Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA

Page created by Armando Mclaughlin
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Belkin Family Lookout Farm
Natick, MA

     Fundraising TEAM Instructions
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Teaming Up and Taking Action
• Together, we can make an even greater impact in the autism community by teaming up to
  raise funds that will go directly back to your organization.
• Engage your network of supporters to join your team as a participant and/or a
  participant and fundraiser! This allows you to use our platform, the Flutie 5k for Autism, Dougie’s
  Epic Adventure for “your” people to raise money directly for your organization.
• 100% of all donations made to your team will be granted back to your organization
  after the event.
• There is no   fundraising minimum commitment so encourage all to join your team!
  Every dollar counts!
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
FLUTIE 5K FOR AUTISM - Dougie's Epic Adventure

    We are thrilled to have you as a partner in our 5k this year. Our September 12, 2021 race will
      be in-person at Belkin Lookout Farm in Natick, Massachusetts – Dougie’s hometown! We
   invite all of you to choose to be in person or join us virtually. Dougie’s next Epic Adventure will
      be announced in the next couple of weeks. We can’t wait to reveal where you are taking
     Dougie’s this year with all your miles! Whether your team is with us on September 12th or in
               your local community, we promise you will feel part of this great adventure!
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Get your TEAM started
  1. Have your Team Captain (whoever you want in your
     organization to customize the page) go to:

2. Scroll down and click “ Register Now”
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Get your TEAM started – cont.
 3. Fill out the registration form for yourself with YOUR
    personal information. This will allow you to be the team
    captain (have the person who will be editing the page
    become the team captain)! If you don’t have a login to Race
    Roster – create one. If you don’t remember your password –
    click forgot password.

                                                      4. Click on the option for you – if you
                                                         plan to run in-person then chose that,
                                                         if you plan to run at a satellite site –
                                                         choose Flutie 5k Your Way. The
                                                         members on your team can choose
                                                         whichever option they prefer
                                                         regardless of what you choose!
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Get your TEAM started – cont.
 5. Choose “Adult 5k with fundraising” from the
    dropdown menu. Then scroll down and
    choose “Myself” (Don’t worry we are getting
    to where you create your organization’s

 6. Fill out all your personal information (you can use your charity organization address and email address)
    then at the bottom you will come to the TEAM section! Make sure you use the PROMO CODE

                                                       Choose “Yes, create a new team and add this part”.

                                                       Name your team!
                                                       Check “I understand & agree”
                                                       Use PROMO - charityteam
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Get your TEAM started – cont.
 7. Sign your waiver!             8. If you want to start the team off
                                     donate to yourself or just click

 9. You are almost there! Click
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Get your TEAM started – cont.
 10. Your link will show up here. This is the link to
    your team’s page – SAVE THIS LINK!

                                                    Your team’s link will show up here!

 11. Click view fundraising page to
    customize your page!

      Customize your page by clicking
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Customize your TEAM fundraising page
• After registering you will receive an on-screen thank you confirmation. Scroll to
  the bottom and click “View Fundraising Page”
• After registering you should receive an email with instructions to customize your
  fundraising page (check junk folder!). Follow the links in the email.

                                      T H EN
• It’s simple! Just add a picture and story about your organization that will appeal to
  donors and team members!

   Call Terri if you have any questions! (617)512-5159
Fundraising TEAM Instructions - Sunday, September 12, 2021 Belkin Family Lookout Farm Natick, MA
Info for people who want to join your team
1. Send people to:
2. Then they scroll down and click on “Join Team”

                                                    Join team

                                                                 1. Send them your individual team
                                                                    Link (you saved it earlier!)
                                                                 2. Have them Click on “Join Team”

                                                    Join team
Rally your troops

                 Invite your supporters, friends, and family to join your team
                             Ask them to donate to your TEAM page

Every dollar donated to your individual fundraisers page will also appear on the team page. Only donations
 made directly to your personal page will credit you personally. Donations made on the team page will be
attributed to the team as a whole. All donations made to individuals on your team or to the team page will
                                   be granted back to your organization!
       Get the ball rolling
       Nobody likes to be the first. It's always a good idea to get your fundraising off the
       ground by making the first contribution. Then, others will be likely to get involved!

       Add your W H Y to the email
       Keep reading to see an email template that you can use. The most critical thing you can
       add to the message is W H Y you're fundraising. Let your friends and family know why this
       matters to you!

       SOCIAL MEDIA - so easy!
       One of the best strategies is to use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
       to share with people you are participating and fundraising. See below
       to see some sample posts! Thank people for donating! This spreads
       your message further, while also asking for new donations. and lets
       people know you already have people behind you.
Sample email to potential donors!
Dear {NAME},

I am thrilled and honored to be running the 22nd Annual Flutie 5k to raise funds for the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism (INSERT YOUR ORGANIZATION
HERE in place of Flutie or with it}. I consider this a great challenge but also a tremendous privilege. {Reason why you are running 1-3 sentences}

{Then insert a few sentences to let them know why it is so important to raise money for the Flutie Foundation or YOUR ORGANIZATION} Here are some examples
we use:

Autism now affects 1in every 59 children – it is not partial to race or socioeconomic class. The Flutie Foundation works to help people and families affected by
autism to live life to the fullest. Whether it’s ensuring the safety of a 5-year old, nonverbal and autistic child by providing funding for a fence, or providing a GPS
SafetyNet tracking bracelet for the autistic child who wanders, the Flutie Foundation addresses critical safety needs occurring right now for people with autism.
Your donation will continue to improve the daily lives of people and families affected by autism. The Flutie Foundation provides direct financial support to those
affected by autism, which makes an immediate impact on these families. Your generosity will provide tablets and assistive technology, camp, and sports scholarships,
help people with autism pursue their musical and artistic talents, or ensure the safety of an autistic child by providing funding for a fence or GPS safety bracelet. The
Flutie Foundation is committed to making a difference TODAY so people with autism can lead productive lives where they are included, respected, and actively
engaged in their community.

Join me on my journey by donating here:
{Link to RACE ROSTER Page}
I will be forever grateful and know you will be one of the reasons I am motivated to cross that finish line in September!
Thankfully yours,

Learn more about the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism here.
Sample SOCIAL MEDIA posts!
The best way to start your fundraising is to post on your social channels! Make sure to tag us @flutiefdn and (YOUR ORGANIZATION}.
You know your network best but here are some suggestions to make it simple for you to cut and paste to use to share and remember
always to tag us @flutiefdn and {YOUR ORGANIZATION}. Tell your personal stories!

Post examples:

“For those of you who don’t know, I am thrilled to be running The Flutie 5k for Autism - Dougie’s Epic Adventure for the @flutiefdn and {YOUR ORGANIZATION}! The
Flutie Foundation or {YOUR ORGANIZATION} provides people and families with autism the opportunity to live their life to the fullest. As you know, (insert why you
run – for your son, daughter, niece, children you work with, etc.). Help me reach my goal of raising $X,XXX so that people, like (the person you are running for), can
continue to live their best life. {Add your RACE ROSTER link here}”

Facebook: Tag people. Publicly thank people who donate on your Race Roster page by writing on their page – their whole network will see your gratitude. “Thank
you @person for donating to my campaign for the @flutiefdn {YOUR ORGANIZATION}! Include your Race Roster link on your thank you post!”

Instagram: Post on your story and have people share your story to theirs! Thank people on your story (so they will share on theirs). Do an Instagram live!

Twitter: Good for quick, pithy updates (“I’m $100 away from reaching $XXX….that’s 10 people donating $10 – then tag 10 people”). Don’t’ forget to thank people !
Twitter loves a good gif.

       * Tip – Insert your organization’s messaging in the above posts!
                               Make it personal!
Approved Logos and Usage

       Add your logo to ours to create a dual logo! The dotted lines indicate the minimum exclusion
           zone into which nothing should intrude. Add your logo anywhere around our logos!
Communicate with your TEAM

• Follow up with your teammates and donors.
• Remember to thank donors and team members by name on social media and direct
• Keep your team up to date on important event information.
• Encourage your teammates as they fundraise and run/walk/stroll during EVENT
• Send me an email to get a copy of your donor list
Helping people and families with autism live life to
                the fullest!
  Each year, more than 1,000 people lace up their running
  shoes and come out to raise awareness and acceptance
  of those affected by autism. Like Doug Flutie, you can be
  a hometown hero through your participation!

  Families affected by autism want what every family wants – for
  their loved ones to be healthy, to learn, enjoy friendships, work,
  to live fully. Your participation in our 5K will make sure that they
  are able to find and afford effective interventions that will make
  each day better for people and families affected by autism.

       Contact us:
       Terri Ladka
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