Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops

Page created by Terry Bush
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
JANUARY 12, 2023 • VOL. 106 • NO. 1


        WWW.LDAF.LA.GOV                                                       LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY
                                                                                       MIKE STRAIN DVM, COMMISSIONER

Fostering Community and Health through
        Louisiana Specialty Crops
  For many, the beginning      fresh vegetable at a time.
of a new year is a time to     And you can find them at
reconsider their priorities,   the farmer’s market every
set new goals, and make        week, offering seasonal,
efforts to improve their       specialty crops ready to
health and that of their       go from the farm to your
families. Louisiana spe-       table.
cialty crops, which include      “It’s so very important
fruits, vegetables, herbs,     to buy Louisiana special-
and other plants grown in-     ty crops,” says Louisiana
side the bayou state, can      Department of Agricul-
help you do all three.         ture and Forestry (LDAF)
  And there’s no better        Commissioner Mike Strain,
place to start than in St.     D.V.M. “It helps the farm-
Landry Parish at Cheni-        er; it helps the economy;
er Farms in Opelousas,         it grows agriculture and
Louisiana. John and Bet-       makes these fresh, local,
ty Chenier are a beautiful     delicious products avail-
example of the large net-      able to all shoppers.”
work of farmers across           The Cheniers grow what’s
our state who are improv-      in season, so their offer-
ing their communities one      ings vary all year round,
                                                                                                                        beets, carrots, spinach,
                                                                                                                        and sweet potatoes. In the
                                                                                                                        spring, they have squash,
                                                                                                                        cucumbers, onions, sever-
                                                                                                                        al types of potatoes, and
                                                                                                                        possibly some late winter
                                                                                                                        celery and cauliflower. And
                                                                                                                        in summer, they’ll have to-
                                                                                                                        matoes, eggplant, bell
                                                                                                                        pepper, cantaloupe, water-
                                                                                                                        melon, and many different
                                                                                                                        types of squash. You name
                                                                                                                        it; they grow it. “I like to
                                                                                                                        experiment, and I love col-
                                                                                                                        or,” says Betty, laughing. “I
                                                                                                                        grow all kinds of weird dif-
                                                                                                                        ferent-colored things.”
                                                            and that’s part of the fun    broccoli, cauliflower, cab-     In addition to the diversi-
                                                            of visiting your local mar-   bage, green onions, collard   ty of the crops they grow,
                                                            ket… you never know what      and mustard greens, bok       the challenges of farming
                                                            you might find! Through       choy, and multiple variet-    are varied and constant,
                                                            fall and winter, you’ll see   ies of kale, not to mention      See SPECIALTY, page 23
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
PAGE 2                                                             MARKET BULLETIN                                                                       JANUARY 12, 2023

Louisiana Agriculture & Forestry Today
FDA confirms Clostridium Botulinum type C in alfalfa hay cubes tied to death of multiple LA horses
  The Louisiana Depart-                nected to at least 28 sim-     with state departments,                by Manzanola Feeds LLC, a
ment of Agriculture & For-             ilar horse deaths in New       after reports that horses in           feed manufacturing firm in
estry (LDAF), in coopera-              Mexico, Texas, and Colora-     Colorado, Louisiana, New               Manzanola, CO. This find-
tion with the U.S. Food and            do, with many other hors-      Mexico, and Texas showed               ing indicated that material
Drug Administration (FDA)              es becoming clinically ill.    neurologic        symptoms             from an animal or animals
and the California Ani-                Equine Botulism is a con-      consistent with botulism.              may have been incorporat-
mal Health & Food Safety               dition caused from a bac-      During LDAF’s investiga-               ed into the cubes during
Laboratory (CAHFS), has                terial toxin produced by       tion, LDAF Investigators               alfalfa harvesting. Clostrid-
confirmed the presence of              Clostridium botulinum. In      received information of                ium botulinum, the bacte-
Clostridium botulinum type             this incident, the condition   possible alfalfa hay cube              rium that causes botulism,
C in alfalfa hay cubes linked          was likely caused from di-     adulteration with animal re-           is commonly present in de-
to the death of at least 20            rect ingestion of the toxin    mains. LDAF Investigators              caying animal carcasses.
horses in Louisiana. This in-          produced by the vegeta-        subsequently      confirmed              As a result of this on-                  MIKE STRAIN DVM
cident, which has evolved              tive bacteria through con-     the presence of animal re-             going investigation, Man-                      COMMISSIONER
into a multi-state epizootic           tamination of the alfalfa      mains in an unopened 50                zanola Feeds has recalled
of Equine Botulism linked              hay cubes.                     lb. bag of “Top of the Rock-           Top of the Rockies alfalfa            and 111622.          If you have
to the same alfalfa hay                  The FDA began their in-      ies Alfalfa Horse Cubes”               cubes with the date codes             Top of the Rockies alfalfa
cubes, has also been con-              vestigation, in conjunction    (Lot # 111422), produced               111222, 111322, 111422, 111522,              See CUBES page 19

              LOUISIANA                                       USDA Agriculture Marketing Service Hay Prices
           MARKET BULLETIN                                   Values are in tons unless otherwise noted
              (USPS 672-600)
                                                             ALABAMA SE HAY REPORT, JAN. 5, 2023
                MIKE STRAIN DVM,
                  COMMISSIONER                               Bermuda Large..................................................Premium.........................$160-$200
 As a public service to state residents, the Louisiana
    Market Bulletin offers free listings subject to          Bermuda Medium.............................................Premium.........................$200
 existing regulations. Out-of-state residents may list.
 Want Ads only. Ads may not exceed 25 words. The             Bermuda Small Square..................................Premium.........................$280-$440
 name, address and telephone number as well as the
   price of the item must be included with each ad.          Mixed Grass Med Round..............................Good................................$76
  Subscription fee for the Market Bulletin is $10.00
              for a one-year subscription.
       The Louisiana Market Bulletin assumes no
responsibility for any notice appearing in the Bulletin
    nor for any transaction resulting from published
  notices. Advertisers are cautioned that it is against      SOUTH TEXAS WEEKLY HAY REPORT, DEC. 30, 2022
 the law to misrepresent any product offered for sale
   in a public notice or advertisement carried in any
  publication or that is delivered through the United
  States mail. Commercial listings or advertisements         Bermuda Large Round.....................................Good/Premium..........$130-$150/per bale
    from anyone acting in the capacity of any agent
  cannot be accepted. For more information contact:          Bermuda Small Square....................................Good/Premium..........$10-$13/per bale
                   MEGAN MOORE
                 MANAGING EDITOR
          5825 FLORIDA BLVD., STE 2001
              BATON ROUGE, LA 70806
    PHONE 225-922-1284 • FAX 225- 923-4828
Published bi-weekly by the Louisiana Department of
Agriculture & Forestry. Periodical non-profit postage
paid at 5825 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, 70806. All
   facilities, programs and services of the Louisiana
Department of Agriculture & Forestry are available to
 all persons. Discrimination is prohibited and should
    be reported to the Commissioner of Agriculture
   & Forestry. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to
Louisiana Market Bulletin, 5825 Florida Blvd. Suite
             2001, Baton Rouge, LA 70806.
This public document was published at a total cost
of $1,185.36. 9.300 copies of this public document
were published in this first printing. This document
  was published for The Louisiana Department of
Agriculture and Forestry, Marketing Division, 5825
Florida Blvd., Suite 2001, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
 70806 by Baton Rouge Press Inc, 2621 E. Perdue,
    Baton Rouge, LA, 70814, under authority of
    R.S. 3:2 (A) for the purpose of promoting and
  advancing agriculture and forestry. This material
  was printed in accordance with the standards for
 printing by state agencies established pursuant to
R.S. 43:31. Printing of this material was purchased
in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the
               Louisiana Revised Statutes.
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
JANUARY 12, 2023                                                                      MARKET BULLETIN                                                                                             PAGE 3

            Visit your local farmers market
ACADIA PARISH                               Red Stick Farmers Market #1                1st Sat. 7:30 a.m.-noon., Oct.-June     Mobile Market #2                      Stephensville Market
Iota                                        Fifth St. & Main St.                                                               Riverbank                             Recreational Park
Iota Farmers Market                         Sat. 8 a.m.- noon, year round              Elton                                   Mon.-Wed. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.              3257 Hwy 70, Morgan City
Gazebo on Main St.                                                                     China Country Farms Roadside            April-Aug., Oct.-Nov.                 2nd Sat., 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., year round
2nd, 4th Sat., 8 a.m.-noon, Jan. closed     Baton Rouge                                Produce Stand
                                            Red Stick Farmers Market #2                26105 Liberty Cemetery Rd               ORLEANS PARISH                        ST. TAMMANY PARISH
Crowley                                     Pennington Biomedical (Perkins Rd.)        Seasonal Please call Sarah 337-368-     Barcelo Gardens                       Abita Springs
Crowley Farmers Market                      Thurs. 8 a.m. - noon, year round           7404                                    2301 Gallier Street                   Abita Springs Farmers Market
Located at Tractor Supply                                                                                                      Saturday, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. January    22049 Main Street
1st Sat., 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., closed in Jan.   Baton Rouge                                Jennings                                22nd                                  Sun. 11-3 p.m., year round
                                            Red Stick Farmers Market #3                Main Street Farmers Market                                                    Covington
Rayne                                       EBRP Main Library                          1333 Elton Road                         New Orleans                           Covington Farmers Market #1
Rayne Farmers Market                        7711 Goodwood Blvd.                        Sat. 9 a.m.-12 p.m., March - Dec.       Crescent City Farmers Market #1       609 North Columbia (City Hall)
Frog Fest Pavilion,                         Tues. 8 a.m.-noon, Apr-July, Oct.- Dec.                                            750 Carondelet St. at Julia St.       Sat. 8 a.m.-noon, year round
210 Frog Festival Dr.                                                                  Welsh                                   (Downtown)
2nd Sat., 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.                   Baton Rouge                                Welsh Farmers Market                    Sat. 8 a.m.-noon, year round          Covington
                                            Red Stick Farmers Market Mobile            103 W. Grove St.                                                              Covington Farmers Market #2
ALLEN PARISH                                Market                                     Tues. 3:30-6 p.m., May- Sept.           New Orleans                           419 North New Hampshire
Oberlin                                     7717 Howell Blvd., ExxonMobil                                                      Crescent City Farmers Market #2       Wed. 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., year round
Oberlin Farmers Market                      YMCA,                                      LAFAYETTE PARISH                        Uptown Square, 200 Broadway
228 West 6th Ave.                           Thurs. 9 a.m.-12 p.m.                      Lafayette                               Tues. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m, year round      Madisonville
Wed. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., year round           May-July, Oct.-Nov.                        Acadiana Farmers Market                                                       Madisonville Market
                                                                                       801 Foreman Dr. & Dulles St.            New Orleans                           1007 Pine St.
ASCENSION PARISH                            Zachary                                    Tues., Sat., 5-10 a.m., year round      Crescent City Farmers Market #3       Sun. July 1, 10 a.m. - 3pm
Prairieville                                Zachary Famers Market                                                              3700 Orleans Ave.                     Sun., July 11 - Sept. 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Riverside Farmers Market of Louisiana       City Hall side parking lot                 Lafayette                               Thurs., 3 - 7 p.m., year round
45020 Manny Guitreau Rd                     Sat. 8 a.m.- 12 p.m., year round           Lafayette Jockey Lot Flea Market                                              Mandeville
Sat., 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.                                                                  3011 N.W. Evangeline Thrwy.             New Orleans                           Mandeville Trailhead Market
                                            EVANGELINE PARISH                          Sat. 9-5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.      Crescent City Farmers Market-         675 Lafitte St.
ASSUMPTION PARISH                           Ville Platte                               year round                              Location #4                           Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., year round
Napoleonville                               Ville Platte Farmers Market                                                        Intersection of Chartres & Piety at
Barcelo Gardens                             East Main St.                              Lafayette                               Crescent Park (Bywater)               Slidell
211 Franklin Ave.                           May-Aug., Fri. 4 p.m.-6 p.m.               Farmers & Artisans Market               Wed. 3 p.m.-7 p.m., year-round        Camellia City Farmers Market
Friday, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. January 14th &                                                Horse Farm, 2913 Johnston St.                                                 333 Erlanger, Old Towne Slidell
29th                                        GRANT PARISH                               Sat. 8 a.m. - noon, year round          New Orleans                           Sat. 8 a.m.-12 p.m., year round
                                            Colfax                                                                             Main gates of Armstrong Park
AVOYELLES PARISH                            Colfax Farmers Market                      LAFOURCHE PARISH                        Thurs. 3-7 p.m.                       TANGIPAHOA PARISH
Marksville                                  8th St. near Pecan Festival Building       Raceland                                March-Nov.                            Hammond
Marksville Farmers Market                   Sat. 9 a.m.-noon, May-Nov.                 Lafourche Central Market                                                      Hammond Farmers Market
122 E. Mark St.                                                                        4484 Hwy. 1 at U.S. 90                  OUACHITA PARISH                       2 West Thomas St.,
Sat. 8-11 a.m., June                        IBERIA PARISH                              Sat. 9 a.m. - noon, year round          Monroe                                Sat., 8 a.m. - noon, year round
                                            Delcambre                                                                          Monroe Farmers Market
BEAUREGARD PARISH                           Delcambre Farmers Market                   LASALLE PARISH                          1212 Washington St.                   TENSAS PARISH
DeRidder                                    Bayou Carlin Cove                          Olla                                    Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m.-1 p.m.               St. Joseph
DeRidder Farmers Market                     605 S Railroad St.                         Olla Town Square Market                 May-Nov.                              St. Joseph Tailgate Market
206 N. Washington Ave.                      1st Sat. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., March-Dec.         2990 Front St.                                                                Gazebo on Plank Road
7 days, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., year round                                                      Tues. 1-5 p.m. May-Aug. 11              West Monroe                           Sat. 8-11 a.m.,
                                            New Iberia                                                                         West Monroe Farmers Market            Memorial-Labor Day
BOSSIER PARISH                              Da Berry Fresh Market Farmers              Tullos                                  1700 North 7th St.
Benton                                      Market                                     Town of Tullos Farmers’ Market          Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m, May-Oct.      TERREBONNE PARISH
Benton Farmers Market                       520 S. Hopkins St.                         Corner of S. Main & Park Streets                                              Houma
495 Simpson                                 Wed. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., year round          Fri., 12 - 4 p.m.                       RAPIDES PARISH                        Cajun Farmers Market of Houma
Sun. noon-4 p.m.                                                                       May 1-Aug. 28                           Alexandria                            Naquin St. & Martin L. King Blvd.
                                            New Iberia                                                                         Alexandria Farmers Market #1          Mon.-Sat. 6 a.m.-6 p.m., year round
Bossier City                                Teche Area Farmers Market                  LINCOLN PARISH                          2727 Jackson St.
Bossier City Farmers Market                 Main St. Bouligny Plaza                    Ruston                                  Tues. 3-6 p.m., year round            VERMILION PARISH
2950 E Texas St.                            Tues. 2-6 p.m., Sat. 7-11 a.m.             Ruston Farmer’s Market                                                        Abbeville Farmers Market
Sat. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., April-Nov.            Year round                                 220 East Mississippi                    Boyce                                 Magdalen Sq., downtown Abbeville
                                                                                       Sat. 9 am-1pm                           Boyce Farmers’ Market                 June 20, July 11, Aug. 15, Sept. 19, Oct.
CADDO PARISH                                IBERVILLE PARISH                           Year Round                              627 Pacific Ave.                      17 & Nov. 21
Greenwood                                   St. Gabriel                                                                        Wed. 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. year round   8 a.m. -1 p.m.
Greenwood Farmers Market                    St. Gabriel Farmers Market                 LIVINGSTON PARISH
William Peters Town Park                    Corner of 3495 Hwy 75 and 5755 Hwy         Denham Springs                          RICHLAND PARISH                       Kaplan
Sat. 8 a.m. - noon, June-Aug.               74                                         Livingston Farmers Market               Delhi                                 Kaplan Farmers Market
                                            2nd Sat., 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.                  215 Florida St.                         Delhi Farmers Market                  Turnley Park, 119 N. Irvin Ave.
Shreveport                                     Sat. 7 a.m. - noon, year round          1104 Broadway St.                     2nd Sat, 8 a.m.-noon, year round
Shreveport Farmers Market                                                                                                      Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
River front at Festival Plaza               JEFFERSON PARISH                           MADISON PARISH                          April-Nov.                            VERNON PARISH
Sat. 8 a.m.- 1 p.m., May-Aug.               Grand Isle                                 Tallulah                                                                      Leesville
                                            Rotary Grand Isle Farmers Market           Tallulah Farmers Market #1              ST. CHARLES PARISH                    S. 3rd St.
CALCASIEU PARISH                            Oak Lane                                   404 N. Cedar St., Hwy. 65               Destrehan                             Wed. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Lake Charles                                2nd Sat., 8 a.m.-1 p.m., year round        Tues., Thurs. & Sat., 6 a.m. -5 p.m.    German Coast Farmers Market 1         Sat. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Cash & Carry Farmers Market                                                            Sat. 8 a.m.-12 p.m., June-Dec.          Parking lot of Ormond Plantation      Year round
801 Enterprise Blvd.                        Gretna                                                                             Sat. 8 a.m. - noon, year round
Corner of Broad & Enterprise                Gretna Farmers Market                      Tallulah                                                                      WASHINGTON PARISH
Tues., 4-6 p.m., year round                 Huey P. Long Ave.                          Tallulah Farmers Market #2              Luling                                Franklinton
                                            Sat. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., year round      Court House Square                      German Coast Farmers Market 2         Franklinton Farmers Market
Lake Charles                                                                           Tues, Thurs, 6 a.m.-5 p.m.              1313 Paul Maillard Road               Washington St. & 15th Ave.
Charlestown Farmers Market                  Jefferson                                  Sat. 8 a.m.-12 p.m., June-Dec.          Wed. 1 - 5 p.m., year round           Mon.-Sat., 6:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Bilbo St. behind old City Hall              Crescent City Farmers Market #1                                                                                          Year round
Sat. 8 a.m.-noon, year round                2614 Jefferson Hwy. at Maine St.           MOREHOUSE PARISH                        ST. HELENA PARISH
                                            (Ochsner) Wed. 3-7 p.m. Oct.-July          Bastrop                                 Greensburg                            WEBSTER PARISH
Moss Bluff                                                                             Morehouse Parish Farmers Market         St. Helena Parish Farmers Market      Minden
MB Farmers & Crafters Market                Metairie                                   305 E. Madison                          6032 LA-10, Greensburg, LA 70441      Market on Turner’s Pond
Sam Houston Jones Pkwy.                     Crescent City Farmers Market #2            Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m.-5p.m., year round      Friday, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.               301 Lakeshore
Sat. 8 a.m. - noon, April-Oct.              325 Metairie-Hammond Hwy. at the                                                                                         1st & 3rd Sat., 8 a.m. -1 p.m., July-Oct.
                                            Lake (Bucktown)                            NATCHITOCHES PARISH                     ST. LANDRY PARISH
CALDWELL PARISH                             Fri. 3-7 p.m., year-round                  Natchitoches                            Opelousas                             WEST FELICIANA PARISH
Columbia Farmers Market                                                                River Front Downtown                    St. Landry Farmers Market             St. Francisville
Courthouse Square                           Metairie                                   Sat. 8 a.m.-noon, April-Aug., Oct-Nov   952 East Landry St., Hwy. 190         St. Francisville Farmers Market
8 a.m.-noon, every Sat., Jun-Aug.           Lafreniere Park Farmers Arts Market                                                Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 6:30-11 a.m.     9992 Wilcox St. (Fair Barn)
                                            3000 Downs Blvd, Metairie, La.             Natchitoches                            April-Nov.                            Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., May-Nov.
CONCORDIA PARISH                            Weds., 2 p.m. - 7 p.m. (Jan. – Nov.)       Natchitoches Farmers Market-Mobile
Vidalia                                     Sat., Dec. 3, 10, and 17, 9:00 a.m. – 1    Market #1                               Eunice                                WINN PARISH
Delta Farmers Market                        p.m.                                       City Park                               Eunice Farmers Market                 Winnfield
405 Carter St. - Old Courthouse                                                        Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.               Second St. & Park Ave.                Winn Farmers Market
Wed. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., June-1st freeze         JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH                     April-Aug., Oct.-Nov.                   Sat 9 a.m. - noon, May-Nov.           301 West Main
                                            Elton                                                                                                                    Tues. - Fri., 7:00-until sold out
EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH                     Coushatta Farmers Market                   Natchitoches                            ST. MARTIN PARISH                     Year round
Baton Rouge                                 Hwy. 190 & Pine Street                     Natchitoches Mobile Farmers Market-     Morgan City
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
JANUARY 12, 2023                                                                         MARKET BULLETIN                                                                                      Page 5
                                                                                                                                bred here for 5-9 generations, since   available, $2400-$2900. Donald
                                                                                                                                1983, your choice $2500/with           Chiasson, LaRose, Lafourche
       Category Index                                                                              CATTLE                       papers. Mel Jackson, Alexandria,       Parish; 985-291-5204.
                                                                                                                                Rapides Parish; 318-308-0921 or
                                                                                                                                                                         (4)-Reg Brangus bulls, 15-17
 Aquaculture.......................7         Hunting, Fishing &                           Attention: Bull sellers and buy-
                                                                                                                                                                       months old, gentle, good blood-
 Bees & Honey....................8           Camping...........................15         ers. All non-virgin bulls and

                                                                                                                                  Reg Beefmaster bulls and             lines, low birth weight, pictures
 Boats.................................15    Jams & Jellies..................9            bulls older than 24 months for

                                                                                                                                heifers, 7-10 months, excellent red    available, $2000 and up. Donald
 Cattle..................................5   Leases & Memberships                         sale in Louisiana must have a

                                                                                                                                genetics, gentle, top condition,       Chiasson, LaRose, Lafourche
                                                                                          current negative trichomoniasis
 Contractor Equip............10              Livestock Boarding..........7
                                                                                                                                $1200/1 and up; 2-year old reg red     Parish; 985-291-5204.
                                                                                          test from an accredited veteri-
 Crafts & Woodwork........10                 Lumber & Sawing............10                narian before they may be sold.
                                                                                                                                bull ready for service, $4000. Fred
                                                                                                                                                                         Brangus Bull, 6-year old, very
 Deer & Exotics                              Misc Hunting Items                           Virgin bulls must have a breed-

                                                                                                                                Moran, Greensburg, St. Helena
                                                                                                                                                                       gentle,    $1500,    located   in
 Dogs...................................6    Nuisance Animal                              er’s certification of virgin status

                                                                                                                                Parish; 225-921-7449.
                                                                                          signed by the breeder, the
                                                                                                                                                                       Broussard, LA. Bryan Payne,
 Dom. Birds & Equip..........6               Removal.............................8
                                                                                          breeder’s agent or an accredit-

                                                                                                                                  Beefmaster heifers, full blood,      Lafayette, Lafayette Parish; 337-
 Eggs....................................7   Pigeons..............................7       ed veterinarian. For more infor-

                                                                                                                                not registered, 8-9 mths. old,         349-4173.
 Equine Services................6            Poultry................................7     mation, contact the LDAF

                                                                                                                                $1000; one Beefmaster bull, 25-
 Equip Service for Hire.....7                Rabbits...............................7      Animal Health Services and

                                                                                                                                mths., not registered, $1500. John
 Farm Buildings                              Rural Properties                             Food Safety at 225-925-3980
                                                                                          or visit the website at                                                             CHAROLAIS
                                                                                                                                Belgard, Kentwood, Tangipahoa
 for Salvage                                 for Sale...............................8
                                                                                                                                                                         Charolais bulls, 2-3 years old,

                                                                                                                                Parish; 985-286-3010.
 Farm & Livestock                            Rural Properties
                                                                                                                                                                       semen tested, ready for breeding,
 Supplies...........................15       for Rent or Lease.............8              REMINDER: Have all of your heifer
                                                                                                                                                                       $2500/each; (1)-charolais cross
 Farm Services...................7           Seeds, Flowers &                             calves between four and 12
                                                                                                                                                                       bred heifer, 12 months plus, $800.
 Farm Trucks.....................10          Ornamentals.....................8            months of age vaccinated against

                                                                                                                                  Reg. Braford Bulls and Heifers,      Garry Lavergne, Ville Platte,
                                                                                          brucellosis? For information con-
 Fertilizer............................8     Sewing & Fabrics............10
                                                                                                                                11-months old & up, $1500 & up,        Evangeline Parish; 337-831-
                                                                                          tact your local veterinarian, LDAF
 Fishing & Tackle                            Sheep & Goats..................6
                                                                                                                                all vacc. and wormed, home raised.     6345.
                                                                                          animal health personnel, your
 From the Farm                               Stallion Service.................6           parish Cattlemen's Association or
                                                                                                                                Lloyd Savell, Florien, Sabine
                                                                                                                                                                         Charolais     bulls,    $4000,
 Fruits & Vegetables.........8               Swine..................................6     parish Farm Bureau.

                                                                                                                                Parish; home, 318-586-7378 or
                                                                                                                                                                       Charolais cows, $2500; pairs
 Guns & Accessories........15                Tack....................................6
                                                                                                                                cell, 318-508-0293.
                                                                                            PB Angus, (1)-bull, 7 months                                               $3000, Charolais heifers, $2000,
 Hay & Grain.......................8         Tractors..............................9

                                                                                          old, $700. Clinton Breland, Angie,      (13) Tiger stripe F-1 Braford        Charolangus heifers, $1500, all
 Hay Equip.........................9         Trailers, Wagons

                                                                                          Washington Parish; 985-515-8883.      heifers, (7)- black & black baldy      vaccinated and branded. Dr. Fred
 Horses, Mules & Jacks.....6                 Equip................................10

                                                                                                                                heifers, all vaccinated, wormed &      Rodosta, Opelousas, St. Landry
                                             Trees & Fruiting Vines.....9
                                                                                            (8) 2-year old Angus heifers bred
                                                                                                                                branded, 11/15/21, $1500/ each,        Parish; 337-331-3151 or 337-
                                                                                          to Angus bull, (2) have calved
                                                                                                                                exposed to reg. Angus bulls since      948-6511.
                                                                                          already, $10000; (1) 3-year old
       ADVERTISING DEADLINES                                                                                                    4/15/2022. Bobby Denton, Jena,
                                                                                          Angus bull, $2700. Rebecca                                                     Reg. Charolais bulls, 18-mths.
                                                                                                                                LaSalle Parish; 318-992-4504.
                                                                                          Mclindon, Bush, St. Tammany                                                  $3500 and up, Reg. Charolais
  Feb. 9 issue: Deadline Thurs., Jan. 26 noon
  Feb 23 issue: Deadline Thurs., Feb. 9 noon                                              Parish; 985-237-3950.                                                        heifers, bred $2500 and up, Open
                                                                                                                                                                       Charolais heifers, $1200 and up;
                                                                                            (2) reg. Angus heifers, 22
 March 9 issue: Deadline Thurs., Feb. 23 noon
                                                                                                                                  225-276-6970Reg. & pure-bred         butcher calves, average live
                                                                                          months, exposed to reg. Angus bull
                                                                                                                                Red Brahman bulls & heifers, 12-       weight 600 lbs., $3.50/lb dressed.
      You must submit your ad for each issue.
                                                                                          Dec 15, $1250. Joel Tassin,
                                                                                                                                16 mos., $1800, 16-24 mos.,            Jeanerette Fitch, Iberia Parish;
   We do not hold ads over for multiple insertions.
                                                                                          Mansura, Avoyelles Parish; 318-
                                                                                                                                $2400, very gentle, top bloodlines     337-276-5991.
             ADVERTISEMENT FORM                                                                                                 & all shots. Evert Talbot, Baton
                                                                                                                                                                         Charolais cross heifers from 6-
                                                                                            (2) reg. Angus bulls, epic blood-   Rouge, EBR Parish; 225-978-1798.
          PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORM                                                                                                                                months to 18-months. Hymel
                                                                                          lines, 19 & 23 months, $2500-
             TO SUBMIT ADVERTISEMENTS                                                     $2800; Joel Tassin, Mansura,
                                                                                                                                  Reg. Brahman bull, a little over     Mark, Geismar, Ascension Parish;
                                                                                                                                (2)-years old, extra gentle, halter    call 225-715-1132.
FOR SALE/WANTED (CIRCLE ONE)                                                              Avoyelles Parish; 318-201-9789.
                                                                                                                                broke, ready to go to work, $3000.
Category                                                                                    Reg Black Angus pair, cow is 4-     Ray Reynolds, Roseland, St.                    HEREFORD
                                                                                          years old, bull calf born 10/5/22,    Helena Parish; 985-747-2090.
Name                                                                                                                                                                     (3) Reg Hereford cows for sale,
                                                                                          good bloodlines, $1900. Jerry
                                                                                                                                  (3)-pure bred Brahman bulls,         bred for spring calves, solid
                                                                                          Salisbury, West Monroe, Ouachita
Address                                                                                                                         born March & April 2022,               breeders, good milk, low birth
                                                                                          Parish; 318-325-6736.
                                                                                                                                dehorned, wormed & vaccinated,         weight, $1500-$2000. Mitch
City                                            Zip Code
                                                                                            (4) Reg red Angus bulls, 14-        $900/each. Murrell Hoffpauir,          Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon Parish;
Parish                                                                                    months old, low birth weight,         Church Point, Acadia Parish; 337-      337-423-3507.
                                                                                          $2250/each. Eddie May, Keithville,    258-1383.
Phone                                                                                                                                                                    Polled Hereford heifer & bull
                                                                                          Caddo Parish; 318-564-3219.
                                                                                                                                                                       calves, great EPD’s, low birth
                                                                                            Grass fed, grain finished, reg.                                            weights, super thick and very
                    AD COPY - 25 WORD LIMIT                                               Angus beef (half or whole),             Golden Certified F1 Brangus          gentle, all shots & wormed, 8-15
                                                                                          $3.50/lb plus processing – ready      bulls, 18-mos. to 2-yrs. old, out of   mos. old, $1200-1 & up, delivery
                                                                                          Dec/Jan, will also sell on hoof,      reg. Angus cattle and JD Hudgins       avail. for additional charge. Laura
                                                                                          $100 deposit required to reserve.     Brahman bulls, $2500 and up.           Hughes, Zachary, EBR Parish;
                                                                                          Dane Thomas, Loranger, 985-687-       Philip     Chiasson,       Galiano,    225-933-2997.
                                                                                          4555.                                 Lafourche Parish; 985-637-7538.
                                                                                                                                                                         (3)-yearling Hereford bulls,
                                                                                            Reg. black Angus bulls, low           16-month-old pb Brangus bull,        low birth weight, $2500/each.
                                                                                          birthrate, gentle, vet checked for    $1500; (2)-8-month-old Brangus         Mitch Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon
                                                                                          breeding and semen, $2000/each        bulls, $1000/each. Chris Normand,      Parish; 337-423-3507.
                                                                                          and up. LD Lacour, Robert,            Pineville, Avoyelles Parish; 318-
                                                                                                                                                                         (3) Reg polled Hereford bulls,
                                                                                          Tangipahoa Parish; 985-345-0441.      730-8001.
                                                                                                                                                                       ages 12-mths, 14-mths, and 20-
                                                                                                                                  4-year-old Brangus bull, pur-        mths, great bloodlines, virgin
                                                                                                                                chased from Eagle Ranch 2 years        bulls, $1500 to $1800. Jim
You must be a subscriber and a Louisiana resident to advertise in the Louisiana             2-year old beefmaster bull for      ago, great PDI, low birth weight,      Varnado, Greensburg, St. Helena
Market Bulletin. All information must be complete and the price of each item              sale, BBU #C1140615, Top 20%          downsizing herd, calves to see on      Parish; 225-222-6343.
for sale must be listed. Ads not meeting these requirements will not be printed.          WW, Top 15% YWT, Top 15% $T,          site, $2800. Terry Bonnette,
See other regulations under individual headings. Due to page limits, ads will be                                                                                         Wanted: halter broke heifers,
                                                                                          13.27 REA, DNA NE02301862             Avoyelles Parish; 318-717-2021.
printed first come, first served. Mail ads to 5825 Florida Blvd., Suite 2001,                                                                                          retired 4-H preferably, for small
                                                                                          SV, $3100. Norman Saltzman,
Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Email ads to or                                                         (3)-Reg Brangus bulls, 18-20         cow/calf pet haven.        Bryan
                                                                                          Lafayette Parish; 337-250-7579.
fax to 225-923-4828.                                                                                                            months old, gentle, good blood-        Bossier, Woodworth, Rapides
                                                                                           Reg Beefmaster bulls, born and       lines, low birth weight, pictures      Parish; 318-729-3366.
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
Page 6                                                                                                MARKET BULLETIN                                                                        JANUARY 12, 2023
                                                                                                       Franklinton, Washington Parish,             Mouflon and mouflon cross            Natchitoches, Natchitoches Parish;
                                                  ings of horses, mules or jacks must be
                                                                                                       225-931-9210.                             sheep, lambs to breeding age ewes      318-481-6330.
                                                  accompanied by a COPY of the original offi-
  Gentle, reg. Santa Gertrudis                                                                                                                   and rams, $250 and up. David
bulls, (2-3) year olds, ready for
                                                  cial negative Coggins test for Equine                  Twisted T Equine Dentistry, full                                                 AKC       European        German
                                                  Infectious Anemia (E.I.A.) that was per-                                                       Yount, Natchitoches Parish; 318-
breeding, excellent bloodlines.                                                                        performance float, $100/horse.                                                   Shepherd pups, excellent family
                                                  formed within the past 6 months prior to sale                                                  471-3681.
Kenny Williams, Kentwood,                         on all horses, mules, and jacks, except nurs-        Taylor Lewing, Deville, Rapides                                                  protection dogs, easily trained, gets
Tangipahoa Parish; 225-276-6970.                  ing foals. (OR) 2. A signed statement from           Parish; 318-880-4890.                       Small friendly goats, half           along well with others, $2000.
                                                  the seller stating that he will furnish the buyer                                              Nigerian Dwarf/half mixed breed,       Cindi Gascon, Gretna, Jefferson
  (2)-Reg. Santa Gertrudis open                   with a negative Coggins at the time of sale.           Russ Mixon training stables, les-
                                                                                                                                                 males $75/1, females $125/1, two       Parish; 601-299-0264.
heifers for sale, $1400/each, (1)-                                                                     sons for ages 5 and up, boarding,
                                                    Foundation & Running bred                                                                    brush goat females $150/1,
reg. SG/Hereford Star Five cow, 4-                                                                     leasing, horse training & sales, 50+                                               AKC small type beagles, silky
                                                  Quarter Horses, imprint as foals,                                                              kiko/mixed breed goat, male $150.
years old, spring bred, $1800.                                                                         yrs., exp., located in Pride. Russ                                               hair, minimal shedding, no smell,
                                                  freeze branded & vaccinated,                                                                   Edsel Poole, Covington, St.
Barry Fontenot, Evangeline Parish;                                                                     Mixon, Pride, East Baton Rouge                                                   perfect house dog, $500. Cindi
                                                  $3500-up. Dr. Fred Rodosta,                                                                    Tammany Parish; 985-630-8144.
337-224-9621.                                                                                          Parish; 225-654-9254.                                                            Gascon, Gretna, Jefferson Parish;
                                                  Opelousas, St. Landry Parish; 337-                                                               Wanted: Boer does, 2-5 years         601-299-0264.
                                                  331-3151 or 337-948-6511.                              Reining & ranch riding training
                                                                                                                                                 old, good breeders, no papers need-
                                                                                                       in Iota, colt starting, finishing, tun-                                            OMCBA Reg mountain cur
                                                    Donkey for sale, (2) females                                                                 ed. Glenray Trahan, Kaplan,
  (30) Wagyu, 1 yr. old, 5 mos.                                                                        ing, showing, lessons & sales prep,                                              pups, foundation stock, ready to go
                                                  avail., $450/each, (1) mini, (1) reg-                                                          Vermilion Parish; 337-523-9495.
old, $1000, $650. W.V. Jackson,                                                                        trained under NRHA pros Dean                                                     now, $200/each. Joseph Soileau,
                                                  ular, buyer provides transport, pic-                 Brown & Terry Gatte & AQHA                                                       Ville Platte, Evangeline Parish;
Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish;
                                                  tures avail. by text. Chance Janice,                 judge Chele Mcgauly, $750/30 hay                                                 337-363-2674 or 337-336-0940.
                                                  Opelousas, St. Landry Parish; 337-                   &      feed      included.      Taryn
                                                  351-0260.                                                                                                                              Jack Russel puppies shots and
                                                                                                       Mcspadden, Iota, Acadia Parish;
                                                                                                                                                                                        wormed 3 left $250 each Harding
                                                    Young neutered jack, friendly to                   337-532-3966.                               English Shepherd puppies, ESC
  Jersey/Holstein cross heifer, will                                                                                                                                                    Bordelon Moreauville, Avoyelles
                                                  people, doesn’t like my other jack,                                                            registered, (4)females, (3)males,
have calf in Sept, $1200. Delos                                                                           Ron’s Horseshoeing, shoeing &                                                 Parish, 225-678-2621
                                                  $20. Lisa Sendra, Livingston,                                                                  affectionate, loyal, farm dogs, love
Thompson, Folsom, Tangipahoa                                                                           trimming, all breeds of horses over
                                                  Livingston Parish; text only, 832-                                                             people, eager to please, $300/each.      Pug puppies CKC with papers 2
Parish; 985-373-4067.                                                                                  20 yrs. exp., pro, reliable service.
                                                  600-7811.                                                                                      Jared Williamson, Loranger,            blacks and 2 fawns $550 each shots
                                                                                                       Ron Judice, New Iberia, Iberia
  (2)-Reg. jersey bulls, $900-                                                                                                                   Tangipahoa Parish; 985-247-5725.       and wormed Harding Bordelon
                                                                                                       Parish; 337-519-1203.
$1200. Delos Thompson, Folsom,                                                                                                                                                          Moreauville, Avoyelles Parish,
                                                                                                                                                   Full blood Anatolian Shepherds,
Tangipahoa Parish; 985-373-4067.                                                                                                                 born 10/22/22, had 2nd round of
                                                              SERVICE                                               TACK                         shots/wormed, raised around
                OTHER                                                                                                                            sheep, poultry, and horses, some                   SWINE
  Freezer calves naturally grown                    (4) foundation bred stallions,                                                               exposure to cattle, males $200 and
                                                                                                         Longhorn Comfort Cutter 15
on mama & gras fed, no hormones,                  $800/$10 mare care, before coming                                                              female $250. David Yount,
                                                                                                       ½” saddle, $400 with pipe stand,
vaccines, or antibiotics, $4/lb.                  mares are required to have a nega-                                                             Natchitoches Parish; 318-471-            (3)-slaughter hogs, (2) estimated
                                                                                                       kept inside. Dalton Sims, Walker,
hanging weight. Delos Thompson,                   tive Coggins test and vet checked                                                              3681.                                  to weigh 300-400 lbs. live, (1) esti-
                                                                                                       Livingston Parish; 225-686-9066.
Folsom, Tangipahoa Parish; 985-                   ultrasound. Dr. Fred Rodosta,                                                                                                         mated to weigh 250-300 live,
                                                                                                                                                   Reg. 10-week old AKC German
373-4067.                                         Opelousas, St. Landry Parish; 337-                     Simco 15” roping saddle,                                                       should dress between 200 & 270
                                                                                                                                                 Shepherd puppies, mother & father
                                                  331-3151 or 337-948-6511.                            adjustable stirrups, needs new                                                   Ibs, $2/pound dressed weight, will
  Bred Brahman and Charolais                                                                                                                     on premises, great temperament,
                                                                                                       strings, $100 cash. Millard Monk,                                                deliver to slaughterhouse within 30
cows for sale, calving in March, F1                 (3)-year     old     chocolate                                                               highly intelligent, shots/wormed,
                                                                                                       Leesville, Vernon Parish; 337-238-                                               miles free of charge, price nego-
Charolais heifers for sale. Eric                  mini/small jack standing at stud,                                                              very energetic. Barry Fank,
                                                                                                       1886.                                                                            tiable if want to pick up, (2)
Wingate, Church Point, Acadia                     Elm Grove, LA, $200 breeding fee,                                                              Covington, St. Tammany Parish;
                                                                                                                                                                                        duroc/herford cross, (1) blue
Parish; 337-257-9071.                             text only please. Sadie Roberie,                       16’ Jacksonville Trail Western          985-249-9276.
                                                                                                                                                                                        butt/red wattle cross. Clint Ladner,
                                                  Caddo Parish; 318-423-5075.                          Saddle for sale, $400 or trade for
  Half Angus half Hereford bull                                                                                                                    Aussie x blue heeler pups, 6-        Forest Hill, Rapides Parish; 318-
                                                                                                       smaller saddle (too big for my
calf, 14-months old, gentle, has                    AQHA WYO-Blue Buddy, born                                                                    weeks old, ready to go, $100. Alec     446-1528.
                                                                                                       horse), Zachary area. Nathaniel
horns, looking for girlfriends $600.              July 03, 2012, blue roan stallion,                                                             Toepfer, Eunice, Acadia Parish;
                                                                                                       McKerley, Zachary Parish; 850-                                                     PB Berkshire hogs for slaughter.
Leo Dibble, Walker, Livingston                    Reg.#5505700, $500. Mitch                                                                      337-280-3807.
                                                                                                       324-8546.                                                                        200-250 lbs. $200 and up, excellent
Parish; 225-243-8047.                             Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon Parish;                                                                  Australian Shepherd male, 5-         quality R. Champagne Sunset, St
                                                  337-423-3507.                                          Professional saddle repair, cus-
  CW cattle 5th generation family                                                                      tom made tack, used saddles for
                                                                                                                                                 years old, good with kids, shots &     Landry Parish, 337-298-4551
farm, Angus sired all natural freez-                AQHA horse, Peppi Figure Four,                                                               wormed, $100. Mitch Johnson,
                                                                                                       sale, cell phone holders, gun hol-
er calves, raised on grass, finished              #5403078 BD, foundation bred                                                                   Pitkin, Vernon Parish; 337-423-
                                                                                                       sters, knife sheaths. Ronney
on grain, delivered to processor,                 stud, 4/20/11, bay roan, health cert.                Francois, Mamou, Evangeline
$4.25/lb hanging weight. Calvin                   & neg. Coggins required, $500/$8                                                                 Jack Russell puppies born 11/19,
                                                                                                       Parish; 337-945-3628.
                                                                                                                                                                                                BIRDS &
Waskom, Franklinton, Washington                   mare. Mitch Johnson, Pitkin,                                                                   (6)-females,     tails    docked,             EQUIPMENT
Parish; 985-373-2832.                             Vernon Parish; 337-423-3507.                                                                   shots/wormed, $150/each. Mitch
  Reg. Angus-Chianina F1 LoBo                                                                                   SHEEP &                          Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon Parish;          (40) young English parakeets,
Farm Bulls, 18-mths., adds frame                              EQUINE                                                                             337-423-3507.                          all colors, high quality banded,
                                                                                                                                                                                        must sell all at once, $30/each.
size and growth to your calves,                                                                                                                    Great Pyrenes puppies for sale,
easy calving, gentle, vaccinated,
                                                             SERVICES                                                                                                                   Stanley Stewart, Franklinton,
                                                                                                                                                 will protect anything they are
wormed, and branded, vet checked,                   Equine weanling/ yearling                                                                                                           Washington Parish; 985-241-
                                                                                                         (2) Spanish billy goats, 1.5 +          raised with, $200/each with $100
$2800/each. Logan Husser, Husser,                 desensitization and groundwork,                                                                                                       2269.
                                                                                                       years old, $250/each. Aaron               deposit, another gyp, blue eyes,
Tangipahoa Parish; 985-517-8124.                  two week sessions. Perry Fontenot,                   Slayter, Grant Parish; 318-652-           puppies due Feb 2023. Mitch             Green wing macaw, $2500 and
                                                  Opelousas, St. Landry Parish; 337-                   8107.                                     Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon Parish;        up, Indian Ringnecks, $600 and
                                                  351-3844.                                                                                      337-423-3507.                          up, Quakers Bonded PR $600,
                                                                                                         5-yr old 100% New Zealand kilo
                                                    Honey Do Farms, Western les-                                                                                                        Parakeets, $25 and up, Button
                                                                                                       buck, has worked himself out of a           Australian Shepard puppies, 9
                                                                                                                                                                                        Quail, $40/PR and up. Dave
                                                  sons, bday pony parties, traveling                   job,    $650.   Kevin     Burris,         to sell, $200 $100 deposit, Mitch
                                                  petting zoo, summer camps. Kori                                                                                                       Kuhnau, Covington, 985-502-
                                                                                                       Washington Parish; 225-603-9181.          Johnson, Pitkin, Vernon Parish,
            MULES &
                                                  Schexnayder, Church Point, St.                                                                                                        4511.
             JACKS                                Landry Parish; 337-668-4777.                           3-month old Nigerian dwarf
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cockatiels, $75/each, para-
                                                                                                       male, white, black & brown w/blue           AKC registered standard rat ter-
                                                    5B Breaking & Training, AQHA                                                                                                        keets, all colors, $15/each, fisch-
                                                                                                       eyes, $60. Frank Haab Jr., Bush, St.      rier puppies for sale, $300/each.
All horses, mules, and jacks must be              Professional Horseman’s Team                                                                                                          ers lovebirds $100/each, blk mask
                                                                                                       Tammany Parish; 504-430-2922.             Brett Richard, Acadia Parish; 337-
from bona fide livestock farmers. We
                                                  member, specializing in 2-yr. old &                                                                                                   lovebirds, $100/each, nest boxes,
cannot accept notices from horse                                                                                                                 517-3120.
                                                  problem horses, developing good                        Two Blue Eyed Nigerian Dwarf                                                   $15/each.      Herman     Hukins,
dealers, order buyers or persons
selling on commission basis.                      broke ranch cow horses, 39 yrs.                      goats. Male $100 Female $200 Born           Red & Blue Heeler puppies for        Larose, Lafourche Parish; 985-
Every time you submit an advertisement one        exp. w/references, covered & out-                    5/29/22. Edsel Poole Coviington, St       sale, male and mom on site,            413-3891.
of the following must be provided. 1. All list-   side    arena.    John     Brown,                    Tammany 985-630-8144                      $150/each.  Wilbert    Neslon,
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
JANUARY 12, 2023                                                          MARKET BULLETIN                                                                                              Page 7
  Jumbo Pharoah quail, Day old        218-9690.                                                                         Crawfish boat for sale, 10 ft, 13       Horse boarding, near Carencro
to 1 week $1.25. Two weeks to full                                                                                    HP, Honda, $2000. Joseph,               & Evangeline Training Center, 170
                                        Wanted:           White/Brown
grown price goes up with age. Full                                                                                    Jennings, Acadian Parish; 337-368-      acres, feed & hay 2x day, deworm-
                                                                                     RABBITS &
                                      leghorns less than a year old Sam
grown females $8 each. Amy                                                                                            3624.                                   ing, fly control, covered lighted
                                      Franklin, Hemphill, Texas, 409-                EQUIPMENT
Darcey Houma, Terrebonne                                                                                                                                      arena, a/c tack rooms, hot/cold
Parish, 985-688-8538                                                            Bergeron & Borel’s Rabbit                        FARM                         wash racks, wood round pen, walk-
                                                                              Ranch, 100% pure large & small                                                  ing wheel, outdoor arena, private
  Racing Homing pigeons differ-
                                                                              rabbits, rabbit cages, also custom                                              paddock w/shelter, $400/month,
ent breeds: Blue Bars and Blue
                                                PIGEONS                                                                        SERVICES
                                                                              builds upon request, text or call                                               stalls avail. at additional cost. Bill
Checks speed birds (Janssens),
                                        Young homing pigeons, banded          before     9.PM.daily.     Douglas                                              Langford, Carencro, Lafayette
Black eagles, Red and White and                                                                                         New slaughterhouse, domestic
                                      birds, $10 for one. Lester Haydel,      Borel/Elizabeth          Bergeron,                                              Parish; 337-280-1535.
Black and white Blue check                                                                                            cattle & hogs, custom slaughter,
                                      225-687-4820 or 225-776-2814.           Carencro, Lafayette Parish; 337-
Grizzle Trenton birds, 20$ each                                                                                       available by appt. only, state of the     Horse boarding, 1.5 miles from
Vernon     James    Champagne,          Pure racing homing, young             886-8075.                               art vacuum sealer, call for pricing.    I-10, overnight or monthly, 5-acre
Houma, Terrebonne Parish 985-         birds, never let out of pen,              Flemish Giants for sale, pedi-        Mike Clements, Slaughter, East          coastal pasture w/barn, place to
873-8440                              $10/each. Louis Poche, Hessmer,         gree show rabbits, light gray &         Feliciana Parish; 225-726-3946.         work horse & trail ride,
                                      Avoyelles Parish; 318-452-4197.         fawn. Jeremy Fontenot, New                                                      $100/month & up; overnight,
  Ring neck doves, $5/each, min-                                                                                        Restore pastures & fields, mow,
                                                                              Iberia, Iberia Parish; 337-376-                                                 $20/1; two or more nights, $15/1.
imum order of 4 doves. Victor           Large king pigeons, all colors,                                               cultivate, eliminate compaction,
                                                                              6156.                                                                           Lisa Lyon, Welsh, Jeff Davis
Dugas, Breaux Bridge, St. Martin      $30/pair.   Dennis     Lavergne,                                                contouring, plant, install drainage,
                                                                                                                                                              Parish; 337-370-3479.
Parish; 337-258-7565.                 Opelousas, St. Landry Parish; 337-        New Zealand male, 1-year old,         ponds, roads, paths, walls, fences,
                                      831-1596.                               $25/1, mixed breed of different         harvest & thin trees, stumps, recon-
                                                                              ages. Terry Thibodeaux, Lafayette,      dition arenas & gravel roads 8”                EQUIPMENT
                                        Rare & standard colored racing
      POULTRY &
                                                                              Lafayette Parish; 337-277-7217.         deep. John Cleary, Hammond,
                                      homers, almond, opal, indigo, sten-                                                                                             SERVICE
                                                                                                                      Tangipahoa Parish; 985-634-0074.
                                      cil, reduced, kite, saddle, yellow,
                                                                                Netherland Dwarf bunnies, 6-                                                          FOR HIRE
                                      red, mottled, grizzle blue, white,      12 weeks old, $20; 6-months &             Will remove fences for materi-
  RR and BO baby chicks, hatch-       $15 and up. Larry Landry,               older, ready to breed, $40. Godfred     als, wires, posts, and gates, w/no
                                                                                                                                                                Land prepared, cleared, con-
ing soon, $4/each. 225-206-3010.      Napoleanville, Assumption Parish;       Schexnayder,          Labadieville,     charge if suitable conditions, loca-
                                                                                                                                                              toured, fields mowed, mulched,
                                      985-414-8220.                           Assumption Parish; 985-859-8230.        tions, and access. George Waltner,
  Grown turkey toms, $40/each,                                                                                                                                cultivated, trees removed, recycled
                                                                                                                      Many, Sabine, 318-602-8249.
grown      Muscovy       drakes,        Pigeons, multiple pairs, $15 and        New Zealand and California                                                    on site for mulch, recondition are-
$10/each, ginger red old English      up per bird, (200) plus mature          breeding stock rabbits of all ages,       Cattle penning, working & haul-       nas & gravel roads 8” deep, install
bantams, grown, $20/pair. W. Lee      birds, breeds are Lahore, red           $10 and up. Dwight Bordere, West        ing, portable equip., large or small    ponds, roads, walls, fences, sub-
Wise,    Saline,   Natchitoches       Carneau, German beauty, homer,          Monroe, Ouachita Parish; 318-397-       herd, problem cattle, 50 years exp.,    surface drainage. John Cleary,
Parish; 318-576-3220.                 racing homer, Portuguese tumblers,      6978.                                   will travel. Terry or Jason, Eunice,    Hammond, Tangipahoa Parish;
                                      Birmingham rollers. Mike Lafleur,                                               Acadia Parish; 337-789-1927 or          985-634-0074.
  (2) guineas, born 8/1/22,                                                     Holland lop rabbits ready to
                                      Ville Platte, Evangeline Parish;                                                337-322-7601.
$15/each, would like to sell all at                                           breed, selling all of this breed in                                               Dozer & excavator work servic-
once.      Stanley       Stewart,                                             stock, $40/each or $200 for all, (5)-     We build & repair fences, build-      es, land clearing, limestone, dirt,
Franklinton, Washington Parish;                                               females and (2)-males. Larry            ings, barns, driveways, & drainage.     ponds, crawfish ponds, roads,
985-241-2269.                                      EGGS                       Dickey, Ascension Parish; 225-          George Martin, Walker, Livingston       house pads, culvert settings & level
                                                                              354-5358.                               Parish; 225-405-5229.                   work. Chad Helminger, Mansura,
  Blue laced Wyandotte chick-
                                                                                                                                                              Avoyelles Parish; 318-201-5767 or
ens, $50/PR. Dave Kuhnau,                                                       Purebred California rabbits,            Fence building barb, net, boards,
                                        Quail eggs for sale, fresh are .15                                                                                    318-964-2380.
Covington, 985-502-4511.                                                      Dutch lionheads, Havana Polish,         pipe & hotwire, references provid-
                                      cents/egg, fertile are .20 cents/egg,
                                                                              and guinea pigs. Lester Markham,        ed, $1/ft. and up, fence cleaning,        Land clearing, ponds, drainage,
  Barnyard mixed breed of             no deliveries, must pick up, quail
                                                                              (Imperial    Kennels),    Amite,        repairs, catch pens, arenas, custom     bush hogging, and much more, call
roosters, $15/each for roosters,      chicks available in spring. Larry
                                                                              Tangipahoa Parish; 985-323-9445.        entry ways, free estimates. Ben         for a free estimate. Ethan Wilson,
$20/each for ducks for butcher,       Champagne, Breaux Bridge, St.
                                                                                                                      Baggett, Mittie, Allen Parish; 337-     Dry Creek, Beauregard Parish;
$20/each for male guineas. Shane      Martin Parish; 337-332-062.               Meat rabbits, breeders for sale,      370-8254.                               337-396-8489.
Granger, Mamou, Evangeline                                                    cross New Zealand/ Flemish/
                                        Farm fresh chicken eggs, free
Parish; 337-658-7257.                                                         California.   Sandra     Castille,                                                Bush-hog & dirt work, clean up
                                      range, cage free, $3/doz., quality
                                                                              Lafayette, Lafayette Parish; 337-                                               brush & fence rows, $50/hr. John
 India Blue peacocks, ’22 hatch,      avail. Barbara Ward, Saline,
                                                                                                                                                              Marcantel, Mittie, Allen Parish;
$35/1, pied 45/1; mature swine-       Bienville Parish; 318-576-3639.         280-7547.
hoe pheasant pair, $200,                                                                                                     BOARDING
                                        Fresh yard eggs, $3/dozen. Tina
Gouldian finches, 75/1. Mark                                                                                                                                    Demo, irrigation, fence line,
                                      Rogers, Franklin/Garden City area,
Lumetta, Amite, Tangipahoa                                                        AQUACULTURE                                                                 bush hogging, etc., Mobile
                                      St. Mary Parish; 225-802-8543.                                                    Stalls available for rent at the
Parish; 504-451-6655.                                                                                                                                         Welding or Fabrication. Joseph or
                                                                                                                      Folsom Training Center in Folsom,
                                        Pickling Quail eggs 0.30$ each.                                                                                       Patrick, Jennings, Acadian Parish;
                                                                                  & EQUIPMENT
  2022 Hatch wood ducks and                                                                                           stall, walking wheel, breaking
                                      Hatchling quail eggs 0.50$ each.                                                                                        337-368-3624 or 337-526-8825.
ring teals, $60/pr; pintail and                                                                                       arena, feed and tack rooms, use of
                                      Please text or leave voice mail.          Conveyor for Kerian crawfish
Gadwall, $70/pr; extra ring teal                                                                                      training track, $5/day. Rebecca           Stump grinding, Baton Rouge
                                      Amy Darcey Houma, Terrebonne            grader w/drive motor, excellent
and extra female gadwalls.                                                                                            Mclindon, St. Tammany Parish;           & surrounding area/parishes, call
                                      Parish, 985-688-8538                    condition, ready to go, $5500. Bill
Russell Bougeois, Jeanerette,                                                                                         985-237-3950.                           or text with pictures for details.
Iberia Parish; 985-397-0070.            Jumbo brown quail eggs, fertil-       Krielow, Roanoke, Jefferson Davis                                               Peter O’Neal, Baton Rouge, EBRP;
                                                                              Parish; 337-753-2202 or 337-275-          Horse boarding, pastures for
                                      ized to hatch or good to eat,                                                                                           225-715-2284.
  Golden and Silver Sebright                                                  0027.                                   lease w/ shelter & water. Dean
                                      $3/dozen.     Josh      Savage,
Bantam chickens and other                                                                                             Gentile, Port Allen, West Baton           Bush hogging, by the hour or
                                      Plaucheville, Avoyelles Parish;           Pond stocking, blue catfish,
breeds, $20/each. Don Copeland;                                                                                       Rouge Parish; 225-328-2198.             job, free estimates. Charles
                                      318-359-2493.                           45¢/1; channel catfish, 35¢/1; cop-
West Monroe, Ouachita Parish;                                                                                                                                 Longino,          Natchitoches,
                                                                              pernose, bluegill, 35¢/1; Louisiana       Horse boarding, herd environ-
318-323-0242.                           Fresh barnyard eggs, $3/dozen                                                                                         Natchitoches Parish; 318-715-
                                                                              bluegill, $.35/1; hybrid bluegill,      ment, $100/1 per month, multi.
                                      or $4/ 18ct carton; fertile chicken                                                                                     4814.
 Keats a month old $4, Brown                                                  $.40/1; red-ear bream, 40¢/1; blk.      feeding      options.    Kathern
                                      eggs, $6/dozen; quail eggs,
Leghorn $20 laying. Tracey                                                    crappie, 45¢/1; bass, $1/1; fathead     Hollifield, Deridder, Beauregard          Pasture cutting and small
                                      $4/dozen; fertile quail eggs,
Wagley, Glenmore, Rapides                                                     minnows, $12.50/lb.; del. avail.        Parish; 337-462-0964.                   reclaim jobs, reliable, unbeatable
                                      $8/dozen or 50 for $20 or 100 for
Parish; 318-664-5131.                                                         David Lowe, Minden, Webster                                                     price and weekends only, text or
                                      $40. Megan Bergeron, Livonia,                                                     Horse boarding, pasture & full
                                                                              Parish; 318-377-1525.                                                           call day or night. Derek Schilling,
 Rare      Indonesian    Ayam         Pointe Coupee Parish; 225-223-                                                  board avail., new horse facility on
                                                                                                                                                              Clinton, East Feliciana Parish; 225-
Cemani chicks, $25/ea. Robert         2008.                                     (1)-model L60 Kerian speed            22 acres, vinyl fencing & rope elec.
Henry, Ville Platte, Evangeline                                               sizer, suitable for grading live        fencing, mare/foal & trailers wel-
                                        Farm fresh chicken eggs, free
Parish; 337-831-0904.                                                         crawfish. Paul Newton, Bunkie,          come. Beau or Taylor Fontenot,            Land clearing cleaning, bush
                                      range, cage free, $3/doz., quality
                                                                              Avoyelles Parish; 318-447-6136.         Jennings, Jeff Davis Parish; 337-       hogging, excavator work, price
  Wanted: chickens ready to lay.      avail. Westley Cloud, Castor,
                                                                                                                      329-5582 or 337-387-9854.               depends on job. John Schexnayder,
Jim Smith, DeSoto Parish; 318-        Bienville Parish; 318-423-3506.
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
Page 8                                                                                        MARKET BULLETIN                                                                                      JANUARY 12, 2023
Church Point, St. Landry Parish;                                                                 Purple chewing sugar cane,                                                                     Sweet potatoes Beauregard vari-
337-668-4777.                                         rURAL                                    $4/stalk. Joe Owens, Thibodaux,                                                                ety, green tag. Becky Dugas,
                                                                                               Lafourche Parish; 985-518-0957.                                                                Marksville, Avoyelles Parish; 318-
  Bush hogging, free estimates.
                                                    pROPERTIES                                                                                    bEES & hONEY
                                                                                                                                                                                              201-6840 or 318-253-6843.
Larry Bears, Rayne, Acadia Parish;                                                               Begonias, color light pink, 6”-
                                                    FOR RENT OR
337-501-4349.                                          LEASE                                   pot, $5/each. Roland Sauvant, Lake               Scales - Any person selling goods by            Fresh sweet potatoes, green
                                                                                               Charles, Calcasieu Parish; 337-               weight or creating packages of commodities       tagged. Lori Dugas, Marksville,
  Environmental Testing (sewer               Must offer ten (10) or more adjoining                                                           to be labeled by net weight must use a legal
                                                                                               802-4013.                                                                                      Avoyelles Parish; 318-308-8860.
water & runoff water included),              acres of land located in Louisiana.                                                             for trade scale. This scale must be registered
                                                                                                                                             annually with LDAF Weights and
dozer, trackhoe, backhoe & tractor           Farmland ads MUST include accompani-                Elephant Garlic corms, fresh                Measures. Package Labeling - Any person
                                                                                                                                                                                                Wanted: Loquat (Japanese
work, $1000 minimum, state                   ments (house, barn, hay field, garden,            from June harvest, $20/dozen,                                                                  plum) fruit wanted, local and EBR
                                                                                                                                             who is pre-packaging goods for sale must
                                             and what the land is best suited for).
licensed, insured/ bonded. George                                                              Sandra Fischer, Amite, Tangipahoa             ensure they label each package with the          Parish area, can swap quart jars for
                                             Proof of ownership may be required. All                                                         true name of the commodity in the pack-
Martin, Walker, Livingston Parish;           ads MUST be accompanied by the fol-               Parish; 601-278-2999.                         age, a Net Quantity Statement, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                              fruit. Marilyn Woolfolk, Zachary,
225-405-5229.                                lowing owner-signed statement: “This                                                            name and place of business of the manu-          East Baton Rouge Parish; 225-301-
                                                                                                 Wanted: California beer seeds
                                             property is personally owned by me and                                                          facturer, packer, distributor or seller.         2368.
                                             is not offered for sale by a licensed real        with recipe. M. Stevens, Lake                 Contact Weights & Measures at 225-925-
         NUISANCE                            estate dealer, broker or salesman.”               Charles, Calcasieu Parish; 337-               3780 or

                                               100 acres of Red River farm land                477-4039.
          ANIMAL                                                                                                                               (4) horizontal Langstroth hives                     HAY & GRAIN
                                             with consistent production history                  Wanted: old time native plum                with bees, holds 30 deep frames &
                                             near Marksville, LA, sharecrop/
         REMOVAL                                                                                                                             feeder, $300/each. Douglas Harper,
                                                                                               tree seeds or sprouts. Millard
                                             lease under standard terms. Bill                                                                                                                   2022 barn kept, fertilized, 4X4
                                                                                               Monk, Leesville, Vernon Parish;               Quitman, Jackson Parish; 318-259-
 Wooden Armadillo trap, $40.                 Tassin, Lake Charles, Calcasieu                                                                                                                  rolls, $50/each, Argentina Bahia.
                                                                                               337-238-1886.                                 8741 or 318-533-0401.
Don Sayes, Pineville, Rapides                Parish; 337-501-0078.                                                                                                                            Wayne        Prats,     Bogalusa,
Parish; 318-445-0600.                                                                                                                          (5) hives with bees, (2) brood                 Washington Parish; call 504-908-
                                               200 acres of crawfish fishing                              TREES &                            boxes, (1) super with honey, inner               3908.
  Hog traps, 8’ long x 48” wide x            waters for rent located in Vermillion.                                                          cover and top cover, $250/each.
34” high, (2) push-in gates, $350.                                                                                                                                                              Round       bales    $45/bale
                                             John Miller; 208-354-3571.                                                                      Douglas Harper, Quitman, Jackson
E.E.     Colston,      Provencal,                                                                                                                                                             unwrapped, or $55/bale wrapped.
                                                                                                                                             Parish; 318-259-8741 or 318-533-
Natchitoches Parish; 318-472-                                                                                                                                                                 Mike Beard, Sunshine, Iberville
                                                                                               Any person who intends to grow, buy or        0401.
6490.                                                FERTILIZER                                sell trees, shrubs, ornamental plants,                                                         Parish; 225-938-6972.
                                                                                               grass sod, or foliage plants shall obtain a     Making splits in April, 10-frame
  Professional licensed trapper,                                                               license or permit, from the Louisiana                                                            2022 Alicia and Jiggs hay, 4x5
                                                Scales - Any person selling goods by                                                         medium box, top and bottom,
central La. trapping & removal of            weight or creating packages of commodi-           Department of Agriculture and Forestry                                                         net wrapped $50/bale. Mike
                                                                                               (LDAF), prior to engaging in such activ-      queen, bees, and brood, $210, tak-
beavers, coyotes, hogs & other nui-          ties to be labeled by net weight must use a                                                                                                      Richard, Iowa, Calcasieu Parish;
                                             legal for trade scale. This scale must be         ity. For more information, contact the        ing orders. Charles Buckner,
sance animals, free estimates.                                                                 LDAF Horticulture and Quarantine                                                               337-532-3522.
                                             registered annually with LDAF Weights                                                           Webster Parish; 318-562-0887.
Harry     Vermaelen,     Pineville,          and Measures, call 225-925-3780 or email          Programs Division at 225-952-8100 or
                                                                                               email at                                                          2022 Alicia Bermuda mix,
Rapides Parish; 318-201-5632.                                                                           Wanted: Looking to buy bee-
                                                                                                                                                                                              square bales, heavy, tight, fertil-
                                               Compost cow manure, $40/yard                      Ruby Sweet guava, $10 and up,               hives with or without bees. Also
                                                                                                                                                                                              ized, cured, no rain, stored in barn,
                                             picked up; 18-wheeler loads                       grafted pear trees, spalding,                 looking for bee equipment. Judd
                                                                                                                                                                                              will assist in loading, 50 bale min.,
                                                                                               leconte, orient, moonglo & oth-               Decuir, Marksville, Avoyelles
                                             $35/yard picked up. Brent Duncan,                                                                                                                $8/bale, by appt only. Jessie Wheat,
                                             Franklinton, Washington Parish;                   ers, $15, sweet che one year                  Parish; 318-305-0888.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Denham Springs, Livingston
                                             985-515-6655.                                     grafts, $12/ each. W. Lee Wise,
                                                                                                                                                                                              Parish; 225-485-5252.
                                                                                               Saline, Natchitoches Parish; 318-
        FOR SALE                                                                                                                                      FRUITS &
                                               Ag lime, $30/ton, within a (100)-               576-3220.                                                                                        Clean hay for sale, Bahia grass,
Must offer ten (10) or more adjoining        mile radius. Brent Duncan,                                                                                                                       horse/ cattle hay, $30/round bale in
acres of land located in Louisiana.
                                             Franklinton, Washington Parish;                     Grafter pears, my own vari-
Farmland ads MUST include accompani-                                                                                                                                                          the field, $35/round bale in the
                                             call 985-515-6655.                                eties, hyb. Mayhaws, grafted                     Scales - Any person selling goods by
ments (house, barn, hay field, garden,                                                                                                       weight or creating packages of commodities       barn. Charles Bell, Franklinton,
and what the land is best suited for).                                                         apples, blueberries, exclusive
                                               Free horse manure, excellent
                                                                                                                                             to be labeled by net weight must use a legal     Washington Parish; 985-839-9222.
Proof of ownership may be required. All                                                        pink lemonade blueberries, thorn-             for trade scale. This scale must be registered
ads MUST be accompanied by the fol-          fertilizer for gardens, will load in
lowing owner-signed statement: “This                                                           less blackberries, cypress trees &            annually with LDAF Weights and                     Bahia hay square bales, $7;
property is personally owned by me and       your pick up or trailer w/tractor.                more, all in 3-gal pots, $12-
                                                                                                                                             Measures. Package Labeling - Any person
                                                                                                                                                                                              round bales, $50-$60, fertilized &
                                                                                                                                             who is pre-packaging goods for sale must
is not offered for sale by a licensed real   Lloyd       Cabellero,     Maurice,               $20/1. Lee, Husser, Tangipahoa                ensure they label each package with the true     cured without rain. Danny
estate dealer, broker or salesman.”          Vermilion Parish; 337-781-2580.                   Parish; 985-981-7819.                         name of the commodity in the package, a          Schleismann, Husser, Tangipahoa;
                                                                                                                                             Net Quantity Statement, and the name and
  52-acres for sale located in                 Cow manure in sacks, call for                                                                                                                  985-517-8341.
                                                                                                 Oaks, Cypress, fruit tree                   place of business of the manufacturer, pack-
Washington parish, 90% in open               more     information.   Robert,                                                                 er, distributor or seller. Contact Weights &
                                                                                               seedlings for sale in spring, paw-                                                               Bahia grass square bales in barn.
fields and 10% wooded area, great            Oakdale, Allen Parish; 318-335-
                                                                                                                                             Measures at 225-925-3780 or weightsin-
                                                                                               paw, mayhaw, mulberry, and oth-                                  $8/bale; Bahia grass 5X5 round
place for a home site and a pond,            1414.                                             ers, $4 and $5 each, can pick up                                                               bales, $55/bale; under barn,
$265000.      Brent      Duncan,                                                                                                               Sweet potatoes, Orleans &
                                              Garden compost $20/scoop.                        or ship,                                                                 $65/bale.   Delos     Thompson,
Franklinton, Washington Parish;                                                                                                              Beauregards $20, Evangeline $22,
                                             Delos    Thompson,       Folsom,                  Guy Breton, St. Martinville, St.                                                               Folsom, Tangipahoa Parish, 985-
985-515-6655.                                                                                                                                green tag, (3) varieties. Michael
                                             Tangipahoa Parish, 985-373-4067.                  Martinville parish; 337-380-                                                                   373-4067.
                                                                                                                                             Mitchel, Mansura, Avoyelles
  40-acres on Hwy 111, DeRidder,                                                               5381.
                                                                                                                                             Parish; 318-447-4998.

                                                                                                 Renew your subscription online
West Beauregard, Dim. 1305’ x                       SEEDS,
1328’ x 1308’ x 1344’, Sec. 32,
Timberland.    E.H.     Husband,                  FLOWERS &
Abbeville, Vermillion Parish; 337-               ORNAMENTALS

                                                                                                   Purchasing a subscription to the Louisiana Market Bulletin is easy
                                             Any person who sells, distributes, or
  15 acres on Comite River, quiet            offers or handles for sale agriculture,
culdesac, please call for more               vegetable, or flower seeds or other prop-
information. Tony Templet, Baton             agating stock of one pound or more shall
                                             obtain a Seed Dealer’s License from the             with our online subscription and renewal payment option.
                                                                                                   To renew your subscription to the Louisiana Market Bulletin with a
Rouge, EBR Parish; 225-356-                  LDAF Seed Programs Division. For
2094.                                        licensing information, contact the LDAF

                                                                                                 credit card, visit and click on the Market Bulletin
                                             Seed Programs Division at 225-925-4733
  14+/- acres located 200 yards              or by email at

                                                                                                 image located at the left of the homepage.
                                                Scales - Any person selling goods by
from Kisatchie National Forest,              weight or creating packages of commodities
camp Claiborne where 500000                  to be labeled by net weight must use a legal

                                                                                                   When you subscribe, the Market Bulletin will be delivered directly to
                                             for trade scale. This scale must be registered
troops were trained during WWII,             annually with LDAF Weights and

                                                                                                 you 26 times a year and it's just a few clicks away. A one-year subscrip-
endless trails, beautiful building           Measures. Package Labeling - Any person
                                             who is pre-packaging goods for sale must
site, power & community water,               ensure they label each package with the true
$162500. Edwin Broussard, Forest
                                                                                                 tion is available for just $10.
                                             name of the commodity in the package, a
                                             Net Quantity Statement, and the name and
Hill, Rapides Parish; 512-673-
                                                                                                 (Online subscription payments are subject to a processing fee.)
                                             place of business of the manufacturer, pack-
3362.                                        er, distributor or seller.
                                                Contact Weights & Measures at 225-925-
                                             3780 or
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
JANUARY 12, 2023                                                       MARKET BULLETIN                                                                                         Page 9
  Bahia square bales, $7/bale, in      1976 International Tractor          used very little, $1100, manual      Jena, LaSalle Parish; 318-992-        in Opelousas LA, $1000. Dale
barn in Franklinton. Hymel Mark,     354, 35 horsepower, good condi-       comes with it. Janet Lavergne,       4504.                                 Moreau, Prairieville, Ascension
Geismar, Ascension Parish; 225-      tion, runs great, $4000. Edwin        337-230-4167.                                                              Parish; 225-290-2917.
                                                                                                                  Case IH 3950 (25)-ft. tillage
715-1132.                            Allemand, Breaux Bridge, St.
                                                                             7’ Rotary cutter, sandblasted,     disk, $17500. Brent Duncan,             20-bushel sweet potato bins,
                                     Martin Parish; 337-257-5460.
  Wanted: 2022 horse quality hay,                                          dimetcoted, painted, two new         Franklinton, Washington Parish;       $20; gate, 4’X6’, call for price,
round or square, sheltered. Amy       1937 JD unstyled model L,            tailwheels, pictures to show,        call 985-515-6655.                    chain binders, $10 and up. Ricky
Hewitt, St. Francisville, West       NOT RUNNING, $3500; 1960              $3000. Larry Richard, New                                                  Juneau, Hessmer, Avoyelles
                                                                                                                  Set of Single row hippers and
Feliciana Parish; 225-288-4240.      Moline diesel 80HP, runs very         Iberia, Iberia Parish; 337-288-                                            Parish; 318-201-0697.
                                                                                                                tool bar, $250. Joel Tassin,
                                     good, $4500; JD model M,              2959.
                                                                                                                Mansura, Avoyelles Parish; 318-        11 Shank Chisel Plow $500
                                     $1800. David Bass, Longville,
                                                                             Front end loader hay spear &       201-9789.                             Ricky Juneau Hessmer, Avoyelles
                                     Beauregard Parish; 337-396-
                                                                           rear 3-pt hitch hay spear, $250/                                           Parish, 318-201-0697
                                     5955.                                                                        5-ft boy blade, 3-point hitch,
                                                                           each. Darren Kyzer, Kentwood,
                                                                                                                sun equipment. Dalton Sims,            100 Horsepower International
                                       2001 Kubota M5700 tractor w/        Tangipahoa Parish; 662-552-
                                                                                                                Walker, Livingston Parish; 225-       Harvester motor, radiator, and
  JD 4640 tractor in good shape      front loader, leveling blade, hay     6022.
                                                                                                                686-9066.                             power take off, all self-contained,
with no defects, comes w/duals       forks for hay, post hole digger, w/
                                                                            JD 15-ft disc, all hydraulics                                             $3500     Gilbert        Bordelon,
and 3-prong deep soiler, $20500.     9” and 12” auger, $15000. Jerry                                              7100 JD planter w/row mark-
                                                                           work, good working condition,                                              Moreauville, Avoyelles Parish,
H.C. Miller, Waterproof, Tensas      Turcotte, Baton Rouge, EBR                                                 ers, 6row 30”15’ w/ lots of extras,
                                                                           new bearings, $4500. Darren                                                318-359-3836
Parish; 318-481-7270.                Parish; 225-268-5916.                                                      $1999.      Charles       Jarreau,
                                                                           Kyzer, Kentwood, Tangipahoa
                                                                                                                Lakeland, Pointe Coupee Parish;         4 Row W&A hoppers with
  (2) tractor tires, 20.8-38, fair     Front grill guard/ bumper for       Parish; 662-552-6022.
                                                                                                                225-405-6965.                         shanks $500 Ricky Juneau
condition, $300. Rip White,          Ford 8 & 9 N and other tractors,
                                                                             JD 15-ft batwing bush hog,                                               Hessmer, Avoyelles Parish, 318-
Clinton, East Feliciana Parish;      heavy duty, in great shape, text or                                         JD 7700 combine final drives,
                                                                           everything in good working                                                 201-0697
225-287-2882.                        call for pictures, $80. Linster                                            $500/each. Charles Jarreau,
                                                                           order, no rust, $6000. Darren
                                     Guillot, Mansura, Avoyelles                                                Lakeland, Pointe Coupee Parish;         Wanted: accessory bagger for
  2014 JD 3032E, 4wd, w/front                                              Kyzer, Kentwood, Tangipahoa
                                     Parish; 318-305-1705.                                                      225-405-6965.                         JD riding mower. Jim Smith,
end loader, hydro transmission,                                            Parish; 662-552-6022.
                                                                                                                                                      Stonewall, Desoto Parish; 318-
765 hours, very good condition,        1971 JD 2020 53HP tractor                                                  1-row 3-pt. planter JD #51
                                                                             JD rotary green chopper, 80-                                             218-9690.
$17500.       James     Lacour,      w/6-ft Howse bush-hog, new                                                 corn; bean plates, $800; 1-row
                                                                           inch, everything works, used last
Prairieville, Ascension Parish;      clutch, starter, and rebuilt Hyd                                           Cultivator, never used, $400,           Wanted: Tractor pulled manure
                                                                           in fall of 2021, good working
225-301-1626.                        valves, oversize rear tires, runs                                          negotiable on price trade for         spreader. Jim Smith, Stonewall,
                                                                           condition, $6000. Darren Kyzer,
                                     great, $7000. Eric Couvillion,                                             sweet potato equipment. Kenneth       Desoto Parish; 318-218-9690.
 (2) 14.9-24 tractor tires, new,                                           Kentwood, Tangipahoa Parish;
                                     Breaux Bridge, St. Martin Parish;                                          Morris, Port Barre, St. Landry
$1000. Leroy Verret, Houma,                                                662-552-6022.                                                                Wanted:     Propane     tank,
                                     337-288-6061.                                                              Parish; 337-290-5016.
Terrebonne Parish; 985-804-                                                                                                                           portable water tank, and diesel
                                                                             (2)-snappers riding mowers,
3580.                                 Wanted: good used 18.4X34-                                                  Wanted No till drill with           tank. Jim Smith, Desoto Parish;
                                                                           new tires & battery on one, $250
                                     R2 tractor tires. Scott Romero,                                            colters. 2 seed boxes field ready.    318-218-9690.
  (4) m-tractors, good condition,                                          for both. Bobby Denton, Jena,
                                     Welsh, Jefferson Davis Parish;                                             Cord     Ensminger,     Deridder,
low     hours,    your    choice,                                          LaSalle Parish; 318-992-4504.
                                     337-368-8866.                                                              Beauregard Parish, 337-348-9694
$6500/each; (1) m-50 LP gas-
                                                                            5-ft bush hog brand, $650.
needs battery, $1900 or make an
                                                                           Tony Templet, Baton Rouge,
offer, good condition, good tires.
                                            CUTTERS &                                                                                                        Equipment
                                                                           EBR Parish; 225-356-2094.
Cecil Clark Sr, Crowley, Acadia              MOWERS                                                                   PICKERS &
Parish; 337-783-7903.                                                        Wanted: grinder/mixer for               HARVESTERS                         AD, Vermeer hydraulic bale
                                       Edge JD belly mower for LV          feed, small grain augers, and                                              fork, heavy duty, 3-pt cat 2, good
  JD 925 ridged header for sale,
                                     2210 model tractor, 62” cut, good     small bins. David Vanmol,                                                  condition, $1000. John Swindler,
text only, $1000. Gable Cormier,
                                     condition, needs new belt, $450.      Lecompte, Rapides Parish; 318-         3-Grain carts, (2)-Tristate,        New Roads, Pointe Coupee
Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish;
                                     Joel Tassin, Mansura, Avoyelles       308-4829.                            250&350bu, (1)-Rayne Grain            Parish; 225-937-4694.
                                     Parish; 318-201-9789.                                                      250bu, all in good condition, all
                                                                                                                                                       10-wheel hay rake for sale,
 42 HP Massey Ferguson tractor                                                                                  $3000; (2)-combine sieves for
                                       15’ stalk chopper, 3-pt. rear                                                                                  $500.     Richard      Leblanc,
w/ 6’ disc, $2500; (4) 18” tires                                                                                JD95, $250 for both. Charles
                                                                                 PLANTING &
                                     crazy wheels, extra heavy duty,                                                                                  Arnaudville, St. Landry Parish;
mounted on wheel, $300. Lurry                                                                                   Jarreau, Lakeland, Pointe Coupee
                                     excellent condition, $1999.                                                                                      337-207-9517 or 337-207-9518.
Laborde, Mansura, Avoyelles                                                                                     Parish; 225-405-6965.
                                     Charles Jarreau, Lakeland, Pointe
Parish; 318-359-9893.                                                                                                                                   Shop built 8-bale hay grappler,
                                     Coupee Parish; 225-405-6965.            W&A 8-row hippers w/Ortham
                                                                                                                                                      text only, $1000. Gable Cormier,
  Kubota MX5000 Tractor,                                                   row markers, $2000; Taylorway
                                       5’ Bush hog for sale, Bush hog                                                                                 Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish;
2WD, 4 Hp, 251 hrs., excellent                                             (8)-row cult., 5-plow gangs
                                     brand, excellent condition, cuts                                                                                 337-794-3236.
condition, includes Woods 72”                                              w/shields, $800; Ditch Witch            AG IMPLEMENTS
                                     really well, $800 cash. Janet
grooming mower. Guy Perrodin,                                              w/4-way blade, land boring unit,                                             604 XL Vermeer round baler,
                                     Lavergne, 337-230-4167.
Basile, Evangeline Parish; 337-                                            drill pipe & bits, trailer, excel.    (2)      farrowing      crates,      shed kept, dealer serviced annual-
277-6699.                             6’ Woods grooming mower,             cond., $12,500. Bobby Denton,        $200/each. Aaron Slayter, Grant       ly, field ready. 3ft – 6ft x 4ft bale.
                                                                                                                Parish; 318-652-8107.                 $10,000       Cord       Ensminger
                                                                                                                                                      Deridder, Beauregard Parish,
                                                                                                                  Old-fashioned wooden cistern
    Report Ag/Forestry crimes to LDAF                                                                           to be used for educational pro-
                                                                                                                grams at Westwego Historical            (3)-851 New Holland round
        Crimestoppers and the Louisiana Department of                                                           Museum. Donations welcome.
                                                                                                                Contact Museum with questions.
                                                                                                                                                      balers, 1 working, 2 for parts,
                                                                                                                                                      $3500. Joe Owens, Thibodaux,
  Agriculture and Forestry can help you solve livestock, farm                                                   Loretta    Brehm,     Westwego,       Lafourche Parish; 985-518-0957.

       equipment or timber theft and forest arson crimes.
                                                                                                                Jefferson Parish; 504-341-3161.
                                                                                                                                                        Hay spears, double and single
                                                                                                                  Homemade 6’ box blade, for 3-       spears available, front loader and
   Your anonymous tip which leads to the arrest and convic-                                                     pt hitch, $250. Joel Tassin,          3pt. Lacey Mouton, Church

    tion may get you a cash reward. The sooner a crime is
                                                                                                                Mansura, Avoyelles Parish; 318-       Point, Acadia Parish; 337-250-
                                                                                                                201-9789.                             1810.
  reported the better chances of recovering the stolen items.                                                    Manure spreader, may be                2020 Vermeer M6040, used 2
        Report Forestry-related crimes to 225-925-4500                                                          pulled by ATV or lawn mower,
                                                                                                                $1350. Harry Latiolais, Carencro,
                                                                                                                                                      times,   excellent  condition,
                                                                                                                                                      $10500, OBO. Wilton Lipscomb,
           Livestock theft & other ag-related crimes to                                                         Lafayette Parish; 337-414-2017.       Zachary, EBRP; 225-936-0838.

                                                                                                                 Levee splitter/ V-ditcher,             (2)-7x7’ hay racks made with 1-
                                                                                                                heavy duty, 3-point hitch,            inch black pipe, will last a life-
                                                                                                                hydraulic adjustable tilt, located    time, $80/each. Janet Lavergne,
Fostering Community and Health through Louisiana Specialty Crops
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