Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology

Page created by Rafael Zimmerman
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of
extreme climate events
Debbie Hudson
Bureau of Meteorology
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
BoM Climate prediction service
                       Seasonal Outlooks (beyond the 7-day weather forecast)

•   Monthly and seasonal outlooks
     Probability of above/below median

•   Forecasts of ENSO & IOD
•   Northern rainfall onset
•   Seasonal streamflow forecasts
•   Tropical cyclone outlook
•   Sea surface temperature
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
New climate outlook model: ACCESS-S

• Higher definition (60km instead of 250km resolution)

• More accurate

• Cutting edge science (UK Met Office collaboration)

• More supercomputing power
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
The model simulates how the
                    atmosphere and ocean evolves

Rainfall (shaded) and MSLP (contour)             Sea surface temperature

    Evolution of atmosphere and ocean over the Australian region from a
                        single ACCESS-S forecast
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Higher definition maps

• Increased grid resolution: 60km instead of 250km

• Finer detail for more localised information

       POAMA 250km resolution     ACCESS-S 60km resolution
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Enhanced resolution for the
atmosphere and land with ACCESS-S
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Produces a more realistic climate

               Example: Mean rainfall (mm/day) for spring (SON)
Observations                    ACCESS-S1                    POAMA
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Week 1+2

               Week 2+3

               Week 3+4

                 Month 1

                 Month 2

                 Month 3


            (1-mnth lead)

               Week 1+2

               Week 2+3

               Week 3+4

                 Month 1

                Month 2

                 Month 3


            (1-mnth lead)

               Week 1+2

               Week 2+3
                                           Forecasts of probability of above median

               Week 3+4
                                                                                            More accurate outlooks

                                       Average accuracy for all AUS and all times of year

                 Month 1

                Month 2

                Month 3


            (1-mnth lead)
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
Improved accuracy for predicting
                           El Niño

Higher values
  are better

                 Correlation skill for NINO3 outlooks initialised on 1st May
Forewarned is forearmed: Managing the impacts of extreme climate events - Debbie Hudson Bureau of Meteorology
More improvements coming…

• New multi-week forecasts
  Ø For next week and the week after

• A new version of ACCESS-S
  Ø Performs even better for the Australian region

         Week          Next        Coming       Coming
         ahead       Fortnight     Month        Season
A key challenge…

Understanding and
communicating probabilities
2015/16 engagement: User
comprehension is linked with user
satisfaction i.e. those that answered
comprehension questions incorrectly
were 3 times as likely to be dissatisfied
with the service

                                                      Courtesy of Beth Ebert
BoM Climate prediction service
                       Seasonal Outlooks (beyond the 7-day weather forecast)

•   Monthly and seasonal outlooks
     Probability of above/below median

•   Forecasts of ENSO & IOD
•   Northern rainfall onset
•   Seasonal streamflow forecasts
•   Tropical cyclone outlook
•   Sea surface temperature
Rural RnD4Profit Project:
                         Forewarned is forearmed

   Forewarned is forearmed: managing the impacts of extreme
                        climate events

Research partners                                                Rural RDC & other
Univ. Melbourne                                                  Meat and Livestock Australia
                                                                 Grains RDC
Monash Univ.
Univ. S. Queensland
                                    USERS                        Sugar Research Australia
                                                                 Cotton RDC
                                                                 AgriFutures Australia
DEDJTR                                                           Dairy Australia
DAFQ                                                             Wine Australia
Birchip Cropping Group                                           Australian Pork

 Managed by Meat and Livestock Australia; 17 collaborating partner organisations; 2017-2022
1. The foundation

        Assessing user       Improving the     Underpinning
            needs           forecast system      science

    Research partners                          Rural RDC & other partners
BoM                                           Meat and Livestock Australia
Univ. Melbourne            Work package 1:    Grains RDC
Monash Univ.                                  Sugar Research Australia
                            User needs and    Cotton RDC
Univ. S. Queensland
SARDI                       Forecast system   AgriFutures Australia
                                              Dairy Australia
DEDJTR                       development      Wine Australia
DAFQ                                          Australian Pork
Birchip Cropping Group
Assessing user needs

What kind of
                              Critical times of year                       Critical timescales
           How far in
                                                                              Prolonged heavy rain in
         advance do you                   A run of very hot nights in         October is…… If I knew there
         need to know?                    September is bad for ……             were going to be more than
                                                                              average extremely wet days I
I really need to know if Oct-Dec is
going to be a very wet season.                 Early frosts have a very
Ideally I need to know this by July. If        negative impact. If I knew
I knew, then I could make decisions            there was an increased
to …                                           likelihood of a frosts more
                                               than one week in advance, I
Underpinning science e.g. ENSO

                 Increased chance of heat extremes during El Niño
                               especially in Spring
                   Observations                        POAMA

             SON                               SON

                                                       Increased chance of
                                                       an extremely hot week

Heat extreme: weekly-mean Tmax in decile 10
Forecast skill: Windows of forecast

                        Example: More skill in El Niño/La Niña periods
                                        Skill for forecasting extreme heat

                     Skill when in                                           Skill when ENSO is
                    El Niño/La Niña                                             weak/neutral

                                                         Higher values are better
Decile 10 Tmax in JJA in weeks 2 and 3 of the forecast
2. Developing and delivering

                                          Work package 2:
                                            Extreme forecast
                                         products development
                                              and delivery

•   Develop a range of heat, cold and rainfall experimental extremes forecast products from ACCESS-S
    on multi-week to seasonal timescales;

•   Make experimental products available on a research web server for trial and feedback;

•   Deliver operational forecasts for a subset that have sufficient accuracy and utility. The products will be
    of broad utility across industries (i.e. not highly tailored for a specific industry).
What is an extremes forecast product?

Forecasting climate extremes
Averaged/accumulated over a period (e.g. week, fortnight, month, season)

e.g., extremely hot month, extremely dry season

Forecasting extreme weather events (beyond the 7-day
Likelihood of weather events in a given period

e.g., probability of heatwaves, frosts, heavy rainfall events

                 99 equally likely
            ("ensemble" of forecasts)          Outlooks for multi-
                                               week and seasonal
every day     The ensemble is used to
                create the forecast
            e.g., if 80 of these 99 outlooks
            predict above-average rainfall
                 for a season, then the
              likelihood of a wetter than
                average season for the
                      location is 80%
Currently available product operationally is:
       Probability of above median

         Forecast for JFM 2019 Rainfall
Getting more information from the forecast:
                         3-category probabilities

Forecast for JFM 2019 Rainfall: Probability for
most likely category
Getting even more information from the forecast:
                         Chance of being in outer deciles (e.g., very dry)

Forecast for JFM 2019 Rainfall: Chance of being in
decile 1&2

                                                           Increased likelihood of having Decile 1&2 (brown colours)
                                                           (i.e. of being amongst the driest fifth of JFM seasons
Climatological expected probability for Decile 1&2 (20%)
Heat extremes example
                           25 - 31 December 2018

                            WEEK 2 FORECAST: Chance of a heatwave
                                (three or more consecutive days Tmean > 90th percentile)

Observed Tmean
25 – 31 December 2018
Forecast timeseries example


       Loxton: Mar 2019 Tmax

                    Grey shading shows thresholds for
                    what has historically happened for that
                    time of year. Can see how forecast
                    differs from what is "usually" expected.
                    Grey line is the median – "average"
                    value for that time of year.
Forecast 95th

Forecast 75th

                                  A summary
Forecast                           of the 99

Forecast 25th

Forecast 5th
3. Linking forecasts and user

                                                   Work package 3:
                                    USERS         Interfacing to Industry

    Research partners                                       Rural RDC & other
BoM                                                              partners
Univ. Melbourne                                          Meat and Livestock Australia
                                                         Grains RDC
Monash Univ.
                                                         Sugar Research Australia
Univ. S. Queensland                                      Cotton RDC
SARDI                                                    AgriFutures Australia
DEDJTR                                                   Dairy Australia
DAFQ                                                     Wine Australia
                                                         Australian Pork
Birchip Cropping Group
Linking forecasts and user

Courtesy of Jemma
Pearl, Birchip Cropping
4. Extension and training

      Work Package 4:
          Extension and            USERS

    Research partners                                    Rural RDC & other
BoM                                                           partners
Univ. Melbourne                                       Meat and Livestock Australia
                                                      Grains RDC
Monash Univ.
                                                      Sugar Research Australia
Univ. S. Queensland                                   Cotton RDC
SARDI                                                 AgriFutures Australia
DEDJTR                                                Dairy Australia
DAFQ                                                  Wine Australia
                                                      Australian Pork
Birchip Cropping Group
Rural RnD4Profit Project:
                                         Forewarned is forearmed

                         Module 4:             Adoption                          Adoption         Module 3:
                         Extension and                          USERS                             Interfacing to
                            training                                                            Industry decisions        Photo: Jennifer Metcalfe,
                                                                                                                          Econnect Communications

                                    Feedback                                                Feedback
                                                              Module 2:
                                                             Extreme forecast
                                                          products development
                                                               and delivery
                                  Feedback                                                  Feedback

                                                                                                                Rural RDC & other
    Research partners                                                                                                partners
Univ. Melbourne                                               Module 1:                                      Meat and Livestock Australia
                                                                                                             Grains RDC
Monash Univ.                                                 User needs and                                  Sugar Research Australia
Univ. S. Queensland
                                                                                                             Cotton RDC
SARDI                                                        Forecast system                                 AgriFutures Australia
DEDJTR                                                        development                                    Dairy Australia
DAFQ                                                                                                         Wine Australia
Birchip Cropping Group                                                                                       Australian Pork
Partnerships with users will become increasingly
                 important in order to unlock the true potential and
                 value of multi-week and seasonal forecasts

No matter how accurate a weather
                                                             The sidewalk
forecast or climate outlook is:          The sidewalk that   the user wants
                                             was built
   – If it doesn’t provide information
     users need
   – If it isn’t issued when users are
     making their critical decisions
   – If it is misinterpreted
   – If it cannot help make a
     decision….                                               Canberra 2017

*The forecast has little real value
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