From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022

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From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
From Recovery to
Renewed Growth
J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference


JANUARY 10, 2022
From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to historical information, this presentation contains forward-looking statements reflecting the company's current
beliefs and expectations of management made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995, including: our belief that SCS market growth will be enhanced by pent-up demand; our belief in the continuing
growth fundamentals of the SCS market; our belief that our core back & leg business is poised for recovery as the COVID impact
recedes, trialing activity continues to improve, and pent-up demand comes back into the system; our belief that we are well-
positioned for SCS market expansion and that we will outperform and outgrow a growth market; our belief that the PDN and
NSRBP opportunities are set to outpace core back & legal market growth and expand the available total addressable market for
SCS therapies; our belief that there is an opportunity for an improved margin profile as we continue to scale; our belief that
Nevro has continued to gain market share; our beliefs around the size of the PDN and NSRBP markets; our belief that, as the
impact of COVID on the SCS market begins to recede, our new growth drivers will start to thrive as well; our belief that the safety
and efficacy data from the SENZA-PDN and SENZA-NSRBP RCTs will be used to support market penetration, physician referral
decisions and market access initiatives to ensure adequate payer coverage of these procedures; our expectation of steady
reimbursement progress for PDN with published clinical results and a robust clinical dossier; and our expectations that our Costa
Rica manufacturing facility is validated and approved in 2022, which we believe will contribute to margin improvement. These
forward-looking statements are based upon information that is currently available to us or our current expectations, speak only
as of the date hereof, and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including our ability to successfully commercialize our
products; our ability to manufacture our products to meet demand; the level and availability of third-party payor reimbursement
for our products; our ability to effectively manage our anticipated growth and the costs and expenses of operating our business;
our ability to protect our intellectual property rights and proprietary technologies; our ability to operate our business without
infringing the intellectual property rights and proprietary technology of third parties; competition in our industry; additional
capital and credit availability; our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel; and product liability claims. These factors,
together with those that are described in greater detail in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on November 8, 2021, as well
as any reports that we may file with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the future, may cause our actual results,
performance or achievements to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied by our forward-looking
statements. We expressly disclaim any obligation, except as required by law, or undertaking to update or revise any such
forward-looking statements.

From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Positioned to   Pace-setting leader
                in 3 large, underpenetrated SCS markets

Outperform      Unique and differentiated
                10 kHz Therapy with superior outcomes

                Multiple growth opportunities
                with expanded indications

                Pent-up demand
                additive to growth

                         Meaningful leverage opportunities
                         to drive profitability and cash flow

                                                                3   3
From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
As the impact of
COVID on our market
begins to recede, new       Chronic-pain treatments have been among the
                            hardest hit and slowest device segments to return,
                            but growth fundamentals of the Spinal Cord
growth drivers will start   Stimulation (SCS) market remain.

to thrive as well.          Core Back & Leg business is poised for recovery as
                            the COVID impact recedes, trialing activity continues
                            to improve, and pent-up demand comes back into
                            the system.

                            Well-positioned for market expansion: Painful
                            Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN) and Non-Surgical
                            Refractory Back Pain (NSRBP) set to outpace market
                            growth and expand available TAM.

                            Opportunity for an improved margin profile as we
                            continue to scale.

From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Trials – our most important
leading indicator
Trial rates in U.S. steadily improved in 2H of
2021, approaching pre-COVID 2019 levels          U.S. PDN trials
                                                 (% of total U.S. trial volume)

                                                        Sept 2021

                                                                 Dec 2021
                                                                Grew to

From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Total Addressable U.S. Lower Back & Leg Market²
    Large,                                                        $17.9B Annually, ~8% Penetrated

                                                                  FBSS: Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
                                                                  NSRBP: Non-Surgical Refractory Back Pain

    back & leg market

    2021 Global SCS Market                                             SURGICAL
    $2.3B Annually¹                                                285K Patients/Yr                                            $11.4B   NON-SURGICAL
    $1.8 Billion           $0.5 Billion                           ~14% Penetrated
                                                                                                                                 64%    (NSRBP)
    United States          International
                                                                                                                                        500K Patients/Yr
                                                                                                                                        ~5% Penetrated
                               More than 100,000
                               patients treated annually

1Includes DeNovo and Replacement                                   2Includes DeNovo patients only
Sources: Komodo claims data, as of September 2021; Company data    Sources: Komodo claims data, as of September 2021; Company data                         6
From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Sustainable mid-to-high
  single-digit historical SCS
                                                                                                  Est. Market CAGR
  market growth
                                                                                                  2011-2018   9%

  SCS Worldwide Market Estimate                                                                   2015-2019 11%
  Market Size ($ in millions)

  3000                                                                                            2011-2021   6%


                                                                                                          Despite COVID impact,
                                                                                                          market growth
           2011      2012     2013       2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021            fundamentals are strong

Sources: Company data, Nevro estimates
From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Nevro has continued to gain share.

Nevro SCS market share
                                         18-20 %
                                                                        after 2015 market entry      Continuing to win in a
                                                                                                     difficult 2021 market
    Market Share Estimate by Competitor

   40%                                                                                               As of October ‘21, believe we
                                                                                                     are only company well into
   30%                                                                                               positive YTD procedure
                                                                                                     growth in the U.S. vs. 2019

                                                                                                     Based on claims data as of Nevro’s 3Q’21 earnings
   10%                                                                                               call, U.S. perm procedures were up +4%, while total
                                                                                                     market SCS perms were down -8%.

              2015           2016         2017       2018        2019        2020          2021
                                                                                         (YTD thru
                        NVRO          Competitor 1     Competitor 2       Competitor 3
 Sources: Guidepoint and Nevro data
From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
NEVRO: Positioned
to outgrow a                                                                            06
                                                                                        PDN launch

growth market                                                          05
                                                                       NSRBP coverage

                                                  04                   expansion

                                                  Market share gains

                                03                in core back/leg
                                                  SCS business

                 R&D: planned


 HFX solution

                                             Sustainable market growth enhanced by return of
                                                                           pent-up demand

From Recovery to Renewed Growth - J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Healthcare Conference JANUARY 10, 2022
Growth Drivers

Omnia SCS System

One system. Maximum versatility.
 Delivers widest range of
 frequencies, including
 proprietary 10 kHz Therapy

 Includes 35 customizable
 programs, with ability to easily
 pair widest array of waveforms

 Upgradeable to future
 waveforms and frequencies

 Includes new, intuitive
 patient accessories

 New Trial Stimulator is smaller,
 with more contoured,
 cable-free system

Omnia powered by HFX Connect
                                       ™                                            ™

            Expanded versatility to remotely optimize patient care.

Proprietary cloud-based patient
management system                                                                         Prior authorization and
Data-driven programming informed by                                                               appeal support
outcomes across 80k+ patients                                                                 Benefit verification
Ongoing support with proactive                                                          Reimbursement education
reporting for long-term success

                                                   Patient support professionals,
                                                   trained in patient education
                                                   Remote therapy optimization
                                                   Post-procedure support

 HFX for PDN*    ™

A New Treatment Option
for Painful Diabetic

* HFX is a comprehensive solution that includes a Senza spinal cord stimulation system and support
services for the treatment of chronic pain. Throughout this presentation HFX™ for PDN means that a
patient has been implanted with a Senza System and programmed to include a frequency of 10 kHz.
PDN: Large patient population with
          significant unmet need.
         PREVALENCE                                                                                                                                                                                          INCIDENCE

                Diagnosed                                                  20%                                                  45%                                                            Annual TAM
                PWD                                                        with PDN                                             Refractory to CMM                                      ~$3.5-5.0 Billion

              26.8 MM PATIENTS                                           5.3 MM PATIENTS                                           2.3 MM PATIENTS                                     140K-200K PATIENTS

                                         Current Treatment Options Demonstrate Mild Efficacy and Low Adherence
PWD = Patients with Diabetes PDN = Painful Diabetic Neuropathy CMM = Conventional Medical Management TAM = Total Addressable Market
Sources: CDC National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020; Schmader KE. Epidemiology and impact on quality of life of postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy. Clin J Pain. 2002;18(6):350-354;               14
Trinity Partners Market Research 2017
PDN patients suffer from chronic,
       debilitating pain with no good options.                                                                             Bladder / bowel
       What is PDN?                                                                                                                                        Muscle
            Nerve damage caused by chronically high
            blood sugar and diabetes
            Most common complication of diabetes                                                           difficulties

            Develops 5-10 years post-onset of diabetes

            Numbness, loss of sensation,                                                              Stabbing
            and sometimes pain in the                                                                     pain                               Sensitivity
            feet, legs, or hands                                                                                                             to touch

            May not feel heat, cold, or pain in feet,                                                                     Numbness, especially
            legs, or hands                                                                                                in arms and legs

            Unaware of cuts or wounds
            Infections, ulcers, amputations, falls,                                                   Burning
            hospital admissions, QoL, or even death                                                    pain

Sources: Trinity Partners Market Research 2017; Mayo Clinic; Nevro Senza-PDN RCT 6-month manuscript
PDN Market
The Power of a            Opportunity
PDN Indication                                   1% penetration =
Increase referrals and
access to new accounts

On-label treatment

Level 1 Scientific Data

Expand PDN coverage
                              $47   Billion
                                 2.3M Patients        Nevro is ONLY
                                                      company with
                                                     specific on-label
                                                       indication for
                                                        treating PDN

Proprietary 10 kHz Therapy provides substantial, durable
   relief in patients with PDN in clinical trial and real-world
   settings and compared to low-frequency SCS.
                                                                                                                                  Pain Relief over 12 Months                                                                                 Neurologic Improvement, Compared to Baseline

                                                                                         Lower Limb Pain VAS (cm)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Proportions of Subjects
                                                                                                                                10 kHz Therapy + CMM (n=84)                                          CMM (n=58)                                      Crossover CMM + 10 kHz Therapy (n=58)

                                                                                  Percentage of patients with ≥50% Pain Relief                                              6 MONTHS                                                                                            12 MONTHS

                                                                                                                                                                        86%                                                                                                   86%
  86% of patients on 10 kHz Therapy
  had substantial, durable pain relief                                                10 kHz Therapy
  through 12 months, compared to 0%                                                   + CMM
  of patients on CMM alone.                                                           (n=84)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MEAN PAIN RELIEF: 77.1%

  84% of patients that elected to cross                                                                                                                                                                                                   Crossover to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10 kHz SCS
  over to 10 kHz Therapy from CMM at 6
  months, experience substantial relief                                                CMM
  that was comparable to patients                                                      (n=58)
  assigned to 10 kHz Therapy at baseline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MEAN PAIN RELIEF: 70.3%

Petersen et al. Durability of High-Frequency 10-kHz Spinal Cord Stimulation for Patients With Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Refractory to Conventional Treatments: 12-Month Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Diabetes Care. 2022;45:e1–e4;
Expect steady reimbursement
    progress with published clinical results
    and a robust clinical dossier.
                                                                                            PAYER MIX FOR PDN PATIENTS

                                                                                 Medicare                                Commercial
        Current State:                                                                        40%              60%       Payers
                Payer Mix: 60% Commercial / 40% Medicare
                ~25% of PDN patients already covered                                                ~25%
                                                                         Recent PDN                 already
        Expect an increase in coverage occurring                         coverage                   covered
        in 2022 and beyond                                               expansion

                                                                         March 1, 2022

Source: Payer Mix - IQVIA Claims Data; Other data cited as of 1/1/2022
Two-pronged reimbursement
     market access strategy for PDN
                  Leverage prior authorization and                               In parallel, active discussions with
         1        patient appeal process while                        2          Medicare and commercial payers to
                  working with payers to                                         establish positive coverage policies
                  broaden coverage

                              Medicare Coverage                                          Commercial Coverage
                       ~40% of Total Addressable Market¹                             ~60% of Total Addressable Market¹


                         Covered              Not Covered                     Case-by-Case                Specific Non-Coverage Policy
                           50%                    50%                             25%                                  70%                                     19
¹ Source: IQVIA Claims Data; As of 1/1/2022                    ² Does not include the UnitedHealthcare positive coverage decision, which is effective 3-1-22
PDN already      Preliminary, unaudited

                 worldwide PDN revenue:


revenue gains             $1.7M

                         Q3 2021              Q4 2021

                Q4’21 U.S. PDN trials grew ~92% over Q3’21

                PDN ~7% of U.S. trials in Q4 2021

                Broader penetration and a more
                significant revenue contribution
                expected in 2022 and beyond

NSRBP: Clinical data expected
       to drive patient access and
       market penetration.                                                    Addressable

         Submitted PMA Supplement to
         FDA for NSRBP Indication                                                $510M
         Development of clinical data                                               Market
         supports continued market
               Expanded payer coverage                                             Only ~5%
               Increased referrals for
               10 kHz Therapy

         12-month data release at NANS 2022 and
         publication expected soon

NSRBP: Non-Surgical Refractory Back Pain; PMA: Pre-Market Approval
NANS 2022: Significant Clinical Presence
17 Abstracts Accepted for Presentation
Three late-breaking presentations:

SENZA-PDN RCT – 18-month results       SENZA-NSRBP RCT – 12-month results   SENZA-NSRBP RCT Cost-Effectiveness Data
Saturday, January 15, 2022             Saturday, January 15, 2022           Saturday, January 15, 2022
8:40-8:55 am ET                        9:25-9:40 am ET                      5:15-5:25 pm ET
Presenter: Dr. Erika Petersen          Presenter: Dr. Leo Kapural           Presenter: Dr. Jessica Jameson

    Complete 18-month results for SENZA-PDN RCT,
    including 12-month crossover results and analysis of
    healthcare resource utilization

    Twelve-month results for SENZA-NSRBP RCT,
    with 159 randomized participants from 15 study centers

    SENZA-NSRBP RCT cost-effectiveness data,
    for 10 kHz spinal cord stimulation

Continued progress on
operating expense leverage.
                                    Adjusted OPEX Leverage                                                     Meaningful leverage
160%                                                                                                           opportunities to drive
                                                                                                               Commercial organization
80%                                                                                                            New Costa Rica
                                                                                                               manufacturing operations
                                                                                                               Continued product
       Q1 '19   Q2 '19   Q3 '19   Q4 '19   Q1 '20      Q2 '20    Q3 '20    Q4 '20   Q1 '21   Q2 '21   Q3 '21   Technology-enabled
                                                    Adj. OPEX as a % of Revenue                                efficiencies

           Excluding all litigation-related and PDN expenses, YTD Q3 2021 operating expenses would
                               be less than YTD Q3 2019 by almost $35 million, or 13%

In-house manufacturing
expected to drive margin gains                Gross margin
                                              expansion to
                                               over next
Established very first insourced global       3-5 years
manufacturing operations in Costa Rica

    Enables greater control and efficiency
    in our manufacturing processes
    Expect the facility to be validated and
    approved in 2022
    Expect to have ~100 team members in
    Costa Rica by the end of 2022
    Represents investment of $21 million
    by the end of 2022

Closing Thoughts

Positioned to Outperform
   Pace-setting leader in three large,
   underpenetrated SCS markets

   Unique and differentiated 10 kHz
   technology with superior outcomes

   Multiple growth drivers via
   expanded indications

   Pent-up demand additive to growth

   Meaningful leverage opportunities to
   drive profitability and cash flow
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