FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

Page created by Jordan Reeves
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

                   12 Oxford St. Fryeburg, Maine 04037

                                                 In this issue:
                                                 Message from Rev. Alison - 1 & 2
                                                 Church info - 3
                                                 Calendar - 4
                                                 FNC News - 5
                                                 Trustees and other news - 6 & 7
                                                 Fryeburg Fair - 8

Greetings dear                September greetings and blessings, dear friends!

Readers!                      I recently found myself trying to do some yoga. I will
                              admit that exercise has pretty much been
                              nonexistent in my life, so I thought I would turn to
by Rev. Alison Lane-Olsen     one of my favorite YouTube Yoga teachers, Adriene
                              (Yoga with Adriene). One of her recorded sessions
                              was labeled, "Yoga for Flexibility." That looked pretty
                              gentle as a way to begin!

                              I soon found myself trying to sit cross legged,
                              keeping my back straight, listening to Adriene. She
                              said, "close your eyes., notice how you feel today,
                              what your energy is the very least you are
                              going to get a great stretch today...something you
                              can repeat regularly to increase flexibility, but going
                              a bit further, you have an opportunity to also
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue
practice flexibility in you can go
with the flow, be flexible..."

My eyes popped open. "Practicing
flexibility in mind! "she had said. "I like
that!" I thought to myself. What a nugget
of wisdom there! Doesn't that sound nice
and refreshing: flexibility of mind!?

By definition, flexibility refers to that
quality of being able to change or be
changed easily according to the situation.
This quality of flexibility has long been an
important component of the spiritual life.
Ancient words of Lao Tsu (6th century
BCE) come to my mind as an example: he
wrote, "All things, including the grass and
trees, are soft and pliable in life; dry and
brittle in death. Stiffness is thus a
companion of death; flexibility a
companion of life." The Bible carries its
own comments about flexibility. Here is
Proverbs 29:1: "A person who will not bend
after many warnings will suddenly be
broken beyond repair." Certainly Jesus was
                                               Flexibility was so present at our recent
asking his new disciples to be flexible with
their lives when he issued the invitation,     Fair Booth meeting that even pie didn't
"Come, follow me." Flexibility really does     have a secured place on the menu!
seem essential to growing, stretching          Imagine that! Of seems like an invitation to     worries...there will be pie! But the pies
discover something new, even when it           stayed on the drafted menu because
feels a bit uncomfortable.                     there was love and enthusiasm
                                               expressed for making them, not just
Dear ones, thank you for your flexibility      because that was what had always been
throughout this last year as we navigated      done. I honor you and thank you for this
the pandemic and church (and continue          openness.
to do so!). And thank you to those of you
have contributed your thoughts and             With prayers for a flexible September
willingness to be flexible with our Fair       and fall!
Booth this year! I so value and feel such
gratitude for this ability to adapt and
change as situations declare we must.          Rev. Alison
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

DINNER BELL                                         CHURCH OFFICE
Many members of our church have volunteered
at this important community service. The Dinner     12 Oxford Street
Bell is a free community-sponsored dinner at        Fryeburg, Maine 04037
the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Fryeburg.     207-935-3413
Dinner (drive through pick up) is served from 5
to 6 pm every Wednesday during the school           Secretary hours:
year. Volunteers are needed to help at 5:30 p.m.    Tues. or Weds. 9 - 1
for about half an hour of washing dishes. They      (depends on the school calendar)
are hoping to have enough people so that each       Thursday 9 - 1
volunteer would only have one shift per month.      Friday 9 - 1
For more information please call Dick Rollins       Pastor: By appointment
603-662-8386. Thank you!
                                                    Contact People
                                                    Chair of Trustees: Lee Dyer

                                                    Secretary of Trustees: Susan Logan

                                                    Treasurer: Jim Dutton

                                                    Trustee: Lynn Kennard

                                                    Trustee: Dean Harnden

                                                    Trustee: open

                                                    Trustee: open

                                                    Music Director: Greg Huang-Dale

                                                    Office Secretary: Dawn Crowe

                                                    Child care coordinator: Dede Frost

                                                    Pastor: Rev. Alison Lane -Olsen

                                                    For contact information visit
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

                              Family Worship ~ Sundays at the Church @ 10:00 a.m.
                              Trustees meeting ~ Tuesday 9/14 at the Church @ 6:30 p.m.
                              FB Card readings with Rev. Alison ~ Mondays 10:30 a.m.
                              Meditation group ~ Wednesdays at the Church @ 7:00 p.m.
                              MSAD #72 First Day of School ~ September 1
                              Fryeburg Academy new students begin Sept. 2
                              Fryeburg Academy Freshman begin Sept. 3
                              Labor Day ~ September 6
                              Fryeburg Academy first day of school Sept. 7
                              Autumn begins ~ September 22
                              Dinner Bell at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Fryeburg ~
                              every Wednesday of the school year,
                              5pm - 6pm drive through pick-up.
                              Help Cleaning Fair Booth before the fair ~
                             (Saturday September 18th or Sunday 19th after church)
                              Help Move Freezers from Booth to Church (we have a truck
                              but need a few people) Either Friday, September 17 evening or
                              Saturday morning, September 18
                              Pie making September 21 & 22 - to help reduce the number of
                              people in the kitchen, we will have an AM shift and PM shift.
                              Fryeburg Fair ~ October 3 thru 10 ~ see page 7 for ways to help!
                              Fun Holidays ~ Wacky, Bizarre Days by Holiday Insights

                           Please contact the office if you have an
                                 addition for the newsletter.

“When you catch yourself slipping into
  a pool of negativity, notice how it
   derives from nothing other than
 resistance to the current situation.”
  ~ Donna Quesada, Buddha in the Classroom: Zen Wisdom to Inspire Teachers ~
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

by Martha Richardson

Back to School is the order of the day for
the beginning of September. Teachers
and everyone who works at the school are
too numerous to mention ~ don't want to
leave anyone out! Good luck to them all
for a wonderful year.
Ava, Elise, Erin, Seth and Tiffany are all off
to college this year! Congratulations and
good luck as well! All those attending
school from preschool to 12th grade ~ we
wish them a happy, healthy and
productive year. A few kids to note are
Brayden, Caileigh, Owen and Soliel who
will be attending the Fryeburg Academy
this year. These kids are growing up so
fast, we are proud of you!
On a different note ~ some people have
been asking about sending cards to
Barbara Ferguson and Patty Swett. Here
are their addresses: Barb is Room 306A
and Patty is Room 306B (with the same
                                                     IN OUR PRAYERS
street address of) Mineral Springs 1251
                                                    Our prayers for continued well-being and
White Mountain Highway, North Conway,
                                                    health for Patty and Doug Swett, Jane and
NH 03860. Thank you!
                                                    Jim Dutton, Joyce Siracuse, Martha
Don't forget (as if you could ~ haha) the
                                                    Richardson, Roberta Huntress, Edie Leach,
Fryeburg Fair with our Fair Booth and pie
                                                    Scott and Barbara Ferguson. Prayers for
making are coming up SOON!!! A month
                                                    Stanley Dolley's healing as he undergoes
from today it start officially, but our
                                                    cancer treatment. Healing prayers also to
preparations are already underway!
                                                    Lynn Kennard, and Jen Bella. Much love
Hopefully together we'll make it through,
                                                    to everyone beginning the new school
we've got this!!!!
                                                    year. Good Luck and hope that it is
Enjoy the beginning of the Autumn
FRYEBURG NEW CHURCH - Greetings dear Readers! In this issue

We are happy to be back in our church for
Sunday Services. Due to current CDC
recommendations, masks are recommended
during singing, and of course, for those who
are unvaccinated. We are also slowly making
progress with our virtual technology. Thank
you for your patience! Join us on Zoom!

We hope to begin our Sunday School
program after the Fair - we will be keeping an
eye on CDC guidelines as we go forward.

We invite people to stay and socialize during
our coffee hour after worship, however, we
                                                  ZOOM LOGIN INFORMATION
will be offering beverages only until further
notice. If you would like to arrive a bit early   We are pleased to be able to offer our Sunday
for church, make a pot of coffee, set up          Worship Service on Zoom as well as in person
supplies needed, or help clean up at the end      (masked). It is the same link as previously.
of our social time, please add your name to       Looking forward to seeing you!
the schedule. The sign-up list and all supplies
needed are in the kitchen.
                                                  Join Zoom Meeting (live link)

                                                  Dial by your phone
                                                     1 929 436 2866

                                                  Meeting ID: 853 309 828

                                                  There is no password.

                                                  link to copy and paste if needed:

Lee Dyer, Chairman – Board of Trustees

Well, it looks like we are heading to the Fair. Although I   Finally, we will require masks while
will admit, I was and still am a bit apprehensive at the     working in the Booth, even if you are
thought of running the Booth during “Covid Season.”          vaccinated. Again, we want everyone to
And while the Board did not have the choice to say that      feel safe while working in the Booth.
we would not open our Booth, we did stand firm that          Our church community has pulled
this year our #1 emphasis was the safety of our church       together to help navigate the 2021 Fair
community and those who can be of service. The Board         season. We have created a seamless plan,
discussed all matters of the Fair at great length, along     spreading out responsibilities. We have
with 23 members who attended the special Fair meeting        created a backup plan for if or when
on August 22 or communicated with us prior.No decision       someone or several people need to isolate
was taken lightly or with disregard to the impact of the     while tested or heal if they become
changes being made. The Church Booth will be open,           positive with Covid. Yes, this is where we
but with some changes that will influence this year, and     are at this time. We cannot avoid, pretend
hopefully, we can return to a full functioning booth in      or be fearful; we must be realistic and
upcoming years.                                              practical while providing food with love,
We have downsized the menu, making it possible for           compassion, and joy. And most of all, we
fewer people to be in the Booth. We will have an “order”     need YOU. We need volunteers to help
window and a designated “pick up” window to allow            make this possible.
customers to spread out and not stand in a                   2021 Fair Committee (and subcommittee)
concentrated area. In addition, we will install plastic      Head of Booth – Lee Dyer
barriers between customers and the FNC Booth workers.        Scheduling – Ellen Schwindt (Martha
                                                             Richardson, Dawn Crowe)
                                                             Ordering – Lee Dyer (Alexis Miranda, Alison
                                                             Lane Olsen)
                                                             FNC Kitchen – Debbie Dolley
                                                             Pie Making – Joyce Siracuse, Judy Hatch
                                                             Food Delivery – Greg Huang-Dale (Matt
                                                             Master of the flow-chart (The Plan and
                                                             backup plans) – Susannah Currie

                                                             Emanuel Swedenborg wrote, “Love comes
                                                             into being through useful service to
                                                             others,” which is the foundation for how
                                                             we will proceed and run the 2021 Fair
                                                             Booth. So, along with Debbie Dolley’s
                                                             encouraging and enthusiastic, ‘We Got
                                                             This!’, it is time to embrace the Fair.
Dear Fellow Fryeburg New Church Members, Attenders, and Supporters,
   Fryeburg Fair is coming up on the calendar. We are making plans to operate the Fryeburg New
Church booth. We need help from many volunteers. Here’s a list of ways for people to help.

   Staff for the booth
   Food preparation at the church
   Dishwasher at church
   Food delivery to the booth
   Managing the church kitchen (chili maker)
   Help Cleaning Fair Booth before the fair (Saturday September 18th and/ or Sunday 19th after church)
   Help Move Freezers from Booth to Church (we have a truck but need a few people) Friday,
   September 17 evening
   Pie making September 21 & 22 - to help reduce the number of people in the kitchen, we will have an
   AM shift and PM shift - Joyce and Judy - Head Pie Makers
   Pumpkin Pie Making at church during Fair week

   Ellen Schwindt and Susannah Currie are working together to create a pleasant and efficient workflow
and coordinate volunteers. If you can volunteer, please get in touch with Ellen and indicate your
availability and ways you might like to help. Someone will be in touch with you to schedule the work or
feel free to contact Ellen, Martha Richardson or Dawn Crowe.

Ellen’s E-mail:
Phone: 603-447-2898 or 603-307-0825 (less reliable cell phone)

Phone: 207-935-1217

Dawn (church office):

    “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you
        think, more talented than you know, and
             capable of more than you imagine.”
                       ~ Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart ~
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