8 Technology and Livelihood Education - Food and Beverage Services - ZNNHS

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8 Technology and Livelihood Education - Food and Beverage Services - ZNNHS
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             Technology and
          Livelihood Education
                  Food and Beverage Services

              Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
8 Technology and Livelihood Education - Food and Beverage Services - ZNNHS
Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 5: Occupation Health and Safety Procedure
First Edition, 2020
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       Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
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Published by the Department of Education – Region 10
Regional Director: Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Assistant Regional Director: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V

                       Development Team of the Module
Writer:            Rochelle R. Kho

Editor:            Ione X. Canonigo
Evaluators:        Ricardo M. Vidad
                    Florence B. Dantes
                    Corine T. Rongcal
Layout Artist:     Denver Ian L. Gimeno
Management Team
Chairperson:       Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
                    Regional Director

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                     Asst. Regional Director

                   Edwin R. Maribojoc, EdD, CESO VI
                   Schools Division Superintendent

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                   Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

                   Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

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                   Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM
                   Samuel C. Silacan, EdD, CID Chief
                   Joseph T. Boniao, EPS –EPP/TLE
                   Rone Ray M. Portacion, EdD, EPS – LRMS
                   Edwin V. Palma,PSDS
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8 Technology and Livelihood Education - Food and Beverage Services - ZNNHS
   Technology and
Livelihood Education
     Food and Beverage Services
              Module 5

Practice Occupational Health Safety
      and Procedures (OHSP)

       This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed
 by educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and other
 education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
 recommendations to the Department of Education-Region 10 at
 region10@ deped.gov.ph.

       Your feedback and recommendations are highly valued.

 Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines
Introductory Message

For the learner:
        Welcome to the Grade 7 Food and Beverage Services Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) Module on Practice Occupational Health Safety and Procedures

        Tourism and Hospitality is the fastest growing industry that includes Food and
Beverage Services which compose of sixty percent (60%) of the total employment in
the world.

        Food is no longer just a basic commodity. Over the years, the demand of the
people for food evolved as lifestyle became fast paced. This led to the emergence of
an industry specially designed to address the demands of consumers for quick and
satisfying meal – the food and beverage service industry.

        The basic function of the food and beverage service industry is to serve food
and drink to the satisfaction of the people. The food and beverage service industry
does not just satisfy the psychological needs of the guest but it also attends
economic need by providing good value to the price paid. Social need creates a
friendly atmosphere and answers the need of convenience. Dining out, for Filipinos,
is another way to strengthen social relationship with friends and family is another
form of relaxation after of a tiredly work.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

             What I Need to Know          This will give you an idea of the skills or
                                          competencies you are expected to learn in
                                          the module.

             What I Know                  This part includes an activity that aims to
                                          check what you already know about the
                                          lesson to take. If you get all the answers
                                          correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

             What’s In                    This is a brief drill or review to help you link
                                          the current lesson with the previous one.

             What’s New                   In this portion, the new lesson will be
                                          introduced to you in various ways such as a
                                          story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
                                          activity or a situation.

             What is It                   This section provides a brief discussion of the
                                          lesson. This aims to help you discover and
                                          understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More                    This comprises activities for independent
                                          practice to solidify your understanding and
                                          skills of the topic. You may check the answers
                                          to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
                                          end of the module.

           What I Have Learned            This    includes    questions     or    blank
                                          sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
                                          what you learned from the lesson.

           What I Can Do                  This section provides an activity which will
                                          help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
                                          into real life situations or concerns.

           Assessment                     This is a task which aims to evaluate your
                                          level of mastery in achieving the learning

           Additional Activities          In this portion, another activity will be given to
                                          you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
                                          lesson learned. This also tends retention of
                                          learned concepts.

           Answer Key                     This contains answers to all activities in the

         At the end of this module you will also find:

References                               This is a list of all sources used in developing
                                         this module.

   The following are some reminders in using this module:

   1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
         module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
   2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
         included in the module.
   3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
   4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
   5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
   6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

   If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

                             Table of Contents

What I Need to Know         ----------------             1
What I Know                 ----------------             2
What’s In                   ----------------             5
What’s New                  ----------------             6
What is It                  ----------------             7
What’s More                 ----------------             19
What I Have Learned         ----------------             21
What I Can Do               ----------------             22
Assessment                  ----------------             24
Additional Activities       ----------------             26
Answer Key                  ----------------             27
References                  ----------------             28
What I Need to Know

      This module is designed to help you master the Basic Knowledge of
Food and Beverage Services NC II. The scope of this module can be used in
many different learning and daily life situations. The used language
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.        The lessons are
arranged to follow the Standard Sequence of the course.

      This module consists of Practicing Occupational Health and Safety
Procedures: TLE_ HEFBS9-12KS-Ii-j-2

   1. identify the personal protective equipment and its uses,
   2. classify the different hazards in the workplace,
   3. perform the manual lifting, transferring of objects and safety
      techniques of the knives and equipment.

           In going through the lesson, you need to have patience to
    understand well what you have read. Answer all the exercises to the
    best of your ability. So, relax and enjoy!

What I Know

       Let us determine how much you already know about health, safety and
security practices.

Directions: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Write the Capital
Letter of your answer in the space provided. Write your answer in your Food
and Beverage Services notebook.

   1. A knife best for meat and vegetable slicing, dicing and mincing

       A. Bread knife                       B. Utility knife
       C. Santoku knife                     D. Cleaver knife

   2. EXCEPT one, is the safest way to handle knives.

       A. Draining the water in the sink B.       Placing on top of the cutting
       C. Catching a falling knife          D. Grasping on the handles

   3. Which one is NOT a way on lifting and transferring objects in the

       A. Bending at your knees and hips
       B. Standing in an upright position
       C. Placing a comfortable pillow on your back
       D. Standing firmly on the floor and near the object

   4. It refers to a knife used for cutting meat and fish, salads and spreading

       A. Boning Knife                      B. Steak Knife
       C. Chef’s Knife                      D. Paring Knife

5. The following are important ways on how to handle knives, EXCEPT

   A. Moving the knife hand smoothly in a downward motion.
   B. Cleaning and storing in proper places
   C. Rushing yourself in cutting ingredients
   D. Curling the fingertips to hold the ingredients

6. A garment tied around the waist to keep your clothes from getting dirty.

   A. Apron                             B. Pants/Skirt
   C. Vest                              D. Hair Restraints

7. A protective equipment used to prevent from physical hazards.

   A. Apron                             B. Pants/Skirt
   C. Vest                              D. Hair Restraints

8. A sleeveless garment for the upper body usually worn over a long

   A. Apron                             B. Pants/Skirt
   C. Vest                              D. Hair Restraints

9. Used to cover for the hand that has separate parts for each finger?
   A. Apron                             B. Gloves
   C. Vest                              D. Long Sleeve
10. What is used in extending from shoulder to wrist that is attached at the
   armhole that

   provides a cloth covering for the arm?
   A. Apron                             B. Gloves
   C. Vest                              D. Long Sleeve

11. In ergonomics standard in lifting objects, what is the maximum mass of
   object should a waiter to be lifted?

   A. 10                                B. 30
   C. 20                                D. 40

12. What are the parts of the body that should be bent when lowering an

   A. Hips/Knees                      B. Neck/Knees
   C. Elbow/Knees                     D. Waist/Knee

13. What knife is BEST for cutting vegetables?

   A. Chef’s Knife                    B. Paring Knife
   C. Boning Knife                    D. Utility

14. All of the following are flammable EXCEPT;

   A. Gas Tank                        B. Glasses
   C. Gasoline                        D. Oxygen

15. Which of the following is an EXPLOSIVE?

   A. Time Bomb                       B. Spoon
   C. Plates                          D. Forks

   4             SAFETY PRACTICES

              What’s In

                 Let us have a short review of some
                 hollow wares that you usually use at
                 home or in the school. Try to answer the
                 activity below.

      Jumbled Letters. Arrange the jumbled letters to form word/s related to
Hollow wares. Write your answer in your FBS Activity Notebook.

      1. A T E T O P
      2. D A L A S E T A L P
      3. U S A C E T O A B
      4. R U A S C E R D A N P U C

      5. T R E S S E D T A L P E

What’s New

       Earlier, you have named some common hallow wares found at home
 and in school. Before we’ll start with our new lesson. Try to look at the
 picture and answer the questions. Write your answer in your Activity
Activity 1: NAME THE SIGNS

         1. What can you say about the picture presented?
         2. Name at least 5 signs based on the picture?
         3. Identify the uses of each sign.

What is It

 After you named signs based on a picture presented about the safety in
 the workplace, this time you will going to deepen your understanding about
 personal protective equipment.

         Following correct health, safety and security practices is very important
in food and beverage service industry. As a waiter, he/she must perform
his/her duties in securing the health and safety of their customers. Thus,
wearing a personal protective equipment (PPE)at all times could make your
safe and secure. This lesson deals with the health, safety and security
procedures in the use of personal protective clothing and equipment, safe
knife handling techniques, safe handling of chemicals, work station
ergonomics, and hazard identification.            Let us identify and follow correct
health, safety and security procedures.
         Table 1. Below are personal protective clothing and equipment used in
the workplace:
 Personal Protective Equipment                           Illustrations
              and its Uses
Hair    restraints   –   these   are   hair
coverings that includes hairnet or hat
to keep the hair to contaminate with

Apron – garment tied around the waist
to keep your clothes from getting dirty.

Long   Sleeve   (white)   –   a   sleeve
extending from shoulder to wrist that is
attached at the armhole and that
provides a cloth covering for the arm.

Vest – an outer covering garment for
the upper body usually worn over a
long sleeve.

Skirt - a woman’s outer garment
fastened around the waist and hanging
down around the legs.

    Pants- an item of clothing
       that might have originated in
       Central Asia worn from the
       waist to the ankles, covering
       both legs separately (rather
       than with cloth extending
       across both legs as in robes,
       skirts and dresses.)

    Gloves- a covering for the
       hand that has separate parts
       for each finger.

Female                                    Female Shoes
           Low-Heeled closed, non-slip
           working shoes (black) are
           designed    with   soles    that
           have rubberized soles as
           well as great tread patters.       Male Shoes
           Closed     rubberized,     black
    shoes usually with 1” heels

        Towels - a piece of white
           cloth used for drying things.

    Manual Handling Including Lifting and Transferring of Objects

    The following are procedures in handling and transferring of objects for a
    healthy, safe and secured workplace:

    Table 2. Proper Moving and Lifting of Objects
                 Procedure                                   Illustration
Lift only object that are less than 30 pounds

Stand firmly on the floor and near the object

Bend at your knees and hips

   1. Pick up or lift the item by getting your
      strength from leg muscles.
   2. Stand steadily in an upright position
   3. If lifting object from the table, slide
      the object close to you, bend your
      knees and stand
      steadily in an upright position.
   4. Only lift objects below your waist
   5. When transferring objects, arms are
      bent, when holding packages close to
      your body.
   6. Hips and knees are also bent when
      lowering the

   Safe Work Techniques Including Knives and Equipment

As a restaurant personnel, you must see to it that the knives you are
using is properly sharpened for you to perform a safe and healthy knife and
equipment techniques in the workplace. The following are safety measures in
holding knives inside the workplace.

Table 3
     1. Use a clean sharp knife according to its purpose:
     Chef’s Knife is best for cutting and
      slicing ingredients

     Utility Knife is best for cutting

     Santoku Knife is best for meat and
      vegetable    slicing,   dicing   and
      mincing techniques

     Boning Knife is best in making fillet
      cut and removing meat from the

   Bread Knife is best for cutting
    breads, cakes, meat, poultry or sea

   Cleaver Knife is best for chopping
    meat and vegetables

   Paring Knife is best for making
    garnishes especially in fruits and

   Steak Knife is best for cutting meat
    and fish, salads and spreading

   Fillet Knife is best for cutting fish
    into thin slices

Table 4- Safe Techniques in Handling Knives

In a flat surface, place a clean cutting
board. Never use your palm as surface
cutting ingredients.

Place a fruit, vegetable or meat on top of
the cutting board. Hold a firm grip unto
the knife

Hand positions must be observed when
cutting with ingredients.

To control hand position, an index finger
and thumb is used to grasp the sides of
the blade near the handle.

Use the other hand making a claw
position as your guide in cutting the

Move the knife hand smoothly in a
downward         motion      while     the     blade
through the ingredient.
When mincing, always retain the position
of the knife tip on the cutting board.

When chopping, the other hand is curled
under      as    your     fingertips    hold     the

Practice    on     cutting    ingredients       with

different    types of   knives and knife

Do not rush yourself in cutting ingredients

Clean and Store knives properly after
each use
In case you drop the knife, never catch it
instead, let it fall and wash to prevent
food contamination.
For knives at the bottom of the sink full of
water, drain the water first before you
pick them.

When lending knives to a person place it
in a clean food preparation service.

Safe Handling of Chemicals, Poisons and Dangerous Materials

   Chemicals, poisons and dangerous materials must be handled safely so
as to avoid injuries or accidents in the workplace. To make our tasks efficient
in the food service establishment, the following are ways on how we handle
these hazardous chemicals safely:
   1. Evaluate the hazards of chemicals on hand.
   2. See to it that all chemicals are identified.
   3. Make a complete list of chemicals used in the workplace and the areas
      they were kept in.
   4. Keep a record of all chemicals used in the workplace.
   5. Label chemicals according to their name, strength, contradictions, side
      effects, manufacturer’s name and date manufactured.
   6. Before using the chemicals, read the labels, follow the instructions
      safely and the material safety data sheet (MSDS).
   7. Only use the chemicals, poisons and dangerous materials according to
      its intended purpose only.
   8. Avoid consuming food or drinks when handling these chemicals.
   9. After using the chemicals, store them properly in a well-ventilated, dry
      and cool areas away from food, people and specially from children
   10. Always wash yourself thoroughly after handling them.

Table 5. Hazard Symbols

Hazard Symbol            Symbol
1. Flammable

2. Oxidizing

3. Explosives

4. Gas under Pressure

5. Toxic

6. Serious Health Hazard

7. Health Hazard

8. Corrosive

9. Environmental Hazard

Four Primary Categories of Food Safety Hazards to consider
1. Biological                               3. Physical
2. Chemical                                 4. Allergenic

Food Safety Hazard- refers to any agent with the potential to cause adverse
health consequences for consumers.
   1.   Biological Hazards – include harmful bacteria, viruses or parasites
        (salmonella, hepatitis A and trichinella). It is a substance that poses a
        threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans and could
        also be a substance harmful to other animals.

Examples: mold and fungi, blood and body fluids, sewage, airborne
     pathogens such as the common cold, stinging insects, harmful plants
     and animal and bird droppings.
2.   Chemical Hazards include water, food contact materials, cleaning
     agents, pest control substances, contaminants, (environmental,
     agricultural processes e.g. acrylamide), pesticides, biocides and food
     additives. It can cause illness or injury due to immediate or long-term
3.   Physical Hazards such as jewelry or false fingernails in food products
     by using proper personnel practices.        It is an agent, factor or
     circumstance that can cause harm with contact.            They can be
     classified as type of occupational hazard or environmental hazard. It
     also includes ergonomic hazards, radiation, heat and cold stress,
     vibration hazards and noise hazards.
     Example: include slips, trips, falls, exposure to loud noises, working
     from heights, vibrations and unguarded machinery.
4.   Allergenic Hazards –occur when the human body          produces       an
     abnormal immune response to specific proteins found in food.
     The U.S. has declared 8 food allergens to be of most          concern,
     including milk, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and eggs.
     These foods were identified because they cause about 90% of food
     allergenic reactions in the U.S.

What’s More

              After you have learned the different personal
              protective equipment (PPE), manual lifting and
              transferring of objects and the different hazards
              in the workplace as well as the safe techniques in
              handling knives.    At this moment, let us try to
              answer some activities to test your understanding
              of the topic.

     Activity 2: Self-Assessment
     Column A refers to the definition of the knives and personal protective
     equipment (PPE) used in the workplace, Column B refers to the illustration
     being defined in Column A. In Column C, write (/) if the statement in Column
     A matches with Column B and (x) if the statement is incorrect. Write your
     answer in your Activity Notebook.
                               A                                      B             C
1. Chef’s Knife is best for cutting and slicing ingredients

2. Utility Knife is best for cutting vegetables

3.   Santoku Knife is best for meat and vegetable slicing,
dicing and mincing techniques
4. Boning Knife is best in making fillet cut and removing
meat from the bone
5.   Bread Knife is best for cutting breads, cakes, meat,
poultry or sea foods

6.   Cleaver knife is best for cutting breads, cakes, meat,
poultry or sea foods
7. Paring knife is best for making garnishes especially in
fruits and vegetables

8. Steak knife is best for cutting meat and fish, salads and
spreading butter

9. Fillet knife is best for cutting fish into thin slices

10. Towels - a piece of white cloth used for drying things.

11. Skirt - a woman’s outer garment fastened around the
waist and hanging down around the legs.

12. Long Sleeve (white) – a sleeve extending from shoulder
to wrist that is attached at the armhole and that provides a
cloth covering for the arm.

13. Vest – an outer covering garment for the upper body
usually worn over a long sleeve.

14. Gloves- a covering for the hand that has separate parts
for each finger.

15. Hair restraints – these are hair coverings that includes
hairnet or hat to keep the hair to contaminate with food.

What I Have Learned

       Let’s check how far have you learned in this module. Use the symbol
inside the box to determine what hazard is being asked. Write the letter of the
correct answer in your Activity Notebook. correct answer in your Activity

Activity 3
Directions: Identify the following HAZARD Symbols. Choose the correct
symbol from the given choices inside the box. Write the letter of your answer
in your activity notebook.

   A. Hazard Symbols
   1. Flammable                4. Gas under tank          7. Toxic
   2. Oxidizing                5. Corrosive               8. Serious Health hazard
   3. Explosives               6. Health hazard           9. Environmental hazard

          A.          .          B.             C.         D.

          E.              F.          G.             H.


B.    Food Safety Hazards.       Classify the following hazards as to
Biological. Chemical, Physical and Allergenic. Write B for Biological, C for
Chemical, P for Physical and A for Allergenic on the space provided.
       ____10. Peanuts              _____15. Vibration      ____20. molds
       ____11. Radiation            _____16. Tree nuts
       ____12. Pest control         _____17. parasites
       ____13. Body fluids          _____18. noise
       ____14. Contaminants         _____19. milk

                  What I Can Do

            After you learned the topic and answered some series
            of activities, let us apply all your learning into
               So, are you ready?

Activity 4: This is it!
   1. Create an illustration using the safety technique in handling knives in
       the workplace. Place it in your activity notebook.
   1. In a flat surface, place a
   clean cutting board. Never
   use your palm as surface
   cutting ingredients.

   2. Place a fruit, vegetable or
   meat on top of the cutting
   board. Hold a firm grip unto
   the knife

3. To control hand position,
an index finger and thumb is
used to grasp the sides of the
blade near the handle.

4.   When mincing, always
retain the position of the knife
tip on the cutting board.

5.   Do not rush yourself in
cutting ingredients


Directions: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write only the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

1. Occur when the human body produces an abnormal immune response to
   specific proteins found in food.
   A. Allergenic       B. Biological        C. Chemical      D. Physical
2. It is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm with contact.
   A. Allergenic       B. Biological        C. Chemical      D. Physical
3. It can cause illness or injury due to immediate or long-term exposure.
   A. Allergenic       B. Biological        C. Chemical      D. Physical
4. It is a substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms,
   primarily humans and could also be a substance harmful to other animals.
   A. Allergenic       B. Biological        C. Chemical      D. Physical
5. Which is a symbol of a gas under pressure?

      A.           .         B.             C.               D.
6. What is the symbol of an explosive?

      A.           .         B.             C.               D.
7. Which of the following is the symbol of oxidizing?

      A.           .         B.             C.               D.
8. The symbol of a flammable.

      A.           .         B.             C.               D.

9. What is the correct way of handling chemicals?
      A. Evaluate the hazards of chemist on hand.
      B. See to it that all chemicals are not identified.

C. Make an incomplete list of chemicals used in the workplace and the
         areas they were kept in.
         D. Keep a record of all chemicals used in the workplace.

For items 10-13, choose your answer among the picture of knives given

   A.                   B.                   C.                             D.

10. Which of those knives is use to cut and slice ingredients?
11. What is the best knife used in making fillet cut and removing meat from the
12. The knife that is best for chopping meat and vegetables.
13. What is best knife used for meat and vegetable slicing, dicing and mincing
14. The following are safety measures in the workplace, which is NOT part of
         A. Wear uniform and personal protective equipment
         B. Be unaware of safety hazards in the workplace.
         C. Check equipment for damage or function.
         D. Report damaged or malfunctioned ingredients.
15. What is the BEST Safety Rule in the Kitchen?
   A. Wash hands with dirty water.       B. Cook foods to unsafe temperatures
   C. Sanitize work surface.             D. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods

Additional Activities

Directions: At home, take a picture of yourself          performing the standard
operating procedures of the following safety practices in the food service
   1. Manual lifting and transferring of objects
   2. Safe handling of poisonous and dangerous chemicals
                           5                   3                      1
                       (Good)                (Fair)                (Poor)
                 The content          The content            The content did
                 accurately           somehow portrays       not portray the
                 portrays the         the proper             proper procedure
                 proper lifting,      procedure              showing customer
                 bending              showing customer       service through
                 procedure            service through        courteous
                 showing customer     courteous              interaction with a
  Quality of
                 service through      interaction with a     customer and in
                 courteous            customer and in        accordance with
                 interaction with a   accordance with        industry and/or
                 customer and in      industry and/or        enterprise’s
                 accordance with      enterprise’s           standards.
                 industry and/or      standards.
                 The presentation     The presentation       The presentation
 Organization was well-               was fairly well-       was not well-
                 organized            organized              organized
                 All members of the   Some members of        Few members of
                 group participate    the group              the group

participate           participate

               Answer Key

What I Know          What’s More     What I have Learned      Assessment
1.    C              1. x            1. A                     1. A
2.    C              2 /             2. B ,                   2. B
3.    C              3. x            3. C                     3. C
4.    B              4. x            4. D                     4. D
5.    C              5. /            5. F                     5. D
6.    A              6. x            6. I                     6. C
7.    D              7. /            7. G                     7. B
8.    C              8. /            8. H                     8. A
9.    B              9. /            9. E                     9. D
10.   D              10. x          10. A                     10. A
11.   B              11. x          11. P                     11. B
12.   A              12. x          12. C                     12. C
13.   D              13. /          13. B                     13. D
14.   B              14. x          14. C                     14. A
15.   A              15. /         15. P                      15. C
                                   16. A
                                   17. B
                                   18. P
                                   19. A
                                   20. B

  What’s In                                     What’s New
  1. Tea Pot                                    1. Warning Signs
  2. Salad Plate                                2.
                                                      A. Fire Exit
  3. Sauce Boat                                       b. Wear Helmet
  4. Cup and Saucer                                   c. First Aid
  5. Dessert Plate                                    d. Caution Wet Floor
                                                      e. Stop


Food and Beverages Services-Technical –Vocational –Livelihood
Track manual, First Edition 2017

CBLM on Food and Beverage Services NC II Provide Food and Beverage
Service, 2012

Food and Beverage Services NCII Modules

Tan, Lawrence Li. Food and Service Management, for Senior High. 1st ed.
Avila Publishing, Inc.,2016

Basbas, Leonora D. Food and Beverage Services, for Senior High, TechVoc.
1st ed. Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI), 2017.

Internet Resources
“Kai Shun Bread Knife.” shield. Accessed July 24, 2020.

“Check This out:Swiss Classic Gourmet Steak Knife.” Victorinox. Accessed
July 24, 2020. https://www.victorinox.com/global/en/Products/Cutlery/Steak-
Government of Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency. “Government of
Canada.” Canadian Food Inspection Agency. / Gouvernement du Canada,
January 6, 2020. https://www.inspection.gc.ca/food-safety-for-

“Food Businesses.” Food Businesses | Food Safety Authority of Ireland.
Accessed July 24, 2020. https://www.fsai.ie/food_businesses.html.

Weigel, Garret. “The 4 Primary Food Safety Hazards and Preventing
Foodborne Illness.” Connected Insights Blog. Accessed July 24, 2020.

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