City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview

Page created by Victor Gregory
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
City of New Smyrna Beach

 Your Benefits Overview
   October 1, 2021– September 30, 2022

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City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
Table of Contents

3    What’s new for October, 2021   18   Life Insurance

4    Enrollment / Eligibility       22   Short Term Disability

5    Medical Insurance              23   Employee Assistance Program

12   Health Savings Account         24   Metlaw and FraudScout
13   Flexible Spending Account      25   Plansource Enrollment Instructions

14   Dental Insurance               28   Important Notices

16   Vision Insurance
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
What’s Changing in 2021?
 For the 2021‐2022 plan year there are some very exci ng changes within your employee
 benefits program! Please see the below informa on on what is new this year:

    Medical Carriers are remaining the same but we are offering new Medical op ons
      this year.
               FHCP: TI5/TF5 ‐ HDHP/HSA
               FHCP: T32 ‐ HMO
               FHCP: T29 ‐ POS
               BCBS: Blue Op ons 03769 ‐ PPO (For currently enrolled employees ONLY)

    We are introducing a Health Savings Account (HSA) with an annual contribu ons of
      $1,250.00. For those enrolling on the TI5/TF5 HDHP medical plan only.

    Removing date of hire City contribu ons for medical and dental.
               All employees will receive the same City contribu on depending on the plan.

    No changes to other plans.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               3
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
Your Enrollment
   City of New Smyrna Beach offers a comprehensive and compe ve benefit package for you and
   your family that includes op ons suitable for all needs. This booklet will provide you a general

   summary for each plan to use as a convenient reference when making your enrollment decisions.
   Your benefit plan year for all plans is October 1st through September 30th.

   Who is eligible?
   All ac ve full‐ me employees working a minimum of 30 hours per week will be eligible to enroll
   in medical, dental, life, and short term disability plans.

   When does my coverage begin?
   I am a new hire….

   Coverage for these plans will begin the 1st of the month following 30 days of employment.

   I am a current employee enrolling during annual open enrollment….
   Any elec ons made during annual open enrollment will be effec ve October 1st, 2021 and will
   con nue through September 30th, 2022. Remember no changes to your plans will be permi ed
   throughout the plan year, unless you experience a qualifying life event (examples: birth/adop on
   of a child, divorce or legal separa on, dependent’s loss/gain of coverage, change in dependent
   status, death of spouse, child, or other qualified dependent, change in employment status for
   employee, spouse, or dependent, change in residence due to an employment transfer, and
   eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid).

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               4
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
FHCP ‐ Member Portal
                    By being a Florida Health Care Plans member, you automa cally receive services that are free to you
                    and your covered dependents.
                    Below are some of these services. For more informa on, log on to your member portal at
                     Find a Provider/Facility
Medical Insurance

                     Health Care Reform Informa on
                     Member Portal Login
                     Member Wellness Programs
                     Glossary of Health Coverage and Medical Terms
                     Summary of Benefits Coverage
                     Case Management
                     U liza on Management
                    Florida Health Care Member Portal
                    Florida Health Care’s Member Portal is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The
                    member’s Portal has three main sec ons, Health Portal, Documents Portal and Member Resources.
                    See below for a descrip on of each portal.
                    The Health Portal: Here you will find the “Welcome to Wellness” Health Risk assessment and Health
                    Management Tool. A er you register, you have the opportunity to complete a personalized health
                    risk assessment that will provide insight on different areas of improvement concerning member’s
                    health. This also allows access to a database of thousands of ar cles, programs and news related to
                    health and health condi ons.
                    If you u lize a FHCP staff physician, you can access the Pa ent Portal which will allow you to
                    communicate directly with your FHCP staff physician, make an appointment or request prescrip on
                    The Documents Portal: Here you will be able to obtain, view and print your Cer ficate of Coverage
                    (Member Handbook) which describes your rights and obliga ons along with FHCP rights and
                    obliga ons with respect to the coverage and benefits provided. You will also be able to view and print
                    your benefit summary and any applicable benefit riders.
                    Member Resources: Provides access to common FHCP programs, contacts, resources and forms.
                    Member Wellness Programs
                    As a FHCP member, you have access to their Wellness Programs which provides informa on on:
                     Smoking Cessa on
                     Weight Management
                     Diabetes
                     Acute Low Back and Neck Pain
                     Nutri on Program
                     Exercise

    This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
    2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
    Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               5
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
FHCP ‐ Extended Hours Care Centers

                                                                                                                                                            Medical Insurance

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               6
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
FHCP ‐ Doctor on Demand
                       See a board cer fied doctor or a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist through live, face‐to‐face video visits from
                       Access to our board cer fied physicians 24/7, book an appointment with a psychologist at your convenience.
                       Physicians can diagnose, treat and write prescrip ons (if needed) for most non‐emergency medical condi ons.*
                    Connect using your computer, smartphone, or tablet (with a front facing camera). You can download the app from the App
Medical Insurance

                    Store or Google Play . Your device must have a front facing camera. If you are connec ng on the web, please use a Safari,
                    Chrome or Firefox browser.
                    Video Visit with a Doctor from the Comfort of Home
                    Text “FHCP” to 68398 or download the Doctor On Demand app from
                    the App Store on your smartphone or tablet today!

                    1. Tap “Sign Up”
                    2. When asked for your health insurance, select “Florida Health
                         Care Plan” from the list.
                    3. Enter the informa on from your FHCP insurance card on the next
                    Affordable, Simple, Convenient
                    Visits with a medical doctor are $10* and visits with a psychologist and psychiatrist are each $30*. Visit within the comfort
                    of your own home. Doctor on Demand also connects you with a physician within just 90 seconds.
                    Great Doctors who Treat Nearly Everything
                    You'll have access to board‐cer fied and licensed physicians in every state, wai ng to treat nearly any non‐emergency
                    medical issue or emo onal health issue such as anxiety and depression.
                    Get a Prescrip on, Too!
                    Quick and paperless prescrip on fulfillment to your pharmacy**. When prompted to select your pharmacy, click on the
                    “Search Near Me” bu on. Florida Health Care pharmacies will appear as the white bird logo.
                    What is the Cost?
                    A er inpu ng your informa on from your FHCP insurance card, you will see the following co‐pay amounts*:
                       Medical Visit: $10 Copay*
                       Psychology Visit: $30 Copay*
                    Top Medical Issues/Psychological Issues Treated
                       Top medical issues treated are: Cold & Flu, Bronchi s & Sinus Infec ons, Allergies, Skin & Eye Issues, Sore Throat,
                         Urinary Tract Infec on, Pediatric Issues.
                       Top Psychological Issues Treated are: Anxiety, Stress, Depression, Addic ons, and Rela onship Issues.
                    *Please check your schedule of benefits to see if a deduc ble applies. If so, medical visits are $42, psychologist visits are
                    $52.50 for 25 minutes ($95 for 50 minutes), and psychiatry visits are $99.75 for 50 minutes ($225 45‐minute ini al visit)
                    un l the deduc ble is met.

                    **No controlled drugs prescribed**

    This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
    2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
    Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               7
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
Medical Summary
                    The summary below provides a high level overview of the FHCP TI5/TF5 and FHCP T32 Plans through Florida Health Care
                    Website: www.
                    Phone number: 1‐877‐615‐4022
                    If you choose the Florida Health Care TI5/TF5 or T32 HMO, please be reminded it is a network only plan. You must
                    receive services from a par cipa ng physician. You must receive a referral to a specialist from your primary care
Medical Insurance

                    provider. If a service requires a prior authoriza on or pre‐cer fica on and it is not obtained, the service will not be
                    covered and you will be responsible for 100% of charges.

                                 Plan Name                         FHCP TI5/TF5 HDHP (HSA) Plan                              FHCP T32 HMO Plan
                             Name of Network                                          FHCP                                              FHCP
                    Calendar Year Deduc ble
                      Individual/Family                                 $2,500/$5,600($2,800 ind.)                                      $0/$0
                    Annual Out‐of‐Pocket Maximum             (Includes deduc ble, copays, coinsurance)
                      Individual/Family                                 $5,000/$13,800($6,900 ind.)                                $2,500/$5,000
                    Coinsurance (Coins)                    (Amount paid a er deduc ble is met)
                    You pay…..                                                         10%                                               15%

                    Physician Services
                    Office Visit                                            Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                    $20 Copay
                    Specialist                                            Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                    $35 Copay
                    Chiroprac c Care                                      Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                    $15 Copay
                    Adult and Child Wellness Exams                              100% Covered                                       100% Covered
                    Diagnos c Independent Tes ng Outpa ent***
                    Lab Test & X‐Ray Outpa ent                            Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                    $0 Copay
                    Advanced Imaging (MRI, CT, PET)                       Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                    $25 Copay
                    Hospital Services
                    Inpa ent Hospital Per Admission                       Deduc ble + Coinsurance                           $250/day (Days 1‐5 days)
                    Emergency Room                                        Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                 $200 Copay
                    Urgent Care                                           Deduc ble + Coinsurance                                 $75 Copay
                    Prescrip on Drugs
                    Retail (30 day supply)**:                         CALANDER YEAR DEDUCTIBLE
                      Preferred Generic                                $3 Copay/N/A (Walgreens)                        $3 Copay/$15 Copay (Walgreens)
                      Non‐Preferred Generic                         $10 Copay/$15 Copay (Walgreens)                   $10 Copay/$15 Copay (Walgreens)
                      Preferred Brand Name                          $30 Copay/$35 Copay (Walgreens)                   $30 Copay/$35 Copay (Walgreens)
                      Non‐Preferred Brand Name                      $55 Copay/$60 Copay (Walgreens)                   $55 Copay/$60 Copay (Walgreens)
                      Specialty Drugs‐Preferred                     15% Coinsurance/N/A (Walgreens)                   15% Coinsurance/N/A (Walgreens)
                      Specialty Drugs‐Non‐Preferred                 25% Coinsurance/N/A (Walgreens)                   25% Coinsurance/N/A (Walgreens)
                    Mail Order (90 day supply)**:                        $6/$27/$87/$162 Copay                             $6/$27/$87/$162 Copay

                    **Pharmacy Note: If you purchase a preferred or non‐preferred brand product when a generic is available, you will be
                    responsible for paying the Average Wholesale Price (AWP) for that prescrip on.
                    *** The diagnos c independent tes ng facility is not the same as an outpa ent hospital se ng. See the summary of

    This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
    2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
    Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               8
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
Medical Summary
 The summary below provides a high level overview of the FHCP T29 POS and FL Blue, Blue Op ons 03769 PPO Plans.
 Website: www. /
 Phone number: FHCP: 1‐877‐615‐4022, Fl Blue: 1‐800‐352‐2583
 If you choose the Florida Health Care T29 Point of Service Plan, you may also use out of network providers. However, your
 out of pocket cost will be lower if you use in network providers. Please see the benefit summary for out of network services.

                                                                                                                                                                Medical Insurance
 If a service requires a prior authoriza on or pre‐cer fica on and it is not obtained, the service will not be covered and you
 will be responsible for 100% of charges.
 If you choose the Florida Blue‐Blue Op ons 03769 PPO Plan, you may also use out of network providers. However, your out
 of pocket cost will be lower if you use in network providers. Please see the benefit summary for out of network services.

                Plan Name                                    FHCP T29 POS Plan                          FL Blue Blue Options 03769 Plan*
             Name of Network                                           FHCP                                            Blue Options
Calendar Year Deduc ble
  Individual/Family                                                    $0/$0                                            $500/$1,500
Annual Out‐of‐Pocket Maximum               (Includes deduc ble, copays, coinsurance)
  Individual/Family                                               $2,500/$5,000                                        $3,000/$6,000
Coinsurance (Coins)                       (Amount paid a er deduc ble is met)
You pay…..                                                               15%                                                  20%

  Physician Services
Office Visit                                                           $20 Copay                                            $25 Copay
Specialist                                                           $35 Copay                                            $60 Copay
Chiroprac c Care                                                     $15 Copay                                            $60 Copay
Adult and Child Wellness Exams                                    100% Covered                                         100% Covered
Diagnos c Independent Tes ng Outpa ent***
Lab Test & X‐Ray Outpa ent                                           $0 Copay                                  $0 (Lab)/$50 Copay (X‐Ray)
Advanced Imaging (MRI, CT, PET)                                      $0 Copay                                   Deduc ble + Coinsurance
Hospital Services
Inpa ent Hospital Per Admission                                     $200 Copay                                  Deduc ble + Coinsurance
Emergency Room                                                      $100 Copay                                       $300 Copay
Urgent Care                                                         $60 Copay                                         $65 Copay
Prescrip on Drugs
Retail (30 day supply)**:
  Preferred Generic                                   $3 Copay/$15 Copay (Walgreens)
  Non‐Preferred Generic                               $10 Copay/$15 Copay (Walgreens)                                Tier 1: $10 Copay
  Preferred Brand Name                                $30 Copay/$35 Copay (Walgreens)                                Tier 2: $50 Copay
  Non‐Preferred Brand Name                            $55 Copay/$60 Copay (Walgreens)                                Tier 3: $80 Copay
  Specialty Drugs‐Preferred                             $125 Copay/N/A (Walgreens)
Mail Order (90 day supply)**:                              $6/$27/$87/$162 Copay                                    2.5x’s Copay above

For the FL Blue Plan Only:
*This plan is only for CURRENTLY enrolled employees
For the FHCP T29 POS Plan only:
**Pharmacy Note: If you purchase a preferred or non‐preferred brand product when a generic is available, you will be
responsible for paying the Average Wholesale Price (AWP) for that prescrip on.
*** The diagnos c independent tes ng facility is not the same as an outpa ent hospital se ng. See the summary of benefits.

    This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
    2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
    Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               9
City of New Smyrna Beach - Your Benefits Overview
Medical Plan Costs Per Paycheck
                                                City contributes 100% of the employee cost and 50%
                                                               of the dependents cost.
Medical Insurance

                                                               FHCP TI5/TF5
                             Who is Covered                                                          Who is Covered                       FHCP T32

                        Employee                                     $0.00                      Employee                                     $0.00

                        Employee + Spouse                           $92.56                      Employee + Spouse                          $127.69

                        Employee + Child(ren)                       $92.56                      Employee + Child(ren)                       127.69

                        Family                                     $146.52                      Family                                     $202.12

                                                                                                                                          BlueOp ons
                             Who is Covered                       FHCP T29                            Who is Covered

                        Employee                                     $0.00                        Employee                                     $0.00

                        Employee + Spouse                          $146.50                        Employee + Spouse                          $353.45

                        Employee + Child(ren)                       146.50                        Employee + Child(ren)                      $235.63

                        Family                                     $231.90                        Family                                     $563.46
                                                                                                                For the FL Blue Plan Only:
                                                                                                 *This plan is only for CURRENTLY enrolled employees

    This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
    2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
    Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               10
Cost Savings Tools
Prescription Drug cost comparison:

                                                                                                                                                            Medical Insurance
Use GoodRx's drug price search to compare prices (just like you do for travel or
electronics on other sites) for your prescrip on at pharmacies near you. GoodRx
does not sell the medica ons, the free website and mobile app tells you where
you can get the best deal on them. If you have insurance, your co‐pay might not
be the best price. Hundreds of generic medica ons are available for $4 or even
free without insurance. Every week GoodRx collects millions of prices and discounts from pharmacies, drug manufacturers
and other sources. GoodRx will show you prices, coupons, discounts and savings ps for your prescrip on at pharmacies
near you. Please visit the website at or download the app on your smartphone.

Please note: amounts paid for prescrip ons using GoodRx’s discount card do not apply toward your medical plan’s
deduc ble or annual out of pocket maximum.

Pharmacy Discount Programs:
Before you pay for your next prescrip on, check to see if they are available for free or at a lower cost than tradi onal
copays. Pharmacies such as Wal‐Mart, CVS/Target, and Costco offer prescrip on discount programs that allow you to
purchase medica ons for as low as $4 for a 30 day supply. Publix pharmacies also provide a list of free maintenance
medica ons as well as an bio cs that they offer for free (with a prescrip on from your physician). If your local pharmacy
is not listed please check with them to see if they offer any discounts.

 Urgent Care/Walk-In-Clinics Vs. Emergency:
 Do not pay more than you have to for medical care. The Emergency room is meant for
 true emergencies such as life threa ng illnesses and injuries. Walk‐in‐clinics are
 designed to treat common ailments and provide basic primary health care and are
 typically staffed by nurse prac oners and some mes a physician’s assistant. They are
 used for common ailments such as: flu/strep throat, allergies, cold and cough. Urgent
 care facili es are designed to serve pa ents who are suffering from acute illnesses
 and injuries which are beyond the capaci es of a regular walk‐in‐clinic, are typically
 open for extended hours, and are used to treat non‐life threa ng injuries and
 illnesses. To maximize savings use in‐network facili es.
 Above are poten al ways to save money on the cost of medical care and prescrip ons. Actual results may vary.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               11
Health Savings Account (HSA) ‐ TI5/TF5 HDHP Only
EBC (Employee Benefits Corpora on)
Website: www.
Phone number: 1‐800‐346‐2126

                                                                                                                                                              Health Saving Account (HSA)
   A health savings account (HSA) combines high deduc ble health insurance with a tax‐favored savings account. Money in the
   savings account can help pay the costs of qualified medical expenses not covered by medical insurance for you and your
   dependents. Money le in the savings account earns interest and is yours to keep.
   City of New Smyrna Beach will contribute $1,250.00 annually to an HSA for employees who enroll in the Florida
   Healthcare TI5/TF5 HDHPPlan:

  MAXIMUM ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS                             2021           2022
  Self ‐ Only Contribu on Limit                          $3,600        $3,650
  Family Contribu on Limit                               $7,200        $7,300
  Catch‐up Contribu on (Age 55 & Older)                  $1,000        $1,000

      Pre‐tax contribu ons
      Pay for any qualified medical, dental & vision expenses for yourself, spouse or dependents even if they are
        enrolled under another medical plan. (See IRS Publica on 502 for a complete list of qualified medical expenses–
        sample list below).

         Acupuncture              Blood pressure monitor             Crutches/Wheelchair         Lasik/Vision Correc on Surgery   Psychologist fees

   Alcohol or Drug addic on     Breast Pumps and Supplies/              Dental Services                 Long‐Term Care            Smoking Cessa on
          treatment                     Accessories

          Ambulance                  Chiropractor Care            Diabe c monitors, test kits,     Medicines (prescrip on &        Speech Therapy
                                                                       strips & supplies              over‐the‐counter)

           Bandages             Coinsurance & Copayments              Fer lity Treatment                    Oxygen                    Sunscreen

         Birth Control            Contact Lenses & Glasses         Hearing aids & ba eries              Psychiatric Care             Vasectomy

   To be HSA‐eligible for a month, an individual must:
    Be covered by an HDHP on the first day of the month;
    Not be covered by other health coverage that is not an HDHP (with certain excep ons);
    Not be enrolled in Medicare; and
    Not be eligible to be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.

   Why might an HSA be the right choice for you?
    It saves you money. For individuals with few regular health expenses, paying a tradi onal health plan premium can feel
        like throwing money out the window. HDHPs come with much lower premiums than tradi onal health plans, meaning
        less money is deducted from your paychecks. Plus, HSAs are basically “cash” accounts, so you may be able to nego ate
        pricing on many medical services.
      It’s portable. Even if you change jobs, you get to keep your HSA.
      It’s a tax saver. Contribu ons to your HSA are made with pre‐tax dollars. Since your taxable income is decreased by your
        contribu ons, you pay less in taxes.
      It allows for an improved re rement account. Funds roll over at the end of each year and accumulate tax‐free, as does
        the interest on the account. Also, once you reach the age of 55, you are allowed to make addi onal “catch‐up”
        contribu ons to your HSA un l age 65.
      It puts money in your pocket. You never lose unused HSA funds. They always roll over to the next year.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               12
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
                             Those enrolling on the HDHP are not eligible for the Medical FSA.
                             EBC (Employee Benefits Corpora on)
                             Website: www.
                             Phone number: 1‐800‐346‐2126

                            Requirements of an FSA:
Flexible Spending Account

                                    Only certain medical, dental, and vision expenses can be reimbursed
                                    USE IT OR LOSE IT
                                    Pre‐tax contribu ons
                                    Cannot reimburse for dependent care expenses from medical FSA
                                        Full Health Care FSA:
                                             All benefit eligible employees may contribute pre‐tax dollars to pay for any IRS eligible
                                               expenses not covered by insurance.
                                             Maximum annual contribu on: $2,750
                                        Dependent Care FSA:
                                             Available to all benefit eligible employees regardless of medical plan selec on.
                                             Maximum contribu on: $5,000
                            Savings Example:

                                               Deposits (Reduc on in Taxable Income)                                       $1,500

                                               Federal Income Tax Savings*                                                   $300
                                               FICA Tax Savings**                                                            $114

                                               YEARLY TAX SAVINGS
                                               INCREASE IN TAKE‐HOME PAY                                                     $414

                                                          **Includes Social Security tax rate of 6.2% and Medicare tax
                                                          rate of 1.45% and assumes Federal Income Tax Rate of 20%

              This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
              2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
              Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               13
Dental Insurance
                             Did you know that poor oral health can lead to many seemingly
                             unrelated medical condi ons? In fact, oral bacteria and oral disease
                             have been linked to a variety of serious illnesses, including heart
                             disease, and diabetes.

                             City of New Smyrna Beach offers eligible employees a PPO dental plan through
                             Metlife. This plan offers both in and out of network coverage but you will have
                             the least out of pocket expenses when using in network providers.

  When using in network den sts you can dras cally lower your out of pocket expenses. Visi ng
  in network den sts guarantees you will be charged the contracted rate for the services you
  have done. While you do have the flexibility of visi ng either an in or out of network den st
  when enrolled in a PPO plan, it will always save you money by using a den st in network. To
  find in network den sts, you can visit

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               14
Dental Summary ‐ PPO
                   The summary below provides a high level overview of the PPO Dental plan offered to you through Metlife.
                   Telephone number: 800‐942‐0854
                   To use your MetLife PPO dental plan, just call the dental office and verify that the den st is a par cipa ng den st.
                   Par cipa ng den sts are general den sts or specialists who have agreed to accept MetLife’s nego ated fees (PDP Fee
                   Schedule) . PDP is short for Preferred Den st Program . If you need a list of den sts in your area, visit the website at
Dental Insurance

          or by calling 1‐800‐942‐0854.
                   By u lizing a Preferred Den st, you will usually pay the lowest amount for services, and you are only charged the
                   pa ent share of cost (if any) at the me of treatment.
                   You do have the freedom to u lize a non‐par cipa ng den st, but by doing so, it o en costs you more money. You are
                   responsible for the difference between the amount your dental plan pays and the amount a non‐par cipa ng den st
                   bills. You may also have to pay the en re amount of the non‐par cipa ng den st’s charges in advance and wait for
                   reimbursement, and you may have to complete and submit your own claim forms or pay a non‐par cipa ng den st a
                   service fee to submit them for you.

                                           Dental Services                                            In‐Network                         Out‐of‐Network
                   Annual Maximum Benefit                                                                                     $1,750
                   Policy Year Deduc ble:                                                         $50 ($150 Family)        $50 ($150 Family)
                   PREVENTATIVE PROCEDURES:                                                                    Deduc ble Waived
                   Rou ne Oral Exams (1 in 6 months)
                   Prophylaxis [Cleanings] (1 in 6 months)
                   X‐rays – Bitewing (1 per 12 months)
                   X‐rays – Full Mouth (1 per 60 months)                                    100% of PDP Fee Schedule                80% of PDP Fee Schedule
                   Fluoride Treatment (1 per 12 months – up to age 14)
                   Sealants (1st and 2nd non restored molars—1 in 60
                   months , up to age 14)
                   BASIC PROCEDURES:                                                                                  Deduc ble Applies
                   Fillings (1 in 24 months)
                   Endodon cs (Root Canal) ‐ 1 per tooth per life me
                   Oral Surgery                                                              80% of PDP Fee Schedule                80% of PDP Fee Schedule
                   General Anesthesia/ IV Seda on
                   Periodontal Scaling (1 in 24 months)
                   MAJOR PROCEDURES:                                                                                  Deduc ble Applies
                   Periodontal Surgery (1 in 36 months)
                   Crowns ‐ (1 in 10 years)
                   Bridges ‐ (1– in 10 years)                                                50% of PDP Fee Schedule                50% of PDP Fee Schedule
                   Dentures ‐ (1 in 10 years)
                   Implants‐ (1 in 10 years)
                   ** Please refer to your MetLife Plan Design Summary for
                   limita ons on these benefits. Some examples of limita ons on                Who is covered                               PPO Dental
                   services are the number of covered cleanings and oral exams,
                                                                                              Employee                                         $0.00
                   and me limita ons on filling and crown replacement.
                                                                                              Employee + Spouse                                $8.49

                                                  Dental plan costs                           Employee + Child(ren)                            $8.89

                                                  per paycheck                                Family                                          $17.10
                                                                                                   City contributes 100% of the employee cost and 50%
                                                                                                                  of the dependents cost.
       This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
       2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
       Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               15
Vision Insurance
Tip                        Driving to work, reading a news ar cle and watching television are
Op ons on your             likely ac vi es you perform every day. Your ability to do all of these,
glasses such as UV
                           however, depends on your vision and eye health. Rou ne eye exams
coa ng,
progressive                will help maintain your vision as well as detect various eye problems
lenses, etc., which        and concerns about your overall health.
are not covered‐in
‐full, may be
available at a
discount at                City of New Smyrna Beach offers vision coverage through MetLife.
par cipa ng                Similar to your other benefits, using the vision plan in network offers
                           the most coverage. When using the plan out of network, you will pay
                           the full fee out of pocket and then submit a claim to be reimbursed up
                           to a certain amount (depending on the service obtained) by MetLife.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               16
Vision Summary
                        The summary below provides a high level overview of the vision plan offered to you through MetLife.

                         Vision Services           In‐Network                  Out‐of‐Network                     Contact Lens and Frame Allowances
Vision Insurance

                   Eye Exams                        $10 copay                Reimbursed up $45
                   Single vision lenses             $25 copay              Reimbursed up to $30                                                  $130 (a er $25
                   Bifocal vision lenses            $25 copay              Reimbursed up to $50
                                                                                                                     Frames                       copay) every
                                                                                                                                                   24 months
                   Trifocal vision lenses           $25 copay              Reimbursed up to $65

                   Frames                       $130 Allowance             Reimbursed up to $70
                   Contact Lenses               $130 Allowance            Reimbursed up to $105
                                                                                                              Contact Lenses
                   Frequencies for Services                                                                   $130 every 12
                   Eye Exams                                                                                  months
                   Contact Lenses                      12 months                                              (in lieu of glasses)
                   Lenses for Glasses
                   Frames                              24 months
                   *Contacts and eyeglasses cannot be purchased in the same year

                   Addi onal Informa on
                        Choose from a large network of ophthalmologists, optometrists and op cians, from private prac ces to retailers
                          like Costco® Op cal and Visionworks.
                        Polycarbonate (child up to age 18) and UV Coa ng: Covered in full a er $25 eyewear copay.
                        Progressive, Polycarbonate (adult), Photochromic, An ‐reflec ve, Scratch‐resistance coa ngs and Tints: Your cost
                          will be limited to a copay that Metlife has nego ated for you. These copays can be viewed a er enrollment at

                                                                                      Who is covered                                         Cost
                                                                                      Employee                                              $4.01
                                  Vision plan costs                                   Employee + Spouse                                     $8.04
                                  per paycheck                                        Employee + Child(ren)                                 $6.80
                                                                                      Family                                               $11.22

        This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
        2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
        Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               17
Life Insurance
                             Having life insurance is important for people of all ages and the below
                             ques ons may help you think more clearly about your needs and the
                             benefits of enrolling in life insurance coverage:
                                 Are you the primary household income?
  Tip                            Do you have a mortgage, college loans or other unpaid loans?
  Keeping your                   Could you (or your family) afford thousands of dollars in medical bills and/or
  beneficiary up to                 funeral costs?
  date is very
                                 Who would have the burden of paying any debt or other financial
  important. You
                                   responsibili es that you leave behind?
  can change your
  beneficiary or add
  addi onal
                             Basic Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Coverage ‐
  beneficiaries at
  any point during           NO COST BENEFIT
  the year.                  The City of New Smyrna Beach provides group term life insurance and accidental death and
                             dismemberment coverage through The Standard to all eligible full‐ me employees. The amount of
                             coverage varies depending on your job classifica on as noted on the below chart. For ac ve full
                              me employees, the benefit amount is equal to the employee’s salary, rounded up to the next
                             $1,000 not to exceed $200,000. Employees will be eligible the first of the month following a 30 day
                             wai ng period, a er date of hire. The cost of this insurance is paid en rely by the City of New
                             Smyrna Beach.

              Classifica on               Job Classifica ons Included                   Coverage Amount                 Employer Contribu on

                  Class I                   All Eligible Employees                1x Salary, up to $200,000                      100%

                  Class II                    All Commissioners                             $25,000                              100%

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               18
Voluntary Employee Paid Life
                 Website:; Telephone number: 800‐628‐8600
                 Voluntary Life & AD&D
                 Guaranteed Issue                                                        $150,000
                 Con nuing employee guaranteed coverage annual in‐                       May increase up to 2 increments, up to GI (Employees not
                 crease amount during Open Enrollment                                    currently enrolled may enroll in amounts of $10,000 or
                 Minimum Benefit Amount/Maximum Benefit Amount                             $10,000/$500,000 or 5x salary (lesser of)
Life Insurance

                 Increments of….                                                         $10,000
                 Voluntary Spouse Life & AD&D
                 Spouse Guaranteed Issue                                                 $50,000
                 Con nuing employee guaranteed coverage annual in‐                       May increase up to 2 increments, up to GI (Employees not
                 crease amount during Open Enrollment                                    currently enrolled may enroll in amounts of $5,000 or $10,000)

                 Maximum Benefit Amount                                                   $250,000 (not to exceed 50% of EE’s amount)
                 Increments of….                                                         $5,000
                 Voluntary Child(ren) Life & AD&D
                 Birth to 25 years                                                       $10,000

                 Addi onal Informa on
                    The total amount of life insurance you have (combining your Basic Life and Voluntary Life Insurance amounts) cannot
                      exceed eight (8) mes your annual salary
                    Age‐bracketed premiums: rate increase per 5 year increment
                    You must purchase Voluntary Life Insurance for yourself in order to purchase Voluntary Life Insurance for your eligible
                    Evidence of Insurability form (medical ques onnaire) is required for employees increasing or enrolling in coverage
                      amounts above the guaranteed issue amounts for employee, spouse, child(ren). Guarantee Issue amounts only apply to
                      new hires. If you do not apply when first eligible, you will need to complete and Evidence of Insurability Form (medical
                      ques onnaire)
                    Portability/Conversion ‐ These features allow you to con nue your life insurance coverage should you leave your
                      employer for any reason, without having to provide evidence of insurability (informa on about your health). The Basic
                      Life (paid by the employer) can be converted into an individual life insurance policy by the employee directly through
                      The Standard. The Voluntary Life (paid by the employee) is portable, meaning the policy can remain in force by the
                      employee a er employment ends. Call The Standard since applica on and premium must be remi ed to the carrier
                      within 31 days of your leaving employment.
                 Accelerated Living Benefit ‐ The Accelerated Living Benefit feature is standard with voluntary term life coverage and is
                 available to you exclusively. This benefit allows you to apply for a percentage of your life insurance in advance should a
                 licensed physician diagnose you as having a terminal health condi on. Please see your human resources department for
                 more informa on.
                    Life benefits automa cally reduce beginning at age 65 and con nue to reduce at the following intervals:
                          Age 65 ‐ 35% reduc on of original amount; Age 70 ‐ 50% reduc on of original amount
                    Spouse coverage terminates at employee’s age 70
                    Your voluntary life policy terminates at re rement, however you have the op on of purchasing employer paid life
                      insurance upon re rement in the amount of half your annual salary rounded up to the next one thousand with a
                      maximum volume of $50,000

        This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
        2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
        Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               19
Voluntary Life Insurance ‐ Bi‐Weekly Premium Chart
                                                (24 Insurance deduc ons)
                                      Exact amounts to be determined by The Standard

                                                   Voluntary Employee Life Rates

Voluntary Life Insurance ‐ Bi‐Weekly Premium Chart
                                                            (24 Insurance deduc ons)
                                                  Exact amounts to be determined by The Standard

                                                              Voluntary Spouse Life Rates
                                                    (use the employee’s age and not spouse’s age)

                        Age           < 30         30—34         35—39          40—44         45—49          50—54         55—59          60—64          65—69

                       Rate           0.06          0.06           0.11          0.17           0.28          0.45            0.7           0.98          1.61
Life Insurance

                    $5,000           $0.15         $0.15          $0.28          $0.43         $0.70          $1.13         $1.75          $2.45         $4.03
                    $10,000          $0.30         $0.30          $0.55          $0.85         $1.40          $2.25         $3.50          $4.90         $8.05
                    $15,000          $0.45         $0.45          $0.83          $1.28         $2.10          $3.38         $5.25          $7.35         $12.08
                    $20,000          $0.60         $0.60          $1.10          $1.70         $2.80          $4.50         $7.00          $9.80         $16.10
                    $25,000          $0.75         $0.75          $1.38          $2.13         $3.50          $5.63         $8.75         $12.25         $20.13
                    $30,000          $0.90         $0.90          $1.65          $2.55         $4.20          $6.75         $10.50        $14.70         $24.15
                    $35,000          $1.05         $1.05          $1.93          $2.98         $4.90          $7.88         $12.25        $17.15         $28.18
                    $40,000          $1.20         $1.20          $2.20          $3.40         $5.60          $9.00         $14.00        $19.60         $32.20
                    $45,000          $1.35         $1.35          $2.48          $3.83         $6.30         $10.13         $15.75        $22.05         $36.23
                    $50,000          $1.50         $1.50          $2.75          $4.25         $7.00         $11.25         $17.50        $24.50         $40.25
                    $55,000          $1.65         $1.65          $3.03          $4.68         $7.70         $12.38         $19.25        $26.95         $44.28
                    $60,000          $1.80         $1.80          $3.30          $5.10         $8.40         $13.50         $21.00        $29.40         $48.30
                    $65,000          $1.95         $1.95          $3.58          $5.53         $9.10         $14.63         $22.75        $31.85         $52.33
                    $70,000          $2.10         $2.10          $3.85          $5.95         $9.80         $15.75         $24.50        $34.30         $56.35
                    $75,000          $2.25         $2.25          $4.13          $6.38         $10.50        $16.88         $26.25        $36.75         $60.38
                    $80,000          $2.40         $2.40          $4.40          $6.80         $11.20        $18.00         $28.00        $39.20         $64.40
                    $85,000          $2.55         $2.55          $4.68          $7.23         $11.90        $19.13         $29.75        $41.65         $68.43
                    $90,000          $2.70         $2.70          $4.95          $7.65         $12.60        $20.25         $31.50        $44.10         $72.45
                    $95,000          $2.85         $2.85          $5.23          $8.08         $13.30        $21.38         $33.25        $46.55         $76.48
                    $100,000         $3.00         $3.00          $5.50          $8.50         $14.00        $22.50         $35.00        $49.00         $80.50
                             Age Reduc on Schedule applies to the shaded columns above and on previous page.

                             Child coverage for age 6 months to 19 years is $2 per month for $10,000 in coverage.
                                                                    (Full me Student up to age 30)
                                                           (Newborns age 14 days to 6 months coverage is $250 )

        This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
        2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
        Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               21
Short Term Disability Insurance and Employee Assistance Program
 Employer Paid Short Term Disability
 Telephone number: 800‐368‐2859

 City of New Smyrna Beach provides short term disability coverage through The Standard. The cost of
 the short‐term disability benefit is paid en rely by the City of New Smyrna Beach. This income
 protec on is provided in the event you become injured or disabled and cannot work for a period of
  me. Your short‐term disability insurance will pay you for periods of me you are unable to work due
 to sickness or non‐work related accidents.
 Your income replacement benefit would equal 66.67% of your basic weekly earnings. The maximum
 weekly benefit you can receive is $1,500. Benefits will begin on the 15th day following a disabling
 illness or injury and will con nue while you are disabled for up to 13 weeks.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).                22
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
                    Telephone number: 1‐800‐272‐7252

                    We all experience mes when we need a li le help with life’s challenges. Your employer understands
Addi onal Benefits

                    this and is providing Aetna’s Resources for Living, an employee assistance program (EAP) to offer
                    support, guidance and resources to help you and your family resolve personal issues. This service is
                    paid for en rely by the City of New Smyrna Beach and is provided at no cost to the employee.
                    Resources for Living can help with the following issues, among others:

                                     • Child Care and Elder Care                                                 • Depression
                                     • Alcohol and drug abuse                                                    • Personal achievement
                                     • Life Improvement                                                          • Emo onal well‐being
                                     • Difficul es in rela onships                                                 • Financial and legal concerns
                                     • Stress and anxiety with work or family                                    • Grief and loss

                    When is it available?
                    Telephone consulta on and online access to EAP services are always available. Simply call the toll‐
                    free number or logon to and enter the login ID and password. This
                    program also includes up to six (6) face‐to‐face assessment and counseling sessions. Resources for
                    Living will work with you to schedule appointments according to your needs.

                    Is it confiden al?
                    Your calls and all counseling services are completely confiden al. Informa on will be released only
                    with your permission or as required by law. Please see your human resources department for
                    addi onal informa on regarding your EAP program.
                                               Call 1‐800‐272‐7252 or visit
                                                   Your username is: CNSB and your password is: CNSB.

       This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021 – September 30,
       2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
       Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               23
MetLaw and FraudScout
Telephone number: 800‐821‐6400 (Hya Legal Plans)
$21.75 per month (includes both MetLaw and FraudScout).

                                                                                                                                                                   MetLaw and FraudScout
When life calls for legal help, MetLaw is there for you.
MetLaw covers you, your spouse and dependents. Telephone and office consulta ons are available for an
unlimited number of personal legal ma ers with an a orney of your choice.

MetLaw consulta ons include money ma ers, home and real estate issues, estate planning, family ma ers, civil
lawsuit assistance, elder care issues and many other items.

To learn more, visit and enter access code: 9560010 or call the Client Service Center at
1.800.821.6400 Monday‐Friday, 8am‐8pm (EST Time).

FraudScout® is there for you in the fight against iden ty fraud.
Early detec on is the best protec on and is the first line of defense in the fight against iden ty fraud.
FraudScout is an integrated pla orm that goes beyond simple credit monitoring to provide comprehensive
fraught and credit monitoring services coupled with 24/7 dedicated support. FraudScout’s comprehensive
coverage scours records and all three major credit bureaus to help uncover and minimize fraud. Iden ty
monitoring and protec on services are only available to the member and spouse.

  Credit Report & Monitoring                                                  Cyber Monitoring

  Review three bureau credit monitoring of credit ac v‐ Protects you by providing a service that con nually
  i es, including credit inquires, delinquencies, judge‐ monitors the internet and alerts you of any possible
  ments, and more.                                       suspicious ac vity

  Credit Score Summary                                                        $1 Million Iden ty The Expense Reimbursement

  Provides a dashboard view of credit score from all                          If necessary, the member/spouse shall receive Ex‐
  three credit bureaus. You get one free annual credit                        pense Reimbursement for the following: reasonable
  report to keep tabs on ac vity and be on the lookout                        and necessary costs incurred, lost wages, legal de‐
  for new lines of credit.                                                    fense fees and expenses, and unauthorized electroni‐
                                                                              ca fund transfer reimbursement.

                                          FraudScout® Monitoring and Alert:
       At‐a‐glace dashboard allows you to see and update personal informa on, and understand any
       FraudScout alerts.

  This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October
                                                                                                                                     January 01, 2018–
                                                                                                                                                  2021– December
  2018. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
  Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).                 24
Enrollment Instructions
                               To enroll in benefits, go to: h ps://

                                                                                                                                                                 Plansource Enrollment Instruc ons
                                                                                   Login Page: Enter username & password to get

                                                                                   Username: Your username is the first ini al of
                                                                                   your first name, up to the first six le ers of your
                                                                                   last name, and the last four digits of your SSN.

                                                                                          For example, if your name is Taylor Wil‐
                                                                                          liams, and the last four digits of your SSN
                                                                                          are 1234, your username would be
                                                                                   Password: Your ini al password is your birthdate
                                                                                   in the YYYYMMDD format.


                                                                                                                         On the Homepage, click
                                                                                                                         “Get Started” to begin.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October
                                                                                                                                   January 01, 2018–
                                                                                                                                                2021– December
2018. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).                 25
Enroll in Benefits
                                                                                                                                          First, you’ll be asked to
                                                                                                                                          review and update your
                                                                                                                                          profile and ensure that all
                                                                                                                                          informa on listed about
                                                                                                                                          yourself and your family
Plansource Enrollment Instruc ons

                                                                                                                                          members is correct.

                                                                                                                                          Shop for Benefits
                                                                                                                                          You can then begin
                                                                                                                                          shopping for benefits!

                                                                                                                                          Educa onal material about
                                                                                                                                          the specific plan type is
                                                                                                                                          available at the top of the

                                                                                                                                          Note: the plans, products
                                                                                                                                          and pricing in the
                                                                                                                                          illustra on on this page do
                                                                                                                                          not reflect the plans or
                                                                                                                                          pricing offered by the City
                                                                                                                                          of New Smyrna Beach and
                                                                                                                                          are only instruc onal on
                                                                                                                                          how to use the Plansource
                                                                                                                                          enrollment pla orm.

                  This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October 01, 2021– September 30,
                  2022. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
                  Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).               26
Plan Details

                                                                                                                The plan detail page will give
                                                                                                                you informa on about each

                                                                                                                                                                 Plansource Enrollment Instruc ons
                                                                                                                plan, including deduc ble,
                                                                                                                cost per pay period and
                                                                                                                projected costs.

                                                                                                                 Select Plan

                                                                                                                 To select a plan, indicate
                                                                                                                 which family members are
                                                                                                                 covered by clicking “edit
                                                                                                                 family covered” and select
                                                                                                                 the card for each family
                                                                                                                 member you’d like to be on
                                                                                                                 the plan.

                                                                                                                 Click “Update Cart” to
                                                                                                                 choose the plan.
                                                                                                               Shopping Cart
                                                                                                               The shopping cart displays a
                                                                                                               running total of your
                                                                                                               combined benefits costs and
                                                                                                               shows your progress. You will
                                                                                                               need to select or decline a
                                                                                                               plan in each benefit type
                                                                                                               before you can check out.

                                                                                                               To finalize your choices, click
                                                                                                               “Review and Checkout and
                                                                                                               then “Checkout”. You must
                                                                                                               complete the checkout
                                                                                                               process in order to be
                                                                                                               enrolled in benefits.
                                                                                                               There is one final
                                                                                                               “Checkout” you must click to
                                                                                                               finalize your selec ons.

This Benefits‐At‐A‐Glance booklet is designed to provide basic informa on to employees on benefit plans and programs available October
                                                                                                                                   January 01, 2018–
                                                                                                                                                2021– December
2018. It does not detail all of the provisions, restric ons and exclusions of the various benefit programs documented in the carrier contract or the Summary Plan
Descrip on (SPD). This booklet does not cons tute an SPD or Plan Document as defined by the Employee Re rement Income Security Act (ERISA).                 27
Special Enrollment Rights No ce                                                  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) No ce
                   If you are declining enrollment for yourself or your dependents (including       Federal law requires that group health plans allow certain employees and
                   your spouse) because of other health insurance or group health plan              dependents special enrollment rights when they previously declined
                   coverage, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this         coverage and when they have new dependents. This law, the Health
                   plan if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage (or if   Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) also addresses the
                   the employer stops contribu ng towards your or your dependents' other            circumstances under which treatment for medical condi on may be
                   coverage). However, you must request enrollment within 30 days a er your         excluded from health plan coverage.
                   or your dependents' other coverage ends (or a er the employer stops              This Informa on in this no ce is intended to inform you, in a summary
                   contribu ng toward the other coverage).                                          fashion, of your rights and obliga ons under these laws. You, your spouse
Important No ces

                   In addi on, if you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth,          and any dependents should all take the me to read the en re no ce
                   adop on, or placement for adop on, you may be able to enroll yourself and        carefully.
                   your dependents. However, you must request enrollment within 30 days             Special Enrollments: If you decline enrollment for yourself or your
                   a er the marriage, birth, adop on, or placement for adop on.                     dependents (including your spouse) because of having other health
                   Special enrollment rights also may exist in the following circumstances:         insurance coverage at the me of your eligibility to par cipate, you may
                                                                                                    enroll yourself or your dependents at a future point, provided that you
                                 If you or your dependents experience a loss of eligibility for
                                                                                                    request enrollment within 30 days a er your other coverage ends. In
                                   Medicaid or a state Children’s Health Insurance Program
                                                                                                    addi on, if you have a new dependent as a result of a marriage, birth,
                                   (CHIP) coverage and you request enrollment within 60 days
                                                                                                    adop on or placement for adop on, you may be able to enroll yourself and
                                   a er that coverage ends; or
                                                                                                    your dependents, provided that you request enrollment within 30 days of
                                 If you or your dependents become eligible for a State            such an event.
                                   premium assistance subsidy through Medicaid or a state           If you or your dependents lose eligibility for coverage under Medicaid or the
                                   CHIP with respect to coverage under this plan and you            Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or become eligible for a
                                   request enrollment within 60 days a er the determina on          premium assistance subsidy under Medicaid or CHIP, you may be able to
                                   of eligibility for such assistance.                              enroll yourself and your dependents. You must request enrollment within 60
                                 If you or your dependents lose eligibility for coverage under    days of the loss of Medicaid or CHIP coverage or the determina on of
                                   Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)       eligibility for a premium assistance subsidy.
                                   or become eligible for a premium assistance subsidy under        Obtaining Addi onal Informa on: If you need assistance in determining
                                   Medicaid or CHIP, you may be able to enroll yourself and         your rights under ERISA or HIPAA, you may contact your Plan Administrator
                                   your dependents. You must request enrollment within 60           or the U.S. Department of Labor by wri ng to the Chicago Regional office at
                                   days of the loss of Medicaid or CHIP coverage or the             200 W. Adams Street, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60606, or by calling the
                                   determina on of eligibility for a premium assistance             Department at (312)353‐0900.
                                   subsidy.                                                         If you have any ques ons about this no ce or the law, please contact your
                   Note: The 60 day period for reques ng enrollment applied only in these last      Plan Administrator at the number or loca on provided in your benefits
                   two listed circumstances rela ng to Medicaid and state CHIP. As described        booklet or Summary Plan Descrip on.
                   above, a 30‐day period applied to most special enrollments.                      Also, if you have changed marital status, or if you, your spouse or any other
                                                                                                    qualified dependents have changed addresses, please no fy your local
                   Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998                                       Human Resources Representa ve.
                   The Women’s Health and Cancer Act (WHCRA) requires group health plans            No ce of Privacy Prac ces: Plan administrators, clearinghouses, business
                   to provide par cipants with no ces of their rights under WHCRA, to provide       associates, and health care providers that transmit health informa on
                   certain benefits in connec on with a mastectomy, and to provide other             electronically or use electronic health records may not redistribute or
                   protec ons for par cipants undergoing mastectomies. If you have had or are       unlawfully use electronic health records without permission from the
                   going to have a mastectomy , you may be en tled to certain benefits under         insured. The insured may request informa on on how their electronic
                   the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA). For Individuals        records are distributed, how frequently they are distributed, and who they
                   receiving mastectomy –related benefits, coverage will be provided in a            are distributed to by contac ng the U.S. Department of Health and Human
                   manner determined in consulta on with the a ending physician and the             Services.
                   pa ent, for:                                                               Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage No ce
                               All stages of reconstruc on of the breast on which the The Health Insurance Marketplace is available to assist you as you evaluate
                                   mastectomy was performed;                                  health insurance op ons for you and your family. This no ce provides some
                                                                                              basic informa on about the new Marketplace and employment based health
                               Surgery and reconstruc on of the other breast to produce a coverage offered by your employer. The Marketplace is designed to help you
                                   symmetrical appearance;                                    find private health insurance and compare private health insurance op ons.
                               Prostheses; and                                              You may also be eligible for a new kind of tax credit under sec on 36B of
                                                                                              Internal Revenue Code that could poten ally lower your monthly premium.
                               Treatment of physical complica ons of the mastectomy, If you purchase a qualified health plan through the Marketplace, you may
                                   including lymphedema.                                      lose the employer contribu on (if any) to any health benefit plan offered by
                               These benefits will be provided subject to the same your employer and all or a por on of that contribu on may be excludable
                                   deduc bles and coinsurance amounts applicable to other from income for federal income tax purposes . More informa on on the
                                   medical and surgical benefits provided under the health health insurance Marketplace may be found at h ps://
                                   plan offered by your employer.
                                 Please keep this informa on with your other group health
                                   plan documents. If you have any ques ons about the Plan’s
                                   coverage of mastectomies and reconstruc ve surgeries,
                                   please contact the Human Resources Department.
No ce of Rescission                                                             Mental Health Parity & Addic on Equity Act 2008 (MHPAEA)
(a) Prohibi on on rescissions ‐ (1) A group health plan, or a health            Under the MHPAEA, the financial requirements and treatment limits that
insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage,         group health plans and health insurance issuers apply to mental health or
must not rescind coverage under the plan, or under the policy, cer ficate,       substance use disorder benefits generally cannot be more restric ve than
or contract of insurance, with respect to an individual (including a group to   those applicable to medical and surgical benefits. If a plan covers mental
which the individual belongs or family coverage in which the individual is      health and substance use disorder, MHPAEA provides medical and surgical
included) once the individual is covered under the plan or coverage, unless     benefits and mental health and substance use disorder benefits. MHPAEA

                                                                                                                                                             Important No ces
the individual (or a person seeking coverage on behalf of the individual):      it must comply with the federal parity requirements. The MHPAEA
                                                                                contains the following parity requirements:
I.     performs an act, prac ce, or omission that cons tutes fraud
                                                                          The financial requirements (such as deduc bles, copayments, coinsurance
II.    makes an inten onal misrepresenta on of material fact,             and out‐of‐pocket limits) applicable to mental health and substance use
 as prohibited by the terms of the plan or coverage. A group health plan, disorder benefits cannot be more restric ve than the predominant
or a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance financial requirements applied to substan ally all medical and surgical
coverage, must provide at least 30 days advance wri en no ce to each benefits.
par cipant (in the individual market, primary subscriber) who would be Treatment limita ons (such as frequency of treatment, number of visits,
affected before coverage may be rescinded under this paragraph (a)(1), days of coverage or other similar limits on the scope or dura on of
regardless of, in the case of group coverage, whether the coverage is coverage) must also comply with the MHPAEA’s parity requirements. Non‐
insured or self‐insured, or whether the rescission applies to an en re quan ta ve treatment limita ons (such as medical management
group or only to an individual within the group. (The rules of this standards, formulary design and determina ons of usual, customary or
paragraph (a)(1) apply regardless of any contestability period that may reasonable amounts) are subject to a separate parity requirement.
otherwise apply.) A rescission is a cancella on or discon nuance of
coverage that has retroac ve effect. For example, a cancella on that If medical and surgical benefits are offered on an out‐of‐network basis, a
treats a policy as void from the me of the individual's or group's plan or issuer must also offer mental health and substance use disorder
enrollment is a rescission. As another example, a cancella on that voids benefits on an out‐of‐network basis.
benefits paid up to a year before the cancella on is also a rescission for
this purpose.                                                             Newborn’s and Mothers’ Health Protec on Act

A cancella on or discon nuance of coverage is not a rescission if ‐             Group health plans and health insurance issuers generally may not, under
                                                                                Federal law, restrict benefits for any hospital length of stay in connec on
I.       The cancella on or discon nuance of coverage has only a                with childbirth for the mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours
       prospec ve effect;                                                        following a vaginal delivery, or less than 96 hours following a cesarean
                                                                                sec on. However, Federal law generally does not prohibit the mother's or
II.      The cancella on or discon nuance of coverage is effec ve
                                                                                newborn's a ending provider, a er consul ng with the mother, from
       retroac vely, to the extent it is a ributable to a failure to mely pay
                                                                                discharging the mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours (or 96 hours
       required premiums or contribu ons (including COBRApremiums)
                                                                                as applicable). In any case, plans and issuers may not, under Federal law,
       towards the cost of coverage;
                                                                                require that a provider obtain authoriza on from the plan or the insurance
III.    The cancella on or discon nuance of coverage is ini ated by the         issuer for prescribing a length of stay not in excess of 48 hours (or 96
       individual (or by the individual's authorized representa ve) and the     hours).
       sponsor, employer, plan, or issuer does not, directly or indirectly,
       take ac on to influence the individual's decision to cancel or            COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilia on Act)
       discon nue coverage retroac vely or otherwise take any adverse  Cobra provides eligible individuals and their dependents who would
       ac on or retaliate against, interfere with, coerce, in midate, or
                                                                       otherwise lose group health coverage as a result of a qualifying life event
       threaten the individual; or                                     with an opportunity to con nue group health coverage for a limited me
IV.    The cancella on or discon nuance of coverage is ini ated by the period under certain circumstances such as:
       exchange pursuant (the insured).
                                                                        Voluntary or involuntary job loss
Michelle’s Law
                                                                             Reduc on in the hours worked
Michelle’s Law protects a postsecondary student from losing full‐ me
student status under an employer’s medical coverage if the student is (i) a     Transi on between jobs
dependent child of a par cipant or beneficiary under the terms of the
plan; and (ii) enrolled in a plan on the basis of being student at a            Death
postsecondary educa onal ins tu on immediately before the first day of a
medically necessary leave of absence from school. A dependent covered           Divorce
under the law is en tled to the same benefits as if the dependent
                                                                             And other qualifying life events
con nued to be enrolled as a full‐ me student. The law also recognizes
that changes in coverage (whether due to plan design or a subsequent If you are en tled to elect COBRA coverage, you will have 60 days (star ng
annual enrollment elec on) pass through to the dependent for the on the date you are furnished the elec on no ce or the date you would
remainder of the medically necessary leave of absence.                      lose coverage) to choose whether or not to elect con nua on coverage.
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