Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...

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Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
VOL. 33 NO. 5 (2021)

                                                QUALITY MATTERS

Four generations of quality:
“measuring up”
New ISO committee for reference materials committed to excellence in accurate
measurement results

John P. Hammond
Technical Manager, Starna Scientific Limited, 52–54 Fowler Road, Hainault, Essex IG6 3UT, UK

Introduction                                TC 334—Reference Material continues            Metrology (OIML) was held at NBS in
This article, the fourth in the series,     in 2021 and beyond, and the key likely         Washington, DC. Six international organ-
details the ISO technical committee         changes are detailed here.                     isations and 12 countries were repre-
that is responsible for reference materi-                                                  sented. It was recommended that an
als (RMs) etc.1 This Reference Material     1st Generation: the years                      independent International Commission
committee, formally ISO/REMCO, has          between 1940 and 1975                          on Reference Materials (REMPA) be
now been reorganised by ISO as TC 334.      The first serious effort towards interna-      formed to define and gather and
The history of ISO/REMCO is discussed,      tional cooperation in the field of RMs         disseminate information on RMs as to
together with the probable changes in       was the Symposium on an International          their availability, ordering information,
this technical committee brought about      Reference Materials Program held in            properties certified etc. and recommend
by its conversion to TC 334.                May 1969 at the then National Bureau           a plan of action to increase their avail-
   There has always been, and will          of Standards (NBS), in Washington,             ability on an international scale.
continue to be, collaboration between       DC, under joint sponsorship by the
individual producers of RMs, and in many    International Committee on Weights             2nd Generation: the years
countries around the World, you will find   and Measures (CIPM) and NBS. It was            1975 to 2000
national “mirror” committees reflecting     recognised that the need for RMs was           REMPA met first in April 1975 at which
and inputting regional decisions into       greater than ever before in history and        time it established two working groups.
their appropriate ISO representatives.      that cooperation on an international              In September 1975, the ISO Council
However, many years ago, RM producers       scale was needed to meet the World’s           transformed REMPA into the Council
recognised that the growing need by the     future needs. The Symposium recom-             Committee on Reference Materials
analytical community for a number and       mended that the International Bureau of        (REMCO) with the following six terms
variety of RMs as well as a need for the    Weights and Measures (BIPM) be asked           of reference. It is interesting to compare
assurance of the quality of RMs called      to establish an organisational mechanism       the evolution of these terms with the
for collaboration at the international      to gather and disseminate information          final versions of ISO/REMCO from 2020
level. This has been achieved through       on the availability of RMs, their charac-      shown in blue.
REMCO, the Council Committee on             teristics and prices, coordinate informa-      1) To establish definitions, categories,
Reference Materials of the International    tion on the needs for standard reference            levels and classification of RMs for
Organization for Standardization (ISO),     materials (SRMs), identify potential                use by ISO.
which celebrated its 40th anniversary in    suppliers of RMs, and coordinate infor-             To establish concepts, terms and
2016. The evolution of this organisation    mation on potential RM certifying facil-            definitions related to RMs.
and its conversion into the formal ISO      ities. Subsequent to the symposium,            2) To determine the structure of related
                                            CIPM had to decline this role because               forms of RMs.
                                            the limitations of its charter and available        To specify the basic characteristics
DOI: 10.1255/sew.2021.a24                   resources allowed it to assume only the             of RMs as required by their intended
© 2021 The Author                           responsibility for SI base unit metrologi-          use.
                                            cal SRMs.                                      3) To formulate criteria to be applied
Published under a Creative Commons             Given the lack of progress on this               for choice of sources for mention in
BY-NC-ND licence                            important topic, in November 1973                   ISO documents (covering also legal
                                            an ad hoc International Meeting on                  aspects).
                                            RMs, under the sponsorship of the                   To propose actions on RMs required
                                            International Organization of Legal                 to support other ISO activities.                                                                            SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE 41
Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
VOL. 33 NO. 5 (2021)

4) To prepare guidelines for technical          ISO Guide 30 “Terms and defini-            The 15th meeting of REMCO in May
     committees for making reference to      tions used in connection with refer-       1991 saw Mr S. Rasberry (ANSI, NIST)
     RMs in ISO documents.                   ence materials”: harmonises the            take the Chair of REMCO. A revised work
     To prepare guidelines for ISO           vocabulary used in connection with         programme was set out for 1991–1996,
     Technical Committees when dealing       RMs                                        and a specific Task Group “Accreditation”
     with reference material issues.            ISO Guide 31 “Reference materials—      was added, tasked as follows:
5) To propose, as far as necessary,          Contents of certificates and labels”:      „ To assess the need for the accredita-
     action to be taken on RMs required      ensures that users have sufficient             tion of RM producers.
     for ISO work.                           information on a CRM                       „ To collect, assess and analyse
     To communicate with other inter-           ISO Guide 32 “Calibration of chem-          viewpoints and documentation
     national organisations on reference     ical analysis and uses of certified            concerning the accreditation of RM
     material matters.                       reference materials” was intended for          producers.
6) To deal with matters within its           users of RM in calibration for chemi-      „ To provide liaison with appropriate
     competence arising in relation with     cal analysis                                   national and international organisa-
     other international organizations and      This Guide was incorporated into a          tions concerned with accreditation of
     to advise Council on action to be       scheduled revision of ISO Guide 33 in          RM producers.
     taken.                                  the 3rd Generation.                        „ To produce a draft ISO guide on
     To advise the ISO Technical                ISO Guide 33 “Uses of certified             the requirements for accrediting RM
     Management Board (TMB) on refer-        reference materials”: describes                producers.
     ence material issues.                   how to use CRMs in widely diverse          „ To coordinate future revisions of the
   The first meeting of REMCO took           fields”                                        resultant ISO guide.
place in January 1976, just prior to the        ISO Guide 34 “General require-             The 17 th meeting of REMCO in
International Round Table on Reference       ments for the competence of refer-         April 1994 was given strong support
Materials.                                   ence material producers”: was              for its activities in accreditation by
   The mandate of REMCO was to carry         developed to give users increased          the ISO Central Secretariat. The latter
out and encourage a broad international      confidence in the “quality” of CRMs        foresaw the need for the interna-
effort for the harmonisation, production        ISO Guide 35 “Certification of refer-   tional accreditation of RM producers
and application of certified reference       ence materials—General and statistical     under ISO 9002 or compatible qual-
materials (CRMs), and during this period     principles”: was intended mainly for       ity system and believed that REMCO
REMCO developed a broad series of ISO        producers of CRMs                          had the potential to be recognised as
Guides on RMs:                                  At the 14 th meeting in May 1989,       the authoritative body to register RM
   ISO Guide 6. “Mention of reference        REMCO decided that the subjects of         producers.
materials in International Standards”        traceability and levels of RMs were           The 18th meeting of REMCO in April
   This Guide was incorporated into          very complicated and reduced its terms     1995 led to an initiative to prepare a
the ISO Directives for technical work as     of reference to revising ISO Guide         position paper to examine possible
Annex 2c in February 1980 and is, there-     30—“Terms and definitions of reference     options, including their pros and cons, for
fore, not recognised today as a separate     materials” and harmonising it with the     establishing some form of international
entity.                                      terminology in metrology.                  recognition for RM producers.

   1st Generation                    2nd Generation                3rd Generation                 4th Generation
1940                              1975                          2000                           2021

42 SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE                                                             
Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
   The 20 th meeting of REMCO was                               for “certified reference material”, and
strongly focused on draft revised Guide                         to this day the vast majority are certi-
34 based on the ILAC document. The                              fied for specific applications within the
ILAC representative to REMCO agreed to                          pharmacopoeial requirements, and do
take the draft revised Guide 34 to ILAC                         not contain an associated Expanded                             The first company
for collaboration to produce a mutually                         Uncertainty budget for the assigned                           worldwide to achieve
agreed-to document.                                             value. In 1998, the PDG wanted to
                                                                                                                                 ISO/IEC 17025
   The Accreditation Task Group also                            develop a mechanism to have their
agreed to produce a draft document on                           RMs accepted as “CRMs” since the term                        accreditation for liquid
establishing a “Register” of CRM produc-                        “reference materials” gives the percep-                          and glass CRMs
ers that also included “quality” state-                         tion of lower quality. REMCO members                          …and the preferred supplier
ments about each producer. The intent                           were divided on this issue but agreed to                      to leading pharmaceutical
was to put this Register of CRM produc-                         collaborate with PDG to harmonise the                           companies, instrument
ers on the Internet via the ISO server.                         concepts and principles related to the                       manufacturers and accredited
   REMCO undertook a new work initia-                           certification of RMs. Over 20 years later,                       laboratories globally.
tive to compile a list of problems faced                        this debate still rumbles on; the pros and
by CRM producers due to differences in                          cons of which will be expanded upon
legal and other requirements for label-                         in the next article in this series, when
ling, packaging and shipping these mate-                        the history/development of the Quality                                                                                                  Certifi
                                                                                                                               2000                                                                    of Ac ate
rials to different countries in the World.                      requirements of the whole GxP pharma-                                                                                                       cred
This resulted in the associated Technical                       ceutical environment will be reviewed.                                                                                          Starna

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ific Lt

Report, ISO/TR 11773:2013—Global                                   At the 22nd meeting of REMCO in April
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 n Labo
                                                                                                                                                                                  Is ac                             ratory
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               No. 06
                                                                                                                                                                                 – Ge
                                                                                                                                                                                         nera              acco                          59

distribution of reference materials.                            1999, REMCO approved the final draft
                                                                                                                                                                                               l Requ           rd
                                                                                                                                                                                         ator            ireme ance with
                                                                                                                                                                                               ies.            nts for           Int
                                                                                                                                                                               This                                      the co ernationa

                                                                                                                                                                              sched reditation                                    mpete          l Sta
                                                                                                                                                                                      ule to        de                                   nce of
                                                                                                                                                                                             this cer monstrat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  es                               testin d ISO/IEC
                                                                                                                                                                                                     tific                                                            17
                                                                                                                                                                            accred -IAF Comm ate, and technical                                          g an

   The 21st meeting of REMCO was held
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d calib 025:201

                                                                of ISO Guide 34 for submission to the
                                                                                                                                                                                    itation          uniqu         the op       com                                  ratio   7
                                                                                                                                                                                            docum           é dat         eration   peten
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ent          ed                       ce for                           n
                                                                                                                                                                   The mo                             and fro       April          of a ma         a define
                                                                                                                                                                            st rec                             m tim 2017). Th             nagem            d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ent sys scope spe

                                                                                                                                                                  numb            ent iss                             e to tim       e sch
                                                                                                                                                                         er as                                                             edule           tem            cified
                                                                                                                                                                               this cer ue of the                              e ma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      y be        to            (refer           in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         tificate       sched                              revise this certific        joint
                                                                                                                                                                This                              , is ava       ule of                          d and           ate is

in April 1998 and saw the beginning of                          ISO TMB for acceptance by its national
                                                                                                                                                                     acc                                   ilable        accred                          reissue        an ess
                                                                                                                                                               Servic reditation                                   from          itat                            d.            ential
                                                                                                                                                                      e req           is                                  www.u ion, which
                                                                                                                                                                            uireme subject                                       bears
                                                                                                                                                                                    nts.            to con                               m.             the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             tinuing                                         same
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      confor                                        accred

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             mity                                          itation

collaboration with the Pharmacopoeial                           member bodies, and also requested its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        om Ac
                                                                                                                                                         Matt                                                                                                         ation
                                                                                                                                                         United ntley,
                                                                                                                                                               Kingdo Chief Exe
                                                                                                                                                                       m Acc       cut
                                                                                                                                                                             reditat ive Officer

                                                                                                                                                                                     ion              Servic

Discussion Group (PDG). This Group                              ILAC representative to ask ILAC to accept

                                                                                                                                                 accreditation to ISO 17034

                                                                                                                                                            Issued: : 4 June 200

has prepared reference substances for                           and to use the revised Guide 34 instead
                                                                                                                                                                      25 Jan        1

                                                                                                                                                is appo
                                                                                                                                                a Mem
                                                                                                                                                        (formerly Guide 34)
                                                                                                                                                              as the
                                                                                                                                                                     sole natio
                                                                                                                                                                 of Und         nal accr

over 70 years and the use of most of                            of the corresponding ILAC document.                            2007
                                                                                                                                                                        ersta           edita
                                                                                                                                                                              nding          tion bod
                                                                                                                                                                                     (MoU             y for
                                                                                                                                                                                          ) with
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Dep the UK by                                                            Scan
                                                                                                                                                                                                         artment      The Accr                                                      QR Cod
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for Busi      edita                                                       e to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ness,     tion Regu                                      verify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Energy        latio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Indu ns 2009 (SI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 strial        No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Strategy 3155/200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (BEIS).   9) and

these reference substances is mandated                             After its publication in 2000, some                         2008
by legislation in the member coun-                              national standards bodies selected ISO
tries. However, these materials do not                          Guide 34 “General requirements for
strictly comply with the VIM definition                         the competence of reference material
                         Secretary                        Chair                       Chairman’s Advisory
                                                     Angelique Botha                     Group (CAG)
                                                                                     Chair, Vice Chair, Past
                                                                                         WG and AHG
                                                                                     CASCO Representative                      2016
                      WG 6 Information                  Vice Chair                        WG 17 Liaison                        2019
                                                     John P. Hammond                      Coordination
                          John P.                                                           He Ping                            2020


         WG 10                       WG 13 RMs for                     WG 18 Organic                      WG 19 Purity RMs
      Definitions,                    qualitative                      purity reference                    for inorganic
   including review                    analysis                           materials                          materials
    of ISO Guide 30                    Stefanie                         Takeshi Saito                      Zoltan Mester
         Michael                      Trapmann

                                                                                                                             Starna Scientific Ltd
Figure 1. ISO/REMCO Committee structure (2020).                                                                                                          SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE 43
Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
VOL. 33 NO. 5 (2021)

producers” as the basis for the accredita-                   until its disbandment in 2021, was                       Guide(s) under development
tion of RM producers instead of the corre-                   approved. The “Executive Committee”                      „ ISO Guide 85:202x RMs for qualita-
sponding ILAC Guide 12, and so began                         was renamed the “Chairman’s Advisory                         tive property values
the process of converting a “Guide” into                     Group” and was composed of the ISO                       „ ISO Guide 86:202x Purity RMs for
a “Standard”, i.e. ISO Guide 34 into ISO                     Secretary, the Chair and Chair-elect and                     small organic molecules
17034, a project previously documented                       the Convenors of the Task Groups, which                  „ ISO Guide 87:202x Purity RMs for
in this publication.2 As we shall see later                  were renamed Steering Groups.                                metals and metalloids
this conversion did set a precedent, that                      During this period, this structure was                 „ ISO/TR 79:2015 Reference materi-
could be seen as the process that initi-                     maintained and adjusted to reflect the                       als—Examples of reference materials
ated the formation of TC 334, but more                       current work programme, but the format                       for qualitative properties
of that later.                                               shown in a graphical format in Figure 1,                 „ ISO/TR 10989:2009 Reference
   It was during this period (in 1995)                       provides a valuable reference for the 4th                    m a te r i a l s — G u i d a n c e o n , a n d
that, from a personal perspective, I was                     Generation discussions detailed below.                       keywords used for RM categorization
invited by Dr Michael Parkany from ISO                         During this period the committee                       „ ISO/TR 11773:2013 Global distribu-
to present a paper at an International                       continued to produce both new and                            tion of reference materials
symposium in Melbourne on “Quality                           revised guidance documents as follows:                   „ ISO/TR 16476:2016 Reference mate-
Assurance and TQM for Analytical labo-                       „ ISO Guide 30:2015 Reference mate-                          rials—Establishing and expressing
ratories”.3 It was also at this symposium                        rials—Selected terms and definitions                     metrological traceability of quantity
that I met key personal active in REMCO,                     „ ISO Guide 31:2015 Reference mate-                          values assigned to reference mate-
and as a consequence was invited on                              rials—Contents of certificates, labels                   rials
to the Cooperation on International                              and accompanying documentation                          The interrelationship of these docu-
Traceability in Analytical Chemistry                         „ ISO Guide 33:2015 Reference mate-                      ments is shown graphically in Figure 2,
(CITAC), and ultimately on to the REMCO                          rials—Good practice in using refer-                  in which one should note the following
committee as a UK Industrial representa-                         ence materials                                       structural aspects:
tive, in a role that continues to this day.                  „ ISO Guide 35:2017 Reference mate-                      „ At the centre is the standard for
                                                                 rials—Guidance for characterization                      Reference Material producers,
3rd Generation: the years                                        and assessment of homogeneity                            namely ISO 17034.4
2000 to 2020                                                     and stability                                        „ The adjacent ring provides the asso-
The 23rd meeting of REMCO was held in                        „ ISO Guide 80:2014 Guidance for                             ciated Guide documents, which are
May 2000, and a completely new struc-                            the in-house preparation of quality                      either normative references to ISO
ture, which was essentially maintained                           control materials (QCMs)                                 17034, or at the very least should be
                                                                                                                          used for additional guidance associ-
                                                                                                                          ated with ISO 17034.
                                                                                                                      „ The outer ring details other
                                                                                                                          published/pending documents from
                                                                                                                          the TC.
                                                                                         ISO Guide 86
                      ISO Guide 33                                                       Purity RMs for
                     proper RM use
                                                      ISO Guide 30
                                                                                         small organic
                                                                                           molecules                  4th Generation: from
                                                                                                                      2021 forward
                                                                                                                      This essential role of supporting ISO
                                                                                                                      17034 continues as the primary mandate
         ISO Guide 80                                                                                ISO Guide 87     of TC 334, but here is the first significant
        preparation of
                                                                                                     Purity RMs for
                                                                                                      metals and
                                                                                                                      change in this TC.
        in-house RMs                                    ISO 17034                                      metalloids
                                                       covering the                                                      By definition, an ISO Technical
                                                      required “RMP
                                                       competence”                                                    Committee’s main role is to write stand-
                                                                        ISO Guide 35

            TR 79
                                       ISO Guide 31
                                                                             RM                                       ards, appropriate to its defined area of
      RMs for qualitative                  RM                          characteristics
         properties                   documentation                                                                   expertise.
                                                                                                 ISO Guide 85            Also, in the language of ISO, a “Guide”,
                                                                                                    RMs for
               TR 16476
                                                                                                property values
                                                                                                                      is defined as an informative document
           Traceability & RMs
                                                                                                                      which assists an ISO TC in the construc-
                                                                                                                      tion of standards, appropriate to the TC.
                               TR 11773
                             RM distribution                                      TR 10989                               However, as you can see from the
                                                                               RM categorization
                                                                                                                      above list the ISO/REMCO Guides, in
                                                                                                                      some cases, are not designed for this
                                                                                                                      purpose, but are informative documents
Figure 2. ISO/REMCO Guides and TRs (2020).                                                                            for RM producers per se. So, the first

44 SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE                                                                                            
Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
VOL. 33 NO. 5 (2021)

                                                  QUALITY MATTERS
task that the new TC 334 has to consider      keep you updated in the Quality Matters            Guide 34”, Spectrosc. Europe 29(4),
is how to meet this requirement and           column, as these details are released.             11 (2017). https://www.spectrosco-
convert these Guides into the appropri-          So, on reflection, and given the histori-
ate standards.                                cal evolution of “Guides” into “Standards”,        changes-iso-17025-and-iso-guide-34
   In addition, in a TC structure a Working   c.f. ISO Guides 25, and 34 into ISO             3. M. Parkany (Ed.), Quality Assurance
Group is tasked with a specific project       170255 and ISO 17034,4 respectively,               and TQM for Analytical Laboratories.
plan, and associated timeframe to inves-      ISO/REMCO to ISO TC/334 is not really              The Royal Society of Chemistry,
tigate (and produce if appropriate) a         an unexpected transition, is it?                   Special Publication No. 169 (1995).
related standard; and as one can see             The next (and future) article(s) will           ISBN 0-85404-760-3
from the final ISO/REMCO structure            discuss similar and evolving Quality envi-      4. ISO 17034, General Requirements
there are a couple of currently defined       ronments.                                          for the Competence of Reference
Working Groups (WG6 and WG17) that               “Will their paths converge… only time           Material Producers. International
do not meet this requirement. Therefore,      will tell?”                                        Organization for Standardization
a structural rearrangement with respect                                                          (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland (2016).
to these essential requirements will be       References                                      5. I S O / I E C 17 0 2 5 , G e n e r a l
required.                                     1. ISO Press Release, https://www.                 Requirements for the Competence of
   These changes, together with other                      Testing and Calibration Laboratories.
inter-related communication/liaison              new-iso-committee-reference-mate-               International Organization for
requirements will be discussed at the            rials                                           Standardization (ISO), Geneva,
upcoming inaugural virtual TC 334 meet-       2. J. Hammond, “Into the future (Part              Switzerland (2017).
ing in early September 2021; and we will         2): changes to ISO 17025 and ISO

                                                                         John Hammond is an experienced analytical scientist,
                                                                         spectroscopist and technical marketing professional, skilled
                                                                         in the development, production and marketing of analytical
                                                                         systems into highly regulated and controlled industries. A
                                                                         Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), executive
                                                                         member of ISO/TC334 and an Expert Advisor to the United
                                                                         States Pharmacopeia, General Chapters, Chemical Analysis
                                                                                                                                              SPECTROSCOPYEUROPE 45
Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ... Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ... Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ... Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ... Four generations of quality: "measuring up" - Spectroscopy ...
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