Page created by Vernon Wolf
COLLEGE                    MAGAZINE | SPRING 2021

Yolanda (Smith) White ’92 shares
her career roadmap for success.
Pg. 32

                                TARA RICKE ’19

                                                 Hammocks give new meaning to “hanging out” on campus. On a sunny day, you’re likely to
                                                 see multiple hammocks suspended between the trees surrounding student residence halls
                                                 and academic buildings. Some students hoist hammocks in groups to socialize or study, and
                                                 others isolate to relax or sleep. Hammock devotees around the globe routinely document

2   Franklin College MAGAZINE
their air-borne experiences on social media using the hashtag “hammocking,” and sporting
goods stores offer a variety of resources to help beginners get into the swing. Here, Alexa
Shrake ’23 studies on the Pulliam School of Journalism’s east side. “I love hammocking
because it’s relaxing, and kind of a break from the world,” she said.

                                                                                              SPRING 2021   3


                                                                                                                               MAGAZINE | SPRING 2021

                                                                                                               Volume LVII, No. 1

                                                                                                               Contributing Staff
                                                                                                               Director of Communications
                                                                                                               Deidra Baumgardner
                                                                                                               Amy (Kean) VerSteeg ’96
                                                                                                               Director of Marketing
                                                                                                               Ann Smith
                                                                                                               Assistant Athletic Director for Communications
                                                                                                               Ryan Thomas
                        Dear Alumni and Friends,                                                               Senior Leadership
                                                                                                               Vice President for Development and Alumni
                        As Cindy and I prepared for this spring’s virtual President’s Circle Celebration
                        of philanthropy at Franklin College, we considered what musical number might           Dana Cummings
                        be performed by our students to help set a theme for the evening. After discussing
                                                                                                               Submissions and Changes
                        various possibilities, we decided on “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest
                                                                                                               For content submissions, email aversteeg@
                        Showman. The number was performed beautifully by Jackie List ’21 and her      or call 317.738.8188. For
                        sister, Jadyn List ’24. Both women are music majors involved in the FC Singers         address and phone changes, email recordupdates@
                        and Women’s Chorus.                                                           or call 317.738.8052. Mail
                                                                                                               correspondence to Franklin College Magazine,
                        Their rendition of “A Million Dreams” certainly resonated with our guests for the      Attn: Amy Kean VerSteeg, 101 Branigin Boulevard,
                                                                                                               Franklin, Indiana 46131-2623.
                        event because it spoke to two aspects of the Franklin College experience that
                        make it unique and impactful. Students arrive at Franklin College from different       Franklin College Magazine
                                                                                                               Published three times annually. Copyright by Franklin
                        places and backgrounds, with different experiences and goals. What they share in       College.
                        common are dreams, of what they want to become — even if they cannot yet fully
                        define it, what they hope to achieve, and how they hope to make a difference in        Founded in 1834, Franklin College is a residential liberal
                        the world.                                                                             arts and sciences institution located 20 minutes south of
                                                                                                               Indianapolis. Franklin offers a wide array of undergraduate
                                                                                                               majors as well as master’s degree programs in Physician
                        When students bursting with such promise meet faculty dedicated to helping             Assistant Studies and Athletic Training. The unique
                                                                                                               curriculum merges classroom instruction with immersive
                        them achieve their potential, thus ensues the transformative experience that is        experiences, research opportunities and study-away
                        the essence of Franklin College. The remarkably successful outcomes are reflected      programs. Our goal is to prepare career-ready graduates for
                                                                                                               today’s global professions and those of the future. Small
                        in the lives and accomplishments of our graduates throughout the world.                classes enable students to thrive through personal peer
                                                                                                               interaction and mentorship from professors who challenge
                        Similarly, incredibly generous alumni, friends and donors share a common dream         and inspire them to think critically and perform confidently.
                                                                                                               Students participate in a vibrant co-curriculum that includes
                        of helping make opportunities possible for Franklin College students of today and      21 NCAA Division III sports, Greek life, musical and theatre
                                                                                                               productions, and more than 40 student organizations. As the
                        tomorrow. They dream of making a difference in the lives of our students, knowing
                                                                                                               first college in Indiana to become coeducational with the
                        that will ultimately make a difference in the world they will impact. They recognize   admission of women, Franklin welcomes diversity of thought,
                                                                                                               belief and person into a community that values equity and
                        that others before them helped make their Franklin College experience possible.        inclusion. Franklin College maintains a voluntary association
                        Philanthropy is where the dreams of two generations intersect, as one lives out        with the American Baptist Churches USA.

                        its dream of giving back while enabling the other to watch its dreams begin to         Nondiscrimination Policy
                        blossom.                                                                               Franklin College is committed to the principle and practice
                                                                                                               of equal opportunity for all its students, faculty, employees
                                                                                                               and applicants for admission and employment. For that
                        Over the years at Franklin College, that certainly accounts for a million dreams and   reason, the College provides equal employment opportunities
                                                                                                               on the basis of merit and without regard to the individual’s
                        more. Included in these pages are impressive examples of such dreams and the role      race, color, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin,
                        of this great institution in helping them come true. We have done that for nearly      marital status or sexual orientation, in accordance with state
                                                                                                               and federal laws and any other characteristic protected by
                        187 years, and together we shall continue on that mission.                             law. The College prohibits, forbids and will not tolerate any
                                                                                                               verbal, physical or other conduct that belittles or demeans
                        Sincerely,                                                                             any individual on the basis of the above-listed statuses.
                                                                                                               All employees, managers, supervisors and job applicants
                                                                                                               are covered by this commitment. No person or employee,
                                                                                                               no matter his or her title or position, has the authority
                                                                                                               expressed, actual, apparent or implied to discriminate against
                                                                                                               any employee of the College. This policy applies to all terms
                                                                                                               and conditions of employment, admission to and enrollment
                                                                                                               in Franklin College, including, but not limited to, recruitment,
                                                                                                               selection, hiring, benefits, educational policies, admission
                        KERRY PRATHER                                                                          policies, financial aid, scholarship and loan programs,
                                                                                                               housing, athletic and other College-administered programs
                        FRANKLIN COLLEGE PRESIDENT                                                             and activities.

                                                                                                               On the Cover
                                                                                                               Yolanda (Smith) White ’92 is a public relations pro.
                                                                                                               PHOTO BY CHAD WILLIAMS

                                                                                                               Follow Us
                4   Franklin College MAGAZINE
 BRIDGING GENERATIONS         10        FELLOWSHIP AWAITS              12        ON THE RUN                        20

 TIMELESS TALE                22        GOOD VIBES                     28        NAILING BUSINESS                  34

 Featured Stories

            Discover how students at the College and residents at Morning Pointe Senior Living and
            Memory Care mutually benefit from intergenerational learning.

            Learn about the $1 million commitment behind the forthcoming Johnson Memorial Health
            Athletics Annex at Franklin College.

 32         SHE’S GOT DRIVE
            Meet communications pro Yolanda (Smith) White ’92, and learn how she combines passions for
            writing, advocating for diversity and serving in the community to live her best life.

                                                                                                     SPRING 2021        5
            In March, the Franklin College Board of Trustees
            announced President Kerry Prather will continue to
            lead the institution until at least July 1, 2024. Prather
            was appointed acting president in January 2020 and
            president one month later, with his term originally slated
            to end in June 2022.
                “The trustees recognize           confidence in his continued     Annex (both on campus);
                that President Prather has        leadership and commitment       launching a competitive
                provided unity and stabili-       to advancing the College.”      esports program; and
                ty, transparent leadership,                                       creating a digital fluency
                institutional vision and          Prather’s 39-year Franklin      initiative that serves as the
                community collaboration           College career has included     capstone to the already         strengthen technology inte-
                during his presidential           leadership roles in enroll-     transformative education        gration and expand learn-
                tenure, all of which are          ment management and ath-        Franklin provides. Addition-    ing opportunities. He also
                needed in today’s chal-           letics, and involved him in     ally, the College received a    led the College to its most
                lenging higher education          Cabinet-level work through      $1 million grant from Lilly     successful fundraising year
                environment,” said board          four administrations.           Endowment Inc., through         ever in 2020 in the midst of
                chair James V. Due ’82. “He                                       its initiative, Charting the    the pandemic.
                                                  During Prather’s tenure as
                has done a remarkable job,                                        Future for Indiana’s Colleges
                                                  the College’s 17th president,
                including the navigation                                          and Universities. Part of the   Prather said, “I am honored
                                                  he has led the way in estab-
                of COVID-19. The extension                                        initiative’s phase two round    and humbled by the
                                                  lishing the Center for Tech
                of his presidential term is                                       of funding made in 2020, the    confidence of the trustees,
                                                  Innovation and the Johnson
                a reflection of the board’s                                       grant is helping the College    alumni, faculty, staff and
                                                  Memorial Health Athletics

                                                  NEW TRUSTEE ELECTED                                             One of Cathy’s daughters,

                                                                                                                  Lauren (Hawes) Timm ’12,
                                                                                                                  her aunt, Ila (Dunn) Olson
                                                  Cathy Dunn of Columbus,         we’re looking forward to the    ’44, and uncle, Richard L.
                                                  Indiana, recently was elect-    addition of Cathy’s contribu-   Dunn ’50, also are alumni.
                                                  ed to the Franklin College      tions. She has a passion for
                                                                                                                  Cathy said, “Franklin College
                                                  Board of Trustees.              the Franklin College mission
                                                                                                                  has provided several gen-
                                                                                  and will bring a great
                                                  She is the president of Dunn                                    erations of my family the
                                                                                  deal of care and business
                                                  & Associates Benefit Admin-                                     opportunity of an outstand-
                                                                                  leadership experience to
                                                  istrators, a family-owned                                       ing education. I welcome
                                                                                  her trustee role,” said board
                                                  business founded in 1992.                                       the opportunity to work
                                                                                  chair James V. Due ’82.
                                                  She graduated from Purdue                                       with the board to ensure
            Cathy Dunn
                                                  University with a bachelor’s    A love of Franklin College      the continued success and
                                                  degree in health/physical       was sparked in Cathy by her     sustainability of Franklin’s
                                                  education and mathematics,      father, Ken Dunn ’51. He is a   programs. In today’s
                                                  and from Indiana University     former student-athlete and      challenging environment,
                                                  with a master’s degree in       has remained active at the      Franklin’s creative and
                                                  sports medicine.                College through past partic-    innovative partnerships
                                                                                  ipation on Alumni Council       with community and corpo-
                                                  “Each trustee brings unique     and ongoing financial           rate entities will pave the
                                                  experience, perspective         support of the institution.     way for future generations.”
                                                  and vision to the board, and

                6     Franklin College MAGAZINE

                                                            HERE FOR GRIZZLIES

                                                                                                                                                                  CHAD WILLIAMS
                students, and I am excited                        New director of admissions Ryan McClarnon is eager to help
                to continue leading this                          prospective Grizzlies and their families learn more about
                great institution. Franklin                       Franklin College.
                College is a special place
                blessed with extraordinary                        “I share a passion for the Franklin College mission of preparing
                people. I look forward to                         students for purposeful lives and significant careers, and I am
                                                                  deeply committed to placing my experience, talents and skills in            Ryan McClarnon
                the exciting work ahead, as
                we continue to ensure a                           service at this institution,” McClarnon said.
                bright and promising
                                                                  McClarnon serves under the leadership of Vice President for Strategic Enrollment
                future for the College and
                                                                  and Marketing Thanda Maceo, and has been deeply involved in helping strengthen recruit-
                its students.”
                                                                  ment strategies since joining the admissions staff in December 2020.
                Prather’s spouse, Cindy, also
                                                                  Though he is a fresh face at Franklin, he brings more than 15 years of prior experience,
                is an educator. She served
                                                                  most recently having served as a director at the University of Indianapolis. There, he
                with the Franklin College
                                                                  led his alma mater’s admissions team through several years of steady growth, nearly
                Education Department
                                                                  doubling the overall enrollment.
                faculty for 23 years, includ-
                ing as chair, before transi-                      “I am energized by the Franklin College admissions team and campus community
                tioning to higher education                       members, all of whom do transformational work,” McClarnon said. “I look forward to
                consulting. Their children,                       continued collaboration to achieve enrollment goals delivering on our promise to the
                Katie Prather ’13 and                             hundreds of students and families we serve.”
                Robbie Prather ’17, are
                alumni.                                           McClarnon holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and public relations, and a
                                                                  master’s degree in applied sociology, community leadership and nonprofit management. J
                Read the full press release at

                                                                                         BUILDING CONNECTIONS
                                                 TARA RICKE ’19

                                                                                         A pastor with more than 30 years of ministry experience has
                The board’s primary roles                                                been appointed the College’s American Baptist liaison assistant.
                include authority and                                                    In this role, the Rev. Rebecca Horstman May ’81 assists the
                responsibility for establish-                                            admissions team with new student outreach and works closely
                ing the character, purpose                                               with the College’s director of religious life and chaplain to
                and policies of the College,                                             support current students, faculty and staff.
                                                                      Rev. Rebecca
                instituting and supporting                            Horstman May ’81
                fundraising efforts,                                                      “Rebecca brings a tremendous knowledge of American Baptist
                establishing and reviewing                        Churches (ABC), relationships cemented over the years with church leadership and the
                educational programs,                             ability to connect well with students and parents considering Franklin College,” said
                approving academic degrees                        Thanda Maceo, vice president for strategic enrollment and marketing.
                and establishing the annual
                budget. The board also                            Horstman May earned a psychology and sociology bachelor’s degree from Franklin
                authorizes construction                           and a divinity master’s degree from the Christian Theological Seminary.
                of new buildings and
                                                                  “I am excited and blessed to have the opportunity to further connect students from
                renovations on existing
                                                                  American Baptist Churches with the quality education of Franklin College,” she said.
                facilities, changes in tuition
                and fees, purchases of land,                      Horstman May will continue to serve as pastor of Celebration Fellowship, a mission-
                buildings and major equip-                        focused house church in Noblesville, Indiana. She previously served as the president
                ment, and faculty-tenure                          of regional boards for ABC of Indiana and Kentucky, and ABC of Greater Indianapolis.
                appointments. J                                   Her other prior positions include pastor at Elizaville Baptist Church, chaplain at Indiana
                                                                  University Health Medical Center and seminary intern at Indianapolis First Baptist
                                                                  Church, where she was ordained in 1992.J

                                                                                                                                           SPRING 2021
                                                                                                                                                  2021       77
At press time, Franklin           final competition hurdle.       pandemic. With the              appropriate direction for
College was a Mira Awards         President Kerry Prather,        College’s long and proud        our grant application,
finalist, contending for          Vice President for Academic     history of providing a          digital fluency was the clear
“Pandemic Pivot of the            Affairs and Dean of the         highly personal education-      choice. We recognize that
Year.”                            College Kristin Flora, Ph.D.,   al experience, emphasis         ensuring students have
                                  Associate Vice President        always has been on mean-        the digital skills needed
The annual awards com-            for Academic Affairs            ingful, in-person interac-      to engage fluently in the
petition run by TechPoint,        Tim Garner ’79, Ph.D., and      tion. The pandemic neces-       world is critical to their
Indiana’s nonprofit growth        Vice President for Develop-     sitated finding new ways        personal and professional
accelerator for the tech          ment and Alumni Engage-         to deliver the same quality     futures, and it is a direction
sector, recognizes and            ment Dana Cummings              experience. For starters,       commensurate with the
amplifies tech success            participated.                   faculty had to undergo          Endowment’s initiative.”
stories. This year, Franklin                                      technology training them-
College was one of a record-      Flora shared, “We recognize     selves prior to leading         The College successfully
breaking 211 award appli-         many organizations had          virtual classes, and the        received a $1 million grant
cants, ranging from Fortune       to pivot in response to the     College’s Information           from the Endowment as
500 companies and startups        pandemic, and that alone        Technology Services (ITS)       part of its initiative’s phase
to small organizations and        does not make Franklin          team led the process. The       two round of funding in
individuals. Independent          College unique. What does,      ITS team also provided          2020. The grant is helping
judging panels narrowed           is how we’ve leaned into        ongoing support to Franklin     the College strengthen
the applicants to 122             it, and embraced the            students spread across the      technology integration and
nominees vying among              changes and opportunities       nation. Plus, the College had   expand learning opportuni-
15 categories.                    it brought.”                    teams of faculty and staff      ties. Four key pillars support
                                                                  volunteers who maintained       the College’s digital fluency
“Pandemic Pivot” is a             The initial challenge was                                       initiative: curricular
                                                                  personal contact with every
new category created              time. As COVID-19 concerns                                      activities, co-curricular
                                                                  enrolled student for several
to recognize those who            heightened, and Indiana’s                                       and student-life activities,
                                                                  weeks to help navigate all
excelled at adapting and          restrictions on gatherings,                                     faculty and staff develop-
                                                                  the pandemic-induced
problem-solving to meet           work and travel tightened,                                      ment and employer partner-
                                                                  changes and offer emotion-
pandemic-induced constit-         the College’s temporary                                         ships. Recent progress has
                                                                  al support.
uent needs, seizing market        suspension of in-person                                         included hiring a director
opportunities created             classes was readjusted          In the midst of the pan-        of digital fluency, starting
by demand shifts and              accordingly. There were         demic pivot, Lilly Endow-       renovation on an existing
surviving amid difficult          only two days to fully          ment Inc. invited the           campus facility to become
operational challenges            prepare faculty to lead         College to apply for a          home to the Center for Tech
throughout 2020. Franklin         online instruction indefi-      Charting the Future for         Innovation, and launching
College was nominated             nitely, and simultaneously      Indiana’s Colleges and          an esports program and
in recognition of its swift       ensure all students had         Universities grant, designed    soon-to-be gaming center
and successful transition         appropriate technology          to encourage higher-            in Spurlock Center. (Find
to fully online instruction       and WiFi access to learn        education institutions to       related press releases at
last spring, and subse-           at home.                        strategize and collaborate
quent efforts to empower                                          broadly to keep their
students, faculty and staff       As Garner explained,                                            Mira Awards winners will
                                                                  campuses and programs
with digital fluency. College     another challenge was only                                      be announced April 22
                                                                  relevant for current and
leaders had a chance to tell      about 25 percent of faculty                                     during a virtual ceremony
                                                                  future students.
Mira Awards judges more of        were using the College’s                                        hosted by TechPoint. J
the story in March, during        online teaching and learn-      Prather said, “As we had
a virtual interview, the          ing system prior to the         discussion about an

8     Franklin College MAGAZINE

                        Appointed inaugural director of digital fluency. Andrew Rosner
                        joined the College staff in February to lead strategic implemen-
                        tation efforts, including connecting students and faculty with
                        people, places and experiences that will enable digital-skills

                        “I have long admired Franklin College’s commitment to a
                        transformative liberal arts education. I look forward to helping
                        build upon the Franklin experience by not only preparing
                        students for the ever-evolving workforce of today, but by also
                        challenging students to be the industry leaders of tomorrow.”

                        Rosner previously served more than five years as director
                        of the Mark Cuban Center for Sports Media and Technology at Indiana University.
                        He currently owns Everlong Digital, a firm specializing in digital marketing strategies and
                        social media tools for small businesses. Rosner earned a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology
                        from DePauw University and a master’s degree in sports marketing and management from
                        Indiana University.

                        On track with esports program development. Esports is a form of sports competition using
                        video games, and an exciting component of the College’s digital fluency initiative. Esports
                        teams compete online against other colleges and universities across the country, with
                        championship winners becoming eligible for national competitions.

                        Franklin College is a new member of the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE),
Computer-               which coordinates and facilitates competitions. Most esports athletes train and compete in
generated               only one or two games, similar to athletes in other collegiate sports. Franklin’s coed team,
image of future
esports gaming
                        named GRIZGaming, will have six competition-game options, Legends, Fortnite, Rocket
center.                                                             League, Call of Duty, Overwatch and CS:GO. Team
                                                                    recruitment is underway, and coaching-staff
                                                                    selection will follow. The College will convert a
                                                                    space within Spurlock Center to become a custom
                                                                    esports gaming center.

                                                                    Esports interest is building across campus.
                                                                    College Trustee Katie Kruse recently made a
                                                                    generous foundational investment toward the
                                                                    gaming center and equipment, and Trustee
                                                                    Cathy Dunn and her father, Ken Dunn ’52, also
                                                                    showed program support with gifts. Only five
                                                                    years ago, few colleges and universities had
                                                                    esports programs. Today, there are more than
                                                                    425 programs nationwide. GRIZGaming will
                                                                    begin competing in the 2021-22 academic year. J

                                                                                                     SPRING 2021       9
In 2019, Richard “Dick”
                                                                                                    Park, Ph.D., (HD ’02),
                                                                                                    a Franklin College
                                                                                                    mathematics professor
                                                                                                    emeritus, and his new
                                                                                                    acquaintance, Armani
                                                                                                    Christopher ’23, gave
                                                                                                    their intergenerational
                                                                                                    conversation two
                                                                                                    thumbs up.

                                                                                       JASON JIMERSON
“Gordon taught
 me to always
 stay active . . .
                                 By Andy Bell-Beltaci, Reprinted with permission from the Daily Journal

 Gordon’s advice                 When a resident at Morning Pointe Senior
 was, ‘ Talk to                  Living and Memory Care died in 2020 after
                                 a battle with COVID-19, a Franklin College
 your family                     student’s photo was found on a table in
 more, and keep                  his room.
 in contact with                 The student had taken a 2019 College seminar called “Life Examined:

 people from
                                 In Pursuit of Your Best Self.” The seminar paired students with
                                 residents at Morning Pointe’s Franklin location to encourage visits

 home,’ which I
                                 and dialogue about the differences and similarities between genera-
                                 tions. The student whose photo was found came back to the College

 should do more.”
                                 the next semester with an interest in gerontology.

                                 Associate professor of sociology Jason Jimerson, Ph.D., decided to
                                 continue the course in the fall of 2020, even though students could
KOSMO WOJACK ’24                 not visit the senior citizens in person due to the pandemic. Jimerson

10   Franklin College MAGAZINE
and Mary Beth Piland, life enrichment     Kosmo Wojack ’24, from Hawaii,                Markiah Miller-Kees ’24 learned her
director at Morning Pointe, encouraged    considered the importance of keeping          Morning Pointe acquaintance died in
correspondence via personal letters,      in touch.                                     October after contracting pneumonia.
and helped coordinate intergenera-                                                      Miller-Kees never was able to meet her
tional video calls and Zoom chats.        “Gordon taught me to always stay              in person. Still, she gained a lot from
                                          active,” Wojack said. “Gordon’s advice        the interaction.
Jimerson said, “My inspiration for this   was, ‘Talk to your family more, and
was that I was very close to my grand-    keep in contact with people from              Miller-Kees said, “She acknowledged
parents and my great-grandparents,        home,’ which I should do more.”               stuff happening in my life, and how
but also my father and mother. They                                                     amazing it was I overcame it. I’ve been
recently passed away, and I learned a     Other conversations led to insights           through a lot not many kids have, but
great deal from them.”                    about what life was like growing up           she made me feel smart and strong.
                                          in the first half of the 20th century.        She always told me to live your best
Jimerson hoped his students also          The new technology was exciting,              life because you don’t know when
would benefit from socializing with       recalled Virginia Tyte.                       you’re going to be here, or not.”
elders. Conversations overheard
included admiration and advice.           “We were one of the first houses to           In 2019, Jimerson had students con-
                                          have TV,” Tyte said. “Every weekend,          clude the course by telling the senior
Gordon Dunn, 99, said, “The pre-World     everyone in class would come to our           citizens what they learned from them.
War II culture that I was born in and     house. We would put it in the window,
the culture we have today postwar         and people outside and in the neigh-          “The Morning Pointe residents came
are completely different in many          borhood would watch.”                         to campus and watched the students
ways. It’s difficult to understand and                                                  give presentations,” Jimerson said.
accept the culture of younger people.     In an effort to relate, Ty Wright ’24         “They were almost like eulogies for
What they believe and do is different     recalled a time when he didn’t have           the living.”
than the way I was raised. I appreci-     access to TV.
                                                                                        Students who took the 2020 course
ate the younger ones, I believe in the
                                          “I got in trouble when I was younger,         asked the senior citizens to reflect on
younger ones — they’re our future.
                                          and I couldn’t watch TV. It was the           when they were younger, and lessons
Regardless of how I feel, they’re going
                                          worst week of my life,” he joked.             they learned.
to be all right.”
                                                                                        Joye Hardin, 94, said she would tell her
                                                                     MARY BETH PILAND
                                                                                        younger self to enjoy life to the fullest.

                                                                                        “I remember going to a seminar
                                                                                        years ago,” Hardin said. “One thing
                                                                                        the speaker said was, ‘If you want to
                                                                                        be successful in life, when you meet
                                                                                        someone make them feel important,
                                                                                        and you will be successful.’ I think I
                                                                                        have been successful. Life is good. Life
                                                                                        is fun. There are ups and downs. I’ve
                                                                                        enjoyed life to the fullest. I’m happy
                                                                                        with my life, and I’m happy with what
                                                                                        I’ve done with it.” J

                                                                                        Haley Pritchett ’22 and Mary Miler began
                                                                                        building a camaraderie in 2019.

                                                                                                                SPRING 2021        11

                                                                                                                                                            QUINN FITZGERALD ’20
                          A competitive postgraduate fellowship program
                          aimed at developing the next generation of
                          business leaders and entrepreneurs, and support-
                          ing the talent pipeline for innovative Indianapolis-
                          area companies, has selected Erica Irish ’21 for
                          participation. Irish will begin her Orr Fellowship
                          this June, after graduation.
                          With an average applicant pool of 1,200   product research, branding, marketing
                          and an acceptance rate of only 6%, the    and design. Irish will serve as a
                          program primarily recruits from top       marketing partner during her two-year
                          seniors at universities in the Midwest.   Fellowship.                                                           Erica Irish ’21
                          Fellows receive a full-time salaried
                          position with a host company and          “I couldn’t be happier or more            world requires. I’m eager to be
                          ongoing opportunities for professional    humbled to accept this incredible         challenged and find countless chances
                          development, executive mentorship         opportunity to serve my home city,        to grow when I join the team in June.”
                          and civic engagement.                     Indianapolis, on teams as forward-
                                                                    thinking as Innovatemap and Orr           Irish will graduate with a bachelor’s
                          Irish’s host will be Innovatemap,         Fellowship,” Irish said. “Innovatemap     degree in multimedia journalism and
                          an agency north of downtown               is actively leaning into the work,        political science. Journalism professor
                          Indianapolis, specializing in digital     strategy and bold thinking our digital    emeritus Ray Begovich encouraged

                                                                                                              patient outcomes in rural and other
                                                                                                              medically underserved communities.
                                                                                                              Fellowships are two–year commit-
                                                                                                              ments and supplement collegiate
                                                                                                              medical programs.

                                                                    Stephanie Hautsch (MSPAS ’24) and         As Fellows, Hautsch and Greiner will

                                                                    Rebecca Greiner (MSPAS ’24), first-year   undergo online, observational and
                                                                    students in the Master of Science         experiential training to build skills
                                                                    in Physician Assistant (PA) Studies       supporting a holistic approach to
                                                                    Program at Franklin College, were         patient care that takes social, cultural,
                                                                    selected for health-care fellowships      behavioral and economic factors into
                                                                    through the Indiana Area Health           consideration. They should com-
                                                                    Education Center (AHEC) Scholars          plete the program well-prepared to
                                                                    Program.                                  help broaden health-care access and
                          Stephanie Hautsch    Rebecca Greiner                                                improve patient outcomes in under-
                          (MSPAS ’24)          (MSPAS ’24)          The program is part of a national         served areas. Hautsch and Greiner are
                                                                    initiative aimed at helping states        eager to learn and make an impact.
                                                                    recruit and specially train a workforce
                                                                    well-prepared to address regional         “Our PA program director informed
                                                                    health-care disparities and improve       us about the Fellowship program, and

                          12    Franklin College MAGAZINE
her to apply for a Fellowship. She also    Twenty-four students in the Master of Science in Physician Assistant
found inspiration in the example set       Studies (MSPAS) Program received white medical coats Dec. 18, 2020,
by those previously in the program.        symbolizing their halfway point of completion in the 25-month endeavor.
Brody Perrine ’17 was Franklin’s           White coats also mark the transition from classroom instruction to
first-ever Orr Fellow.                     clinical rotations, the next step in their professional journey as health-care
Irish’s collegiate professional develop-
ment experiences have included             Due to the pandemic, the ceremony was conducted virtually, with congrat-
staff positions with The Franklin,         ulatory remarks from Franklin College President Kerry Prather, and with
Chalkbeat and the Indianapolis             family members, rather than professors, enjoying the honor of presenting
Business Journal. Irish also worked        the MSPAS students with their white coats.
for TheStatehouseFile, a news
website powered by Pulliam School          The MSPAS Program draws a diverse pool of applicants from across the
of Journalism students. In June 2020,      country. The 2022 cohort includes students from New Hampshire to
she was part of a team that received       Oregon, as well as working professionals seeking career change.
an Emmy from the National Academy
                                           One of them is Class President Michelle Bartlett (MSPAS ’22), who has
of Television Arts & Sciences Lower
                                           worked in special education for nine years, but also always had an interest
Great Lakes Chapter for “The Children’s
                                           in the medical field. Now she is combining her passions.
Crusade Revisited: Slaughterhouse-Five
at 50,” a documentary based on the         Bartlett said, “I always heard my students’ parents remark that most
book by Kurt Vonnegut. J                   medical professionals have a hard time understanding their children.
                                           I decided to pursue a degree to become a PA for this reason. I hope to
                                           work with families and children with special needs.”

                                           In her White Coat Ceremony address, Bartlett urged classmates to “keep
                                           pushing beyond what you think you can handle because uncertainty is
                                           the essence of life, and it fuels opportunity. This year, 2020, sure was an
I felt like it would be a great way to     uncertain and difficult time in our lives, but we pushed on and persevered
dive into the community. I am looking      through all of the chaos.”
forward to the opportunities it opens,”
said Greiner, a native of Merrimack,       The MSPAS Program is made possible by a nearly $1 million grant from
New Hampshire. She earned an               Lilly Endowment, as part of its Initiative to Promote Opportunities
undergraduate degree in biomedical         Through Educational Collaborations. Franklin’s graduates are eligible to
engineering from North Carolina            take the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination and become
State University prior to enrolling        licensed as a PA in any state.
at Franklin. Hautsch earned a bio-
                                           Congratulations to the following white coat recipients, two of whom have
chemistry degree at the University
                                           Franklin College bachelor’s degrees and are indicated with asterisks:
of Evansville and hails from Jasper,
                                           Madeline Atkinson         Stephanie Hautsch          *Alexandra Short ’19
Hautsch said, “The program is a good       Michelle Bartlett		       Kaleb Johnson              Brittany Spaulding
opportunity to better understand           Chaz Casey 		             Katelyn Bowman             Jacob Stemper
the medical needs of the underserved       *Mallory Cast ’19           Lacy 		                  Emma Stout
populations surrounding Johnson            Tyler Cichowski 		        Cassidy Mull               Quentin Tingle
County and similar counties in             Sierra Corbin 		          Mohamad Nazari             Brittny Vandevander
Indiana, like where I grew up, and         Mercedes Cox 		           Rachel Payne 		            Mackenzie Norder
where I hope to practice.” J               Josiah Dick               Andrea Salemi 		              Willman J
                                           Rebecca Greiner           Elizabeth Severns

                                                                                                      SPRING 2021    13
                                                  It takes a community of dedicated employees to deliver
                                                  the exceptional liberal arts experience and life-changing
                                                  opportunities Franklin College students count on receiving
                                                  when they enroll.
                                                  To recognize and thank          valued for helping others,      project because I know he
                                                  employees for all the ways      was a two-way tie, with         will be patient, communi-
                                                  in which they deliver on the    Jason McHenry and Chris         cate effectively and execute

                                                  College promise, there has      Shaff ’96, receiving mutual     with precision.”
                                                  been an annual appreciation     honors. Both men received
                                                                                  multiple nominations from       Another nominator appre-
                                                  event for 27 years.
                 Jason McHenry                                                    colleagues who praised          ciated McHenry’s efforts
                                                  Traditionally, employees        their work ethic and            to help secure laptops for
                                                  gather in December for a        notable contributions amid      all faculty and students as
                                                  campus luncheon to              unprecedented challenges        COVID-19 concerns and state
                                                  acknowledge exceptional         created by the pandemic.        restrictions heightened
                                                  individual contributions                                        last spring, and the College
                                                  and career milestones, as       McHenry, currently the          transitioned to distance
                                                  well as to celebrate the        interim director of Informa-    learning. “During that time,
                                                  semester’s end. As a            tion Technology Services        manufacturers were run-
                                                  COVID-19 precaution, the        (ITS), joined the staff in      ning short on laptops. Our
                                                  latest event was transi-        2014, advancing rapidly         classes could not have gone
                                                  tioned to a virtual gathering   from application developer      online as smoothly had we

                                                  hosted by President Kerry       to database administrator.      not switched over prior to
                                                  Prather. He recognized three    His reputation is synony-       the pandemic,” wrote the
                            Chris Shaff ’96       individuals with College        mous with excellent client      nominator.
                                                  awards of distinction and       service.
                                                                                                                  Shaff is the College’s head
                                                  thanked 33 others for their
                                                                                  One nominator wrote: “He        athletic trainer. Prior to
                                                  significant service, ranging
                                                                                  is the go-to person for all     working at his alma mater,
                                                  from five to 45 years of
                                                                                  things in ITS, and is always    he earned a master’s degree
                                                                                  willing to help. I have never   in athletic training from
                                                  The Margaret A. Hommell         seen him lose his patience,     Valparaiso University. He
                                                  Staff Service Excellence        even when much is asked         also gained valuable career
                                                  Award, named in memory          of him. It is always a plea-    experience working with
                                                  of an employee deeply           sure to work with him on a      professional baseball

                 14   Franklin College MAGAZINE

                                                                                                                   CHAD WILLIAMS
  players and high school         Further, he helped develop     One nominator wrote:
  athletes, and selling phar-     a new mental-health policy     “She is highly creative and
  maceuticals. Numerous           to help support student-       strives to make learning
  nominators praised Shaff        athletes, coaches and staff.   interactive for students by
  for his selfless-service        Nominators also noted          using humor and visual
  and passion for helping         Shaff’s commitment to          components, like images
  student-athletes.               professional development       and videos. As a result,
                                  through his participation      students routinely praise
  One nominator wrote:            in conferences, webinars       her on their course evalua-
  “Chris has a positive, upbeat   and independent reading        tions, citing her dedication
  attitude that helps any         of research. He also repre-    to their learning, and her
  athlete work through an         sented the College last year   approachability.”
  injury or ailment keeping       as a participant in Leader-                                        Katie Burpo
  them from the playing field/    ship Johnson County, and       One student said, “I don’t
  court. The athletic-training    was involved in developing     even have a good grade in
  staff, under his leadership,    resources for men coping       her class, and it’s one of my
  consistently follows best       with grief.                    favorites.”
                                  Assistant professor of         Other nominators recog-
  The nominator continued:        English Katie Burpo was        nized Burpo for her enthu-
  “Chris and his colleagues       the distinguished recipi-      siastic engagement across
  have taken on a critical        ent of the Adjunct Faculty     campus, including outreach
  role in providing COVID-19      Excellence Award. Only         to first-year students and
  testing for student-athletes,   non-tenure track professors    prospective students with
  staff and faculty. He has       who have taught two or         interest in creative writing,
  excelled in his efforts to      more semesters and at least    and upper-class students
  become knowledgeable and        12 credit hours at Franklin    seeking academic advice.
  well-trained in the areas       are eligible. Burpo has a      Burpo also was involved in
  necessary to take on these      bachelor’s degree in           the creative writing depart-
  new tasks.”                     English/writing from           ment’s curriculum revision
                                  DePauw University and          and helps manage its social
  Shaff also was praised for                                     media accounts.
                                  a master’s degree in
  improving several processes
                                  fine arts/creative
  in the athletic training                                       View the full list of honor-
                                  writing from Western
  department, including drug                                     ees in the news section at
                                  Michigan University.
  testing and appointment                               J
  scheduling with trainers.

                                                                                                 SPRING 2021   15
WOMEN IN SCIENCE                          Barbara’s namesake scholarship will
                                          be awarded annually, beginning in
                                                                                     Marston ’92 and Melissa (Marston)
                                                                                     Schulz, as well as eight grandchildren.
The Dr. Barbara Hummel Weil ’47           fall 2021. Recipients will be selected
Memorial Scholarship is the result of     according to criteria established by       “On behalf of my entire family, I
a $100,000 gift from Edward D. Weil,      her family, with first preference given    am pleased and proud to be able
Ph.D., in remembrance of his spouse.      to a female student demonstrating          to provide this type of support for
                                          academic excellence and majoring in        deserving Franklin College students
Barbara grew up in Marion, Indiana,                                                  and members of the education depart-
                                          chemistry or other related field.
and enrolled at Franklin College to                                                  ment,” said Michael. “My parents were
pursue a degree in chemistry, a field                                                very proud of their Franklin College
few women explored at the time.                                                      history, and our entire family loves
She also faced physical and social        EMPOWERING EDUCATORS                       the institution as a result.
challenges resulting from a childhood
                                          An estate gift of $100,000 from Ted L.     “They worked tirelessly in support of
illness that caused blindness in one
                                          Marston ’51 (HD ’92) and spouse Alma       education, human rights and equality.
of her eyes, but she persevered. She
                                          “Elaine” (Harrison) ’52 has endowed        The fact that we will be able to have
earned a graduate fellowship with
                                          the Ted Marston Teaching Fund.             an impact on future educators is
the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, where she also received                                                   particularly fitting, as those are the
                                          The Marstons had a lifelong passion
a doctorate in organic chemistry.                                                    very people who will shape young
                                          for education, and initially estab-
                                                                                     minds, and ultimately, make the world
                                          lished a fund in 2011 to assist Franklin
While raising two children with                                                      a better place. I know my parents
                                          College students pursuing careers as
Edward, Barbara built a successful                                                   would be gratified to see this gift
                                          educators. Their estate gift joins the
scientific career that included                                                      supporting Franklin College in this
                                          fund to create a permanent endow-
material research for Bell Aircraft and                                              way.”
                                          ment enabling greater impact through
pioneering work for Union Carbide
                                          student financial assistance, virtual
on one of the earliest systems for
                                          technology resources, department-
computerized information retrieval.
Later, as director of clinical affairs
                                          related travel and the Marston Educa-      INTERFAITH PROGRAMS
                                          tion Curriculum Resource Center.
for Lipha, a French pharmaceutical                                                   The Indianapolis-based Allen Whitehill
company with an office in New York        The Marstons met at Franklin College,      Clowes Charitable Foundation award-
City, she produced the substantial        wed in 1950 and celebrated 65 anniver-     ed the College a $15,000 grant to
documents used to gain the Food           saries prior to Ted’s death in 2016.       support “Interfaith Understanding
and Drug Administration’s approval        Elaine died in 2020. Over his lifetime,    Through the Arts and Humanities”
of Metformin, an oral diabetes            Ted served in many College roles,          program development, to highlight
medication. In Washington, D.C.,          including trustee for 20 years, with       various faith traditions expressed
her arguments advocating the drug’s       five years as board chair. He received     through dance, visual arts, music,
safety diminished the objections          an honorary doctorate in 1992 and          poetry and filmmaking.
of those unable to back their opinions    was elected a lifelong Honorary
with proven science. The drug contin-     Trustee in 2002. The couple are            Professor emeritus of philosophy
ues to save countless lives today.        survived by their children, Michael        and religion David Carlson, Ph.D.,

16    Franklin College MAGAZINE
 and director of religious life and
 chaplain Hannah Adams Ingram, Ph.D.,
                                            TOWN-GOWN RELATIONS                       “The College has been a good avenue
                                                                                      for us not only to make inroads with
 developed the concept with creative        When New Jersey-based Radwell®            students but to get more involved in
 guidance from assistant professor of       International established a branch in     local programs, such as Leadership
 fine arts and theatre Nick Crisafulli.     Franklin in 2014, the leadership team     Johnson County, and to network with
                                            took note of the College, only two        supporters of the Grizzlies’ athletic
 “We are extremely grateful for this        blocks away. The prospect of recruiting   teams,” said Tiedeken.
 grant because it allows us to plan a       interns and graduates was encour-
 cohesive convocation series over the       aging, said general manager Robert        Today, two alumni are on the Radwell
 next three years,” Adams Ingram said.      Tiedeken.                                 sales team, Beth Hurm-Hatchett ’97
                                                                                      and Bruce Kittle ’81. Radwell stocks
 Last fall, Franklin College Trustee        With operations fully running by 2016,    and sells industrial automation, elec-
 Emeritus Bill Brown ’61 and his            the branch welcomed two Franklin          tronic, hydraulic, heating/ventilation/
 spouse, Sue Ann, along with Sandra         College interns, one in technical         air conditioning and electrical control
 (Corbin) Hinshaw ’66 and her spouse,       production and one in sales/market-       equipment that helps keep a variety of
 Tom, and Bob Epstein ’67 and his           ing. For one student, the internship      manufacturers running.
 spouse, Louise, generously underwrote      morphed into a part-time position
 the College’s debut event, “Interfaith     while he finished his degree, then
 Understanding Through the Art of           he joined the company full time.
 Storytelling.” It was held virtually due                                             ADMISSIONS BOOST
 to the pandemic, and was a featured        “One of our takeaways was that
                                                                                      For the second consecutive year,
 presentation in Central Indiana’s          Franklin students were unbelievably
                                                                                      Franklin College Trustee John Auld ’76
 distinguished Spirit & Place Festival.     well prepared and able to apply them-
                                                                                      and his spouse, Beth, have made a
                                            selves right out of the gate, which we
 Allen Whitehill Clowes (HD ’64) was                                                  gift in support of admission efforts
                                            didn’t typically experience recruiting
 a longtime Franklin College friend                                                   in Johnson County. The College
                                            from other colleges,’ said Tiedeken.
 and art program supporter. After                                                     has a long, successful history of
                                            “While the students lacked some
 receiving an honorary degree from                                                    providing a transformational liberal
                                            technical knowledge, they had the
 Franklin, he was a periodic visitor,                                                 arts experience to students recruited
                                            mindset to learn quickly.”
 attended social functions and                                                        from within a 50-mile radius of
 arranged for the display of artwork        The same year the interns were            campus. Historically, these industrious
 from his personal collection on            hired, Radwell began offering a           students choose to build their homes
 campus. Upon his death in 2000, he         corporate scholarship to Franklin         and careers in Indiana after they
 bequeathed an endowed fund to assist       College students. When that four-year     graduate college, thereby helping
 promising art students who wanted          commitment ended in 2019, the             strengthen the state’s talent pool and
 to attend Franklin College.                company renewed its support with          economy. The Aulds’ gift enables the
                                            the promise of four future annual gifts   College to offer one-time grants to
                                            to the Franklin Fund.                     current high school seniors in Johnson
                                                                                      County who demonstrate financial
                                                                                      need and desire to be a Grizzly. For
                                                                                      more details, call, 888.852.6471. J

                                                                                                            SPRING 2021    17

                                                             Franklin College’s beautiful park-

                                                                                                       AMBER YOUNT
                                                             like setting is often admired by
                                                             campus guests, and broadly enjoyed
                                                             by Grizzlies past and present. Main-
                                                             taining the grounds and caring for

            MORE THAN                                        the landscape and plantings take

                                                             tremendous work year-round from
                                                             the physical facilities team. For many
                                                             years, biology professor Alice Heikens,
                                                             Ph.D., also has played a role not only
                                                             by sharing her botany expertise and
                As work centered around diversity,           counsel regarding native and invasive
                equity and inclusion (DEI) continues at      plants, but by involving science
                Franklin College, the community has          students in the College’s greening
                taken time to acknowledge the impor-         efforts. Students have previously
                tance of Black history and agents of         conducted tree and plant inventories                    Planting a tree in the foreground are Sergio
                change, from the past and present.           as well as planted saplings.                            Aguilar Vargas ’24, Robert “Tom” Shrader ’24
                                                                                                                     and Eddy Yousak ’24. Emily Newton ’24,
                Recent opportunities to listen, learn,       With Heikens’ guidance, Grizzly                         Kara Woodard ’24 and Samantha Schick ’24
                discuss and unite included virtual                                                                   are in the background.
                                                             Park was envisioned not only as the
                programs honoring the legacy of              athletic complex it is today but an urban forest, where a variety of trees
                Martin Luther King Jr., Ph.D., on Jan. 18.   provide shade and surround walking trails with beauty. More than seven
                A morning chapel service was followed        years ago, Heikens began the tradition of engaging students in planting the
                by a guest-panel discussion on               young trees that continue to flourish. The efforts have enabled the College
                economic equality, and readings by           to qualify as a Tree Campus Higher Education designee of the Arbor Day
                spoken-word artist Taylor McElwain ’19.      Foundation for eight consecutive years.
                The day concluded with the lecture,
                “No Man is an Island: Social Justice is      Meeting the Arbor Day Foundation’s standards requires five criteria: a campus
                Everyone’s Work” by Alexandria White,        tree advisory committee, a tree-care plan, a tree program with dedicated
                Ph.D., director of diversity for ReBoot      annual expenditures, an annual Arbor Day observance and a student ser-
                Accel, a woman-owned consulting              vice- learning project. The COVID-19 pandemic presented some challenges
                company in Silicon Valley. Concurrent        that nearly thwarted the efforts in fall 2020, but Heikens, assistant professor
                with the MLK Day observance, the             of biology Amber Yount, Ph.D., and PE instructor emerita Doreen St. Clair
                College hosted a children’s book drive.      rallied around the cause. St. Clair made a generous private gift, and Yount’s
                                                             students did some additional fundraising. The collaborative effort enabled
                DEI programming continued in                 the purchase of six red maples for Grizzly Park.
                February with the presentation
                “Inspired to Lead Through Uncertain          Yount said, “The students involved in this project were enrolled in my
                Times,” by Terri M. Hurdle, Ed.D., exec-     first-year seminar course on climate change. There’s a lot of misinformation
                utive director of TMarie Consulting          out there about the issue, and I saw this course as an opportunity to help
                and a featured writer in the book            students explore the facts and see how they could take an active role in
                Our Stories: The Experiences of Black        their own communities to mitigate climate change.”
                Professionals on Predominately White
                Campuses.                                    The students underwent training on proper tree planting procedures and
                                                             participated in class discussion with Heikens about the connection to
                For more, visit,         sustainability and conservation efforts. The culmination enabled students
                and search for “President’s Council on       to dig into the process with their own hands. J
                Diversity and Inclusion.” J

                18    Franklin College MAGAZINE

                                                                                                                                 CHAD WILLIAMS
The Johnson Memorial Health Athletics Annex at Franklin
College is on the horizon thanks to a $1 million commit-
ment from the Franklin-based health-care network.

The indoor multiple-use annex will be located on the
College campus, at the southwest corner of Park Ave. and
Second St. Retractable batting cages, golfing surfaces, a
weight room and ample indoor spaces will accommodate a
variety of athletic practices to support skills development
and conditioning year-round. Nearly 44% of the student
body participates in the College’s 21 men’s and women’s
athletic programs.

“This generous gift is the latest endorsement of our
wonderful working relationship with JMH,” said Franklin
College President Kerry Prather. “We partnered with JMH
on the creation of our Graduate Health Sciences Center,
and again with the employment of our campus nurse.
The hospital and its staff have been incredible partners
in hosting undergraduate interns and graduate-level physi-
cian assistant studies majors for clinical experiences. Athletically, our student-athletes are extremely   Franklin College
well-served by JMH, as the preferred provider of health-care services for our athletic department.”        President Kerry
                                                                                                           Prather and JMH
                                                                                                           President and CEO
JMH President and CEO David Dunkle ’94, M.D., said, “Our intent is to always provide greater access
                                                                                                           David Dunkle ’94, M.D.
to resources students can use to maintain and improve their physical health. The Johnson Memorial
Health Athletics Annex is an example of our ongoing commitment to be invested in the well-being of
not just the Franklin College community, but the surrounding community as a whole.”

The College previously made athletic facility upgrades in 2011, when outdoor venues for tennis,
softball and track and field were built in Grizzly Park, and Stewart “Red” Faught Stadium received turf
and lights for football, soccer and lacrosse. J

                             HOSTS OF CHAMPIONS
Franklin College and Indiana Sports Corp. will host the          committee, per division, selected the host sites it believed
2026 NCAA Division III Swimming and Diving National              would provide the ultimate experience for the respective
Championships, scheduled at the IU Natatorium in down-           student-athletes, resulting in more than 450 championship
town Indianapolis.                                               sites selected. The four championships not included in the
                                                                 process due to preexisting arrangements were Division I
Franklin College previously hosted in 2012 and 2018. The         baseball, football and softball, and Division III women’s ice
2026 event is projected to bring more than 500 student-          hockey.
athletes from around the country to compete in 40 events
over a four-day period.                                          Indiana Sports Corp. leads the statewide initiative Team
                                                                 Indiana, whose mission is to promote the state as a premier
Hosts were announced in October 2020, but bidding for            destination for sports-related events. Team Indiana also
86 of the 90 NCAA championships began in August 2019.            has involvement with past, present and future NCAA
More than 3,000 bid applications were received. Each sport       Championships. J

                                                                                                             SPRING 2021     19
                                    With the start of spring semester also came an unusual practice and game schedule result-
                                    ing from postponed seasons caused by the pandemic. In addition to the traditional spring
                                    competitors, the football, soccer, tennis and volleyball teams are recouping their seasons, in
                                    accordance with Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference guidelines.

                                    “Grizzlies always display grit through adversity, and the early-season wins posted in basket-
                                    ball, swimming and diving, track and field, and volleyball indicate this year will be no
                                    exception. We are very proud of our student-athletes, coaches and athletic training staff for
                                    their adaptability,” said Andrew Hendricks, director of athletics, and head swimming and
                                    diving coach.

                                    “The coaching staffs are fully committed to helping student-athletes stay focused on
                                    academics, as we continue to work on synchronizing the limited practice areas, playing
                                    spaces and locker rooms, and navigate the unpredictable weather.”

                                    Hendricks wants to remind fans that live coverage of most home games is shared free on
                                    the GRIZTV streaming service. At present, coverage includes Grizzlies’ football, soccer, volley-
                                    ball, lacrosse, basketball, baseball and softball. Additional team coverage is in the works.

                                    To access GRIZTV, start at the athletic website, Next, look for the
                                    Fan Zone in the menu across the top of your computer screen and select GRIZTV, or scroll
                                    to the bottom of the page on your smart phone and click the GRIZTV logo. Then, you should
                                    see a schedule of upcoming broadcasts, plus archives of previous games. J

                                                  ON THE
                                                                                          The men’s and women’s
                                                                                          cross-country teams
                                                                                          had a memorable fall
                                                                                          season in 2020.
                                                                                          To prioritize safety yet enable competi-
                                                                                          tion, the Heartland Collegiate Athletic
                                                                                          Conference (HCAC) conducted a Virtual
                                                                                          Racing Series. Teams competed inde-
                                                                                          pendently at their respective campuses
                                                                                          and recorded times that were reported
                                                                                          to the HCAC and compiled to reveal the
                                                                                          winners and leaders.

                                                                                          The first race in September was a
 Angelina Gregory ’23 and Wyatt                                                           3200-meter run at Grizzly Park.
McCullough ’24 pace their respective                                                      Franklin’s men placed second in the
                                                                                          eight-team field with 84 points, while
                                                                                          the women took fifth place with 116
PHOTOS BY RYAN THOMAS                                                                     points. Four additional races followed,
                                                                                          with the season closing in November.

20      Franklin College MAGAZINE
big    heart
                                                                                                              MIKE LEONARD

 The fifth annual Big Heart 5K run/walk founded
 by the Franklin College football team in memory
 of former player Wes Shambaugh ’15 was held
 in November 2020. Shambaugh died from an
 enlarged heart, at age 23, in March 2015.

 Over the years, supporters of the fundraiser
 have enabled the College to purchase eight
 automated external defibrillators and install
 them in facilities across campus. The portable
 devices can help those experiencing sudden
 cardiac arrest by analyzing the heart’s rhythm
 and, if necessary, delivering an electrical shock,
 to help re-establish an effective rhythm.

 Due to the pandemic, the official 2020 event
 was virtual, but several participants showed up to “Walk for Wes” in person at
 Meadowood Park in Speedway, Indiana, where his mother resides. Pictured
 are Jeremy Parker ’15, Joey Pasquale ’15, Jonny Hession ’15, Joe Rush ’14, Jonny
 West ’14 and Kyle Linville ’13. J

 In the final event, a 6K, the women’s       time of 26:20.0. In 14th place was Chris   For the second consecutive year,
 team racked up 106.5 points to take         Graham ’20, who clocked in with a          Niel Ellerbrook and his spouse,
 fifth-place overall Two women cracked       time of 26:50.0.                           Karen, made a generous gift
 the top-15, Angelina Gregory ’23 and                                                   to the athletic department to
 Taylor Wooten ’22. Gregory earned           In his inaugural 8K, Jack Sells ’24        provide charter bus transportation
 sixth-place overall and set a new           earned 20th-place overall with a time      for coaches and student-athletes.
 personal best of 24:52.0, and Woo-          of 27:22.0. Jaycee Wilburn ’23 and         Their support helps ensure safe
 ten placed 12th while setting a new         Parker Mullins ’24, who claimed            and comfortable travel for Grizzlies
 personal best of 25:24.0.                   identical times of 27:52.0, shared 29th    competing away from home.
                                             place. Other participants included
 Other runners included Jill Anspaugh        Drew Hargis ’24, Jordan Johnson ’22,       “We thank the Ellerbrooks for
 ’23, Bessie Kerr ’24, Grace Esterline ’21   Eli Cochrane ’24, Henry Davidson ’22,      their philanthropic hearts and
 and Josie Lyons ’24.                        Ethan Bequeret ’23, Matthew Lee ’22,       generosity,” said Director of Athletics
                                             Brayden Devenport ’24 and Steve            Andrew Hendricks, also the head
 In their final race, an 8K, the men         Bellamy ’24.                               swimming and diving coach.
 collected third-place overall with 87
 points. Matching the women’s team,          Watch video-recorded interviews            “Athletics play a major part in
 the men had two runners make the            with the runners and get more              shaping lives, and thanks to the
 top-15, Wyatt McCullough ’24 and            cross-country news at Franklin-            Ellerbrooks we can offer students
 Chris Graham ’20. For the fourth time J                           even greater life-changing experi-
 in five races, McCullough paced the                                                    ences that build confidence, lead
 field. He finished ninth overall, with a                                               to success and create lasting
                                                                                        memories.” J

                                                                                                            SPRING 2021      21
You can also read