Full service provider enables greater productivity through standardisation - Hasco

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Full service provider enables greater productivity through standardisation - Hasco

     SchoForm GmbH has been working with HASCO for nearly 20 years

     Full service provider enables greater
     productivity through standardisation
                                              Standardised high-quality mould units provide a reliable basis for
                                              modern mould and toolmaking, and their consistent use makes for
                                              efficient processes. This was reason enough for SchoForm, a
                                              German mould and toolmaking company based in eastern Saxony,
                                              to opt for standard mould units from HASCO for the last 20 years.
                                              The latest example is a 32-cavity hot runner mould, for which
                                              HASCO also supplied the complete, ready-to-assemble "hot half",
                                              as well as most of the standardised components.

                                              tools a year, whereby the thermo­    mould units from HASCO, the
                                              set machines are experiencing        Lüdenscheid/Germany-based full
                                              a renaissance. "Not many com-        service provider of standardised
                                              panies nowadays have them in         quality mould units. "We have
                                              their portfolio," says managing      enjoyed very good cooperation
                                              shareholder, Dirk Scholze. "The      with HASCO for many years," said
                                              field was in constant decline a      Alexander Thiel, who has also
     1/ Standardised mould with accessories   few years ago, but is now coming     been in the company from the
                                              back very strongly again."           very beginning. The mechanical
     Since 2002, SchoForm, which              With customers from the fields of    engineer started as a construc-
     is based in Demitz-Thumitz near          electrical engineering, electrical   tion engineer in 2002 and was last
     Bautzen/Germany, has been build-         installation and the automotive      year appointed managing director.
     ing and supplying injection mould-       industry, the company has so far     He is absolutely convinced about
     ing tools for thermoplastics and         been able to cope very well with     HASCO: "Whether we are talk-
     thermosets as well as compres-           the special challenges of the        ing about standard mould units
     sion moulds for thermosets. With         coronavirus crisis.                  or customised components, the
     a workforce of 21, the company           From the very beginning,             quality of the products is always
     produces around 50 moulding              SchoForm has opted for standard      outstanding."

                                                                                   Complex 32-cavity hot-runner

                                                                                   One of the largest and most
                                                                                   complex projects that SchoForm
                                                                                   has handled recently is a 32-cav-
                                                                                   ity hot runner mould with needle
                                                                                   valve for the production of elastic
                                                                                   inserts from a TPE material for
                                                                                   the cable conduit in wall-mounted
                                                                                   junction boxes. The customer, the
                                                                                   Schneider Electric group, manu-
                                                                                   factures such junction boxes for
                                                                                   the Scandinavian market. The

                                                                                   2/ 32-cavity hot runner mould for TPE
                                                                                   conduits for a wall-mounted box
                                                                                   (Picture: SchoForm GmbH, Demitz-Thumitz,

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Full service provider enables greater productivity through standardisation - Hasco

3/ Mould base assistant allows individual configurations

moulding tool is designed for 24/7              Finally, the mould was then made
operation and guarantees at least               95 % of HASCO components,
a million shots.                                starting with the ready-drilled
In HASCO, SchoForm again found                  K-plates and broad range of
a partner that was able to cover                Z-standards to the DLC-coated
the entire spectrum of services,                ejector elements, ensuring a long
not only in an advisory capacity                service life of the mould. In addi-
and for designing the system, but               tion, HASCO’s online mould base
also in the technical coordination              assistant is an enormous help at
during mould design and then in                 the design stage. "A super-tool,"
the production and special pro-                 said A. Thiel, "simple and intui-
cessing. "And that with a cost/                 tive to operate. And you always
benefit/quality ratio that other sup-           have the latest available standard
pliers were unable to match," said              mould units to hand."
Alexander Thiel.                                Under these conditions,
"We were particularly fortunate                 SchoForm was able to concen-
that we, as a mould and tool man-               trate on its own strengths and
ufacturer, were able to pass on                 carry out the precision machining
a good deal of the responsibility               in its own modern machinery pool.
for technical communication with                "We merely provided support
the customer to HASCO," said                    through machining steps such
A. Thiel. In this respect, he added,            as deep-hole drilling in HASCO's
there was an intensive exchange                 Special Machining Center (SMC)
of ideas and experience between                 without competing with the
the HASCO technical service de-                 customer," said Stephan Wendt,
partment and Schneider Electric,                Mould Base technical sales engi-
which reinforced the customer's                 neer.
decision to order the mould from                A number of components offered
SchoForm.                                       exclusively by HASCO are also
An important point in the entire                being used. For example, the
decision-making process was also                Z9675 diverting plug enables the
that HASCO was able to offer and                conformal positioning of cool-
supply the hot half with the rel-               ing holes in areas in which ejec-
evant guarantees.                               tors are located. In this way, the

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Full service provider enables greater productivity through standardisation - Hasco

                                                                                         the entire process chain. This
                                                                                         begins at the development stage,
                                                                                         where native CAD data from
                                                                                         standard elements with installation
                                                                                         spaces can easily be implemented
                                                                                         into the design by drag-and-drop.
                                                                                         "With the ready-to-assemble coor-
                                                                                         dinated standard mould units, we
                                                                                         save a considerable amount of
                                                                                         assembly time," said Alexander

                                                                                         Standardised mould units
                                                                                         guarantee an optimum
                                                                                         value-added chain

                                                                                         Additional synergies come about
                                                                                         through the standardisation in
                                                                                         machining and assembly, because
     4/ Hot half supplied as a ready-mounted subassembly                                 the required tools can be reduced
                                                                                         to an absolute minimum. Apart
     temperature control can be made              provided perfect backup when           from these time and cost benefits,
     significantly more effective.                starting up the mould and finding      the use of standardised construc-
     The complete hot half was sup-               the optimum machine parameters.        tion elements also accelerates the
     plied as a ready-to-mount subas-             "We were able to go direct from        time-to-market, which, for many
     sembly with the support of Tobias            the first sampling to the approval/    new developments is of funda-
     Kröber, the technical sales engi-            release of the mould, because,         mental importance in an ever-fast-
     neer responsible in the HASCO hot            after only a short time, nothing but   er world. In plastics processing,
     runner department. It is naturally           good parts were coming out of the      standard units that have proven
     compatible with all other compo-             machine," he said proudly.             themselves thousands of times
     nents in the mould system. "For              SchoForm tries to build as much        guarantee maximum safety and
     us, it made everything extremely             as possible on the basis of stand-     reliability in production.
     easy in terms of the assembly and            ardised HASCO mould units, not         During a scheduled maintenance
     coordination. Here, again, it has to         least also because of the ease of      turnaround or should wear and
     be said that the precision, execu-           obtaining spare parts. Another         tear or a defect be found, the
     tion and timing were outstanding,"           reason for the continuous coop-        standardised mould units can be
     said A. Thiel. "As far as the assem-         eration with HASCO for Alexander       repaired quickly, thus shorten-
     bly was concerned, we couldn't               Thiel is the possibility of con-       ing the downtimes to an absolute
     have imagined anything better."              stantly being kept up to date when     minimum.
     "In the collaboration with HASCO             technical innovations come about.
     on this mould project, everything            Finally, for the mould and tool        SchoForm increases its
     ran absolutely smoothly," said               manufacturer, standardisation          productivity with HASCO
     A. Thiel.                                    is a fundamental requirement
     Even during the very first phase,            nowadays to remain permanently         Dirk Scholze: "Because the orders
     things all worked out perfectly,             competitive in a world with ever       for moulding tools we receive
     whether this involved the produc-            faster change and increasing digi-     here in the most eastern point of
     tion time for the hot runner and             talisation.                            Germany generally involve very
     exact adherence to the delivery              Maximum productivity is a key          demanding and complex projects
     times for all the standard mould             success factor in view of the in-      that entail a comparatively large
     units – which made it possible to            creasing competitive pressure and      amount of coordination, our excel-
     deliver the mould absolutely on              especially in economically difficult   lent cooperation with HASCO
     time – or the quality of the pro-            times. Standardised mould units        makes it possible for us to meet
     duced parts. HASCO's technical               for mouldmaking guarantee sus-         the customers’ stringent require-
     application department was also              tainable success because, when         ments."
     present at the sampling stage, and           used consistently, they optimise       The mould for the TPE conduits

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Full service provider enables greater productivity through standardisation - Hasco

of a wall-mounted box              products under one roof,
is of course only one              HASCO is an absolute
example of the many                full service provider for
products supplied to               mould and toolmaking.
the electrical installation        Its portfolio of high-qual-
segment. The company               ity standard mould units,
also supplies sophisti-            which has been built
cated injection moulding           according to a modular
tools for the automo-              system and is perfectly
tive industry, although            coordinated to the needs
Alexander Thiel says this          of the customers, in-
segment has become                 creases its competitive-
very much quieter in               ness on a lasting basis.
recent years. "We used             One of HASCO's basic
to have mainly orders              principles is to offer not
for diesel components,"            as much as possible
adds Dirk Scholze, "and            but as much as neces-
this included charge               sary. To make it easy
air pipes, AdBlue filling          for customers to build
systems etc. The trend is          high-quality moulds,
now moving naturally in            HASCO supplies the
the direction of alterna-          right product and materi-
tive propulsion systems            al combination for every
such as electric vehicles.         application.
But the company's port-            HASCO’s well-balanced
folio now also includes            product portfolio in-
moulds for interior                cludes, apart from many
automotive components              other digital services,
such as window han-                a range of native CAD
dles, door liners etc. It          data with installation
also often happens that,           spaces for all conven-
if the customers so wish,          tional CAD systems. An-
SchoForm will help them            other important benefit
design the applications            is the technical expertise
to suit the mould.                 of the excellently trained
                                   staff, who are able to
Full service provider              guarantee HASCO’s
for mouldmaking                    customers outstanding
                                   support and assistance
With more than 100,000             in all areas.

5/ HASCO product portfolio with over 100,000 quality standard
mould units
(Pictures 1, 3-5: HASCO Hasenclever GmbH + Co KG,
Lüdenscheid, Germany)

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