Fusion All-Stars 2019-2020 Information Packet - Utah Fusion All-Stars

Page created by Kevin Alexander
Fusion All-Stars 2019-2020 Information Packet - Utah Fusion All-Stars
Fusion All-Stars
2019-2020 Information Packet
         Utah Fusion All-Stars
         West Jordan Location NEW LOCATION
         9902 South 6150 West
         West Jordan, UT 84088
         Lehi Location
         520 South 850 East
         Lehi, UT 84043

         (801) 255-0350
             FOLLOW us on instagram @utahfusion. We post lots of
           information in regards to tryouts, camps, education, and so
                                 much more!!!

West Jordan                                        Lehi
   Saturday, May 11th at the following             Friday, May 10th at the following
                 times:                                         times:
       Ages 6 and under: 9:30AM                        Ages 6 and under: 5:30PM
          Ages 7-8: 10:30AM                                 Ages 7-8: 6PM
          Ages 9-11: 11:30AM                              Ages 9-11: 6:30PM
            Ages 12-14: 1PM                              Ages 12-14: 7:30PM
        Ages 15 and up: 2:30PM                          Ages 15 and up: 8:30PM

 If you are unable to make these tryouts. please contact the Fusion
              Gym and we can schedule a private tryout!
                        FUSION OPEN HOUSE!!
                     Wednesday, May 8th: 6-9PM
   For all perspective NEW ATHLETES and their families!!! We will
    have a parent meeting to go over what the Fusion Family is all
     about, go over the packet, meet the coaches, and do EARLY
   ATHLETE EVALUATIONS for the 2019-20 Season!!! FREE FOR ALL
 and a great opportunity to come and make sure the Fusion Family
                        is a good fit for you!!!

       Can’t make tryouts??? No problem!!! We can schedule an EARLY
     TRYOUT for your athlete!!! Call us at (801) 255-0350 or email us at
 contact@utahfusioncheer.com to schedule your tryout!!! Our teams fill up
   quickly… so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you schedule an early tryout
           instead of waiting until our teams are put together!!!

 Fusion All-Stars is now entering itʼs 13th season in the All-Star Cheer World. Whether you are joining Fusion All-Stars as a first time athlete, or you
have participated in this sport before, Fusion has a team for YOU! We meet the needs of cheerleaders all ages (3-18 yrs) and all levels (BEGINNING
 thru ADVANCED). The Fusion All-Stars have won many National Titles, received bids and attended The Cheerleading Worlds for 7 years in a
  row (2013-2019), reaching the highest honor and earning 2 PAID BIDS to WORLDS. Many of our teams as also attended The Summit 2013-2019,
        earning a PAID BID TO SUMMIT!!! Fusion All-Stars has quickly grown into one of the TOP PROGRAMS in Utah and the country!

   All-Star Cheer Teams are typically comprised of 10-30 athletes performing a 2.5 minute routine for a panel of judges. Routines contain tumbling,
      stunting, jumping, and dance. Teams are divided into age divisions (ex. youth, junior, senior) and ability levels (ex. Lv.1 beginner thru Lv. 6,
             advanced). This helps give all the teams equal opportunity for success at competitions against teams of their same age and level.

Fusion All-Stars is not just about cheerleading, but about creating an experience that will be a positive influence on our athletes for the rest of their
 lives. The owner and coaches at Fusion teach our athletes respect, commitment, and dedication. All-Star cheer is a great way for young athletes to
  learn new skills while learning the importance of teamwork, goal setting, STAYING ACTIVE, making healthy habits, and sportsmanship; and
most importantly, making lasting friendships. Please read through this packet as you will find important information regarding the upcoming 2019-2020
     Fusion All-Star Season. If you have any questions once reading through packet, please donʼt hesitate to email at contact@utahfusioncheer.com.

Tryouts are not stressful or intimidating. We try to make it a fun time for the cheerleaders. Our coaches will evaluate each athleteʼs tumbling, jumping,
and flexibility skills. We evaluate in groups, so there is no need to fear being “singled out.” We also encourage everyone to do their skills as many times as
       they need until they are satisfied with their tryout. Everyone is placed on a team and/or level… donʼt stress!

After tryouts, we make our initial summer team placements. We believe in placing athletes on teams where they will be
  successful, not only in their skills, but socially as well. We understand that many athletes will be working hard over the
summer to reach certain tumbling and skill goals. Those athletes who put in the extra effort over the summer, taking full
 advantage of our tumbling camps, flying clinics, and private lessons, MIGHT find themselves advancing to other teams
                     after the summer. TEAM PLACEMENTS WILL BE FINALIZED BY AUGUST 1ST.

We BELIEVE every team at Fusion is important. Parents/athletes should trust that we are placing athletes with the appropriate team. EVERY athlete is

 We want you to feel like Fusion is the place for you! Please take advantage of the tryout experience to really make sure
  this program is for you. All-star cheerleading is a huge commitment, both physically and with your time. We want every
                              athlete and family to feel like they are a part of the Fusion Family.

                                                 Welcome, and please do not hesitate to ask questions!
                                     Fusion All-Stars Contact Info: (801) 255-0350 or contact@utahfusioncheer.com.

                                                                                                                                    Tiny Pre-Team 3-6 Years

                                                                                                                                    Tiny/Tiny Prep 5-6 Years

                                                                                                                                          Mini 5-8 Years

                                                                                                                         Youth/Youth Prep (Levels 1-3) 5-11 Years

                                                                                                                                   Youth (Level 4) 8-11 Years
 The United States All-Star Federation is the governing body of competitive all-
 star cheer established to help facilitate fair, consistent rules, and competition
                                                                                                                        Junior/Junior Prep (Levels 1-3) 5-14 Years
   standards. The organization credentials coaches, certifies safety judges,
sanctions events, and maintains safety guidelines to provide the safest possible                                                  Junior (Level 4) 8-14 Years
        environment for cheer and dance athletes to train and compete!
                                                                                                                          Junior (Level 5 Restricted/6) 9-14 Years
Fusion All-Stars is a USASF official member gym and certifies all of our athletes!
 Our coaches are USASF credentialed and Fusion only participates in USASF                                                      Senior/Senior Prep 11-18 Years
                                sanctioned events!
                                                                                                                            Senior (Worlds/Level 6) 13-18 Years

                                                       Tumbling Level Examples and Expectations
                                                 Here are some examples of skills athletes can perform at tryouts!
The most common misconception from parents and athletes relates to tumbling ability. Proper technique is critical to achieve high scores. Simply being able to perform a skill without
 falling is not the standard for an athlete “having” a skill. Athletes must be able to perform the skill with near perfect form and be able to do it consistently, under
pressure, and in nearly any scenario. It is also VERY IMPORTANT that your athlete is able to perform speciality passes into these tricks. The skills listed below
    came from the Varsity Website and are listed easiest skill to hardest. This is how we are scored at competitions. Make sure you read through these skills with your athletes!!!
                                                 *** Level 1 Skills DOES NOT apply to Tiny Pre-Team or Prep Teams***

               LEVEL 1                 LEVEL 2                 LEVEL 3                       LEVEL 4                         LEVEL 5                        LEVEL 6

         -Willingness to learn
                                    Standing:               Standing:                     Standing:                       Standing:                       Standing:
            Standing:               STANDING BACK          BHS SERIES • JUMP        STANDING BACK TUCK • BHS         JUMP BACK TUCK • SERIES       JUMP BACK TUCK • STANDING
            FORWARD ROLL,            HANDSPRING •          TO BHS • JUMP TO          BACK TUCK • BHS SERIES TO        BHS TO LAYOUT • JUMP          FULL • BHS FULL • SERIES TO
              WALK OVER,           BACK HANDSPRING          OUT BHS COMBO           JUMP TO BHS SERIES TO BACK                                      TO DOUBLE FULL • JUMP BHS
             CARTWHEEL,            • BACK WALKOVER                                            TUCK                                                  SERIES TO DOUBLE FULL BHS
                                   BACK HANDSPRING                                                                         Running:               WHIP TO BHS SERIES TO DOUBLE
                                                             Running:                      Running:                         ROUNDOFF                            FULL
           EXTENSION ROLL,
                                                                                      CARTWHEEL BACK TUCK •
                                                             ARIELS • PUNCH                                           FULL•ROUNDOFF BHS
                                     Running:             FRONT • ROUND OFF          ROUND OFF LAYOUT ROUND          FULL • FRONT WALKOVER
                                                                                       OFF BHS LAYOUT/LAYOUT                                       CARTWHEEL FULL•ROUNDOFF
           BACK WALKOVER            CARTWHEEL BHS •        TUCK • ROUND OFF                                            THROUGH TO FULL •
                                                                                   STEPOUT / X-OUT • ROUND OFF                                      FULL•ROUNDOFFBHS FULL •
          CONNECTED SKILLS -       ROUND OFF BHS •            BHS BACK TUCK                                          PUNCH FRONT STEP OUT
                                                                                    BHS SERIES TO LAYOUT FRONT                                    PUNCHFRONT STEPOUT TOFULL
           CARTWHEEL/BACK            ROUND OFF BHS           ROUND OFF BHS                                            TO FULL • ROUNDOFF
                                                                                       WALKOVER THROUGH TO                                        • ROUNDOFFBHS WHIP TOFULL
              WALKOVER              STEP OUT ROUND        SERIES TO BACK TUCK                                            WHIP BHS TOFULL
                                                                                       LAYOUT • PUNCH FRONT                                                ROUNDOFF
                                    OFF BHS SERIES •      • FRONT WALKOVER
             Running:                                                                STEPOUT TO LAYOUT ROUND                                      ARABIANROUNDOFFBHS FULL •
                                    FRONT WALKOVER         TO ROUND OFF BHS
             ROUND OFF •                                                            OFF BHS SERIES TO LAYOUT •                                    SPECIALTY PASS TO FULL OR DBL
                                   TO ROUND OFF BHS         BACK TUCK FRONT
           CARTWHEEL BACK                                                            PUNCH FRONT STEPOUT BHS
                                         SERIES               WALKOVER TO
          WALKOVER • FRONT                                                           WHIP BHS TO LAYOUT FRONT
                                                             ROUND OFF BHS
             WALKOVER TO                                                             HANDSPRING PUNCH FRONT
                                                            SERIES BACK TUCK
          CARTWHEEL/ROUND                                                            FRONT HANDSPRING PUNCH
          OFF CARTWHEEL 1/2                                                          FRONT THROUGH TO ROUND
              TURN FRONT                                                             OFF BHS BACK TUCK/LAYOUT
TUITION FEES                                                  TINY PRE-TEAM is for kids ages 3-6 that                PREP TEAMS are for kids of all ages who are
               PAYMENTS PER SEASON:                                                are interested in cheer, but not interested              interested in cheer, but not interested in all
                                                                                        in all the cost, commitment, and                    of the cost, commitment, and competition.
       TINY PRE-TEAM: $65 MONTH                                                       competition. Athletes will be able to                Prep Teams will practice once a week with a
 PREP TEAMS: $125/MONTH (starting Aug                                               perform limited tumbling skills and no                 tumbling class included. They will learn a 2
                  2019)                                                             building skills are permitted. They will                minute routine that they will compete at 2
        TINY TEAMS: $105/MONTH
                                                                                     perform at competition as “Exhibition                    local competitions! This team DOES NOT
       MINI TEAMS: $120/MONTH
                                                                                   Only”. They will perform at 2 competition                 travel outside of the state of UT and DOES
                                                                                     this season, as well as perform in our                 NOT compete on Sunday!!! This is a great
                                                                                   Friends and Family and Spring Showcase.                      option for kids who are beginners to
   JUNIOR LVL 1-3 TEAMS: $135MONTH                                                   This is a great option for your athletes               cheerleading, or just want to try it out and
  JUNIOR LVL 4-6 TEAMS: $140/MONTH                                                      ages 3-6 who are BEGINNGERS to                            see if it is the sport for them!!!!
 SENIOR LEVEL 1-2 TEAMS: $135/MONTH                                                   performing, cheer, and/or tumbling!
 SENIOR LEVEL 3-5 TEAMS: $140/MONTH                                                                                                         We will be having TWO Prep Team Sessions
  SENIOR LEVEL 6 TEAMS: $145/MONTH                                                     If you are interested in having your                 this season. One that runs from (August -
                                                                                     athlete placed on this team, a separate                    November) and one that runs from
    Monthly tuition includes coaching,                                               information packet with pricing will be                (January - April). If you are interested in
    tumbling class, and all practices!!!                                            available in September. The $65 tuition                  Prep Teams, please contact us for a Prep
                                                                                    includes practice once a week, with team                        Team Information Packet!
   PAYMENT PLANS AND DISCOUNTS                                                           practice and tumbling included.

         IN TUITION ***

 Competition and choreography fees cover choreography camps,
 coaches fees, music, and LOCAL AND NATIONAL competition
       fees! Cross-Over Fees are also included (if your athlete
                 participates on more than one team)                                                Automatic Tuition Withdrawl is REQUIRED FOR ALL TEAM MEMBERS!
                          See athlete pricing!                                                          Financial information is charged on the 5th of each month!
                           APPAREL FEES:
                                                                                                          Everyone is REQUIRED to submit credit card information and to be on
            Includes Practice Wear (1 top and 1 bottom)
                                                                                                   auto-pay. If you DO NOT have a card on file, there will be a $25 fee. Fees and
 (Shoes, warm-ups, additional items can be purchased separately)
                                                                                                   any outstanding balances will be charged on the 15th of the month. If invoices
                          UNIFORM FEES:                                                            are not paid by the 15th, there will be a $50 late fee! You do have the option to
 We will be using our 2018-19 Uniforms this season. Uniform Fees                                     pay prior to the 15th of the month with cash or check or through the parent
   are NOT INCLUDED in the Athlete Pricing and is a separate                                                                             portal!
                            amount due!!!!
  UNIFORM FEE (If needed): $400 due by JUNE 14TH!!!
                                                                                                                                      Athlete Pricing:
                             TEAM FEES:
  Nationals Tanks and Team Gift fees are added into your athlete                                  All of the pricing tiers below include ALL FEES EXCEPT NEW UNIFORMS!!! Fees
fees this year! Each athlete will receive a nationals tank before we                                    included: Competition/Choreography, Team fees, and Apparel fees
travel to our national competitions… and team moms will work out                                 TIER 1 ATHLETE (Athlete is on ONE team, travels to ONE out of state nationals.
        team gifts for teams before some of our competitions!                                                          Is NOT a cross-over): Full Year: $1,600
                                                                                                 TIER 2 ATHLETE (Athlete is on ONE team, travels to TWO out of state nationals.
  *** If your athlete leaves the program before April 30th, 2020, you will forfeit all tuition                         Is NOT a cross-over): Full Year: $1,800
  payments and will be charged a $250 Breaking Contract Fee. All team fees (competition/           TIER 3 ATHLETE (Athlete is on TWO teams, both teams travel to ONE out of
choreography and apparel) must be paid in addition to the $250 Breaking Contract Fee. Team                                state nationals): Full Year: $2,180
                       fees and Tuition Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE!***                                  TIER 4 ATHLETE (Athlete is on TWO TEAMS, travels to TWO out of state
                                                                                                       nationals, but only crosses over at ONE nationals): Full Year: $2,380
    ***New Discount Program for High School Students***                                              TIER 5 ATHLETE (Athlete is on TWO TEAMS, travels to TWO out of state
                                                                                                   nationals, competes with BOTH TEAMS at BOTH nationals): Full Year: $2,480
   If your athlete is in 10th-12th Grade, we are excited to offer a
brand new GOOD GRADE Scholarship Program. If your athlete is
                                                                                                  There will be multiple options for how you choose to pay your athlete fees. You
on the HONOR ROLL, you will receive 10% off your tuition! If your
                                                                                                  can pay them in FULL up front, or they can broken down into monthly payments
athlete has a 4.0 GPA, you will receive 20% off your tuition!!! Proof
                                                                                                                                 over 8 or 9 months.
of GPA is required each quarter to receive discount. Discount will
                           start in July 2019!
                  Sibling Discounts are 15% off monthly tuition for the athlete with the higher tuition rate. Sibling discounts apply to the participants billed to the same account!
                                             The PAY-IN-FULL discount is 5% off the total price of tuition for those who pay all tuition fees at registration.
                Fusion offers a referral incentive of $100 monthly tuition credit for each athlete referred and who signs up for our FULL YEAR PROGRAM (up to 2 athletes).
                                                                            This will be credited at the end of the season!
The Fusion All-Stars LOVES competing… and we believe the more they participate in competitions, the more
                                               prepared they will be throughout the year. Our Fusion All-Star teams will participates in about 7-8 local
                                             competitions. Each year new competition companies host competitions in our area, which is really exciting!
                                           LEVEL 6 “WORLDS” CHEERLEADERS: You will be traveling and competing more than our other teams.. this means
                                            that your competition fees will be higher than the other teams. We will have a meeting to discuss these costs after tryouts.
                                                “SUMMIT” LEVEL TEAMS: Teams chosen to compete for the “Summit” competition will also travel to more
                                          competitions, increasing competition fees. In years past, our “Summit” team competed in Vegas and California, and then after
                                          receiving their at-large bids to The Summit, traveled to Florida to compete in the National competition. We will have a meeting
                                                                       to discuss any additional competitions these teams may be traveling to.
                                             National Competition Fees: National Competition Fees are about $175 - $200 per cheerleader, per out of state
                                            national competition we attend, and ARE INCLUDED in this schedule!!! ALL TEAMS will be attending JAMZ in Las Vegas this
                                             season. Some of our teams will also be attending another Nationals Competition… but
                                                                    that location and schedule has not been released yet!!!
                                          Cross-Overs: Cross-over participants are athletes that practice and compete with more than one team! Cross-
                                           overs will pay an additional $20 a month in tuition fees, and additional competition fees (typically about $450-
                                                                   $600 per year). These fees are broken down in the athlete fees!

                                             COMPETITION SCHEDULE
      This is a very TENTATIVE SCHEDULE for our 2019-2020 Competition Schedule. We have NOT added
       our traveling competitions to this schedule yet, but will be releasing that schedule at our first parent
       meeting in June! ALL of our teams will travel to JAMZ Nationals in Las Vegas and some of our other
     teams will travel 1-2 additional places. If your athlete is placed on a Worlds Team, they will travel to 3
                                        out of state competitions this season.

               DATE                  COMPETITION                                        LOCATION                                 TEAMS ATTENDING

           November 9th           Fusion Friends and Family                        Bingham High School                                        ALL

          November 16th              JAMZ Championship                                   Salt Palace                                          ALL

          December 14th                 UCA Regional                            South Towne Expo Center                                       ALL

           January 11th           USA Cottonwood Regional                        Cottonwood High School                                       ALL

           January 25th                 UCA Regional                            South Towne Expo Center                                       ALL

            February 1st                  USA Open                                          Sandy                                             ALL

         February 15th-18th            JAMZ Nationals                         Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, NV                                    ALL

         February 21-22nd             Platinum Athletics                                 Salt Palace                                          ALL

             March 7th                 USA Utah Open                                     Farmington                                           ALL

              April 4th            Fusion Spring Showcase                          Bingham High School                                        ALL

             April 18th              JAMZ Championship                          South Towne Expo Center                                       ALL

          April 23rd - 28th        The Cheerleading Worlds                               Orlando, FL                                   Worlds Level 5

          April 30th - 2nd               The Summit                                      Orlando, FL                                   Summit Teams

Please note that we have tried to give you the most accurate dates possible. Fusion All-Stars reserves the
    right to make changes to this schedule as needed. We will give you as much notice as possible if
 changes to the schedule are necessary. All prices for competitions are based on last season’s prices...
IMPORTANT DATES                              WHEN

                                             May 8th

                                                                                                     Fusion Open House

                                            May 11th                                                    Fusion Tryouts

                                         May 15th - 16th                                           Fusion Registration Day

                                            May 20th                                       First Day of Practices, May Tuition Due

                                         May 27th - 28th                                       Gym Closed: Memorial Weekend

                                           July 1st - 5th                                      Gym Closed: 4th of July Holiday

                                         July 22nd - 26th                                 Gym Closed: Pioneer Day, Summer Break

                                      July 29th - August 31st                                 Choreography Camps Times: TBD

                                       September 2nd - 3rd                                     Gym Closed: Labor Day Holiday

                                        October 21st - 25th                                        Gym Closed: Fall Recess

                                           October 31st                                            Gym Closed: Halloween

                                       November 27th - 29th                                  Gym Closed: Thanksgiving Holiday

                                   December 23rd - January 3rd                                    Gym Closed: Winter Break

                                           April 6-10th                        Gym Closed: Spring Break (Summit/Worlds Teams WILL have practice)

                                            April 20th                                             End of the Year Banquet

                    Fusion Registration Day is held on Wednesday, May 16th or Thursday, May 17th! This is where you will turn in all your
                  paperwork, registration fees, and make your full year commitment to the Fusion All-Stars! Bring the following items with you:
                     Registration Paperwork (including Release Form, Registration Form, Policies “I Understand” Form, AutoPay Form, and
                        Termination Agreement), $160 Registration Fee, and a copy of your Birth Certificate (if you are new to Fusion)!

                                                                           Absence Policy
                                                All absences are to be emailed into the office at least two weeks prior
                                               to the missed practice. Extreme illness, family emergencies, or graded
                                                school events are the only excused absences. School dances, traffic,
                                                       not having a ride, or fatigue are not excused absences.
                                               If your participant misses two weeks prior to a nationals or
                                                    one week prior to a regional, they may not be able to
                                                                    compete for that competition.

                                                                          Vacation Policy
                                                 Our summer month policy is the following: if you are in town, you
                                               MUST be at workouts! Choreography camps are MANDATORY! ALL
                                               vacations must be emailed into the gym. Please work hard to schedule
                                                                  vacations during gym closures.

                                                  It is at the discretion of the coaching staff to move an athletes team
                                                                  placement based on excessive absences.
Frequently Asked Questions
                                   What is the commitment and workout schedule for the team?

 Our full year team is a year round commitment. Performance/competition season runs from November-April. Teams work out 2 days per
 week. In addition, each athlete is required to attend a tumbling class once a week. If your athlete is selected as a flyer, they must attend
                                Flight School. Failure to attend can result in replacement or position change.

 Extra practices may be scheduled if the coaching staff feels it is necessary. We make every effort to give at least one week notice, but in
            some cases that is not possible. All members are expected to be present at any extra practices that are scheduled.

Each child is placed in a tumbling class based on their age and tumbling level. As they continue to grow and improve throughout the year,
                                 they can move to a different tumbling class and their schedule may change.

                                  When do I find out my team placement and practice schedule?

You will be emailed your team placements and/or LEVEL PLACEMENT no later than Tuesday, May 14th. Practice schedules will be emailed
shortly after, no later than Wednesday, May 16th. Practices begin Monday, May 20th. In order to attend the first practice, you must have
             your first tuition payment (May has been prorated to $75), registration fee paid, and packet information turned in.

                                                   How are teams formed at tryouts?

Athlete placement is done in the best interest of the child, the team, and the Fusion All-Star Program. The decisions of the coaching staff are
final. We do our best to match up similar style skills and AGE OF ATHLETES; however, there may be athletes who contribute in crucial ways
               other than tumbling. When forming a team, all positions must be filled in order to have a successful season.

                                             Can team placement change during the year?

  Changes in level can be made at the discretion of the staff at any time. It is at the discretion of the staff to move participants to different
     teams for any reason, which includes but it not limited to need on another team, team skill not being met, or excessive absences.

                                                     What is a cross-over participant?

  A cross-over participant is an athlete who performs, competes, and practices with more than one team. Some of your athletes may be
 asked to be cross-over participates at try-outs or sometime throughout the year. It is not mandatory to be a cross-over participant, and if
asked, you have the right to refuse. An athlete is limited to competing on only two Fusion teams. The coaches will choose which two teams
                                                        your athlete can participate on.

 The monthly tuition for a cross-over participant is $20 per month and you do NOT get an extra tumbling class. You will have to pay more
      fees in competition costs. Typically this cost is about $450-$600 more depending on which teams your athlete crosses over to.

                                                Does Fusion All-Stars offer fundraising?

             We do offer some fundraisers throughout the year to help keep costs down. These fundraisers are not mandatory.
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