FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg

Page created by Charles Reed
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
                         the 16th annual

                                                 May 25, 26, 2019

        Over 100 buildings and walking tours with historical, architectural and
cultural significance, open their doors to the public throughout the City of Winnipeg

FREE ADMISSION                                                 CELEBRATING THE
                                                              100TH ANNIVERSARY                                                OF THE
                                                                1919 WINNIPEG
 #doorsopenwinnipeg                                             GENERAL STRIKE
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
HERITAGE WINNIPEG                                                                                                                     May 25, 26, 2019
   presents the 16th annual
                                                                                                                                         FREE ADMISSION
                                                    GREETINGS FROM HERITAGE WINNIPEG!
                          We are proud to present the 16th annual Doors Open Winnipeg, an FREE annual event that celebrates
                          Winnipeg’s rich architectural and cultural history. This year we are excited to bring you our largest Doors
                           Open Winnipeg ever, featuring over 100 buildings, tours and events. We are also celebrating the 100th
                             anniversary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike with special exhibits, tours and publications.
                               This is your chance to discover Winnipeg’s amazing heritage - we can’t wait to see you there!

Heritage Winnipeg is a non profit charitable organization that promotes the conservation of Winnipeg’s built heritage
 Visit us at W W W . H E R I T A G E W I N N I P E G . C O M Redesign coming this summer!

                                    THE 9TH ANNUAL DOORS OPEN WINNIPEG
                                           PEOPLES’ CHOICE AWARDS
            Vote for the best in three categories: Best Architecture  Best New Participant  Best Overall Experience
                 Cast your vote starting Saturday May 25th at 9:00am! Voting closes Friday, May 31st at 11:59pm.

                                           It’s easy to enter to win a Downtown Winnipeg Prize Pack!
                    Take a selfie while having a blast at any of this year’s Doors Open Winnipeg buildings, tours or events.
                         Then post the selfie with the finished caption “I love #DoorsOpenWinnipeg because...”
                                to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and don’t forget to tag Heritage Winnipeg!
                                Contest opens Saturday, May 25th, 2019, at 9:00am and closed Friday, May 31st, at 11:59pm. GOOD LUCK!
                        By entering this contest you are giving Heritage Winnipeg permission to use your photo and caption in Doors Open Winnipeg promotional material.

                      THANK YOU TO ALL THE 2019 DOORS OPEN WINNIPEG
                               SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS!
                           We can’t thank you enough - Doors Open Winnipeg would not be possible without you!
              DISCLAIMER: Heritage Winnipeg does its best to ensure all information in this publication is correct and up to date but cannot guarantee
           there are no mistakes or last minute changes that are not reflected here. Heritage Winnipeg apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

                                                                                      TERRA COTTA


                                                               Manitoba Association                                                                            MEDIA SPONSORS
                                                               of Architects
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
vote for the peoples’ choice awards at
     ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1919                                         WWW.DOORSOPENWINNIPEG.CA
     WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE                                                    WASHROOMS                       WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                                 PARKING                FOOD/DRINKS

                                                                                                                         1919 Winnipeg General                                                                Armstrong’s Point

        TOURS AND
                                                                                                                          Strike Bus Tour *NEW*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 54 West Gate
                                                                                                                              Old Market Square                                                                 May 25 1:00pm
                                                                                                                              May 26 12:00pm

         OUTDOOR                                                                In May 1919, over 30,000 workers joined in a general sympathetic strike that     Come along on a walk through Winnipeg’s oldest inner-city neighbourhood

                                                                                shut down Winnipeg’s industrial productivity for six long weeks. It became       – historic Armstrong’s Point. Longtime resident Sandra Butterfield will share
                                                                                one of the most important events in Canada’s labour history. The strike          stories and anecdotes as we stroll beneath the canopy of trees. There’s lots
                                                                                was fought over the issues of low wages, long hours of work and the right        to learn and celebrate in the Gates, especially after the area was recently
                                                                                to negotiate with employers. The Strike Tour highlights the events of 1919,      designated as Winnipeg’s first Heritage Conservation District.
                                                                                the social and economic conditions that led to the strike, and the events
 IN REGARDS TO THE WEATHER FORECAST:                                            that followed. It reflects on the meaning of the Strike today – inspiring
                                                                                                                                                                 Guided tour will start at 1:00pm, lasting 60+ minutes, maximum
                                                                                                                                                                 50 participants per tour.
       Outdoor events will go on as                                             some people while leaving others wary. The Strike Tours starts in north end
                                                                                Winnipeg, goes to the residential area south of the Assiniboine River and
      scheduled if there is light rain.                                         ends in Victoria Park by the Red River in the Exchange District. Please note
                                                                                this tour will take place regardless of the weather.
Outdoor events will be canceled if there are                                      DUE TO POPULARITY AND LIMITED CAPACITY, THIS TOUR
   heavy downpours or thunderstorms.                                                 REQUIRES PREREGISTRATION - WHICH IS NOW FULL!
                                                                                  Please be respectful to the tour organizers and do NOT
    Cancellations will NOT be posted.                                                show up for a tour you have not preregistered for.

                                           Bike Winnipeg Doors                                                                 CN 2747 (1926)                                                              Downtown Winnipeg
                                              Open 2019 Tour                                                                                                                                                 Flashback Tour
                                                                                                                        735 Kildare Avenue West
                                           333 Waterfront Drive                                                         May 25 10:00am - 3:00pm                                                              426 Portage Avenue
                                             May 25 10:15am,                                                                                                                                                  May 25 10:00am,
                                            11:15am, 12:15pm,                                                                                                                                            11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:30pm
                                         2:15pm, 3:15pm, 4:15pm
Hop on your bike and explore Winnipeg’s distinct spaces, outstanding            Go behind the fence at CN 2747, the Transcona Museum’s largest artifact          This one-hour guided walking tour will take you back in time to when
architecture and vibrant history with Bike Winnipeg! This casually paced        on permanent outdoor display. Chat with our dedicated CN 2747 volunteer          Downtown Winnipeg had a very different look. Compare then and now by
group ride will connect you to a number of free bicycle valet hubs              team and learn the work involved in preserving a historic steam locomotive.      taking a peek through a Viewmaster and learn a bit about what has shaped
strategically located within a short walk of several featured buildings. Park   There will also be a fundraising BBQ, from 12:30pm-2:30pm, in support            the Downtown we see today. Stops include landmarks like the Free Press
your bike securely with us as you explore the buildings. Group rides will       of the SAVE 2747 Campaign, with funds raised going towards the ongoing           Building, the former Eaton’s location, Portage & Main and Union Station.
circulate all day through the Exchange District, Point Douglas, North End       preservation of the locomotive. Please note that while visitors will be unable
                                                                                                                                                                 Guided tours will start at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:00pm and
and the Downtown (including several “bring your own lock” sites passed on       to enter the engine and tender, photographs with CN 2747 are encouraged.
route). Drop off when you reach a desired site, and join back up when you                                                                                        2:30pm, lasting 75 minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.
                                                                                Locomotive is located in Rotary Heritage Park along Plessis Road, North of
are ready resume your explorations.
                                                                                Kildare Avenue West.
Maps, Ride Schedule, Bicycle Valet Hub Locations, and “Bring your own
                                                                                                           PLEASE RSVP!
lock” sites available at
Guided tours will start at 10:15am, 11:15am, 12:15pm, 2:15pm,                                      events/doors-opens-winnipeg
3:15pm and 4:15pm, maximum 60 participants per tour,
departing from the Mere Hotel.

                                        Ghost Sign Walking Tour                                                          Ghosts of Seven Oaks:                                                             Haunted History Tour
                                                                                                                          BBQ & Walking Tour
                                               The Cube Stage                                                                                                                                               444 York Avenue
                                               May 25 1:00pm                                                                                                                                             May 26 11:00am, 2:00pm
                                               May 26 1:00pm                                                            Battle of Seven Oaks Monument
                                                                                                                               May 25 12:00pm
                                                                                                                               May 26 12:00pm
Join tour guide Matt Cohen and walk the Exchange District in search of          Stop in for a free lunch and a walk through time. Starting with the bloodiest    Join one of Winnipeg’s most experienced guides and author of the book
ghost signs. Discover the area’s fading promotional signage and learn more      conflict in Manitoba’s history, the Pemmican Wars, we’ll introduce you to        Haunted Winnipeg: Ghost Stories from the Heart of the Continent on a tour
about the companies that called these warehouses home. This 90-minute tour      the ghosts of the historic Seven Oaks neighbourhood: The first female            of haunted history. The walk will combine historical fact with ghost stories
will allow participants to travel back in time and get to know the businesses   voyageur, the father of the Métis Nation, the nose-less chief, and the hapless   connected to three well-known Winnipeg buildings. Starting at Vaughan
behind the ads and the impact they played in shaping the landscape of the       ‘Governor Simple’.                                                               Street Jail, the tour will proceed to the Manitoba Legislature and conclude at
district.                                                                                                                                                        Dalnavert Museum on Carlton Street.
                                                                                Join the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk and the curator of Seven Oaks
Guided tours will start at 1:00pm, lasting 90 minutes, maximum                  House Museum for a free BBQ and a walk through 200 years of history.               DUE TO POPULARITY AND LIMITED CAPACITY, THIS TOUR
50 participants per tour, departing from the Cube Stage in                      The BBQ starts at noon on Saturday and Sunday, followed by a 60 minutes               REQUIRES PREREGISTRATION - WHICH IS NOW FULL!
Old Market Square.                                                              walking tour. Meet at the Battle of Seven Oaks National Historic Site (Main        Please be respectful to the tour organizers and do NOT
                                                                                Street at Rupertsland Boulevard).                                                     show up for a tour you have not preregistered for.
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
HERITAGE WINNIPEG                                                                                                                                                     May 25, 26, 2019
     presents the 16th annual
                                                                                                                                                                           FREE ADMISSION
                                          Historical Transcona                                                          How Agriculture Helped                                                            Nairn Avenue Walking
                                         & Murals of Transcona                                                          Build Winnipeg Walking                                                                  Tour *NEW*
                                              Walking Tours                                                                       Tour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Midwinter Park
                                        141 Regent Avenue West                                                          510 Main Street, City Hall                                                               Bison Statue
                                        May 25 9:00am, 11:00am,                                                         May 26 1:00pm, 3:00pm                                                                   May 26 1:00pm
                                           1:00pm, 3:00pm
Explore downtown Transcona through its history and murals. Join the             Discover, through the magnificent buildings in the Exchange District, the       Nairn Avenue is located on the east side of the Red River, running east/west
Transcona Museum as we highlight the community of Transcona in our              important role agriculture had in Winnipeg’s development, and how it still      off Stadacona Street at the Louise Bridge. It became the first commercial
two walking tours. “Historical Transcona” features stories throughout the       influences the city. Find out how the Exchange District got its name and        and business area in NE Winnipeg in the 1880’s – 1890’s when the area was
community’s history, while “Murals of Transcona” explores our outdoor art       the role of agriculture in shaping Portage and Main. Tours conducted by         still part of St. Boniface. Some of the features of this walking tour will be
and the artists who created them. Both tours centre around Regent Avenue.       Keystone Agricultural Producers.                                                the colourful La Salle Hotel, the docks for the River Rouge and the Lady
                                                                                                                                                                Winnipeg river boats, and a circa 1900 bank. We will reveal locations where
Guided tours will start at 9:00am (historical tour), 11:00am                    Guided tours will start at 1:00pm and 3:00pm, lasting 60
                                                                                                                                                                there were livery stables, blacksmiths, a billiard club, a legion, a hotel, the
(murals tour), 1:00pm (historical tour) and 3:00pm (murals                      minutes, maximum 30 participants per tour, departing from
                                                                                                                                                                Mineral Springs Sanitarium of Winnipeg and the tale of a few ghosts that
tour), lasting 60-90 minutes, maximum 50 participants per tour.                 City Hall.                                                                      pop into one building’s history! Photograph by Eric de Schepper.
                PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!                                                                                                                   Guided tour will start at 1:00pm, lasting 60 minutes, departing
                                                                                                                            from the Midwinter Park bison statue, located on the
                 events/doors-opens-winnipeg                                                                                                                    south side of Midwinter Avenue between Levis Street and
                                                                                                                                                                Stadacona Street.

                                          Public Art with the                                                           Strike! The Walking Tour                                                           The Forks National
                                         Winnipeg Arts Council                                                                    *NEW*                                                                 Historic Site / 6000 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in 60 Minutes Tour
                                            345 Portage Avenue                                                              Old Market Square
                                             May 25 11:00am                                                                 May 25 10:00am,                                                              21 Forks Market Road
                                             May 26 11:00am                                                             11:30am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm                                                         May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                        May 26 10:00am - 5:00pm
Every piece has a story. Learn all about public artwork in Winnipeg: where      Celebrate the centennial of one of Winnipeg’s most pivotal events with          Discover The Forks’ hidden history! Take a 6,000 year journey with a Parks
it is, why it’s there, and what it means. Some works are fun, colourful and     the Exchange District BIZ. Explore the streets once walked by crowds of         Canada interpreter and uncover what lies beneath your feet. Learn the fate of
interactive, and others will encourage quiet contemplation. Join us on an       strikers, including such strike leaders as the Notorious Helen Armstrong, and   the four fur trading posts and hear the epic stories behind this meeting place.
informative stroll and get to know the artwork that punctuates and brightens    learn about the mounting tensions that led to the tragic events of Bloody       Through curious objects and colourful characters, the history of The Forks
your city!                                                                      Saturday.                                                                       comes to life in this easy one hour walking tour.
Guided tours will start at 11:00am, lasting 90 minutes,                         Guided tours will start at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:30pm and                         Guided tours will start at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm, lasting
maximum 35 participants per tour, departing from Air Canada                     4:00pm, lasting 60 minutes, maximum 60 participants per tour.                   60 minutes, maximum 15 participants per tour, departing
Park at 345 Portage Avenue.                                                                                                                                     from the Parks Canada Information Desk inside the Travel
                                                                                                                                                                Manitoba Information Centre. Tours delivered in English or in

                                            Upper Fort Garry                                                            West End BIZ Mural Tour                                                                Winnipeg Trolley
                                         Provincial Park (1822)                                                                                                                                                   Company
                                                                                                                          581 Portage Avenue
                                           130 Main Street                                                              May 25 10:00am, 2:00pm                                                              The Forks Market
                                       May 26 12:00pm - 5:00pm                                                                                                                                           May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm

A MUST VISIT… Learn more about our history. Come see how                        You’re probably familiar with the murals that dot the West End’s urban          Let Trolley 356 carry you down the streets of our city’s past! The Winnipeg
interpretation, art and technology bring life and energy to Upper Fort Garry,   landscape, but have you ever wondered what they mean? Every West End            Trolley Company will once again be offering free Doors Open Winnipeg
the place where the decision was made to form the Province of Manitoba          mural is painted with purpose and we want to share the meaning behind           shuttle service. Let the trolley drop you off near over a dozen participating
and join the confederacy of Canada. See how the fort was laid out in 1870       many of our most prominent works of art. Through our mural tour, discover       Doors Open sites. Departs hourly – pending traffic and ridership – from The
and learn about key points in our history – all at your pace. Enjoy the sound   our local heroes, urban history and the many cultures that together make up     Forks. First come, first served.
and light show as it moves across the 440 ft. Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries       the West End story.
                                                                                                                                                                Trolley Route: Begin at The Forks in front of The Forks Market.
Heritage Wall. Go to and download the free amps
                                                                                Guided tours will start at 10:00am and 2:00pm, lasting 120                      Head over Provencher Bridge. STOP at Provencher at St.
to your phone or tablet to prepare for your visit. On site host is ready to
                                                                                minutes, maximum 25 participants per tour, departing from                       Joseph (St. Boniface stop). Turn left on St. Joseph. STOP at
welcome you!
                                                                                the corner of Portage Avenue and Langside Street.                               Fort Gibraltar. Exit Fort Gibraltar parking lot and return to
Informational talk will start every 60 minutes between 12:00pm                                                                                                  Provencher. Turn right at Main Street. Turn left at Bannatyne.
                                                                                                 PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!
and 4:00pm, lasting 30 minutes.                                                                                                                                 STOP beside Old Market Square (Exchange District stop).
                                                                                                 Please call Joe at 204-954-7900                                Turn left at Arthur Street. Turn right at Portage Avenue. STOP
                                                                                                                                                                at Portage at Smith (Portage Avenue stop). Turn left at
                                                                                                                                                                Memorial Boulevard. Turn left at Broadway. STOP at Broadway
                                                                                                                                                                at Kennedy (Government District stop). Carry on down
                                                                                                                                                                Broadway. STOP at Union Station. Return to The Forks.
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
vote for the peoples’ choice awards at
     ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1919                                         WWW.DOORSOPENWINNIPEG.CA
     WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE                                                     WASHROOMS                      WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                                PARKING                 FOOD/DRINKS

                                                                                                                             329 Cumberland                                                                Archives of Manitoba
                                                                                                                           Avenue (1908) *NEW*                                                                 (1931-1932)
                                                                                                                          329 Cumberland Avenue                                                            200 Vaughan Street

                                                                                                                         May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm                                                         May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm

                                                                                 Built in 1908, this building was home to Blue Jeans, Down Coats and Fur        The Winnipeg Civic Auditorium was built during the Great Depression.
                                                                                 Garment factories over the years. Now it is proudly home to: C2Centre for      It opened in 1932 and served as a cultural hub for nearly 40 years.
                                                                                 Craft (Manitoba Craft Council and Manitoba Craft Museum and Library),          Winnipeggers came here for art shows, music festivals, political conventions,
                                                                                 Arts Accessibility Network Manitoba, Fireside Design and Build: boutique       wrestling matches, food relief and roller-skating. The city sold the building to

                                                                                 interior design and installation, Alfa Custom Upholstery: complete furniture   the province in 1970 and it has been home to the internationally recognized
                                                                                 refurbishing, Hamm-Tone Guitar and School of Lutherie, American Hi Fi:         collection of the Archives of Manitoba, including the Hudson’s Bay
                                                                                 foremost audio and video consultants, The Marketing Department: website        Company Archives, since 1975. Tours and displays will introduce visitors to
                                                                                 and marketing design, Kitchen Designs by Décor: kitchen and bathroom           the building’s design and history. This year we will also feature records related
                                                                                 design and installation, George W. Shannon Design: custom glass design and     to the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.

   DOWNTOWN                                                                      school.                                                                        Guided tours will start every 30 minutes between 10:00am and
                                                                                                                                                                3:30pm, lasting 20 minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.

                                        Bank of Montreal (1913)                                                               Burton Cummings                                                                C2 Centre for Craft
                                                                                                                               Theatre (1906)
                                            335 Main Street                                                                                                                                              1-329 Cumberland Avenue
                                        May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                              364 Smith Street                                                            May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                         May 26 11:00am - 4:00pm

The monumental Bank of Montreal Main Branch, located in the heart of the         Originally known as the Walker Theatre, the Burton Cummings Theatre            The C2 Centre for Craft is home to the Manitoba Crafts Museum and
business district, is a flagship landmark in a city once known as the gateway    was built for a new style of professional-level entertainment and it brought   Library and the Manitoba Craft Council. At C2 visitors engage with
of the Canadian West. Completed in 1913 and designed by the architectural        ballets, operas, and Broadway-style shows to Winnipeg. It was converted        traditional and contemporary Manitoba craft through exhibits, public
firm, McKim, Mead, & White, the granite building exemplifies neo-classical       into the Odeon Cinema in 1945 and served as Winnipeg’s most popular            programming, the library and the C2 Shop which features local fine craft.
architecture. Extensive renovations in 1975-1976 have preserved the classic      single-screen movie theatre. In 2002, the theatre was renamed after Burton
                                                                                                                                                                On Exhibit: Shirley Richardson Craft Gallery – Tracing Paths: the work of
elegance of the building while also providing a modern and comfortable           Cummings, Winnipeg-born former lead singer of the Guess Who.
                                                                                                                                                                Paul Robles and Lin Xu, and The Heritage Gallery – Women of the Crafts
banking environment. Enjoy tours of the lower-level vault – which will be
                                                                                 This the theatre will feature Grant Simpson of Prairie Vaudeville. Grant       Guild of Manitoba.
opened and closed on every tour – and presentations on Winnipeg’s history,
                                                                                 will give a brief historical view of vaudeville in Winnipeg and show how
hosted by Greg Agnew. Light refreshments available.                                                                                                             Doors Open Activities: “Behind-the-Scenes” Tours of the Museum storage
                                                                                 the theatre was a central part of the halcyon days of entertainment. He will
                                                                                                                                                                facility, craft demonstrators and hands-on activities for all ages.
Guided tours will start every 60 minutes, lasting 30 minutes.                    be joined by Howard Swan of the vaudeville act “The Haymakers” who
                                                                                 performed at the Burton Cummings’ during the days of vaudeville in the 40s.    The C2 Shop will be open with local artists’ work for sale..
                                                                                 Performances will start at 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 3:00pm, lasting
                                                                                 15 minutes.

                                         Canadian Museum for                                                                    City Hall (1964)                                                          Dalnavert Museum and
                                         Human Rights – Behind                                                                                                                                             Visitors’ Centre (1895)
                                                                                                                             510 Main Street,
                                        the Scenes Tours (2014)
                                                                                                                             Council Building                                                                61 Carlton Street
                                          85 Israel Asper Way                                                            May 26 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                         May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                        May 25 10:00am - 3:30pm                                                                                                                                          May 26 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                        May 26 10:00am - 3:30pm
See the Canadian Museum for Human Rights from a whole different angle.           Visitors are welcome to view the Public Galleries and Council Chamber of       Walk through Winnipeg’s Victorian Past! Dalnavert Museum is the restored
Our tour developed exclusively for Doors Open Winnipeg is back by popular        Winnipeg’s City Hall. Designed by Architects Green, Blankstein, Russell        home of Sir Hugh J. Macdonald former Manitoba Premier and Police
demand! Find hidden spaces, learn about the building’s unique design, and        Associates to replace the 1886 “Gingerbread” City Hall, the Modernist-style    Magistrate during the 1919 General Strike. Built on Treaty 1 land in 1895,
gain a new perspective. Visitors can explore the Museum’s core galleries after   Council Building is part of the Civic Centre complex that also includes the    Dalnavert is now a national historic site and a fine example of Queen Anne
the tour (admission fees apply). Be inspired by architect Antoine Predock’s      Susan A. Thompson Building, the former Public Safety Building and Civic        Revival architecture. Fully furnished with period artifacts and antiques
vision for a timeless structure that celebrates human rights.                    parkade, and Centennial Centre.                                                rounded out with a handful of original Macdonald family pieces, you can
                                                                                                                                                                visit both Dalnavert AND our STRIKE 1919: OUR CAUSE IS JUST exhibit
Guided tours will start every 15 minutes between 10:00am and                      Please note that disabled access is available upon request.                   (in cooperation with The Costume Museum of Canada and The Winnipeg
3:30pm, lasting 45 minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.
                                                                                                                                                                Police Museum) during your Doors Open Winnipeg visit.
No tours between 12:00pm and 1:00pm.
                                                                                                                                                                    Winnipeg Harvest BRING A TIN FOR THE BIN location!
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
HERITAGE WINNIPEG                                                                                                                                                       May 25, 26, 2019
     presents the 16th annual
                                                                                                                                                                             FREE ADMISSION
                                            Elim Chapel (1906)                                                               Fortune Block (1882)                                                           Gibraltar House (1913)
                                          546 Portage Avenue                                                                                                                                                   77 Main Street
                                        May 25 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                               230 Main Street                                                             May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                          May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                          May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm

Elim Chapel is a non-denominational Church housed in a 110 years old             The Fortune Block was constructed in 1882 by Mark Fortune at the corner          Originally named the Hudson Bay House, Gibraltar House is the home
building on 546 Portage Avenue. This year for Doors Open you can view            of Main and St. Mary, making it now the 5th oldest building in downtown          of The North West Company whose roots trace back to the Indigenous-
this beautiful building in downtown Winnipeg that features stained glass         Winnipeg. Fortune sold it after construction was completed to Alexander          European Fur Trade. Today, as the hub for The North West Company’s
windows, tower rooms and a church pipe organ. It will be an opportunity to       Macdonald who in 1883 added the near twin addition to the south side of          worldwide retail support services and Canadian store operations, Gibraltar
learn about the history of Elim Chapel and the programs we currently offer.      the building (the Macdonald Block). The original layout had four retail units    House continues its lively and vital role serving Canada’s North and beyond.
Our organist will be playing the pipe organ during the tours.                    facing onto Main Street and office suites above. The building saw a lot of       Learn how North West helped shape modern-day Canada and explore its
                                                                                 adaptations over the years but the complete exterior and Fortune side interior   rich enterprising history through a self-guided tour of its gallery containing
Guided tours will run every 60 minutes from 11:00am to
                                                                                 have been fully restored to their 1882 glory.                                    paintings, artifacts, and Inuit Art.
3:00pm, lasting 60 minutes, maximum 10 participants per tour.
                                                                                                                                                                  Self guided tours will start at 11:00am, 11:45am, 12:30pm,
                                                                                                                                                                  1:15pm, 2:00pm, 2:45pm, 3:30pm and 4:15pm, lasting 30
                                                                                                                                                                  minutes, maximum 10 participants per tour.
                                                                                                                                                                       Wheelchair access is at the back of the building –
                                                                                                                                                                       see the greeter in front lobby to arrange access.

                                            Government House                                                                 Hermetic Code Tour                                                              Holy Trinity Anglican
                                                 (1883)                                                                       (1913-1920) *NEW*                                                                 Church (1884)
                                           10 Kennedy Street                                                                     450 Broadway,                                                                256 Smith Street
                                        May 25 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                                   Security Desk                                                           May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                                 May 25 5:30pm
                                                                                                                                 May 26 5:30pm
The official residence of the Lieutenant Governor, at 10 Kennedy Street, was     In this tour of the Manitoba Legislative Building, Dr. Frank Albo takes you      Designed by Charles Wheeler, the interior of this Gothic Style church
built in 1883 by the Dominion Government for $23,995 and transferred to          along step-by-step as he reveals the building to be a modern reconstruction      features spectacular stained glass windows, original woodwork, inspiring
the Province for $1 “as residence for the Lieutenant Governor, and for no        of King Solomon’s Temple and the secret traditions of Freemasonry hidden         architectural and historical features, and a magnificent pipe organ. The
other purpose.” It has been home to 22 Lieutenant Governors since 1883           in plain view. Is it possible that Canada’s most recognizable capitol was        building is designated as a Provincial and National Heritage Site. For over
and also serves as Manitoba’s ceremonial residence where the Lieutenant          designed as an architectural talisman? Dr. Albo leads you along a trail of       130 years, Holy Trinity continues as a home of worship and an outreach
Governor hosts many events, honouring and recognizing Manitobans.                occult clues concealed in the building’s architecture, including hieroglyphic    Anglican community in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. Come and
                                                                                 inscriptions, numerological codes, and Masonic symbols so intelligently          experience the sounds of our pipe organ and meet our amazing organist,
Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 20 minutes,
                                                                                 masked that they escaped historians and visitors for nearly a hundred years.     Richard Greig. Please use the Donald Street entrance. Join us for services on
maximum 25 participants per tour, departing from the front
                                                                                                                                                                  Sunday at 10:00am and Wednesday at 12:10pm.
door of Government House.                                                          DUE TO POPULARITY AND LIMITED CAPACITY, THIS TOUR
                                                                                      REQUIRES PREREGISTRATION - WHICH IS NOW FULL!                               Guided tours will start at 11:30am, lasting 30 minutes.
                                                                                   Please be respectful to the tour organizers and do NOT
                                                                                      show up for a tour you have not preregistered for.

                                        J.W. Harris House (1902)                                                             Knox United Church                                                                Law Courts (1917)
                                          26 Edmonton Street                                                                                                                                                 408 York Avenue
                                        May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                            400 Edmonton Street                                                            May 25 12:00pm - 4:00pm
                                        May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                           May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                          May 26 10:00am - 5:00pm

26 Edmonton Street is not large but is garnished with ornate Victorian detail    Come out and walk through our Open Doors at Knox United Church!                  This is your chance to see the beautiful interior spaces of some of the
and retains its original floor plan. With a main floor area of 116 sq m (1,250   This is our 150th Anniversary! Experience the architecture of one of the         highest courts in Manitoba! In addition to seeing Courtroom 330 (the
sq ft), numerous features of the house reflect its original owners and their     first public buildings erected in Winnipeg. We will highlight the near perfect   Manitoba Court of Appeal) and Courtroom 210 (the Court of Queen’s
contribution to our local history. Porches, entrance locations, stained glass    acoustics of our 1400 seat Sanctuary with the unique sounds of Russ              Bench), those on the tour visited the Great Library. Hundreds of visitors
and woodwork offer a glimpse into Manitoba’s past.                               Giesbrecht and Company’s “Celebration of the Drone in Music.” Knox               nervously interacted with Courtroom 210: kids and adults alike, enjoyed
                                                                                 United Church is not just a church but also an exciting Community Hub            sitting in the chairs of the judges, counsel and jury. While sheepish at first,
One of few remaining single family homes in Winnipeg’s City Centre, 26
                                                                                 of social and intercultural activities. Join us and be a witness to the energy   more than a few put on a stern face and mimicked the motion of slamming
Edmonton Street was custom built in 1902 for John and Susan Harris.
                                                                                 of our transformation! Worship will be held on Sunday at 10:30am, all are        a gavel down for silence. The tour guides patiently pointed out that Canadian
John Walter Harris (1845-1926) was a civil engineer who left his Ontario
                                                                                 welcome.                                                                         justices do not use gavels. The engaging tour guides and rich symbolism of
birthplace, arriving at the Red River Settlement via steamboat on August
                                                                                                                                                                  the building ensured that no one will soon forget the Law Courts.
5, 1873. He was one of 1,869 founding residents when the settlement was          Guided tours will start at 11:00am, 1:00pm and 3:00pm on
incorporated as Winnipeg on November 8, 1873.                                    Saturday and 1:00pm, 3:00pm and 5:00 pm on Sunday, lasting                       Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 30 minutes,
                                                                                 30 minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.                                    maximum 30 participants per tour.
Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 10-15
minutes, maximum 30 participants per tour.
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
vote for the peoples’ choice awards at
     ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1919                                            WWW.DOORSOPENWINNIPEG.CA
     WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE                                                      WASHROOMS                        WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                                    PARKING                FOOD/DRINKS

                                           Main Street Project –                                                              Manitoba Legislative                                                               Manitoba Legislative
                                           Mitchell Fabrics/Bonn                                                              Building (1913-1920)                                                             Library at the Manitoba
                                           Accord (1907) *NEW*                                                                                                                                                    Archives Building
                                                                                                                                 450 Broadway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (1931-1932) *NEW*
                                             637 Main Street                                                                May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm
                                         May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                            May 26 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                             200 Vaughan Street
                                         May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                                                                                                              May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm
The new home for Main Street Project’s Emergency Shelter was originally           Manitoba’s Legislative Building is one of the finest public buildings, not           The Winnipeg Civic Auditorium opened in 1932 and served as a cultural hub
designed and built in 1907 as the Bon Accord Building by architect John D.        just in Manitoba, but across North America! The building formally opened             for the city. Winnipeggers came here for art shows, concerts, conventions,
Atchison. It was designed as a mixed-use building with multiple retail units      on July 15th, 1920 on the 50th anniversary of Manitoba’s confederation.              sporting events, food relief and roller-skating. The province bought the
on the main floor, at least one floor of residential suites with offices on the   The impressive architecture in Beaux Arts style and the intriguing interior          building in 1970 and it has been home to the Legislative Library and the
upper floors.                                                                     and exterior art have only become more renowned with time. While the                 Archives of Manitoba since 1975.
                                                                                  Legislative Assembly provides tours all year, visitors flock to the building
Until being purchased by MSP the building was home to the much beloved                                                                                                 Library materials celebrating the building’s design and history will be on
                                                                                  for Doors Open where our tour guides share stories of the life-sized North
Mitchell Fabrics Inc. for close to 70 years. The building is a landmark in                                                                                             display, as well as materials celebrating the 100th anniversary of Legal
                                                                                  American bison, the Legislative Assembly and the other treasures within this
Winnipeg’s retail sector and will soon act as a beacon of respite and hope for                                                                                         Deposit, the provincial program that ensures the published heritage of the
                                                                                  Frank W. Simon and Henry Boddington III creation.
the city’s most vulnerable citizens.                                                                                                                                   province is preserved and made available for Manitobans now and in the
Guided tours will start at 11:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm on
Saturday, and 12:00pm, 2:00pm and 4:00pm on Sunday,
maximum 20 participants per tour.

                                           Manitoba Sports Hall                                                            Marlborough Hotel – 105                                                                  Naval Museum of
                                           of Fame and Museum                                                               Years of History (1914)                                                                 Manitoba (1997)
                                                (1884 & 2017)
                                                                                                                                331 Smith Street                                                                    1 Navy Way
                                           145 Pacific Avenue                                                               May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                           May 25 10:00am - 4:30pm
                                         May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                                                                                                              May 26 10:00am - 4:30pm

Our new feature exhibit Women in Sport showcases the significance women           Built in 1914 as the Olympia Hotel and at only three storeys tall, the hotel         HMCS CHIPPAWA is the current home of both Winnipeg’s Naval Reserve
had on sport starting from the early pioneers, to the present day. You will see   immediately established itself as one of the most prominent and luxurious            Division and the Naval Museum of Manitoba. A key feature of this new
multiple Olympic medals won by some of the greatest Olympians to ever             places to stay in Winnipeg. It was only a few short months before it closed          building is the large, two-story curved window facing Assiniboine Avenue,
come out of Canada, come and see for yourself!                                    down to become a barracks for soldiers during World War One. A six                   behind which you can see a large, four-inch, twin barrel naval gun mount of
                                                                                  storey expansion greeted guests in 1921, and in 1956 construction began              the type used on World War II ships. It exemplifies the museum’s mission: to
Guided mini tours will run throughout the day, lasting 20
                                                                                  on a ten storey tower on the north side of the hotel. In 2004 the property           promote the history of the Royal Canadian Navy by telling its story through
minutes, maximum 15 participants per tour.                                        was connected to the former Garrick Theatres to create the only pool                 the preservation and display of many important artifacts; by honoring its
                                                                                  and waterslide in downtown Winnipeg. Late Gothic Revival architecture,               place in the development and protection of Canada, her people and her
                                                                                  imported Italianate marble, and beautiful stained glass windows are some of          oceans; and to inspire a desire for learning about the significant role which
                                                                                  the features that can be seen in the building today!                                 the prairies, and in particular Manitobans, have played in the unfolding of
                                                                                                                                                                       this drama. It dynamically displays ‘A Look to the Past, With a View to the
                                                                                  Guided tours will start every 30 minutes between 11:00am and
                                                                                  4:00pm, lasting 90 minutes, maximum 40 participants per tour.

                                             Old Dominion Bank                                                                Oseredok – Ukrainian                                                             Red Road Lodge (1886)
                                                   (1907)                                                                         Cultural and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  631 Main Street
                                                                                                                               Educational Centre
                                             678 Main Street                                                                                                                                                  May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                         May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                                                                                                              May 27 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                            184 Alexander Avenue E.
                                                                                                                            May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm
The Old Dominion Bank (1907) represents one of the few remaining grand            Oseredok is a multifaceted heritage institution connecting Canadians with            The Red Road Lodge is the only single room occupancy hotel located in
Beaux-Arts Classical style buildings at the corner of Higgins and Main.           Ukrainian culture. It is recognized for the breadth and scope of its ethnology,      Winnipeg to provide safe dry housing and life skill programming. Leading
Restored as an architectural office by BridgmanCollaborative Architecture         art, archives and library collections that lie at the heart of its public programs   neighbourhood revitalization and community development since 2006, the
the building includes an ornate banking hall with its fine plasterwork and        (exhibitions, workshops, public lectures). It provides information and               44 room residential facility is also home to the S.T.A.R.T. Resource Center
columns, vaults, bankers offices, a terra cotta façade and an addition made       research services pertaining to Ukrainian Canadian heritage. Oseredok is             and STUDIO 631 – our Community Resource Centre featuring a meeting
from the convention Centre original stone cladding. In the garden are stones      located in a five-storey red brick building erected in 1912 by the British and       and training room, resident kitchen, computer lab, recreational pool table,
from the old Winnipeg City Hall. Included in the tour is a discussion of the      Foreign Bible Society, which was known for a long time as Bible House.               library, Art Studio, wood shop, seasonal outdoor gardens and an original Art
history of the historic context of built forms in and around Higgins and          The north facade of the building has a historic designation from the City of         Boutique. A visit to the Red Road Lodge will feature tours, demonstrations,
Main.                                                                             Winnipeg.                                                                            and original artwork for sale.
Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 20 minutes.                     Guided tours start at 10:30am and 12:30pm, lasting 60                                Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 20 minutes.
                                                                                  minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
HERITAGE WINNIPEG                                                                                                                                                          May 25, 26, 2019
     presents the 16th annual
                                                                                                                                                                                FREE ADMISSION
                                          Telpay Building (1909)                                                             The Old House Revival                                                              Vaughan Street Jail
                                                                                                                              Company & Antique                                                                      (1881)
                                            298 Garry Street
                                                                                                                                  Mall (1914)
                                        May 25 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                                                                                                                 444 York Avenue
                                                                                                                              324 Young Street                                                               May 25 9:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                           May 25 12:00pm - 4:00pm                                                           May 26 9:00am - 5:00pm

The Telpay building gives visitors a rare glimpse into Winnipeg’s financial       This 105 year old building was built originally in 1914 for The Fort Garry         The Vaughan Street Jail was built in 1881 by architect Charles Osborne
services industry at the turn of the century. The spectacular exterior            Dyers and Cleaners Ltd., years of operation are unknown. It did remain             Wickensen, and was later modified by Samuel Hooper in 1909. It is the oldest
features an imported red sandstone façade, a rarity in Winnipeg. The interior     vacant for a number of years until it became an auction house in 1962, it          provincially owned building still standing within the City limits. There are
showcases impressive craftsmanship of the period, including original marble       then sold in 2002 to the present owner. It has been extensively renovated          significant local and Canadian historical figures connected to this building,
details, a commanding lobby rotunda, Corinthian capped pillars, and crafted       incorporating many heritage and architecturally salvaged items from the city       and yet unfortunately, there is still no heritage designation.
glass panels. The original manual elevator is also still functional. Today, the   and surrounding area.
                                                                                                                                                                     Guided tours will start every 10 minutes, lasting 60 minutes,
building houses Telpay, the largest independent electronic payment processor
                                                                                  Be sure to give yourself some time to explore all 12,000 square feet, as           maximum 50 participants per tour, departing from the west
in Canada for over 30 years.
                                                                                  Winnipeg’s largest antique and vintage store with mall space you are sure to       side of the building, facing Memorial Boulevard.
Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 15 minutes,                     find a hidden treasure. We also carry a large selection of architectural salvage
                                                                                                                                                                         Winnipeg Harvest BRING A TIN FOR THE BIN location!
maximum 20 participants per tour.                                                 pieces for your home renovations.
                                                                                  Guided tours will start every 10 to 20 minutes, maximum 12
                                                                                  participants per tour.

                                               Winnipeg Police                                                                  Winnipeg Railway
                                               Museum (1956)                                                                     Museum (1911)
                                            245 Smith Street
                                        May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm
                                        May 26 10:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                                                                               123 Main Street
                                                                                                                           May 25 10:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                           May 26 10:00am - 5:00pm
The Winnipeg Police Museum & Historical Society Inc. is a non-profit
organization dedicated to preserving the history of the Winnipeg Police
                                                                                  Climb the stairs of the historic Winnipeg Union Station to tracks 1 and 2
                                                                                  where you will discover 37,500 square feet of Railway History and Artifacts.
                                                                                                                                                                        AND INDOOR
Service and the community we serve.                                               See the ‘Countess of Dufferin’, the first steam locomotive on the prairies,
                                                                                  also diesel and electric locomotives, rolling stock, maintenance-of-way
Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 45 minutes,
                                                                                  equipment, the history of the CPR, CNR, Hudson Bay and the City of
maximum 12 participants per tour.
                                                                                  Winnipeg Railways, the History of Women in Railroading and a large HO

                                                                                  gauge display.

                                               Artspace (1901)                                                              Dawson Building (1921)                                                           Mariaggi’s Theme Suite
                                                                                                                                   *NEW*                                                                      Hotel and Spa (1903)
                                           100 Arthur Street
                                        May 25 12:00pm - 5:00pm                                                             171 McDermot Avenue                                                               231 McDermot Avenue
                                                                                                                           May 25 9:00 am - 5:00pm                                                           May 25 2:00pm - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                           May 26 9:00 am - 5:00pm                                                           May 26 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Established in 1901, the Gault building, an example of the Richardsonian          Built for Dawson Richardson, a grain broker turned publisher, this building        The Albert Block, more commonly known as The Mariaggi Hotel, was built
Romanesque architecture style, was constructed for the Gault Brothers             housed the firm that published the Grain Trade News; the Western                   in the early 1900’s by Sir James Tupper. Tupper rented and eventually sold
Company, a dry goods wholesaler. In 1986, the space transformed into              Gardener; The Beekeeper and Poultry Magazine and the Musical Life & Arts           to Frank Mariaggi an Italian restaurateur from Corsica. Mariaggi’s became
Artspace, a multi-disciplinary arts centre and home to a number of arts           Magazine. In the early 2000’s the building was left empty and deteriorating.       well known for the 8,000 sq.ft. restaurant with the “Longest Bar in the West”
organizations. The tour begins in the lobby with a walk around the perimeter,     In December 2014 the building was purchased by Trotzdem Inc. In 2015               reaching from Albert Street to Arthur Street. Also, dining grotto’s in the
showcasing the fish covered drayway. Next, the guide leads you to our             the building was completely gutted and restored to its original glory, with the    basement were the talk of the town. The lavishly appointed hotel suites
rooftop. Along the way, the tour stops for a reading engagement with a            concept of integrating work and community. The top floor houses office             on the upper floors were extraordinary with telephone, elegant tapestries,
Manitoba Writers’ Guild member. After enjoying our rooftop view of                space. The main floor is occupied by “Forth Café,” “Dogwood Coffee,”               rugs, draperies and each had a luxury bathroom with individual toilet, bath
Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District, you may visit any of our participating     and an events space. The lower floor accommodates “Forth Lounge,” and a            and sink. Today’s Mariaggi’s has once again set a new standard for the day.
galleries.                                                                        gallery space.                                                                     All theme suites are uniquely designed with furnishings and artwork that
                                                                                                                                                                     represent the country of the theme.
Guided tours will run every 15 minutes from 12:00pm to                            Guided tours will start at 11:00am, 12:30pm and 2:00pm,
4:30pm, lasting 30 minutes, maximum 10 participants per tour.                     lasting 30 minutes, maximum 10 participants per tour.                              Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 15 minutes,
                                                                                                                                                                     maximum 40 participants per tour.
   Please note the rooftop is NOT wheelchair accessible.                              Winnipeg Harvest BRING A TIN FOR THE BIN location!
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
vote for the peoples’ choice awards at
     ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1919                                         WWW.DOORSOPENWINNIPEG.CA
     WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE                                                     WASHROOMS                       WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                                   PARKING                 FOOD/DRINKS

                                             Mayberry Fine Art                                                                Millennium Centre                                                                 Patent 5 Distillery at
                                                 (1901)                                                                             (1911)                                                                     the Dominion Express
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Building (1904) *NEW*
                                         212 McDermot Avenue                                                                  389 Main Street
                                        May 25 9:30am - 5:00pm                                                            May 26 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                             108 Alexander Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                                                             May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                             May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm
The Lake of the Woods Building, erected in 1901 and expanded in 1911,            Designed for the Canadian Bank of Commerce by national architects Darling          Patent 5 Distillery occupies space in the former stable built in 1904 by the
was designed by one of Manitoba’s most prolific architects, J.H.G. Russell.      and Pearson, this magnificent heritage building has been preserved and             Dominion Express Company. While the building still proudly displays the
Built in the Romanesque Revival style, the building’s remarkable exterior has    renamed the Millennium Centre. The building features a monumental granite          Dominion Express Company moniker on the stone façade, the horses and
an abundance of ornamentation. It is finished using red brick with Twin          and marble banking hall capped with a stained-glass dome 15 metres above.          wagons from the bygone era have been replaced with oak paneling, corbels,
City brown sandstone accents, unique materials for the area. Many original       The Tapestry Room off the banking hall is also a historic gem. Please note         stained glass windows and doors of the former Oak Room at the St. Regis
interior elements also remain, including the vaults, hardwood floors, wood       only the main floor is open for viewing.                                           hotel, built in 1911. The fabled Oak Room comes to life in the form of
paneling, doors, the main staircase, and the upstairs boardroom and fireplace.                                                                                      Patent 5 Distillery’s Tasting Room. Through the 13-foot-tall stained glass
                                                                                 This year the Millennium Centre will feature Flamenco Guitar and Dance
Now owned by Mayberry Fine Art, the building houses a gallery specializing                                                                                          doors that separate the tasting room from the distillery, you will find a copper
                                                                                 with Felipe. Experience the glamor of the Flamenco with a thrilling
in historical and contemporary Canadian fine art.                                                                                                                   still with a glass and copper column built to match the design of James
                                                                                 unique performance. Discover the fascinating history of Spain, retold
                                                                                                                                                                    Wilson who was issued the Patent #5 by the Dominion of Canada in 1869.
                                                                                 through dances, dazzling costumes and live music performances. Felipe has
                                                                                 performed across Canada and has made several recordings for the CBC.               Guided tours will start every 30 minutes, lasting 30 minutes,
                                                                                 Performances will start every 30 minutes between 1:00pm and                        maximum 12 participants per tour.
                                                                                 3:00pm, lasting 15 minutes.

                                                                                                                            Cathédrale Saint-                                                                  Centre du patrimoine
                                                                                                                          Boniface / St. Boniface                                                               (1997-1998) *NEW*
                                                                                                                          Cathedral (1908 / 1972)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             340 Provencher Boulevard

                                                                                                                             180 Avenue de la                                                                May 25 9:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                                                                          May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm

                                                                                 Prominent in St. Boniface since its very beginning, the St. Boniface Cathedral     Bastion of Western Canadian Francophone and Métis Heritage!
                                                                                 is one of the most photographed sites in Winnipeg. Rebuilt five times over
                                                                                                                                                                    Entering the Centre du patrimoine, you will be facing a majestic façade, the
                                                                                 the years, the present cathedral, designed by architect Étienne Gaboury, sits
                                                                                                                                                                    Heritage wall built with original elements of the Empire Hotel built in 1881-
                                                                                 within the ruins of the beautiful old basilica (1908) that was destroyed by fire
                                                                                                                                                                    82 which became a first-class hotel.

                                                                                 in 1968.
                                                                                                                                                                    Located at the heart of Old Saint-Boniface, the Centre du patrimoine houses
                                                                                 Guided tours will start every 60 minutes, lasting 30 minutes,
                                                                                                                                                                    the most important archival collections documenting francophone and Metis
                                                                                 maximum 40 participants, departing from the front steps of
                                                                                                                                                                    presence in Western Canada. Among the archival collections housed at the
                                                                                 the ruins.                                                                         Centre du patrimoine, we find the second most important collections of

                                                                                                                                                                    Louis Riel writings, a Métis leader and father of the Province of Manitoba.
                                                                                                                                                                    Guided tours will start at 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 1:20pm,
                                                                                                                                                                    2:30pm and 3:30pm, lasting 30 minutes, maximum 15
                                                                                                                                                                    participants per tour.

                                           Fort Gibraltar (1978)                                                            Grey Nuns’ Convent /                                                                   La Maison
                                                                                                                           Le Couvent des Soeurs                                                               Gabrielle-Roy (1905)
                                         866 Saint Joseph Street
                                                                                                                             Grises (1846-1851)
                                        May 26 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                                                                                                              375 Deschambault Street
                                                                                                                             494 Tache Avenue                                                               May 25 10:00pm - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                          May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                           May 26 10:00pm - 5:00pm

Originally built at the confluence of the Red River and Assiniboine River        BUILD IT BIG                                                                       This three-storey gem, celebrated author Gabrielle Roy’s childhood home-
in 1809-1810, Fort Gibraltar was a North West Company trading post that                                                                                             turned-museum, has been successfully restored to its original splendour.
                                                                                 Still standing strong as the largest oak log structure in North America, the
played a crucial role in the development of the Red River Colony and in the
                                                                                 construction of the Grey Nuns’ Convent in St. Boniface was a massive               Ce bijou à trois étages, maison natale de la célèbre auteure Gabrielle Roy,
conflict between the North West Company and the Hudson’s Bay Company.
                                                                                 undertaking. From pre-paid work to a contractor who never delivered on             devenue musée, a été restaurée à sa splendeur d’origine.
Inside the fort, costumed interpreters will welcome you to the Trading Post,
                                                                                 his promise, to prairie fires and pressing epidemics, and a severe scaffolding
the Workshop, Blacksmith shop, Warehouse and Winterer’s Cabin where                                                                                                 Parking is permitted on Deschambault Street with no time limit.
                                                                                 injury, there are many reasons why it took five years to complete the building!
you’ll learn more about life at Fort Gibraltar in 1818.                                                                                                             Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 15-30
                                                                                 Come to the St. Boniface Museum to learn about the construction, see the
                                                                                 tools that were used and enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour to areas otherwise         minutes, maximum 30 participants per tour.
                                                                                 closed to the public.
                                                                                                                                                                              Only the first floor is wheelchair accessible.
                                                                                 Guided tours will start every 30 minutes between 10:00am and
                                                                                 3:00pm, lasting 40-45 minutes.
FREE ADMISSION #doorsopenwinnipeg - Doors Open Winnipeg
HERITAGE WINNIPEG                                                                                                                                                            May 25, 26, 2019
     presents the 16th annual
                                                                                                                                                                                  FREE ADMISSION
                                             Le Club Belge (1905)                                                                    Manitoba                                                                     Old St. Boniface City
                                                                                                                                 Underground Opera                                                                     Hall (1906)
                                          407 Provencher Boulevard
                                          May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                             340 Provencher Boulevard                                                          219 Provencher Boulevard
                                                                                                                                  May 25 11:30am,                                                               May 25 9:00am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                              12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm                                                           May 26 9:00am - 5:00pm

The Belgian Club was constructed in 1905 as a place for members of the                Manitoba Underground Opera creates experiences every summer. We draw             As the home of St. Boniface’s civic government for almost 70 years, this
Winnipeg area Belgian community to socialize. Constructed by Frank                    you in to another world. Sometimes, we create romance. Sometimes, we make        building recalls an era prior to amalgamation with Winnipeg in 1972, when
Wyant and Marcel De Leeuw under the guidance of architect J.A. Senecal,               you think. And above all, we make you feel. Every August, MUO presents           St. Boniface was still an independent city. The building features beautiful
the building has gone through many additions in order to accommodate                  an opera festival featuring a variety of shows and concerts in unique heritage   pressed tin ceilings and a beehive tower. Tours will run every half hour and
the growing Belgian community. The second floor was added in 1911,                    locations. Previous venues include; La Cathédrale de Saint-Boniface, the         will feature fascinating stories from the past.
and further additions were completed in 1914 and 1947. The building is                Manitoba Legislature, and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Cuddle
                                                                                                                                                                       Cet édifice rappel l’époque où Saint-Boniface était une ville indépendente
especially notable for its original tin ceilings that can be seen in the upper hall   up with someone and listen to our 2019 festival artists sing popular opera
                                                                                                                                                                       avant sa fusion à Winnipeg en 1972. Venez voir les plafonds de métal pressé
and in the main hall of the basement. We welcome everyone to come and see             and cabaret all in the language of amour!
                                                                                                                                                                       et entendre des histoires fascinantes du passé. Visite guidée chaque à demi-
our building and everything we can offer.
                                                                                      Performances will start at 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm and                          heure.
                                                                                      2:30pm, lasting 25 minutes, inside the Théâtre Cercle Molière.                   Guided tours will run from 1:00pm to 5:00pm, lasting 20
                                                                                                                                                                       minutes, maximum 20 participants per tour.
                                                                                                                                                                           Winnipeg Harvest BRING A TIN FOR THE BIN location!

                                           Théâtre Cercle Molière                                                                                                                                                   ARTlington Studios
                                                 Tour (2010)                                                                                                                                                              (1912)
                                          340 Provencher Boulevard
                                          May 25 11:00am - 4:00pm                         BUILDINGS                                                                                                              618 Arlington Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                               May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                               May 26 10:00am - 4:00pm

Since 1925, the Théâtre Cercle Molière theatre has performed French-
language plays in venues throughout Winnipeg and has collaborated with
                                                                                         AND INDOOR                                                                    618 Arlington was built in 1912 by Architect David W.F. Nichols and
                                                                                                                                                                       contractor F. Hinds. Originally the home of Northland Knitting, the building

the Prairie Theatre Exchange twice in the past years. Its current home, built                                                                                          has provided operating space to a variety of manufacturers over the years,
in 2010, is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-certified                                                                                                  most recently Ram Wools, who operated there until the mid-1990s. In 2010,
building that features a 125-seat auditorium. The Théâtre Cercle Molière                                                                                               John Hunsberger purchased the building with a vision of transforming it
produces four shows a year, runs a youth drama program, a theatre school                                                                                               into unique artists’ studios. Using reclaimed materials and a creative approach

as well as many more cultural activities throughout the year. Thanks to an                                                                                             to renovation, the historic building has been completely revitalized. With
English subtitling system, everyone in Winnipeg can enjoy French theatre                                                                                               21 studios and more to come as the fourth floor is developed, ARTlington
at the Théâtre Cercle Molière. Get more information on our website at                                                                                                  provides beautiful workspaces for more than 30 diverse artists. Artists’ work Stop by to get a tour the facility, including backstage, the                                                                                        will be displayed throughout the entire building.
trap doors under the stage, the green room, the workshop and the wardrobe

                                                                                                                                                                       Guided tours will start at 12:00pm, lasting 30-45 minutes,
                                                                                                                                                                       maximum 15 participants per tour.
Guided tours will start every 60 minutes, lasting 20 minutes.

                                            Bishop Velychkovsky                                                                  Cathedral Church of                                                           City of Winnipeg Animal
                                           National Martyr’s Shrine                                                                St. John (1926)                                                                Services Agency /
                                                   (1952)                                                                                                                                                         W.R.E.N.C.H. (1996)
                                                                                                                               135 Anderson Avenue
                                           250 Jefferson Avenue                                                               May 25 10:30am - 4:00pm                                                            1057 Logan Avenue
                                          May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                             May 26 1:00pm - 4:30pm                                                           May 25 12:00pm - 4:00pm
                                          May 26 1:00pm - 4:00pm
The Bishop Velychkovsky Martyr’s Shrine is the second Martyr’s Shrine in              Designed by architects Parfitt and Prain, the Cathedral features a blend of      Animal Services’ facility features the City of Winnipeg operation upstairs and W
Canada, housing the holy relics of Blessed Bishop Vasyl Velychkovsky, a               Norman and Gothic styles. The Rev. John West founded the parish in 1820.         the WRENCH bicycle group and thousands of bicycles downstairs. Visitors p
modern Ukrainian Catholic Martyr who was persecuted and tortured by the               This is the fourth church building on the site. The cemetery pre-dates the       will be taken on a tour and be able to visit with homeless dogs, check out the d
Soviet regime for remaining faithful to his church. The life of Blessed Vasyl,        Parish and was established by the Selkirk Settlers in 1812. The cemetery is a    kennels, and even sit in an animal control vehicle. The basement of Animal m
who was beatified in 2001, is depicted in the museum through artifacts,               history of Winnipeg in stone. In 2020, St. John’s will celebrate 200 years of    Services features the WRENCH. The non-profit organization strives to
panels, and a short video. The church itself is filled with beautiful Byzantine       God’s faithfulness.                                                              make bikes and knowledge of bicycle repair and maintenance accessible to
icons, mosaics, and stained glass windows. Please use the front entrance of                                                                                            the public. Visitors can learn how to fix bikes. The organization also offers
                                                                                      Guided tours will start at 10:30am, 12:30pm and 2:30pm
the church.                                                                                                                                                            modern and vintage bikes for sale.
                                                                                      on Saturday and 1:00pm & 3:00pm on Sunday, lasting 90
Guided tours will run throughout the day, maximum 25                                  minutes, maximum 30 participants per tour per tour.                              Guided tours will run every half-hour lasting 20 minutes,
participants per tour.                                                                                                                                                 maximum 15 participants per tour.
vote for the peoples’ choice awards at
     ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1919                                           WWW.DOORSOPENWINNIPEG.CA
     WINNIPEG GENERAL STRIKE                                                     WASHROOMS                       WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                                    PARKING                 FOOD/DRINKS

                                          Deutsche Vereinigung                                                               First Lutheran Church                                                                Historic Kildonan
                                           Winnipeg / German                                                                      (1913) *NEW*                                                                   Church & Cemetery
                                           Society of Winnipeg                                                                                                                                                          (1854)
                                                                                                                              580 Victor Street
                                              (1912) *NEW*
                                                                                                                          May 25 12:00pm - 4:00pm                                                              201 John Black Avenue
                                            121 Charles Street                                                                                                                                                May 25 2:00pm - 4:00pm
                                         May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                                                                                                              May 26 2:00pm - 4:00pm
This building opened as the “Hebrew Free School” in 1913. According to           Founded by Icelanders in 1878, First Lutheran Church is now home to                 Historic Kildonan Church and Cemetery is one of the oldest locations of
the Manitoba Historical Society the school was considered to be among the        people from across Winnipeg and across the globe. Diverse people have               worship & cemetery combined still found in the Province of Manitoba. With
three best Talmud Torahs in North America (the others being in New York          found welcome and care here.                                                        a history spanning over 165 years, it is the final resting place for many of
and Boston). They closed their doors in 1951. The Deutsche Vereinigung                                                                                               the prominent ‘Selkirk Settlers’ who became an important part of the “Red
                                                                                 First Lutheran is part of God’s endeavour to love, bless and feed this
Winnipeg/German Society of Winnipeg was looking for a larger space to                                                                                                River Colony’ of that era. In 1854 the spiritual centre of the community was
                                                                                 world and every person in it. To this end, First Lutheran runs programs of
house their growing membership. They purchased it and with the input                                                                                                 completed in the Historic Kildonan Presbyterian Church, which still stands
                                                                                 hospitality 52 weeks a year. Food banks provide groceries to up to 80 West
of many volunteers the building was extensively renovated and officially                                                                                             prominently in the graveyard. It was also the first Presbyterian Church west
                                                                                 End families every week. At the same time, over 3000 meals are served to
opened as the DVW/GSW on April 17, 1953. Although the exterior is plain,                                                                                             of the Great Lakes and the ‘Mother’ church for the denomination as the
                                                                                 our neighbours at the historic intersection of Sargent and Victor every year.
the interior is furnished in the style of German buildings from the “Old                                                                                             West opened and immigration followed. Visitors will also be able to learn of
                                                                                 Come and See.
Country”, featuring artwork from some of its past members.                                                                                                           the current plans for restoration and preservation of the ‘Old Kirk’ Historic
                                                                                 Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 20                                Church for future use by generations that follow.
Guided tours will start every 60 minutes, lasting 25-30 minutes,
maximum 20 participants per tour.                                                minutes.                                                                            Guided tours will start at 2:00pm, lasting 90 minutes, maximum
                                                                                                                                                                     50 participants per tour.

                                         Holy Eucharist Ukrainian                                                            Holy Trinity Ukrainian                                                               HSM Temple and
                                              Church (1954)                                                                  Orthodox Cathedral                                                                 Cultural Centre (1947)
                                             505 Watt Street                                                                                                                                                     854 Ellice Avenue
                                         May 25 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                              1175 Main Street                                                                 May 25 9:00am - 2:00pm
                                         May 26 11:00am - 4:00pm                                                          May 25 10:00am - 4:00pm                                                              May 26 9:00am - 2:00pm

Holy Eucharist Church was first established in 1918 by Ukrainian Catholic        The Holy Trinity Cathedral has been a prominent structure on the Winnipeg           The Hindu Society of Manitoba was incorporated as a Religious Charitable
Bishop Nykyta Budka, the Church today built in 1954 is located on Watt           architectural landscape since it was completed in 1962. It was built in the style   Society in 1970. Weekly Sunday prayer meetings started in early seventies
and Munroe and is adorned with a hand-carved Iconostas, crystal chandelier       of traditional Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedrals in Ukraine, with five copper           at devotees’ homes. It moved to International Centre and then to Liberty
and stained glass windows and frescoes done by famous artists Mol, Kowal,        domes and a Byzantine Iconostas. The large mosaic of the Trinity at the             Church at 854 Ellice Avenue. Friends and devotees came together to
Hordynsky, and Lucinda Dorian from Prairie Stained Glass. A sight to             front of the building was designed by Leo Mol. Inside, stained glass windows        renovate Liberty Church into a beautiful Hindu temple. On Diwali night
behold. Known for our Ukrainian heritage and traditions hosting many             feature Ukrainian Canadian religious themes. A museum on the main floor             of October 1979 the Hindu Temple was opened for worship. This was the
events throughout the year for all to participate…Holy Eucharist has carved      showcases the rich traditions and culture that Ukrainian immigrants brought         beginning of first Hindu community place of worship in Manitoba. In 1984
a name in Winnipeg and abroad with their famous Perogys, our perogys have        with them to Canada.                                                                the temple was further expanded to North and East sides.
traveled the world leaving many craving for more of these tasty treats.
                                                                                                                                                                     854 Ellice Avenue site is holy and blessed place of worship since the forties,
Guided tours will run every 60 minutes throughout the day,                                                                                                           first as Church and since then as HINDU TEMPLE where devotees
large groups please call ahead.                                                                                                                                      congregate to seek love and peace.
                                                                                                                                                                     Guided tours will run throughout the day, lasting 15 minutes,
                                                                                                                                                                     maximum 15 participants per tour.

                                           Hungarian Canadian                                                             Kinsmen Sherbrook Pool                                                                 Lieutenant-Colonel
                                            Cultural Society of                                                                   (1931)                                                                        Harcus Strachan, VC,
                                             Manitoba *NEW*                                                                                                                                                      MC Armoury (1915)
                                                                                                                            381 Sherbrook Street
                                           443 Selkirk Avenue                                                              May 25 2:30pm - 5:00pm                                                               551 Machray Avenue
                                         May 25 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                                                                                                              May 25 11:30am - 5:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                              May 26 11:00am - 5:00pm
We are the Hungarian Canadian Cultural Society of Manitoba. It is our            In Guy Maddin’s My Winnipeg he claims that the Kinsmen Sherbrook Pool               Strachan Armoury (formerly called McGregor Armoury) has been a fixture
pleasure to invite you to come join us in our building to experience folks       is actually three pools stacked vertically on top of each other. Unfortunately      in the North End since it opened in 1915, in the midst of the First World
dances, traditional foods and beautiful cultural artifacts. We look forward to   this isn’t the case, but sometimes the truth is just as compelling. Opened          War. It still performs its original function as a training centre for the Army.
meeting you and sharing our Hungarian spirit.                                    in 1931, declared a Heritage Building in 2001, and newly reopened in 2017           Come see our historic building and some of the secrets inside, such as the
                                                                                 after significant renovations, the Sherbrook Pool has played a vital part in        Messes and Regimental Museum. Members of the Army Reserve, Canada’s
                                                                                 Winnipeg’s West End community. Join the Friends of Sherbrook Pool as they           citizen-soldiers, will be your guides. Volunteers from the Military Collectors
                                                                                 take you through the history of the pool, its relationship to the community,        Club of Canada invite you to bring any family military memorabilia for
                                                                                 and promote a new plaque in dedication to former city councilor Harvey              identification.
                                                                                                                                                                     Guided tours will run throughout the day.
                                                                                 Guided tours will start at 2:30pm, 3:15pm and 4:00pm, lasting
                                                                                                                                                                       The ground floor and the second floor west are wheelchair
                                                                                 30 minutes, maximum 35 participants per tour.                                        accessible. The Museum and Officer’s Mess on the third floor
                                                                                    No photos permitted inside the Kinsmen Sherbrook Pool.                                           are only accessible by stairs.
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