Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School

Page created by Enrique Acosta
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
      Issue 16 – 19 November 2020

      Frenchville State School acknowledges the Darumbal people as the traditional custodians of the
      place we now call our school. We pay our respects to the Elders past and present and are proud to
      be supporting and encouraging emerging Indigenous leaders every day.

Principal’s News
                                                                                       let their guard down at home and you experience these
There are really no words that can accurately describe the                             behaviours more than we do. They are just kids who are
year that we have all had, although I am sure that we could                            still learning.
come up with a long list if we tried! We cannot
underestimate the effect, uncertainty and disruption it has                            Largely, our students cope pretty well, given that they are
had on our children, even though we have worked hard to                                only children and we all know that some of the decisions
maintain a sense of normality when the routines and regular                            they make, even when they are not tired, can be
activities have all but disappeared. In the main, our students                         somewhat questionable. Given that their prefrontal cortex
have displayed enormous resilience and adaptability which                              is yet to develop fully and they rely on us to help them
will serve them well in life.                                                          navigate their challenges and mistakes, it all makes sense.
This year more than ever, as we approach the end of a very                             Here at school, we see many minor incidents and work
busy year, we are noticing that students are becoming even                             with students to resolve these. They are constantly
more tired, emotional and less resilient. The weather has                              learning to build necessary skills for them to be good
also changed, and we all become a bit hot and bothered, less                           members of a broader society. You, as a parent, can
tolerant and very busy leading up to the Christmas break.                              escalate or de-escalate a minor issue, which is presented
This includes staff and parents at the school as well.                                 to you when your child comes home from school. Please
                                                                                       be aware that friendships become strained, kids can be
Having spoken to numerous colleagues across a variety of                               very fickle and tiredness sets in as we come to the end of
school sectors, every school experiences this towards the                              the term. It’s our job to be the adult in these situations
end of the school year. Most of the behaviour is just                                  and maintain our own sense of calm and measure.
impulsive and minor.
                                                                                       We all want a calm, enjoyable and productive end to the
You may already be experiencing some of this at home, with                             year, which is largely what we experience every year, so
children having some friendship issues, not wanting to                                 can I ask that you step back a bit and analyse the situation
comply with your requests, incidents becoming much bigger                              or incident which may have or may not have occurred, on
than they normally would be and the list goes on. We have                              its own merits. I simply want to set us up for success as we
to remember that they spend a significant amount of time                               head into the end of the year.
together with their peers and friends at school; some 40
weeks of the year, 5 days a week for a minimum of 6 hours a                            Thanks, as always, for your continued support.
day. There is little wonder we have students displaying some
impulsive behaviours and we see them fraying! Often they                               Katrina Jones

                                               Address                        Postal                      Contact

                                               Frenchville Road               PO Box 9870                 (07) 4931 5333
                                               North Rockhampton              North Rockhampton 
                                               QLD 4701                       QLD 4701          
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
Fortnightly Date Claimers                                       Prep Open Day
                                                                Our Prep Open Day for 2021 prep students will be held on
              Assembly 4-6 – No spectators
 19 Nov                                                         Thursday 03 December from 9:00am to 10:00am. Parents and
              Last day of Religious Instruction                 students should report to the School Activity Centre at 8:45am.
                                                                Students will move to their 2021 prep classroom with their
 23 Nov       Year 6 on camp                                    teacher at 9:00am. Please ensure your child brings a hat and
 25 Nov       Reading Knights ceremony                          water bottle. Uniforms will be available for sale at the School
                                                                Activity Centre during the morning. Card/EFTPOS facilities will
 01 Dec       NRSHS Transition day                              be available. Prep 2021 book packs will be available for
Upcoming Events – more information to come
   Sports Parade Yr 4-6 from 2pm Monday 07 Dec
   Year 6 Graduation 9am-10:30am Tuesday 08 Dec                 Helping your child transition to
   Year 6 Dance 6:30pm-9:00pm Tuesday 08 Dec                    Prep
                                                                Wondering how to help your child transition from Kindy to
Student Banking                                                 Prep? Great news, with your consent, kindergarten teachers
Thursday 19 November is the last day for student                are able to provide your child’s Transition Statement to their
banking.                                                        Prep teacher. The Transition Statement is an overview of your
                                                                child’s learning from their kindergarten program, tailored to
                                                                each individual child, to help them transition smoothly into
No high school references                                       Prep. Ask your Kindergarten teacher for more information or
It has long been the policy at Frenchville that we do not       go to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
write references for high school applications, whether          website.
for public or private schools. We do not believe this has
disadvantaged our students in any way. If the high school       2021 Book Pack Collection
your child is applying to asks for principal reference,
please advise them of our policy. However, we                   If you have ordered a 2021 book pack for your child these can
encourage you to take along your child’s two most               be collected from Monday 07 December to Wednesday 09
recent report cards to the interview which will provide a       December from the tuckshop. Please bring your receipt to
good indication of your child’s study habits, effort,           collect your book pack. Book packs and uniforms can also be
achievement and behaviour.                                      collected the week before school resumes (Monday 18 January
                                                                to Friday 22 January 2021).
BYOx 2021
                                                                Class Lists 2021
There will be no information session for the BYOx
program for 2021. A BYOx laptop handbook will be sent           Parents are reminded there will be no publication of class lists
home to all year 3 students this week for 2021.                 for 2021 as it is a breach of the privacy act and places some of
                                                                our students in an unsafe situation. In moving towards a
IMPORTANT: Our laptop program provides the
                                                                growth mindset, we are encouraging students to understand it
opportunity for students to bring their own laptop
                                                                is a positive aspect of schooling life to take the opportunity to
(parent funded) to school to support their learning
                                                                know everybody in the year level cohort. Our aim is to make
however the program is non-compulsory. If students
                                                                sure students can think flexibly about their future classes and
don’t have their own laptop they will access shared
                                                                their future class members and to keep an open mind.
school-owned devices.

Attendance Records                                              Salvation Army Christmas
Please ring the office to clarify any student absences and
provide reasons. We need to tidy up our attendance              The Student Council are currently seeking donations of non-
records in preparation for emailing report cards.               perishable foods such as tins of spaghetti, soup cans etc and
                                                                items for children including colouring in books, pencils etc.
                                                                These items will be made into Christmas hampers to help
                                                                families in need this Christmas. If you wish to participate, items
                                                                need to be taken to Chappy Jordan’s room at the Enrichment
                                                                centre by Wednesday 09 December 2020.

                                  Student Absence Line

                                  It’s important to notify us if you child will be absent from school for the
                                  day. Please call: 4931 5366
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
Books and School Resources                                       Change of Details Form
All school resources, library books and home readers should      Have you changed your workplace, mobile number
be returned to the TWiST by Friday 27 November. Year 6           or address lately? It is important the school has up-to-date
students are encouraged to return loaned items before            information to ensure we can contact you, but most
camp. Please keep an eye out during your holiday and             importantly in emergency situations. See further in this
bedroom clean ups. Books can be returned at any time. We         newsletter for the form.
appreciate all your efforts in looking after our books and
keeping our resources in good condition.
                                                                 End of year Treats
Sports Parade                                                    As we get closer to Christmas, we start to notice thoughtful
                                                                 little gifts popping into the school. Christmas cards are
The annual sports parade will be conducted in the SAC on         welcome, however, please encourage your child to write
Monday 07 December at 2:00pm. Parents are reminded               personalised messages and to do their best work on these
there are no spectators. Trophies are awarded to the best        cards. It is appreciated if cards can be delayed until the last
and fairest players of school-based sport. Pennants are          week of school to avoid distractions and extra litter. Please
awarded to students who have represented Rockhampton,            refrain from food treats due to COVID restrictions and
Capricornia or Queensland for school sport. Trophies are         parental preferences.
awarded for players of the year for various sports.
                                                                 Tuckshop News
Graduation and Year 6 Awards
Due to COVID restrictions, the Senior Graduation ceremony        Roster Commencing Monday: 23 November 2020
will operate differently this year. Parents of year 6 students
                                                                  Monday:              Help needed
should have received an email outlining specific information
including requesting an email be sent of who will be              Tuesday:             Help needed
attending the ceremony (maximum of 4 adults per
graduating student). If you have not received this email          Wednesday:           Help needed
please contact the office as soon as possible. Tickets will be
distributed to students for parents who have indicated they       Thursday:            S. Gadd & P. Hixon
are attending. You cannot attend without a ticket. The
                                                                  Friday:              S. Vesey
ceremony will be held on Tuesday 08 December for invited
guests at the designated times as per email and ticket.
During this ceremony, trophies and pennants will be              Roster Commencing Monday: 30 November 2020
awarded. Students must be well presented in school uniform
                                                                  Monday:              Help needed
including appropriate footwear (black or white shoes which
may include minor colours that support the uniform                Tuesday:             Help needed
standard and white socks). Only the graduating year 6
students will attend the ceremony.                                Wednesday:           F. Carr
                                                                  Thursday:            S. Gadd & P. Hixon
Instrumental Music 2021
                                                                  Friday:              S. Vesey
Information night
Instrumental Music Parent Information night will be held on      2021 Opening Times
Tuesday 24 November at 6:00pm in the SAC. Recruitment
for 2021 is currently taking place. Offers will be               Administration
communicated this week. More information to come.                Monday 18 January 7:30am to Friday 22 January 4:00pm
Lost Property                                                    Monday 18 January 9:00am to Friday 22 January 12:00pm
Please take the time to check lost property on a regular
basis. At the end of the year all unnamed items will be
disposed of and any uniforms will be given to the Second               School recommences
Hand Stall.
                                                                     Wednesday 27 January 2021

                                   Frenchville SS P& C Association

                                   Our P&C meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. All parents are
                                   welcome. P&C Email:

                                   Parent Talk -
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
Firestorm Order

2020 Firestorm Magazine - $15
Once again we are in the process of producing our annual school
magazine, FIRESTORM. The “Firestorm” is full of annual highlights
from Frenchville, including a page for every class. The photographic
and editorial content has largely been done by our junior Firestorm
reporters. The final copy will be professionally printed. This year
there will be no surplus of magazines ordered. If you would like to purchase
a magazine, please complete the order form below and return it to the office by
Thursday 19 November. The general project consent form families complete on
enrolment provides sufficient permission to use students’ names, images and/or work in the
publication. Without a form on file, your child/children cannot appear in the magazine. The
signed permission form does not guarantee inclusion in the publication.

                     Orders due Thursday 19 November 2020
                     Please note: expected delivery date Tuesday 08 December 2020

 Name:                                                                      Class:

 Number to be ordered:

 Payment enclosed:                                    ($15 per magazine)

 Parent/Guardian Signature:                                                 Date:
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School

The basic student requirements for the commencement of the 2021 school year are listed on the attached sheet.
Additional materials may be required from time to time throughout the year. Your class teacher will advise you when this
need arises.

                                  About the Booklist
                                  • Numbers indicate number required for each item
                                  • All items need to be labelled clearly with child’s name
                                  • Books to be neatly covered (do not write subject names on books)

Uniform items available from the School Uniform                         Special Note:
Convenor/Tuckshop include:                                              1. All children must wear a hat (bucket or wide
                                                                           brimmed) to PE lessons and when they are
    School hat (with emblem)                       $15.00
                                                                           playing outdoors (caps are not considered
    School shirt                                   $35.00
    Royal blue, electrically pleated skirt         $25.00
                                                                        2. Sandshoes / joggers are needed for PE / Sport
    Royal blue combo skorts                        $25.00
                                                                           sessions. Shoes without laces or Velcro are not
    Royal blue shorts – Style 1                    $20.00
    Royal blue shorts – Style 2                    $25.00
                                                                        3. This is the basic book list. Individual teachers
    Jumper with Logo                               $25.00
                                                                           may ask for one or two extra items at the
    Jacket without Logo                            $26.00
                                                                           beginning of the school year to reflect a
    FSS short white socks                           $6.50
                                                                           particular need. (Stationery items only, not
    FSS long white socks                            $6.50
    FSS School Bag                                 $65.00

SCHOOL TERMS 2021                                                          STUDENT FREE DAYS 2021
 Term 1       27 January      -    01 April                                  Term 1       21, 22 & 25 January
 Term 2       19 April        -    25 June                                   Term 2       15 & 16 April
 Term 3       12 July         -    17 September
                                                                             Term 3       03 September
 Term 4       05 October      -    10 December

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS                                     2021                                              2022
Australia Day                     Tuesday                26 January              Wednesday                 26 January
Good Friday                       Friday                 02 April                Friday                    15 April
Easter Monday                     Monday                 05 April                Monday                    18 April
Anzac Day                         Monday                 26 April                Monday                    25 April
Labour Day                        Monday                 03 May                  Monday                    02 May
Show Holiday                      TBA                    TBA                     TBA                       TBA
Queen’s Birthday                  Monday                 04 October              Monday                    03 October

NB. The above dates are provided to assist with family holiday planning. Every school day counts. Your assistance to help us
continue to meet positive attendance targets is appreciated. Please consider these dates when planning family holidays and
Frenchville Focus - Frenchville State School
ITEMS (INCLUDED IN BOOKPACK)                                                      PREP   Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
 WRITING #     Biros - Red                                                                                                               2       2      1
EQUIPMENT #    Biros - Blue                                                                                                                             1
          #    Biro - 4 colours in 1 pen (red, blue, green, black)                                                         1
          #    HB Pencils (no Pacers) - Faber Castell or Staedtler preferred                                2       30     30     20     20     20     10
          #    2B Jumbo/Triangular Pencil - Faber Castell or Staedtler preferred                            4
          #    2B Pencil - Faber Castell or Staedtler preferred                                                                   2             2      2
          #    Coloured Pencils 12 - Faber Castell or Staedtler preferred                                   1        2            1      1      1      1
          #    Twistables Coloured Pencils 12 (1 pack) - Crayola preferred                                           2       2
          #    Twistables Crayons 12 (1 pack) - Staedtler or Crayola preferred                              1
          #    Felt Pens 12 (1 pack) - Faber Castell or Micador preferred                                   1                1    1      1      1      1
          #    Sharpie permanent marker - black fine point                                                                   1
          #    Pen (fine line) black                                                                                                     1      1      1
          #    Whiteboard marker - blue (bullet tip)                                                        2        2
          #    Whiteboard marker - black (bullet tip)                                                       2        2            6
          #    1 pkt of 4 Whiteboard Markers - Bullet tip                                                                    1           1      1      1
          #    1 pkt of 4 Highlighters (4 different colours in packet)                                                       1                  1      1
          #    Highlighters - Yellow and Pink                                                                     1 yellow        2      2
   ART &  #    Barrel Pencil Sharpener (no novelty sharpeners)                                                       2       1    1      1      1      1
 GENERAL #     Ruler (Wooden 100) - 30cm - must have cm and mm on front. No Holes                                    1       1    1      1      1      1
          #    Eraser (soft,white) - Staedtler or Faber Castell preferred                                   1        4       4    2      2      2      2
          #    Glue Stick 35g (large)                                                                       6        8       8    5      4      3      2
          #    Paint Brush - Size 8 (1cm)                                                                            1       1    1      1      1      1
          #    Oil Pastels - standard size not large (25 colours in box)                                    1        1       1    1                    1
          #    Scissors - 15/18 cm                                                                                   1
          #    Scissors - 20cm preferred                                                                                     1    1      1      1      1      Supp YR 2 C / F wd Y R 6
          #    Maths Set (Celco or Kent preferred)                                                                                              1      1      Supp YR 5 C / F wd Y R 6
          #    Calculator (Sharp EL 233 or Cannon LC 35) MUST BE THIS TYPE                                           1       1    1      1      1      1      Supp YR 1 C / F wd Y R 6
          #    Whiteboard eraser                                                                            1        1       1    1      1      1      1
  PADS & #     Botany Book -Grade 1 Ruled - NOT A4 SIZE                                                              4
  OTHER   #    Botany Book - Grade 2 Ruled - A4 SIZE                                                                         2
 FOLDERS #     Botany Book -Grade 3/4 Ruled - A4 SIZE                                                                                    2
          #    Botany Book - Ruled 96 Pages - A4 SIZE                                                                                    2
          #    Quad Ruled Exercise Pads (10mm)                                                                               1
          #    Quad Ruled Exercise Pads (10mm) A4 SIZE 96 page                                                                    1
          #    Quad Ruled Exercise Pads (7mm) - A4 SIZE                                                                                  2      4      1
          #    Year 1 Writing pads - red & blue lined - A4 SIZE                                                      8
          #    Year 2 Red and Blue lined pad (6mm between lines ) - A4 SIZE                                                  12
          #    Year 3 / 4 Ruled Book - A4 SIZE                                                                                    12     7
          #    Ruled Exercise Book - 48 pages (Wide ruled) - not A4 SIZE                                    1
          #    Ruled Exercise Book - 96 pages (Wide ruled) - A4 SIZE                                                                     2      9      10
          #    Scrap Book - 72 PAGE                                                                         6        5       4    4      4      1
          #    My Story Book (by Studymate 48 pages)                                                        1
          #    Sketch Book - SPIRAX 579                                                                     1        1       1    1                    1
          #    Manila folder                                                                                                                    1
          #    Display folder (20 pocket) A4 SIZE                                                                            1    1      1      2      3
          #    Clip board folder - A4 SIZE                                                                           1       1    1      1      1
          #    Document Wallet (plastic) - but t o n fa st e ne r no t v elcro                              1        3       2    1      2      3      2
  TEXT     # Handwriting Rules! Student Workbook F by Collis & Kennedy (M acmillan Primary Texts)           1
 BOOKS     # Handwriting Rules! Student Workbook 1 by Collis & Kennedy (M acmillan Primary Texts)                    1
           # Handwriting Rules! Student Workbook 2 by Collis & Kennedy (M acmillan Primary Texts)                            1
           # Dictionary - Macquarie School Dictionary                                                                             1      1      1      1      Supp YR 3 C / F wd Y R 4
           # Letters and Sounds My Beginner's Dictionary by Mary Schwenke                                            1       1                                Supp YR 1 C / F wd Y R 2
           # Jacaranda Altas                                                                                                             1      1      1      Supp YR 4 C / F wd Y R 5
           # Knight Reading Booklet (only available fro m Frenchville SS; distributed at start o f year)    1                                                 Supp P rep C / F WD Y R 1
   MISC      Pencil Case (No desk containers) - STANDARD SIZE                                                        1       1    1      1      1      1
  ITEMS      Painting Shirt (old shirt)                                                                                      1    1      1      1      1
             Library Bag                                                                                    1        1       1    1      1
             Homework Diary                                                                                                                            1
             USB Stick - minimum 2GB                                                                                              1      1      1      1
             REFLEX A4 ONLY photocopy paper ream 80gsm                                                      2        2       2    2      2      2      2
             Headphones (NOT earbuds)                                                                       1        1       1    1      1      1      1
             Tissues - 200                                                                                  2        1       2    2      2      2      1

           * Notes to the side C/Fwd means continues on - bookpack only supplies in years indicated
Change of Details
   Please complete the form below and return to Frenchville State School
   office to ensure accuracy of your details.

Student Name/s                                        Class         Student Name/s                                    Class

If you are adding a new Parent/Guardian to your child/ren’s enrolment please complete the Family Details section on
                                              the back of this page.
                                    Parent/Guardian 1 Details                      Parent/Guardian 2 Details
Relationship to student:
Work Place:
Phone:                              Phone 1:                                       Phone 1:
                                    Phone 2:                                       Phone 2:
                                    Phone 3:                                       Phone 3:
Emergency Contact:                  Y/N                                              Y/N
Receives SMS:                       Y/N                                              Y/N
Receives Correspondence:            Y/N                                              Y/N
Resides with Student                Y/N                                              Y/N

Postal Address:

Do you wish to receive Report       Y/N                                            Y/N
Cards if the family is separated?
If yes please provide email or
                                    ____________________________________________   ______________________________________________
forwarding address.
                                    ____________________________________________   ______________________________________________
The changes made to the address or parent contact details on this form will update the information of your child/ren
                                 attending any other Queensland state school.
The above Parents/Guardians will be Emergency Contacts. Please add any further names below.
 Priority    Contact Name                               Relationship to Student               Phone

 **Remove Current Emergency Contacts (parent/guardians will remain): Y / N

Medical Conditions
Should your child need to take medication during school hours, an Individual Health Plan, including Emergency Health Plan (if relevant)
or Authority to Administer Medication Form will need to be completed each year and retained at the office. All necessary medication
must be in original package and needs be labelled by a medical practitioner.
Medical Condition:

Custody / Access Details
Are there any current Family Court or other Court Orders concerning the welfare, safety or parenting arrangements of your child/ren?         Y/N
I have provided a copy of the current Court Order                                                                                            Y/N

Family Notes

New Parent/Guardian Family Details



Occupation Group (please tick)
           Group 1: Senior                       Group 2: Other business          Group 3:                  Group 4: Machine                 Group 8:
           management in large                   managers,                        Tradesmen/wom             operators, hospitality           Not in paid
           business organisation,                art/media/sportspersons          en, clerks and            staff, assistants,               work in the
           government administration             and associate professionals      skilled office,           labourers and related            last 12
           and defence, and qualified                                             sales & service           workers                          months

School Education Level (please tick):

       Year 9 or equivalent or below                  Year 10 or equivalent               Year 11 or equivalent               Year 12 or equivalent

Non-School Education Level (please tick):
       Certificate I to IV (incl. trade)        Advanced diploma/Diploma             Bachelor degree or above            No non-school qualification

Country of birth                                                   Is the Parent/Carer and Australian Citizen                          Yes       No

Country of residence                                               Is the Parent/Carer a permanent resident of Australia               Yes       No

Language other than English
                                                  Yes, other – please specify
        No, English only                                                                                   Needs interpreter?          Yes       No

Parents/Guardian Authorisation

Name:                                                       Signature:                                                     Date:

Office Use Only:

OneSchool                       Initial/Date:

     Frenchville SS P& C Association

     Our P&C meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. All parents are
     welcome. P&C Email:

     Parent Talk -
You can also read