Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...

Page created by Jill Perez
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Fresno County Employees’ Retirement Association (FCERA)
May 2021

Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Aksia Presenting Team

                        Jim Vos
                        Partner, CEO

                        Patrick Adelsbach
                        Partner, Head of Credit Strategies

                        Tim Nest, CFA
                        Managing Director, Head of Private Credit Research

                        Lynn O’Connell, CAIA
                        Portfolio Advisor

Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Aksia – At A Glance

   $240bn+                                                                                                                             316
      of   AUA1                                                                                                                   Professionals2
                                                                   Client Centric
       90+                                                                                                                          >3,000
Institutional   Clients1                                                                   Integrated                       Due Diligence Reports3
                                               Founded in
                                                  2006                                   Front-to-Back

    $10bn+                                                                                                                             3.1
     of    AUM1                                                                                                               Staff to Client Ratio1

                                                   100% Employee                    7 Offices
                                                      Owned                         Globally

      All references to Aksia herein refer to Aksia LLC, together with its wholly owned subsidiaries (collectively, “Aksia”)
      1As February 28, 2021. Total AUA (inclusive of AUM) is defined as NAV plus unfunded commitments. Represents investments currently tracked and

      monitored by Aksia’s Client Operations team. AUM includes fully discretionary accounts or accounts where the client retains veto authority
      2As of March 31, 2021
      3As of December 31, 2020                                                                                                                         3
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Our Professionals

 Team                                     Size                                         Aksia Professionals' Average Industry Experience (Years)

                                                               ODD & Risk


 Investment Research1                                                              Senior, 17.5                                                        professionals
                                                                                   Total, 7.3

 Operational Due
                                          55                                                                                                                        23

                                                            Advisory &


                                                                                   Senior, 20.2

                                                                                   Total, 8.1

 Risk Management                          26

                                                                  Legal, IT, &
                                                                                   Senior, 15.0                                              12

                                                                                   Total, 10.1
 Portfolio Advisory                       43
                                                                                 0.0               5.0              10.0              15.0                   20.0

 Client Operations                        64
                                                                                                    Headcount by Function Type

 Legal & Compliance                       10

 Information Technology                   19                                             34%                     16%                      50%

 Administration                           23                                                                    Legal, IT,         Investment Research,
                                                                                  Portfolio Advisory
                                                                                 & Client Operations            & Admin                ODD & Risk

   As of March 31, 2021
   1Of the 76 Investment Research professionals, 23 spend some or all of their time covering Private Credit strategies as well as 3 members of the relevant

   investment committee or the investment research team specialized in niche strategies that can be expressed through Private Credit vehicles.
   Operational Due Diligence professionals are generalists and cover all asset classes
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Private Credit Team Resources

                             26 Investment Research Professionals

          Patrick Adelsbach, Partner                        Tim Nest, Managing Director
             Head of Credit Strategies                      Head of Private Credit Research
             23+ years of experience                           21+ years of experience                                          Supporting Resources

         Mike Krems, Partner                                                                                                   Simon Fludgate, Partner
                                                                   Dan Krivinskas, Partner1
        Head of Co-Investments                                                                                            Head of Operational Due Diligence
                                                                  Head of Real Estate Research
        18+ years of experience                                     18+ years of experience                                        Kara King, Partner
                                                                                                                   Head of Client Operations & Risk Management
 Joshua Hemley, Managing Director                           Maiko Nanao, Managing Director
           Co-Investments                                          Investment Research, Asia                                          Steve Beckett
        12+ years of experience                                     21+ years of experience                                  Head of Private Markets Risk
Brian Goldberg, Managing Director1                      Leo Fletcher-Smith, Senior Vice President
     Event Driven & Multi-Strategy                          European Private Credit Strategy Head                       ▪ 54 Operational Due Diligence
       14+ years of experience                                    14+ years of experience                               ▪ 14 Risk Management
                                                                                                                        ▪ 57 Client Operations
Kevin Hitchen, Senior Vice President1                  Antonis Antypas, Global Head of Analytics
      Head of Large Cap Buyouts                                     12+ years of experience
       12+ years of experience

Ping Xu, Head of Hong Kong Office                               Filip Malaric, Vice President
        17+ years of experience                                      7+ years of experience

     Ilya Riskin, Vice President
        15+ years of experience

               5 Senior Associates          |    4 Associates       |    4 Analysts

      As of March 31, 2021. Includes Investment Research, Risk Management and Client Operations professionals that spend some or all of their time
      covering Private Credit strategies as well as members of the relevant investment committee or the investment research team specialized in niche
      strategies that can be expressed through Private Credit vehicles (noted with “1”). Operational Due Diligence professionals are generalists and cover all
      asset classes.
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Aksia Private Credit

                                                              Key Aksia Private Credit Statistics

              $59bn in Total AUA                 Due Diligence on >600 PC                26 Investment Research                         85+ PC
                 $5bn AUM1                            Opportunities2                          Professionals                           Sub-strategies

              Client Investments in              >55% Fund Size 200 Unique GPs1                >50% Global or Outside US2                      Professionals                       Sourced LTM3

                                                ▪ Active in the Private Credit asset class since 2010
         Seasoned Credit Team                   ▪ Deep credit research coverage and local presence across the global markets
                                                ▪ Synergies across public and private markets activities

                                                ▪ Proactive opportunistic idea generation
         Thematic Approach                      ▪ Market and deal insights enhanced through broader platform relationships

                                                ▪ Global network of LPs, GPs, intermediaries
         Deep Sourcing Channels                 ▪ Activities in PE, RA, RE and HF further complement credit sourcing efforts and market insights
                                                ▪ Proprietary tech platform houses information on over 2,900 private credit opportunities

                                                ▪ Anchor/seed deals, primaries, SMAs, dislocation vehicles, co-investments and secondaries
         Flexible Capital Base
                                                ▪ Increasingly active managing credit-focused customized separate account mandates

1As of February 28, 2021
2As of December 31, 2020
3As of March 31, 2021. Based on initial communications with Managers. Includes deal flow from Aksia LLC and Aksia TorreyCove Capital Partners prior to the combination of

the businesses on March 31, 2020. Approximately $58mm has been invested in the last twelve months preceding September 30, 2020                                            6
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Private Credit Coverage

   DIRECT LENDING                                           SPECIALTY FINANCE           STRUCTURED CREDIT             REAL ESTATE CREDIT           REAL ASSETS CREDIT
                           & SPECIAL SITUATIONS
U.S. Direct Lending        Corporate Distressed           Consumer & SME Lending       CLO                           U.S. CRE Core Lending        Infrastructure Lending
 Senior                     Stress / Distressed Trading    Marketplace Finance          CLO Debt                      U.S. CRE Core Lending        Senior Focus
 Opportunistic              Influence / Control            Lender/Platform Finance      CLO Multi                                                  Sub-IG Focus
 LMM (sponsored)            Diversified Distressed                                      Captive CLO Equity           U.S. CRE Transitional         Mezz Focus
 LMM (non-sponsored)                                      Factoring & Receivables       3rd Party CLO Equity         Lending
 Private BDCs              Real Estate Distressed          Factoring & Receivables                                    Large Loan                  Energy Credit
 Industry Focused           Real Estate Distressed                                     CRE                            Middle Market                Energy Lending
                                                          Regulatory Capital Relief     Non-Agency CRE B-Piece        Small Balance                Energy Mezzanine Lending
                           NPLs                            Regulatory Capital Relief    Agency CRE B-Piece            Opportunistic                Opportunistic
European Direct Lending     NPLs                                                        CMBS/CRE
                                                          Healthcare Royalties                                       U.S. CRE Bridge Lending      Trade Finance
 Opportunistic             Capital Solutions               Healthcare Royalties        RMBS                           Large Loan                   Trade Finance
                            Capital Solutions                                           RMBS                          Middle Market
 Lower Middle Market                                      Music/Film/Media
 Country-Specific Funds                                                                                               Small Balance               Metals & Mining Finance
                           PC Special Situations          Royalties                    Consumer ABS                                                Metals & Mining Finance
Emerging Markets Lending    PC Special Situations          Music/Film/Media             Consumer ABS                 European CRE Lending
                                                           Royalties                                                  Bridge                      Agricultural Credit
                           PE Special Situations                                       Esoteric ABS                   Transitional                 Agricultural Credit
                            PE Special Situations         Oil & Gas Minerals            Esoteric ABS                  Core
 CEE/Middle East                                                                                                                                  Transportation
 Latin American                                           Royalties
                           Distressed-for-Control          Oil & Gas Minerals          Europe Structured Credit      EM CRE Lending                Aviation Lending
 Pan-EM                                                                                 European Structured Credit                                 Maritime Lending
                            Distressed-for-Control         Royalties                                                  EM CRE Lending
                                                                                                                                                   Road & Rail Lending
Global Direct Lending                                                                  Structured Credit Multi-
 Global                                                   Metals Royalties                                           Residential Mortgages         Transportation Lending
                                                           Metals Royalties            Sector                         Residential NPLs             (Multi)
                                                                                        Structured Credit Multi-      Single Family Rental
                                                          Healthcare Lending            Sector                        Mortgage Servicing Rights
      MEZZANINE                                            Healthcare Lending                                         Residential Origination

                                                          Venture Lending
U.S. Mezzanine                                             Venture Lending
 Upper Middle Market
 Middle Market                                            Insurance Linked Credit
 Lower Middle Market                                       Diversified
                                                           Life Insurance
European Mezzanine                                         Non-Life Insurance
 European Mezzanine
                                                          Litigation Finance
Structured Equity                                          Litigation Finance
 Structured Equity
                                                          Merger Appraisal Rights
                                                           Merger Appraisal Rights

                                                          PE Portfolio Finance
                                                           PE Portfolio Finance                                                                                               7
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Private Credit Coverage – Three Main Areas

   DIRECT LENDING                                           SPECIALTY FINANCE           STRUCTURED CREDIT                REAL ESTATE CREDIT              REAL ASSETS CREDIT
                           & SPECIAL SITUATIONS
U.S. Direct Lending        Corporate Distressed           Consumer & SME Lending       CLO                             U.S. CRE Core Lending           Infrastructure Lending
 Senior                     Stress / Distressed Trading    Marketplace Finance          CLO Debt                         U.S. CRE Core Lending           Senior Focus
 Opportunistic              Influence / Control            Lender/Platform Finance      CLO Multi                                                        Sub-IG Focus
 LMM (sponsored)            Diversified Distressed                                      Captive CLO Equity             U.S. CRE Transitional             Mezz Focus
 LMM (non-sponsored)                                      Factoring & Receivables       3rd Party CLO Equity           Lending
 Private BDCs              Real Estate Distressed          Factoring & Receivables                                       Large Loan                     Energy Credit
 Industry Focused           Real Estate Distressed
                                                          Regulatory Capital Relief
                                                                                         Cash Flow
                                                                                        Non-Agency CRE B-Piece
                                                                                                                         Middle Market
                                                                                                                         Small Balance
                                                                                                                                                         Energy Lending
                                                                                                                                                         Energy Mezzanine Lending
                           NPLs                            Regulatory Capital Relief    Agency CRE B-Piece               Opportunistic                   Opportunistic
European Direct Lending     NPLs                                                        CMBS/CRE
                                                          Healthcare Royalties
                              Distressed                   Healthcare Royalties        RMBS
                                                                                                                       U.S. CRE Bridge Lending         Trade Finance

   Cash Flow
 Lower Middle Market
                           Capital Solutions
                            Capital Solutions
                                                                                                                         Large Loan
                                                                                                                         Middle Market
                                                                                                                                                         Trade Finance
 Country-Specific Funds                                                                                                  Small Balance                 Metals & Mining Finance
                           PC Special Situations          Royalties                    Consumer ABS
                                                                                                                                                         Metals & Mining Finance
Emerging Markets Lending    PC Special Situations          Music/Film/Media             Consumer ABS                   European CRE Lending
                                                           Royalties                                                     Bridge                         Agricultural Credit
                           PE Special Situations                                       Esoteric ABS                      Transitional                    Agricultural Credit
                            PE Special Situations         Oil & Gas Minerals            Esoteric ABS                     Core
 CEE/Middle East
 Latin American
                                                          Royalties                     Asset-Based
                                                                                       Europe Structured Credit        EM CRE Lending
                                                                                                                                                         Aviation Lending
 Pan-EM                                                    Oil & Gas Minerals
                            Distressed-for-Control         Royalties                    European Structured Credit       EM CRE Lending                  Maritime Lending
Global Direct Lending                                       Cash Flow
                                                          Metals Royalties             Structured Credit Multi-        Residential Mortgages
                                                                                                                                                         Road & Rail Lending
                                                                                                                                                         Transportation Lending
                                                           Metals Royalties            Sector                            Residential NPLs                (Multi)
                                                                                        Structured Credit Multi-         Single Family Rental
                                                          Healthcare Lending            Sector                           Mortgage Servicing Rights
      MEZZANINE                                            Healthcare Lending                                            Residential Origination

                                                          Venture Lending
U.S. Mezzanine                                             Venture Lending              ▪    Cash Flow – lending strategies that primarily rely on cash generation from
 Upper Middle Market
 Middle Market                                            Insurance Linked Credit            ongoing company operations as collateral
 Lower Middle Market                                       Diversified
                                                                                        ▪    Asset-Based – lending strategies that primarily target hard assets as collateral
  Cash Flow
European Mezzanine
                                                           Life Insurance
                                                           Non-Life Insurance
                                                                                        ▪    Distressed – strategies focused on buying in the secondary markets at a discount
 European Mezzanine
                                                          Litigation Finance                 to intrinsic value (i.e., investor returns driven by capital gains rather than yield)
Structured Equity                                          Litigation Finance
 Structured Equity
                                                          Merger Appraisal Rights
                                                           Merger Appraisal Rights

                                                          PE Portfolio Finance
                                                           PE Portfolio Finance                                                                                                      8
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
FCERA Private Credit Exposure

   DIRECT LENDING                                           SPECIALTY FINANCE           STRUCTURED CREDIT             REAL ESTATE CREDIT           REAL ASSETS CREDIT
                           & SPECIAL SITUATIONS
U.S. Direct Lending        Corporate Distressed           Consumer & SME Lending       CLO                           U.S. CRE Core Lending        Infrastructure Lending
 Senior                     Stress / Distressed Trading    Marketplace Finance          CLO Debt                      U.S. CRE Core Lending        Senior Focus
 Opportunistic              Influence / Control            Lender/Platform Finance      CLO Multi                                                  Sub-IG Focus
 LMM (sponsored)            Diversified Distressed                                      Captive CLO Equity           U.S. CRE Transitional         Mezz Focus
 LMM (non-sponsored)                                      Factoring & Receivables       3rd Party CLO Equity         Lending
 Private BDCs              Real Estate Distressed          Factoring & Receivables                                    Large Loan                  Energy Credit
 Industry Focused           Real Estate Distressed                                     CRE                            Middle Market                Energy Lending
                                                          Regulatory Capital Relief     Non-Agency CRE B-Piece        Small Balance                Energy Mezzanine Lending
                           NPLs                            Regulatory Capital Relief    Agency CRE B-Piece            Opportunistic                Opportunistic
European Direct Lending     NPLs                                                        CMBS/CRE
                                                          Healthcare Royalties                                       U.S. CRE Bridge Lending      Trade Finance
 Opportunistic             Capital Solutions               Healthcare Royalties        RMBS                           Large Loan                   Trade Finance
                            Capital Solutions                                           RMBS                          Middle Market
 Lower Middle Market                                      Music/Film/Media
 Country-Specific Funds                                                                                               Small Balance               Metals & Mining Finance
                           PC Special Situations          Royalties                    Consumer ABS                                                Metals & Mining Finance
Emerging Markets Lending    PC Special Situations          Music/Film/Media             Consumer ABS                 European CRE Lending
                                                           Royalties                                                  Bridge                      Agricultural Credit
                           PE Special Situations                                       Esoteric ABS                   Transitional                 Agricultural Credit
                            PE Special Situations         Oil & Gas Minerals            Esoteric ABS                  Core
 CEE/Middle East                                                                                                                                  Transportation
 Latin American                                           Royalties
                           Distressed-for-Control          Oil & Gas Minerals          Europe Structured Credit      EM CRE Lending                Aviation Lending
 Pan-EM                                                                                 European Structured Credit                                 Maritime Lending
                            Distressed-for-Control         Royalties                                                  EM CRE Lending
                                                                                                                                                   Road & Rail Lending
Global Direct Lending                                                                  Structured Credit Multi-
 Global                                                   Metals Royalties                                           Residential Mortgages         Transportation Lending
                                                           Metals Royalties            Sector                         Residential NPLs             (Multi)
                                                                                        Structured Credit Multi-      Single Family Rental
                                                          Healthcare Lending            Sector                        Mortgage Servicing Rights
      MEZZANINE                                            Healthcare Lending                                         Residential Origination

                                                          Venture Lending
U.S. Mezzanine                                             Venture Lending
 Upper Middle Market
 Middle Market                                            Insurance Linked Credit
 Lower Middle Market                                       Diversified
                                                           Life Insurance
European Mezzanine                                         Non-Life Insurance
 European Mezzanine
                                                          Litigation Finance                               [Black] Carlyle Accounts
Structured Equity                                          Litigation Finance                              [Blue] Legacy Portfolio
 Structured Equity
                                                          Merger Appraisal Rights
                                                           Merger Appraisal Rights

                                                          PE Portfolio Finance
                                                           PE Portfolio Finance                                                                                               9
Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association (FCERA) - May 2021 - County of ...
Target Returns Vary Considerably By Strategy

                                                                              Sector Median Net Target Returns*
                          Low                                              Medium                                              High

                                                                   Real Estate Direct     Real        Mezzanine       Specialty Structured Distressed &
                                                                    Credit     Lending   Assets                        Finance Credit      Special Sits

                                                                        Strategy Median Net Target Returns*
Median Target Net IRR

                                                                                                                                             Metal & Mining Finance
                                                                                                                                          Structured Credit Multi-Sector
                                                                                                         Energy Credit                                  CLO
                                                             European Mezzanine                     Factoring & Receivables                 Emerging Markets Lending
                                                          US CRE Transitional Lending                Residential Mortgages                     Corporate Distressed
                            Infrastructure Lending                                                      US Mezzanine
                                                           Regulatory Capital Relief                                                                 Royalties
                           US CRE Core Lending                                                         Venture Lending
                                                                     CRE                                                                         Structured Equity
                          European Direct Lending                                                      Special Situations
                                                            US CRE Bridge Lending                                                                      RMBS
                           European CRE Lending                                                        Insurance Linked
                                                              US Direct Lending                                                                 Litigation Finance
                           Global Direct Lending                                                     Real Estate Distressed
                                Consumer ABS                 PE Portfolio Finance
                                                                Transportation                        Healthcare Lending
                                                           Consumer & SME Lending

                        Low                                                                Medium                                                                          High

                          *Data is sourced from Aksia’s internal database, as of December 31, 2020. Target Sector and Strategy returns are representative of information
                          provided by the managers of funds that are in Aksia’s database. Not all funds are included in the analysis due to insufficient amount of data. Target
                          returns are not indicative of future performance.                                                                                                       10
Private Credit Manager Sourcing

                        Manager Selection                                                                   Comprehensive Coverage

                                                                                                                     Real Estate Credit
                                                                                                         Real Assets Credit                           Direct Lending
                         Preliminary Review                                                                     7%

                                                                                      By Sector
                          > 2,910 programs
                                                                                                       Specialty Finance
                              Further Review                                                             Structured Credit
                             > 1,780 programs                                                                                                  Distressed & Special Situations

                             Due Diligence
                             > 640 programs

                                                                                      By Geography

                                                                                                                                                                  Asia Pacific
      8,000                                                     60

                                                                50                                                                   Global

                                                                                                                              Mega            Micro
      4,000                                                     30                                                             9%              6%

                                                                                        By Fund Size
      3,000                                                                                                                                              19%          Micro: ≤ 200mm
                                                                                                                                                                      Small: 200-500mm
      2,000                                                                                                        Large                                              Mid: 500mm-1bn
                                                                10                                                                                                    Large: 1-3bn
                                                                                                                                                                      Mega: > 3bn
         0                                                      0                                                                                  Mid
                      2019                      2020                                                                                               32%

               Client Commitments ($mm)    Unique Programs

        *Data is sourced from Aksia’s internal database, as of December 31, 2020, excluding legacy Aksia TorreyCove and Aksia Chicago’s private credit
        coverage. Client commitments represent Aksia (Private Credit). Coverage by geography and fund size is representative of the universe of investment
        programs (onshore & offshore count as one) on which Aksia has conducted due diligence (IDD, ODD, or Insights Report).                                                            11
Aksia Proposal

         FCERA could consolidate the entire PC program, including legacy portfolio investments, within a Fund-of-One

                         FCERA                                                              Fund-of-One Proposal
                       (sole investor)
                                                                                   •   Customized to FCERA’s objectives
                                                                                   •   Access niche strategies & unique
                    “Yosemite”                     Aksia                               exposures more efficiently
                   Fund-of-One                  (appointed GP)                     •   Full back-office operations & accounting
                                                                                       support on new & legacy investments
                                                                                   •   Aksia leverages our scale when
                                                                                       negotiating fund terms on behalf of
Legacy        Legacy             New     New           New        New
Funds         Funds              Fund    Fund          Fund       Fund
                                                                                   •   Fee transparency: Aksia does not earn
                                                                                       any fees from the underlying funds & we
                                                                                       have no products to place clients in

                                                                                   Simplicity: Fund-of-One would be one line
                                                                                   item for performance & reporting purposes

Benefits of Aksia Proposal

                                           Aksia Investment Management Expertise

                                  Actively manage $5bn in discretionary Private Credit portfolios

                     Flexible                Direct Fund           Simplify Operations        Legal & Structuring
                    Governance               Ownership                & Reporting                   Support

              Client chooses desired      Fo1 owns underlying       Consolidate legacy &     Experienced legal team
              level of involvement in    positions and capacity    future PC investments       that negotiates on
              the investment process                               into one portfolio and       FCERA’s behalf
                                                                      overall line item

      Customization              Transparency            Fee Discounts           High Conviction          Co-investments

   Sole investor in Fo1;        Transparency into      Leverage the size of       Leverage Aksia’s       Invest selectively in
   portfolio tailored to            underlying        Aksia’s broader client     extensive research        no/low fee co-
    specific objectives           investments &         base to negotiate           and advisory             investment
     and constraints               position-level          lower fees                resources              opportunities

   *Subject to GP cooperation                                                                                                    13
Aksia’s Private Credit Performance
As of September 30, 2020 (USD Billions)

                                                                                                                                Total Gains
                Total Invested                                      Total Distributions                                   (realized and unrealized)

             $15.6 billion                                           $4.9 billion                                           $2.1 billion

                         Initial                                                                                Gross          Net          Gross               Net
Asset Class                                Invested Distributed Unrealized Total Value
                       Investment                                                                               TVPI          TVPI           IRR                IRR

Private Credit            Jun-10               $15.6              $4.9           $12.7             $17.7        1.13x        1.13x          8.9%            8.5%

      Please refer to page 25 for a description of methodology and the end of these materials for important information. These pro-forma performance
      returns are being presented to illustrate the performance as if all investments were in a single portfolio and are not necessarily indicative of future
      results. Investors may lose all or part of their invested capital.                                                                                              14
Private Credit Fee Discounts

    • Aksia has a structured program for actively negotiating fee discounts generally based on aggregating advisory clients’
    • All fee discounts flow 100% to clients
    • Fee discounts are generally made available to eligible clients to view via Aksia’s investor portal

Currently negotiated deals by:

                                      Sector                                                                           AUM

                                                                                                                Mega    2%
                                                                                                                16%            Small


     Direct Lending & Mezzanine                Distressed & Special Situations                Micro: ≤ 200 million                Small: 200-500 million
                                                                                              Mid: 500-1 billion                  Large: 1-3 billion
     Real Estate Credit                        Specialty Finance
                                                                                              Mega: > 3 billion
     Real Assets Credit                        Structured Credit

     *Aksia’s active negotiated private credit fee deals as of December 31, 2020. Fee deals are only available to advisory clients who subscribe to our
      client operations and accounting support services. Sector and AUM breakout is by program. “Program” = onshore and offshore count as one
      program.                                                                                                                                             15

Thank you!


Private Credit Co-Investment Sourcing
Last 12 months as of March 31, 2021

•      Approximately $3.1 billion in total private credit co-investment deal flow shown to Aksia
•      101 unique private credit co-investments sourced over this same time period
•      71 distinct managers showed Aksia private credit co-investment opportunities

         Private Credit Co-Investment Sourcing by Sector                                           Co-Investment Sourcing by Geography

                                                    2%                                                    1%



                        20%                                                                                                       74%


                                                                                              North America         Europe       Global       Not Defined
    Credit - Corporate                             Credit - Real Assets
    Credit - Real Estate                           Specialty Finance
    Structured Credit                              Distressed & Special Situations
    Not Defined

        Based on initial communications with Managers. Includes deal flow from Aksia LLC and Aksia TorreyCove Capital Partners prior to the combination of
        the businesses on March 31, 2020. There is no guarantee that an investor can participate in any identified co-investment.                            18
Private Markets Client Operations

                              The Client Operations Team serves as an extension of client’s staff allowing clients to focus on investments rather
                              than administrative functions

                                                                                                                                                        • Investment Activity

                                                                                                                                                        • Workflows
                                                                                                                                                        • Checks and Balances
                                                                                                                                                        • Analytics
                                                                                                                                                        • Attribution
                                                                                                                                                        • Sector/Structure
                                                                                                                                                        • Strategy
                                                                                                                                                        • Vintage Year
                                                                                                                                                        • Geography
                                                                                                                                                        • Cash Flows
                                                                                                                                                        • Valuation
                                                                                                                                                        • Performance
                                                                                                                                                        • Exposures
                                                                                                                                                        • Documents
                                                                                                                                                        • Benchmarks

                                                                                                                                                        • Onboarding1
                                                                                        TRANSACTIONS SUMMARY

                              *For Illustrative purposes only
                              1May be at an additional cost if clean data is unavailable and Aksia is required to reconstruct the portfolio’s history                           19
Risk Analytics

                                                                                                 Private Market Alternatives

                                                                                                         exposures in
                                                                                  Company-              the context of           Investment-
                                                                                 specific risk           the portfolio           specific risk

                                                                                                         Risk Profile

                                                                                 Return Attribution, Outlier and Trend Analysis1

                                                                            Contexts                                                    Financials
                                                               Vintage                    Industry                         Revenue                     Leverage

                                                           Holding Period                Asset Class                        EBITDA                Valuation Bridges

                                                             Geography                   Deal-type                     Capital Structure              Covenants

                                                                                        Aggregated Portfolio Risk Reporting

 ▪   Position Level Exposures
 ▪   Asset Class / Region / Industry
 ▪   Net / Gross Exposure

     Available to Advisory clients and subject to the GP’s cooperation and provision of such data to Aksia.
     1Analysis is tailored to the asset class. The metrics listed are a subset of the metrics we request, and they are relevant in a variety of the asset classes

     covered under this process.                                                                                                                                      20
“MAX” – Investor Portal

                                                  • View performance and various statistics at the aggregated portfolio level
Holdings Shadow Accounting                        • Dissect performance and exposure by sector/strategy sleeves or vintage
                                                  • Portfolio pacing by investment/harvest period

Aggregated Portfolio Analysis

Fund Profiles

Due Diligence

Risk Analysis Reports
   Fund & Portfolio

Fund Screener

Customizable Reports

       *Provided for illustration purposes only
Short-Term Private Credit Capital Markets Assumptions

                                                                              Sector                         N ormalized
                                                                                             N et R etu rn
                                                                          Direct Lending         8.9%           7.5%

                                                                            Mezzanine            8.1%           12.3%

                                                                           Distressed &
                                                                                                12.5%           15.1%

                                                       Private Credit
                                                                            Special Sits
                                                                        Specialty Finance       10.9%           13.1%

                                                                        Structured Credit        8.8%           12.1%

                                                                        Real Estate Credit      14.2%           13.8%

                                                                        Real Assets Credit       8.6%           7.6%

                                                                        Investment Grade         1.4%           5.3%
                                                       Public Credit

                                                                            Hig h Yield          2.4%           11.6%

                                                                         Syndicated Bank
                                                                                                 2.6%           4.1%
                                                                        Emerg ing Markets
                                                                                                 4.6%           11.6%
                                                                        Distressed & Event
                                                                                                 3.6%           5.7%


                                                                        Long /Short Credit       5.6%           7.1%

Please see page 26 for a description of methodologies.
NO RELIANCE ON FORECASTS: Any projections, forecasts or market outlooks provided herein should not be relied upon as events which will occur and no assurances
can be given that a particular strategy will perform in a manner consistent with its historical characteristics, or that forecasts, expected volatility or market impact
projections will be accurate. Use of this reference material does not assure any level of performance or guarantee against loss of capital. Neither Aksia nor any of its
representatives make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided herein. Neither Aksia nor any of
its representatives shall have any liability relating to or resulting from the use of this reference material or any errors therein.                                       22
Aksia Presenting Team Biographies

              Jim Vos is CEO of Aksia and has over 35 years of alternative investments, research and derivatives experience. He is responsible for the overall
              management of Aksia as well as the design of the firm’s research and advisory processes.

              Prior to joining Aksia, Jim was a Managing Director and headed Credit Suisse’s Hedge Fund Investment Group from its inception through
              December 2005, which grew to over $8 billion AUM. His 20-year career at Credit Suisse also included working in the Portfolio Strategies
              group, running a research desk in Tokyo, managing the firm’s FLP trading desk and working within the Credit Suisse Financial Products
              derivatives trading boutique.

              Jim graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in Economics. In 2009 and 2010, he was recognized as Hedge Fund Consultant of
              the Year by Institutional Investor. In 2016, he was recognized as Consultant of The Year by Chief Investment Officer.

              Patrick Adelsbach is Head of Credit Strategies and has over 23 years of financial markets experience including 20 years focused on research
              and investment management. He oversees private and public credit strategies, and works with clients to integrate credit strategies within their
              portfolios. Patrick led the creation of Aksia’s private credit business and has worked with the institutional investor community to help transition
              private credit as an institutional asset class.

              Prior to joining Aksia, he was a Director and Head of the Event Driven and Fixed Income Emerging Markets sector team at Credit Suisse and
              began his career in 1997 at Capital One Financial Corporation.

              Patrick graduated cum laude from the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology at the University of Pennsylvania,
              contemporaneously earning a BS in Economics from the Wharton School and a BAS in Systems Engineering from the School of Engineering and
              Applied Science.

Aksia Presenting Team Biographies

              Tim Nest is a Managing Director on the Investment Research team and has over 21 years of experience in alternative investments with a
              primary focus in private markets. He manages the global private credit investment research professionals responsible for sourcing, conducting
              due diligence, evaluating and monitoring of these strategies.

              Prior to joining Aksia in 2015, Tim spent several years as a Vice President at Frontier Capital Advisors, a secondary investment firm. Before that,
              Tim worked for GSC Group, focusing on two credit-based funds including the firm's distressed corporate credit and structured credit strategies.
              Tim began his career as an Analyst in PwC's Corporate Finance practice.

              Tim graduated from Boston College with a BS in Finance and Information Systems (dual degree). He holds an MBA in Corporate Finance and
              Law and Business from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University with specializations in Corporate Finance and Law and
              Business. He is a CFA charterholder.

              Lynn O’Connell is a Portfolio Advisor primarily responsible for supporting clients based in North America in the management of their
              alternative investment programs. She also supports the Portfolio Advisory team in various client and business development projects.

              Prior to her current role, Lynn was a Senior Analyst on the Operational Due Diligence team focusing on assessing the operational, business,
              regulatory and fraud risks of alternative investment funds. While on the Operational Due Diligence team she worked with clients during the due
              diligence process, educating and advising them on operational risk considerations.

              Prior to joining Aksia in 2012, Lynn was as an Operations Associate at ICON Investments, an alternative investment manager, where she
              supported the legal, accounting, technology and investment departments.

              Lynn graduated from Binghamton University with a BS in Financial Economics. She has earned the CAIA designation.

              She is a member of 100 Women in Finance and was recognized as a Rising Star of Hedge Funds by Institutional Investor Magazine in 2017.

Aksia Private Credit Performance Methodology

 METHODOLOGY: Includes the performance of Aksia LLC’s, together with its wholly owned subsidiaries’ (collectively, “Aksia”) recommended private
 credit investments made by some discretionary and predominantly advisory clients as of September 30, 2020. Performance statistics are calculated
 through pooled cash flows of qualifying client investments; foreign-denominated investments are converted to USD using a constant FX rate defined at the
 commitment date of each individual investment. Cash flows and valuations for terminated relationships are included through the termination date and, if
 available, thereafter for so long as cash flow and valuation data are received by Aksia. The track record includes 294 client investments, representing 219
 unique programs (where onshore and offshore count as one). Of the 294 investments, Aksia does not have any cash flow information for 15 investments or
 5% of commitments, which have not been included. Upon request, Aksia can provide, the performance results of Aksia’s complete track record covering
 all alternative asset classes.

 “Invested” includes the gross capital invested plus fees and expenses.

 “Distributed” represents total cash proceeds received.

 “Unrealized” equals the fair value of each respective Asset. There can be no assurance that the investments will be realized at these fair values and actual
 results may differ significantly.

 “Total Value” equals the sum of Distributed and Unrealized.

 “TVPI” is the quotient of Total Value over Invested.

 “Gross IRR” and “Gross TVPI” are presented net of expenses, management fees and carried interest charged by the underlying managers but does not
 include Aksia’s fees or performance compensation.

 “Net IRR” and “Net TVPI” are net of management fees, expenses and carried interest charged by the underlying managers, and net of an assumed Aksia
 management fee of 40 bps.

 PAST PERFORMANCE: Past performance is not indicative of future results and should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future
 performance or prediction. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown herein,
 which are being shown for illustrative purposes and have not been experienced by any specific individual client account. The performance of a specific
 individual client account may vary substantially from the track record performance. In addition, certain assumptions have been made by Aksia in
 presenting the performance results herein. Therefore, no prospective client should assume that future performance will be profitable or equal either to the
 track record performance results.

Short-term Private Credit Capital Markets Assumptions Methodologies

•    The credit universe: We divide the credit universe into three groups (private, public and hedge fund credit). For the purposes of this analysis we concentrate on a
     subset of strategies within each sector as a proxy for the broader sector.
•    Net return calculation: There are five components that comprise the net return values for the private and public sectors, as detailed below. Although the
     Distressed and Special Situations sector typically does not invest in performing loans, we still approximate its returns using the same methodology as other credit
     strategies; we assume a riskier mix of component indices to reflect the sector’s risk relative to performing credit sectors. Returns for hedge fund credit sectors use
     an alternative methodology based on a trailing 120-month average total return on a representative HFRI index.
        •      Risk free rate: Wherever floating rate instruments are most prevalent, a 5-year average of the forward 3-month LIBOR curve is used. For fixed rate
               instruments, a 5-year treasury rate is used. Risk free rates are as of July 29th, 2020.
        •      Spread: For private credit sectors, we use a hierarchy of sources (Aksia’s proprietary databases, managers-reported returns and indices) to represent the
               current market spread (where applicable, upfront fees and OID are amortized and included in the spread). We use a public market index or a custom
               index based on credit rating, issuer size and geography in cases where they offer a better representation of the underlying asset class.
        •      Losses: Calculated as an expected default rate multiplied by 1 minus the recovery rate.
                  •      Defaults: We typically stress a historical default rate for each sector to reflect our subjective outlook on the credit market during the projected
                         period. For some sectors where default data is not readily available or we believe is not an accurate representation of default risk, we use
                         public market data and adjust based on our view of the relative risk profile of the underlying assets.
                  •      Recovery: We typically stress a historical recovery rate to reflect our subjective outlook on the credit market during the projected period. For
                         some sectors where recovery data is not readily available or we believe is not an accurate representation of the recovery risk, we use public
                         market data and adjust based on our view of the relative risk profile of the underlying assets.
        •      Fees: Private credit fees are calculated using Aksia’s proprietary databases of representative funds’ fee structures from recent vintages and account for the
               investment period management fee, hurdle and carry. Fees for managing public credit portfolios are estimated based on expected implementation costs.
        •      Leverage: Applied where we believe fund-level leverage is usually employed and at typical market rates.
•    Normalized volatility calculation: Normalized to approximate the volatility of a liquid investment with similar credit risk and adjusted to account for Aksia’s
     outlook for the credit markets during the projected period. There are three components that comprise normalized volatility, as detailed below.
        •      Proxy index: The historical annualized standard deviation over a lookback period of 9 to 12 years of a public market index that we believe most closely
               approximates the risk of each relevant credit sector.
        •      Factor: A multiplier to adjust for our view of (1) the relative risk between the proxy index and the sector, (2) illiquidity, (3) lookback periods that do not
               include a market cycle and (4) our outlook of how risk will differ between the lookback and projected period.
        •      Leverage: Wherever leverage is used the volatility is increased (i.e., 1:1 D/E doubles volatility).



 NO OFFERING: These materials do not in any way constitute an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell funds, private investments or other securities
 mentioned herein. These materials are provided only in contemplation of Aksia’s research and/or advisory services. These materials shall not constitute advice
 or an obligation to provide such services.

 RELIANCE ON TOOLS AND THIRD-PARTY DATA: Certain materials utilized within this presentation reflect and rely upon information provided by fund
 managers and other third parties which Aksia reasonably believes to be accurate and reliable. Such information may be used by Aksia without independent
 verification of accuracy or completeness, and Aksia makes no representations as to its accuracy and completeness. Any use of the tools included herein for
 analyzing funds is at your sole risk. In addition, there is no assurance that any fund identified or analyzed using these tools will perform in a manner consistent
 with its historical characteristics, or that forecasts, expected volatility or market impact projections will be accurate.

 NOT TAX, LEGAL OR REGULATORY ADVICE: The Intended Recipient is responsible for performing his, her or its own reviews of any private investment fund
 it may invest in including, but not limited to, a thorough review and understanding of each fund’s offering materials. The Intended Recipient is advised to
 consult his, her or its tax, legal and compliance professionals to assist in such reviews. Aksia does not provide tax advice or advice concerning the tax
 treatments of a private investment fund’s holdings of assets or an investor’s allocations to such private investment fund. Tax treatment depends on the individual
 circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.

 PRIVATE INVESTMENT FUND DISCLOSURE: Investments in private investment funds involve a high degree of risk and investors could lose all or substantially
 all of their investment. Any person or institution investing in private investment funds must fully understand and be willing to assume the risks involved. Some
 private investment funds may not be suitable for all investors. Private investment funds may use leverage, hold illiquid positions, suspend redemptions
 indefinitely, modify investment strategy and documentation without notice, short sell securities, incur high fees and contain conflicts of interests. Private
 investment funds may also have limited operating history, lack transparency, manage concentrated portfolios, exhibit high volatility, depend on a concentrated
 group or individual for investment management or portfolio management and lack any regulatory oversight. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

 RECOMMENDATIONS: Any Aksia recommendation or opinion contained in these materials is a statement of opinion provided in good faith by Aksia and based
 upon information which Aksia reasonably believes to be true. Recommendations or opinions expressed in these materials reflect Aksia’s judgment as of the
 date shown and are subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise agreed between Aksia and the Intended Recipient, Aksia is under no future
 obligation to review, revise or update its recommendations or opinions.

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