From Editor's Desk - Consulting Electrical ...

Page created by Samuel Warner
Now Available on CEEAMA Website:

Volume 3 Issue # 23                                                                              March 2021

From Editor’s Desk
 Dear fellow CEEAMA Members,
 We have great pleasure in bringing out to you, the March 2021 Edition of CEEAMA E-News.
In the last Edition, we had mentioned about the second wave of the Pandemic and the precautions we
all need to take to minimize the spread of the Pandemic. The world is experiencing that the second wave
is worse than the first. and we all need to be very careful and take all precautions possible. What is
particularly disturbing is that people are not taking enough precautions. It’s a matter of serious concern
that we in Maharashtra are facing the brunt of it BUT still people are very careless and casual about it.
It’s understandable that ,we can’t stop everything out of worry and fear. The life, trade, economy , enter-
tainment has to go on but why people don’t want to take precautions defies the logic.
The COVID-19 Vaccination programme has gained momentum with several vaccination centres opened
in Neighborhood. We have completed over 40 million vaccinations across the country, without any
major hiccups. We encourage all eligible members to get vaccinated without any fear.
The recently announced Budget has tried to bring some cheer on the faces of Common Man as well as
Industry Professionals. However, the Pandemic spread is overshadowing the business activities. There-
fore, the focus is on survival rather than on growth. In the next Edition of E News, we would like to touch
upon the impact of budget on our Electrical industry and any inputs in this regard are welcome.
In view of the COVID-19 threat looming large on us, the Governing Council of CEEAMA has decided to
cancel the CEEAMATECH Exhibition of 2021. However, we are planning to hold 1day conference some-
time in early 2022. The details of same are likely to be announced in second half of 2021. Due to the lack
of activities in last one year, our revenues have reduced considerably, whereas the fixed expenses
remain unchanged. To give a boost to the revenue earnings, we propose to introduce Advertisements in
the Monthly CEEAMA E-News and will communicate separately on this matter.
CEEAMA is continuing with its effort of knowledge sharing and enhancement through Webinars, but in
the month of February 2021, we couldn’t conduct any webinar. However we will continue with our
efforts to bring Webinars to you as regularly as possible.
As most of us are back to our normal work life, we may think of arranging these Webinars after working
hours to facilitate higher participation. As always, we appeal to all members to send their Technical Arti-
cles to us, so that the value of E News gets enhanced.
We are encouraged by the higher response to the “Technical Quiz”, introduced in December 2020, and
would like to see all Members participate in it.
 Best wishes from the Team, and don’t forget to follow social distancing, stay safe & Remain healthy.

 Warm Regards,
 Abhay Pimpalkhare
 Editorial Committee

              CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
CEA 2021 – Electrical Safety Guidelines
Article By:
LFM : 159
Mr. Narendra Duvedi
SAS Powertech Pvt. Ltd

Dear members,

We all are aware that as per electricity act 2003, In India, statutory provisions related to electrical safety
are governed by guidelines laid down by “Central Electricity Authority” – CEA. Electrical safety is always
a matter of concern at CEEAMA and has been a priority goal. CEA 2010 is a prevailing document which
governs electrical safety. CEA has planned many modifications in this document to March towards safer
electrical environment.

Some international surveys are predicting that % use of electrical energy in world will increase up to
40% from present level of 20% by the year 2030. Lot of undisclosed innovations are happening in the
world which will open up new technologies for energy storage, which will help in using more and more
renewable energy. This will take care of controlling climate changes also. If this happens, ELECTRICAL
SAFETY will become matter of more concern.

CEA has published draft document CEA Electrical safety guidelines CEA 2021 and asked for public com-
ments till 27th March 2021. Some of our members are experienced electrical safety professionals and
conduct electrical safety audits as per Indian and International regulations. With the help of such mem-
bers CEEAMA GC has made an attempt to submit the recommendations / suggestions to the draft docu-
ment CEA Electrical safety guidelines CEA 2021.

It has been observed in India that since the days of “Electrical safety rules 1956”, the rules and regula-
tions are always there, but the main issue is related to their effective implementation. Lack of required
technical knowledge, disinterest of top management, weak enforcement are some of the reasons for
noncompliance. A correction related to available latest technologies was also overdue in these regula-
tions. It is a well come move that CEA has proposed lot of good changes in the draft document. We are
forwarding our recommendations to make it better – a copy is attached in this document. CEEAMA GC
is also trying to meet CEA authorities across these amendments to offer them benefit of huge collective
experience which members of CEEAMA have.

For and On Behalf of CEEAMA GC

Narendra Duvedi
Hon Secretary CEEAMA.

             CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
Comments and suggestions – Draft electrical safety guidelines CEA 2021:
Suggestion on structure of the document and some other common comments.
•      It appears that CEA regulations are covering specific safety requirements for
a)     Generation,
b)     Transmission,
c)     Distribution,
d)     Mining,
e)     Railways
f)     Electric Vehicle Charging Industry.
In proposed document, many times the mention of these requirements and Industry sectors appear under
various clauses creating confusion as to which part is applicable to which sector. We suggest the total doc-
ument may be split into sections one each for above sectors with clearly defined compliance require-
ments. This will be easy to understand and would become more objective.
Respective training requirements and qualifications of designated persons also may appear under each
The sectional document may end with required compliance record in the form of various recommended
forms. Even if there is some repetition, this would give clear idea to each sector about respective compli-
•      We recommend a separate format for high rise residential buildings and multibuilding housing com
plexes with total load greater than 100KW. It is seen that most of the time qualified electrical staff is not
available at such locations for O and M. It is required to stipulate the safety requirements in clear terms for
such installations.

•      It is observed that at consumer end the front-end engineers do not have adequate knowledge
about statutory provisions and technicalities involved in ELECTRICAL SAFETY. CEA should think about start-
ing ONLINE PAID ELEARNING courses and certification against ONLINE TESTS for all concerned. CEA can
think about foundation course and advanced course in each sector. It may be made compulsory for “ELEC-
TRICAL SAFETY OFFICER” at each establishment.

•     A table listing all standards referred in these regulations along with short description of the con-
cerned standard may be included in the beginning.

•      Electrical inspectorate offices for entire country may be linked though ONLINE web portal, where
each registered designated consumer (May be qualified by certain voltage and contract demand) will be
required to maintain record of safety compliances. Generation on NON COMPLIENCE PENALTIES can be
made automatic through this portal. This will bring in some discipline in routine compliances and consum-
ers will start taking the requirements seriously. The safety compliance forms in these regulations may be
required to be uploaded on these portals.

•     Wherever Equipment data (Circuit breaker capacities etc) is asked in forms, the required duty
(which depends on loading and short circuit currents) also should be asked to confirm the adequacy.

              CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
Specific pointwise comments:
Page 9 – Point 5(3)
This clause expects that the “electrical safety related tests” should be conducted by “Electrical safety
officer” once a year and results should be maintained in form of records in formats given in Forms I, II, III,
IV depending upon type of Industry and voltage levels.
We suggest that electrical inspector wing should come out with an national level interactive web portal,
where in there should be a facility to upload these forms in stipulated time period every year and obtain
ONLINE acknowledgement. Noncompliance should attract fine / Penalty. This would help in increasing the
compliance. At present our observation shows that many companies do not follow this as nobody asks
them for compliance.
Page 14 – Chapter III – 12.3
The material and apparatus used shall conform to the relevant specifications of the Indian Standards or
National Electrical Code or International Standards where relevant Indian Standards are not available.
We are of the opinion that this is a very general statement. CEA should give clearly defined list of standards
(Indian or international) and NEC code clause reference to be followed under each expected situation.
Page 17 – Chapter III – 19 – b
(b) Any other device for protecting him from mechanical and electrical injury due to arc flash and such PPE,
tools and devices shall conform to Indian Standards and where relevant Indian Standards are not available,
International Standard shall be followed and shall always be maintained in sound and efficient working
Above clause talks about “electrical injury due to arc flash and associated PPE”. Technically this is covered
in IEEE 1584 – which formulates methods for calculating “incident arc energy” which in turn depends on
a)     fault KA at a particular feeder,
b)     feeder electrode geometry
c)     fault clearing time.
PPE s in case of Arc flash are defined in NFPA 70E. – Does this regulation mean ARC FLASH analysis, PPE
recommendation and use of such PPEs is compulsory? – If yes more clarity is required in the clause.
Our recommendation is Arc flash analysis and use of PPEs should be made compulsory above 250KW run-
ning loads as most of the fetal accidents are caused due to ARC flash and lot of ignorance is seen on the
field about maintaining switchgears in good working condition and using proper tools and tackles while
working on Live electrical circuits.
Page 21: 30. Periodical inspection and testing of installations. –
Our recommendation is concept of NOTIFIED VOLTAGE should be abolished completely and consumers
should be distinguished only as LT and HT consumers. LT should be categorized as any voltage bellow
650Volts. HT should be categorized above 650Volts. We also recommend that installations above 250KW
of running loads should be covered in this periodic inspection and self-declaration of electrical safety.

              CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
Further we are of the opinion that electrical thresholds decided for safety compliance should be
uniform and common throughout the country and should be decided and frizzed by CEA. State govern-
ments should not have any say in defining such thresholds.
Page 23: 31. Testing of consumer’s installation.
(1) (a) Upon receipt of an application for a new including or additional supply of electricity and before
connecting the supply or reconnecting the same after commencement of supply or recommencement of
supply after the supply has been disconnected for a period of six months, the supplier (electrical power
supplying company) shall either test the installation himself or accept the test results submitted by the
consumer when same has been duly signed by the licensed electrical contractor. (b) The testing equip-
ment shall be calibrated through a Government authorized or NABL accredited laboratory at periodical
interval as recommended by NABL.
Our observation related to this is as follows:
The required procedures are not followed at present in many new / recharged installations. Licensed
electrical contractors most of time do not have expertise and / or equipment with them to carry out this
procedure. Plant maintenance teams are most of the time not trained properly. Plant managements do
not allow required shutdowns to undertake this testing due to production pressures. Frequently major
failures / accidents are noticed in Industries due to this which at times involve fatality. Top managements
do not feel importance of statutory compliances related to electrical safety as it does not pinch them in
In view of ensuring safety and reliability, this procedure should include.
a)     Checking of insulation level adequacy at all required locations.
b)     Verification and checking adequacy of earthing requirements based on fault levels and soil
c)     Knowing normal loading and inrush current requirements of various feeders.
d)     Exact short circuit current calculations at all levels in the distribution. (Circuit breaker tripping
       depends upon actual fault currents flowing through them and CTs. Many times, cables support
       load currents, but restrict fault currents due to increased resistance offered by inadequate cross
e)     Having PT/CT /Relays at proper locations with proper ratios, their accuracy and working checked
       through primary and secondary injection periodically.
f)     Digital / Electronic relays need to be configured properly as they support lot of functions.
g)     Proper calculated Relay and Release coordination settings which will ensure fault clearance
       before equipment capacities are exhausted. These settings must be entered into
       respective relays.
This process needs to be following at the time of commissioning and then periodically at least once in
two years or after any major modification is carried out inside the plant.
Many of above requirements are now included in test report forms included in these proposed regula-
tions, which is a welcome move. Needless to say, above activities require special expertise, experience
and sizable investment in testing equipment and their timely calibration. This activity is different than
normal electrical contracting work. In view of ensuring strict adherence to all above, CEA should provide
guidelines to electrical inspector offices to officially approve testing and commissioning agencies after
evaluating their equipment investment and experience in the field.

            CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
Some of the states are doing this at present but a formal procedure for approval would streamline and
authenticate the procedure.
We are sure a strict adherence to above (Many countries follow this since last so many years) will help
in reducing electrical safety hazards considerably.
Page 39 – 44 – 4:
All apparatus shall be protected against lightning and apparatus exceeding 220 kV shall also be protect-
ed against switching over voltages as per IS/IEC 62305. as per IS/IEC 62305 ------.
This will create confusion because, IS/IEC 62305 talks about RISK ASSESSMENT involving customer and
does not recommend any protection as mandatory. If CEA wants to enforce this protection, may do so
as CEA requirement. Reference to IS/IEC 62305 can be questioned.
Page 39 – 44 – 8:
Fire Detection, Alarm and Protection System for Sub- station and Switchyard
Does this mean all HT substations, irrespective of KVA rating should have comprehensive fire fighting
arrangements? What about existing – OLD substations? What about pole mounted – utility substations?
Confirmation to NBC requirements may not be feasible for OLD substations.
We are of the opinion that this should be implemented above certain KVA rating and also for new sub-
stations only. Old substations can incorporate this when they undergo renovation or capacity upgrada-

Page 223 - Form III – Schedule IV
Point 3 – Circuit breaker Parameters.
•      It is not clear whether it is required for all HT and LT breakers or for only HT breakers.
•      This table should have required SC current values as per short circuit analysis and then rated
       values may be asked to be validated. Data related to installed breakers ONLY will be of no use.
•      Contact resistance measurements for all breakers will be very costly affair – should be reconsid
       ered – or should be insisted once in three years.

Page 224 – 225 - Form III – Schedule IV
Point 4 – Tests on transformers

•     20 – 21 - 22 - These tests are normally performed at the time of installation of VERY LARGE
      CAPACITY transformers to assess disturbance / damage if any in magnetics and coil positions due
      to handling of transformer during transport, loading and unloading. We are of the opinion that
      they should not be insisted for all transformers above 650V. CEA may decide rating of 20MVA and
      above. The frequency of such testing may be once in five years. Accidental failure of such large
      transformers may result into tripping of EHT lines affecting large area.

•     We suggest insisting on DGA (Dissolve gas Analysis) And FURAN tests on all transformers on
      yearly basis along with BDV test of oil and oil filtration. These tests if performed every year and
      results are plotted graphically, trends give indication about quality and life of liquid and
      solid insulation.

             CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
Page 225 - Form III – Schedule IV
Point 7 – Panels.
•      We recommend updated SLDs should be asked instead of present requirements along with BOQ
       confirming adequacy for required duty.
•      Special attention to be given to SC ratings of busbars and breakers. Many times, plant upgrade
       upstream transformer capacities and old panels are used as it is.

Point 8 – Earthing.
•      The details related to Soil resistivity and required number of earth pits should be asked as per IS
       3043 as compliance requirement and then the data asked under this point can be validated to
       meet those requirements.

Page 268 – Schedule XVI
Our opinion on provisions related to Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer - CESE

•      CESE concept was introduced about 3 years back. Most of the states have not implemented it so
•      We are of the opinion that this should be implanted as “Chartered Accountants” work in the
•      Minimum Qualifications (obtained from recognized Indian University), Proof of minimum
       experience and an application in prescribed format and Interview by EI should be sufficient for
       qualifying as CESE.
•      Each CESE should have a unique registration number with EI offices and should be allowed to
       charge his own fees for actual work. (CEA should not decide fees). CESE will get paid depending
       upon his credentials and value to consumer – same happens with tax consultants at present.
•      If any consumer takes service of CESE, it should be made mandatory that he should submit con
       sumer compliance report in prescribed form in 2 months’ time. If all compliances are not achieved
       in 3 months, another 3 months should be allowed to consumer to rectify and CESE should submit
       the report after rectification. If this is not done by consumer, CESE should report this to EI and
       there should be penalty for noncompliance. All this reporting should happen through ONLINE
•      CEA can think about penalty structure depending upon contracted KVA, Supply voltage and
       number of non-compliances. CEA should explore possibility of direct penalties without court
       proceedings. We are of the opinion that this is required for effective implementation of CEA guide
•      We would like to submit here that “Notified Voltage” should be abolished and minimum criteria
       should be voltage above 650V and load above 250KW and this should be uniform in the country.
•      A concept of “Designated Consumer” (as it exists in case of Energy Conservation Act) may be
       introduced for minimum Voltage and MVA (For example say 22Kv - 5 MVA and above). These des
       ignated consumers should be inspected by EI once in two years.
•      Fees and instruments recommended in proposed regulations are so inadequate that knowledge
       able and experienced persons who can add value to ensure safety will not get attracted.

             CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
            FEBRUARY 2021


   Mr. Chidambar Joshi
       Mr. S K Stalin
Ms. Vilas Dattatraya Vaidya
                                               MARCH 2021
1. MCT

        A.   provides Modular Cable sealing
        B.   provides Glanding of Cable entry in group
        C.   Motor Control Terminal
        D.   Medium Voltage Current Transformer

2. All AC Electrical Equipment are rated for

        A.   Current
        B.   Voltage
        C.   Voltage
        D.   All of these

3. IC 611 is type of

        A.   Ingress protection
        B.   Cooling
        C.   Motor foundation
        D.   Paint Shade

4. Paint thickness measurement meter

        A.   Galvanometer
        B.   Multimeter
        C.   Elcometer
        D.   Dulcometer

5. Double Compression Weather-proof Glands are used in

        A.   Hazardous area
        B.   Outdoor Area
        C.   Indoor Area
        D.   None of the above

6. Full form of SFRA

        A.   Sweep Frequency Response Analysis
        B.   Signal Frequency Response Analysis
        C.   Sweep Frequency Ranging Analysis
        D.   None of the Above

7. Wall between Transformer and Substation is rated for

        A.   Voltage
        B.   Current
        C.   Fire
        D.   Rain

              CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
8. Sand buckets kept outside substation helps to

        A.   Seal the cutouts
        B.   Extinguish fire
        C.   Back-fill buried cables
        D.   Retain moisture

9. Panels located on Floor with Trench are suitable for

        A.   Side Entry
        B.   Top Access
        C.   Bottom Entry
        D.   Bottom Busbars

10. Selection of Equipment depends upon

        A.   Sizing of Equipment
        B.   Standard available ratings
        C.   Site constraints
        D.   All of the above

Rules for the QUIZ:
•   The Quiz will be open for 10 days from the date of EMAIL.
•   Each correct answer received on DAY 1 will get 100 points
•   Next days the points will reduce as 90 – 80 – 70 and on 10th day points will be ZERO even if the
    answer is correct.
•   All participants will receive E certificate signed by CEEAMA President with the points earned
    mentioned on the same.

Please use following google form link to participate in the QUIZ.

"Thank you all for the overwhelming response to the E-NEWS in general and E-Quiz in particular.

MCQ based quiz is always tricky and surprisingly can take us aback when we realise our conceptions (mis-
conceptions) about the subject / system / product.

The aim of the feature was to create inquisitiveness in your mind and help you check your technical quotient
quickly. The response will also help us to present articles and webinars on subjects which are important, but which
lack enough awareness / knowledge in general.

It can open a pandora box for our discussions and arguments and probable solutions. Engineering evolves with
conception. It gets fuelled with community discussions and capitalist actions. All stakeholders start realising the
need to take a closer look and help improve standards as we have seen in the past century. Surely it makes the
world a better place.

Wish you all a better luck this time.

Do spread the word."

               CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
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                CEEAMA E-NEWS l MARCH-2021
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