certification process makes funding difficult to use for homeless rapid
re-housing and/or eviction prevention, and environmental review process with federal funding can
make it cost prohibitive to provide micro-grants for emergency home repairs for residents. The City
continues to seek grant opportunities that can be used to provide additional support for public services
that can help Largo residents mentally, physically, and economically thrive in the community.

                                               Annual Action Plan                                             25


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
AP-38 Project Summary

Project Summary Information
 1     Project Name                           Affordable Housing Development (AHD) (DH-1)
       Target Area                            CDBG TARGET AREA (CLRD/WBD)
                                              Largo Citywide
       Goals Supported                        Housing
       Needs Addressed                        Housing
       Funding                                CDBG: $37,230 CDBG Rollover: $357,230 SHIP: $810,623
       Description                            Establish public/private partnerships with non-profit groups, developers, and affordable housing providers
                                              for the creation/preservation of affordable housing units. National Objective: LMH; Eligibility Citations):
                                              570.201(a)(d), 570.202. Objective: Decent Housing; Outcome: Availability/Accessibility. National
                                              Objective, Objective and Outcome are the same for all activities funded through the Affordable Housing
                                              Development Project.
       Target Date                            9/30/2023
       Estimate the number and                An anticipated 15 low-and moderate-income households will benefit from the proposed Affordable Housing
       type of families that will             Development Program funding.
       benefit from the proposed
       Location Description                   This project is not site-specific. Individual activities under this project will have specific sites located as part
                                              of the application process for funding under the Affordable Housing Development Program. However,
                                              countywide, and citywide plans identify areas in Major Activity Centers and along transit corridors as
                                              priority areas for affordable housing sites.
       Planned Activities                         • Affordable Housing Development Program (each site/application for program funds will be
                                                       established as an activity). CDBG funding can be used for land acquisition, rehabilitation demolition,
                                                       infrastructure, and soft costs for affordable housing development. SHIP funds can be used toward
                                                       these items as well as new construction costs.
                                                  • Project Delivery Costs for program implementation - staff and overhead costs directly related to
                                                       carrying out activities under the Affordable Housing Development Program.

                                                                           Annual Action Plan                                             26


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
Alternate Projects List (see also Alternate Projects List for Prioritization information)
                                                  • Affordable Housing Development (additional funding for planned activities above)
 2     Project Name                           Housing Rehabilitation (DH-1)
       Target Area                            CDBG TARGET AREA (CLRD/WBD)
                                              Largo Citywide
       Goals Supported                        Housing
       Needs Addressed                        Housing
       Funding                                CDBG: $175,000 CDBG Rollover: $67,770 SHIP: $458,570
       Description                            Housing Rehabilitation to preserve rental and owner-occupied housing for low- and moderate-income
                                              households - Rehabilitation projects address code-related housing conditions, improve energy efficiency,
                                              and improve accessibility for people with disabilities. In addition to CDBG, and SHIP, $669,794 is allocated
                                              to this project from HOME funding. National Objective: LMH; National Eligibility Citation: 570.202;
                                              Objective: Decent Housing; Outcome: Availability/Accessibility
       Target Date                            9/30/2023
       Estimate the number and                Approximately 8 low- and moderate-income owner-occupied households and 4 renter households are
       type of families that will             expected to receive assistance through the City's CDBG and SHIP housing rehabilitation programs. An
       benefit from the proposed              additional 8 units is anticipated to be completed using HOME funds. This program also provides funding for
       activities                             barrier removal for persons with disabilities.
       Location Description                   This program is offered Citywide. Based on data obtained during the Consolidated Plan process, housing in
                                              southwest Largo had one of the highest areas of substandard housing. Targeted marketing efforts will be
                                              used to inform this area of the City about the program.
       Planned Activities                         • Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation (HOME/SHIP)
                                                  • Owner or Renter Housing Rehabilitation (CDBG)
                                                  • Project Delivery Costs for program implementation -staff and overhead costs directly related to
                                                       carrying out activities under the Housing Rehabilitation Program.

                                              Alternate Projects List (see also Alternate Projects List for Prioritization Information)
                                                  • Owner/Rental Housing Rehabilitation (additional funding)
 3     Project Name                           Down Payment Assistance Program (DH-2)
       Target Area                            Largo Citywide
       Goals Supported                        Housing
                                                                          Annual Action Plan                                              27


OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 09/30/2021)
You can also read