For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur

Page created by Paul Contreras
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Good to know 2021

For temporary                           For additional information,
                                       we recommend that you also
                                          read “Good to know –

                                            For long stays!” or
                                      “Good to know – For those who
                                         wish to start a company!”

This chapter provides information
for those who are planning to visit
our region
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Welcome to
                                                            Skellefteå Älvdal!
                                                            Discover our beautiful region, which extends inland from the coast all the way to the mountains
                                                            and the Norwegian border.

                                                            This brochure contains a lot of valuable information that will help you, both before and during
                                                            your visit, such as recommendations for accommodation, where you can hire a car, or where you
                                                            can find free WiFi.

                                                            You will find out about the behaviour that is expected of visitors to our natural surroundings, as
                                                            well as about other things the area has to offer. For example, do you know what is meant by the
                                                            black bin bags that you may see hung up along the roadside?

                                                            Plan your visit and, if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please don’t hesitate to contact the
                                                            tourist information office in the relevant municipality

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                            2
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
          Planning                               4          What is not permitted?     10   Nordic citizens               12
          Before you travel                      4          Natural protection areas   10   Citizens of other countries   12
          Passports                              4          Wild animals               10   Dental care                   12
          Medicines                              4          Protected animals          10
          Insurance                              4          Reindeer                   10   In the event of
                                                                                            an accident                   13
          Vaccinations                           4          Mosquitoes                 10
                                                                                            Car accidents                 13
          Packing                                4
                                                            Practical considerations   11   Fires                         13
          Booking accommodation                  4
                                                            Language                   11   Accidents involving wild
          Booking transport                      5
                                                            Climate                    11   animals                       13
          Accommodation                          6
                                                            Mobile telephones          11   Mountain rescue               13
          Short term pitches                     6
          Water                                  6          WiFi                       11
          Latrines & refuse                      6          Currency                   11
          Gas and LPG                            6          Payment                    11
          Nature camping                         6          Euros                      11
                                                            Banks                      11
          At your destination                    6          Drivers licences           11
          Transport                              7
          Public transport                       7          In the event of illness
                                                            or injury                  12
          Trains                                 7
                                                            Emergency services
          Cars                                   7
                                                            number                     12
          Fuel                                   7
                                                            Medical care               12
          Traffic disruptions                    7
                                                            Arjeplog                   12
          Food                                   8
                                                            Arvidsjaur                 12
          Restaurants                            8
                                                            Malå                       12
          Grocery stores                         8
                                                            Norsjö                     12
          Nature                                 9          Sorsele                    12
          The freedom to roam                               Skellefteå                 12
          (Allemansrätten)                       9          Cost of medical care       12
          Privacy zone                           9          Citizens of the EU, EEA
          What is permitted?                     9          or Switzerland             12

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                      CO N T EN T S   3
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Before you leave home to visit our region, it is a good idea to
make sure that you have made sufficient plans and
preparations. Here, we provide you with some useful advice.

Before you travel                                           European health insurance cards                • Diphtheria                                     without problem. In Sweden, the process of
                                                            A European health insurance card provides                                                       digitalisation is at an advanced stage.
                                                                                                           • Polio
Passports                                                   EU citizens with access to medically neces-                                                     Certain organisations will only accept
Make sure that your passport is valid for at                sary (public) healthcare during temporary      • Tetanus                                        payment by bank card. If you plan to make
least 6 months after your planned return                    visits to any of the 28 EU member states, as                                                    any online payments during your trip (e.g.
                                                                                                           • Measles
journey.                                                    well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and                                                      for admission tickets or for a fishing permit),
                                                            Switzerland. The same terms and prices                                                          make sure that your card can be used for
Medicines                                                   apply as those for insured local residents.
                                                                                                           Packing                                          online purchases before you leave. ATMs for
Remember to pack all necessary medicines                    The card is issued by your local healthcare                                                     withdrawing cash are available in the main
or prescriptions.                                           authority, and must be presented in the                                                         towns of each municipality.
                                                                                                           This part of Sweden has four distinct
                                                            event of any hospital visit. Find out more
Make sure that your medicines have been                                                                    seasons, and temperatures and weather
                                                            about how to obtain a European health                                                           Plug adapters
approved for bringing into, and using in,                                                                  conditions can vary greatly compared to
                                                            insurance card here information available                                                       The electrical plugs used in Sweden comply
Sweden. Ask your doctor for advice.                                                                        other European countries. Find out about
                                                            in several languages).                                                                          with the central European standard (types C
                                                                                                           the likely climatic conditions that will apply
                                                            Remember that the EU health insurance                                                           or F). If you have any device fitted with a
Insurance                                                                                                  during your stay, and plan which clothes
                                                                                                                                                            different type of plug, you will need an
                                                            card is not an alternative to regular insur-
Make sure you have appropriate insurance                                                                   and equipment to bring with you according
                                                            ance.                                                                                           adapter. These can be bought at most
that will protect you during your trip.                                                                    to the forecast.
                                                                                                                                                            electrical stores.
                                                                                                           Find out more about northern Sweden’s
If you are planning to take part in extreme                                                                climate on page 11.                              Booking accommodation
                                                            There are no special requirements for
sports or high-risk activities during your                                                                                                                  It is a good idea to book your accommoda-
                                                            travelling to Sweden. However, travellers
stay, you should also arrange supplementa-                                                                 Currency
                                                            are generally recommended to be vaccina-                                                        tion before you arrive.
ry insurance. Contact your insurance                                                                       The currency used in Sweden is Swedish
                                                            ted against:
company for assistance.                                                                                    kronor (SEK). Bank cards from Visa, Master-
                                                                                                           card and Maestro can generally be used

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                                                 PL ANNING      4
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Booking transport                                           Trains
This part of Sweden is accessible by both                   You can use SJ (the Swedish state railway)
train and airplane.                                         to travel by train from Gothenburg or
                                                            Stockholm to Bastuträsk in Norsjö
The most convenient way is to book your                     municipality or Jörn in Skellefteå munici-
tickets directly via the travel company’s                   pality. During weekends, it is also possible
own websites, or via a travel agent.                        to disembark at Älvsbyn. Railway stations
                                                            are also served by bus connections, but
Flights                                                     you need to make sure that you check
There are airports served by connecting                     departure times carefully.
flights to/from Stockholm Arlanda Airport
in Arvidsjaur, Skellefteå, Lycksele, Gällivare,             The Inland Line (Inlandsbanan) is trafficked
Luleå and Umeå. During the winter,                          by trolley buses during the summer. The
Arvidsjaur Airport also has direct flights to/              Inland Line also offers package tours – e.g.
from Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt/Hahn                      in combination with Hurtigruten in
and Hanover.                                                Norway.
• Skellefteå: SAS                                           • SJ
• Umeå, Luleå: SAS, Norwegian                               • Inlandsbanan
• Lycksele: Amapola

• Arvidsjaur, Gällivare: Nordica

• Direct flights from Germany:
  FlyCar, ProSky

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                  PL ANNING   5
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
At your destination
Accommodation                                               Water                                          Sorsele
                                                                                                                                                           *Primagaz H11 cylinder. Here, a click-on
The region is served by a good and diverse                  Petrol stations and certain short term pitch   • Sorsele camping och vandrarhem                valve of Norwegian/Danish model.
range of accommodation options. You will                    facilities will provide water for caravans                                                     Retailers of Primagaz include: Circle K,
                                                                                                                                                           Byggmax, Skellefteå bränslen and
find information and contact details for                    and motorhomes. It is a good idea to make      Skellefteå
                                                                                                                                                           Granngården in Skellefteå; Ingo in Malå;
hotels, hostels and campsites under the                     sure you have the following:                                                                   Lidéns Järnhandel in Sorsele; and Granns
                                                                                                           • Skellefteå Camping
destination websites for each town (see                                                                                                                    Järn & Bygg in Arjeplog. Please note that
                                                            • Water hose with a Gardena connector
below).                                                                                                    • Boviken Camping och havsbad                   we cannot guarantee that these retailers
                                                            • A number of different tap connectors                                                         will stock this exact type of cylinder.
Many of the accommodation options can                                                                      • Byske Havsbad                                 See the Primagaz range here (Swedish)
                                                            • Key to water outlet
also be booked via online booking plat-                                                                    • Byske Ställplats
forms.                                                                                                                                                    Nature camping
                                                            Latrines & refuse                              • Byske, trafikverkets rastplats AC9           The setting up of tents is permitted as long
• Arvidsjaur:                            Search for sites here, or see Trafikverkets
                                                                                                           • Rastplats Tjärn                              as it is in accordance with the freedom to
                                                            map of rest sites. Be aware that camp�� -
• Arjeplog:                                                                                                                            roam right (allemansrätten – see page 9) or
                                                            sites may charge a fee for the emptying        • Rastplats Ljusvattnet, Bureå                 within the specific regulations of the site in
• Malå:                                        of latrines.
                                                                                                           • Bureå Camping                                question. Contact the relevant tourist infor-
• Norsjö:                                                                                                                                  mation office for advice or recommenda-
                                                            Arjeplog                                       • Rastplats Marsjön, Lövånger                  tions.
• Skellefteå:
                                                            • Rastplats Polcirkeln, väg 95                 • Burträsk Camping
• Sorsele:
                                                            • Kraja camping
                                                                                                           Gas and LPG
Short term pitches                                          Arvidsjaur                                     There is a difference between the Swedish
At a short term pitch, you can park your                                                                   and European standards for gas and LPG
caravan or motorhome for just a few days.                   • Camp Gielas Fritidsby & Camping              (liquid petroleum gas) cylinders, so you
Contact the local tourist information office                                                               should make sure you have spare cylinders
or visit the websites listed below to find                  Malå
                                                                                                           and purchase an adaptor, as it is not
out where these pitches are located.                        • Malå Camping                                 possible to refill your own cylinders in the
Information not available in English.                                                                      region. Empty cylinders can often be
                                                            Norsjö                                         exchanged for new (Swedish standard)
• Norrbotten:
  Arjeplog, Arvidsjaur                                      • Fromhedens camping                           cylinders at a discounted price. Gas and
                                                                                                           LPG are often sold at petrol stations and
• Västerbotten:                                             • Fridfulla Rännudden                          hardware stores.
  Malå, Norsjö, Skellefteå, Sorsele

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                                  AT YO U R D E S T I N AT I O N   6
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Transport                                                   Sweden is home to a quarter of a million         Norsjö                                         Fuel
                                                            reindeer, with a similar amount of elk, so it                                                   At petrol stations, you can purchase petrol,
                                                                                                             • Rotarium, Industrivägen 1, Norsjö
Public transport                                            is important to pay attention when driving                                                      diesel and ethanol. Charging points for
Visit the Länstrafiken website for Norr-                    in this region. Black binbags hung along the     Sorsele                                        electric and hybrid cars are available in
botten or Västerbotten, or download the                     roadside act as a warning for freeroaming                                                       Skellefteå, Boliden, Lycksele, Arjeplog app so that you can view time-                  reindeer. If you where to collide with an        • Karlssons Bilservice, Långgatan 9,           and Arvidsjaur. Map of charging points
tables and travel routes on your mobile                     animal, you are obliged to report this to the      Sorsele
device.                                                     police (tel. 114 14). Your car insurance will                                                   Traffic disruptions
                                                                                                             Skellefteå                                     In the northern regions of Sweden and
                                                            compensate the owner of the reindeer.
• Norrbotten:                                                                                                                                  Finland, extensive roadworks are often
                                                                                                             • Hertz, Skellefteå Airport, Tjärnvägen 1
• Västerbotten:                            Many visitors like to take photographs of                                                       conducted in the summer months, with the
                                                            wild reindeer and elk. If doing so, make sure    • Avis, Skellefteå Airport, Hammarvägen 1      process being unlike that of roadworks in
NB: Information in English is limited.
                                                            that you do not represent any danger to          • Circle K, Kågevägen 37, Skellefteå           the rest of Europe. Plan your journey in
Trains                                                      other road-users – do not stop on bends,                                                        advance. If possible, select an alternative
All passenger train lines in Skellefteå Älvdal                                                               • Europcar, Skellefteå Airport, Tjärnvägen 6   route. For more information about ongoing
                                                            and turn on your hazard lights.
run in a North-South direction. Find out                                                                     • Mabi, Skellefteå Airport, Hammarvägen 3C     disruption, visit Trafikverket’s website.
whether your intended destination is                        Renting a car                                                                                   Map of traffic disruption
                                                            In order to rent a car, the driver must be at    • Tidy, Verkstadsvägen 18, Skellefteå
accessible by train by visiting:
                                                            least 18 years of age and have a valid drivers
• SJ – Sveriges järnvägar
• Norrtåg
• Inlandsbanan
                                                            • OKQ8, Lappvallsvägen 17, Arjeplog
Cars are a common form of transport, as                     Arvidsjaur
this part of Sweden is characterised by long                • Avis, Arvidsjaur Airport
distances with limited public transport. In
Sweden, cars drive on the right-hand side of                • Hertz, Arvidsjaur Airport + Storgatan 81,
the road. For more information about road                     Arvidsjaur                                                                                                             In Sweden, fuel
rules and traffic signs, etc., please visit                                                                                                                                            is sold by the
                                                            • Europcar, Arvidsjaur Airport
Transportstyrelsen’s website.                                                                                                                                                       litre, so payment
                                                            Malå                                                                                                                    is made after the
For information about road signs in English:                                                                                                                                           car has been
                                                            • Frendo, Storgatan 11, Malå                                                                                                    filled!
Road signs
                                                            • Bil & Maskin, Sorselevägen 2, Malå

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                                    AT YO U R D E S T I N AT I O N   7
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
Food                                                        Grocery stores
Northern Sweden boasts an exclusive                         In addition to selling food and household
range of food that has a close connection                   items, grocery stores often also provide
to the expansive natural landscapes. Find                   services, such as parcel collection or a
out more about the region’s special food                    postal service.
culture here:
                                                            Return deposits
• Visit Västerbotten
                                                            When buying a beverage sold in a plastic or
• The taste of Swedish Lapland                              aluminium container, the value of the
                                                            return deposit is added to the price. This is
Local tourist information offices will also                 usually 1 or 2 kronor per container. This
be able to give you some recommenda-                        premium is repaid to you when you recycle
tions. Don’t forget that the tap water in                   the container in the deposit machine found
Sweden is of a very high standard – it is                   in most grocery stores. Payment of the
both clean and delicious!                                   refunded premium is not optional.

Restaurants                                                 Tobacco and soft beverages
                                                            In order to buy tobacco products or low
                                                            alcohol beverages (up to 3.5 % in
In Sweden, a service charge is included in
                                                            strength), you must be at least 18 years of
the price, so there is no expectation that a
                                                            age. The sale of tobacco or low alcohol
customer should pay more than the sum
                                                            beverages to anyone below 18 years of age
stated on the bill.
                                                            is forbidden.
Allergies and dietary requirements
Gluten-free, milk-free and vegetarian
                                                            Systembolaget is the only distributor that
alternatives are available at many cafés
and restaurants. If you have any specific                   is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages that
dietary requirements, it is recommended                     are stronger than 3.5 %. To shop at
that you ask the staff.                                     Systembolaget, you must be at least 20
                                                            years of age. Low alcohol beveragess (up to
Serving of alcohol                                          3.5 %) can be purchased at grocery stores
At restaurants and bars, you can purchase                   to customers aged 18 years. It is prohibited
alcohol if you are aged 18 years or above                   by law to buy, offer or give alcoholic
and can present a valid form of ID.                         beverages to anyone who is underaged.

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                   AT YO U R D E S T I N AT I O N   8
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
The region has wonderful natural assets, interesting wildlife and
unforgettable experiences to offer. The natural environment is
also the workplace of the indigenous reindeer-herding Sámi
people. The majority of northern Sweden is reindeer-grazing
territory. For the sake of the Sámi, the animals and other nature
lovers, it is therefore important that anybody who spends time in
the nature treats it with respect. If you should encounter any
reindeer or other wild animals, keep your distance.

The freedom to roam                                         What is permitted?
(Allemansrätten)                                            • You can anchor, temporarily moor and
The freedom to roam entitles everybody to                     disembark a boat on shores that do not
experience the natural environment in                         belong to privately owned land or that
accordance with the maxim “do not                             are protected (e.g. to protect birdlife).
disturb, do not destroy”.
                                                            • You may pitch a tent. Mind the privacy
Privacy zone                                                  zone, and only stay for a night or two.
All activities conducted in the nature must
                                                            • You may take loose-lying twigs, branches
respect a privacy zone. This zone is the area
                                                              and cones that have fallen to the ground
in immediate proximity to somebody’s
                                                              for firewood.
residence. The extent of the zone is not
strictly defined, and will largely depend on                • You may drive motorized vehicles on
the formation of the landscape. The basic                     forest roads and private roads, as long
rule is that residents must not be dis-                       as the road does not become damaged.
turbed by your activities. Even if you are                    Landowners have the right to prohibit
not physically present inside the privacy                     the use of motor vehicles. They may not,
zone, you must still consider the amount of                   however, prohibit walking, cycling or
noise you make.                                               riding on these roads, as long as consid-
                                                              eration is shown to the privacy zone.

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                 N AT U R E   9
For temporary visitors! - Good to know 2021 - Arvidsjaur
• Of course you may take your dog with                      Natural protection areas                        Reindeer                                      uncommon to come into contact with
  you when visiting the natural environ-                    In nature reserves or other protected areas,    Reindeer are sensitive to disturbances from   reindeer along the region’s roads. If you
  ment. Between 1 March and 20 August,                      the right to roam freely may be restricted.     other people and predators. Make sure         should encounter a reindeer, you must slow
  the wild animals are particularly sensi-                  Information about the applicable rules will     therefore to keep your distance, and do not   down, but do not stop unless this is
  tive, so it is not permitted to let your dog              usually be posted close to such areas.          disturb or frighten the reindeer if you       necessary, as doing so could represent an
  run free during this period. During the                                                                   should encounter them. This is particularly   increased risk for other road-users.
  rest of the year, your dog must remain                    Wild animals                                    important during the calving season in the
  under your supervision to ensure that it                                                                  spring, when the reindeer are herded and      Mosquitoes
                                                            Our region is home to a rich and diverse
  does not disturb or harm either the                                                                       driven to reindeer enclosures for the         During parts of the summer, there are lots
                                                            wildlife – reindeer, elk, foxes and bears are
  wildlife or other people. In certain parts                                                                marking or separation of calves, but the      of mosquitoes in the area. These can be irri-
                                                            just some of the creatures with which we
  of the country, dogs must always be kept                                                                  reindeer must also be left in peace when      tating, but they are not dangerous.
                                                            share our wonderful forests. Therefore,
  on a lead.                                                                                                resting or grazing during migration. Find     They can be deterred by the use of mosqui-
                                                            when spending time in the nature, show
                                                                                                            out more here!                                to-repellents, which can be purchased at
• You may temporarily use a landing jetty                   respect and savour your surroundings!
                                                                                                                                                          pharmacists, petrol stations and grocery
  located outside privately owned land. The
                                                            Protected animals                               Reindeer on the road                          stores. Make sure to choose clothing
  owner of the jetty always has prece-
                                                                                                            Reindeer are attracted to the salt and        appropriate to the situation. The most
  dence, and you are obligated to move if                   • All wild bird species                         minerals that are spread on the roads         intense period for mosquitoes is normally
  the owner wishes to use the jetty.
                                                            • Brown bears                                   during the winter months, so it is not        between mid-June and mid-July.
• You may pick berries, flowers and
                                                            • Arctic foxes
  mushrooms, as long as they are not
  protected species.                                        • Wolverines

What is not permitted?                                      • Lynx

• You may not disturb or destroy.                           • Otters

• You may not cycle across plantations,                     • Wolves
  gardens, plant nurseries, park planta-                    • Muskoxen
  tions, forest plantations or other sensi-
  tive areas (e.g. fields with growing crops).              It is prohibited by law to:

• You are not permitted to saw or cut down                  • Kill, injure, catch or in any other way
  trees or bushes.                                            collect animals that are protected

• You are not permitted to take branches,                   • Remove or damage eggs, nests or roe
  twigs or bark from living trees.
                                                            • Deliberately disturb certain animal
• You are not permitted to use windfall as                    species.

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                                                  N AT U R   10
Practical considerations
Language                                                    Mobile telephones                                Payment                                         • The licence must be valid.
Swedish is the official language in the                     In our region, the Telia, Tele2 and Telenor      Cash payments are accepted at the major-
                                                                                                                                                             • The licence must include a photograph of
region, and English can be considered to                    networks have the best coverage.                 ity of places. However, a few stores do not
                                                                                                                                                               the person in question, or can be verified
Swedes’ second language, as the majority of                 Top-up cards for pay-as-you-go mobiles are       accept cash, which means that you will need
                                                                                                                                                               by another valid form of ID containing a
the population can both understand and                      sold at the OKQ8 chain of petrol stations, as    to have a bank payment card with you.
make themselves understood in English.                      well as at certain grocery stores and
                                                            electrical shops.                                Euros                                           • If the licence is issued in any language
                                                                                                             At Systembolaget alcohol stores and a             other than Swedish, German, French or
                                                            Check the coverage map before choosing a         handful of other stores (mainly in the larger     English, it must be accompanied by a
In northern Sweden, the climate varies
                                                            network.                                         towns), payment in Euros is accepted. Any         certified translation.
wildly during the four distinct seasons;
                                                                                                             change, however, will be given in Swedish
winter temperatures can fall below -30°
                                                            WiFi                                             kronor. Euros can be exchanged for kronor
Celsius, whilst the summers can be ex-
                                                            Contract phone customers travelling within       at Svea Exchange in the centre of Skellefteå.
tremely hot and dry.
                                                            the EU do not pay any extra roaming
The winter season lasts for six months, with                charges.
                                                                                                             Each municipality has at least one staffed
an average temperature of -11° Celsius.
                                                            The mapping site provides          branch of a bank – usually Handelsbanken,
Spring usually begins in May, with summer
                                                            information about where in the region you        Swedbank or Sparbanken Nord. It is not
turning into autumn at the end of August.
                                                            can find free WiFi.                              possible to exchange Euros at these banks.
Activities such as hiking, or travelling by
snowmobile or dog sled are greatly affected
by the weather, so be prepared to change                    Please note that there may be additional         Drivers licences
your plans in the event of changing weather                 places with availability that are not included   In order to drive a car in Sweden, you must
conditions. Seek the advice of the tourist                  on the map. Ask the staff at your accommo-       be at least 18 years of age and have a valid
information office or a local guide before                  dation or at restaurants you visit.              driving licence. Drivers licences issued in
venturing onto the hills.                                                                                    EU/EEA countries or Switzerland are valid in
                                                            Currency                                         Sweden, as long as the criteria below are
At SMHI or other similar meteorological                     The currency used in Sweden is Swedish           fulfilled.
platforms, you can find information about                   kronor (SEK). For updated information
current weather conditions.                                 about current conversion rates, visit            Drivers licences issued in countries outside
                                                   Also, see the Currency section         the EU/EEA may be used in Sweden for up to
                                                            under point 1.1.5, Packing.                      1 year, as long as the following criteria are

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                               P R A C T I C A L CO N S I D ER AT I O N S   11
In the event of illness or injury
Emergency services number                                   Norsjö                           Byske hälsocentral:                            costs for medical care upon providing of
In the event of an emergency, call 112.                     Tel. 090-785 91 16               Tel 090-785 91 18                              their personal details and their home
Serious illness or injuries will be treated at              Storgatan 33, Norsjö             Ringvägen 8, Byske                             address.
a hospital. In non-emergency situations,
                                                            Sorsele                          Morö backe hälsocentral:                       Citizens of other countries
you must visit a healthcare centre instead.
                                                            Tel. 090-785 91 71               Tel. 090-785 91 15                             Citizens of countries that are not in the EU/
You can call 1177 for medical advice.                                                                                                       EEA or the Nordic region must pay their
                                                            Burevägen 13, Sorsele            Höjdgatan 14, Morö Backe
                                                                                                                                            own medical fees.
Medical care                                                Skellefteå                       Lövångers hälsocentral:
The Swedish healthcare system uses an                                                        Tel. 090-785 91 20                             Dental care
                                                            Skellefteå hospital
automated booking system. When making                                                        Skogstorpsvägen 12, Lövånger                   For necessary or emergency dental care,
                                                            Tel. 090-785 00 00
a call to seek medical assistance, use the                                                                                                  the same conditions apply as for medical
                                                            Lasarettvägen 29 D. Skellefteå
keypad on your telephone to make a                                                           Cost of medical care                           care in general.
telephone appointment, and they will call                   Anderstorps hälsocentral         The cost of care may vary depending on
                                                                                                                                            Children and young people on temporary
you back at a stated time. If you call from a               Tel. 090-785 91 14               where you have a citizenship.
                                                                                                                                            visits to Sweden who require emergency
non-Swedish telephone number, you must                      Anderstorpsleden 1, Skellefteå   For more information, visit the 1177
                                                                                                                                            dental care are entitled to receive treat-
add the international dialling code for                                                      medical advice service.
                                                                                                                                            ment without charge until the December
Sweden (+46) to the telephone number. In                    Erikslids hälsocentral
                                                                                                                                            31 of the year of their 22 nd birthday.
the event of an emergency, call 112 or visit                Tel. 090-785 91 10               Citizens of the EU, EEA
your nearest healthcare centre or hospital:                 Annastigen 8, Skellefteå
                                                                                             or Switzerland
                                                                                             Citizens who are insured in another EU
Arjeplog                                                    Heimdalls hälsocentral           country, or in the EEA or Switzerland, are
Tel. 0961-14801                                             Tel. 090-785 91 11               entitled to receive medical care on the
Dr Wallqvist väg 3, Arjeplog                                Köpmangatan 15, Skellefteå       same terms as Swedish citizens when
                                                                                             presenting a European health insurance
Arvidsjaur                                                  Bureå hälsocentral               card. You can order a European health
Tel. 0960-575 02                                            Tel. 090-785 91 12               insurance card from your local healthcare
Sjukstugegatan 3, Arvidsjaur                                Nygatan 9, Bureå                 authority. See page 4, European health
                                                                                             insurance cards.
Malå                                                        Burträsk hälsocentral
Tel 090-785 91 19                                           Tel. 090-785 91 73               Nordic citizens
Storgatan 2, Malå                                           Björnåkersgatan 10, Burträsk     Nordic citizens are entitled to pay the same

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                      I N T H E E V EN T O F I L L N E S S O R I N J U R Y   12
In the event of an accident
Use the 112 emergency number when immediate attendance by an ambulance,
the fire & rescue service or the police is urgently required.

Car accidents                                               Accidents involving wild                       The organisation provides an essential         Keep yourself updated with regard to
Call 112 if there is serious damage, if                     animals                                        service to society, and its services may       weather forecasts, and do not expose
someone cannot be removed from the car,                     You are legally obliged to inform the police   only be used in the event of genuine           yourself to any unnecessary risks. Contact
or if the position of the car could represent               (by calling 114 14) if you are involved in a   danger. Anyone who misuses the service         your local tourist information office or the
a risk for other road-users. Place warning                  collision with:                                may be required to pay compensation.           staff at your accommodation for advice.
triangles (often kept in the car’s luggage                                                                                                                Bear in mind that the thawing of snow and
                                                            • Elk                                          In recent years, the number of rescues
compartment) at an appropriate distance                                                                                                                   ice continues until as late as July. If you find
from the site of the accident so that other                 • Eagles                                       performed has increased. Ensure that you       that you are lost or suddenly fall ill, contact
road-users have sufficient time to see,                                                                    plan well, and take extra clothing with you.   the mountain rescue service.
                                                            • Reindeer
slow down and safely pass the site.
                                                            • Lynx
Fires                                                       • Roe deer
Before lighting any fire, it is your responsi-
bility to make sure that there is no prohibi-               • Wolves
tion on lighting fires currently in place.
                                                            It is also advisable to inform the police if
You can find information about current                      the accident involves smaller animals.
fire-lighting bans here or on the website of
                                                            The police can help to move or euthanise
the relevant municipality. Be aware that
                                                            the injured animal.
the prohibition on lighting fires may also
apply to barbecues.
                                                            Mountain rescue
Call 112 in the event of a serious fire, or if a            Call 112 if you require emergency help in
fire looks like it will spread quickly. Attempt             mountainous areas. The mountain rescue
to extinguish the fire as best you can with-                service provides assistance with:
out exposing yourself or others to danger.                  • Personal injury

                                                            • Landslides

                                                            • Dangerous weather conditions

G O O D TO K N OW – F O R T EM P O R A R Y V I S I TO R S                                                                                                          I N T H E E V EN T O F A N A CC I D EN T   13
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