For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
                      VOL. 47 | ISS. 5

‘For this
and future
Montana celebrates
50th anniversary of
state constitution

  MJF announces Access                   New column: Jury Behavior
  to Justice grants                      Tax audit myths
  Mediation settlement                   and much more
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
                                                                        VOL. 47 ISS. 5

The Montana Lawyer is published 6 times a
                                                 FEATURE ARTICLES

year by the State Bar of Montana, 33 S. Last
Chance Gulch, Suite 1B, P.O. Box 577, Helena,
MT 59624 as its official publication for all
Publisher | John Mudd
Editor | Joe Menden
Montana Lawyer Subscriptions are a benefit
of State Bar membership. Subscriptions for
nonmembers are available for $50 per year.
Ad rates and subscription information are
available at
Statements and expressions of opinion
appearing in the Montana Lawyer are those
of the advertisers or authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the State Bar
of Montana.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Montana
                                                 THE LAWYERS OF THE 1972 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION
Lawyer, P.O. Box 577, Helena MT 59624.           As Montana celebrates the 50th anniversary of the convention,
STATE BAR OFFICERS                               the Montana Lawyer looks at the 24 lawyers who helped draft it.
Brian C. Smith, Missoula
David Steele, Missoula                           TO ZOOM OR NOT
Secretary-Treasurer                              TO ZOOM
Alanah Griffith, Big Sky
Immediate Past President
Kate McGrath Ellis, Helena
                                                 Weigh the pros and
Chair of the Board
                                                 cons when deciding
                                                 between in-person

J. Stuart Segrest, Helena
                                                 or virtual mediation
Area A
Randy Snyder, Bigfork                            conferences.
Area B
Elizabeth Brennan, Missoula
Erica Grinde, Missoula
Beth Hayes, Missoula
Area C
                                                  MT JUSTICE FOUNDATION & CASA
Kaylan Minor, Dillon                              A POWERFUL PARTNERSHIP
Area D

Sam Aarab, Great Falls                            MJF announces over $214K in Access
Gregory Smith, Great Falls
                                                  to Justice grants, including awards
Area E
Joel Krautter, Sidney                             to CASA programs all across Montana.
Area F
J. Stuart Segrest, Helena
Aislinn Brown, Helena
Anna Kecskes, Helena
                                                 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE
Area G
Matthew Haus, Bozeman                              4   PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE               27   TAX LAW
                                                   6                                     30
Sherine Blackford, Bozeman
                                                       MEMBER NEWS                            PRACTICING WELL
Area H
Shane P. Coleman, Billings                        13   ACCESS TO JUSTICE                 32   JURY BEHAVIOR
Antoinette “Toni” Tease, Billings
Eli Patten, Billings                              17   COURT NEWS                        34   RISK MANAGEMENT
Shane Vannatta, Missoula (Statewide Delegate)
                                                  18   CONCON ANNIVERSARY                36   IN MEMORIAM
Tucker Gannett, Billings (State Bar Delegate)                                            37 JOBS/CLASSIFIEDS
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana

    Celebrate our state constitution,
    and all who work to uphold it
         While in college, I worked part time for
    an attorney who mostly practiced in person-         COMMENTARY
    al injury law. When I mentioned that I was
    thinking about going to law school, the first     proper function of the justice system. While
    question he asked was what type of law I          there are many facets to the justice system,
                                                                                                             BRIAN C. SMITH
    was interested in. My quick and immediate         which itself is a complex tangle of people,
    response? Constitutional law. This attorney       politics, and justice, one area of common          Brian C. Smith is a longtime
    said I would not be interested in constitu-       ground on which everyone should agree is           criminal defense attorney from
    tional issues because there was no money          this:                                              Missoula who currently serves
    in it. Whether Keith Miller was right or               Those using the color of state law to         as Public Defender Division
    wrong, or whether money was even part of          incarcerate or otherwise affect the life,          administrator with the Montana
    my decision-making process, is a discussion       liberty, and property of Montana’s citizenry       Office of State Public Defender.
    for another day, but the sufficiency of pay       and those dedicating their lives to defending
    didn’t stop 24 lawyers in 1972 from joining       our citizens and our Constitution should be
    other delegates and spending 56 days in           equally compensated.
    Helena drafting a new constitution for the             The 1972 delegates provided for the         and interference, even more so than the
    State of Montana. We, the attorneys of the        right to counsel in section 24, the Rights of    United States Constitution, but our protec-
    State Bar of Montana and the citizens of          the Accused. “In all criminal prosecutions       tions are only as strong as the support we
    Montana, are indebted to the contribution         the accused shall have the right to appear       provide to those that defend it.
    of these 24 lawyers. This year is the 50th an-    and defend in person and by counsel.” We             Was Keith Miller right? So far, yes. But
    niversary of the Constitutional Convention,       need only look at the resources we give the      there is hope he will eventually be wrong.
    and it will and should be celebrated. The         defense to determine how much we – the           For the first time in our nation’s history, we
    question going forward is not whether we          citizens of Montana – value our constitu-        have a former public defender on the high-
    should protect and strengthen Montanan’s          tional rights, including the right to counsel.   est court. Congratulations on your confir-
    constitutional rights as it enters its next 50    How much is the right to privacy or the          mation, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. You
    years, but how. This is a weighty question,       right to be free from unreasonable search        give us hope. The State of Minnesota (where
    but one clear answer to enhance and protect       and seizures worth? Sections 10 and 11.          Keith is from) recently reached an agree-
    Montana’s constitution is to invest in those      How much is the right to bear arms worth?        ment with its defenders to pay them more
    individuals dedicating their practices and        Section 12. How much is due process              and control their caseloads. Oregon appears
    their lives to defending it.                      worth? Section 17. How much is the right to      to have made a commitment to re-evaluate
         Much of Montana’s Declaration of             counsel worth? Section 24. The disparity in      the way it provides defense services. The
    Rights is protected against government            resources is staring us in the face.             chief justice of the Oregon Supreme Court
    encroachment by attorneys that work for                A 2020 legislative audit of the Office of   has sounded the alarm and the legislature
    and contract with the Office of the State         the State Public Defender found that public      recently allocated $12.8 million to counties
    Public Defender. Nationwide, and in the           defenders were paid, on average, less than       with the largest shortage of attorneys. The
    State of Montana, public defense is at a crisis   all other public sector attorneys. When          pandemic and attorney shortages have not
    point. Montana, Missouri, New Hampshire,          comparing public defenders to prosecutors        been kind to public defense nationwide,
    Oregon, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico,             it isn’t hard to find examples of attorneys      including Montana. But also the problem is
    Nevada … the list goes on… are all strug-         with equal experience commonly being             deeply rooted in systems and history. Time
    gling with appropriately funding our public       paid $10,000 to $15,000 less for comparable      will tell how Montana will respond. How
    defender systems. Most states and jurisdic-       positions, and in some instances the public      much is defense of constitutional rights
    tions don’t prioritize or invest in public        defender pay is as much as $30,000 less than     worth? We should value protection of these
    defense to provide an even playing field for      their prosecution counterparts. Why? Do          rights as much as efforts to remove these
    the prosecution and defense. Parity between       we value the defense of our Constitution         rights. Celebrate Montana’s Constitution
    defense and the prosecution is a core prin-       less? There are solutions to these issues, but   this year. But remember, constitutional
    ciple of public defense, and the American         they require the willingness to invest in our    rights are only as strong as their current
    Bar Association recognizes it in its Ten          Constitution, just as our predecessors did 50    defenders. We had strong attorney defend-
    Principles of a Public Defense Delivery           years ago at the Constitutional Convention.      ers of rights at the 1972 Convention. Here is
    System. Pay and resource parity between           Montana has a powerfully protective con-         to the hope that we will have stronger, well
    the defense and prosecution is critical to the    stitution against government encroachment        resourced, defenders in the present.

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For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
    CAREER MOVES                                  active outdoors with her dog, reading       matters, and cybersecurity breach li-
                                                  a variety of literature, and cheering on    ability, planning, and incident response
    Kimball joins as associate                    Bobcat athletics. In addition, Kasey        matters.
    attorney at Berg Lilly PC                     fulfills her passion for humane and ethi-      He can be reached at 406-761-3000.
                                                  cal treatment of animals by supporting
        Kasey Kimball joined Berg Lilly, PC       the Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter      VonLangen joins Bilstein,
    as an associate attorney in January 2022.     and the Humane Society of the United        Monson & Small
        A Bozeman native, Kimball gradu-          States. Since moving back to Montana,
    ated from Montana State University            Kasey has enjoyed giving back to the          Bilstein, Monson & Small in Billings
    with high honors in 2015 before moving        community by serving as a CAP Mentor      has announced that John VonLangen
    to New York City where she enrolled in        in the Bozeman Public Schools through     has joined the firm as an associate
    the Honors Program at New York Law            Thrive, and looks forward to continued    attorney.
    School. While in law school, she au-          volunteer involvement.                        VonLangen received a Bachelor of
    thored a case comment published by the                                                  Science degree in electrical engineer-
    Law Review and served as the journal’s        Talia returns to Church, Harris,          ing from the State University of New
    managing editor. Kimball graduated            Johnson & Williams in Helena                                     York at Buffalo.
                            cum laude from                                                                         After graduation,
                            New York Law             After an eight-year break for service                         he earned his JD,
                            School in 2018, re-   with the Montana National Guard,                                 cum laude, from
                            ceiving the Dean’s    Mike Talia hung up his fatigues and                              the University of
                            Award for Student     returned to Church, Harris, Johnson &                            Dayton School of
                            Leadership and        Williams, P.C. as a shareholder in the                           Law.
                            the Faculty Award     Helena office.                                                       VonLangen
                            for Outstanding          At the Montana National Guard,                                has practiced law
                            Service to the Law    Talia’s practice focused on compliance, VonLangen                in Billings since
    Kimball                 Review.                                      federal contract-                        December of 2010
                              Following gradu-                           ing, government                          as Senior Counsel
    ation, Kimball returned to Montana                                   relations, and     for GE Capital US Holdings, Inc. han-
    where she practiced with Browning,                                   defensive cyberse- dling a wide variety of legal matters in-
    Kaleczyc, Berry & Hoven, P.C. prior to                               curity operations. cluding commercial contracts, secured
    joining Berg Lilly.                                                  He was a founding transactions, real estate, business and
        Kimball is licensed to practice in                               content developer corporate law matters, employment is-
    Montana state and federal courts and                                 and instructor     sues, licensing, data privacy, operations,
    the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. As                               of the National    internal investigations and regulatory
    part of the firm’s litigation and defense     Talia                  Guard Bureau’s     and compliance matters. Prior to join-
    team, she will be serving clients in the                            Cyber Law Course, ing GE Capital, in private practice he
    areas of general litigation, insurance                              teaching military   represented large and small lenders and
    defense, and business and commercial          lawyers nationwide about the legal        borrowers in finance transactions in-
    transactions. Kasey has extensive ex-         aspects of public-private partnerships in cluding real estate based loans and asset
    perience in contract and tort litigation,     incident response.                        based loans together with loan work-
    coverage determinations, employment              Talia resumes a litigation practice    outs and restructures. He also repre-
    actions, and commercial disputes. She         focused on commercial, real property,     sented individuals, businesses, corpora-
    looks forward to continuing to build          trust, and estate matters, and he will    tions, real estate developers, landlords,
    her practice in Bozeman and around the        support the firm’s growing personal in- tenants, investors and agribusiness
    state.                                        jury practice. He will also take Federal  owners handling all of their business,
        Away from work, Kasey enjoys              Acquisition Regulation-based con-         commercial and real estate needs.
    spending time with her family, staying        tract litigation, government relations        VonLangen is licensed to practice

       The Montana Lawyer wel-                     publications.                              Please send questions to the
       comes news from members                     If you have news you would                 same address.
       including announcements of                  like to submit to the Member                If you are submitting photos,
       new positions, advancements,                News section, you can email                they must be at a resolution of
       honors, appointments and                    it to               at least 200 ppi.

6   MONTANALAWYER                                                                                              WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
law in Montana, Alaska and Florida.          a shareholder in our firm, which will                    undergraduate at the University of
               On a personal note, John is a father     hereafter be known as Smith Oblander                     Providence. “We knew even then she
           of 3 amazing kids. He strives to live a      Meade & Mitcham, PC.                                     would be a top-notch attorney and if
           healthy and active lifestyle and enjoys                                 Mitcham                       you have ever practiced with or against
           a wide variety of fitness related activi-                           graduated from                    Kaitlyn, you know we were right!”
           ties in his free time including running,                            the University of                     In addition to helping people as
           weightlifting, hiking, biking, triathlons,                          Montana School                    a lawyer, Kaitlyn also volunteers for
           10K’s, half marathons, marathons, ad-                               of Law in 2017.                   Big Brothers Big Sisters, and was the
           venture races, snowboarding, kayaking                               She has practiced                 Secretary of the Cascade County Bar
           and paddle boarding, to name a few.                                 with the firm since               Association for several years.
                                                                               that time, engaging
           Great Falls firm announces                                          in the general prac-
           Mitcham as a new partner                     Mitcham                tice of law with an               Carestia inducted into national
                                                                              emphasis in per-
              Gregg Smith, Steph Oblander, and          sonal injury litigation.
                                                                                                                 mediation organization
           Matt Meade are extremely pleased to             The partners say it is especially                         Pax Dispute Resolution Services,
           announce that Kaitlyn Mitcham (for-          gratifying to them because Mitcham                       PLLC is pleased to announced that
           merly, Kaitlyn McArthur) has become          began her career with the firm as an                     Brandy Carestia has been inducted into
                                                                                                                 the National Academy of Distinguished
                                                                                                                 Neutrals (NADN).
                                                                                                                     With over two decades of litigation and
                                                                                                                 alternative dispute resolution experience,
                   STATE BAR OF MONTANA                                                                          Carestia specializes in the mediation and
                                                                                                                 arbitration of a broad range of civil and

                   LAWYER                                                                                        commercial disputes. She litigated profes-
                                                                                                                 sional liability, product liability, premises
                                                                                                                 liability, subrogation, and appellate cases
                   ASSISTANCE                                                                                    in the San Francisco office of Hinshaw &
                                                                                                                 Culbertson for several years before return-

                   PROGRAM                                                                                       ing to her home state of Montana, where
                                                                                                                 she further expanded her areas of expertise
                                                                                                                 through a diverse law practice. The reason,
                                                                                                                 ingenuity, and tenacity she brings to the
                                                                                                                 mediation process has led to the success-
                                                                                                                 ful resolution of countless claims since
                                                                                                                 2003. Brandy also serves as an arbitrator of
                                                                                                                 various civil claims, including class action
                                                                                                                 claims across the United States against
                                                                                                                 several major auto manufacturers. She
                                                                                                                 founded Pax Dispute Resolution Services,
                                                                                                                 PLLC to further expand innovative dispute
                                                                                                                 resolution offerings, including the utiliza-
                                                                                                                 tion of specifically tailored systems to re-
                                                                                                                 fine online negotiation, mediation, neutral
                                                                                                                 evaluation, and arbitration.
                   Stress? Anxiety? Depression?                                                                      The National Academy of
                                                                                                                 Distinguished Neutrals is a professional
                   Substance abuse or gambling addiction?                                                        association whose membership consists
                                                                                                                 of ADR professionals distinguished by
                   You don’t have to go it alone.                                                                their hands-on experience in the field of
                                                                                                                 civil and commercial conflict resolution.
                                                                                                                 Membership is by invitation only and all
                   24-HOUR HOTLINE                                                                               Academy members have been thoroughly
                   406-660-1181                                                                                  reviewed and found to meet stringent
                                                                                                                 practice criteria. Members are amongst the
                                                                                                                                       More News, next page
          WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                                                APRIL/MAY2022        7

sept oct.indd 13                                                                         10/18/2018 4:38:16 PM
For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana
    FROM PAGE 7                                   Gallagher retires after 30 years
                                                  with Federal Defenders of MT
    most in-demand neutrals in their respec-
    tive states, as selected by their peers and
    approved by local litigators.
        “We’re delighted to recognize Brandy          Anthony R. Gallagher retired on           maintained an active litigation and
    Carestia to the Academy’s Montana             April 1 after 30 years as executive           appellate practice while serving as
    Chapter in recognition of Excellence in       director of the Federal Defenders of          executive director, “exemplifying
    her mediation practice,” commented            Montana, having served in that role           his incredible work ethic and lead-
    Darren Lee, Executive Director of             since he was selected as the first execu-     ing by example. He has taken part in
    NADN.                                         tive director for the Federal Defenders       hundreds of jury and non-jury trials,
                                                  upon its creation in 1992.                    argued before the Ninth Circuit on
    PUBLICATION                                       The Federal Defenders is a com-           numerous occasions, and mentored
                                                  munity defender organization created          countless attorneys both at the Federal
    Zellmer publishes article                     pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act          Defenders of Montana and through the
    on freshwater protections                     to provide criminal defense services to       Criminal Justice Act panel mentorship
                                                                        indigent individuals    program. He maintained this practice
        Sandra Zellmer, professor of law                                charged with the full   while providing leadership to the Great
    at the Blewett School of Law, recently                              gamut of criminal       Falls headquarters office of FDOM, and
    published an article on the American                                accusations in fed-     all three branches located across the
    College of Environmental Lawyers                                    eral court through-     state in Helena, Missoula and Billings,
    (ACOEL) website titled “Will the                                    out the district of     regularly traveling to provide support
    30 x 30 Initiative Protect 30% of the                               Montana.                and management to attorneys and staff
    Freshwaters by 2030?”                                                  “Under Tony’s        throughout the state of Montana.”
        Also published by JDSupra and the                               excellent manage-           A fellow of the American College of
    Center for Progressive Reform, the ar-                               ment, the Federal      Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal
    ticle examines the global movement to         Gallagher
                                                                         Defenders of           associations of America for which mem-
    protect 30 percent of the Earth’s lands                              Montana has            bership is extended only by invitation
    and waters by 2030.                           garnered the reputation of providing          to extremely experienced trial lawyers
                                                  excellent criminal defense services to        with the highest ethical, professional,
                                                  those charged in federal court,” said         and collegial practices, Gallagher has
                                                  Hank Branom, senior litigator for the         also won countless other awards and
                                                  Federal Defenders. The organization has       honors. He was named Criminal
                                                  grown from five employees in 1992 to          Defense Lawyer of the Year in 2005 by
                                                  32 employees now, employing a range           the Montana Association of Criminal
                                                  of individuals from attorneys to legal        Defense Lawyers. In 2016, he received
                                                  assistants, paralegals, investigators and     the prestigious Ninth Circuit John
                                                  computer systems analysts.                    Frank Award, which “recognizes an out-
                                                      Before assuming the executive             standing lawyer practicing in the federal
                                                  director position, Gallagher worked           courts of the western United States.”
                                                  in both private and public positions.             Gallagher has also contributed to
                                                  After graduating with distinction from        the greater legal community through
                                                  Duquesne University in Pittsburgh in          sharing his knowledge with others.
                                                  1971, and following decorated service         He has been an adjunct professor at
                                                  in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam           three law schools, a guest lecturer at
                                                  conflict, he received his Juris Doctor        five others, and a featured speaker on
                                                  from the University of Baltimore School       criminal defense topics and professional
                                                  of Law. He then worked for nearly seven       ethics for Continuing Legal Education
                                                  years as a prosecutor in Baltimore, leav-     programs throughout the United States.
                                                  ing to become an assistant federal public     He has served on a number of local and
                                                  defender for the District of Maryland.        national committees, expert panels,
                                                  After a brief stint in private practice he    advisory and working groups, helping
                                                  rejoined the Federal Public Defenders in      to improve the provision of indigent de-
                                                  Maryland as a supervisory assistant, and      fense services across the nation, within
                                                  later, acting federal public defender.
                                                      Branom said that Gallagher                                 More Gallagher, page 19

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                                                                          Cory’s experience litigating and negotiating resolution
                                                                          in these areas is a distinct advantage:

                                                                            Boundary disputes               Nuisances
                                                                            Business                        Partner/Shareholder/
                                                                            transactions                    Member disputes
                                                                            Commercial                      Personal injury
                                                                            transactions                    Probate and will disputes
                                                                            Construction law                Professional negligence
                                                                            Contract disputes               (architects, engineers,
                                                                            Contract negotiation            attorneys, etc.)
                                                                            Easements                       Real estate disputes
                                                                            Employment law                  Soil and structural
                                                                                                            Union contracts
                                                                            Insurance coverage
                                                                                                            Water disputes
                                                                            Land use

                                                                          OUR REFERENCES
                                                                          I strongly recommend that Cory Gangle be
                                                                          considered as your mediator. Over the last few
                                                                          years, I served as a mediator for Cory in a series of
                                                                          complex litigated matters. I found Cory to always
                                                                          be extremely prepared. By working with Cory, I
                                                                          found that he has many of the attributes and skills
                                                                          necessary to be an effective mediator. These
                                                                          include his knowledge, experience, intelligence,
                                                                          patience, neutrality, optimism, respectfulness and
                                                                          professionalism. I know Cory will do great work”.

       GANGLE                                                                         – Michael A. Viscomi, Esq.

       MEDIATION                                                          Over the past several years, I have had the
                                                                          opportunity to mediate many cases in which Cory
                                                                          Gangle was involved. Cory has evolved into an
                                                                          outstanding litigant in both his approach to
                                                                          resolution and demeanor. I believe Cory would be a
       A direct hard-working approach to                                  very good mediator, studious, and balancing
       dispute resolution.                                                arguments to effect an acceptable resolution. I
                                                                          recommend Cory as a choice for your mediation”.
       Cory Gangle has approximately 20 years of
       experience in litigation, business and dispute
       negotiation, and transaction review.                                           – Dennis E. Lind, Esq.

       Cory’s litigation experience includes both
       plaintiffs’ work and defense work (including
       insurance defense and insurance coverage).
       His experience on all sides brings substantial                     TO SCHEDULE
       value to the dispute resolution process.                           There are three ways to schedule a mediation
       Cory is highly recommended by some of                              or arbitration:
       Montana’s finest mediators. Allow Gangle
       Mediation Services to serve as your next                           1. Email
       settlement master or mediator. You will not                        2. Schedule Online at
       be disappointed.                                                   3. Contact us at (406) 273-4304   |    |   (406) 273-4304   |    3 0 1 1 Am e r i ca n Way, M i s s o u l a , M T 5 9 8 0 8

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For this and future generations' - ALSO INSIDE: MJF announces Access to Justice grants Mediation settlement conferences - State Bar of Montana

     To Zoom or not to Zoom?
     By Brandy Carestia                        mediation are well-known and have a         in tone through a computer speaker,
                                               proven track record. Building the rap-      headphones, or ear buds. For attorneys,
         The pandemic brought the neces-       port and trust that comes from a solid      assessing the other side’s “Exhibit A”
     sity of online mediation to the forefront handshake and conveying understand-         (or giving opposing counsel or a claims
     of nearly every attorney’s practice.      ing, empathy, and sincerity by looking      adjuster the opportunity to do so) is also
     Video-conferencing platforms like         someone in the eye can be more difficult    more effective in person.
     Zoom have enabled cases to continue       online and is certainly helpful in allow-       Frankly, when parties are required
     through lockdowns and their use has       ing everyone involved to work toward        to come together in the same physical
     now become the norm. Despite technol- the resolution of a dispute. Recognizing        place at the same time to address the
     ogy lubricating the wheels of justice to  all the nonverbal cues that make up         problem that everyone has, there is a
     keep them turning through the sludge of such a large piece of what is actually        formality to the occasion that reinforces
     COVID-19, many of us prefer in-person communicated is more limited when               the idea that today is the day to get this
     mediation.                                viewing just the speaker’s face through     done. Everyone’s focus is on the same
         After all, the benefits of in-person  a web camera and listening for changes      problem. Now is the time.

10   MONTANALAWYER                                                                                          WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG
Whether you hold a conference in person or online can
affect cost, convenience, time – and a whole lot more
    The last many months have proven,        other business endeavors even longer           attendance by all parties is more assured
however, that a good mediator can suc-       are all spared when travel is eliminated.      without travel being involved. Online
ceed in all that is required to assist the   Saving travel costs may also leave more        mediation conferences also offer greater
parties in getting cases settled despite     resources available for resolution. At         accessibility to mediation by allowing
whatever obstacles video conferencing        times, larger in-person mediation cases        participants to join the mediation from
might present. What may come as a            have required clients, attorneys, and          any quiet, secure environment with a
surprise to some is that online media-       representatives to set aside a full week       good internet connection.
tion exerts its own unique impetus in        to travel to and conduct an in-person              In-person conferences, however,
encouraging cases to settle.                 mediation. Even local in-person media-         allow the mediator to ensure that the
    First of all, there are the obvious      tions could take a sizable portion of a        process remains confidential, ensure
convenience and cost-saving benefits         day to drive, fight traffic, find the office   that all who have an interest in the reso-
of eliminating the need to travel. Travel    location, and park the car. Especially in      lution are present, and ensure that no
expenses, gasoline, hourly fees, and the     this climate of flight delays or cancella-
opportunity cost of being away from          tions and inclement driving conditions,         MORE ZOOM, NEXT PAGE

WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                                   APRIL/MAY2022       11
ZOOM                                          conferences, you may not have consid-        seat behind you on the plane are not
     FROM PREVIOUS PAGE                            ered, however, the ways in which hold-       conducive to the collaborative mindset
                                                   ing a mediation conference online can        the mediator hopes to foster when the
     others are unknowingly present at one         actually provide an environment more         conference begins. Conflicts are already
     of the locations. Because the mediator        conducive to settlement than in-person       distressing situations. The less anxiety
     does not have complete control over the conferences in some cases. In certain              a participant experiences of any kind,
     physical environment of each party dur- types of cases like family, employment,            the more conducive that participant
     ing online conferences, the importance        and wrongful death, or any highly            is to compromise. After dealing with
     of confidentiality should be addressed        emotional case, the parties may well be      whatever travel frustrations they might
     prior to the mediation and commit-            far more likely to compromise when           encounter, people can be understand-
     ments that the rules will be followed         they are not required to be at the same      ably upset or frazzled when they arrive,
     should be obtained from each partici-         location.                                    requiring more time and effort to bring
     pant. While the mediator may have less            While the very existence of conflict     the parties back to the mindset that
     control over each participant’s environ- can be stressful, when people in con-             will lead to resolution. Mediators and
     ment during an online conference, the         flict are in the same room, stress levels    the parties instead can benefit from
     mediator gains more control over other tend to be even greater. Sometimes                  individuals starting off more relaxed,
     aspects of the process since the media-       even inadvertent contact with another        at ease, comfortable, and focused at
     tor has the ability to mute participants      party can cause emotional flare-ups that     the outset. More importantly, noth-
     or immediately send them to another           might cloud one’s ability to make logical    ing creates a more relaxed, secure, and
     “room”, and has control over what is          decisions. Keeping stress levels as low      open emotional state than being in
     shared on the screen.                         as possible allows all parties to maintain   one’s own home or office. An increased
         Online conferences continue to pro- focus on the effort to find a reasonable           comfort level leads to greater honesty
     vide the opportunity for attorneys and        resolution.                                  in the exchange of information and,
     their clients to consult and brainstorm           Keep in mind that even when a me-        ultimately, greater willingness to reach
     between caucus sessions in their own          diator refrains from bringing everyone       a compromise that will ultimately work
     breakout rooms, just as is done during        together during an in-person mediation       for everyone.
     in-person conferences. However, in this in a contentious case, each party still                And yet, sometimes the parties are
     setting, all participants have the oppor- knows the other is in the building and           best served by being physically present
     tunity to engage in other activities when stress levels and emotions may rise with         in one place at the same time, looking
     the mediator is with another party. For       the worry of running into one another        each other and the mediator in the eye,
     example, clients are able to tend to other on a break or while entering or leaving         and absorbing all the nonverbal cues.
     responsibilities at home and attorneys        the building, or with the trepidation of     Sometimes the benefits of an online
     have convenient access to all their files     crossing paths enroute to the restroom       conference provide a softer path to a
     and office staff. Yet, this ability to multi- or when stepping outside for a breath of     more advantageous settlement. The
     task may result in participants devoting fresh air. Holding a mediation confer-            bottom line is that the benefits of an in-
     less focus to resolving the dispute than      ence online can eliminate the possibility    person mediation conference outweigh
     they would during an in-person confer- of even catching a glimpse of the other             the benefits of an online mediation
     ence. In this regard, the mediator can        party entirely. The physical separation      conference in some cases and the ben-
     implement ground rules for keeping            from potentially emotionally trigger-        efits of an online mediation conference
     parties focused and should also be pre-       ing individuals and the comfort a home       outweigh the benefits of an in-person
     pared to intervene when needed if the         environment provides can improve the         mediation conference in others. A good
     parties are not fully engaged.                emotional climate in mediation and           mediator should be able to skillfully em-
         Not only is productivity increased        keep everyone’s focus on getting the         ploy either method to help the parties
     but the convenience that comes with           case resolved. Consequently, less stress-    resolve the dispute in the most efficient
     mediating online allows for greater           ful environments enable participants to      and beneficial way for all involved.
     flexibility in scheduling, as well. For in- think more clearly, be more reasonable,
     stance, an online mediation conference more successfully regulate emotions,                   Brandy Carestia
                                                                                                specializes in the me-
     could be scheduled on an afternoon            and make better decisions.                   diation and arbitra-
     when one of the parties has another               Removing the travel component            tion of a broad range
     commitment that morning; whereas,             also results in less stress in many cases.   of civil and commer-
     scheduling mediation that day might                                                        cial disputes. You can
                                                   In a state like Montana, where parties       reach her at bcares-
     not be feasible at all if that party needed or their attorneys frequently reside in
     time in the morning to travel to the          different locales, white knuckle driv-
     mediation.                                    ing for miles in the middle of a snow
         While you may have consid-                storm or the shrill cry of the baby in the
     ered these side advantages of online

12   MONTANALAWYER                                                                                                WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG

CASA organizations around the state are among MJF grant recipients for 2022. (Photo courtesy of CASA of
Yellowstone County)

Montana Justice Foundation and CASA:
A powerful partnership for Montana kids
By Niki Zupanic                                   According to CASA of Montana, even         RELATED ARTICLES
Montana Justice Foundation                    though 914 volunteers were working
                                              with 2,253 children in 2020, nearly 1,000      Development director
    They are essential links in the chain     children await an advocate of their own.       for CASA of Yellowstone
of justice. They speak up for the young-      Besides recruitment, groups face other         County discusses
est and most vulnerable. They are CASA        challenges that come with Montana’s            CASA’s work, its needs,
volunteers, advocating for abused and         great size and rural makeup. One of our        and its partnership
neglected children in Montana.                grantees, Eastern Montana CASA, covers         with Montana Justice
    CASA groups are the only organiza-        18 counties and 105 small towns! Their         Foundation. Page 15
tions empowering local citizens to speak      hard-working volunteers often drive            See the list of organi-
on behalf of children in foster care. Their   long distances on two-lane snow-covered        zations and programs
work is vital in “normal years.” During       roads to visit children. With gas costs ris-   from around Montana
these challenging times, with Montana         ing, a single trip for a volunteer can run     that are 2022 MJF grant
facing alarming increases in child abuse      as high as $200.                               recipients.
and neglect, they are even more essen-            Our support of CASA organizations          Page 16
tial. That’s why five of our grantees were    dates back more than 20 years. In 2021
CASA groups in 2021, and why this year,
we hope to support them even more.            MORE MJF, PAGE 15

WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                         APRIL/MAY2022   13
For CASA programs, needs have never been greater
even as resources are tight, development director says
    When it comes to serving                                                             I-90- corridor – which can lead to fam-
Yellowstone County’s children in fos-                                                    ily breakdowns. The cycle of substance
ter care, what is the current situation                                                  abuse is sometimes inter-generational.
for the CASA program?                                                                    Poverty and untreated mental ill-
    The needs are great. Right now, we                                                   ness, too. These are multi-dimensional
have 780 children in foster care in the                                                  challenges.
county, making us the largest popula-                                                         Who is an ideal CASA volunteer?
tion by county of children in need in                                                         A volunteer makes a commitment
Montana. But we have less than 300                                                       of 18-24 months to help a child, 5 to 15
volunteer advocates. That means our                                                      hours per month is needed. We have
CASA staff need to go through and pri-                                                   retired teachers and nurses – these are
oritize, choosing cases where children                                                   people who have skills to bring, but
were most seriously abused or severely                                                   we also have young professionals and
neglected. We would like to serve each                                                   people with a variety of backgrounds.
child who would benefit from having a                                                    You can make it work So many poten-
volunteer advocate, but this is just not                                                 tial volunteers don’t even know that
possible at this time.                                                                   they could excel in this role.
    What other issues are surfacing?                                                          For some advocates, it can be tough,
    A disproportionate number of the                                                     though. There really is such a thing as
                                             Emily Gaudreau, development
children we serve are Native American.                                                   secondary trauma, which can affect a
                                             director for CASA of Yellowstone
Since we are a child-focused organiza-                                                   person who is advocating for a child.
tion, we need to embrace the cultures                                                    But it’s rewarding. Sometimes a CASA
our children come from and make our              Has the pandemic affected how           volunteer is the sole constant in a child’s
training and programs inclusive. We          your organization works?                    life filled with turmoil and uncertainty.
don’t just want to be “checking a box”           Yes, very much so. We likely lost       These children go from home to home,
on surveys about diversity – these are       about a quarter of our advocates dur-       school to school in an overwhelmed
values we need to carry out in practical     ing the whole time, and some of those       system. Reliability from some adult
terms. We’re making real strides in this     decreases are still going on. Some          is important. Volunteers see children
area.                                        volunteers were unable to keep helping      through key milestones.
    How has Montana Justice                  us because of Covid restrictions, or bal-        Given the tough situation, what
Foundation helped with those                 ancing their own family needs. We will      keeps    you going?
challenges?                                  need to rebuild. In a social system that is      In  my three years in this role, I’ve
    Definitely by supporting training of     overloaded, volunteers and profession-      always    found  it personally inspiring. I’m
new volunteers. Helping us to create         als alike are stretched thin.               fortunate    to be here. Everyone wants
quality materials and pay for the costs of       The pandemic revealed stresses          their   community     to be the best place
holding our recruitment events, train-       that were already present, though, that     to  live and  work   and   have friends and
ings and with recognition of quality         contribute to child welfare cases going     family.   I’m  no different.   I truly believe
volunteers. Recruitment and retention        up. Current challenges that we face are     that   the best way   to invest   in the future
efforts really are key to our success and    an increase in methamphetamine use          of  our  communities      is to work   with our
you support us in that way.                  – it’s linked to the trafficking along the  children.

                                             counties. Our grantees consistently           grantees have been even more flexible
 MJF                                         deliver exceptional assistance, employ-       and innovative during these uncertain
                                             ing data-informed and evidence-based          times.
and 2022, we made grants to CASA pro-        strategies that result in better outcomes        Your support through Montana
grams stretching from Libby to Ekalaka,      for the children they serve. In December      Justice Foundation makes a differ-
including organizations in eastern           2021, we invited CASA of Yellowstone          ence to our grantees across the state.
Montana, and Yellowstone, Missoula,          County to talk to our Board of Directors      Unfortunately, our ability to fully
Lake, Sanders, Lincoln, and Flathead         and highlight their work (see sidebar). It
                                             was clear from that discussion that our        MORE MJF, NEXT PAGE

WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                                    APRIL/MAY2022        15
MJF announces $241K in Access to Justice Grants
         The Montana Justice Foundation          at Montana Fair Housing in Butte,          MJF GRANT RECIPIENTS
     is proud to announce the 2021-2022          and the Montana Innocence Project’s
     recipients of our Access to Justice         wrongful conviction program. MJF also      The following organizations have
                                                                                            received Montana Justice Foundation
     Grants. This past year, MJF made new        awarded a grant to the International
                                                                                            Access to Justice Grants.
     awards totaling $241,500 to 15 nonprofit    Rescue Committee in Missoula, al-
     organizations across the state. Our grant   lowing them to continue providing           Organization                         Award
     programs serve ordinary Montanans:          low- and no-fee immigration services        Montana Legal Services Association   $172,500
     children in foster care, families work-     to refugees, asylees, and immigrants        Montana Legal Services Association
     ing to make ends meet, veterans denied      throughout the state. And as Montana           Eviction Data Project             $6,000
     hard-earned benefits, seniors, and          continues to grapple with the pandemic
                                                                                             Cascade County Law Clinic            $4,875
     survivors escaping abusive and violent      recovery – and many communities face
     environments. We support projects           alarming increases in child abuse and       SAFE Harbor                          $5,000
     that help people stay in stable housing,    neglect cases, in particular – Montana      YWCA of Billings                     $5,625
     receive medical care, and get back onto a   Justice Foundation continues to provide     YWCA of Missoula                     $2,000
     path of safety and financial security.      funding to Court Appointed Special
                                                                                             Community Dispute Resolution
         Many of our grantee organizations       Advocate (CASA) programs to en-                Center of Missoula County         $4,000
     provide direct legal representation, such   sure that children have a voice as they
                                                                                             Billings Mediation Center            $3,500
     as Montana Legal Services Association,      navigate the legal system. [See Montana
     Cascade County Law Clinic, and pro-         Justice Foundation and CASA: Powerful       Montana Fair Housing                 $5,500
     grams that serve survivors of sexual        Partnership for Children starting on        Montana Innocence Project            $3,000
     assault and domestic violence, such as      page 12]                                    International Rescue Committee of
     SAFE Harbor of Ronan and the YWCAs              Funding for our Access to Justice       Missoula                             $3,000
     in Billings and Missoula. However, the      Grants is made possible through the         CASA of Yellowstone County           $5,000
     range of services provided by our grant-    generous support of our donors and
                                                                                             CASA of Lake & Sanders Counties      $4,500
     ees includes so much more. Montana          the Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts
     Justice Foundation grants went to the       (IOLTA) program. MJF is grateful to at-     CASA for Kids                        $4,500
     mediation programs at the Billings          torneys for maintaining their IOLTA ac-     CASA of Missoula                     $3,000
     Mediation Center and the Community          counts, which helps us provide funding      Eastern Montana CASA GAL             $9,500
     Dispute Resolution Center in Missoula,      to impactful legal aid programs across
                                                                                             Total                                $241,500
     the housing discrimination program          our state.

     MJF                                       and even turn away new grantees. In         across the state, and possibly offer our
     FROM PREVIOUS PAGE                        each of our last 10 years, requests from    current grantees technical assistance
                                               worthy groups have exceeded our abil-       or strategic advice. Your support will
     fund the deserving organizations is       ity to help.                                help expand the powerful partnership
     in jeopardy. Historically low interest        With additional funding from our        between the legal community and orga-
     rates have devastated our funding from foundation, CASA programs could                nizations that make our justice system
     IOLTA accounts. Even as the need for      recruit, train and retain many more         work better – for more than 3,000 of
     assistance has never been greater, we     volunteers. Your gifts would pay for        Montana’s most deserving children.
     have fewer resources for our grant-       educational sessions, producing materi-
                                                                                              Niki Zupanic has been the execu-
     ees. In 2021, we had no choice but to     als and ongoing travel needs. With          tive director of the Montana Justice
     reduce all our existing grantees’ awards, your help, we could fund more groups        Foundation since December 2015.

16   MONTANALAWYER                                                                                                  WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG

Court approves Rules for Access
to Trial Court Public Record Portal
    The Montana Supreme Court on             court records available through local           service, and
April 7 approved Rules for Access to         Clerks of Courts’ offices. Access to offi-         g. Not unduly burden the ongoing
the Trial Court Public Record Portal         cial court records is governed by statute       business of the judiciary.
proposed by the court’s Commission on        and court orders. Best practice guides           Section 2.00 - Who Has Access
Technology effective immediately.            for searching and using the public por-       under these Rules
    The court considered the proposed        tal, including links to the appropriate lo-      Every member of the public will have
rules at a public meeting on April 5,        cal court, are available at    the same access, at no cost, to the trial
inviting comments and questions from         The public portal is intended to:             court public portal as deployed by the
interested parties and the public.               Maximize accessibility to court           Office of Court Administrator under
    Following is the text of the sections    records,                                      the direction of the Commission on
stating the purpose of the rules and who           a. Support the role of the              Technology. The COT recognizes the
has access under them.                          judiciary,                                 rules will need to change as more courts
    Section 1.00 - Purpose of these                b. Promote governmental                 use e-filing and different technologies
Rules:                                          accountability,                            become available to increase the type of
    These rules provide policy guidance            c. Contribute to public safety,         information available in a centralized
for the use of the Full Court Enterprise           d. Protect individual privacy           public portal.
portal that provides public access to re-       rights and interests,                         The court’s order and the adopted
cords filed with district court and courts         e. Make most effective use of           rules are posted online at
of limited jurisdiction. These rules are        court and clerk of court staff,  
not intended to address access to official         f. Provide excellent customer

Haladay, Mendenhall, Ogle tapped for Commission on Practice
   The Montana Supreme Court has             County.                                       represent Area F, which consists of Lewis
appointed three attorney members to the         Missoula attorney Carl Mendenhall          and Clark and Broadwater counties.
court’s Commission on Practice repre-        was reappointed to represent Area B,              Haladay, Mendenhall and Ogle were
senting Areas A, B, and F.                   which consists of Missoula and Mineral        selected after elections were conducted
   Kalispell attorney Randall S. Ogle was    Counties.                                     in their respective districts. The top three
reappointed to the commission to repre-         Helena attorney Andres Haladay             candidates in each election were for-
sent Area A, which consists of Flathead      was appointed to the commission to            warded to the court for selection.

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WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                                      APRIL/MAY2022      17

     50th Anniversary Constitution Celebration
     event to be held at State Capitol June 15-16
         “We the people of Montana grateful to    immediately accepted the opportunity.
     God for the quiet beauty of our state, the       The committee has been working
     grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of   hard to put together a series of events
     our rolling plains, and desiring to improve  across Montana on the Constitution’s
     the quality of life, equality of opportunity 50th Anniversary. The planned events
     and to secure the blessings of liberty for   highlight the Constitution’s uniqueness
     this and future generations do ordain and    and importance. We hope to promote a
     establish this constitution.” – Preamble,    better understanding of its provisions by
     Montana Constitution.                        all Montana citizens.
                                                      On May 23, in conjunction with the
     By Joel Krautter                             Mike Mansfield Center and Leadership
                                                  Montana, CCCC will conduct concur-
         Every time I read the Preamble to        rent “We the People” community discus-
     our Montana Constitution I am filled         sions about Montana’s Constitution in         CELEBRATION
     with pride and inspiration. Not only do I    Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls,        COMMITTEE MEMBERS
     get to call this great state home, but, as a Helena, Kalispell, Lewistown, Missoula
     Montana attorney, I am thankful to take      and Sidney. On June 15-16, the 50th           The Constitutional Convention
     and adhere to an oath to “support, protect Anniversary Constitution Celebration            Celebration Committee is made
     and defend” our beautifully written and      will culminate in Helena at the State         up of Governors Ted Schwinden,
     forward-looking Constitution.                Capitol and the Montana Historical            Marc Racicot, Brian Schweitzer
         Fifty years ago,100 citizen-delegates    Society, with a series of tributes, recep-    and Steve Bullock, honor-
     from every corner of the state came to-      tions, panel discussions and keynote          ary chairs; Co-Chair Mae Nan
     gether to draft our Constitution. “We the addresses. In the spirit of the 1972             Ellingson of Missoula, retired
     people” adopted it, and we are the source Constitution, all events are free and open       attorney and ConCon Delegate;
     of all political power. Many provisions      to the public. For those in the legal pro-    Co-Chair Jerry Loendorf of
     have come to be taken for granted by         fession, CLE credit approval for the panel    Helena, retired attorney and
     today’s Montanans – the right to privacy, discussions is pending.                          ConCon Delegate; Evan Barrett
     the right to know about and participate          I strongly encourage you to attend at     of Butte, ConCon historian;
     in government operations, the right to       least one event near you or in Helena. I      Norma Bixby of Lame Deer,
     a clean and healthful environment, the       also ask you to tell your friends, family,    former MT State Legislator and
     right to equality in educational opportu- neighbors, and fellow citizens about the         Indian Education Specialist; Bob
     nity, and the fundamental right to vote,     schedule of events. This is a time for the    Brown of Whitefish, former MT
     to name just a few. Yet an awareness         citizens of our State to be vigilant about    Senate President and Secretary
     of Montana history tells us that these       our democracy and promote and foster          of State; Tim Fox of Helena, for-
     provisions mark a dramatic change from trust in our institutions, so as to strength-       mer MT Attorney General; Mike
     the Copper King era, and they make           en support for its foundation, the rule of    Halligan of Missoula, attorney
     Montana’s Constitution a model for           law. I hope that you will join us in cel-     and former State Senator; Joel
     other states.                                ebrating our groundbreaking Montana           Krautter of Sidney, attorney and
         Thus, when I received a phone call       Constitution on its 50th Anniversary by       former State Legislator; Nancy
     asking if I would consider serving on the attending a “We the People” event and            Leifer of Missoula, President of
     Constitutional Convention Celebration        the celebration in Helena on June 15 and      the League of Women Voters of
     Committee (CCCC), to help plan and           16!                                           Montana; Rob Saldin of Missoula,
     organize the 50th Anniversary celebra-                                                     UM Professor and the Maureen
     tion of the 1972 Montana Constitutional         Joel G. Krautter is an attorney with the   and Mike Mansfield Center; and
                                                  Netzer Law Office, P.C., a former State
     Convention and the Constitution itself       Representative and a member of the
                                                                                                Chantel Scheiffer of Helena,
     – I considered it the honor of a lifetime    Constitutional Convention Celebration         Executive Director of Leadership
     to serve among this distinguished group Committee. He is a State Bar of Montana            Montana.
     of Montanans in this endeavor and            Trustee representing Area E.

18   MONTANALAWYER                                                                                          WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG
Criminal Law Section ‘CLE &                                                              29 applicants pass
                                                                                         February bar exam
Breathe’ is June 10 in Choteau                                                               Congratulations to the 29 people
   The Criminal Law Section of the            Best                                       who received passing scores on the
Montana State Bar is hosting the first          ■ Brady & Giglio Issues: Keeping         February 2022 bar exam in Montana.
CLE & BREATHE in Choteau on                   Officers Honest, presented by Adam         They were among the 51 candidates
Friday, June 10, from 8 a.m to 1:15 p.m.      Durek                                      for admission to the Montana bar who
The CLE portion consists of 5 approved          ■ Jury Instructions: To Appeal           took the exam Feb. 22-23. They are:
CLE credits. The “BREATHE” portion            or Not to Appeal, presented by Colin            ■ Nicole Kathleen Auer
consists of the option to purchase a dis-     Stephens and Jordan Kilby.                      ■ Jeffrey Keith Bass
counted ticket to the Front Range Yoga         In an effort to promote lawyer well-           ■ Abra Leigh Noelle Belke
Festival.                                   ness, the section invites you to come for         ■ Kevin Michael Bratcher
   Following is the agenda for the CLE      the CLE and stay for the weekend. The             ■ Jordan Raymond Bridgman
programming:                                yoga festival begins Friday afternoon             ■ Julie Ann Casey
    ■ Involuntary Commitments and           and finishes Sunday afternoon.                    ■ Madeline Marie Clark
  Mental Health in the Justice System:         You can register online at www.                ■ Kaitlin Lyn Crowell
  Q&A with District Judge Elizabeth under “Events.”                    ■ Nathan Rolfe Eaton
                                                                                              ■ Daniel Andrew Elsen
                                                                                              ■ Lindsay Mikal Garpestad
                                                                                              ■ Van Ellis Gillette
             50TH ANNIVERSARY CONSTITUTION CELEBRATION                                        ■ Emil Andrew Gjester
        JUNE 15-16 — STATE CAPITOL, HELENA — CLE CREDIT PENDING                               ■ Daniel Rashad Horton
                                                                                              ■ Sarah Genevieve Klein
  Wednesday June 15th                                                                         ■ Dustin Lee Kuipers
    •    Opening Greetings from former                                                        ■ Erin Elizabeth Mahaney
         Governor Ted Schwinden,                                                              ■ Ralph Lewis Matthews
         remarks from former Governor                                                         ■ Karla Lizeth Mendez Arellano
         Brian Schweitzer, and welcome                                                        ■ Ryan Alexander Payne
         from Governor Greg Gianforte.                                                        ■ Helena Theresa Pegram
    •    Panel Discussions 1-2:                                                               ■ Lee Ann Marie Pekovitch
          о “The Beginning” – How it                                                          ■ Mason Breckenridge Reay
         came to be: why, when, what,                                                         ■ Kelsey Sabol
         and who”                                                                             ■ Holly Ann Seymour
          о “Let the Sunshine In” Right                                                       ■ Amanda Gail Smith
         to Know, Right to Participate,                                                       ■ Kathleen Lynn Smithgall
         Open Government at all levels.                                                       ■ Austin Irene Helene Wallis
    •    Evening cocktail reception at            is unique among State
                                                  Constitutions in providing the              ■ Lindsay Kay Whalen
         the Montana Historical Society.
                                                  Right to a Clean and Healthful
    Thursday June 16th                            Environment. What does this           GALLAGHER
    •    Welcome from Chief Justice                                                     FROM PAGE 8
                                                  mean, and what have been the
         McGrath                                  implications?                         both the Federal Defender and private
    •    Lunch in the Rotunda with                 о “Montana’s Unique and              communities.
         guest speakers: Montana’s                Comprehensive Declaration of              In addition, Gallagher has contrib-
         Constitution and Native                  Rights”                               uted to his local community in Great
         Americans                                 о “Revenue and Taxation”             Falls and the surrounding area, serving
    •    Panel Discussions 3-7:                   – Basic provisions of the             as a small college football official, and
         о “The Basic Rule of Law: the            Constitution.                         an American Legion baseball umpire for
         Backbone of a Constitution”               о “Education and Public              more than 30 years. To this day, Tony
         The separation of powers and             Lands”                                continues to be a high school football
         checks and balances in the three     •   Closing remarks with Mae Nan          official.
         branches of government.                  Ellingson, former Governors               Although he is retiring from the ex-
         о “Natural Resources and                 Marc Racicot and Steve Bullock.       ecutive director position, after enjoying
         Water” Montana’s Constitution                                                  retirement for a bit, he will continue to
                                                                                        practice federal criminal defense.
WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG                                                                                              APRIL/MAY2022       19

     OF THE 1972
     24 Montana attorneys served among the 100
     delegates at the convention. The landmark document
     they helped create remains strong 50 years later.
     By Joe Menden
                                      Photos courtesy of Montana Memory Project and Digital Commons at Montana Tech

20   MONTANALAWYER                                                      WWW.MONTANABAR.ORG
This spring marked the 50th anni-       a political party and Democrats held a
      I think our Constitution is      versary of Montana’s momentous 1972         large majority, the convention was by
     the finest gift to the young      Constitutional Convention.                  all accounts a nonpartisan affair. That
          people of Montana                That year, 100 Montanans gathered       nonpartisan atmosphere was cultivated
                                       in Helena for the monumental task of        by Convention President Leo Graybill,
            that it is within          drafting a new constitution over 56 days.   a lawyer from Great Falls, who set the
          our power to give.           The result of their work was a docu-        tone by seating delegates in alphabetical
                                       ment signed by all 100 delegates – 58       order rather than by party affiliation.
     James C. Garlington, Missoula     Democrats, 36 Republicans and six               Among Graybill’s other important
                                       Independents. Of those 100 delegates,       decisions were his choices for commit-
    in a speech to delegates before
                                       24 were lawyers – 14 Democrats, nine        tee assignments. Over 80% of the del-
     the signing of the Constitution   Republicans and an Independent.             egates were assigned to their first choice
                                           The document created by the 100         of committees, and all but four were
                                       delegates who gathered in Helena 50         assigned to one of their top four choices.
                                       years ago was not without detractors        But, as Graybill noted in his foreword to
                                       or controversy. Voters ratified it by the   the transcript of the convention, he also
                                       slimmest of margins of only 2,532 votes,    took care to ensure each committee was
                                       and it survived a court challenge by a      balanced based on party representation
                                       3-2 decision in the Montana Supreme         while also containing people who were
                                       Court. But it has stood the test of time,   strong advocates of opposing ideologies
                                       thanks in large part to the 24 lawyer-      on the subject.
                                       delegates, who brought expertise from           Noted Thomas Joyce, a lawyer-
                                       a variety of subject matters – taxation,    delegate from Butte who served as the
                                       government, water law, property law,        chairman of the Executive Committee:
                                       and, of course, a deep understanding        “no vote in the Convention itself other
                                       of how the law works and how to make        than the election of officers was decided
James Garlington signs the newly
                                       the constitution stand up to the scrutiny   on party lines.”
drafted Montana Constitution on
                                       they knew it would receive. In 2010,            Illustrating that nonpartisan spirit
March 22, 1972. At his left is del-
                                       the Constitution’s lasting strength was     was James Garlington of Missoula, a
egate Jean Bowman, who is one of
three delegates who became law-
                                       demonstrated when voters rejected a         Republican who at 64 was the elder
yers after the convention.             proposal for a new constitutional con-      statesman among the lawyer-delegates.
                                       vention by a 59-41 margin.                  Garlington would go on to be one of the
                                           Despite the fact that delegates         most outspoken advocates for its ratifi-
                                       were required to run as a member of         cation after the convention.

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