FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute

Page created by Lewis Cruz
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Los Angeles
                                                        Winter 2021

FREE Remote
Learning Services
Attend free online workshops, classes and
one-on-one sessions from the comfort of your home.

Algunos de nuestros programas y servicios se ofrecen
en español favor de llamar para más información.

Programs, Workshops and
Class Catalog
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Before taking a class,
learn how to live well with
Low Vision.
Virtual Low Vision Consultation            Helping You During COVID-19
If your vision is affecting your ability   While we continue to adapt due to
to perform daily tasks, Braille            COVID-19, our virtual Low Vision
Institute’s Low Vision Rehabilitation      one-on-one session is an
Service can help you.                      opportunity to connect with you
                                           remotely and discover what Braille
Losing vision doesn’t mean giving          Institute programming would best
up on your life activities, it means       meet your needs.
learning new ways to do them. Our
free virtual Low Vision consultation       Geared towards those who are new
includes remote personalized one-          to our services, or haven't used our
on-one appointments with our Low           services in some time, once
Vision Specialists. They will work         completed you will have access to
with you over the phone or by video        our online classes and workshops.
to maximize your remaining vision
by:                                        At a later date, a follow up
                                           appointment will be made for a
•   Assessing your particular needs.       magnifier and reading & writing and
                                           lighting assessment.
•   Exploring devices that can help
    you accomplish everyday tasks
    like reading, watching TV, and

Maximize your                              To learn more or to schedule a free
                                           one-on-one appointment with one
remaining vision.                          of our Low Vision Specialists, call
                                           1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553).
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Receive one-on-one services
with a live consultant by phone
or video chat.

Connection Pointe                      Library Services
Join us at Connection Pointe for       Our library offers access to over
one-on-one training on the latest in   100,000 books and magazines in
assistive technology.                  every genre and for every age in
                                       hardcopy, audio or digital.
Learn how to use VoiceOver, text
readers, Seeing AI, and other useful   We will teach you how to use our
apps. We have computers, iPhones,      online audiobook service BARD
Androids, and iPads for you to         (Braille and Audio Reading
practice with, or bring your own       Download), so you can download
device to learn on.                    books and magazines to your
                                       computer or mobile device,
                                       anywhere, anytime.
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
“Taking classes from my home is
more convenient and I can socialize
and meet new people.” – Lilia M.

Orientation and Mobility                Personal Connections
Go on an adventure! Seriously. Our      By focusing on your specific goals,
Orientation and Mobility Specialists    an Independent Living Skills
will teach you how to get around with   instructor can work with you
a white cane, guide dog, and more.      remotely, using video conferencing
You will have the confidence to         or the telephone, to address
navigate your home, neighborhood        challenges you may be having in
and the world.                          these areas: kitchen confidence and
                                        safety, household item marking and
For family members and friends, we’ll   labeling, and other daily living skills
teach you the proper techniques of      directly impacted by vision loss.
how to be a sighted guide so you can
assist your loved one wherever they
may go.
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Attend Braille Institute classes
and workshops from the comfort
of your home.

While Braille Institute Centers      Benefits
remain temporarily closed due to     • Convenient and within the
COVID-19, we are bringing free         comfort of your home.
classes and services to you within
the comfort and safety of your       • Free and easy access using your
home.                                  computer, tablet or phone.
                                     • Variety of courses and offerings
Utilizing the Microsoft Teams          to choose from.
platform for our distance learning
classes, you can participate using   • Live instructor/consultant you
your computer, tablet or phone.        can speak with.
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
“I really enjoy the online experience;
it has been probably just as good as
face-to-face.” – Ron P.

How Does It Work?                      Virtual One-on-One Sessions
                                       and Tele Services
Braille Institute instructors will
provide you with an online link or     These sessions are conducted by a
phone number that will be used to      Braille Institute consultant for
connect to a live session. You will    services such as Low Vision,
be able to speak with the instructor   Orientation and Mobility,
and other participants.                Technology training, and Child
Online Workshops and Classes
Join a 1-1.5 hour session taught by
instructors on a range of subjects
such as Make Technology Work For
You, Cooking Without Looking, Fall
Prevention, Understanding Vision
Loss and more.
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Los Angeles

Free Remote Classes.
Online class availability, times and days may be changed
throughout the term. Braille Institute classes are free thanks
to our generous donors, unless specified. Register for
classes by contacting the Registrar at 323-663-1111.

Technology                               Typing Away with Talking Typer:
Whatever your degree of vision loss
there is technology to help you live     Fri. 1.00-2.00pm
with greater ease. Discover how to       Instructor: Shenai
use the latest and most user-friendly    Teams
devices and apps through one-on-one      Explore lessons for beginners’
training at Connection Pointe.           placements in the talking typer.
                                         Learn important skills needed to
Enter the Virtual World with             pass each lesson with confidence.
Microsoft Teams                          Discover common mistakes made
Mon. 1.30-3.00pm                         on the keyboard and how to avoid
Thurs. 1.30-3.00pm (Spanish)             them with proper techniques.
Instructor: Shenai
                                         Talking Siri: Beginners (Spanish)
We will learn how to navigate and        Thurs. 1.00-2.30pm
connect to our classes with Microsoft    Instructor: Jose S
Teams. We will elaborate on the          Teams & Telephone
important steps necessary to have a      This class is specifically for students
successful connection. We will also      who only speak Spanish. We will
discuss all the important features on    teach students basic navigation
Teams and their location on this         features using Siri as well as
platform. The purpose of this class is   swiping, double tapping, and
to build the student’s knowledge and     scrolling techniques for iPhone.
skills with MSFT Teams.
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Talking Siri: Advanced (Spanish)          games for students to enjoy and
Thurs. 2.30-3.30pm                        aware of such existence.
Instructor: Jose S                        Technology Support Group
Teams & Telephone
                                          Fri. 2.30-4.00pm
This class is specifically for students   Instructor: Earth
who only speak Spanish. We will           Teams
teach students advanced navigation
                                          This will be a space where we will
features using VoiceOver gestures,
                                          share news about technology, deals,
downloading/purchasing apps, and
                                          services and offers. We will also
resolve common VoiceOver issues.
                                          address any questions pertaining to
Siri Shortcuts and Everything             technology support.
Thurs. 1.00-3.00pm                        Reading and Writing
Instructor: Earth                         Not being able to read or write
Teams                                     standard print does not need to be a
We will learn how to create,              barrier to accessing literature or
implement and adapt Siri shortcuts        nonfiction. We have classes that
and also discuss everything in            encourage exploring audio books
technology. Each week we will             and learning the braille code, which
choose a topic in technology and          enables one to continue enjoying
talk about it. The topic will be          books, magazines, and newspapers.
chosen by the students but mainly
                                          Creative Writing
we will learn how to use Siri
shortcuts.                                Mon. or Fri. 10.00-11.00am
                                          Instructor: KT
Accessible Apps and Games                 Teams & Telephone
Wed. 2.00-4.00pm                          Find your Creative voice and
Instructor: Earth                         confidence when organizing your
Teams                                     feelings in your own unique way.
In this class we will explore apps        This class aids in daily living skills
and games that are accessible for         and builds community providing new
VoiceOver users. The apps will            solutions to life struggles by
include anything from app for the         empowering our feelings and
visually impaired to apps in our          sharing stories.
everyday lives. In addition, we will
also include some new accessible
FREE Remote Learning Services - Braille Institute
Braille Reading and Writing            Life Skills
This class is offered for 1-hour for
one-on-one lessons during these        Learn simple adaptive techniques to
times:                                 support activities of daily living so
                                       that you can feel more confident
Mon. 1.00-4.00pm                       and able to address your most
Tues. or Wed.                          fundamental needs.
        11.00am-12.00pm, and
        1.00-4.00pm                    Home Management: Organizing &
Thurs. 11.00am-12.00pm and             Labeling Tips
         1.00-2.30pm                   Mon. or Fri. 1.00-2.00pm
Fri. 10.00am-12.00pm                   Instructor: KT
Instructor: Monique                    Teams
Telephone                              Learn organization and labeling
Covers alphabet, numbers,              techniques for your kitchen,
punctuation and abbreviations.         bathroom, bedroom and common
Braille Reading (Spanish)              areas to maintain a safe space and
This class is offered for 1-hour for   avoid any personal injuries.
one-on-one lessons during these        Home Management
                                       Wed. 1.00-2.30pm
Mon. – Thurs. 1.30-2.30pm              Instructor: Mindy
Fri. 10.00-11.00am                     Teams
Instructor: Mayra                      Organizing, maintenance, home
Teams                                  safety, personal grooming and more.
Covers alphabet, numbers,              6 weeks of adaptive techniques for
punctuation and abbreviations.         your home.
Book Club                              Independent Living Skills
Every Other Tuesday 9.00-              Mon. 1.00-2.30pm
10.00am                                Tues. 10.00-11.30am
Instructor: Monique                    Thurs. 10.00-11.30am (Spanish)
Teams                                  Instructor: Mindy and Mayra
Mysteries, memoir, contemporary        Teams
and classic fiction, come read audio   Learning a variety of daily living
and braille books, in various genres   skills to maintain an independent
and discuss their themes and the art   lifestyle.
of writing.
Memory Enhancement                     Inhale Positivity, Exhale
Mon. 2.00-3.00pm                       Creativity
         3.00-4.00pm (Spanish)         Fri. 1.00-2.00pm
Tues. Wed. 10.00-11.00am               Instructor: KT
         1.00-2.00pm (Spanish)         Teams
Wed. 2.00-3.00pm                       Reading, journaling, art, exercise,
Instructor: Manuele, Blanca and        music, and humor can stimulate and
Wendy                                  inform your senses. This class offers
Teams                                  tips and techniques to help you
Understand how your memory             establish positive habits and a road
functions, master techniques for       map to forge healthier and happier
improving your brain’s ability to      pathways.
recall information and learn
strategies to help you improve focus
when can’t rely on your vision to      Learn simple adaptive techniques to
help you recall where you left your    support activities of daily living so
keys!                                  that you can feel more confident
                                       and able to address your most
Sensory Awareness
                                       fundamental needs.
Tues. or Thurs. 2.00-3.00pm
Instructor: Manuele                    Instant Pot Cooking: Work
Teams                                  Smarter, Not Harder
Learn techniques to enhance your       Mon. 10.00-11.30am
senses and more consciously apply      Instructor: Mindy
them in your daily routines.           Teams
                                       Through demonstrations, preparing
Young at Heart
                                       simple recipes, and descriptive
Tues. or Thurs. 10.00-11.00am          instructions, learn how to use this
Instructor: Manuele                    flexible multi-cooker whose
Teams                                  functions include slow cooker,
Stay vital and connected in the        pressure cooker, rice cooker and
world by working on building more      steamer features.
confidence and honing better
                                       Beginning Adaptive Cooking
communication skills. A class for
anyone at any age.                     Tues. 10.00-11.30am
                                       Instructor: Mindy
Through demonstration and               more advanced cooking skills and
descriptive instructions learn          take a culinary trip and explore new
adaptive cooking techniques to          recipes and cuisines.
prepare simple recipes safely and
                                        Food, Fun, BARD! Book Club
                                        Thurs. 1.00-2.30pm
Cooking for Diabetics (Spanish)         Instructor: Mindy
Tues. or Thurs. 1.00-2.00pm             Teams
Instructor: Maria                       The next best thing to eating food is
Teams                                   reading about it. Culinary literature
Living with diabetes requires a well-   is a tasty genre! Join us in lively
balanced diet to maintain healthy       discussions about some modern
sugar levels. Learn simple recipes,     food-related classics. Books for this
practice your cooking skills, explore   class will be downloaded using
online resources, and recipe books      BARD.
to support your journey of managing
your diabetes.                          Artistic Endeavors
Diabetic Cooking & Support              The arts fulfill the important and
Group                                   fundamental human need for
                                        creative expression, but they are
Tues. 1.00-2.30pm
                                        also a powerful way to develop
Instructor: Mindy
                                        tactile and problem-solving skills;
                                        they stimulate and maintain visual
A class on eating well and making       memory and promote self-
healthier food choices, as well as      confidence. Our rich offering of
tips for managing blood sugar, as       visual and musical arts classes
well as peers sharing how they          leads to more fulfilled lives and
navigate diabetes with low or no        greater independence.
                                        Visual Arts
Advanced Adaptive Cooking:
Cooking Around the World                Art Speak
Thurs. 10.00-11.30am                    Mon. 10.30am-12.00pm
Instructor: Mindy                       Wed. 1.00-2:30pm
Teams                                   Instructor: Noah
Through demonstrations and              Teams
descriptive instructions, apply your    Virtual field trips to exhibitions,
artist's studios and artist's talks of   Birds of a Feather
exploring the work and creative          Tues. or Thurs. 1.00-2.30pm
process of contemporary living           Instructor: Simone
artists.                                 Teams
Upcycling                                Reading Jennifer Ackerman's "The
Mon. or Thurs. 1.00-2.30pm               Genius of Birds" the class will discuss
Instructor: Noah                         the relationships, habits, scientific
Teams                                    discoveries and physical attributes of
Learn about artists who use unusual,     birds - we will also listen to many
discarded, found and/or everyday         bird calls. Students will make a
materials in their artwork. Students     sculpture inspired using air-dry clay,
will amass their own collections of      paper mâché and other mixed media
such things and create their own         materials.
unique artworks.                         Future Worlds
Art & Text                               Wed. or Fri. 10.30am-12.00pm
Tues. 10.30am-12.00pm                    Instructor: Simone
Instructor: Noah and Simone              Teams
Teams                                    Reading Octavia Butler's speculative
Discussion of the history and the        short stories in the collection Blood
production of text-based art making      Child, students will discuss the ideas,
practices inspiring students to          worlds and social subjects in the
create their own message and their       stories to inspire a creating a mixed-
own graphic/tactile letter forms.        media diorama of their own imagined
                                         future world.
Paper Mâché
Tues. 1.00-2.30pm                        Musical Arts
Thurs. 10.30am-12.00pm                   Virtual Classical Concert
Instructor: Simone
                                         Mon. 9.30-10.30am
                                         Instructor: Fay
Use paper mâché, plaster, and other      Teams
media including yarn, fabric, wood,
                                         Listen to virtual and streaming
found object, etc. Student acquire
                                         classical concerts and discuss the
skills according to their creative
                                         music as a group. All music lovers
Popular Music Analysis & Holistic      and how they were used.
Song Writing
                                       International Music
Mon. or Fri. 10.30am-12.00pm
Instructor: Natanael                   Mon. 2.30-3.30pm
Teams                                  Instructor: Fay
Analyze different songs and their      Teams
form/movement; identifying intro,      Listen and Learn about music from
verse, chorus, bridge and outro        all around the world.
(end). Instructor will provide
                                       Playing Blues
YouTube videos to the students
related to what it is covered in the   Tues. 9.30am-10.30am
class.                                 Instructor: Fay
Piano - Basics
                                       Learn what the Blues is and how to
Mon. or Wed. 1.00-3.00pm               improvise on blues changes.
Instructor: Natanael
Teams                                  Film Music & Video Game
Participants must have own piano or    Compositions
keyboard                               Tues. 10.30am-12.00pm
Learn/strengthen finger movement       Instructor: Natanael
and placement; understand notes        Teams
and chords and basic scales.           Listen to musical scores by
Students will be able to follow the    renowned film composers and learn
instructor with basic melodies and     about the legacy of their most
tunes.                                 famous compositions for films, as
                                       well as explore the genre of music
Ancient Instruments
                                       for video games.
Mon. 1.30-2.30pm
Instructor: Fay                        Blues Listening
Teams                                  Tues. 11.00-12.00pm
Did you know that the earliest         Instructor: Fay
instrument found, this far, is a 43-   Teams
thousand-year-old flute made from      A rich and diverse musical genre
bird bone and ivory? Humans have       and form incorporating
been making music for a very long      spirituals, work songs, and rhymed
time. Come learn about ancient         simple narrative ballads. Learn
instruments, what they sounded like    about the history and different styles
of American Blues.                     YouTube Channel Creation
Instrumental Song Creations with       Wed. 10.30am-12.00pm
Launchpad App                          Instructor: Natanael
Tues. or Thurs. 1.00-3.30pm
Instructor: Natanael                   Learn how to create your own music
Teams                                  channel. You will learn how to create
                                       a profile, uploading a video, create
Learn how to use the Launchpad app
                                       tags, name your channel, give your
to record your instrumental songs.
                                       videos a title and how to share your
This is a free and user-friendly
                                       finished videos on Facebook and
professional music app and users
can apply it to songs in any musical
genre.                                 Rock Legends
Virtual Concerts: Jazz                 Wed. 11.00am-12.00pm
                                       Instructor: Fay
Tues. 1.30-2.30pm
Instructor: Fay
Teams                                  Unforgettable and mythic artists,
                                       come learn more about the people
Listen to virtual and streaming Jazz
                                       and music that make Rock & Roll so
concerts and discuss the music as a
group. All music lovers invited!
                                       Brazilian Music
Jazz Composers & Their Music
                                       Wed. 1.30-2.30pm
Tues. 2.30-3.30pm                      Instructor: Fay
Instructor: Fay                        Teams
                                       Samba and Bosa Nova are but two
Learn about famous Jazz composers,     of the many styles of music from
what they wrote, how they influenced   Brazil. Learn about the various
Jazz.                                  regional sounds and learn about the
Music Fundamentals                     multilayered influences that make
                                       this music richly distinctive.
Wed. 9.30-10.30am
Instructor: Fay                        Musicians Interviews
Teams                                  Wed. 2.30-3.30pm
Singers and instrumentalists learn     Instructor: Fay
basic music theory on their own        Teams
Meet professional musicians who are       mainstream exercise and
actively working in the LA music          movement opportunities on their
scene. Fay will conduct the live          own.
interviews with ample time for your
                                          PACE Land Aerobics
Q & A’s.
                                          Mon. 10.00-11.30am
Pop Voice: Steve Mackey Vocal             Wed. 10.00-11.30am (Spanish)
Techniques                                Fri. 1.30-2.30pm (Spanish)
Thurs. 10.30am-12.00pm                    Instructor: Mayra
Instructor: Natanael                      Teams
Teams                                     Group exercise for a great cardio
Lecture and hands-on practice using       workout.
facial expression and pitch. Instructor
leads with piano and vocals as            Critical Thinking
students follow and find their range.     In our discussion classes, we invite
Resources and videos related to the       you to have meaningful
skill taught each week will be            engagement with a wide variety of
provided.                                 subject matter —some of it current
                                          and timely and some of it looking
Songwriting Tools
                                          at cultural history in context.
Fri. 1.00-3.00pm                          Connecting and interacting with
Instructor: Natanael                      others in a classroom is a powerful
Teams                                     way to combat social isolation and
Learn songwriting tools that will help    loneliness. Come connect with new
you write a memorable song at the         ideas and new friends.
end of the course. You will be
                                          One World, Many Countries
introduced to 5 different techniques
created by Andrea Stolpe.
                                          Tues. 2:30-3:30pm (Spanish)
Staying Active                            Instructor: Blanca and Wendy
                                          Teams and Telephone
Exercising can be a challenge if one
has a visual impairment, but there are    In this discussion group we focus
easy adaptations that make fitness        on the rich diversity of our Braille
both possible and fun. With the           Institute community. An
support of our fitness program            opportunity for students to share
participants can also build enough        more about their culture, language,
confidence to participate in              art, music, and family traditions.
Let’s Go To The Movies                 Living with Vision Loss
Thurs. 10.00-11.00am                   Mon. 1.00-2.00pm
Instructor: John                       Instructor: Jenna
Teams                                  Teams
Hooray for Hollywood! A class for      Join us and share your experiences
film lovers. Watch and discuss audio   and coping strategies related to
described films and learn more         vision loss. This support group is
about the art and history of cinema    meant to explore topics on denial,
and its makers.                        anger, stress, acceptance and how to
                                       work towards living a positive and
Sports Talk
                                       productive life with vision loss.
Thurs. 11.00am-12.00pm
Instructor: John                       Mind, Body & Soul
Teams                                  Wed. 11.00am-12.00pm
A look at teams and individuals who            1.00-2.00pm
are competing in fields of             Instructor: KT
athleticism. Come join the lively      Teams
discussion.                            Learn various practices that can
                                       support the nourishment of your
Getting Help                           inner hero. A healthy mind, body and
There is evidence that it is healing   soul empowers self-confidence, thus
to mind, body, and spirit when we      functioning better and staying
share and connect with others who      healthy and happy.
are also experiencing and adjusting
                                       Rights & Resources
to vision loss. Our support groups
and classes teach coping strategies    Mon. 10.00-11.00am
and techniques to relax and better     Wed. 10.00-1100am
manage stress— they help you           Instructor: Manuele
thrive.                                Teams
                                       There are many social service
Living the Blind Life
                                       agencies and non-profits offering
Mon. 10.00-11.00am                     support to address myriad needs.
Instructor: Rebecca C                  Come discover which resources are
Teams                                  available to you in your community.
Peer led discussion group on how to    Wash with Care and Be Aware
cope and thrive with the challenges
of low or no vision.                   Mon. or Tues.
10.00-11.00am (Spanish)                 and peer discussions related to living
Instructor: Wendy and Blanca            with and managing diabetes.
                                        Stress Management
The COVID-19 pandemic has made
us realize how quickly a virus can      Tues. or Thurs. 2.00-3.00pm
spread. Review CDC guidelines and       Instructor: Manuele
learn effective personal, public, and   Teams
home hygiene tips to minimize your      Learn and practice techniques for
risk of falling ill.                    relaxation to better manage stress in
                                        daily life.
Living with Vision Loss Support
Group                                   Let’s Have the Real Talk About
                                        Mental Health
Mon. 1.00-2.00pm (Spanish)
Tues. 11.00am-12.00pm                   Wed. 2.00-3.00pm (Spanish)
         2.30-3.30pm (Spanish)          Instructor: Wendy
Wed. 11.00am-12.00pm                    Teams
Instructor: Maria and Nancy             Students will discuss topics that
Teams and Telephone                     most individuals are afraid to
Join us and share your experiences      address but are important for our
and coping strategies related to        emotional well-being. This class will
vision loss. This support group is      address mental health topics in a
meant to explore topics on denial,      holistic approach where participants
anger, stress, acceptance and how       will have the space to provide
to work towards living a positive and   personal views on what mental health
productive life with vision loss.       means to them, and the information
                                        they know.
Diabetic Support Group: Live,
Learn and Share                         Mindfulness: Stress Reduction

Mon. 2.30-3.30pm (Spanish)              Wed. 10.00-11.30am
Thurs. 2.30-3.30pm (Spanish)            Thurs. 1.00-2.30pm
Instructor: Maria                       Instructor: Eric
Teams                                   Teams
Living with diabetes and vision loss    Raise awareness of your thoughts,
can be overwhelming. This support       sensations, and surrounding
group will provide you with             environment, through a nurturing
emotional encouragement, active         practice that helps you better
lifestyle tips,                         navigate and release stress.
Los Angeles

Free Remote Workshops.
Information about these, or other valuable free online workshops,
seminars and special activities may be found in the weekly
announcements, or by visiting our website

 Also offered in español **

Technology                                Venga y salude al equipo
                                          Angelino de Connection Pointe
Meet and Greet LA Connection
Pointe Team                               Jan 12 11.00 – 12.00pm
Jan 5 11.00am – 12.00pm                   Unase a nuestro equipo de expertos
                                          para una presentación informativa.
Join us and get to know our team of
                                          Hablaremos sobre todas las clases y
experts for an informative
                                          las próximas presentaciones de
presentation. Learn about CP
                                          este invierno.
classes and upcoming workshops.
We will also discuss how and when         Unidos con tecnología
to join these classes for our Winter      Jan 13 2.30 – 3.30pm
                                          Unase a Connection Pointe y
Coming Together With Technology           algunos de nuestros intructores de
Jan 6 2.30 – 3.30pm                       Educational Programs. Les
                                          presentaramos nuestras clases para
Join Connection Pointe and
                                          enriquecer sus vidas con la
Educational Programs for this online
presentation where staff will
introduce themselves and discuss
our classes to enrich their lives with

                                     Since Bob Atkinson first created the vision for
Making a difference                  Braille Institute nearly 100 years ago, it has
                                     been the generosity of donors like you that has
in people’s lives                    allowed us to provide FREE programs and
                                     services every year to tens of thousands of
since 1920!                          children and adults who are blind or visually
Disability Rights & Resources           información sobre recursos utiles
Jan 19 11.00am – 12.00pm                para seguir activo y seguro en su
Join Connection Pointe and the
Disability Rights Resource Center for   Virtual Trivia World
a special presentation for helpful      Jan 27 2.00 – 3.30pm
resources for the blind community       Join our Connection Pointe team for
during COVID-19. Learn more about       a day of trivia fun! New students are
helpful resources to continue to stay   also welcomed to join and socialize!
active and safe at home.                All who sign up are entered to win a
CTAP Government Phones                  special prize! Lets meet in the
                                        virtual world for some trivia fun!
Jan 20 11.00am – 12.00pm
Join us for a special presentation      Getting Help
with California Telephone Assistance    Fall Prevention
Program of the Public Utilities
Commission deaf and Disables            Jan 8      11.00am – 12.00pm
Telecommunications Program. Learn       Jan 15 & 29, 12.00 – 1.00pm
how you can qualify for FREE            Let’s not start the New Year off on
specialized landline phones and         the wrong foot. Join our Open Forum
smart phones.                           to discuss how to prevent falls and
Derechos & recursos para                improve your safety in or outside
personas con discapacidades             your home. We will provide you with
Jan 26 11.00am – 12.00pm                strategies to maintain a fall proof
                                        home, detail the benefits of using a
Unase a Connection Pointe y el          long white cane and provide health
Centro de Recursos y Derechos para      and exercise tips to increase your
Personas con Discapacidades para        overall safety as you travel in any
una presentación especial. Obtenga      environment.
Diabetes and Orientation and             not only boost your confidence but
Mobility                                 keeps you healthy. Dental care does
Feb 12 11.00am – 12.00pm                 not need to be a tedious task, with
                                         the right skills you are on your way to
Feb 19 & 26 12.00 – 1.00pm               keeping your teeth healthy and
Have you been diagnosed as pre-          strong.
diabetic or with Type I or II            Game Show Happy Hour
diabetes? Join our Open Forum to
learn what diabetes is, the different    Jan 25, Feb 22, Mar 22 1.00 –
ways that diabetes can impact your       2.00pm
life, and how to live and manage your    Jan 13, Feb 24, Mar 24 1.00 –
diabetes diagnosis successfully.         2.00pm (Spanish)
All About the White Cane                 Have fun and build community
                                         between attendees. Virtual happy
Mar 12 11.00am – 12.00pm
                                         hour ideas are specific games,
Mar 19 & 26 12.00 – 1.00pm               activities and themes that can use to
Join this open forum to learn about      boost social engagement further.
the multiple types and uses of a         Gals Look Good… Feel Good
white cane. We will discuss the
variety of canes, uses of canes and      Feb 2 1.00 – 2.00pm
how to determine the best fit for you.   Mar 2 1.00 – 2.00pm (Spanish)
All About Guide Dogs                     No need to go through extreme
                                         routines to feel and look good
Apr 9 11.00am – 12.00pm                  everyday! In this workshop you will
Apr 16 12.00 – 1.00pm                    learn how to maintain good personal
Join this open forum to learn about      hygiene routines, tips and tricks to
the different guide dog schools          boost your confidence, shopping for
located in California. Learn the         personal care products when you are
requirements needed to qualify for a     on a budget, etc. A special kit will be
guide dog. Understand how a guide        mailed to the first 15 students to
dog can improve your life and            sign up.
whether a guide dog is a right fit for
you.                                     Staying Active
Life Skills                              Breathing Exercises and Laughing
Dental Care Impact on Well-Being
                                         Mar 30 3.00 – 4.00pm
Jan 25 3.00 – 4.00pm
                                         Simple exercises to help reduce
In this workshop you will learn how      stress.
to maintain good dental habits that
Upcycling! Turning Trash Into
Jan 27, Mar 4 10.00 – 11.00am
This workshop is an introduction to
Upcycling, turning trash into
treasure by taking an everyday
object that would normally be
discarded/recycled and decorating
it to become a functional work of
art such as a pen holder or
Disability Visibility
Feb 8, 15 & 22 2.00 – 3.30pm
Three-part workshop based on the
book "Disability Visibility" edited by
Alice Wong. Attendees will
read/listen to selected stories by
different activist, public figures and
individuals and we'll discuss
thoughts and reactions during
Valentine Cards
Feb 12 3.00 – 4.00pm
Create handmade, heartfelt
Valentines cards to give to your
loved ones. Let your creativity flow,
have fun, and practice your sensory
awareness all in one workshop.
Southern California

Free Remote Workshops.
Using technology like Microsoft Teams, we are able to connect you with the
best instructors from all over Southern California. Join any of these free
online workshops offered by our various centers.

Call 1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553) to register.

Technology                             participate in Braille Institute
                                       meetings and classes using Teams. It
Tecking In                             can be used on Apple and Android
Every Wednesday 1.00 – 2.00pm          devices as well as Macs and PCs.
Come and share your technology         Hosted by: Anaheim and Riverside
triumphs and get help with your        Centers
technology questions. Some apps        Introducing Amazon Alexa
covered include MS Teams, NVDA,
Nearby Explorer, Seeing AI, Victor     Jan 11, Mar 1 2.00 – 3.00pm
Reader, BARD Express, MS Teams,        Feb 3 1.30 – 2.30pm
Zoom and more.                         In Spanish
Hosted by: San Diego Center            Mar 3 1.30 – 2.30pm
                                       Join us for this online workshops
Understanding Microsoft Teams
                                       where we get started with Amazon’s
Jan 4 & 21, Feb 1 & 22 10.00 –         smart assistant, Alexa! You will learn
11.00am                                all the things you can accomplish with
Jan 27 1.30 - 2.30pm                   Alexa and what devices Alexa works
Microsoft Teams is a similar           with such as how to get information,
platform to Zoom. It offers many       be entertained, and using voice
features and there are many ways to    commands.
join meetings. We will highlight the   Hosted by: Anaheim and Riverside
easiest ways to join and               Centers
“WeWalk” Electronic Cane                Understanding Portable Video
Jan 15 1.00 – 2.00pm                    Magnifiers
We will give an overview of the         Jan 28, Mar 30 10.00 – 11.00am
WeWalk electronic cane and              This online workshops will provide
navigation app and answer               information regarding three popular
questions related to these products.    portable video magnifiers and how
Hosted by: Santa Barbara Center         they can assist you in maintaining
                                        your independence with reading.
Optical Character Recognition
                                        Hosted by: Riverside Center
(OCR) Apps
Jan 25 2.00 – 3.00pm                    Popcorn and a Movie: The Roku
                                        and Netflix Accessibility Features
Many robust apps are available on
the iPad/iPhone. OCR surpasses          Jan 29 10.00 – 12.00pm
what you could try to use on any        There are many accessible features
other device. Many of the               available for home entertainment. In
accessibility features and apps can     this workshop we teach you how to
replace expensive software and          make popcorn in the microwave. We
often people don’t even realize they    will discuss the Roku which is an
exist. Learn what these apps are and    inexpensive device that you can plug
how to use them.                        into your TV to access movies and
Hosted by: Santa Barbara Center         shows with audio description. Netflix
                                        also allows you to play their
Delivery Services: Instacart            selections with description and we
Jan 25, Mar 22 2.00 – 3.00pm            will teach you how to do that as well.
Feb 5 3.00-5.00pm                       Then we will play a Netflix movie for
                                        you to enjoy with your popcorn.
Mar 10 1.30 – 2.30pm
                                        Hosted by: Coachella Valley Center
Learn safer, easier ways to obtain
your groceries and complete             iPhone and iPad Accessibility with
essential shopping all from the         Low to No Vision
comfort of your home. We will teach     Feb 5 10.00 – 11.30am
you how to order groceries using        Mar 24, Apr 14 1.30 – 2.30pm
your computer, smart phone, or
tablet. You will also learn about the   Demonstration of VoiceOver, screen
other delivery options from your        magnification, apps, and voice
favorite stores and restaurants.        commands using Siri.
Hosted by: Anaheim, Coachella           Hosted by: Anaheim and Laguna
Valley and Riverside Centers            Hills Center
How to Use Social Media:               An informative online workshop on
Facebook and YouTube                   all the wonderful features the Victor
Feb 12 10.00 – 11.30am                 Reader has. The Victor Reader is a
                                       handheld, versatile audio book
Learn how easy it is to join and       reader, music player, and digital
manage your social media channels.     audio recorder.
Get social!
                                       Hosted by: Laguna Hills and Santa
Hosted by: Laguna Hills Center         Barbara Centers
What’s the Difference Between          New Technology Demonstration:
Android and iOS (Apple) Devices?       Compact 10 HD Speech
Feb 19 10.00 – 11.30am                 Feb 24 1.30 - 3.00pm
We’ll dive into the different          An informative workshop, learn
accessibility features each device     about all the features this portable,
has to offer people with low to no     lightweight, a sleek, and stylish
vision.                                device has to offer. The Compact 10
Hosted by: Laguna Hills Center         HD Speech offers all the benefits of
Popcorn and a Movie: The               a desktop video magnifier but in a
Firestick and Disney Accessibility     compact and portable package.
Features                               Hosted by: Anaheim Center
Feb 19 10.00 – 12.00pm                 Make Technology Work For You
There are many accessible features     Mar 5 10.00 – 11.30am
available for home entertainment. In   Apr 7 1.30 – 2.30pm
this workshop we teach you how to
                                       Learn simple shortcuts, commands
make popcorn in the microwave. We
                                       and apps to use with your smart
will discuss the Amazon Firestick,
which is an inexpensive device that
you can plug into your TV to access    Hosted by: Anaheim and Laguna
movies and shows with audio            Hills Center
description. The Disney Channel also   Introduction to Smart Speakers
allows you to play their selections
                                       Mar 19 10.00 – 11.30am
with description and we will teach
you how to do that as well. Then we    Apr 5 2.00 – 3.00pm
will play a Disney movie for you to    Smart speakers can be a lot of fun!
enjoy with your popcorn.               Join us in discovering all the useful
Hosted by: Coachella Valley Center     features they have such as
                                       organizing your schedule, playing
Introduction to Victor Reader          games, making calls and more.
Feb 22 2.00 - 3.00pm                   Hosted by: Laguna Hills and Santa
Apr 2 10.00 – 11.30am                  Barbara Centers
Staying Organized with Siri              Jan 8, Mar 12
Mar 22 2.00 – 3.00pm                     6.00-7.00pm
                                         Feb 22 and Apr 12
In this online workshop participants
                                         10.00am – 11.30am
will learn everything they need to
know about setting up and using Siri,    For those who are interested in
Apple’s intelligent personal assistant   learning about the basics of
for iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and the      blindness and visual impairment.
Apple Watch.                             Hosted by: Anaheim, Coachella
Hosted by: Santa Barbara Center          Valley, Laguna Hills and Riverside
Is There An App For That?
Mar 26 10.00 – 11.30am                   Low Vision 101
Discover all the useful apps available   Jan 13, Feb 13, Mar 10, Apr 7
to those with low to no vision.          11.00am – 12.00pm
Hosted by: Laguna Hills Center           Who, what, and the importance of
                                         Braille Institute’s Low Vision
Explore the World of Audio               Program. Learn how our free low
Description                              vision consultation can help you and
Mar 31 1.30 – 2.30pm                     get an overview of our free low
                                         vision services.
Discover different ways to access
descriptive narration in visual media.   Hosted by: San Diego Center
Fun and interactive.                     Orientation and Mobility Basics
Hosted by: Anaheim Center                and Human Guide Training
Android Devices with Low Vision          Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 16
to No Vision                             10.00 – 11.30am
Apr 16 10.00 – 11.30am                   Learn safety and human guide
                                         techniques and best practices for
Learn about the accessibility            interacting with and supporting
features an Android Devices has to       individuals with vision loss while
offer.                                   social distancing.
Hosted by: Laguna Hills Center           Hosted by: Anaheim Center
Getting Help                             Healthy Brain Workshop (Spanish)
Understanding Vision Loss                Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 16 10.00-
Jan 8 & 11, Feb 12                       11.30am
Mar 5, 12 & 15, Apr 2 & 9                Keep your brain Sharp and enjoy
10.00am – 11.30am                        games and tips designed specifically
In Spanish                               to exercise memory, attention,
speed, flexibility, and problem         how they can assist you in
solving! Meet new friends all without   maintaining your independence.
leaving your home!                      Everything from simple handheld
Hosted by: Anaheim Center               magnifiers to CCTVS. Learn how
                                        devices can maximize remaining
Understanding Diabetes and its          vision and increase independence in
Effect on Vision                        reading, writing, and managing
Jan 22, Mar 26 10.00 – 11.00am          medications and finances.
Apr 30 3.00 – 5.00pm                    Hosted by: Coachella Valley Center
Many people with diabetes have          Life Skills
experienced some form of vision
loss related to this condition. Learn   Enhanced Beauty
the importance of managing blood        Jan 4, Mar 1 2.00 – 3.00pm
sugars. We’ll provide tips on           Join us for an interactive conversation
maintaining a healthy and active        in sharing practical skincare and
lifestyle to maximize use of the        basic makeup techniques for
remaining vision. We will discuss       individuals with low vision.
delicious and healthy recipes along
with the benefits of eating             Hosted by: Riverside Center
vegetables and fruits.                  Young Adult Group
Hosted by: Coachella Valley and         Jan 8 & 22, Feb 5 & 19, Mar 5 & 19,
Riverside Centers                       Apr 2 & 16
Learn About Fall Prevention             2.00 – 3.00pm
Mar 15 1.00 – 2.00pm                    Introducing a program for visually
                                        impaired young adults. This program
One in four adults fall each year.      will provide a space for socialization
Falls can cause serious injury          and connection while preparing for
postponing an active life. Come         next steps toward an independent life.
explore the facts with us and join      Curriculum will be shaped by
this discussion of the top 3 tips to    participating students.
help you stay steady on your feet.
                                        Hosted by: San Diego Center
Empower yourself, your family, and
friends for a safe and fun summer.      Implementing Practical Lifestyle
Hosted by: San Diego Center             Skills to Improve Quality of Life
Assistive Devices for Low Vision        Jan 11, Mar 8 10.00 – 11.00am
Apr 1 3.00 – 5.00pm                     Join us for an interactive conversation
                                        in sharing practical skincare and
This online workshop details the ins-   basic makeup techniques for
and-outs of low vision devices and
individuals with low vision.                Is A Guide Dog Right For You?
Hosted by: Riverside Center                 Feb 9 1.00 – 2.00pm
                                            Feb 26 11.00am – 12.00pm
Fall Prevention: Home Setting
                                            Guide dog partners are trusted
Jan 14, Mar 12 10.00 – 11.00am
                                            friends that offer new opportunities
This is a workshop for those                for interaction and greater
interested in learning the factors          independence. Learn if a guide dog
that increase an older adult’s risk for     might be right for you.
falling and simple and practical
                                            Hosted by: San Diego Center
solutions on how to reduce the risk
                                            Guest Speakers: Pati Robitaille, Guide
of falls in the home.
                                            Dogs for the Blind, and Zack Gittlen,
Hosted by: Riverside Center                 Guide Dogs of America
Low Vision Low Tech ADL Tips                Best Lighting for Your Sight
Jan 15 & 29, Feb 12 & 26, Mar 12 &          Feb 10, Apr 7 10.00 – 11.00am
Mar 26, Apr 9
                                            Learn household lighting tips! These
10.00 – 11.00am
                                            tips and tricks will including glare
This weekly workshop will focus on          control and contrast enhancement for
low tech tips for various activities for    reading, managing finances,
daily living. Braille Institute students,   completing personal care, and meal
patrons, family members and care            preparation to help maintain safety
givers are welcome to attend.               and independence at home.
Hosted by: San Diego Center                 Hosted by: Riverside Center
Advanced: Best Lighting for Your            Basic Principles of Contrast
Sight                                       Feb 19, Apr 9 10.00 – 11.00am
Jan 15, Mar 19 3.00 – 5.00pm                Mar 5 3.00 – 5.00pm
For people with low vision, lighting is     Our instructor will provide information
a critical factor. If you have attended     on low contrast sensitivity and how to
our Best Lighting for your Sight, join      apply principles of contrast to
us for this advanced workshop as we         improve activities of daily living
go into more detail about specific          performance, activities of leisure and
lighting for various tasks. The             reduce risk of fall.
lumens and kelvins of bulbs will be
                                            Hosted by: Coachella Valley and
reviewed to determine what works
                                            Riverside Centers
best of you. Learn more in depth
household lighting tips to help             All About Ambutech Canes
maintain safety and independence.           Mar 12 2.00 – 3.00pm
Hosted by: Coachella Valley Center
We will give an overview of the           and magazines to your smart
various Ambutech canes on the             devices.
market and answer questions related       Hosted by: Anaheim and Laguna
to their products.                        Hills Centers
Hosted by: Santa Barbara Center           Book Club
Cooking                                   Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 17
Contrast in the Kitchen                   1.00 – 2.30pm
Jan 12, Mar 9 2.00 – 3.00pm               For visually impaired students,
Although many people who have low         friends and family members
vision can also experience                interested in virtual travel to
decreased color perception, it is still   amazing places and through time.
possible to use color to enhance          Meet others book enthusiasts who
independence, safety, and                 share a passion for novels and
accessibility. In this workshop we        incredible fiction and
will discuss tips and modification        non-fiction stories.
using the principles of contrast to       Hosted by: San Diego Center
increase safety in the kitchen.
Hosted by: Riverside Center               Staying Active
Spring, No Bake!                          Introduction to the Otago
Mar 26 10.00am – 12.00pm                  Exercise Program
In Spanish                                Feb 11 1.00 – 2.00pm
Mar 26 1.00-3.00pm                        In this workshop we will give a brief
Hop into Spring and learn how to          overview of the Otago Exercise
make a no-bake treat for friends and      program and discuss fall prevention
family.                                   strategies that you can begin to
                                          implement into your daily life.
Hosted by: Coachella Valley Center
                                          Hosted by: Santa Barbara Center
Free Access to Audiobook through
the BARD App
Jan 22 10.00am – 11.30am
Feb 17 or Mar 17 1.30-2.30pm
In Spanish
Feb 10 1.30-2.30pm
Learn how to download free books
Community Resources
Stay Connected with California
Telephone Access Program
Jan 12 10.00 – 11.00am
In this workshop we will give a
brief overview of the Otago
Exercise program and discuss fall
prevention strategies that you can
begin to implement into your daily
Hosted by: San Diego Center
Learn if the Department of
Rehabilitation Can Help You
Jan 25 11.00am – 12.00pm
Join us in learning about obtaining
and retaining employment and
maximizing your ability to live
Hosted by: San Diego Center
Guest Speaker: Mark Gould, DOR,
Blind Field Services
Medication Safety
Feb 23 11.00am – 12.00pm
Talking, large print or braille
prescription labels allow visually
impaired people to safely and
independently manage their
prescription medications. In this
workshop, learn about Script talk
and how it can help you.
Hosted by: San Diego Center
Guest Speaker: Sharla Glass,
En-Vision America
Braille Institute Los Angeles
741 North Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Save The Date
Winter Remote Session Begins                            Martin Luther King Day (Closed)
Tuesday, Jan 4                                          Monday, Jan 18
Winter Remote Session Ends                              Presidents Day (Closed)
Friday, Apr 16                                          Monday, Feb 15

For more information about Braille Institute Los Angeles classes and
services, visit or call 323-663-1111.
Braille Institute Centers remain temporarily closed due to COVID-19. We
are bringing online classes and services to you within the comfort and
safety of your home.

Braille Institute admits students and clients of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, age, religion and sexual
orientation to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students and
clients of Braille Institute. We do not discriminate against the foregoing in the administration of any of our policies or

1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553)
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