Former Odeon Cinema Raby Road, Hartlepool - Planning Development Brief November 2010

Page created by Ian Carter
Former Odeon Cinema Raby Road, Hartlepool - Planning Development Brief November 2010
Former Odeon Cinema
  Raby Road, Hartlepool

Planning Development Brief
     November 2010
Former Odeon Cinema Raby Road, Hartlepool - Planning Development Brief November 2010
Former Odeon Cinema Raby Road, Hartlepool - Planning Development Brief November 2010
1.    Reasons for Preparing the Brief

1.1   The purpose of the brief is to secure the high quality conversion and re-
      use of the former Odeon Cinema on Raby Road, Hartlepool. Hartlepool
      Borough Council are seeking a suitable development partner who can
      deliver a sustainable and viable scheme that will lead to the sympathetic
      conversion and re-use of the building. The former cinema is a Grade II
      Listed building and is regarded as a key regeneration priority for the
      town. The Council intends to use appropriate planning powers in
      conjunction with a development partner to achieve its aims. The brief has
      been prepared by Hartlepool Borough Council (HBC) in order to guide
      development proposals and ensure that a sustainable long-term use for
      the building is found.

1.2   The former Odeon Cinema offers the opportunity and flexibility to be
      converted into a variety of uses whilst working with its significance as a
      Grade II listed building.

1.3   HBC would look to support the preferred development partner with
      appropriate planning powers including the use of a Compulsory Purchase
      Order to secure the building. Once HBC has acquired the building
      ownership would immediately be transferred to the development

1.4   A formal legal agreement would need be entered into with the preferred
      development partner which would detail the respective responsibilities of
      both parties.

1.5   There is an opportunity to include an adjacent parcel of land on Young
      Street within the development agreement if it can be demonstrated that
      the inclusion of this land can contribute towards the re-use of the Odeon.

1.6   The conversion and re-use of the Odeon form part of larger development
      proposals for the area. A mixed use master plan is currently being
      developed for the Mill House site which will look at opportunities for
      replacement/enhancement of leisure facilities.

1.7   Aims of the scheme:
      • Achieve the successful conversion of the Grade II listed building to a
         new use which respects its special character and architectural merits.

      •   Address the vacant land on Young Street which offers the opportunity
          to be included within any development proposals.

2.    Site Information

2.1   The former Odeon Cinema is located within Hartlepool. Hartlepool is
      situated in the Southern part of the NorthEast Region on the Coast and is
      a key urban centre within the Tees Valley sub-region. Hartlepool is a
      compact borough with a population of approximately 91,000 and has
      undergone major regeneration over the past 20 years. There is a
      population of 1 million people within a 30 minute drive time of the town,
      and 2.6 million within 1 hour.

2.2   The former Odeon Cinema is prominently located on the edge of
      Hartlepool Town Centre on the junction of two major roads Raby Road
      and York Road, which link it to the centre of Hartlepool (See plan in
      Appendix 1). The adjacent land on Young Street is shown in Appendix 2.

2.3   Raby Road forms a secondary shopping street, just north of the town
      centre and provides local shops for nearby residential uses.

2.4   The Odeon site adjoins a substantial residential neighbourhood and
      several smaller retail and service sector businesses. Mill House Leisure
      Centre, Hartlepool’s principal leisure facility is adjacent to the Odeon
      across Raby Road. (See aerial photograph in Appendix 3).

2.5   A mixed use master plan is currently being developed for the Mill House
      site which will look at opportunities for replacement/enhancement of
      leisure facilities. Further information can be accessed by contacting HBC’s
      Building Consultancy Manager (see Appendix 4 for contact details,)

3.    The Building

3.1   The former Odeon Cinema is a prominent local landmark building on a
      main route into the centre of Hartlepool. It exerts a significant physical
      influence upon the surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

3.2   The design of the building is typical of many substantial cinemas
      constructed across the UK in the inter-war period, of steel and concrete
      construction clad mainly in brick with elevations of up to four storeys.
      The building has a single storey extension on the Raby Road frontage
      accommodating three small retail units. The retail units could potentially
      have a separate future use to that of the main cinema building. They are
      currently vacant. The ground floor elevation to the front is constructed of
      reconstituted stonework with a quasi Grecian stone frieze above, which
      defines the main entrance to the building. There is an original concrete
      canopy over the entrance to Raby Road. The feature windows to the two
      main staircases incorporate concrete mullions. The main entrance
      originally led into a foyer and box office. Internally the Odeon was not

highly decorated and much of the original detail has been removed by
      subsequent uses and activity. See Appendix 5 for an existing site plan.

3.3   The cinema was purpose designed with a single storey auditorium to
      accommodate 1,600 people accessed by staircases from the upper floors.
      The Odeon closed as a cinema in 1981, as single screen auditoriums
      became outmoded with the advent of multi-screen venues. It has since
      had a number of uses including a snooker club. In the 1990’s it was
      converted to provide a night club facility with two small cinema screens
      and separate auditoria, however these screens did not open. The
      nightclub use ceased in 1993 and the entire premises were closed in
      1999. For the past 11 years the Odeon has been disused.

3.4   A feasibility study on the Odeon was undertaken in 2006 by the West
      Central Hartlepool New Deal for Communities Partnership. The feasibility
      study suggested that the most appropriate use for the property would be
      residential, however the large open spaces inside the building may lend
      themselves to other private sector or charitable uses.

3.5   Since its closure the building has been periodically marketed and
      although there has been some interest this seems to have faltered
      because the parties are unable to reach agreement regarding the market
      value of the property. Only limited repair works have been carried out to
      the building in recent years, however the main structure is believed to be
      generally sound. Appendix 6 shows photographs of the Odeon.

3.6   To the South of the Odeon is a vacant piece of land approximately
      0.047Ha (plus an additional 0.025Ha if including the adjoining road) that
      is currently used for informal parking and is exerting a negative influence
      upon the surrounding residential neighbourhood. This land is currently
      within private ownership, however could be included within the
      development agreement should it be required to facilitate the re-use of
      the Odeon Cinema. The land could be used for a variety of purposes.

4.    Access, Parking and Public Transport Links

4.1   Depending upon the use there may be the possibility to provide off street
      parking on the ground floor of the Odeon.

4.2   The streets surrounding the Odeon are permit controlled which is
      operated by HBC. Public pay and display car parking can be found at the
      nearby Mill House Leisure Centre. Further information on permit
      controlled areas can be obtained from HBC’s parking services section.

4.3   Good public transport is available in the area with Hartlepool Transport
      Interchange approximately a 10 minute walk away. Bus connections can
      be found within close proximity.

4.4   Hartlepool is served by the Durham Coast Rail Line that provides
      connections to the East Coast Main Line, the Trans-Pennine rail network
      and a direct service from Hartlepool to London.

4.5   Hartlepool has a relatively congestion free internal road network via the
      A689 dual carriageway and the A179 which both lead to the A19 dual
      carriageway to the West of the Borough. The town lies within about 18
      miles of Durham Tees Valley International Airport whilst Newcastle
      International Airport is only a 50 minute drive away.

5.    Listing Description

5.1   The Odeon Cinema, Raby Road Hartlepool was Grade II Listed in
      December 1985 as it was regarded as a notable example of 1930’s cinema
      architecture. The entire premises are covered by Grade II Listed Building
      status therefore adaption works will require listed building consent from
      the local planning authority. Particular note should be taken of Planning
      Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment and the
      Historic Environment Planning Practice Guidance which sits alongside
      this policy. HBC Conservation Officers would be willing to discuss any
      proposals for the building at an early stage. A copy of the listing can be
      found in Appendix 7.

6.    Land Ownership

6.1   The former Odeon Cinema is within the joint ownership of two private

6.2   The parcel of land on Young Street is within a separate private ownership.
      HBC would only support the inclusion of the Young Street site in a
      development agreement if it can help facilitate the re-use of the Odeon.

6.3   HBC would support the acquisition of both sites with a compulsory
      purchase order, subject to the development partner indemnifying the
      Council against all associated costs.

7.    Development Opportunities

7.1   There is the potential flexibility for conversion for a variety of uses whilst
      working with the Odeon’s significance as a Grade II Listed Building. HBC
      is open to considering a number of potential uses for the building should
      they provide a viable future use. Use classes D1 &D2 (excluding night
      clubs) that suit the form and listed architecture would be most suitable
      together with retail, offices, residential and commercial uses (falling
      within classes A1, A2, A3,B1), subject to them satisfying the site specific

criteria. The brief is not intended to be over prescriptive and therefore
      there may be opportunities to consider alternative solutions to the
      redevelopment of the site, provided that they adhere/conform to the
      following key points:

         •   The conversion and re-use of the Odeon
         •   That the proposed use is compatible with the mixed use nature of
             the surrounding area and the proximity to local residential

7.2   Early contact should be made with Hartlepool Borough Council’s
      Conservation Officer to discuss the suitability of proposals.

7.3   HBC’s preferred option is to secure a sustainable development that will
      ensure the building is positively and actively used in the future. Appendix
      8 shows an example of a residential conversion of the building, for
      illustrative purposes only. HBC’s Conservation Officer will be able to offer
      advice on the level of conversion that will be acceptable.

7.4   It should be recognised that potential development partners will need to
      assess the economic viability of the potential uses set out in this brief.

7.5   Appendix 9 details standard conditions that developers must consider.

8.    Policy Context

8.1   Proposals for the site will be measured against National and Local
      Planning and Conservation requirements. Officers welcome the
      opportunity to discuss options for the Odeon in advance of a specific
      application. HBC also operates a One Stop Shop Service to provide free
      advice to identify consents that will be required and any major issues. The
      following sources of planning policy need to be considered when creating
      proposals for the building:

8.2   National Policy
      The national policy framework which will be applicable for the site is set
      out in the following:
      PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development (2005)
      PPS 3 Housing (2010)
      PPS5: Planning and the Historic Environment (2010)

8.3   Development Plan Policy: Local
      Any future development proposals need to take into account the
      following policies from the Hartlepool Local Plan adopted 2006, including
      saved policies as of April 2009:

General environmental Principles
      GEP1 General environmental Principles
      GEP2 Access for All
      GEP3 Crime Prevention by Planning and Design
      GEP9 Developers Contributions

      Retail, Commercial and Mixed Use Development
      Com4 Edge of Town Centre Area
      Hsg5 Management of Housing Land supply
      Hsg7 Conservation for Residential Uses
      Hsg8 residential Use of Upper floors
      Hsg9 New Residential layout- Design and other requirements Hsg12
      Homes and Hostel
      Tra16 car Parking standards

      Recreation and Leisure
      Rec2 Provision for Play in New Housing Areas

      Conservation and the Historic Environment
      HE8 Works to Listed Buildings (Including Partial Demolition)

8.4   The interaction between the future use of the Odeon and other
      users/premises in this mixed use neighbourhood is a crucial
      consideration in planning policy terms.

8.5   Car parking provision for any use of the building should be in accordance
      with current Local Authority standards where applicable.

8.6   If sufficient residential is proposed the developer may be required (via
      GEP9 in the local plan and the emerging Planning Obligations SPD) to
      make formal contributions. Further information on Planning obligations
      can be gained by contacting HBC’s Planning Policy Section; details of
      which can be found in the useful contacts section.

8.7   Affordable Housing
      The Council are keen to secure affordable housing in developments with
      over 15 units. HBC are currently looking to achieve 10%-30% depending
      upon scheme viability, however HBC are open to discussions regarding
      appropriate levels.

8.8   The Odeon Cinema is situated within Flood Risk Zone 1. There are no
      known flood risk issues with the site.

8.9   Hartlepool Borough Council offers a high quality service of inspection
      under the Building Regulations and the selected development partner will
      be strongly encouraged to make use of this service.

9.    Information Required from Interested Parties

9.1   The selection of the preferred developer will take place as set out below.
      Delivery of a quality development to meet the key criteria detailed within
      the brief is essential.

9.2   Interested parties will initially be required to submit an expression of
      interest and a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) concerning relevant
      experience, technical capacity, financial and economic strengths.

9.3   The expression of interest should outline the proposed use of the
      property (and Young Street land if appropriate) and detail the funding
      and delivery arrangements, including the timescale upon which a scheme
      can be delivered. If a scheme is dependent upon funding from external
      sources this should be detailed including any requirements for the
      subsequent management and upkeep of the building.

9.4   The Council will then undertake an evaluation process and invite a
      limited number of interested parties who submitted expressions of
      interest and PQQ’s to submit more detailed proposals for further

9.5   To be considered, sealed expressions of interest and PQQ must be
      received addressed:

                TENDER- Odeon Cinema Development Partner (Contract
                Reference 530) To be opened ONLY by Contract Scrutiny
                Panel 13th December 2010)
                Chief Executives Department
                Civic Centre
                Victoria Road
                TS24 8AY

      And received no later than 12:00 pm on 10th December 2010. Tenderers
      should note that sufficient time must be allowed for the return of tenders
      to meet the 12 noon deadline for receipt.

9.6   This tender will not be considered unless it shall have been sealed in
      the envelope which must not bear any name or mark indicating the
      sender. Particular care should be taken that the Tenderer's identity
      is not apparent from any image, resulting from a postal franking
      device, appearing on the envelope or package.

9.7    Failure to return the tender in the correct manner will result in the
       exclusion of that organisation from consideration.

9.8    Tenders submitted by facsimile or e-mail will not be considered.
       However, subsequent to the submission deadline, tenderers may be asked
       to provide an electronic copy of the tender submission.

10.    Limitations of Liability

10.1   The Council will not be bound to accept any proposals made by any
       developer responding to this document.

10.2   The Council shall not under any circumstances be responsible for any
       costs incurred by developers in relation to their submission in response
       to the invitation arising form this document.

10.3   The information supplied within this document is given for the guidance
       of prospective developers only. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in
       compiling this document, neither the Council nor its officers, employees
       or consultants guarantee its accuracy and the selected developer will be
       entirely responsible for verification of the information and for obtaining
       any additional information that may be required.

11.    Grant Opportunities

11.1 At the present time there is no public grant funding available to support
     any development proposals, however work is ongoing with public bodies
     to identify any potential future opportunities.

                                     - 10 -
APPENDIX 1: Location Plan showing the former Odeon Cinema, Raby Road,

                               - 11 -
APPENDIX 2: Plan showing the location of the vacant land on Young Street
to the South of the Odeon.

                                - 12 -
APPENDIX 3: Aerial Photograph showing the location of the Odeon in
relation to surrounding uses and the Town Centre.

                                - 13 -
APPENDIX 4: HBC Contacts

Department     Name        Telephone Email
Urban and      Andrew      (01429)
Planning       Golightly   284099
Conservation Sarah Scarr (01429)
Development Chris Pipe (01429)  
Control                  523273
Planning     Tom         (01429)
Policy       Britcliffe  523532
Building     Garry       (01429)
Control      Hutchinson 523290
Highways     Mike Blair (01429) 
Parking      Philip      (01429)
             Hepburn     523252
Estates      Dale Clarke (01429)
Economic     Diane       (01429)
             Martin      523509
Housing      Nigel       (01429)
Regeneration Johnson     284339
Building     Colin       (01429)
Consultancy Bolton       523399
Mill House

                                 - 14 -
APPENDIX 5: Existing Site Plan

                                 - 15 -
APPENDIX 6: Odeon Photographs

Figure 1: Photograph showing the former Odeon Cinema building from the
South across the land at Young Street.

Figure 2 : Photograph showing the former Odeon Cinema building from the

                                - 16 -
Figure3: Photograph showing the former Odeon Cinema building from the
East showing the front of the building.

Figure 4: Photograph showing the former Odeon Cinema building from the
North East showing the retail units attached to the building.

                               - 17 -
Figure 5: Photograph showing the rear of the Odeon Building.

                                - 18 -
APPENDIX 7: Listing Description

                                                                     RABY ROAD
NZ 5032
                                                                    (west side)
4/92 & 10/92                                                   Odeon Cinema

GV                                                                            II

Cinema, 1936 by W. & T. R. Milburn Partnership. Steel and concrete structure
clad in dull red brick and sandstone ashlar, roof not visible. Gently-curved front
with main mass stepping gradually upwards from right to symmetrical
frontispiece above entrance. Channelled rusticated ground floor with 9 blank
panels in centre and right parts. Paired entrances with ticket office between and
quadrant-curved sides with small curved shop windows. Wide projecting
canopy, with fluted fascia and patterned soffit, extends to right to shelter long-
forgotten queues. Tall frieze above entrance carved with over-life-size figures of
athletic dancers in Art Deco background. Vertical panels above to stepped
parapet. Blank upper right part has close-set parallel brick bands above stone
floor band which continues below frieze into curved left angle bay with small
shop below full-height curved stair window with close-set mullions and transom
at second-floor level. Narrow bands of windows on plain left return. Disused at
time of survey. Formerly known as Majestic Cinema.

                                    - 19 -
APPENDIX 8: Example of a potential conversion of the former Odeon Cinema to a residential use (for illustrative purposes
only). HBC’s Conservation Officer will be able to offer advice on the level of change to the building that will be acceptable.

APPENDIX 9: Other Guidance

There will be a requirement on the developer to maximise the
recruitment of local people as employees or placement
trainees/apprentices in relation to the construction of buildings granted
planning permission and to utilise, with the support of Hartlepool
Borough Council’s Hartlepool Working Solutions Team, a Targeted
Training and Employment Charter to encourage sub contractors to recruit
local people.

A targeted training and Employment Charter should be agreed between
the developer and the Council before the development commences on
site. Further information on establishing a Training Employment Charter
can be gained by contacting the Council’s Economic Development Team;
details can be found in Appendix 1.

Proposals should be designed to provide a safe and secure environment
and reduce the opportunities for crime. The development should seek to
comply with the principles of Secured by Design. Advice can be sought
from the Cleveland Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor.

The Borough Council will seek to ensure high quality and sustainable
design in all new developments including measures to minimise C02
emissions. Developments should adhere to a high standard of energy
efficiency and make the best use of solar energy, passive heating and
cooling, natural light and ventilation. Developments should incorporate
sustainable construction and drainage methods and use locally sourced
materials wherever possible and aim to minimise waste and promote
recycling, during both construction and occupation.

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